Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dark Eternity
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Dark Eternity The Lone Wolf Knight

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Shibusen. The most magnificent school of all times. In here, Meisters and Weapons would develop their skills and techniques to become something strong. Meisters would jump from level one users to level three. Demon Weapons would transform into the infamous Death Scythe, the personal weapons of Shinigami...
Minus Shinigami, though. He departed for something more important than the school. He left a close relative to this task. Vater Tod. He walked the stairs leading to the majestic building that his friend had built about 900 years ago. The danger that the Witches had created, along with the rise of a Kishin, a Demon God, lead to nothing but trouble. He had to call a Death Scythe from retirement, though. It was a tough decision, since most Weapons have actually lost their touch. They grew old. He could hardly call any of the glorious Kishin killers. Tsubaki had a family now. Soul Eater would hardly leave the Jazz bar. The Thompson sisters... Vater could not think about it.

"Ah, shall we clean up then?", Vater muttered to himself, walking the final steps of the entrance into the mouth of the building. The inside appeared cleaner than he expected. Someone was keeping this place intact. "Well, someone was helpful, ne?", Vater mumbled, his walk leading him further inside. If it weren't for the sudden voice next to him, he would have continued.

"I was always a helpful man. That was the man I was", Sid, the undead teacher and caretaker of the building, stood next to the Reaper. Not flinching a little, Vater looked at him. "Ah, Shiddo-kun. Great to see you. We've got work to do."
The grand opening night of Shibusen. Fireworks and smooth Jazz included. It was a perfect night. Vater stood on a podium, watching the students that have come from across the globe, more or less. There were other academies, Oceania and Europe. People just preferred Death City. That was the man they were... Scratch that. Nevertheless, Vater watched over these students. They were all young, of course. He already saw the potential in them.

But the party was disturbed. Amidst the students, a wicked laughter came, followed by the incantation "Terrier, Poodle, Dog, Carefree." This stirred the mood of the people, causing most students to flee, screaming "Witch". With the room clearing up, the Witch was revealed. She stood in the middle of a mass of Pomeranian dogs, who were all barking with tiny voices. "Woof... So Shibusen is really open for business... I see no Meister standing against me, aroo~", the witch stood in the room.

Vater sighed and finished his Schnaps, looking at Sid. "Did Goldman show up?", he asked the caretaker, who simply shook his head. "And Nygus?" Sid sighed "It appeared too unhygienic for an undead to be the nurse of a school."

The Witch laughed wickedly again, the dogs around her howling and barking in a chaos.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 3 days ago

Mike was frozen is a strange combination and fear and fury. Right in front of him was a Witch, a real living breathing Witch. Just like the ones who took his parents from him. It always pissed him off that people seemed to consider Witches just a fairy tail, after all, a fairy tail can't kill someone. He had to grow up alone because of these monsters. And right now he wanted nothing more then to blast her into oblivion......but he couldn't. For all the righteous fury he felt, he was also afraid. He had seen what they can do, had seen their power. And that was a group of Witches on the run. This Witch however felt confident enough in her power to attack Shibusen; a place that was the center of power for Weapons and Meisters. She was either a very powerful Witch...or just really stupid.

Fury finally won out over fear. Partially transforming his arm into his cannon form, he fired at the Witch. However, since he was still shaking in fear, his blast sailed clear past her
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The air of hope, trepidation and anticipation was so thick in the air, one could almost cut it with a butter knife. How many of them were gathered, all hoping to be part of Shibusen?

Emillia herself couldn't help but feel excited. And a bit of fear as well. The fireworks exploded in the skies above, as music played from speakers placed somewhere. It would seem they were awaiting more students as the Principal, or at least she thinks it the Principal, was already on the podium, but still refrained from speaking.

"Terrier, Poodle, Dog, Carefree."

The hair on the back of her neck rose as she heard that voice. Emillia Granwyn turned around, as other students scrambled out of the way.

It was a Witch, one either too dumb to live, or so powerful that she was confident enough to enter Shibusen alone. That or the Witch had a plan all thought out.

