"I don't understand why people get so worked up about something...you need to chill. Or get high or somethin'. Whatever floats your boat."
TamerName:Rachel Holt
Apperance:Standing at about five foot seven, Rachel has long brown hair with chocolate colored eyes and a fairly pale complexion from days mostly spent indoors. Most often, she wears loose fitting clothes in the range of old faded t-shirts to some fairly surprisingly fashionable stuff - just whatever she feels like wearing at the time. Most of the time she wears loose fitting jeans or shorts if she has to go outside. Inside her own home, well...she doesn't like wearing pants and will often walk around in long stockings and boxers. Most of the time, she wears headphones - or at least has them somewhere near. Most of the time she wears a somewhat languid expression and a small smile.
Digivice ColorDark Blue
Personality:Friendly? While not overly so, she's definitely one that'll be friends with just about anyone as long as they aren't irredeemably evil. Rachel takes a pretty lackadaisical approach to life, and a lot of the time comes off as cool, level headed, and calm because of it since she tends to not react too much. She tends to not really worry about most things, and she doesn't like physical exertion or work and often lets things happen as they will. As such, she tends to come off as a bit on the unmotivated or impartial side. She has a fairly good head on her shoulders and spends a lot of her free time tinkering with electronics. She even built her own computer from spare parts and intends to make a career out of it at some point.
Though, at times her personality can either be a hit or miss with people, as she never really seems to emote well other than 'whatevs man'. Just won the lottery? "Yaaaay." House caught on fire? "Oh, that happened. Too bad."
The only thing she particularly seems to enjoy is small mischief. Most often in the form of internet trolling or griefing, along with generally speaking in a manner that sometimes makes people go 'Wtf are you even talking about?!' Also maybe
stole a few computer parts now and then but details.That said, if perhaps one were to 'press her buttons' so to speak, they might find a surprisingly irritable person, especially if something isn't going well for her or generally going in a way she wants as rare as such a thing might be. In all though, she just doesn't see the sense in gettin' your panties in a knot over something that happened. That's bad for health, yo, though one has to question if being as seemingly unmotivated and uninterested in things as she is, isn't bad either.
Likes jazz music, and is fairly skilled at riding horses.
Bio: Country of Origin? Good old USA. State? The middle of nowhere Wyoming. Yep, about as boring of a place as you can get. Her life has been pretty...normal up until now. Nothing remarkable at all, well, aside coming from a fairly well off family. Not rich by any means, but her dad was a fairly successful businessman, they were never hurting for money. So she's had a fairly average, if not very socially active life. Wyoming isn't exactly a happening state, after all and she grew up in a small town. Most of her days were spent either inside tinkering with a computer, or taking a nap outside and generally being lazy unless it was school. In which, she was the kid sitting in the back of class seemingly not paying attention and discreetly playing on a phone.