Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LadyTabris
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LadyTabris princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

a 17th -or so- century fantasy pirate-ish roleplay based on a D&D campaign I wrote

always open to character applications

Discord for everything

Chariot no longer looks the same. Where once stood a free port, there is now a war zone. Avoir, who could perhaps be called a king, stands tall at the top of the fort - the only stone building in sight. He looks down upon the city and sees burnt buildings and the wreckage of ships in the bay. They sailed through the labyrinth. Somehow, someone told the pirates' secrets to the Marran invaders. A brutal battle had taken place and the pirates barely maintained their grasp of their last city. Avoir knows they are failing. The Marrans are disciplined soldiers who arrive in formation, uniformed. Trained. His troops are ragged. Some are untrained. There's no organization among them. Most are loyal to themselves, or to money. Just enough of them are dedicated to the ideal: freedom. Only enough to hold them together. Some others, maybe, want to keep their assets in Chariot viable. Avoir no longer has any idea. He leans back, alone, observing as people begin to leave their hiding places and attempt to rebuild after the cannon fire. He sees his people, and he thinks that maybe it is time to go chasing legends.

The story begins on the Free Isle in the pirate port city of Chariot. King Avoir has called the most notorious and skilled pirates he knows to undertake a mission for him: the mission to find the Raven Queen's crown. These people are gathering on the ship they've been given to set sail for Harravel Mountain in Arrylia, where the crown is said to be held. No one has ever entered Harravel and returned, but this group is determined that they're the best of the best.

The roleplay will take place over the course of the war between the pirate army, led by Avoir (by popular opinion) and his council of captains, and the colonial force of the Marran Empire. The players will be a "special task force" of sorts, made up of highly-skilled pirates, with their own ship, a small, fast, and stealthy one, serving King Avoir. He will send the players out on various missions which are going to tie together into a wider story arc.

Character Sheet

  • Format this however you want. Just make it clear and look nice enough. PM or post here, doesn't matter. I'll answer any questions and I'd love it if you guys asked any questions about my lore. It's a great feeling when people actually engage within the original world.
  • Read the relevant lore, it'd just be nice. If you want to bounce your character idea off of me that'd be awesome, I can help out with some relevant places and factions in the world.
  • Your character could be declined if it isn't up to the standards. No hard feelings, honestly, everyone is at different levels and there's nothing wrong with that.
  • Technology is about 17th century. It doesn't matter what region of the world. Whatever's been invented up until that point, within reason, will be checked and allowed.
  • Your characters don't have to be sailors. They have to be pirates. Some may have lived in Chariot instead of as part of a crew on a ship. Of course, it's always nice to have people who do know how to sail. The crew of the ship will be about 10-15 people. NPCs will fill in the rest.
  • Remember the plotline of the roleplay and make sure that your character's motivations will line up with it,
    in one way or another (be creative, if you'd like.)
  • Wait for approval before posting in the Characters tab.
  • If you are making either a mage or a character who is on the ship for missions but does not know anything about how to sail, just let me know, so that I can make sure we don't have too many of either of these.

Also, I'm going to add a list of ship roles that you can make a character for if you so choose. But you also don't need to, it's just a guideline for those interested. Keep in mind that everyone on the ship, even the regular sailors, are still the best of the best, so not having a designated role doesn't make you any less skilled or important. A good amount of the story will take place on dry land as well.
  • Quartermaster/Bosun (is responsible for the crew's well being, is the crew's representative to the captain, and the ship being stocked up, etc. Crew technically votes him in (but this would have been done before the point where the RP starts), so he's probably a charismatic person. Maintains order, deals with disagreements. They actually has a lot of power so if you're making them I need a quality character sheet.)
  • Navigator (deals with maps, charting the course, and inventory records, etc. Also often steers the ship.)
  • Lookout (sits way up high in the masts, would usually also have the skills of a sailor)
  • Gunnery Master (is in charge of the cannons. This ship has a small arsenal, 3 on each side)
  • Carpenter (is able to repair parts of the ship or other equipment)
  • Medic (someone with healing magic, or just general medical training, first aid, amputating, etc.)
  • Cook (cooks.)
  • Riggers (those who are in charge of climbing around in the sails, basically. They'd also be sailors. Small,
    quick people, usually. There could be a few of these)
  • Sailors
  • A weather mage is often used to speed up a ship's progress with currents/winds

