Grimmond Peerage
King: Tsumiki Grimmond
Queen: Kohana (2 Weeks)
Bishop 1: Possibly Alistair Glas (N/A)
Bishop 2: Kenji Callas (2 Years)
Knight 1: Argos Dracul (1 Year)
Knight 2: Reserved for Irish Tree (N/A)
Rook 1: Ekibe Djeserit (6 Months)
Rook 2: Nora Evans (2 Days)
Pawns 1-5: Siegfried Einhardt (2 years)
Pawn 6: Possibly Rin Takami (N/A)
Pawn 7: Possibly Ryuunosuke Takenori (N/A)
Pawn 8: Possibly Mu Kishimoto (N/A)

"I offer another chance at life. Simply pledge that life to me. What do you say?"
Name: Tsumiki Grimmond
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Pure-Blooded Devil
Ranking: King
Appearance: Standing at 5’8” tall with an athletic build, Tsumiki’s most striking features are his hair and eyes; his hair silver, his right eye red and his left green. Still, he is rather well-built and almost always well kept, the only exception being his hair. He can often be found wearing his school uniform as it is the easy choice throughout the day. Still, when engaging in other activities he may change his outfit to more appropriately fit the occasion.
Skills: Tsumiki is particularly skilled with his use of magic going beyond the usual illusion and lightning that his clan utilizes. He is considerably gifted at a variety of sports. Additionally, he is skilled at a number of martial arts including; Karate, Muay Thai, Jujutsu, and Tae Kwon Do. He is a rather good cook, and even a musician playing three different instruments; guitar, piano, and violin.
Sacred Gear: Being a devil, Tsumiki does not have a sacred gear.
Personality: Ever confident, proud and level-headed, Tsumiki gives off an air of nobility. He’s typically calm under pressure. He is also kind, hardworking, and strong willed. Still, this nature applies to everyday life and dealing with comrades and rating games or things of that nature. When it comes to enemies or battle outside of the, typically for fun, rating games, or pretty much anyone he doesn’t like, he can be rather cold and heartless. This is especially true should that person do something to bother him; things like insulting or causing, or even just attempting it, harm to his peerage. He is intelligent, clever, and strong, at the very least on the surface, as he believes a king should be. He is not needlessy trusting, so if he trusts you it is important not to break that trust. These traits define him, even if some may seem a bit contradictory at times.
History: The Asmodeus clan has a long tradition of a certain battle. Members from the 8 branch families act as competitors. The victor becomes the next head of the Asmodeus clan and gains the powers of the previous Super Devil. The current Asmodeus is Tsumiki’s uncle. His father just hadn’t been strong enough. But he doesn’t plan to lose. He’ll beat the other 8 members of the Asmodeus clan; cousins and distant relatives alike. Some seem nice and others are downright stuck up assholes. Still, this is only a part of his story. The fact of the matter is, his life hasn’t been as easy as some of the other members of the Asmodeus clan.
His story begins when he was 4. Yes, of course, it actually begins at his birth, but up until he was four there wasn’t much of anything out of the ordinary. This is because when he was four his father was killed. It was a stray exorcist. The bastards working for the fallen angels took the life of his father like it was nothing. Tsumiki always hated them. He could never forgive them for what they had done to him; to his family. And yet he could nothing. His mother grew depressed. It was at least 2 years before she was able to return to even an inkling of the person she’d once been. Even so, she’d yet to try to meet another man despite Tsumiki actively telling her she deserves happiness.
She seems content by herself. Tsumiki writes and has visited on occasion. He also calls often. But that is neither here nor there. The fact is his father’s death played a tremendous role in his life. It gave him the courage and motivation to strive to become the next Asmodeus. He wishes to change that damn tradition. Many looked down upon him and even scorned him for this. In particular one cousin gave him quite a bit of trouble. He still does. The hatred between the two has yet to come to an end even to this day.
Throughout the past 13 years since his father’s death Tsumiki has faced ridicule and bullying among his family members. He was seen as a threat because he came from the same branch as the current Asmodeus. It only helped to solidify his hatred of the tradition. Still, his uncle toys with him as if the tradition didn’t exist; as if he weren’t planning to try and change the family from the inside out. His uncle has a habit of teasing and toying with him. This doesn’t help his relationship with other family members that dislike him.
