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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Deos Morran
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Deos Morran I am the Adorable!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Wrath of Darkness

Prologue: Enter The Wild World

Anselmo Date 2353-08-14
Location: Anselmo Military District, Landing Pad A-04

The members of Expedition Team KV-73 had received their brief the night prior by a rather prominent and decorated veteran of the Wild World, General Richard. It was unusual for one of his stature to come out and give a brief personally, but this expedition was different. Instead of sending a team on a specific mission to search, scout, or gather a specific thing, KV-73 was to be flown to Outpost ZT-141, 'Treehouse' and upon landing, mount up on pre-staged and pre-equipped Duvari to travel deep into uncharted territory. Their mission, to investigate a strange beam of light seen deep in the Wilds past the Treehouse. It was a dangerous mission and one that was truly not to standard code as nothing like this phenomenon has ever been reported in the past. This could be a breakthrough in the fight against the monsters, or a new threat come to upset the current balance. Either way Humanity needed a brave group of souls to go above and beyond the call of duty to investigate.

Today was the big day and as everybody came together on the busy and noisy landing pad each and every soul present knew that it was show time. Personal supplies were distributed before the flight and as everyone on the team was issued a survival pack containing a personal multi-environmental tent, spark stick, close-ranged team-band radio sets, sleeping pad with folding cot, an advanced medical field kit, Rugged wear flashlight, mess kit, emergency tarp, and an omni-tool with shovel, pick, ax, and hammer attachments. In addition all of the team's personal gear was loaded up and made ready to travel.

After their gear came themselves, boarding the helicopters as the heavy winds from the rotors beat down against them. Yet as each member braved the winds and came together on one helicopter they'd find themselves sitting side by side, and across from the ones who'd be watching their backs, guiding their steps, and making sure that everybody made it back home safe.

As the whir of the helicopters engines began to swell and the feeling of gravity pulled down on everybody inside the ground grew farther and farther away. Before long the walls of Anselmo flew by beneath them and that was it. They've entered the Wild World and were well on their way into the unknown.

Not one to keep an awkward silence Jake Cross, the leader of this Expedition Team spoke up over the helicopter's radios, "I don't know about you guys. But I'm excited. This is something nobody has ever done. We're blazing trails to something that's never been seen before." Taking a minute to let that thought sink in he keyed back over the net to ask, "Anybody nervous? I sure as shit am!"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mataus
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Reed lifted his helicopter into the air for what would be the largest mission for him to date. Sure, he had flown Rangers into hotspots and had some hairy evacuations, but those weren't phenomenal, as the mission was being called. Those missions, he felt, would pale in comparison. He looked at the corner of his helmet, which caused a window showing the helicopter cabin to open on the right half of his helmet. In the window, he saw the team of expert Rangers, probably the best or the best that could be offered at the current time for the mission, as they made their pre-combat checks for the mission. Speaking of the mission, he had begun to ponder what it could be.

The only image that appeared in his head was that of a child holding a flashlight. But the Wild World wasn't a place for a child, let alone a trained Ranger. In truth, what was once the planet of humans had become someone else's planet. A planet of beasts, monsters, Leviathans. He shuddered at the world, closing the window of the cabin camera. These men and women were about to drop right into the action and Cross was not going to make it seem like they were steeled against fear. Reed didn't blame the man. "I'm nervous for all of you," Reed replied from the pilot seat, "but I'll do my best to make sure you have a ride in or out, every single time."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Rig clenches tight to his paints. This was stupid. He knew it was stupid. He had worked on helicopters a bunch of times. He knew how they worked, what made them tick. But honestly? He was never the biggest fan of flying. He could feel sweat on his forehead and he wondered if it was noticeable to his new crew-members. He didn't have any image to uphold or anything, but he didn't necessarily want to be seen as the liability mechanic. As his superior made his voice heard over the comm, Rig looked up from the floor. The look on that man's face was an interesting one. He seemed excited, but yeah, nervous. A small grin started to form on Rig's face, he was glad he didn't have a stuffed up old coot barking orders down his neck. Trying to let his muscles slack a little Rig took a deep breath through his nose, looking around the cabin to get a better look at them all. These were the people that he would be working with and for. He hoped they would all make it back.

The radio lit up again as the pilot made his voice known. Responding to Mr.Cross and assuring a way out if things got hairy. Which of course, they would. Biting the bullet Rig decided to chime in, "I'll make sure this baby's flying whenever you need man, glad to have you flying it." He paused for a moment, debating on holding his tongue or to continue embarrassing himself. Choosing the later, he crackled the radio alive; "Captain if your clip's empty i'm sweating enough bullets for all of us."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Night Prior

Being called for a de-briefing is one thing, but when it is given by a high brass? It's important, strategically so. As the briefing went on, he began studying the maps given, starting from the largest photographed area down to the smallest detailed one. After the briefing he stood up, saluted and left his backpack on his back. It was going to be a long mission and he needed a drink and what better place to go than Civies. It wasn't a Docs or 36th&Main, two well established chains, but it was a place for military personnel and their families. Civilians inside Anselmo, they didn't understand what rangers did. No, that would be selfish to say. More like, many didn't experience what rangers did. It wasn't like guarding a wall or transporting people into the brush. They were in the brush, finding old new technology, taking out crazed Wild people and reclaiming old territory. Many kids in his housing area, as well as those who stop in the bar, want or wanted to be like him and many others. But those kids reminded him of himself in the past and thus, he would warn them about was out there. He was never rude, just real as it was his reality.

He walked down a few streets before reaching Civies. A bouncer outside greeted him with a nod. Former Guardian Thomas Jones was a bulky man. Six foot six, three hundred and thirty pounds and most of it earned from military fitness and bodybuilding. His nickname...

"Hey Tiny Jones smirked.

"James, how's da Mil treatin ya?" He bobbed his head side to side.