Things To Keep In Mind

  • This is high casual, and as such, I expect grammatical competency. However, I won't put any post length regulations on; just use common sense. If you post one paragraph every single time, that's not really enough. I won't correct your tiny little mistakes in posts, but I expect a certain level of capability.
  • Since this is original lore, I may point out something if it really goes against the world. Maybe I didn't mention it before; if so, I'm sorry I left something out, but I don't mean to be rude. I welcome questions, actually, please ask me about my lore. It will help everything work smoother, and I very much enjoy talking about it.
  • As the roleplay is a group thing, any efforts to communicate in and out of character will seriously help the RP's lifespan.
  • Characters can die. If your character dies, you can make another. Maybe you already had two anyways. I'm flexible.
  • Speaking of: If you want to make multiple characters, go right ahead, as long as you're going to be able to handle it.
  • Dice rolls might be used in some situations. I'll alert you all to them beforehand
  • Let me know if you need to go for a while, or if your post is delayed. Or if you're just leaving the roleplay. No hard feelings in any case and accommodations will be made. Of course, activity is appreciated.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LadyTabris
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LadyTabris princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Don't feel like you need to read all of this. Honestly, there's more here than I intended, but I get carried away. Tehre's even more in my head. You can always skim this and ask me any questions - I won't shout at you and tell you to read the post. I love to talk about my stuff. Read whatever's interesting, though you should know what's relevant to your character(which you are welcome to brainstorm with me for). I'll help out with plot-relevant stuff as we move if I need to.


I drew it myself and took a picture of it so please forgive the quality. The typed sections are where it became illegible.



Magic comes from the River. The term describes how it feels for mages. It's like a portion of their mind that they can access and channel into physical being. It's very mentally straining and taking too much power into themself can cause damage to the body. Bascially, mages need to know their limits. Different mages have different power capacities, but there's no formal scale used to pinpoint exactly where you are.

There are nine types of magic. Magic is born and then learned, and if it isn't learned it can escape from a mage's control. There are eight types of magic and a mage is only born with the ability to tap into one: healing, earth, pyromacy, enchanting, ice/cold/heat, illusion, weather, necromancy(control over spirits, its rarely used to reanimate bodies, though it can be), and shapeshifting. They are often called the First, Second, etc. in that order, as per Arrylia and Charta's naming systems.

Some magic or all magic is sometimes outlawed in different parts of the world. In Charta, mages are usually just sold into slavery. In Lybertay, they are executed. In the North, mages never make it to adulthood - they believe it is because of Gaia. In Mar and Arrylia, mages are forced into schools where they sometimes spend their entire lives. On Sura (continent with Endeny, Chorn, and Kopan), the "gene" (the science is unknown) is more uncommon, but not extremely frowned upon. It's looked at a bit skeptically, so often mages will take shamanistic roles privately or on the East Islands.


Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LordofthePies
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LordofthePies A Mess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Lucia Dorret (Luch-ee-uh Door-et)

Age: 26

Sex: Female

Nationality: Chorn

Class: Rogue/Archer

Physical Description:

Lucia has rather dark skin and almost black hair. Her eyes resemble the color of a mud puddle caught in the shadow of a building. Her face is built like that of a stereotypical fantasy elf; a long face, a pointed chin, high cheek bones, pointed eyes, and a small nose. Lucia is rather tall and is very lanky, she is roughly 6'2". Her dark hair is cut very haphazardly and short, looking like someone took fistfuls of hair and chopped it off. Lucia has long fingers, good for playing piano, and they add to her spindly appearance. She is missing her left pointer finger, in a result of her near-death experience. She has very soft skin, clearly not hardened by hard work or battle scars. Dorret has a ballerina-like gait, she walked quietly with a straight spine, head held height. She wouldn't be caught dead without her favorite, albeit cliche, forked pirate hat, black feather included.

