CS: Meister
Age: 14 (Appearance wise anyway, he has no idea how old he actually is)
Gender: Male (Though people often question…)
Appearance: Nika is a light skinned young male with short, pink hair and mismatched eyes due to one of them being artificial. His left, natural eye, is a cerulean blue while his artificial eye is golden yellow with a black gear in the center acting as a pupil. He has a rather feminine build for a male, having a rather lithe frame and standing at roughly the same height as Maka Albarn. Because of his appearance and ability to use magic, he is often mistaken for a witch. His attire consists of a basic white shirt much like the one’s the people in his village wears., dark pants and black flats.
“Gears turn, whirl whirl. Gears whirl, turn turn. Gears turn, whirl whirl...”
- Magic- Nika can make use of a magic he calls “Gears”, magic based around the use of gears. Through magic, he has the ability to interact with people and his environment, . Things that are affected by his magic will take on mechanical like qualities, they’ll gain lines across their surface or move as though they were being moved with gear cogs. Whenever he uses his magic, a magic circle in the shape of a gear will appear around him or his target. He was taught magic by the man who raised him, which he would call “tricks”. It wasn’t until later that Nika realized he was being taught magic.
- Acrobatics- Nika is incredibly nimble. He can pull off acrobatic feats with little trouble and has a surprisingly high amount of balance for someone who usually just takes naps. Flexible and swift, he can use his agility to maneuver around a battlefield, attacking from unexpected angles.
- Spear/Staff Wielder- Nika is a trained combatant, taught by his village chief the ways of the warrior. He has great dexterity and precision though not much strength lies behind his attacks. His most impressive ability is his skill with a staff, combining his acrobatics with the use of leverage to deliver powerful blows. This fighting style was something he invented and honed while on the road with his adoptive father over a number of years and is transferred over to his skill with a spear. These already present abilities with a staff where sharply honed after Nika was selected to be Gun’s meister.
- Intellect- Nika is surprisingly bright, though given his type of magic, it only makes sense that he’d have a certain knack for machinery. On his travels, he often assisted his adoptive father in repairing devices and gained a deep understanding of how machines functioned. When it comes mechanical parts, you won’t find anyone better.
- Gear Canon- This spell is Nika’s most used. It creates a giant gear that can be launched to smash into enemies or objects, inflicting large amounts of damage. Nika can also grab it and just smash it into people manually.
- Gear Road- A spell that creates platforms made from gears, Nika can use his agility to jump from gear to gear, maneuvering around the battlefield at great speeds.
- Upgrade- Nika can place a hand on a person’s back and increase their physical capabilities. When this magic is activated, a gear will appear on the person’s back with lines shooting out of it that run across the person’s body like a machine. Each
- Lock- This creates a magic circle beneath a person’s feet, locking them in place. These can be set as traps or cast in real time though that takes time and the attacker has to already be stationary or the circle won’t activate in time.
- Turn- This spell creates a magic circle that spans across a wide range, the ground within the circle’s range spins rapidly, throwing out anyone not in the center. Nika has NO control over where people are thrown so he only uses it as a”trump card” to put distance between him and his opponent..
Equipment: Nika doesn’t carry anything on him but the clothes on his back and a wrench, a keepsake from his foster father.
Personality: Nika is incredibly lax. His expression doesn’t really change from his laid back smile. He often heads into battle with the assumption that things will probably turn out alright despite his intelligence so he often goes in without a game plan. When he does think one up he’ll often go off plan when he feels like thing’s should be different and he often thinks things should be different. He likes to daydream a lot and can lose focus if not constantly reminded of what he’s doing. He’d be at a loss if it wasn’t for his friend, Gun.
History: Nika is not 100% sure where he came from, but who worries about that, right?
He’s pretty sure though, that the man who raised him wasn’t his father. They didn’t have the same skin color and he often acted with a strange amount of distance, that and he was fairly explicit about not being his dad.
“Hey, are you my dad?”
“Hell no!”
The man taught Nika everything he knew, how to talk, walk and how to fix machines. The man was an inventor and made his money by fixing devices and repairing machinery. One of his inventions was the artificial eye Nika now uses. The two were always traveling, moving to a new place for no longer than a week. Nika liked the travel, maybe because he was allowed to sleep and nap as much as he wanted. It was a pretty peaceful existence, a stable instability where everything was consistently different enough that he could fall into the pattern.
One day, the man brought him to a strange village and then straight up left him there!
No warning!
No explanation!
It was a small village with not much known about it, every day was pretty simple and monotonous, just the way Nika liked it. What kept the city safe was a family of weapons who had a legacy of powerful warriors. The chief of said clan allowed Nika to live there on the account that he would stay out of trouble, something he had no trouble agreeing to seeing as he didn’t have much to worry about. He quickly went to work repairing what people asked and using his magic to help with building. Gun, the chief’s youngest, often went to watch him work and the two soon became friends. They grew together into teenagers, constantly pulling each other in and out of trouble. It was their different rate of growth that made Nika realize he might not be human (because shooting gears out of your hands was totally normal)
Eventually, Gun’s abilities as a weapon became apparent but none of the village warriors could wield him. Nika however, found that their souls linked up together perfectly and he could wield Gun without problems. It was decided, Nika would be Gun’s meister. They practiced together every day but the Chief of the village could see that they weren’t as strong as they could, they had no will of their own (Nika, because he had no drive for anything and Gun, because he was too afraid to dare to have a will). The chief made his command on gun’s 14th birthday. The two would set out and become students of a prestigious school that put them in life or death situations every day, despite his caution towards the outside world, he knew it was full of wonders that his son and friend could flourish in and reach their full potential.
And so, Nika and Gun went out into the world with the goal of making Gun into the strongest weapon in the world, only then could they return home.