"Not too bad. I'm heading out tomorrow into the brush." Tiny nodded silently.

"Take care of yaself buddy." James nodded.

"I try Thomas but no garuntees. Oh yeah by the way, figured out what it is yet?" He stopped in the doorway.

"Its a girl." Jones smiled. James eyes lit up and laughed a bit, shaking Jones' hands before saying goodbye and entering the bar.

It was a bit hazy inside, mostly because they allowed smoking inside the bar. Music played softly overhead, with some of those at the bar tapping their fingers to the rhythm. The sound of clacking could be heard for the pool tables to the left and others playing darts behind them. on the right was a small stage with two people setting up guitars for the live music that night.

"Look what the cat dragged in...Better yet, I don't think even the cat would drag you in."

"Would need something bigger than a cat to drag my raggedy ass anywhere." The bartender giggled. Samantha Hewitt, his favorite bartender and girlfriend.

"How you been." James nodded, his tongue sticking slightly out as his focus came down onto the glass of whiskey before him. He nodded slowly before clicking his tongue with a smirk. She sighed.

"Where this time.." Slight sadness entering her voice, muffled slightly by the ambience but enough for James to hear it and he shook his head.

"Classified..." She rolled her eyes before dropping the cleaning rag into the sink.

"Everything is always classified with you. When we first started dating that's what you told me. Every single time. How long? Classified...To where? Classified...With who?-
"Classified, I get it. heheh..." He stayed silent for a bit but looked up from underneath his boonie with a light smile. The music overhead stopped as the man and women setting up the guitar greeted everyone and talked a little about themselves. Not like he cared anyway. They began playing acoustic, a light hearted song compared to many vet bars whose music just reminded them of the past. There was never anything wrong with that, but sometimes something upbeat could be beneficial.

He gestured for her to lean closer.

"What time do you get off?"

"Well I'm covering for someone right now so its whenever. The next shift just got in so-" He nodded.

Back at his apartment Samantha and himself sat down in front of the TV, listening to the news with a glass of beer and wine. She laid against him, holding swirling her grape based alcohol around in her glass.

"So do they think its going to benefit humanity?" He shrugged.

"Not sure. Duration out there can be from a week to a month. But its not going to be easy. New group, new personalities. I'm just hoping we don't clash. Plus I don't want to watch some greenhorns ass. This isn't some simple patrol or salvage mission. This is big, real big." He seemed to stare past the TV, not even noticing right away that Samantha's bosom was now blocking his view.

"Well soldier, I have a mission for you...Down south there is a monster that needs to be slain. Its been known to be a man-eater." She cooed, rocking her hips back and forth. James snapped out of it immediately with a smirk.

"Oh yeah? Is it dangerous?" She laughed before leaning in to kiss him.

"Just stop and kiss me..."


@deadpixel101@Mataus@Deos Morran
James had gathered his gear and went through it. He of course had his own back and was big enough to add what they gave him to it so he did just that. Sorting through the necessities and discarding what he already had. He added the information packet into his bag towards the top, some reading material for the ride up. He opened up his rifle case and took out Severence, his trusty sword. He pulled the lever back, opening the chamber to check how clean it was and continued through the rest of the gun. He moved on to his assault rifle and then loaded and locked them so when he landed, he was ready to go. With all the gear gathered up he made his way to the chopper.

Stepping on, he looked around to those onboard and to the big cat in the cage. He scratched the side of his eye and coughed before taking a seat. There wasn't much time passed before he felt the chopper lifting off. There was a bit of turbulence but that was to be expected on a chopper like this. He leaned his head side to side until he heard a crack each way and pulled out a pack of smokes, lighting one of them and taking a long drag from it, his ghillied hood resting on his shoulders. He currently wore his boonie but his helmet was on his lap, fitted so it could latch onto the hood of his ghillie suit. Custom made to fit his mono-optic headset.

He listened to the chitchat that went back and forth over the comms. Rolling his shoulders he looked at their expedition leader.

"Nervous? No...Not nervous. Scared? Most definitely but fear keeps you alive, keeps your wits about you so no sir I'm not nervous. You can keep you bullet sweat. I don't know what kind of diseases you carry, heheh." He looked at the leader and then towards Rig with a smirk and short chuckle before leaning back again.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 12 days ago

Isis Nasri

"Don't worry too much, captain! The wild word isn't as scary as you think. Once you get used to it, you may find surprising in how beautiful it is." Isis said, with a smile on her face.

"And I'll be there with you all, so you don't need to be afraid!" she said with a playful wink.

"I must say... I'm actually pretty surprised that the higher ups allowed a Nasri on this mission, given how they all think us to be 'eccentric' and 'animalistic'... " Isis said for no one in particular, looking through the window of the helicopter.

"Hey Captain, you know anything 'bout that? I didn't think that the higher ups would allow me in this mission." she said, laughing.

The Nasri family, due to their "unique" combat style, the unusual connection they had with the wild word and the whole "fighting as a pack" thing often made other rangers thing lowly of them, often calling them eccentric and weird. But their effectivity was undeniable.
Although Isis was already accustomed in going out in the wilds, that mission was apparently not just another scouting or hunting mission. It was a big thing. Like... Real, real big. If she thought like that, then probably it was a smart idea to bring a Nasri with them. After all, there was no other ranger as well familiarized with the wild word and its creatures as the Nasri. Talking about creatures...

"HISSS" A loud, feline hiss echoed through the helicopter, coming from the cargo compartment.

