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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax ๐•ฐ๐–๐–™๐–—๐–Š๐–’๐–Š ๐•ญ๐–Ž๐–—๐–‰

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Interaction: @Lmpkio

A lot of information was gathered from Brek's observations. Just as he'd expected, most of the humans were already on somewhat familiar terms. Then there was the odd alien being calling themselves 'Harriet' that knew some of the humans too. From what he could tell, there was no information the Danakos Assembly had on Harriet's people or whatever the alien called 'Rose' was either. Inwardly he sighed. Sometimes it was quite a burden being the first to discover new aliens. The report he would draft up about their appearance, mannerisms, and combat practices would be evaluated by the Danakos Assembly. It was an important feature for the Ambassador caste to base their interactions on. Sure, he could interact when necessary, but it was not his calling to make introductions.

Without delay, Brek pulled up a virtual interface-- the likes of which only he could see-- and began gesturing into it to make his report. To the outside observer, it would appear as if he were gesturing into the air, with no clear reason to do so. A few blinking red lights atop his helmet signaled the activation of his interface, to the knowledgeable. While most species were using holographic displays, the Corek had stuck to VR interfaces, simply because they valued discretion and privacy. In the eyes of the Danakos Assembly, holographic displays were only fit for ships and meeting tables. While Brek gestured away in a particularly odd manner, both Harriet and Rose were given designations and brief descriptions, within separate files, before the security droid came out.

Notably, Brek waited for the Commander to signal the group to move before following instructions. Once in the meeting room, Brek did not move to take a seat. He moved into the room, keeping along the back wall, before dropping to a single knee-- this was where he was supposed to be after all. Seats were reserved for higher ranking members of the KosRah and Warriors didn't have seats, no matter how high up within their own ranks they were-- honored elders were allowed to stand, however. With a second gesture into his VRI, Brek was connected directly to his caste representative databanks, then began to record the meeting. The video would be stored there for review and later cataloging. Since he figured this meeting was important, Brek made sure it was uploaded as it was taken.

Midway through the president's introduction, a blue and white triangle surrounded by three green circles, flashed into Brek's VR, and he somehow tensed up even more. He began to grind his teeth nervously as the Danakos Assembly connected directly to his feed. They were watching. While Brek had expected this to happen, he hadn't expected it so soon. Whoever was on data-scan duty today must have been very vigilant. Red glyphic writing began to appear within his vision-- his Upper Commander messaging him directly:

--Follow GAHL Head instruction. Classification KosRah Ha-Dil.
--Suggestion: Disable plasma conduits on Galigek for this mission. [Lethality Potential: Low]
--Recommended: AMTC-3K Piercing Mode Only for this mission [Lethality Potential: Medium]

A standby sigil illuminated in Brek's VR once Richard opened the floor for questions. A feed of different signs began to illuminate in Brek's VR-- one sigil for each of the Danakos Assembly chairs as they opted in or out of questions. Seemed like only one chair wanted to speak. Brek pressed a button on the side of his helmet, then an audio feed began to come from him: "Gimpri Rakos-Tum of the Danakos Assembly speaking. Questions: Has a xenobiological scan been conducted? Were there signs of a proto-civilization found?"

The questions were loaded, that much Brek knew. Danakos was a planet deemed inhospitable by the human criteria for habitability and the Assembly had strongly suggested that humans change their evaluation criteria, else they deem another planet with a full fledged economy and political system "inhospitable" or "abandoned". The Danakos Assembly had a way with judging other species on their adaptability and sciences. This especially so for the Rakos-Tum, who's whole caste was dedicated to research and science. Still, even if the questions were well above Brek's place, he couldn't help but find himself curious about the answers.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 5 mos ago


From his seat he has a clear veiw of the room, and his HUD screen starts taking notes, cataloging faces. When the president comes out it pings the Federation database, noting a list of accoplishments the man has done. With the communication implant's nueral net, he closes the list with a snort. Wjen the projection comes up, he uses his wireless reciever to copy and double the projection for his own un interupped view. He saves this and keeps listening. Not a single bit of info is lost as he works, since his suit saves a recording of the entire speech. His fingers twitch a little as he rotates the projection in his visor. It is n interesting planet...

