Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

"On Thursday, the statue of Circe, by artist Charles Gumery was stolen. Though authorities are investigating, the only evidence left behind was a single peacock feather."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Atroposer
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Atroposer Papa

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Ah, Athens! The sun is shining, the air is--well, smoggy, but metaphorically, or spiritually, or whatever is clear!" Tes hummed, pulling her hair back and placing large sun glasses in front of her bright eyes. She quirked a brow and pursed her lips, mentally preparing herself to step into the crowds of the air port. "Simon, do you think that Demetrius kid is gonna be at the air port... I didn't arrange a car." She laughed, scratching her cheek lightly.

She knew quite a few people in Athens, but there were few she cared to meet up with. One was the Korean girl, then another was a farmer, and from what an oracle had told her, quite the proper child of Demeter. She grabbed her carry-on and exited first class, searching the crowd for...

"Shit, I forgot what he looked like. I remember the girl's voice but that kid doesn't come to mind at all." She muttered worriedly, ignoring the stares she was getting as people tried to decide whether or not they recognized her. She hadn't done much acting in Europe, but did enough to be well known. Tes pulled her phone out, flipping through her pictures in hopes of finding a photo of the boy she was looking for.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Well," said Simon. "I can rent a car if we need one. I guess I could track them, too, but 'Sacrifice of the Damn' seems to be drawn to magic, so if anyone's casted recently, I'll be drawn to them, not the one I want. If you want me to try, though, I'm sure someone in the area sells Pomegranate juice. We could check the shops in the airport. If you have their numbers, though, it'd probably be best to call them."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 6 days ago

"Roger that dad." Demitrius said with a nod after hearing quite a lesson from his dad. His dad then continued on to tell him that if those two from another land needed someplace to stay that they wold be more than welcome to stay at the farm. He really did highly doubt that Tes, an actress, and her companion would not have a hotel for their stay.

He looked at his watch for the nth time since he had arrived at the airport. This was the first time he would actually talk to her in person. It felt odd, really, to finally meet someone you've only talked to in mail. Ah, but whatever, it should be quite an experience.

They were easy to spot among the sea of people emerging from the airport. He already had his sign which had her name on it. Once they came up to him, he bowed his head. "Hello there. My name is Demitrius, or Alexander, whatever you prefer. A pleasure to meet you all in person." It was all the respect he could muster and more. Better to leave a good impression.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tenma Tendo
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Tenma Tendo Thunder Pillar in Training

Member Seen 1 yr ago

A quiet sigh escaped the blonde's lips as her hand lazily strummed the gray strings of the guitar resting on her lap. Eun-ha knew or sure that today, Tes was returning back to Greece. Of course the girl wanted to go and meet up with her at the airport, but she couldn't possibly miss a day of performing...right?

Eun-ha let that question rest in her brain for a moment as she took a look around at the passerbys, or lack there of. Well it was a little early in the morning; most people were probably still at the markets or at home. Letting a final chord play out, the heterochromic girl sighed before leaning back on the wall she had been facing away from.
"It wouldn't hurt to venture off to the airport, no?" she asked herself out loud. "Actually, it might prove fruitful as there are plenty of people there." She responded, only to giggle soon after. "Better than staying here. That is certain." And with that, Eun-ha stood up, picked up her hat with unfortunately no money in it and placed it on her head, and her shoes, which she just put in her bag, and made her way in the direction of the airport (which was thankfully not that far), strumming her guitar to the beat of her improvised humming.


It had only taken half an hour to make it to the airport. Judging that it would be a good idea to just wait for Tes to come out instead of find her inside, Eun-Ha parked herself near the entrance and placed her hat back on the ground, all while she continued to strum, letting her heart guide her hands and her adlib to harmonize.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Atroposer
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Atroposer Papa

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Do the thing!" Before Simon could finish his sentence, Tes was pushing a small glass vial of pure pomegranate extract into his palm. She was fascinated how one man could do so many spells. Even with the unlocked version of Mage Wars, Tes was only able to successfully complete blood magic, though recently, she'd been able to move very light weight pebbles with a spell in the app. Just then, she finally spotted the person she'd been wondering about.

