Getting a post up now. I can't find anything really as to whether or not people can hear those using astral projection, so I'm gonna assume that they can?
@Morose I was thinking that whoever is close enough could hear her talking, but moving around and stuff would be silent. And yep its sort of molded after that. :)
Judgment Day = The day the apocalypse begins (i.e. events in Altsoba) 1 out 66 indicates the breaking of the first seal on Lucifer's cage (which, recall, was done by Daniyal)
@Nallore Got a question for you: is Cassandra working for SHIELD or the Stargate Atlantis thing in this universe? :P Because if it's SHIELD, we could have some fun.
@Morose She was originally SG universe but I am gonna modify her to fit in with Marvel as well, kind of what we did with Riley and Chloe to fit TWD universe.