"Bastet! Easy girl!" Isis said, worried.
"I do understand why they would want a Nasri for this mission, but couldn't they at least let me take Bastet with me? Poor girl hates being in a cage."
"We're getting there shortly, I know you don't like it, but hang in there for just a little more..." Isis said, walking to the door of the cargo compartment and talking, trying to calm down the big female duvari, as it continued to growl.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"If you're not nervous, you're either stupid or you know exactly what's gonna happen once we step off this bird," the masked enigma sitting on the floor with her legs hanging out of the helicopter replied, breaking her silence. Spook looked back at the amassed group, gas mask concealing any expression that went with the words. It was somewhat obvious that something was gnawing at her though, like she had something larger than the coming mission on her mind. The hint was gone by the time anyone would look over, anyway. "You all know Murphy's Law, right? If something can go wrong, it will? I have a feeling we'll be dealing with that really soon." She pulled one leg up into the chopper before standing up and taking the seat that was directly beside Jake.

She pulled her pistol out of her cloak, a powerful yet simply designed weapon that would smash the arm of anyone that didn't expect the power behind it. She simply took the magazine out of the gun and examined it briefly before sliding it back in with a click. The weapon found its way back into her outermost layer and her hands were quickly filled with the sword she kept on her back. From the folds of her coat, she produced a whetstone, which found itself sharpening the blade. "She'll be fine, Isis. Just wait 'til we're on the ground and she'll be back to her normal self." The grinding of stone on steel filled any silence there was between the whooshing of the helicopter blades. Though there was something significant that changed, the hissing from the cargo stopped, along with any crashing there might've been.

"So what brings everyone here? Aside from being the textbook definition of expendable, of course." She flipped over the sword and kept sharpening it, looking around at the various faces.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Deos Morran
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Deos Morran I am the Adorable!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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MechonRaptor Recuperated!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Through the intros, Matthias had sat there, observing his new comrades with skepticism and worry. The skepticism came from how odd the group seemed to be at first sight, making him wonder if the phenomenon they were investigating was tied to The Other. Though, a strange beam of light could be anything at this point, but if it were connected to The Other, then he supposed that was why he was here. Either that, or it was due to his medical training, which was a reason to worry in his eyes. He supposed they did need medics on the field, but for such an important mission, shouldn't one with a bit more military training have come on this unusual mission? There were so many questions he felt could be answered, but he supposed that he'd find out in time. They chose him for a reason, and even if he wasn't confident in their reasonings, he knew he'd have to stick with it.

Soon, he had clasped his hands in front of him, where he laid his right fingers over his left, leaving his thumbs connected to create some sort of oval. It was a way he had been shown to calm down and assess the situation, taking short and slow breaths with his eyes closed, though his helmet blocked that view. He didn't want to take it off anyway, wanting to grow accustomed to having it on 24/7. After it seemed that the conversation was waiting for another participant, he decided he would have to speak.

"I could be here for a majority of reasons, but if I had to assume which ones, it would most likely be that I am both your medic and your seer. And it isn't the wild that's the problem, it's The Other... Regardless, I'll do my best to keep you all alive out there." He responded, attempting to sound calm despite the situation. Maybe it was just him that was nervous since he didn't have the most combat training outside Anselmo, but he wanted to help in ways where working in Anselmo was not an option. At least it would put his knowledge to use in a more... efficient way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Deos Morran
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Deos Morran I am the Adorable!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jake Cross

Jake felt the tug of the helicopter rising up and taking them away from Anselmo. It was a familiar feeling and one he both hated and loved at the same time. No matter how you sliced it or saw it this was the beginning of something big. Everybody knew it and as each member of the team spoke up in turn, voicing a response to his previous statement he knew it. Each one had a type from caring teamplayer, to the nervous but good intended. From the tough guy proving something, to the weird and abnormal. From the cold pessimist to the blind optimist. They were all stuck together and one now, for better or worse they were all they had.

"Thanks Reed. I'm glad to hear somebody's willing to chase my ass through Hell and high water." Jake said after keying in the net for their pilot. "And don't you go worrying too much there Rig! We've got a long ride ahead and I don't want you passing out on me before you have a chance to fix our way out of the fire." He continued on to say for their resident mechanic.

"What's the difference James? Nervous or Scared they both do as you say! They keep you alive and able to come back home safe and sound. Just do me a favor. Don't lose those wits of your's so you can keep my ass safe when mine fail." Jake picked up again for James. However, that's about when he heard Isis chime up about her pet, or sister. Really he didn't know with those Nasri folks. "Thanks for the vote of confidence Isis. I'll be sure to sleep cozy come nightfall. And hey! I'm sure they let one of you along with us because every team needs a nut job." He commented to her, returning the playful wink.

"Oh come on Spook don't be such a pessimist! Everybody knows Murphy is a dick, just gotta tell him to leave you alone!" He started to say in response to the resident gas mask. Though her playing with her weapons put him a tad on edge, especially with how close she was to him, "Easy there killer, I'm not looking to get impaled due to a little turbulence." Yet she did pose an interesting question. What brought everybody to this special brand of Hell on Earth. "If you care for my take. I'm here because my dumb ass wanted to make something happen and what better way to do that than to go and chase down some lights." He gave, almost sarcastically given on a very basic level they were doing just that. Chasing down some light in the middle of nowhere.

That only left the team Seer who appeared not ready to talk yet. Or maybe that wasn't the right word as he appeared to be, well not here to be honest. Sitting down at his bench, hands folded and brought up to his head with his eyes closed. This wasn't Jake's first time dealing with a Seer and he knew there were always a bit different, but this one seemed like a very level headed man who just so happened to talk to a supernatural force.

Of course there were a few others coming with them on this mission, but not only has Jake ran a few missions with them, they know their jobs and stick to them. The first being Communications Officer Aria, she knew everything about radios and arrays to the point that Jake considered it damn near obsessive. Still it left him with a good feeling know that as long as she was alive they'd have a way of calling home. After her was the team's researcher and Occultist, Derek Alonse. This man wasn't a Seer, but he was weirder than the most abstract Seer imaginable. He was all about The Other and how it changed the world and as much of an odd ball he was, he sure knew his stuff.