Fighting Style:
Lucia prefers to strike from in the shadows. She's not an up-close as personal kind of gal, she prefers to fire the arrow that seems to appear from thin air before embedding itself in its target. When someone gets a little too close, she'll lash out with a dagger.

- Stealth
- Leadership
- Pickpocketing
- Archery

Lucia is constantly living in the "work smarter not harder" mindset. If she could do something faster by doing it dishonestly, she will. Her mindset might also be part of her slothfulness. She'd much rather sit than stand, walk than run, or starve for a few hours than go through the trouble of making a meal.
If she was a common-day human being, she would've been diagnosed with ADD. She'll switch a topic at the drop of a hat, and is attracted to anything that gives off a faint shine or glow. It's actually so bad, she'll be in the middle of running for her life but will stop to grab a coin from a nearby box.
Dorret has never liked the idea of someone's freedom's being taken away. If you can't do what you please, then what's the point of living?
Lucia doesn't believe in Gods and all that nonsense, but she does believe in some sort of an afterlife. She has total faith in the existence of ghosts.
Lucia, on one of her little 'adventures', encountered a very angry ice mage. What made him so upset was beyond her, but it might have something to do with his 'lost' items. In the middle of their meeting, the ice mage froze her to death. She was legally brain dead for a few minutes, leaving her with some brain damage. After the mage was captured and Lucia cooled off, pun intended, she figured everything was fine. That was until she started hearing voices and seeing off-putting images that were seemingly disregarded by the creatures around her. Turns out she didn't just lose her finger to frostbite that day, she also lost her mind.

History: Ever since she was a little miscreant living on a rice plantation she wanted to be a sailor. The freedom of being able to go where you wanted, whether that be a half a world away, was very appealing in her mind.
When her mother wasn't working and she wasn't sleeping, she would tell Lucia stories of her time at sea. Lucia stole herself a row boat after being inspired by her mother's tales. She dreamt of being able to sail anywhere, and have the experience of being truly free. Stealing the boat was not a very bright idea considering she didn't know how it worked and immediately lost the paddles when she finally got in the water. Even though she crashed it into several rocks, it was the best day of her life. Ever since she's been boating around every chance she gets.
Her father's thriving lessons stuck with her, so she took anything worth anything. She gained quite the criminal record, so becoming an honest sailor was something she couldn't really do. She still doesn't consider herself a pirate, she is a sailor in her mind, albeit a crooked one.
Her childhood would look like a mess to someone on the outside. Her mother a farmer and her father a crook. It wasn't exactly the best couple one would hope for. With her mother nearly consumed by the work on the rice field, she spent the majority of her time with her ex-con of a father. Before he had hidden away on Chorn, he had been a professional thief and assassin. He was still technically on the run, even though he didn't go anywhere.
Lucia's father often took her to the docks, to show her the closest thing to life outside of a field. This is where her father taught her how to be as quiet as a shadow, and to be a thieving weasel. She stole many trinkets from the sailors, and every now and then their lunch. When they were pulling off a small heist, that would be the only time she would hear her father laugh.
When she eventually got too big to give the sailors her doe eyes, her father taught her his other profession. When she first started, she could barely knock an arrow without it sliding away or falling off. Through the years of constant practice and advice from her father, she finally managed to shoot a rabbit. Although, when she was 15, her father was found and was sentenced to death for his crimes. Lucia remembered her father saying, "Everything is going to be alright. Stay strong, little thing," before he was taken onto a boat never to be seen again. She still practices with her bow, to honor her father's memory.

Around 50 gold (or whatever the currency is)
Spare clothes
Some blankets
A water skin
A pot
A short book

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SuperNova9000
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SuperNova9000 She/Her pronouns

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Anastasia Celica Verula III
AKA: Celica the Enchantress
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Nationality: Ivicis Hold, Empire of Mar
Class: Enchantress/Swordswoman
Physical Description:
Standing at a humble 5'2" Celica can appear rather unassuming. Her pale complexion and long jet black hair are trademarks of her lineage but none so prominent than her piercing blue eyes. It's rumored she can peer into your soul by staring you down but really she has spent enough time around liars to spot one at a glance.

She wears simple robes made of fine cloth and is rarely found without an assortment of leather belts adorned with different trinkets, vials, and the occasional book. Glasses rest on her nose fitted with silk string on either side to keep them in place.

