"They always said space was the final frontier, but they never warned us about the dark reflection to the universe we knew..."
Welcome to Star Trek: Shattered Mirrors. We aim for this to be a small group game that follows a Cadet Cruise for Starfleet Academy Cadets that finds itself in a dimension of space and time few have ever crossed into. the Mirror Universe. A dimension that is a dark reflection of the universe our characters know, pushing each Cadet to their limit, and perhaps past it as they look into mirrored versions of themselves. United Federation of Planets Starfleet vs United Empire of Planets Starfleet.
IC Details
- Game focuses on Starfleet Academy Cadets.
- Set after the Dominion War, in the main Star Trek universe.
- The storyline involves the Mirror Universe and Imperial Starfleet.
- Takes place during a Cadet Cruise; where Cadets act as crew of a starship.
- The vessel of the Cadet Cruise will be a Defiant class escort.
- You will play both your Normal Universe character, and their Mirror Universe counterpart.
OOC Details
- RP standard will be Casual to High Casual.
- Reasonable posting rate: one to two posts every week, at least.
- Character Sheets in the OOC for review.
- Post only approved Characters Sheets in the Characters Tab.
- You are assumed to be an adult by submitting a character for this game; please act like one.
- Applications may take a few days before a decision can be made. Generally issues will be resolved over PMs.
- GMs for the game will be @Chaotic Chao and myself.
Questions? Don't hesitate to ask.