Warning, high frequency communication detected. Class 5 Two Way line confirmed. Origin: Danakos.

Zavid blinked amd his head snapped towards the only other cyborg, Brek. His suit notes that the energy offput is much higher, and does so just as the audio starts. He taps his comm chip amd starts a link with Brand and Shinzo, silently.

Zavid: Brandt... Shinzo... You might want to tune into the suit's audio.

Brandt: Babe, it's 3am on Earth. Go to sleep...

Shinzo: Give me a moment... Ah. Oh. What are they doing...
Give me access to your suit. Hmm... Danakos Assembly..

Brandt: Danakos Assembly? The hell are they doing in GAHL?

Zavid: One of them is joining. I know they sent some people to watch us...

The convo slows as they mull over thoughts. Shinzo drops out after saying his new implants are ready. Zavid sends him a text saying he'll get back to him.

Brandt: Heard from HQ. I'll be listening. Just getting some coffee. You know... This is supposed to be my leave... Where I can relax... Kick back and enjoy myself... Not deal with your crazy shenanagins....
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Space Station Solus - Meeting Room

Before Rose could get in much more the robot promised showed up and announced that they were ready to be briefed. All present being shuffled into the meeting room Heather took a seat and looked around at the room. At different points between the attacks on Flora e and now she had doubts that she would ever see it again. It was great being back at the GAHL. They all got a spiel about their greatness and uniqueness. The uniqueness might be the only thing this woman had going for her. Regardless they soon got to the real matter at hand.

The group was set up to go to a planet which the surface was mostly jungle. Leaning against her chin against her hand she nearly slipped and whacked her head against the table when she heard it had only been observed for a month. The planet she went to had years of observation before putting anyone on it and it turned out disastrous. Sure, circumstances like what Harriet experienced were rare, nay, unheard of. And most of the time these excursions went mostly well. There was a reason why everyone wore power armor. After giving it a little though she managed to calm herself down quite a bit.

This also wasn't a super long term job from the sounds of it. Likely anything that was major would be missed by a long shot. Before getting the chance to say anything the armored alien she couldn't identify spoke up. Or more accurately a voice that was being transmitted spoke up and clarified a few things for Harriet. So this was a Corek, she didn't really know much about them other than the name and humanity managed to miss their existence for a while. Clearly humans were quick to make decisions on things.

The question had to relate to if there was intelligent life on the planet capable of civilization. Harriet know this was standard procedure to scan for this, and efforts had been elevated given previous mistakes in the past. Either way she smiled slightly. Given the past she could see how there could be some doubt.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

SSS - Cafeteria "Beanadiction"

A large metal construction stood in front of the double glass doors of the cafeteria. It was looking up at the sign above the entrance with a blank expression. Of course, it's not like it could express anything, as it didn't have a face to speak of. It stood away from the door to let out one of the customers out, and then went back to his previous position to observe the plastic sign hanging from the ceiling of the roof. Large black leetters on a white plate, much like the other signs in the station. Clearly, at one point someone must have thought that the name was funny enough to attract customers. Now it was hanging sadly from the ceiling, covered in dust and some kind of a frozen liquid that only god knows the origin of. These signs all pointed towards that the owner probably had second thoughts about the name since they installed the sign. The construct seemingly got bored of staring at the bland and uninteresting sign, and focused his attention on the inside of teh cafeteria. The furniture and architecture were all amde in a retro 2050s feeling, like everything else on the sation. A few customers drank coffees inside, and some of the more daring ate from the suspicious looking dough that the owners dared call a "cookie". A line of moderate size was standing in front of the cashier desk, waiting to be served their beverages. A long electronic sigh broke the stillness of the construct as it opened a door leading into the installement.