Pondering for a minute about what would come next he heard the Seer speak up from his previous silence and speak of his reason for being here. A medic AND a Seer? Kid has talent and he's sure an asset to the team. Though his take on The Other was a rather odd one. Most Seers in Jake's experience viewed The Other almost as a God to be worshiped. Which was rather weird and savage as most of the Wild Ones did that, but he never minded too much given they weren't trying to kill and cook him. Though to find that he had a mind different from the common cut of Seers, well it was easy to say that he earned Jake's interest in those two sentences. "Well if nobody else plans on saying it I gladly will. Happy to have you on the team Matthias." He said over the net.

Though as everybody talked about and the helicopter flew on through the skies safely above the Wild World below. They still had a bit of a trip ahead of them, which allowed for more mingling. For anybody who looked out the window they'd be greeted with wonderful sights. While the wild world was dangerous beyond imagining it's overgrown and changed landscapes were something of true beauty. Enough so to almost make one think that so much evil couldn't exist among so much wonder.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mataus
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You bet your sorry ass I'll fish you out of any hot spot, sir," Reed replied to Cross with a grin masked by his flight helmet. He had the easy job: drop off Rangers, fly off around fifty miles as to not bring monsters to the Rangers, set the autopilot to do loops in the area, and wait till he heard a transition from the team. He sometimes got bored, but he'd usually read the latest news on outposts and military accomplishments to keep up to date. Reed reopened the troop bay camera on his HUD, watching and listening as the Captain talked to everyone, meeting and greeting the men and women who'd watch his back, and him their's.

Soldiers always seemed to need to converse before a mission, it seemed to help to know that everyone was as nervous as you were. It let some of the pressure off of your chest. He was sure there were exceptions, but usually, he always heard the same chit chat about being nervous. On another note, Reed still wondered why they had to bring one of those large cats with them. The Nasri were just weird people and now he would have hair all over his troop bay. Better than dead and dying soldiers, he supposed, but he had allergies to cats.

He sighed, watching the ground whirl by through his golden visor. "And on your right, you'll see a few nomad giants. They're slow moving and pretty lazy, as many of you probably know. I see their groups lazily wandering the area during most flights. Pretty passive too, once watched them pass by a Ranger camp without disturbing them. After they ate what resembled some elephants, of course. Scavengers, if you ask me." Reed said, giving him something to talk about. The Rangers probably didn't care, and he didn't care if they cared. They had the mission to think about, that was what mattered.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Rig smiled to himself at the responses and chatter. Before he knew it the idle nature of the conversation was helping. He looked again to each face, covered or otherwise of the people around him. Some where a lot more threatening then others. The medic looked like a simple enough guy, but of course he wasn't. Medical training and a seer? Bud's got talent.

The strange cat lady was also a point of notice. He didn't like the big thing she was bringing with her. He also didn't like the fact that after this flying bucket landed, he'd be on one himself. He shuddered at the thought. Maybe she could give him some tips on the creatures later. "I've just got Lyme disease, pox, a cold, and uhm, the black death last time I checked. Nothing to stress over." He chided over to James. He was glad to be joking at a time like this. Like captain's saying, they are going into a completely undocumented scenario. He hoped they could talk like this most of the trip.

"Luckily for you captain, I fix engines in my sleep. So there's nothing to worry about." As the pilot lit up the comms, he looked out to the side of the vehicle. He may have been away from the outside, but he could still see those big things. He wasn't scared per say, but seeing them reminded him once again of his reality. This wasn't a pub they were sitting in, it was a delivery. Soon he'd be on the ground, expected to deal with things of at least that size. He sighed to himself, trying to let his smile drift too far away. At least those one's wont eat me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Deos Morran@MechonRaptor@Mega Birb@13org@deadpixel101@Mataus
Nathaniel shook his head. "No no. There is a deference. If you're saying your nervous, your cocky, arrogant, ignorant. You don't respect the Wild. What it stands for, what it does to people, military and civvi alike. But fear-" He nodded as he leaned forward, looking through the commander with a thousand yard stare, subtle wide eyes and a light smirk. It would seem almost like a crazed look with a touch of amusement. He could be confused with a wildling if Jake hadn't read up on his profile, which James figured he must've. He did when he ran Jester.

"Fear is that primal instinct that helps even the most sophisticated and civilized men and women survive in the sea of death which is the Wild. It humbles you, it shows you respect what's out there. Without it, your nothing more than meat to something bigger and deadlier. We're no longer the apex predators of the animal kingdom, not any more, not with Leviathans and god knows what else mucking about. With all due respect sir, I believe fear and nervousness are different. Though they intertwine they are different entities in their own right. Call me crazy or call me wise, fuck, call me an asshole. I don't care...With all due respect." He sighed, two plumes of smoke exiting his nose as he sat back and looked down to his rifle. He nodded, leaning his head to the side.

"But I guess with this being said I should say that I've lived out in the Wild a good portion of my life as a scavenger accompanying rangers into the Wild. Lived in Outpost Archeron. I scavenged for a while but some shit happened that forced my hand. Joined the military and the ranger division. Why? so I can come out here into the Wild and keep doing what I like doing. Guess you can say I'm an adrenaline junkie for shit like this. Now as for what brought me here? Transferred. Jester was shutdown. Reasons are classified but before I lead them, I watched over them like an angel. I was three angels in one. I was their guardian angel, the angel of vengeance and the angel of death. I hold the ranger's marksmen record with a confirmed kill over 2200 meters with this baby here." He tapped his rifle with a grin.

"So basically I'm here to watch you all run into the fray as I find a nice comfy tree or piece of land to lay in and watch over your asses. Especially yours Isis...Woof. He laughed as he looked at Isis. A lighthearted jab at her. He looked back over the crew.