Emillia herself quickly retreated, hiding behind a large pillar. Just in time as well, one of the students, obviously a Weapon as his hand transformed into a cannon, firing away at the Witch. Emillia would have applauded the lad's bravery, if not for his shot missing wildly and zooming just past her ear. It exploded behind her as she stood there petrified for a moment. Scared or not that guy there needs to work on his aim.

Hearing a low growl, she looked down towards a... a.. Pomegranade? Pomerian? Some sort of small dog with an annoyingly high pitch bark. This particular one was trying to make itself look threatening, snapping at her ankles.

"...ahaha...thats cute...you're gonna bite me?" Why if only she wasn't living in a no pets allowed housing, she'd probably kidnap this one and keep it as-

The dog bit her ankle, tearing a little hole in her stocking. Her brand new stocking.


With great strength she punted the dog like a football, sending it yelping right towards the back of the Witch's head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jivusa


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jacholaus stood around with others, looking around and seeing everyone having a good time. That was until people started screaming and running. What was going on? With that question in mind, he looked around, only to find the source. A person in a dog suit surrounded with a Pomeranian army. Instead of running or trying to fight, Jacholaus covered his mouth and snickered. Seriously, what was so intimidating about her? Everyone was screaming "Witch!", but Jacholaus personally thought she would be better off working at a children's birthday party. He then saw a Pomeranian fly through the air, yelping. This made him laugh more. He was more intimidated by the girl across from him who punted the dog.
Jacholaus turned to see the Principal and school caretaker on the podium, conversing. He was guessing that they didn't take this too seriously, either. Jacholaus sighed and shrugged, biting his wrist and lapping up his own blood. Jacholaus then would hold out his hand, a small flash of light appearing before his entire other arm was gone, being replaced by the blade now in his other hand. It was his way of fighting alone, having practiced himself with using a rapier skillfully. He also found that the term, "The weapon being an extension of yourself," was quite literal to him in this way. Though, it may look odd with a guy who currently has only one arm would be using a rapier against a woman in a dog costume.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

It didn't matter that she was a witch. Or that there was a swarm of dogs all over the place. That the party had been interrupted? That didn't matter either. Nothing mattered in the face of what had just happened. No, there was but one course of action to be taken. Perhaps it was not what most people would have done... but Rose felt no fear.


The girl wrapped her arms around the Witch from behind. People who didn't know her, or didn't see her expression, may have assumed that it was an attempt at some kind of hold. In a way this was not incorrect. However, Rose wasn't even thinking of actually fighting. The fact that this was a witch didn't bother her at all. Rose just saw something absolutely adorable and could think of no other course of action. She attempted to tighten her hug, rubbing her cheek against the dog-eared hoodie. There was no way she was going to just... just stop hugging someone so adorable!

"Waaah, you're so cuuuuute!" cried Rose, pressing herself against the witch as she hugged her tighter and tighter. No part of her seemed to think that this would remotely be a bad idea at all. No part of her was scared. Certainly, Rose wasn't stupid, but stupid was not the same as sensible or adept at paying attention. Rose was focused on cuteness, and totally oblivious to anything else that was going on. "I'm going to take you home and you'll be my friend and I'll take good care of you!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago


God, this is so boring... Nightwish sighed as the festivities continued. Sure, some people might have found it fun, but to her it was just a waste of time. The whole point of the school was to teach people how to fight, right? So why this? Why couldn't they just get to the actually interesting part already?

She was so, so relieved when the witch showed up. At last, something interesting! Or at least, that's what she thought until she actually saw the witch

"...Not worth it." She muttered between clenched teeth. The witch looked... Pathetic, really. Beating up something like that would just make her look... Well it wouldn't make her look strong, that's for sure. She was about to just ignore it and leave it to the others, until...

"...Oh for crying out loud... What the hell do you think you're doing, Melonchest!?" How could she... Seriously, what the hell was her Meister thinking? She had no common sense at all, did she? And it looked like she was about to be hit by a flying dog, too... Without really thinking what she was doing, Nightwish rushed out and grabbed the dog, before hurling it straight back at Emillia, the poor thing yelping in panic as it flew through the air like a hairy dodgeball.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Carson's nose began to bleed as he looked at 2 girls hug tightly. His multicolored eyes looked at them contently. He realized this place was diffrent from the temple he trained at, but never expected there to be dog people, and guys who shoot cannon hands wildly. As he starred blindlessly into the fray he felt a sharp pain to his head. As he looked over to the object that had pelted him in the forehead, he grew more confused as he heard barking from the attacker.

