@Azereiah@bluebunny@DewShine885@Rikeno A loud screach could be heard as a tree in the distance could be seen falling. There where deep gash marks in the tree. As well as more black goo.
Hugo nods appreciatively at Skylar and slowly starts following the trail of goop. Just then, though, a loud noise catches his attention, and he looks to a falling tree.
"Guess that settles it. We're all going with you, then."
Hugo taps his foot impatiently as he watches the treeline. Some light humming brings forth a ghostly spotlight, casting a deep blue glow across the landscape, scattering fluorescent purple shadows behind objects. The light seems to be coming from somewhere above Hugo.
He walks at a brisk pace, choosing not to run after Rikeno, but rather to merely follow. He can catch up easily enough anyway.
Hugo looked up at the clouds for a moment, just in time for a splatter of raindrops to catch him in the glasses. He blinked annoyedly, then shielded his pipe with his free hand. The smoke shifted from pink and green to steadily greyer shades as the raindrops hammered down.
"I am but a simple bloke. All I need is one good smoke. Begone, water, and bother my pipe no more."
The pink and green smoke still in the air whirled back down to Hugo's pipe and formed a protective shield, locking the raindrops out of it. Hugo then relit the pipe and continued in his chase. He puffed out of existence and popped back up next to Rikeno in a burst of grey.
"Wait Shadow!".... Falls... Now out of breathe, nearly passing out in the mud puddle that formed around me. My mind, still blank. Darkness grew in the cracks of my masks. All of them turning black and morphing.