Fighting Style:
Celica generally relies on her swordsmanship, as enchanting isn't all that practical in combat. She trained in Regal Fencing, a one-handed sword style that favors quick movements and piercing thrusts. Celica is quick but overall only slightly above average in terms of swordsmanship. She carries a rapier that is most suited to her style.

On the outside Celica is eccentric, sometimes even ludricous. A mad genius only to be taken seriously half the time. In reality she is observant, always calculating the risks and weighing them against the possible rewards. Celica had survived by anticipating the troubles ahead and formulating creative solutions.

During her time in the world she developed a taste for alcohol and consumes it at an alarming rate. Drunken witch is a common moniker that floats around the local cantinas. She hides the pain of her suffering in an ocean of booze and lashes out at those who might think to pry.

She despises nobility and sees them as opportunists born into privilege. Nothing matters to her more than her craft and so long as she has the freedom to pursue her research she is happy. Also of note is that Celica is a lesbian and holds a negative bias towards men.

Celica is the second daughter of the current governor of Ivicus Hold with two siblings, an older brother and sister. She lived a privileged life of sorts but was relatively unimportant in the scheme of politics. Because of this she saw the court for what it was, a den of wolves in sheep's clothing. She despised the courtiers for all their scheming and trickery. It was an unfortunate truth that she took to heart. Even her own father was well-versed in the art of performance and it was only natural that she learn as well.

Her social status afforded her an extensive education, she learned about many cultures and religions, though she never cared much for the latter. She also studied different forms of government, swordsmanship, statecraft, economics, horse-back riding, and sailing, among other things.

When she was twelve her father discovered her talent for magic. Being the opportunist that he was, he kept her magic a secret from the world and arranged a mage from a prestigious school to tutor her in secret. So Celica had yet another field to study. It didn't make much of a difference to her. She kept meeting in secret with her tutor until at sixteen rumors startedto spread that one of the governors daughters was a mage.

In order to save face Governor Verula made an announcement that Celica had recently been examined and accepted into the Ivicis school of Magic. It was a rather grandiose event, there was even a celebration although it was all just for show.

Her time at the magic school was spent learning about her talent. She learned of the different magics and how to implement them. Every day she spent buried in books, listening to lectures, an conducting practical experiments. She eventually escaped with the help of some colleagues in a rather gruesome fashion.

She drifted from place to place dodging bounty hunters and slavers until she found herself on the free isle. She made a home there where she regularly conducts research and sells enchanted goods to fund her work. She has also aided the council of captains on numerous occasions but has never aspired to captain a vessel herself, despite being qualified and wealthy enough to own a ship.

Leather utility belt ×3
Component pouch
Book pouch
Pressurized steam grenades x2
Flash paper x12 (generates blinding light when torn or cut)
Life elixir vials x 3 (stimulates rapid healing)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyTabris
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LadyTabris princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hey, thanks for coming by.
Okay, so I'll admit that I am slightly concerned about the quality here. I can tell it was done quickly, and I'd like to know that you can put in a bit more effort. I'm going to give a few points you could improve on, if you'd like to work on your sheet a bit more.
I know I posted in the casual thread, but I do want to get in depth with characters and plot, so a well-thought out character sheet would be appreciated.
Rogue/archer is fine for a class.
1)Sentence fragments. I understand having some in a character sheet for sure, but a few of your sections are almost nothing but, and it would be nice to see some real paragraphs as this is an "apply" sort of deal and I did want to know who I'm accepting.

2)I'd like to know more about this "Was technically dead. The brain damage drove her insane." part. I don't have a problem with this, but I'd like to hear more about it, because in order to write an insane character a lot of thought has to be put into their mental state. What's the story of what happened? It seems pretty important to her backstory.

3)Cat worshipping - It's from Charta, not Chorn. For the relevant bits on Chorn religion, it's under "Adana." If she isn't religious, that's fine, but she would know about Adana and her laws at least a bit, as she lived in that caste system. Believing in ghosts is fine, these societies have myths such as that as well.

