So your lazy GM finally got around to something. Everyone please conradulate @SirSqueakalot91 our official Co-GM now with his fancy little banner and everything!
Ah, thanks everyone. I promise to use and abuse this title as much as I can, and will accept bribes in order to help your character as well.
@SirSqueakalot91 I am late to the congratulating party, but congratulations anyways co GM!
p.s.: Do you accept Paypal?
Hey everyone sorry for my absence yesterday been sick and didn't move from bed when I got off work. So we are moving along nicely with talking to each other but I'll ask if we want to move on to the next morning and get ready to fight. So I'll put a simple vote into action. Like this post if you want to move on, and laugh if you want to keep going.
I'll give us at least the rest of the day and if a majority of you have voted we shall call the voting closed and go on with the decided action.