The Lodge
Welcome to the lodge! In an attempt to get some PR on the side with people from across the world of Faiza, Cybertronics Unlimited is sponsoring a wilderness retreat near Segaso City to provide a place of rest and recuperation to individuals with unique powers or backgrounds. This pilot program is co-sponsored by the nation of Ridalia, who has sent a young heir of one of their noble families along to enjoy the vacation and to inspect this investment. Of course, there may be other reasons why a major robotics corporation would send these individuals to an isolated cabin in the mountains...
The point of this RP, broadly speaking, is to bring together a group of unlikely heroes to a single location and then have a bunch of adventures. This will combine and feature elements of superhero, fantasy, sci-fi, romance, and slice-of-life, as the characters that form the core group of "lodgers" grow together through their trials as well as their lazy days. Whether fighting for their lives against alien invasions, or playing hard during a swim day at the lake, this RP will follow the story of a unique group of characters who will potentially change the fate of Faiza forever...
What I'm looking for:
• Number of players: up to 6 for this first go-round. If anyone drops out, I'll open the slot for anyone else who wants to join later. Priority will go to players who have completed CSes, though the final decision remains solely mine.
• Number of characters per player: 1, at first - we'll add more later if things go well! Post your character in the characters tab only after you have received approval from me in the OOC thread.
• Approximate power level: As an example, Spider-Man more than Superman - certainly no powers that can solve problems or win battles entirely on their own, and try to keep creative with the use of powers rather than just blast or slam everything into oblivion. I'll be the final judge if I feel something is unbalanced.
• Variety of characters: Humans, aliens, androids, robots, otherdimensional creatures, anthros (or furries) - with or without powers. Whatever you think would add spice to the RP and to any relationships that might develop in it! As far as the good/evil spectrum go, I'd prefer the main characters be heroes to keep them from fighting too much among themselves, but if we add more characters down the road or if the story dictates, I'd be willing to let players run villains, either for longer-term plots or one-shots.
• Tone/Content: We're going for cinematic, here - Rule of Cool and Rule of Fun will apply in moderation. I also want to keep this RP relatively family-friendly and fairly upbeat, which means a minimum of blood, no gore, no "onscreen" sex or heavy references thereto. Will there be violence and death? Certainly! Will there be romance? I hope so! Just keep it to levels you might expect to see on a cartoon show about superheroes - for examples, the Avengers movies or the Young Justice cartoon.
• Pacing: I am not going to impose any mandatory time limits on posting, or any kind of posting order. That said, I'd like to keep it brisk and engaging, interesting for the group.
• Worldbuilding and Character Development: I have some stuff to start with, but ultimately, I want to work with you to make a fun, interesting and consistent world you'd like to come visit.
Character Sheet
Misc. Notes:
The World of Faiza:
• A brief summary: Can you imagine a world that is Earthlike, but is not Earth? You know, your standard M-class planet - blue seas, green continents, and white clouds in the sky, that sort of jazz. Now, picture that it's in a similar solar system in a different part of the galaxy; that it has only five continents; that it is inhabited by not only humans, but anthropomorphic animals, aliens, robots, creatures from the celestial and abyssal pantheons of countless religions, monsters of mythology personified, and even beings from alternate dimensions. Add to this that even the mortal inhabitants are often born or gifted with special powers - mutant abilities, magical aptitude, psionic training, cybernetic enhancement, or even just the guts to fight against impossible odds. It is literally a world full of heroes.
And then this planet we are speaking of is rich in natural resources and located in a strategic location. It happens to be within the range of several different galaxy-spanning nations and organizations, and is intersected by several universal ley lines. This partly explains the heavy presence of non-natives, as well as the constant attention the planet receives. Alien invasions, giant monster attacks, apocalypse events, supervillain schemes, the manipulations of extra-planetary governments trying to bend the planet to their will through diplomacy or force - this has all happened in this planet's long and peril-filled history. Oh, and Godzilla was transferred here from Earth for safe-keeping.
You are picturing this world right now? Have it set in your mind? Good. Because there is a world like that, and its name is Faiza.
More Lore:
Faiza has five continents. To begin with, I will introduce two of these, as they will be the most immediately relevant.
The first is Melaben, the one that Segaso City and the lodge are located on. Melaben is a temperate continent with a diverse amount of terrain and culture, and is home to a Federation that is similar to Earth's United States. The capitalistic lifestyle has introduced several corporations that strongly influence the political landscape, yet this conflict usually cancels itself out in a positive fashion for local citizens. One such corporation, Cybertronics Unlimited, is run by a human named Georgia Stahlmansche rumored to be from a parallel dimensional version of Earth - CU is one of the premiere robotics, cybernetics and electronics development and production companies on Faiza, and their reputation for efficiency is matched by Stahlmansche's immense confidence and charisma. Segaso City is the capital of Melaben and the Federation.
The second continent, Korduun, is home to two major nations: Ridalia and Vancau. These two nations are very powerful militarily, but their hatred of one another has fortunately kept them focused more on one another than on the rest of the world. Ridalia is ruled by several major noble Houses that form the Ridalian Council, while Vancau is dominated by the iron fist of its Emperor and his Governors. Ridalia has strong diplomatic ties with governments and corporations outside of itself, and thus has access to resources and technology that, instead of allowing to change their way of life, they have used to augment their somewhat anachronistic feudal form of life; their techno-knights ride into battle on robo-steeds, wielding thermal crossbows and photon cutlasses. Vancau as a rule relies on fierce dark magic and a host of monsters and allies from other dimensions or from outer space to aid them in their battles, and Vancau looks very much like a step backwards in time compared to the shiny Ridalia. At this time, there is an uneasy ceasefire between the two nations, but all it usually takes is some idiot to become the hyphen in a Ridalia-Vancau war.
The overall technology level of Faiza is difficult to quantify, since it is a mishmash of various technologies. Just walking down the street, it will probably not feel much different than early 21st-century Earth cities - there will be people listening to personal audio devices, glancing at their communicators, traveling in vehicles. It is the sheer variety and style of tech that may be overwhelming. Displays will be holographic and neon, or be integrated into eyewear, clothing or wristbands; some vehicles will fly or walk alongside regular wheeled ones; it wouldn't be out of place to see steampunk brass and chrome next to futuristic white plastic. There are also robots that walk your dog, protect your property, or serve in the military, with varying degrees of self-awareness.
Power sources are of special mention. Faiza as a planet relies heavily on "green" power sources, such as wind, wave, tidal, geothermal, and solar panels. Since these technologies are vastly more efficient and portable than anything Earth has in their early 21st century, and since they were introduced much earlier in Faiza's industrial history, there has not been the problem of converting to these sources from dirtier sources like coal. Nuclear power still remains one of the most efficient sources, however, and has been miniaturized enough where even infantry robots are equipped with cold fusion packs. But nuclear power still carries the disadvantages of nuclear waste.
We now have a Discord server! Here is the link: https://discord.gg/jEGfqnV