"Demetrius!" She shouted, pulling her sunglasses off and grinning toothily. "You're adorable!" She told him, running up to him and grabbing his shoulders gently. "Look at you--you're absolutely precious." She giggled. "Yeah, it's nice to meet you in person, hey, no need for formalities." She smiled, tugging her scarf up a bit when she noticed people staring. She put her sunglasses back on, giving him an apologetic look over her sudden outburst.

"Hey, do y'all hear music?" She asked, tilting her head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Atroposer@Polaris NorthSimon popped the cork on the vile and drank it while absentmindedly flipping to the proper ritual. In the game, the ritual minigame only took a few seconds. About halfway through he realized that the guy up ahead was holding a sign with Tes's name on it, but he'd already sacrificed the $20, so he finished it and sat down beside a pillar that supported an overhang. A few seconds later the spell kicked in and everything took on a bluish, foggy haze as he saw two boys drawing some kind of symbol on firecrackers and throwing them at each other. A woman's voice started yelling at them, but as she spoke Greek he was only able to catch a name. He floated away, accelerating towards his body far away while he flew over a forty-something farmer, returning to his body about a second later.

He opened his eyes and stood up, a bit weak from the experience. Leaving your body tended to have that effect, he'd learned. He walked over to the boy holding the sign and held out his hand. "Simon Hutchins" he said, taking the man's hand without asking permission. "Maybe you've heard of the game I made called "Mage Wars"? I'm here to research more spells for my game. Which brings me to an unusual question. Do you know anyone named Achilles Ambrosia? He looked to be in his late teens, and I think his family are witches too."

Tes asked about the music and he looked over to a street performer he had somehow missed. "Yeah." he said. "I think that might be the girl you're looking for."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 6 days ago

Demitrius returned the grin as he was enveloped in her hug. He wasn't uncomfortable, far from it. There was a red tint on his cheeks but that was probably because he was being complimented, something that wasn't exactly the norm for him. "Thanks." He said anyway before she broke her hug and then put her glasses back on. Okay, a lot of people probably know her so it's best to probably retreat for now. There was another guy with her, her companion.

"Nice to meet you Simon." He said. "Mage Wars? I've heard of it but I've never played it myself. I'll play it when I have more time." It was a shame he wasn't able to play it since he did claim that he was researching rituals for the game. It also meant that he knew a lot of rituals which would be really beneficial. "Achilles? Yeah, I know him. The Ambrosia family is a friend of ours. They're witches too? Never saw them practicing as openly as us so I wouldn't really know." He admitted. He didn't know that there were other witches so close to him. He'd have to pry it out of them to find out for sure!

He perked up at the sound of music and then nodded. "Yeah! I know that sound!" He excitedly said before gesturing them to follow. He hurriedly exited the airport and saw the familiar blonde there. "It is her! The blonde musician!" He knew did get her name but he always loved listening to her performances. It's why is almost always late to come back to the farm from chores. "You're looking for her?" He asked as he turned to Tes and Simon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tenma Tendo
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Tenma Tendo Thunder Pillar in Training

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eun-Ha continued to play, her eyes closed and her expression serene. She hadn't even realized the small crowd surrounding her and placing money in her hat. At that point, she didn't even care; she was simply waiting for her role model to exit the sliding doors of the airport. Had she have even touched down? Eun wasn't quite sure. She wasn't that invested in Tes to know something like that.

Strumming the final chord of her made up song, Eun-Ha opened her eyes only to jump in surprise at the sight of the small crowd of mostly tourists clapping. The blonde stood up quickly and bow respectably to each person who chose to stay and listen, a shy smile framing her face. It was only upon hearing a familiar voice that Eun-Ha stood straight, arching her eyebrows curiously as her gaze landed on the familiar dark haired boy who had practically called out to her. She simply stared with a tilted head for a moment before recollection flashed in her eyes.
"Ah, it's the mister with the pretty eyes." She voice, her shy smile widening as she grabbed her money filled hat from the ground and bowed once more to the dispersing crowd before focusing on the other. Just as she was about to ask what he was going at the airport, Eun notice two figures behind the boy; one being a stranger, while the other made Eun-Ha's eyes light up again.