"I'm the Grim Reaper ladies and gents. My touch of death can be felt a mile plus away before you here my call. By then I have moved on. Nothing more than a faint whisper in history." There was the slight crazed smirk of his. Internally he was scared shitless. This mission brought him past his comfort zone. Well into the brush. Creatures of the abyss wandered this expansive hellhole. in droves. Past the nearest outpost, past any decent form of sanctuary but despite this fear, he felt serenity. This was like a second home to him with a love hate relationship. It was like the old world when people would dive with sharks or skydive. Death was an immediate threat before jumping in with sharks or jumping out of a perfectly good aircraft. But in the moment one got inches from a Great White, or when they let gravity take them thousands of feet back to earth, it was the closest thing to being alive anyone could get without dying. But as he has seen, in those final moments of someone's life, is when life's greatest question "Why are we here?" is answered. The answer:

To survive...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Spook scoffed at Jake telling her to ease it up with her weapons, though she still complied and sheathed the sword on her back. "Just 'cause I'm being pessimistic doesn't mean I'm wrong." She leaned forward and stashed the whetstone somewhere on her person, though exactly where was a mystery. Otherwise, she nodded to what the others said, at least until Nate had a psychotic break and started calling himself the Grim Reaper. At this, she looked up at him, blank stare of the mask calling him on his shit before she even said anything.

"Bullshit. Ninety-six has the farthest confirmed kill, 2500 meters. Took a Wild One Chieftain's head clean off, fucker was dead before he hit the ground. You're in seventh, behind Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock, at 2,286 meters with an M2 Browning machine gun." She took a second to let the fact sink in, that he was eighty-six meters short of outranging an automatic weapon. And then she picked up where she left off. "You're eighty-six meters short of a guy in a jungle with a machine gun, and three-hundred of the record. You wanna go for it? By all means, but everything out here is pissed off enough to know you're shooting at it from four miles away. Now are you done being edgy?" Spook sat back and crossed her arms and legs, right foot bouncing lightly to keep the time.

She happened to glance over at Isis while she awaited some kind of response. Nate was right about one thing, she had to admit; she had an ass to kill for.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 12 days ago

Isis Nasri

"She'll be fine, Isis. Just wait 'til we're on the ground and she'll be back to her normal self." Spook said, referring to Bastet.

"I know... But I cant help but be worried about her..." Isis said, putting one hand on the cargo door.

"Anyways, when we get out of the helicopter, don't be afraid. IF you haven't seen Bastet or any other of the Nasri's Duvari, they are different than the common ones you use as mounts. They are bigger, stronger, more agile and more aggressive. Unlike others bred in captivity, they still have all their wild instincts as sharp as a knife. Just... be careful when getting nearby us when we are sleeping." she said smiling awkwardly.

"But I can assure you she wont do you guys any harm."

"I could be here for a majority of reasons, but if I had to assume which ones, it would most likely be that I am both your medic and your seer. And it isn't the wild that's the problem, it's The Other... Regardless, I'll do my best to keep you all alive out there." Matthias said, drawing Isis attention when he spoke about The Other.

"The Other..." she repeated, biting her lower lip.
Corruption, unnatural things that were affecting the balance of the natural world. There was only one way to deal with them, and that was to kill every single one of them.
"I... Thanks for your help, both as a medic and as a seer." she said, looking to Matthias.
"The Other. They affect the balance of the natural world, corrupting the nature and everything they touch..." she said, looking outside the window as they passed by a big tree, towering above others on the jungle.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence Isis. I'll be sure to sleep cozy come nightfall. And hey! I'm sure they let one of you along with us because every team needs a nut job." Commander Jake said, with a cheerful tone.

"Well, our methods are certainly different from the other rangers', but if we are talking about going outside in the jungle, we are among the best. Oh, and don't worry, our bows can pierce even the strongest hides." she said, getting her bow on her back and showing it to them, the sharp, carbon bow string vibrating as she touched it.

"These gloves are actually not just for me to fight and climb trees, but if I try to use my bow without them, it will hurt my hand pretty badly... Actually, it might even damage or even sever tendons in more extreme cases..." she said, flexing her hands in front of her, the small, dagger-like fingernails making a low metallic sound as they touched each other.

"Why we still use bows? Well... they don't jam, fail or break as easily as guns... They are very resistant to adverse weather, its ammunition can be reused and if we run out of ammo, we can do more with things we can find in the wilderness."

Almost as if she had listened Isis talking about bow and hunting, Bastet growled in the cargo compartment. Instead of just the sounds that a normal Duvari would make on that situation, it was almost like it heard what Isis said and it was answering her, communicating with her.

"Don't worry Bastet. You'll be able to run free soon enough. I promise we'll hunt something tasty for us tonight." she said giggling as Bastet growled happily.

"I will prepare part of it for us too, don't worry." she whispered to the rest of those in the cabin, in a playful tone.

Isis was already lost in her own thoughts again, leaning herself on a window, looking at the jungle down below, but she was surprised by a comment made by James.
"So basically I'm here to watch you all run into the fray as I find a nice comfy tree or piece of land to lay in and watch over your asses. Especially yours Isis...Woof.

"M-mine?!" Isis asked, turning her head sharply to face James before immediately becoming self conscious about the pose she was making and turning her back to the wall, blushing.

"Don't!! I... I mean, I don't need anyone taking care of me but... It would be good to have someone watching over my bu... back in a combat, so I can focus on my prey without having to worry..." She tried to answer, stumbling over her words, but his comment caught her completely off guard, and she didn't have any idea on how to respond to that... Being told that she was pretty or someone of the opposite sex showing desire to her wasn't exactly something to be offended, no, it was completely the opposite, but she didn't know how to react to that.