"hey watch were your going" he said to the dog, he had been here for less than a day and he was already feeling out of place.

As he walked away he noticed a man with his hand as a blade. Carson looked in awe at the people around him, never at his temple would such a thing happen, all he saw there was sparring and exercise, yet in the first day alone he had seen more than he had in years at the temple, he was sure this was going to be fun.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

Member Seen 6 days ago

Dante sat off to the side, enjoying a drink as the party continued. Being form a small orphanage in the country, he wasn’t used to so many people and such loud music. His days had been filled with playing with the kids and training outside, so he liked the change. He had a soft spot for this music, although he had never heard anything like it before. The smooth melodies carrying him off into a state of relaxation. With a content smile, Dante tappet the hilt of his keepsake katana. He carried it everywhere with him, mostly because of sentimental attachment. His relaxation was cut short as he heard a cry he never imagined he would hear so early on in his Shibusen days.


In a moment of disbelief he sat and watched, as he saw a woman dressed as a dog. “Is that really a witch?” Dante thought with a somewhat disbelieving look. From what he had read in the book, witches were scary and deadly, this person just looked… kinda cute actually. Then he saw a cannon shot fly past and explode. He let out a sigh and scratched his head, standing up and walking towards the witch. He had just gotten through the crowd of people when he saw a woman hugging the so called witch. With a confused looked he saw another girl apparently scolding the one hugging her. Dante was slightly annoyed that his relaxation time was interrupted by this.

“Excuse me” Dante said, taking a step closer and reaching down to pick up one of the small dogs. Holding it up in front of him he looked at the dog-witch-girl thing. He noticed a dog go flying past and sighed exhaustedly.

“What is going on? Are you a witch, or some kind of cosplayer?” He asked, keeping his other hand on his sword, not letting his guard down in case this really was a witch.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Val stood off to the side leaning against a column in the big room, her red hooded cloak over her body hiding the fact she was under-dressed compared to the others at the celebration. Truly she didn't care what others thought of her but she did tonight since it was suppose to be a celebration. Val soon heard what sounded like barking and she turned her head in the direction. Through golden eyes she saw what she hated most in life, a witch. Val pulled her hood down and took a few steps towards the witch as students ran past her to get to an area of safety. Val watched as multiple different things happened, people turned arms into weapons, someone punted a dog, a stupid girl hugged the witch from behind, another girl yelled at her then threw a dog. 'Yeah that is all helping so much.' She thought to herself silently. For now she would watch and see how it played out.

Val silently made her way closer watching everyone but especially the witch. She didn't trust any witches besides her mother, that she knew for sure. This sure was making for a very interesting festival for the opening of the school. Val was curious why none of the teachers seemed to care at all about what was happening but she just shrugged it off because this could be a test of some sort to show what levels everyone is at. Val held her arm close to her dagger just in case anything went wrong.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Leo had arrived late to the shindig. All he could really tell was this was the strangest place he had ever been. Witches Weapons and Meisters oh my. Adjusting his lenses to make sure he saw it all correctly, it would seem the witch was no real threat, perhaps a prop to add spice to the event? So unlike his previous school.


As he glanced down a small dog was bearing its teeth at him.

Leo looked with pity. "Shoo? Away with you? Return?" He tried various commands, at the creature. Dogs where such disgusting creatures.....The small dog showed off its athleticism as it jumped the five feet to bite the side of Leo's head.

Leo sighed, his new accessory was quite painful, but wasn't really worth the trouble to remove.