"Miss Tessa! You've arrived!" She chimed, her features practically glowing upon seeing the familiar face. And of course, Eun wasn't disrespectful as she brought her attention to the stranger and bowed politely. "Hello Mister. It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." The blonde smiled, guitar now adjusted behind her and out of the way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Atroposer
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Atroposer Papa

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Mage Wars is a fuckin' sweet. That back ground music is really fun, too!" Tes laughed genuinely, lighting up once again as she spotted Eun. "Blondie!" She sang and gave Eun a tight hug, picking her up and spinning her around amicably. "It's been so long! We're hanging out! Oh--presents--I brought presents! I knew I'd see you! Oh! We need to get our luggage!" She squeaked, setting Eun down and turning to Simon with a big smile. "I smuggled booze." She whispered proudly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Olympus covered in thick clouds. How many years had it been since the once Abode of the Gods had been like that? The old witch lamented she had stopped counting after 1323 years. Still, the woman felt a tug at her heart when her gaze met that of thick mists, an ancient sorrow of past times that would never go back. At least not fully. She eyed her fine cream colored summer dress, beginning to show signs of dust stains all over. Not the most practically hiking equipment, if one could say. Her fine high heeled shoes were on one of her well manicured hands, while her other hand struggled to keep a nice and ample hat on top of her red mane of hair. She didn't mind going barefoot, after all, she did that a lot on her ancestral home. Circe sighed, as she pulled one of the many proof of human's skill with craft out of her purse. A set of binoculars, which she aimed at the fog-covered peak, in order to confirm something.

And there it was, the omen. A large, well-fed eagle was, ironically, having no such trouble in going inside and outside the mists. "Hmm, I bet there's a lot of house cleaning to do, King of Gods." She muttered under her breath as she tucked away her posessions and hopped down the rock she was standing tall.

"Alexios." She called over to a well-dressed young man of greek features and short hair, who somberly looked upon the beck and call of his employer. He was leaning against a 4x4 vehicle, in his hands a bottle of water who he had been drinking without pause. "We can head back now."

"Have you found out what you wanted, miss Cere?" The young man said politely, as he opened the door of the vehicle, indicating her to sit in.

"Indeed- It is as I thought." She promptly answered. "We should head back to Thessaloniki. And then finish the purchase of that island." She added as she took a seat, while Alexios firmly planted himself in the driving seat. She shifted herself to comfort, as her driver started the engine.

"So it's true. They are back." The young man added, a hint of dread in his voice. "Haros take me...uh, no."

"Be careful when you tell that, else the old Ferryman will take that for granted. And If my memory recalls correctly, he was quite the grumpy one. Still nothing compared to his master, who should not be named." Circe said, as she leant against the side of the seat, getting herself comfortable for the trip.

"Hold on... does this mean the island you are purchasing is... Aeaea? The lair of that witch that turned men into pigs?" The driver added, a hint of alarm in his voice. "But uuh...won't she be angry? I don't like how this sounds, miss Cere." The driver added.

"Alexios, if there's one thing I find fascinating about you is how you can be so perceptive at times and still end up completely missing the point." Circe sighed as she stared at the landscape through the window. Well, he's not exactly wrong. If someone else gets to the artifacts that might still be there, buried, I will be mad. But out of concern they could do with them. There's simply no telling what would do those new Salem Cult witches do with what's there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Atroposer
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Atroposer Papa

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hera sat on the throne that needed much repair. Built by Rhoecus the elder in stunning bronze, the throne was one of her favorite things. Now at her behest, one of his descendants. She'd found him in Rome of all places, worshipping the interpretation of herself named Juno by painting her almost obsessively. She glanced down at the bowl of water on her lap. There was a woman in a rather inconvenient dress nearing the mountain. Her brilliant eyes narrowed for a moment before a reminiscent grin took her features. She couldn't quite remember her lineage, whether she was the daughter of Helios or the daughter of Hecate, but she knew she quite liked the woman.

"Rhoecus Younger, I have a task for you." She called to a young boy, no more than fifteen winters. He peaked up meekly from a mass of brown curls before carefully setting down his paint brush. "Please, I would like you to deliver, let's say..." Hera tilted her head, a mass of golden waves shimmering lightly with the movement. "Let's say one hundred white peacocks to her lovely home in Aeaea. Oh, but maybe that would be too much. What do you think?" She asked conversationally. The boy provided better company than her husband. His loyalty was unwavering and his love for her was unparalleled. She even had to save him on one occasion from Zeus, who in a fit of jealousy, struck the boy with lightning.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 6 days ago

Demitrius smirked as he saw the blonde musician and Tes embrace. So they knew each other huh? What were the odds? He didn't know her personally but he did love listening to her music. To think that she also dabbled in rituals (as that's the only explanation he could think of for them knowing each other), if it's music then she probably liked Apollo? That was a wild guess at this point. Well, he'll understand soon enough.