In the wild, males would usually show their interest on females, and if their genes were strong enough, the female would then...
"Wait... why am I thinking about that?!?!" she thought to herself, sitting and looking down, blushing heavily.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Deos Morran
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Deos Morran I am the Adorable!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jake Cross

Jake listened to everybody talk, overhearing the various quips, quirks, and those DAMN words over and over again. "Ok look I get it guys. You're showing respect, but listen up! Sir was my dad and Captain is a title. It's not who I am and who I am is Jake. I mean this in the nicest of ways when I say it... The next person who calls me Sir or Captain is getting their ass beat!" Jake said a little sternly, but still in a lighthearted tone. After all they were technically doing the right thing and he couldn't truly get mad at them for that. Regardless Jake was not a man for formalities and thus hated all that Sir and Captain crap.

Next on the list was Nathan however, being... weird. That's really the best way to put it. So much personal inflation and egotistical comments. It made Jake honestly question just what sort of madness has infected him and why he thought so truly high of himself. Well despite the true oddity and rather self-centered aspect of his comment Jake pushed it to the side. Though if his cockiness proved to be an issue for the team later he'd be sure to squash it before it proved harmful.

Spook was quick on the response, though before he could really make a comment on her rather forward and lashing words he over heard the other female on the team chime up about an offhanded comment Nathan made that completely slipped his ears. Now while it wasn't appropriate at all, he did find it a tad funny about how the whole event was handled. Regardless, everybody gets one though if the advances are wanted, who's to say he has the power to stop love.

Anselmo Date 2353-08-14
Location: The Wild World, Outpost ZT-141, 'Treehouse'

It was a while longer before the craft made it's way to Treehouse, but when they did it was clear to see why it had it's name. Nestled high up in the canopy of a small collection of enormous trees that must have been at least a hundred meters tall. The scattered buildings connected by wodden and rope bridges that kept the weight low, but the rustic feel high. Hell, this would be a child's dream had it not been made like this to avoid monsters and demons.

Upon landing on one of only three landing pads on the whole outpost, the team was taken from the craft with all of their gear in tow as it would appear they were to surrender their helicopter. Upon their departure a rather gristled and gruff looking man walked up towards the team, offering his hand to shake with Jake who did so. "Name's Johnson. I'm the chief around here and set to brief you on the situation." He said through what sounded like half of a working mouth. Judging by the savage scar across the entire side of his left face it was safe to assume that was the case however. "Come with me and I can show you what you're looking for."

Leading the team off through the canopy and landings he brought the team to a high observation deck with shuttered windows. Leaving the active and busy workers plenty of privacy to slave away faithfully at their computers and stations, relaying information after finding and sorting it. "It all started about 16 days ago. This Pillar of Light appears at the same time every day for different amounts of time ranging from the shortest being 7 minutes, 18 seconds, to the longest being 4 hours, 28 minutes, and 6 seconds." He started to say, still walking through the room as one of the techies ran past carrying a loose roll of paper with all sorts of technological gibberish on it. Which in turn earned a rough grunt from Johnson who was clearly not happy about having somebody come so close to him, if only for a brief moment.

"Would you happen to know anything about it or what is the cause of this phenomenon? We've been kept mostly in the dark about this whole thing." Jake inquired, using the break in Johnson's words as his chance, "You've been kept in the dark because we have too. We've told you everything we know as whatever that thing is we can't figure it out and it isn't like anything we've encountered before." Johnson retorted, still walking and guiding the team to the forward observation deck.

That was when one of the techies chimed up, "Sir, 2 minutes till event!" Which in turn got a nod from Johnson though to an indiscriminate location. "Wanna see what you're to look into? You're just in time for the show." He said gruffly before pushing a button on the forward wall which lowered the blast shield walls, revealing a beautiful view of the Wild World, one so wonderful that several of the workers paused in their efforts to admire it, though quickly went back to work.

"Any second now..." Johnson gruffed out, staring into the horizon in such a way that it made the situation a tad awkward. Though after what seemed like the world's longest minute, way off in the horizon a sudden and vibrant surge of light erupted from the distance, straight up into the air to pierce the Heavens. In fact a stray cloud that just to happened to be wandering overhead of the event violently parted like it had been shot, leaving a massive hole in it for all to see. The event was such an odd wonder that all activity had stopped in the observation deck so that all could watch it, almost entranced by the strange sight. "That... That is the only thing the Treehouse knows absolutely jack shit about. It defies logic, breaks the rules of nature, is an affront to all things normal, and despite any effort to learn about it, it remains a perfect mystery. That's why you're here. We need a team to venture out and find the source, good luck kids. If you have any questions now's your only chance."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mataus
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Reed was still smiling about Spook calling out Nathan when Jake gave everyone a brief lecture on what to call him. "Will do, Jake," Reed replied, understanding why the man wanted to be called by his name rather than some robotic title. He wondered what Jake would say to Reed if he was to be given... a... fun nickname. Reed set the craft down with the thought and gave away the bird to the Treehouse soldiers. It was a nice machine, and he was sad to see it go. With any luck, Treehouse had something better, they were about to go out and face something never before seen. Which appeared as he pondered the thought. Reed shielded his eyes at first when the beam quite literally cut through the sky. It was something which he had never witnessed before, the closest thing he could come up with was the laser on his SM8.

"There is no way that is a natural event. Aliens! Has to be aliens. First monsters, now aliens." Reed said after observing the spear of light, which had taken everyone by surprise it seemed, even the people who had seen it before. "Johnson, do we know if there are creatures near it? Does it repel or attract? Anything?" Reed made a note to bring a plate carrier with extra 50-round 5.8x32mm SM8 mags. The round was slightly longer than the 5.7x28mm because it had a longer and slightly wider penetrator. This was able to happen because of advancement in gunpowder technology. He really didn't like the thought of being out there with whatever made that light. But what if it was friendly?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Deos Morran
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Deos Morran I am the Adorable!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Anselmo Date 2353-08-14
Location: The Wild World, Outpost ZT-141, 'Treehouse'

Johnson heard the voice of a stranger chime up about aliens, what nonsense. "It's no damn alien jackass. Make another smart ass comment and you'll find out why the Treehouse has a plank." He said rather snappily and gruffly. Apparently he didn't much like the alien comment, though given his already gruff and mean attitude he didn't seem to care for much. Regardless, he moved on and addressed the real statement made by Reed, "We don't know. Any scan we try to make is blocked by some sort of interference and we can't see that far from here to tell ourselves. Like I already said... We don't know shit. So how's about you do your damn job and find out! And how about you start taking this seriously you disrespectful little shit! Or is the future of humanity some big joke to you?" He shouted at Reed, getting right up in his face to stress his final point.