"Why exaclty did we stop here?" Elektro exclaimed as they took their place in the short line leading to the cashier. "What do you think dummy? I'm hungry!" Pisq sounded very upset as they advanced forward in the line, and no one could really blame her for it. For a good 20 minutes now, the two has been exploring the station to find any kind of information regarding the layout of the place. They were late for the shuttle that would've taken them to GAHL directly, so they had to improvise by taking a commercial space liner. Turns out that they arrived way before the briefing was supposed to begin. But as luck would have it, they had absolutely zero clue where the shuttle dropped them off, or where they were supposed to go to, so they had to figure something out. After a couple dozen of failed attempts at asking for directions from other aliens, they had to turn to the good old method of "find it yourself".

As the line disappeared from front of them and they advanced to the cashier, a human in his early 20s gretted them. For a second he was surprised to see the EXO standing in line, and stood there without any ideas on what to do next. But the training kicked in, and he greeted the two like any other person. "Hello, what do you want to order?" A moment of silence as Pisq and Elektro discussed the details of the order in silence, and then the cheery female voice emerged from the voice synthetizer of the helmet. "I want a single donut, of the smallest size possible!" The cashier looked behind his back at his manager with a confused look, but after a silent gesture that could've meant anything he followed the order. He took the smallest donut possible from the display case, and then put it into a small paper bag. On his cash register the cost of the donut popped up, and then an incoming transaction quickly payed for it. "Anything else, um, miss?". Elektro grabbed the bag in his hand and shaked his head as a response. Pisq spoke up again just so she could have the last word. "That's all! Thanks!" They quickly left the cafeteria and left behind the confused cashier and patrons of the cafeteria.

44 minutes later, 2 minutes since debriefing began
SSS - Some corridor near GAHL

The sight of a Combat EXO carrying an adorably small paper bag as it is running through corridors is something most people won't forget for a lifetime. The comedic effect of such a scenraio can easely overwhelm even those with steel nerves and no sense of humour. Thankfully, the aliens on the sation mostly smiled at the sight, and only a few of them started laughing. However wherever they passed by, phones appeared from out of pockets, and the cameras in helmets started recording. In a few days they would be internet sensations. However Elektro had better things to do than to worry about keeping up a decent image of themselves. After they left the cafeteriea, Pisq wanted to eat the donut that they bought, but he locked the cockpit door and told her that she can only eat it after they arrive at the briefing. That was about 40 minutes ago, and Pisq refused to help him ever since, giving him the silent treatment. He could feel for Pisq being hungry, but if she mucnhed down on the donut then they would have to stop somewhere, and they were already late. So the best he could do was to hold the bag in his hand as he ran through teh corridors to find the place where they were supposed to arrive at 2 minutes ago.

The discovery came as a complete suprise to Elektro. After passing by a few doors with nothing more than numbers above them, he stopped to check on Pisq, and to see if she was still mad at him anymore. "If you helped me find the place, we could already be there, and you could've already eaten your donut. But if you refuse to assist me for any longer, I am never going to give it to you.". Pisq who was pretending to be sleeping all this time looked around the cockpit with an angry face and smahsed her hands on the terminal inside. "That's not fair! I just wanted to eat a donut, and now you are threatening me to deny me of a single wish. You are such a meanie!" She crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair, silently observing the outside through the widescreen on the inside. She was clearly sulking, and Elektro had no idea what to do with her anymore. He figured that he'll just let her be for the time being, and then apologise when they find the GAHL place. Pisq's voice interrupted his thoughts as she spoke up, focusing on something shown on the screen. "You big dummy! Isn't this door the place?". The door next to them looked just like any other room that they passed by, the number above the door and a holopad on the side. On the screen the four letters, G A H L, could be read clearly, and the company logo was spinning in the background. "Well, that was certainly easier than I imagined.". With a statisfied look on her face, Pisq leaned back in the chair, and Elektro knocked on the door with his empty hand.

A droid opened the door after a short wait. It was a commercial Security Droid, with the name "Bishop" painted over the white pnales of it's legs. "Mister Malkovich is currently busy. What is the manner of your business?". Pisq didn't think before rushing an answer, the sweet dreams of munching on a donut floating in her mind. "Step away rustbucket! We are here for a meeting and we need to get in yesterday!". Though the face of the security droid didn't, and couldn't change, the lack of reaction made it clear that it was not impressed by the answer it received. Pisq softened on her tone and asked again, as she saw her chances of tasting a donut fleeting away rapidly, and it was a risk she wasn't willing to take. "Pretty, please? We have an ID! Show him Elektro!".