"Oh, you haven't taken your luggage yet? Well, let's go get them and load them up on the truck." He said, before gesturing towards the many cars parked outside.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tenma Tendo
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Tenma Tendo Thunder Pillar in Training

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The petite blonde gave a surprised, but excited, yelped when she was suddenly enveloped in a hug and spun around in the air. It was truly a delight to see Tes back in Greece; it meant they could hang out! Once she was put back down, Eun adjusted her clothes, hair, and the guitar still strapped to her back. She bowed again to Tes a few more times to show just how happy she was to see her. Hearing her mention luggage and that the boy around her age was helping Tes and the other stranger out, Eun-ha clapped her hands together.
"Might it be alright if I joined as well and helped you retrieve your luggage?" She questioned while dumping the money from her hat into her bag and placing said hat back on her head. Of course she had already assumed that it would alright for her to come along, but asking was just seemed like the right thing to do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Atroposer
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Atroposer Papa

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Yeah! 'Course!" The actress laughed, but quieted down as people began taking pictures with their phones. "Sorry 'bout that." She frowned lightly but made sure to keep smiling. Frowning in photos usually hurt her reputation. She glanced idly around before gesturing and heading to baggage claim. It wasn't hard to figure out which suit case was hers. It was plastered in seals and sigils. She grabbed it and carefully set it down. "So! Deme!" She grinned at the adorable boy. "You got a spare room? I can get a hotel room, but your house is just so much more fun!" She laughed nervously.

Growing up in a spotlight meant not learning the manners most people did. It didn't even occur to her that she could be imposing upon her. Should he tell her 'no' that would be the end of it and not really mean anything besides the fact she would need to get a hotel. "Also, do you drive?" She snickered a little at herself, having not been wise enough to arrange a vehicle. Things usually just worked out for her. She glanced at the money Eun had made.

"You really need to come live in New York. Broadway would kill to have your music. I mean I would kill to have your music!" She beamed. "My agent wants me to go into the music industry. We need to do something together." She said casually, as if she weren't at all proposing such a profitable opportunity.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 6 days ago

Demitrius didn't seem to mind any of the people who were taking pictures of Tes. Actually, he didn't seem to even notice them. That leads to the question of, "Sorry about what?" Poor, clueless, soul. However, it didn't seem like he was waiting for an answer and he followed her to the baggage claim. Once she had taken her luggage, and Simon did so as well, he looked at her when she asked for a room. He then grinned. Fortunately for her, his family welcomed anyone and everyone who wouldn't tease, hate or spit at them still sticking with Hellenic traditions.

"Yeah, we have a spare room! Actually we have five so if anyone else wants to stay, we will happily welcome anyone." People often wondered why the Regas family was so open to strangers and it all boiled down to them having the need to share their blessings. It would be horribly selfish of them to keep everything to themselves and that's just not how their family works. "And yeah, I can drive. I got a pickup truck here for you guys." He pointed out.

When Tes said something about Ms. Musician going to New York for work, he nodded. "Yeah! I mean, it'll be sad if you leave but I'll be sure to buy your records and everything!" He said excitedly. She really could make such wonderful music. "Oh! We never exchanged names right Ms. Musician?" He quickly remembered. "My name's Demitrius, or Alex. Whichever you prefer." He said with a smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tenma Tendo
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Tenma Tendo Thunder Pillar in Training

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eun grinned and bowed again before scurrying along to follow after Tes. She watched with a blank stare as the luggage moved about on the conveyor belt. Seeing Tes' bag made the girl giggle and scratch the back of her head; honestly, she couldn't say that she wasn't expecting her bag to look something like that. She continued to listen on to her role model as she basically asked Deme (so that was his name!) if they could crash at his place, and while her way of asking was a little pushy, Eun couldn't help but be curious. She'd do anything to spend time with Tes, so she had to at least know where she was staying so that she could make the trip...or possible sleepover. Fortunately, Deme was just as kind as he appeared to be, as without even asking, he offered house to all of them.
"Wow, that's so sweet of you and your family." She hummed with a quick nod of her head. If she had know this boy was as nice as he actually was, she would have approached him much earlier.

