Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ever
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Blood Moon
War of the Wicked

My dearest Castles,

I write to you as a plea and a warning that I believe the angels have finally found our location. They have already taken my Oliver, and I believe they might have extracted our location from one of the others. My forces have dwindled quickly and we can no longer face this threat alone.

With everything our covens have been through together over the centuries, it is you I trust the most to ask for aid in these dangerous time. You are the oldest and strongest among our kind, and the only ones who have a chance against those hunting us. We ask for refuge before it is too late and we fall to the heavenly beings. I will surrender my status as alpha and gladly fight behind you, as will what is left of my coven. We only seek shelter in return.

We will leave tonight and be at your door within two days time. We have some injured and will be moving slowly. Our messenger will answer any unanswered questions until that time.

May the dark protect us…

Celenia Larkin

“Adrian” Haven whispered as she read over the letter. The young vampire sent to bring the message stood not far from her, patiently waiting for the werewolf’s response. Neither said anything to each other. This was mainly due to Haven waiting for her brother, and the youngling being too afraid to speak to an old being such as herself.

“Adrian, now!” she growled as she began pacing back and forth across the room. A moment later a beautiful, pale man that looked almost identical to Haven stepped through the door. His hair was jet black and fell in front of his eyes slightly. Oddly enough, the gorgeous man was shirtless, wearing just a pair of black suit pants.

“What is it sister?” He asked, shrugging a red button up shirt back on once he noticed their visitor. She looked up at him with sad emerald eyes.

“Oliver Larkin is dead. They have been found…”


Plot: So basically this is a war between the angels and the vamps/werewolves. The RPG will be set in the present time of New York City. The angels of New York are on the hunt for a coven that is known to be living in the city somewhere.The angels were not aware a coven was in the city for a while, but a tip from another angel regiment came through, alerting them of the coven's existence. This is no ordinary coven though. This coven is headed by the two oldest creatures in the world. A sibling pair, who are the orgin of the werewolf and vampire lines. And so the hunt begins. This story will have two major story arcs, one of which will have a huge and surprising twist that will be revealed in due time. So pick which side you will be on and get ready for a crazy ride!

This rp will consist of darker themes and some possibly graphic horror scenes. Besides the plot I have outlined, I would like to focus on characters forming tight knit and interesting relationships. This coven has been together a while, so these characters should really know each other know and care for one another.

I'm curently looking for a Co-GM to help me keep this thing going. Please let me know if you are interested. Would love any idea suggestions to throw into the plot as well!

Playable Species: Please note that there are many other creatures living in the world. Fairies, dark elves, witches, demons ect…Magic is even out there. However, they and magic will NOT be playing a role in this RPG. Know that they are out there, but will not be involved in this conflict and they are not playable characters. You may mention things about other species in your character’s history, but that will be as far as it goes.


The vampires of this world are the fastest species there are. Most humans eyes can barely comprehend the speed at which a vampires moves at. They are very gaunt beings, with fangs that never retract and nails that are a little more pointed than usual. Vampires are very strong beings, though, not as strong as a werewolf. Older vampires possess more strength over time though. They generally heal from most wounds within a few hours, but the more severe the wound the longer it takes to regenerate. Limbs may even be regrown, if attached the correct way. Vampires do not scar and can perfectly reheal. Being in complete darkness will help the healing process move along faster. Direct sunlight will burn their skin and is fatal when left in the light long enough. They are able to go out in the day whenever it is overcast, but it still causes their exposed skin to hurt slightly. It will not cause death, but will feel as if needles are pricking into their skin.

Vampires need blood up to every two days before they begin to go hungry. The longer they go without feeding the more irritated and vicious they become. If they go without blood for too long they will lose all sense of control when even one drop of blood is shed around them. Angel blood is very tempting to them and smells like the sweetest thing on the earth to a vampire nose, however; it is extremely deadly to them and will burn a vampire alive if too much is ingested. Many call it the nectar of death.