"Ah yes, the grunt's work is mine as usual. Here is our ID. Apologies for the late arrival but we missed the shuttle, and then got lost in the station. I am sure you can understand." He transmitted their ID codes to the security droid, and then waited silently for the answer. The light in the eye of the droid seemed to flicker for a second, and then it lit up in green twice as it identified the IDs. "Miss Pisq, and Mister Elektro. You are late to the appointement, Mister Malkovich has already begun the presentation in the metting room." The droid walked out of the way, and let the two latecomers in. He closed the door and then began walking towards the door on the other side of the room. Pisq bent so close to the screen as she could, her nose touching the display as she observed the view. She never saw so much wood in a space station before. Or anywhere that wasn't a nature reserve or a park as a matter of fact. The cheap trick of composites and holo displays was good enough to fool her, but Elektro wasn't so breathtaken by the sight. He was quick to note that it was all facade, a pretty good one at that, but still nothing more than a simple show. Still, he didn't tell it to Pisq, as she seemed happier looking at the fake wood, than she was all day, and especially since they came to the station.

As they reached the door on the opposite side of the room, the droid stopped and spoke up. "Mister Malkovich and the other hunters are beyond this door, in the briefing room. Now if you excuse me." Then it left them in front of the door, and went back to whatever it was doing before they arrived. "Well, what are we waiting for? I'm getting really hungry!".

Elektro pushed the door in, and it loudly swung open as they entered the room. It was a spacious space with a circular table in the middle with chairs around them, most of which were occupied by alien hunters. They seemed to have interrupted someone from speaking up, and a newfound silence befell the room as most of the people inside turned their heads to observe the source of distraction. Whatever kind of briefing was going on, nothing was shown on the holo, and Elektro guessed that they were late for the presentation. Pisq could only see the paper bag that they were carrying, and taste the donut in her mouth. "Heyo, nice to meet you! Sorry for the late arrival!". Elektro shook his head and formally introduced themselves, seeing how Pisq was unable to do it. "My deepest apologies for being late. I am Elektro, and the gal you heard before is Pisq. We are pleased to make your acquaintance."

Pisq giggled inside the cockpit and whispered to Elektro with a grin on her face: "When can I get my donut?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

ย ย ย 
Abigail was the first to go in, and she immediately grabbed one of the chairs, spun it around and sat on it back-to-front as she peeked over the back at GAHLโ€™s President. She had a laid-back mischievous smirk on her face and kept playing with the leather on her seat, only half-listening to Malkovichโ€™s welcoming speech outlining GAHL policies and congratulating all the new folk on making the cut. As per usual, Abigail seemed distracted or simply bored, and made little to no effort in hiding it around her superiors. Her gaze swept over the newcomers again, lingered a little on Zavid, then snapped back to the sudden hologram of a planet that appeared in the middle of the circular conference table.

For the first time since they landed on the space station, Abigail actually looked attentive and listening. She leant forward in her seat, grinning from ear to ear. She mouthed the word โ€œAuroriasโ€ and drummed her fingers on the back of her chair with excitement. Her eyes flickered from one spot to another and she briefly, eagerly, glanced back at where Brooks was. Before she could make any sort of comment though, a couple of latecomers entered the meeting room; some sort of robot and-...another voice from somewhere. Abigail stared them down critically for a bit before she stared at the helmet-area of the robot and some sort of realisation dawned upon her face. She stifled a bemused giggle through the back of her glove and immediately stood up and walked off into the next room.