With Tes asking if Deme could drive, it sparked more interest into the blonde heterochromatic girl. Initially looking at Deme, Eun-Ha would think that he was the same age as her and probably into rituals and everything mythology. So if that was really the case, then he should be able to drive right? And if not, what problems could arise from that? Fortunate, yet again, the boy gave them a sense of relieve. Good, at least she didn't have to walk the whole hour or so again.

Just as Eun was about to ask about the presents Tes mentioned earlier, said woman's statement about her music and possibly working together turned the Korean into a sputtering mess.
"Wh-Wh-What?! W-Work with m-m-me? T-Together? The b-both of us??" She questioned, in case her deaf ear was making it hard to understand what was going on. "I-I-I'd be h-honored! I-if you really mean it!" Hearing the boy chime in with more praiseworthy words made Eun blush in embarrassment. "Th-Thank you...both of your words are far too kind!" She said with a toothy grin before bowing once again to both Deme and Tes. Their words were the exact reason as to why she chose to be a performer. Thankfully it's all paying off...

Just as Eun-Ha was about to stand straight from her bow, Deme brought up that they had yet to introduce themselves.
"Oh pardon me, where are my manners..." She trailed as she waited expectantly for the dark haired boy's name, only to light up soon afterwards. "Oh, what a lovely name! It's a pleasure to meet you Demitrius, my name is Eun-Ha, but ever since I left Korea, most just call me Eun." She responded with a happy smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Atroposer
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Atroposer Papa

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Hell yeah! I could really use someone with your rhythm." Tes smiled widely, brushing a mass of curls off her shoulder and eyed Eun for a moment. "I'd be real hard pressed to find someone not only with your musical talent, but with that uncanny ability of yours to charm." Her voice reached an uncharacteristic quiet. In the back of her mind, she hoped it wouldn't sound too unfriendly. "You and I share a very similar, but ultimately different set of skills that could prove very persuasive when used together."

Suddenly, she was back to her happy self as she popped a diamond-encrusted cigarette case out of her pocket. She thumbed through the case before thumbing a black clove cigarette and placing it between her lips. "I hope this isn't a non-smoking area." She muttered around it. She pressed her pockets for a lighter before sighing and popping up the diamond on her ring, revealing a tiny spike. She pierced her index finger with a bit of a wince and reached up her sleeve. Out of few, she smeared her blood over ritualistic tattoos on her arm. She snapped her fingers in front of her cigarette, lighting it. Tes took a long drag before exhaling. She grinned and pushed up her sunglasses to wink at them.

"Keep that on the down low, I don't officially know that one." She giggled.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 6 days ago

Demitrius smiled at the musician's excitement. He never really knew her personally so seeing her excited like this was a breath of fresh air. He always thought of her as a calm and level-headed person. Then again, she was still a girl being praised by a famous person like Tes. He felt giddy just being around her and he isn't showing it much, but he was practically as excited as her when Tes said that she will be staying over at his house. That was amazing.

"Nice to meet 'ya Eun. Nice to finally know your name." Now he finally doesn't have to refer to her as Ms. Musician or the blonde musician or the blonde girl with the great voice. Demitrius seemed to not be paying attention when Tes was directly talking to Eun for her career. He, instead, got out his phone to text his mother that they would be having guests today and that they would probably stay for a few days. It wasn't a few minutes later that a message came back with her telling him that she'd be ready for them with a feast in mind. He wondered what she prepared for this.

He then saw her draw blood and smear it over the tattoos she had and practically "summon' fire. "Y'know, you could've just asked for a lighter or something." Demitrius said with a light chuckle. "Can I have a look at that tattoo later? I'll add it to my journal." He said, eyes lighting up when talking about rituals. It isn't to say that he wasn't interested at them personally, it's just that this is another point of interest for him.

"So, you guys ready?" He asked, pertaining to whether or not they were ready to depart the airport. "My house is on the outskirts of Athens."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tenma Tendo
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Tenma Tendo Thunder Pillar in Training

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eun couldn't help but give Tes a closed eyed smile. Receiving praise and encouragement from her role model was already more than enough praise for her; she couldn't wait to go and tell Chan about this one! And not to mention Demitrius, who was being just an absolute cinnamon roll ever since she actually starting talking to each other; so probably the past few minutes. He was just so sweet, from praising her for her work, to even offering a house for her, Tes, and Simon to occupy; Demitrius was definitely too nice for his own good. Eun made sure to keep that in mind in case there were those around who would benefit in taking his kindness for granted before thanking the raven haired boy once again and bowing politely.