"I hate this place...." The dogs growling only seemed to add to his point.
Zubuzi had been enjoying the smooth jazz, a relaxing music choice considering the high energy that normally comes with such an event. She had taken perch atop one of the spikes that protruded from the building.
The screams of the frightened wake her from her daydreaming, she peers down at the now chaotic gathering?! The local pound seemed to have been dropped off mid way through the festivities?Rather than jumping down Zubuzi allowed a small smile to appear as she watched the strange people below. Fighting laughter at almost everyone....That guy just...Bit himself? A giggle escapes her when she spies the two playing catch with a dog!
Zubzui covers her mouth mad at her lack of discipline not like anyone could have heard her that high above a chaotic scene. Her eyes return to it as it would seem another had actually tried to speak with the witch, as opposed to from this angle looks like a terrible grappling maneuver?

Zubuzi waits to hear more, not wanting to add any more oil to this wild fire of a situation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dark Eternity
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Dark Eternity The Lone Wolf Knight

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The events were flashing past the witch before she could respond. At first, she heard a gunshot or something larger hurl close by, followed by one of her trustworthy minions whining in defeat. This would have drawn the impulsive barks of the girl, but she felt arms around her. "Wait! Wait! WAIT! I am not a pet!", she yelled, trying to release herself from the grasp of the woman that held her. "Colliene is not amused! Woof! Let go off me, you moron!"

More steps were directed towards her. She barely could recognize those surrounding her. She heard questions, exclamations and assorted statements that were of no matter to the girl. Her arms were flapping around, giving fluffy pokes to the arms that locked her in place. "Terrier, Poodle, Dog, Carefree! I need help, Mister Flufflez!" With that incantation, a large puffing smoke cloud appeared in front of the Witch. As the smoke disappeared, it revealed a massive dog, standing roughly two meters high.

It gave a timid bark, before leaning it's head above Colliene's, gently grabbing her hoodie and tucking on it in an attempt to save her mistress. In that process, though, Mister Flufflez drooled across Colliene, making the witch even more mad.

All of this was observed by Sid and Vater. The latter sighed, standing on his podium. "We might need another teacher, Shiddo-kun." The other dogs remained across the room, carefree and mostly trying to tease people. There were one or two cases, in which they grew aggressive, but even then they were no threat at all. One particular dog leaped onto Vater's podium and gnawed at the ends of the Reaper's cloak, making him watch the beast with confusion. He finished the dog off quickly by poking it's nose as gentle as he could.

Chaos ensured, Colliene was pulled out of Rose's arms, soaking in dog drool from head to toe. "Ah, you little idiots! I told you to attack them, not play with them!" Crossing her arms, the Witch looked around. Pouting, she mumbled "I thought Shibusen was much more fun." Snapping her fingers, the mass of Pomeranian dogs disappeared, followed by Mister Flufflez, leaving Colliene dropping from mid air onto her rear. Tears swelled out of her eyes, muffled whining escaping her lips.

Vater looked at the witch and sighed once more. "Yare, yare. It looks like the Witches have not gained that much power after all." The Reaper casually leaped off of his podium and approached the witch, who remained on the spot, rubbing her bottom. "What is your name, young Witch?", Vater asked her, but the girl only stuck her tongue out. "Alright... Your resistance leaves me with no choice." His head turned over to Rose. "You seem quite fond of her. I see no problem in you keeping her."

Colliene immediately leaped onto her feet and shook her head. "No, no! I am no one's pet!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jivusa


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jacholaus just blankly looked at the Witch, starting to feel bad for her. Maybe she wasn't a Witch at all? Like another person said, maybe she could be some odd person dressed up who just so happens to have a bunch of dogs. Besides, why would a witch choose a dog of all things? Something like a Rottweiler or a Bloodhound was understandable. But a Pomeranian? Jacholaus then just let his defense down, allowing for his arm to, well, go back to being his arm. He smiled at the sight, seeing Pomeranians everywhere and a girl in a dog hoodie being hugged by another girl who was referred to as Melonchest from someone who was apparently acquainted with her. Realizing that the nickname was a breast joke, he shrugged. He wasn't like those people who got nosebleeds from perverted thoughts. Well, probably not easily. If he did get a nosebleed, all the better for him. Blood would literally just drip into his mouth.
After a moment, he looked down to see one of the Pomeranians pawing at his leg. He smiled and reached down to pet it for a moment, walking away afterwards. He, instead of walking from the scene, he walked to the epicenter, poking the girl who embraced the other tightly. "Uhm...," he said, poking her to get her attention. "I don't think that hugging this poor girl to death is the best course of action." Jacholaus snickered a bit more, still finding the situation comical. He then heard the "witch" call for a Mr. Flufflez, who was apparently the giant, fluffy dog that pulled her up and drooled all over her, leaving the one referred to as "Melonchest" without someone to smother with hugs. As quickly as she was picked up, she was dropped back down. That, and a 4-foot tall figure walked over to her, the Principal, Vater Tod. As this all happened, Jacholaus stepped back a foot or so, covering his mouth as he watched the comical events.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Rose refused to let go, still nuzzling against the poor girl tightly.