4)Backstory - I only have a couple things to note. One: what sort of boat did she steal? Boats in this age are often only able to be sailed by 10+ people, as they're usually tallships or fishing boats. She could've snuck onto one of those, or stolen a smaller boat, which probably would have only been controlled by paddles (which maybe she lost, if you wanted her to crash?)
Next, maybe bump the age up on when she got so good with the bow. It makes sense she'd be good, that's the idea of the rp, but it might take a few more years than that to master her technique.
The only other thing I'm curious about more detail for is that her father was a thief, but she lived on a rice paddy. What was her childhood like?

Anyways. It isn't bad, of course, I just wanted a bit more detail in my sheets than this. If you want to edit it, you can take your time. I'm sure the IC won't be ready to go for a few days at the earliest.


And @SuperNova9000 can't wait. : )
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LordofthePies
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LordofthePies A Mess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Thanks for the feed back, and it was written pretty quickly since I wanted to just throw it out there. I'll be sure to improve on it. I'm glad you care enough to tell me these things.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LordofthePies
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LordofthePies A Mess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Bam, edited the character sheet. I hope it's improved.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyTabris
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LadyTabris princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm going to upload a map shortly, then look over LordofthePies' edits. (Which at a glance look much better!)

I am thinking about putting up a sort of "fillable ship roles" list. Like quartermaster, navigator, sailors, etc. I will probably put one up in the characters section if anyone wants to look it over. You don't have to take a role - being an average sailor is still important(as it's a sailor on the best crew the pirates have to offer). If your character doesn't now how to sail then just let me know. It's fine but I don't want too many people doing it.

Also, I'm going to add above that if you're making a Mage, id like tongue contacted before you start because I don't want too many. We have at least one right now, there's still room.

Just letting you guys know of the impending edits. :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyTabris
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LadyTabris princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thanks for going back through and putting more work into it, it looks much better. As long as you're willing to put in the same amount of effort on your posts, I'm good to accept her. I'm running a quality-over-quantity ship here, so as long as you put in a couple paragraphs with good substance on posts, there's no issue.

I would like to ask if her madness has much of an impact on how she acts, or if it's more occasional hallucinations? Is she violent when it happens?

While you're moving her over into the character tab, would you mind:
-bolding the categories
-under fighting style, "the arrow the seems" seems to be a typo
-in her backstory, third paragraph, typo thieving "thriving"

It's gonna be a little bit until the IC is live, to give people time to make characters (me included)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LordofthePies
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LordofthePies A Mess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I apologize about all the typos, I've been doing this on my phone and it fixes things without my knowledge sometimes. I'll be sure to fix those mistakes.

How Lucia's broken mind sees the world can differ on a day to day basis, but never really goes extreme. The voices she hears, on the other hand, can be very convincing, giving her reason to act a certain way, whether that means stabbing someone or eating a muffin. The images don't happen very often, but the voices are not a rare occurrence.

Will you be moving her over to Characters or should I?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyTabris
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LadyTabris princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

You go ahead.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 14 days ago

As I stated in the interest check, I am interested but I am a bit rusty. I'll edit in a character sheet with this post as well. Please do give input as to what else you would like me to add.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyTabris
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LadyTabris princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Great! Take your time, no worries. I'm rusty as a GM, too, so.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SuperNova9000
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SuperNova9000 She/Her pronouns

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I posted my current draft in my first post for review. It's more or less finished I think. Sorry for the walls of text.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyTabris
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LadyTabris princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Looks pretty good! Could you bold the category names?
One thing is her fighting style - what sort of swordsmanship? one hand or two hand, shortsword/longsword? shield? rapier? That's all for there. Also, just add an inventory to her, with her weapons and any materials or enchanting components she is going to travel with. She'd have a hammock and such on the ship so you don't have to worry about travel/camping supplies as much, but she probably would have a waterskin. I might also suggest adding a directly stated character flaw to her, just to make sure everything is balanced out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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I am exceptionally busy this week and will be through the weekend, but after that I should be able to make a character.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sputnik
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Sputnik Lost in Space

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Did somebody say pirates?