[center]There are only two ways of killing a vampire, removing the head or stabbing them in the heart. Unlike in stories, silver and crosses can’t harm them, but angelic weapons do. Angelic weapons burn their skin as if it is sunlight.[/indent]
[indent]Vampires are turned by a bite, transfer of blood by sire, and death of victim. Most vampires are barren and can’t produce children, but a natural born vampire is known to exist in history. He was the first of his kind and it is unknown how it was that he became what he is. Many theories on this have gone around over the centuries, but the truth is unknown.[/center]


These beings are extremely strong and can lift up to a few tons, even if they are newborns or untransformed. The older the werewolf, the stronger they become. Werewolves are fairly fast creatures, but don’t move at quite the same speed as a vampire or angel. They are not complete slaves to the full moon and can change at will. They do, however, lose control when the full moon has risen. Every speck of humanity in them disappears and they will kill anything in sight during that period. Generally they are very quick to anger and can sometimes be unpredictable. They survive on raw meat only. Any other food tastes and smells like garbage to them, even while in human form. They must either eat constanly throughout the day to sustain themselves or eat sereral pounds of it at once every day. Silver is very harmful to them and burns the skin much like sunlight for vampires. It also causes their injuries to heal at a slower rate. If not harmed by silver they can fully heal within an hour or so. The best way to kill them is to remove their heart or head. A simple stabbing of the heart will not result in a kill, it must be fully removed from the chest so they don’t have a chance to heal. Too much silver in their system can also be fatal.

When changed into wolf form, werewolves become quite massive beings. They can roughly get up to 5ft in height when on all fours and become even more massive when they go up on their hind legs. Normally the hair that forms on their body is either dark grey or black, but white werewolves have also been spotted on rare occasions as well. They have a long tail that help them balance while on their hind legs, and razor sharp claws that can retract or grow longer much like that of a cat. They have very long, sharp canines in both human and werewolf form. When they smell fresh blood or are about to change form their eyes will fully turn black like a shark.

Werewolves are not as barren as vampires and have been known to reproduce. Most are turned by bite, but there are some natural born werewolves known in existence. One of them was the first of their kind. It is also unknown how she came to be what she is. Some think it was just a gene she was born with. Others think she and the first vampire were creations of Lucifer himself, after his fall, to wreak havoc on God’s precious mortal children.

Currently not playable

These heavenly beings are creatures of power and protection. Their sole mission in life is to shield humanity from the evils that lurk in the darkness. Vampires and werewolves are not the only creatures they hunt. They, of course, are the angels’ main victims, but any creature wishing ill upon the human race is a target for angels. They often work in regiments of 15 to 20 and are given territories to watch over all across the earth. There are usually two angels leading each regiment. Many angels tasked to protect earth were once humans that died and went to heaven. However, they did not stay in heaven long before being sent back down to earth to protect mankind, most only faintly remember the experience of being in heaven. They also don’t remember their human life very much either. They can recall some memories, but they are very hazy and hard to fully remember. Some angels that roam the earth are true heavenly creatures that were brought to life by God. Usually they stay in heaven to protect it from Lucifer’s fallen army, but some do decide to stay on earth. These angels retain their memories of heaven since they were created there.

Angels have a light glow when you look at them. It isn’t very visible during the day, but becomes much more prominent at night. Older, heavenly angels can be seen with sets of 6 wings while earthly angels only have one pair. No one is sure why this is and the answer is known only to God himself. A few special skills given to them are glamoring and hypnosis, though, these skills only work on humans. , while vampires and werewolves are immune. Glamoring is done when a human has seen something they aren’t supposed to. The glamor can wipe someone’s mind of a memory or keep things hidden from sight, such as angelic wings. Glamor is often used when a dark creature attacks someone of the public. Hypnosis is usually only used to get a human out of a bad situation faster or to get the human to avoid an area where danger is known to be.

Angels can only be killed by removing their heads, or striking their hearts with demonic weapons. Demonic weapons can be a little hard to find, but are out there. Most are found being sold in the supernatural black market, which moves around constantly so as to not be discovered by angels. Demonic weapons burn angel skin with just a single touch. Their own weapons also can cause them harm, but this rarely happens since angelic weapons can’t be touched by unholy creatures.


These are very rare creatures and have only been seen a handful of times within the last few centuries. Hybrids are a mixture of vampire and werewolf. They have all the strengths of both predecessors and very few of their weaknesses. Sunlight doesn’t harm them. They can live on either blood or raw meat, it does not matter which since both will sustain their hunger. The full moon also has the same effect on their minds as werewolves. Their strength and speed rivals that of an older wolf or vampire, and it only grows with time. They can be killed like vamps and wolves, but the head or heart must be completely removed or they will regenerate if even a small piece of skin is still connected to the body. They heal extremely quickly no matter how severe the wound happens to be. Usually within 2 to 5 minutes the skin or muscle regenerates and forms back together. Hybrids are usually very ill-tempered due to their mixture of species and are easily set off if irritated in the slightest. Much of the reason they don’t exist is because they are extremely hard to control, even by their makers.