Abigail wandered back in with a few small machines in her hand, wired up to the holopad on her forearm. The hologram projecting from her wrist was the aforementioned map of the sector. She didnโ€™t look up from the map as she called out โ€œYeah, I got a couple questions -โ€ her ankle hooked around the spinning chair as she collapsed into it, twirling about to sit at the table like a normal human being. โ€œFirst off, is this the absolute limit of the sector or am I allowed to wander a little further? After all, I do like to explore...โ€ she jabbed a finger at the edges of the map, looking up at Malkovich with a smile. โ€œOn top of that, you said weโ€™ll only go hunting next mission - how long you keeping us down there for? Are we just using the Sirius as a base of operations?โ€ Abigail rubbed her nose and looked back at the map again thoughtfully. โ€œHow much detail does the government want anyway? Just animals? Plants and weather conditions? Can I just send all the data from my suit to the Sirius and let you deal with it or-...โ€

Abigail cut herself off. Her voice took on a much more sullen tone as she looked up from the map and right at Malkovich. โ€œAre we gonna have to write reports and paperwork and keep a log and stuff, sir?โ€ she lamented, pouting. Under her breath she muttered something about โ€œfuckinโ€™ hating this sciency shitโ€ before pushing a button on her holopad and dismissing the map. She glanced back at Brooks again, pursing her lips as her gaze flickered to Zavid and Brek for a brief moment again and then back at Malkovich, waiting for his answer.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After opening up the floor for questions it did not take long for one to come up. However the question did not come from anyone actually present in the room. It was a valid question however and one with merit. "Thank you for joining us, Charman Gimpri Rakos-Tum. I will admit that in the past we may have been quick to judge a planet's life sustainability. We have since buckled down on our practices and are sure to make thorough scans to avoid oversights like what occurred with our scans with Danakos." Malkovich kept a calm air about him as he continued. "For a short answer to the first question, yes. They have already been reviewed GEO and I would be more than willing to transmit our findings to you if you wish to inspect them yourself."

On to the second question. The graphic of the planet that was displayed previously had several spots highlighted on it. Each one zoomed in, some were surface locations while others were subterranean scans for any underground caves or structures.
"There were several points of interest that were picked up by our scans that could have been the beginnings of a civilization. As you can see on closer inspection they proved to be false positives. After some time to review the holo was brought down again. "We made sure several teams reviews the data and... Pisq and Elektro's intrusion was ignored long enough to finish the sentence. "there is not any reason to believe that any form of civilization will arise on Aurorias in the foreseeable future."

Turning to the intruders Malkovich simply motioned for them to them to take a seat. "Nice of you to join us. Please sit. You will have the opportunity to properly introduce yourself once you are on your way."

Back to the matter at hand. Abigail had begun flinging questions. Amusingly they slowed when the prospect of paperwork and logs arose. "The particular area you are assigned to was selected due to its concentration of species of interest. You are not confined to only this area but I would not advise straying too far from it. You will be broken up into smaller teams. Should something happen you want to be near enough to give or receive backup. As for how long you will be there, this job is initially slated to last three weeks. Due to the nature of the terrain the Sirius will remain in orbit and you will be provided with biospheres as a base camp on the surface. The species you capture will be detained in a pre-established retaining area for observation. You will be pleased to know that you do not need to catalog every species you encounter. That is the job of our scientists. That said any data you can gather would be more than welcome. Do make note of anything out of the ordinary though."

Looking at the panel before him for the time there was a brief moment of pause. Rising from his chair Malkovich motioned for the robot that had escorted everyone in to open the doors. "You must forgive me, I must to cut this short. I need to be sure to brief everyone on the mission and we are on a time table. Please direct any further questions to your commanding officer and we will address them in turn. Thank you for your time." Everyone was ushered out.

SC Sirius - Entering Orbit of SirK2B-894 "Aurorias"

The ship blinked in just outside of the planet's orbit. The process of getting prepped and brought to a planet for a job like this was pretty standard and the GAHL had streamlined it fairly well. Still all the hunters had a day between the meeting and boarding the Sirius to go. Thanks to Faster Than Light (FTL) travel it didn't take insanely long to reach their destination.

A preliminary scan was made on the drop site to be sure nothing was amiss. Once the area was clear the hunters and equipment were brought down in a shuttle and settled in a small clearing. Their first task was to establish a base camp. All were suited up as per standard for landing on a new planet. There were too many factors to account for to not protect ones self from the unknown.
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