Other: Tsumiki has a strong love of penguins and otters bordering obsession. There is no indication as to why, but this at times can be a strength and weakness depending on the situation.
Time the character has been with the peerage as of the start of the RP.
King: Tsumiki Grimmond
Queen: Kohana (2 Weeks)
Bishop 1: Possibly Alistair Glas (N/A)
Bishop 2: Kenji Callas (2 Years)
Knight 1: Argos Dracul (1 Year)
Knight 2: Reserved for Irish Tree (N/A)
Rook 1: Ekibe Djeserit (6 Months)
Rook 2: Nora Evans (2 Days)
Pawns 1-5: Siegfried Einhardt (2 years)
Pawn 6: Possibly Rin Takami (N/A)
Pawn 7: Possibly Ryuunosuke Takenori (N/A)
Pawn 8: Possibly Mu Kishimoto (N/A)

"I offer another chance at life. Simply pledge that life to me. What do you say?"
Name: Tsumiki Grimmond
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Pure-Blooded Devil
Ranking: King
Appearance: Standing at 5’8” tall with an athletic build, Tsumiki’s most striking features are his hair and eyes; his hair silver, his right eye red and his left green. Still, he is rather well-built and almost always well kept, the only exception being his hair. He can often be found wearing his school uniform as it is the easy choice throughout the day. Still, when engaging in other activities he may change his outfit to more appropriately fit the occasion.
Skills: Tsumiki is particularly skilled with his use of magic going beyond the usual illusion and lightning that his clan utilizes. He is considerably gifted at a variety of sports. Additionally, he is skilled at a number of martial arts including; Karate, Muay Thai, Jujutsu, and Tae Kwon Do. He is a rather good cook, and even a musician playing three different instruments; guitar, piano, and violin.
Sacred Gear: Being a devil, Tsumiki does not have a sacred gear.
- Flight - As a devil Tsumiki is capable of flying through the use of his batlike wings.
- Language - Another rather typical ability of devils is the passive skill Language which allows them to hear all manner of language in their native tongues while also being heard in the native tongue of whomever they may be speaking to.
- Charm - As a member of the Asmodeus clan, Tsumiki has developed an ability called Charm. Akin to that of the typical devil skill Mind Control, though typically much stronger, he can develop a shotgun bond of trust between him and his target or targets. This allows him to bend them to his whim, whether it be getting them to tell him their deepest desires or their darkest nightmares. He can easily get people to follow his will. However, this is typically only successful in terms of individuals who are weaker them him, or weak in willpower as a whole. Even someone on the same level as him might have a hard time combating it should they be caught unawares by the skill.
- Illusion Magic – Tsumiki has shown great mastery over Illusion magic. If a foe’s ability is low, or their will weak, enough they will easily fall prey to these abilities. Depending on what Tsumiki has in store they may witness a dream come true, or perhaps a nightmare. It is also a very good contingency should he or his allies need to make a quick escape (assuming the enemy is fooled by the spell).
- Lightning Magic – Extremely powerful and destructive, Tsumiki’s lightning magic is a trademark of the Asmodeus clan (the other being Illusion magic). This specific lightning trumps other basic forms of lightning magic in power, casting speed, and versatility. Its color is a primarily blood red, outlined with a bright white hue.
- Summoning Magic – Making use of the typical transportation magic, Tsumiki has developed a sort of summoning. While it is possible to summon living beings to his side at a moments notice, it is primarily use for the summoning and storing of weapons from/in his weapon room. This room houses countless mundane weaponry with at least 6 rare weapons he has collected, or received as gifts, over the years.
- Magical Armament - The final magic, or rather the final non-basic elemental/other magic that is worth noting, is his self-created Magical Armament spell. It allows him to absorb offensive magic, meant to harm the enemy into his own body. Thus, he takes on the properties of the magic he has absorbed while also granting an incredible boost in his abilities. It is generally very taxing and rather dangerous to use, thus it is kept as a last resort. Not to mention he has yet to properly complete it.