Just as she was about to thank the other woman once again for her offer, the mention of her ability to charm made the blonde tilt her head ever so slightly. Of course she's noticed that she has a rather unnatural charismatic air around her, even helping her attract people towards her, but the mention of having similar powers that could help persuade, Eun couldn't hide the curiosity and also confusion on her face.

"What do you mean by that, Ms. Tessa? Or rather, what kind of abilities do you--" She had an idea of what the other meant, but before she even had the chance to get them out, Tes was preparing to smoke in the building. The girl wanted to mention that it might be better to do that once they got to Demitrius' car, but watching Tessa, in the flesh, perform a ritual, was something she couldn't just stop; especially with it being a ritual no one but them knew she had in stock!

Eun continued to stare in awe with slightly parted lips before, thankfully, Demitrius knocked her out of her stupor.
"Ah, you're right. We should be taking our leave soon. Is that alright with you both or was there something else you needed to do before heading out?" The blonde then questioned as she looked between Tes and Simon. Although she hadn't brought it up again, Eun was still curious about what exactly Tes meant...can she do things that Eun doesn't know about?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Thessalonikki was as expected...rather uninteresting. After a short trip back into civilization, the once Witch of the Odyssey was staring at an empty cup of Italian Gelatto, spoon still lingering in her mouth. "Well, there's something those Latin barbarians got right, already." She muttered under her breath, as the last drops of the concoction slipped down their mouth. "Better keep my mouth shut with this one. The last thing I need to do is show them the american drink of the gods is better than their nectar."

"Shall I order another chocolate ice cream, miss?" added Alexios, still sorting out the plans in his telephonic device. Those things were eldritch and scary sometimes. Not only you could talk distance, you could get better navigation than any kind of map with them. She thought for a while, playing with her spoon making clanking sounds in the cup, as she gave a sideway glancing at the sunny weather that had appeared once they had gotten away from Olympus.

Can't you just give us a break, o father? We're practically melting now. She thought to herself.

"Well, miss Cere. It will still be more or less six hours." Her attendant said. Circe scoffed slightly, as she looked at her watch. Couldn't she just do something else? She eyed the port. Maybe a sea god could help. She reeked at the thought. Poseidon... well, he had never liked Odysseus that much, because of what happened in Troy. And he had a long memory and a short fuse. Not a good combination. Ah, if she had only her father's chariot, rising from the ocean and going to bathe in it every time...

Ocean. Oceanus. Of course! That grumpy ol' Oceanus could probably help. But how to get him involved in anything, given that he had never taken part in any conflict and never went to Olympus like his offspring. What kind of sacrifice would satisfy an outcast god? He doubt he cared about her being her great niece via Helios...

Her gaze rested once again in the empty icecream. Txocolatl. Maybe it could do the trick. And if not, bribing his tons and tons of daughters with it might work.

"Actually, belay that. Ask for every single chocolate ice cream in the store."

"Huh...what?" Her assistant said puzzled.

"What you heard."

He did obey, and in no time they were hauling a massive catch of exquisite frozen treats, heading towards the harbor...

"Miss Cere, what are we going to do with all of this?" The driver seemed more and more confused.

"Just dump it into the water." Cirene Cere added, as she began to chant in an obscure ancient language. A prayer to Oceanus, the lord of the Depths, father of all Rivers and Seas, for quick passage.

"Huh" The driver added sheepishly as he unceremonously dumped the cargo, much to the chagrin of fishermen.

"See you in Athens, then." Circe smiled, as she jumped afterwards in an elegant jump and splash. She never came to surface, much to her flabbergasted employee who then rummaged for the fastest way to Athens.

-Port of Athens-

Circe smirked as she pulled herself out of the waters, waving a hand at the sea she had just left. Well, that had gone better than expected. The old god was more than grateful for the ice cream. At least he had shut up half a dozen of quarrels among his family with the treats. He still told her to be on her way before Poseidon came demanding the new treat, in his own grumpy way.

She eyed herself, dripping water from all places of her body. Well, that could be fixed. She murmured a little chant to her father for help, and in a matter of minutes, she was dry once again. Now, where was that real estate agency?
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