Though before things got much worse, Jake stepped in and said, "And we will, don't you worry Chief. Though perhaps it's not a time to fight among ourselves and instead get the supplies we were briefed on so we can be on our way." His intent clear to try and get things moving to avoid this clear asshole in the shape of Johnson.

"Don't you tell me about what we need to do!" He quickly shouted back at Jake, who stood there with a somewhat shocked expression. He really did just hate everybody, "I'll get you your damn shit... Disrespectful little shits." He continued to say walking off towards the exit in order to lead the team back through the Treehouse. Though before Jake followed him he turned to Reed and merely silently mouthed the word, 'wow'. From there he made his way after Johnson, clearly not enthused to see him for much longer.

As the Treehouse was traversed and the team was led to some unknown part Johnson spoke up again, "Lucky bastards the lot of you. Command has cleared for a very special ride. Treat it well because there aren't many left." His gruff and seemingly perpetually anger tone never leaving him. However, as they went it was made clear that the ride he was talking about was something of a true wonder... An ancient piece of the Old World shown in full glory with the words Argent Seeker stenciled on the side.

"A relic of the Old World, refit and repaired to work like she wasn't made a century ago." Johnson started as the craft came into view, side hatch open to show the staff of Treehouse loading up the team's gear for the trip. "Uses jet engines instead of props so she's faster and better to control and if even comes with a special flight cell set. As long as you give her a day to recharge with the sails up she'll give you a little flight time, but more importantly power for your camp." He said, just in time to see the energy sails open from the top to start show off the craft's capabilities. "You don't have much for arms, the ship didn't come with them when we pulled her from a pile of rubble, but the door gatlings should help you if you need something big and rapid fire. Should be able to strap something on easy enough if you find it though. And like I said! This is a relic, don't fuck it up!" From there Johnson started to leave, giving the team a chance to load up and get ready to take off, however on his way out he glanced over his shoulder and yelled back, "You're clear to leave when you're ready!" Before vanishing among the leaves and branches of the Treehouse.

Jake stepped up to the craft as it was being fueled, looking it over and seeing that it was in great shape for being over a hundred years old. That's one thing you had to give the Old World credit for, they built things to last. "Ok team, load up. I wanna get in the air before nightfall and we got a long journey ahead of us."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 12 days ago

Isis Nasri

"Who does he think he is?! Damn... embarrassing me like that in front of everyone..." Isis thought to herself as the helicopter landed.

"So cocky and arrogant! He made me look like a complete fool!! How should I possibly know that he would let out such a comment? How was I supposed to react to it?" she thought, looking at Nathan with a sharp, annoyed expression.

"Hmpf!" Isis looked away from Nathan, avoiding looking to him.

To a man show that he was interested on her wasn't something bad, in fact it was something to be proud of, but the way she was caught off guard, blushing heavily and looking like a foolish little child made her slightly irritated.
She wasn't very used to being with other people, so things like love, flirting and etc. were a mystery to her. Animal behavior and human behavior regarding choosing a mate were completely different, and as much as she tried, she couldn't explain, understand or possibly be prepared to "love" or romantic advances.

Just after they landed, they were immediately taken from the helicopter with their gear, apparently to a briefing on the situation.
"But what about Bas-" Isis tried to say, but was the ones helping to unload the helicopter didn't even pay attention on her.

"Name's Johnson. I'm the chief around here and set to brief you on the situation." a man came to them, shaking Jake's hands.

The Treehouse was a beautiful place. As Johnson took them somewhere, Isis couldn't help but be completely distracted by how beautiful everything was. Living there, in the top of the trees, near the wild would be probably insane to most people behind the wall, but for Isis, it was almost a dream. Although she had already travelled outside the walls many times, she had never came to the Treehouse.

"Started... days ago.... Pillar of Light..."
Only small parts of the briefing actually reached Isis' ears. Completely forgetting about Nathan and his comment, why she was mad or even their actual reason to be there, she was simply awestruck by how beautiful the place was.

"Wanna see what you're to look into? You're just in time for the show." Johnson said, pressing a button and lowering the blast walls.
The view Isis was graced with was nothing short of spectacular. Breathtaking. If she wasn't paying attention earlier, now it would be even harder.

Thankfully, a very strange and unnatural view made her actually ask herself what was happening. A bright pillar of light in the horizon. It certainly was weird and unnatural. Such thing... what was it?
Quickly looking around, she was able to assess the situation with the short fragments of the briefing that she remembered. Nobody there knew what it was. They only knew that it happened regularly.

Just like Johnson and the others, she hadn't even a single clue of what that was. But she surely was curious. She wanted to see it with her own eyes, get closer to try to understand what it was. From where it was coming and where it was going.

"There is no way that is a natural event. Aliens! Has to be aliens. First monsters, now aliens." Reed said, interrupting her thoughts.

"I don't know about aliens... but certainly its not natural... It is quite beautiful though..." she thought to herself, looking to the weird phenomenon.

"We don't know. Any scan we try to make is blocked by some sort of interference and we can't see that far from here to tell ourselves. Like I already said... We don't know shit. So how's about you do your damn job and find out! And how about you start taking this seriously you disrespectful little shit! Or is the future of humanity some big joke to you?" Johnson said, quite irritated.