For more information on the Magical Armament, please refer to either of the following:
Negima Magia Erebea or UQ Holder Magia Erebea.
- Tsumiki is immensely powerful and skilled in many fields including physical and mental areas. He is nowhere near perfect, but he is by no means a slacker.
- Even for a pure-blooded devil Tsumiki has been gifted with a rather high level of demonic power and talent for using it.
- He is a relatively quick learner with an eidetic memory and the drive to use it.
- In some cases, Tsumiki’s confidence can cause a bit of a problem and get him along with his peerage into some less than savory situations.
- Due to his pride sometimes Tsumiki has a problem choosing the right time to back down. He doesn’t know when to quit and sometimes faces consequences because of it.
- Because he hasn’t really mastered anything apart from his lightning and illusion magic, and his impending Magic Body, he can be at quite a disadvantage in battles of certain skills against specialists. For example, in close quarters combat, or perhaps swordplay he’d likely lose as he has studied various martial arts, but has not mastered any.
- Despite his great amount of demonic power, Tsumiki can go through it fairly quickly. The reason being he isn’t properly able to control his output. He generally uses as much as possible and goes all out. This can be a problem in prolonged battles and leave him vulnerable in consecutive battles if he doesn’t take time to rest.
Personality: Ever confident, proud and level-headed, Tsumiki gives off an air of nobility. He’s typically calm under pressure. He is also kind, hardworking, and strong willed. Still, this nature applies to everyday life and dealing with comrades and rating games or things of that nature. When it comes to enemies or battle outside of the, typically for fun, rating games, or pretty much anyone he doesn’t like, he can be rather cold and heartless. This is especially true should that person do something to bother him; things like insulting or causing, or even just attempting it, harm to his peerage. He is intelligent, clever, and strong, at the very least on the surface, as he believes a king should be. He is not needlessy trusting, so if he trusts you it is important not to break that trust. These traits define him, even if some may seem a bit contradictory at times.
History: The Asmodeus clan has a long tradition of a certain battle. Members from the 8 branch families act as competitors. The victor becomes the next head of the Asmodeus clan and gains the powers of the previous Super Devil. The current Asmodeus is Tsumiki’s uncle. His father just hadn’t been strong enough. But he doesn’t plan to lose. He’ll beat the other 8 members of the Asmodeus clan; cousins and distant relatives alike. Some seem nice and others are downright stuck up assholes. Still, this is only a part of his story. The fact of the matter is, his life hasn’t been as easy as some of the other members of the Asmodeus clan.
His story begins when he was 4. Yes, of course, it actually begins at his birth, but up until he was four there wasn’t much of anything out of the ordinary. This is because when he was four his father was killed. It was a stray exorcist. The bastards working for the fallen angels took the life of his father like it was nothing. Tsumiki always hated them. He could never forgive them for what they had done to him; to his family. And yet he could nothing. His mother grew depressed. It was at least 2 years before she was able to return to even an inkling of the person she’d once been. Even so, she’d yet to try to meet another man despite Tsumiki actively telling her she deserves happiness.
She seems content by herself. Tsumiki writes and has visited on occasion. He also calls often. But that is neither here nor there. The fact is his father’s death played a tremendous role in his life. It gave him the courage and motivation to strive to become the next Asmodeus. He wishes to change that damn tradition. Many looked down upon him and even scorned him for this. In particular one cousin gave him quite a bit of trouble. He still does. The hatred between the two has yet to come to an end even to this day.
Throughout the past 13 years since his father’s death Tsumiki has faced ridicule and bullying among his family members. He was seen as a threat because he came from the same branch as the current Asmodeus. It only helped to solidify his hatred of the tradition. Still, his uncle toys with him as if the tradition didn’t exist; as if he weren’t planning to try and change the family from the inside out. His uncle has a habit of teasing and toying with him. This doesn’t help his relationship with other family members that dislike him.
Other: Tsumiki has a strong love of penguins and otters bordering obsession. There is no indication as to why, but this at times can be a strength and weakness depending on the situation.