Wrath of Darkness Roster

Cast and Crew of Expedition Team KV-73

Name: Jake Cross
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Role: Anselmo Ranger
- Survivalist
- Trained and well versed in surviving and making the most of the land and what it provides beyond the walls, including hunting, catching, and cooking game, navigating the Wild World, and Scavenging useful scraps to make simple tools for fires, cooking, and makeshift weapons. - Marksman
- Jake has his niche, it's not assault rifles, shotguns, and heavy weaponry, but weapons that fire with the squeeze of the trigger. His skill lies with sniper rifles and DMRs leaving him with an array of semi-automatic skill. - Gunslinger
- With an affinity for sidearms, Jake is a crack shot with a variety of pistols. Though he's still best with his Armasta 47. - Dexterous
- Jake is fast on his feet and and a match with his arms. Reacting quick and relying more on speed than strength to overcome obstacles and solve his problems. - Demolitionist
- Using bombs is so easy any man could do it, but making the most out of a limited supply is what makes a Demolitionist. Jake can make very damaging and dangerous explosions if given enough time to set it up right. - Pilot
- Jake has quiet a bit of flight time under his belt from his days of being a pilot for the Anselmo Armored Divison. While not a flying ace versed with all methods of aircraft, he can pilot most standard Anselmo aircraft with relative ease.
- - Designed with versatility in mind, the M-38 has a break away barrel that folds down on the weapon converting it from a high powered sniper rifle to a more rapid rifle semi-automatic DMR with less stopping power, but more refire capability.
- - Designed with rapid fire, low recoil, high magazine capacity from the under-barrel magazine, and acceptable stopping power in mind this sidearm makes a perfect backup weapon for sustaining a fight, if only at close ranges.
- Combat Survivalist's Knife
- Nothing too particularly special as far as survival knives go. Keeping a sharp edge, notched back, flint pommel, and a wedge cross guard ready to help one survive in the wild. - D78-HEC Remote Explosive Packs (12)
- High explosive, emplaceable or throwable, these packs are designed for causing extreme damage in a small space, usually for demolition or armored asset destruction. - Survivor's Cloak
- More or less a layered cloak with a variety of patch work swaths on it to add a minor semblance of camouflage for all terrains. While not superb in any one environment it offers moderate environmental protection and concealment in most terrains.
Appearance: A rugged man in a rugged world. Jake stands at about 6' 1'', maintaining a toned and lithe figure from a life spent on the run. More dexterous than strong he has signs of when his dexterity failed him, granting scars and scrapes all across his body. His brown unkempt hair with his growing facial hair give a hint at his priorities, expressing a greater concern for survival than having a clean shaven mug.
Usually wearing light clothing and similar padding, he keeps his padded leather jacket on him at all times as it keeps him quick and comfortable through the Wild World. His tactical harness fits snug against his body to ensure that his weapons, ammo, and supplies are always within easy reach. Finally are his special goggles that often stay on his forehead, but come down should the weather get too riled up. What makes them special? They have an adjustable tint that allows them to go from clear to tinted at the push of a button.
Background: Jake grew up within the wall of Anselmo, specifically the Civil District. Attending proper school and keeping well away from the walls of the city Jake was destined for a life inside the city, working a safe job and making a well living in doing so. However, his fate dwelled beyond the walls and when he was twelve and on a venture to the Military District he saw all the Rangers and Guardians moving about, busy and working with a guided goal in mind. To him this was something worth his time especially because it was all for a new world, one where they wouldn't need to move and run around to fight against monsters. Their goal was a world of peace and harmony; a truly free world.
When Jake turned 18 and was of an age to enlist with the Anselmo Military he went to the Military Academy, learning to fly above the dangerous Wild World below him in order to deliver supplies and transport Expedition Teams. It was a job that he loved as it made him feel like he was making a real difference in the fight against the monsters.
Once again though, fate stepped in to change Jake's life forever and this time it was a change by fire. Jake had been called to an outpost under siege in order to evacuate the citizens to safety. It wasn't his first time flying in a danger zone, but this time was different.
On his second trip he landed his helicopter inside the outpost that was quickly falling apart. The defenses were failing and Jake knew that this was going to be his last trip. Making the choice to pack his heli past it's weight limit and over capacity he wanted to get as many innocents out as he could before the outpost became ash.
Taking off and making flight just as the defenses fell he watched with all of those escaping with him as fire, fangs, and claws overran the outpost. It was a bloodbath and there was no way anyone could survive it. Not with that many mouths running around. Yet the worst was still to come...
Due to his helicopter being past it's weight limit he couldn't get the altitude he needed to maintain a safe distance from the ground and halfway back to Anselmo several monsters took notice of this. Leaping from the tall trees to slash and snap at the copter they tore at it's underbelly and latched onto the tail, severing it and sending the helicopter into a wild spin towards the ground. Jake tried to guide the impact down, but that was impossible. The crash was cushioned by the cracking branches and let the hull of the helicopter land mostly intact. However, as Jake looked around through foggy and dazed eyes he quickly found that he was trapped in the wreck of his copter. All he could do was watch as the monster descended upon the survivors, plucking them up like wounded prey to rip apart and devour alive. The blood and screaming changed him for the worse, scarring his mind and making him understand the truth of what the world was like, wild, brutal, and cruel.
Just as one of the monsters had noticed Jake was still breathing and it descended on him, trying to reach and claw through the twisted metal of the helicopter a thunderous roar came over the white noise of gnashing teeth and scrapping claws. The hail of bullets peppered the monsters, clearing the way for the advancing Rangers sent to recover the downed heli. After the fight Jake found that he was one of four survivors. That meant the other 47 perished either in the crash or from the monsters.
Upon returning to Anselmo Jake was told how it wasn't his fault, how he was trying to save people, and how it couldn't be avoided. Yet Jake knew the truth, he could've saved more lives by just leaving a few behind, listening to the weight limits, and knowing the limits of his craft. Now due to his choice 47 people died, most of whom were noncombatants.
When the choice to return to the skies came up Jake declined, instead taking up the mantle of a Ranger and learning the art of a Marksman. If he couldn't help people by running supplies and troops being be a troop making a real difference on the front lines. After all the only way to make a difference and move towards the dream of a peaceful life was to fight for it tooth and nail; to give all you have in the hopes of making a real difference. It's that hope that let Jake not give up and grow past his mistake. After all if you can't keep your head high then you've already been defeated and you'll never find your peace.
As the years passed on and Jake went on expedition after expedition he became adapted to the Wild World and it became his second home. Sure it wasn't easy at first but it grows on you and after several years of it he was labeled a Veteran Ranger as most can't make it more than 5 years as a Ranger without getting killed, yet Jake managed it. All the while keeping hope in his heart that one day he'd find that peaceful world he always dreamed of.
Other: Jake cares for his rifle like it was his own child and treats it with as much respect he would a Human being. Also a bit of a recovering smoker, still lighting up from time to time for a familiar fix.
Wish: Jake wishes for a normal life. One worth living and one without fear of bloodthirsty monsters, savage Wild Ones, or massive Leviathans. A life of peace.
Trauma: The faces and the lost lives of the refugees Jake failed to save during that fateful crash still haunt him to this day.
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