"We will probably have to get near it to see it with our own eyes. I must say, I'm rather curious about it." she said, with her eyes shining, reflecting the light from the pillar. She wasn't even trying to hide her excitement. New, strange things made her very curious. That curiosity was sometimes good, sometimes bad, but undoubtedly it was part of the traits that made her such a fine scout.

As they were taken by a very grumpy and irritated Johnson to their new craft, which was presented to them after a long and angry sermon of how old, unique and valuable it was, Jake finally turned to them.
"Ok team, load up. I wanna get in the air before nightfall and we got a long journey ahead of us." he said, looking to the rest of the crew.

"Umm... I don't want to interrupt Jake... But they kinda forgot to take Bastet out of her cage... I'm rather preoccupied about what will she do... She tends to get rather agitated when she is away fro-" Isis was saying, before being interrupted by a loud, metallic noise, and some alarmed shouts.

"WAIT!! SHE IS WITH ME! CALM DOWN!" she yelled, as a big black shadow approached them, running through the base, making quite a fuss by jumping over vehicles, soldiers and equipment.
The big duvari jumped on Isis as it got near her, rubbing itself against her, showing affection.
"Bastet!! Calm down! So impatient..." she said, hugging the duvari, laughing as it played with her.

"That was what I was saying Jake... She hates being far from me..." Isis said, still playing with Bastet.
"Anyways.. I don't think she will enter in another cage for some time... Just let her inside of the ship with me. She has already travelled in another ships, and she knows how to behave, Don't you, Bastet? Naughty girl!"

"Well, me and Bastet are ready. What about you all guys?" she asked, avoiding Nathan, still annoyed with what happened earlier.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mataus
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Reed eyed the craft happily and with a smirk. Grumpy old Johnson just gave him an epic craft... right after yelling at him, which he didn't mind much, he was a bit of a jokester and had a laughing skull bandana he'd wear during the mission. He expected to be yelled at. In the end, Reed took the victory silently, eyeing the craft. "Is it plasma propelled? That would be something else!" He said enthusiastically, excited to fly the vehicle. He knew that plasma propulsion was a big deal back in the Old World. The lack of guns was a little disappointing, but he supposed the others would enjoy having Gatlings in their hands before they landed. Little confidence boost if anything, and they'd probably be more accurate than he would be while he was piloting.

Gear wise, Reed enjoyed himself. He went with his SM8 and H-8, which he had specifically modified for him and which he had brought with him. Reed was an expert with those guns as those were the only guns he ever trained with, ever. He was a pilot, he didn't have to worry about knowing how to use all the other guns. Just the two that might keep him alive until rescue if he crashed. He would use his flight helmet and his field helmet, as well as a ballistic weave forest Multicam BDU with a MultiCam plate carrier. They would both be good at absorbing teeth and claws and blending in, so to speak. Last was the standard survival pack, with all of its goodies. After a shower, he was ready to do.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Rig kept quiet when things started getting a little more...abrasive. He didn't know how to feel about the hotshot sniper, and after a few seconds he had whiplash from the response. Spook laying into him so readily, it was almost funny. Imagine hyping yourself up as an angel of death and being told "no." in two seconds flat. The mechanic just ran his hand through his hair, somewhat uncomfortable. He didn't really have a very loud personality, and going from arguing to flirting so quickly left him more then silent. He didn't even look at Isis as she rebuttaled, in fact he almost felt sorry for her.

As they landed he had mixed feelings. The place was beautiful, for an armed outpost. High up in the trees being close to nature. In a way it reminded him of living on a farm, back when his life was more about corn and cows then it was engines and oil. He wondered how they lived here. Did the trees grow food? Did they farm up here or was it mostly provisions sent from outside? What sort of things did they primarily hunt? Do they keep Duvari pens up here or on ground level? He was too caught up in looking around and trying to see how people worked in this environment to listen properly to the gruff scarred man. He didn't seem like a very pleasant person anyways. He preferred the captain that didn't like being called captain.

As the man named Johnson had the blast shields let down, Rig's attention grew sharper. Starring out the window he saw an amazing view. It was an obvious fact that most of world doesn't look like insides of Anselmo, but if you spend most of your life surrounded by walls, such an expanse will feel alien. Then, the beam of light parted the sky. Creating a dividing line and piercing the clouds, Rig's face turned from stunned to smirking. His eyes were wide and his dimples showed. What was it? What could it be? It had to be machine run right? Nothing like that could be natural, if it was it would move or have been discovered already. What sort of tech ran that thing? What did it use as an energy force? If that beam is purely light based it must put out a ridiculous amount of heat to part the clouds like that! Could they weaponize it? A condensed form would do great against the rough hide of the leviathans. Maybe not though? It must take a lot of energy to run that thing, and the computations? The machine must be massive! Could the old world really do such things? Maybe there are schematics somewhere to be found! Rig's smile only grew as he imagined adapting such technology for his own designs. Oh how they would fall before him.

He had let his thoughts wander so much, he was only dragged out of them by Johnson barking some gruff orders, then leaving. "I bet I would of disliked that guy. Had I listened to him." Rig said aloud to no one in particular. He turned and with his vision unclouded by imagination, he saw the beautiful craft ahead. His eyes lighting up again like stars he had never worked on one these things before! Sure on some parts, but he'd never had the privileged to get inside a working one. A beautiful ghost of a world forgotten he was ecstatic to explore it's capabilities. Not too many weapons yet either, maybe he'd get to outfit it at some point?

The tingling joy in Rig's brain would soon come to an abrupt end, as the sounds of panic mixed with massive foot prints galloping nearer stole his gaze. A large Duvari came bounding into Isis' arms, taking her to the floor, the two seemed ecstatic to see each other. Rig found himself behind the nearest teammate. Fuck. That.
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