"She's so cute, Nightwish! Almost as cute as you! I wanna make her my friend!" she cried, hugging the Witch even tighter. She was almost entirely oblivious to everything... almost. It was true that she did vaguely notice some of the things going on around them... but the adorable Witch in the adorable costume was much more important then any of that. At least until she was pulled out of Rose's arms.

"Wha... Nightwish! Transform into your weapon form, I'm rescuing her!" Rose declared, taking a step forward. She had managed to completely misconstrue the situation in a matter of seconds. Well, it was part lack of understanding and part willful ignorance of what was going on, to be truthful. The pink-haired girl was ready to do anything to get her new friend back! ... Her... soon to be new friend! Or little sister! Or... or... something! And then she would hug her and Nightwish at the same time and it would be amazing.

And then... then... Vader Tod granted her wish.

"... Yaaay! Did you hear that, Colliene!? I'm going to get you some ice cream! I'll get you ice cream too, Nightwish! We'll have a celebration!"

Rose was overjoyed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 3 days ago

Mike was shaking in place; they were going to let her live. Slumping down, his cannon arm hit the floor with a might *thunk* "...why...?" he asked no one in particular "why are they going to let her live? She came here to hurt people. She ordered her dogs to attack us. She could have killed someone. So...so why are we letting her live? We're not even throwing her in some kind of jail. Just giving her to some weird girl as a pet, with no way to restrict her power. Why? She's a Witch. It's because of her kind that this school opened up again in the first place. They don't care about other people...they just want to destroy..." he trailed off, still having trouble believing that they were letting her get away with attacking the school. "I...I need to get to my room. I need to cook something to get my mind off of this..." He mumbled
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Carson stood over the 2 girls who had been huging each other, a tissue in his left nostril, and a large foam finger on his right hand. As the small man stepped over them he put the foam finger away, true carson was a foot taller but he still felt obligated. As he heard them talk about keeping one another, his mind went to dirty thoughts, causing the tissue to go dark red.

"so wait who won, the dog chick or the clingy girl?" he said looking around.
None of them had passed out, and both looked like they could still fight, so why did they stop. Carson began to wonder if it was a sparring match at all, maybe it some weird thing they do at the weapon academy. He noticed the large dog was gone and sighed, it looked so fluffy and fuzzy, he really wanted to pet it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago


"I... Uh, wha..."

So the headmaster had decided to let Rose keep the witch as a pet. That was... Nightwish had no idea how to react to that. At the very least, she could facepalm. And oh, did she facepalm. At least it gave her some time to think... The witch seemed pretty harmless. The most she had done is set a bunch of puppies on the students. Hell, she was probably just doing this as some kind of prank. She didn't seem all that much of a threat... At all. She was just... Pathetic, and not worth bothering about. Maybe deep down she felt that it would be nice to have things be a bit more lively... Maybe.

"The hell is wrong with you?" She couldn't help but scowl at Mike, though. Saying that they needed to kill the witch was a bit much, even for someone as naturally aggressive as Nightwish was. "What, she'd kill people with a bunch of puppies? What did you think they'd do, nuzzle you to death or something? Besides... There's no satisfaction in killing something so... Weak and pathetic. You came to this school to learn how to be strong, right? Looks like you've got a long way to go before you understand true strength, gunpowder breath!"

With that, she let off a small "hmph!", flicked back her hairdrills and... Went to check on her Meister. And possibly punt her through the wall for being so stupid.