I hope there's still room for another female character. I would love to take part in this. :>

EDIT; Here, let me know what needs fixin'

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CaptainCaptcha
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CaptainCaptcha Spiral Powered

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Isaak
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Nationality: Valia
Class: Mercenary
Physical Description:

Isaak stands at about 5'11" and has a fairly muscular build. His hair is jet black and swept back to stay out of his face while his skin is a light tan shade. His eyes are a pale gunmetal blue and his face displays a nice calm expression most of the time. His body displays a number of scars from various encounters over the course of his life, though none of which are on his back. His most prominent scar is a streak of pale flesh that runs from the bottom left side of his nose diagonally down to his jaw. His body seems to oze strength and while he does often carry himself in a way that shows this off when he is around strangers, alone or when things are quiet he takes a looser and casual posture of just a teenager. He is definitely an insomniac, due to events in his past so he is often found training or simply lying awake at night.

Fighting Style:

He is a powerhouse with a greatsword. He trains constantly to increase his ability with the huge weapon. He uses his strength and agility to his advantage in up close combat, relying on overpowering his opponent(s) or being able to avoid whatever they can throw at him.


He tends to be fairly calm and serene. He will make sarcastic comments and poke fun (often going too far). He doesn't really know how to express himself due to his upbringing of being raised by socially inept mercenaries, so often charisma is not at all his strong suit. He does enjoy the feeling of camaraderie he once had from the band of mercenaries but they left him with a difficulty to trust basically anyone. The only way he ever learned to express himself was through combat, but there are other times when he starts to get the hang of it and other times he finds himself happy, and if he learns to trust you then you have a friend for life.

Isaak was found as a baby by a band of mercenaries that had been hired to storm a camp. Isaak had presumebly been born to someone in the camp but had been abandoned in the middle of the trail leading through it. He lay there, half in a blanket and crying. One of the kinder mercenaries, Arin, scooped him up and took him along with the group. THe time until isaak was about six years of age were fairly uninteresting, it was at this age that he was being taught how to fight. He was young, but no mercenary eats for free and so he was taught the ways of combat. He excelled at swordplay and wasn't half bad with another weapon in hand either. He caught on quick and trained a lot a night to get even better, and soon he was in battle. He did small roles and there wasn't too mch danger for him, but he was killing men none the less and though it was hard at first he soon learned it well.

By the time he was ten the band of mercenaries was at a good spot, they were well known and money came in, and Isaak had proven himself a worthy member. Sure they teased him and pushed him around, but if it came to it he was sure they would have his back. It was at this tender age that he had his little spot in the world ripped away from him. While they all slept a rival group that had been tracking them found their camp and stealthily made their way in and as the band of mercenaries lay asleep they were taken out. It was when Isaak woke up and saw what was happening that he yelled and attacked with all he had. He woke nearby comrades and those in near tents and soon the remaining ones were awake and fighting. They fought valiantly and well, but they were at a disadvantage from the start. Isaak wanted to fight to the end, but Arin's dying words were to run and run he did. Now he was a cold and lonely kid, with the only career skills to his name being murder. He kept on fighting as best he could, and learned that the world doesn't care how old you are, it will trod you down. People spit in his face and thought him disgusting, all he had to his name was his sword. He remained in the business he knew and still did very well, earning a very good name for himself by the time he was fifteen. It was at this time that he had gotten himself a new sword, one more fit to his size, a large greatsword made for an adult man of above average size. While he didn't seem large enough to wield it yet, Isaak knew he needed a weapon that would keep foes at range. What he had was power and he needed a weapon that would allow him to fully utilize it. He got a hand crossbow and called it a day, having all of the tools of the trade he would need to continue this line of work well into his life.


  • Greatsword
  • Hand Crossbow
  • Bolts
  • Waterskin
  • Bedroll
  • Whetstone
  • 150 Gold
  • A few novels
  • A tankard

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyTabris
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LadyTabris princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Sputnik Looks great! You do have some typos though, so just proofread it and go ahead and move it over, you don't have to check with me again.

@CaptainCaptcha Glad to have you lad move it over.

I'll put up my character tonight or tomorrow, and I'll probably put up the IC as soon as Monday-ish, a week from when the OOC was posted. I want to give people plenty of time to make characters and/or join.
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