Yes this is my dog. Isn't he adorable?
Welcome to my first official 1x1 Interest Check!
You are obviously already amazed and glad you came here. My name is Traci and I have been roleplaying since I was 16 (I am now 27 and I am that old person who can't keep up with 'what's cool'. People still say YOLO right?) I am looking for a partner(s) that want dedication. I do work, but it only part time 4 days a week, so I am on here quite a bit. I do try to have a life, but outside of playing video games on Steam with friends, I am basically at home with my dog and husband going into a deep YouTube dive. Like seriously, it is so easy to waste hours watching pointless videos. Anyways... I am looking for someone who can give me the same dedication. And yes yes I know, the usual... understanding real life happens... things do happen... etc. etc. I totally get that, but if you are as lame as me and have no life, then hit me up!
Now the fun part. My Rules aka Codes.... which are more like guild lines really.

I made a joke... heehee
+++I am a high casual-advanced writer. I can and most likely will easily post 5-6 paragraphs, if not more. The more you give me, the more I give in return.
+++ 18+ please. I know, lame, but I mean... come on. I am 27, it'd be weird.
+++ I don't do smut, I tried, it gets boring. That isn't to say I don't do sexual scenes occasionally. I am a sucker for romance and that usually means sex, so I am ok if it happens once and awhile, but mostly prefer fades to black.
+++ I am complete shit at grammar/spelling, therefore you can be too!
+++ Just please be dedicated.
+++ I don't have any more rules. I just wanted to complete the rainbow.
Now the fun part!
My prompts! You will see all of them have some form of romance. I do any pairing, but tend to do best in MxF (I prefer playing female, but I am ok doing male too). I also enjoy MxM loving. Also I will put this out there now, the only fandom I really get into is Harry Potter, so if you have any good ideas that involve that hit me up!
Ok that is about it. Hope this wasn't too awful to read. If anything peaks your interest send me a PM or if you post here, be sure to tag me! Though knowing myself, I will obsessively check this thread anyways and will probably see if you post. I am so cool ;)