...Well, until she made the offer of ice cream, at least.

"...I'll let it slip this time, torpedo tits, but only if you get me a double banoffee strawberry ripple mocha chip sundae... With extra pistachios." Hmphing once more, she crossed her arms and shot a look of disapproval at Rose.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Of course, Nightwish!" was Rose's cheerful and rather oblivious response. She did manage to register the anger, but... Nightwish was just serious about her ice cream! And she'd get ice cream and make Nightwish and her new friend adorable puppy girl Colliene really happy and then they'd have all kinds of fun adventures like making lunch and bathes and cutting up evil things and firing giant cross-shaped laser-wait only Nightwish could do the last one. But still! It would be lots and lots of fun! "I'll get you anything you want, and since you want a double banofee strawberry ripple mocha chip sundae... with extra pistachios, I'll get you a double banofee strawberry ripple mocha chip sundae ... with extra pistachios!"

Rose smiled warmly at her friend. Oh, she was so adorable! And she had an adorable new friend too! Speaking of which...

"What ice cream do you want, Colliene?!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

Member Seen 6 days ago

With amazement, Dante watched as the headmaster, a one Vater Tod, actually allowed a witch to be kept as a pet? Dante normally would be angry, even disagree, but looking at this witch, it appeared that it was of no danger. He heard the argument between the two and had to agree with the drill haired girl on this one. Killing something like that would serve no purpose. With a disappointed sigh, he let go of his katana, letting it clink back into the sheath.

“Keeping a witch for a pet?” He said to himself. He got his book out and flipped through the pages, inspecting it closely. “Never happened before apparently” He mumbled before putting the book back into his bag. He looked at the witch that had apparently become a part of their little community. “As long as she behaves, it doesn’t bother me” Dante says, figuring he will add his two cents. The conversation shifted to ice cream, something he didn’t really like, so he decided his spot in the conversation would forfeit. With a smile to the girls, he turns and goes to walk back to the spot he was sitting before stopping suddenly.

He felt something strange, almost like eyes watching him. He looked around to see the massive spikes coming from the building. He slightly made out a figure on the spike. With a smile he walked over and grabbed another rink before heading back to his spot. He waved at the figure on the spike with a smile. He didn’t know who it was, but he figured he would greet them. Dante knew all too well the feeling of being on the outside, and figured he would be nice.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Val's eyes glared as the witch was allowed freedom. Val walked over to the group that had formed near the witch. She pulled her hood up on the way over so only her gold eyes were visible. "Why would you allow someone to keep a witch as a pet? Not trying to be disrespectful but witches take away lives for no reason and she came to attack the school!" Val exclaimed with anger tainting her calm voice.

Val then turned towards Rose who was currently squeezing the witch to death. "And you, whatever your name is. Why are you so excited about that?! What if she kills you while you are sleeping? Would it really be worth how you are acting right now? Would death be worth trying to befriend an evil witch?" Val asked her fold eyes glaring down at the girl. She truly hated being rude or mean but when it came to witches she could no longer stand by and do nothing not since the recent events in her life. Val had come to the school to make sure no one else lost their family to the evil known as witches.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Leo looked on with more than cynicism than anything else. A bunch of fools, thats what he was joining. Though the constant pain on his head left him a tad confused. The dog that had latched on did not vanish with the others? When it dawns on him.

"Get off!"

He punches the dog straight off the top off his head, it yelps and runs back to its owner. Some woman at the party......It wasn't a dog trained to attack, it was just one who didn't like him.

"And now we have pet witches. Well its official, we are all going to die."

As it transpired Zubuzi could hardly contain her laughing, but she did just barely. The "witch" in question was hardly the threats that had been warned about, but she was also not 8 feet tall flinging about spells of worldshifting magic. Zubuzi knew not to hold stock in tales of old. She was however interested in the Shinigami, her brain questioned if it had weaknesses? She then questioned her already tarnished moral fiber...

She happened to glance down and spy a strange fellow waving at her? It could not have been? Without thinking she looked behind her....at the sky...WHO else would he be waving at. She lifts her brow and in a rather haphazard manor leaps off the spine to join the stranger.

"Do you need something?"
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