- Emory Corrigan
Alias & Nicknames:
- N/A
- 27
Place of Origin:
- Pontypool, Wales, UK
Blood Status:
- Half Blood
Sexual Orientation:
- Heterosexual
Relationships Status:
- Widowed
- Pine – 12 ½ Inches – Dragon Heartstring
- Emory attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Slytherin House.
- Emory's speciality is Charms
Experience as a Regulator:
- Emory has been a Regulator for five years
Emory Corrigan was born in Pontypool, Wales to a Muggle mother and wizard father in 1990. Emory grew up amongst Muggles but knew he was not one, a fact that his parents did not hide from him. This allowed the young boy to comfortably practice his magic around the house, giving him an early head start before he even received his letter to attend Hogwarts in the year 2001. Upon returning home after his first year, Emory’s young life was shaken to its very core and the youngster would never be the same again.
The Corrigan family home was just off the beaten path, close enough to a town to buy their essentials but far enough away not to be disturbed. One evening the family decided to take a walk to the lake near their home, taking the dirt track through the woods. In the shadows, they heard a rustle, the wind they thought until before them appeared Gwyllgi, a Black Dog of Death. They turned on their heels and tried to hurry home but the Gwyllgi was not alone and the Corrigans were overcome. Emory survived only due to a timely apparition from his father, who managed to get his son back to town before succumbing to his wounds.
With the death of his parents, Emory was moved into a group home in Cardiff until it was time to return to school. A broken soul, young Emory poured himself into his studies. This withdrawal however left him standoffish and a target for bullies, this often resulted in Emory getting into trouble for his behaviour despite being an outstanding student. He would not return to Cardiff after his second year, instead whenever school let out he would head to Hogsmeade, working odd jobs there and living in a spare room at one of the towns shops. As his time at Hogwarts drew to a close, Emory was approached by an emissary of the ministry and asked if he was interested in joining the ORO program. Thinking back to the deaths of his parents, the young Emory realised that he could not let such a thing happen in the muggle world again and signed up immediately.
During his tenure as a Regulator, Emory met his wife, Daisy. However happiness would not last as during a confrontation with a Voodoo wielder in Haiti, Daisy was killed. The death of his young wife further brought Emory’s childhood pain to the surface, leading him to feel his own memories were poisoning him. With nothing left to live for, Emory has continued his path as a Regulator, lasting longer than most at three years. Many of his colleagues do not know how he carries on, having lost so much and been through so much. Some of the cases they deal with would break the hardest of hearts and yet it seems Emory simply brushes them under the carpet. Does he have a death wish? Not really but does he want to live? He isn’t so sure anymore…
- Claimed Colour is Silver
- Emory has taken to obliviating his own memories to cope with the dark stuff he has seen, a fact unknown to the other Regulators. He does this using his dead wife’s wand
- He is an non registered animagus with his form ironically being that of a Rottweiler
- His Patronus takes the shape of a Rottweiler
- Emory's Bogart is Daisy in a state of living death
- He is a fan of 80's Muggle Music
Emory Corrigan - “Why do I even exist? There’s no point to it anymore”
Isadora Albescu Fuji - “My partner. She’s a..unique little thing”
Nichole Arminstance- “She hasn’t seen the darker side of this job yet…she will”
Florian Sabinov – “We don’t talk a lot. It’s nice”
Kieran McMillan - “Our resident werewolf, good guy. Won’t stop me taking him out though if needs be”
Velvet Gertrude Moon - “I like her. She gives me more things I can use to kill things”
Arthur Stone - “My oldest friend in the ORO. He understands, he was there”
Natalia Jade DeVito - “I like her, she gets shit done”
Athos Du Vallon – “One of the newbies, he ain’t seen nothing yet and I’m not sure he’s ready for it”
Felix Twycross – “The brummie, only one who knows about my memory issues. He better stay quiet too. Good man”
Sebastian Montague – “The greenhorn, haven’t associated with him yet. Need to see what he can do”
Richard Baar – “He’s different, too reckless. He’ll get himself killed one day, like all of us”
Tariq Lerius – “We came through Hogwarts together but we ran in different circles. Still do”
Zara Greenwood - "Kiwi. Cute. Stay out of my head!"
The Caretaker – “The greatest man I’ve ever known”
Isadora Albescu Fuji - “My partner. She’s a..unique little thing”
Nichole Arminstance- “She hasn’t seen the darker side of this job yet…she will”
Florian Sabinov – “We don’t talk a lot. It’s nice”
Kieran McMillan - “Our resident werewolf, good guy. Won’t stop me taking him out though if needs be”
Velvet Gertrude Moon - “I like her. She gives me more things I can use to kill things”
Arthur Stone - “My oldest friend in the ORO. He understands, he was there”
Natalia Jade DeVito - “I like her, she gets shit done”
Athos Du Vallon – “One of the newbies, he ain’t seen nothing yet and I’m not sure he’s ready for it”
Felix Twycross – “The brummie, only one who knows about my memory issues. He better stay quiet too. Good man”
Sebastian Montague – “The greenhorn, haven’t associated with him yet. Need to see what he can do”
Richard Baar – “He’s different, too reckless. He’ll get himself killed one day, like all of us”
Tariq Lerius – “We came through Hogwarts together but we ran in different circles. Still do”
Zara Greenwood - "Kiwi. Cute. Stay out of my head!"
The Caretaker – “The greatest man I’ve ever known”
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