When transformed, Hybrids look like a mixture of both vampire and werewolf. They form the muzzle and teeth of a wolf, but keep a human like shape to them. Their eyes go completely black and they grow long, sharp nails that are black in color. They do not form hair like werewolves, but instead their skins turns a greyish color and the veins beneath their skin become more blue and prominent.

Coven Castle Safe House:
Work in Progress

The safe house of the New York City coven is located deep beneath the city, hidden in a maze of old tunnels. They’ve spent many decades perfecting it and turning it into what they need to stay safe. It is equipped with a training room to practice defense. The training room is where they all keep their extra weapons. They have everything from guns, to swords, to grenades. There is a lock down room built for the werewolves during the full moon. It is made out of steel bars infused with silver. The floor of the room also has a layer of silver spread across it and concrete covering that layer to keep the wolves from digging out. They even have a small kitchen stocked with fresh blood and meat to keep them from going to the surface too much.

Each member of the coven has their own room, with a few extras available in case they happen to have any visitors. The door to the safe house was stolen from a bank ten years ago, and was placed up to make it harder for intruders to get inside. It is made of thick, heavy steel and locks from the inside.

Coming soon!


Coven Castle:
Spots available!

Not many realize, but Coven Castle is the oldest living coven in the world. The alphas of this coven are Hava and Hadrianus Castle, the origins of the werewolf and vampire race. They now go by the names Adrian and Haven. Tired of being alone, they formed the coven close to 600 years ago. Of course members of the coven have come and gone since the start, but the leaders still remain. Haven and Adrian are unlike most coven leaders and have a different way of life about them. They hate how their races are labeled as killing machines, no better than a wild animals. Neither have fed off of humans in a very long time and will instead take what they need from animals to survive. They know they can be civilized beings, even with their inner monsters lurking inside them.

By no means do they force their coven members to not eat and drink from humans. They encourage them not to, though, that encouragement isn’t always listen to. They do not allow or tolerate coven members bringing any humans back to the safe house to keep as feeding pets. They must do their bidding at the surface and leave it there. If they are caught harboring a human within the safe house, there will be consequences to face.

The coven has been in New York for the last 50 years. Before this they lived in a safe house located in New Jersey. The Castles have safe houses located all over the region. Some they have had to abandon due to angels, others they just moved on from due to growing tired of the environment. They have grown really attached to New York over the years. With as big and populated as it is, they feel that they can live life without worrying of being discovered. Soon this may not be the case.

Coven Larkin:

1 spot open!
Coven Larkin: This coven is lead by Oliver and Celenia Larkin. Oliver was changed by Hadrianus Castle in England during The Black Death plague of 1348. He spent almost a decade with the Castles before leaving to see the world on his own. Celenia was then changed by Oliver two decades later. Her changing had nothing to due with death looming over her head, but simply due to a love they shared.

The coven itself became official during the mid 1700s when their numbers grew into the double digits. This is when they decided to settle in the city of Chicago. The Larkins had much the same morals and opinions on humans as Castle Coven. Many of them decided to convert to a "vegetarian" way of life as they called it, surviving only off of animals. They didn't want to give the angels any more reason to hunt them than already had.

Oliver Larkin was killed in June of 2017 by a regiment of angels hunting his coven's location. He and 2 others had left the safety of their hid out to meet with the Castles in New York, hoping the ancients would help them with the regiment in their city. Oliver and one of the others killed before they even made it out of the state. One out of the three was able to get away and warn their remaining leader of what happened. After hearing of her husbands death, Celenia believed they needed to flee before being found out. She sent a single scout ahead of them and hoped she could escape the city, unlike her husband had.

1 spot open!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The14ndOnly


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Although this looks very much incomplete at the moment, I'd like to point out my interest in what I've seen thus far!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spanner
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Spanner Patron Saint of spitting on the poor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Now that sounds like quite the interesting idea. I'd like to express my interest in the RP and possible interest in the Hybrid spot.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ever
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thank you for your interest! I know it isn't complete, but wanted to see the interest before I put even more work into it. I will be filling in the incomplete parts very soon though.

@Spanner I will keep in mind your interest in the Hybrid if this gets off the ground.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I am interested. If I could play an Angel, I'd apply in a heartbeat. I'd also apply to be your Co-Gm.

If I can't, by any means, be an Angel, I'll still apply and play a vampire.

Either way, I pretty much already have a character planned out. I love dark themes, so I would love to give this one a go. Hope you don't enforce real life imagery though. Hate real life imagery for characters. Feels creepy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ever
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

What do you mean by real life imaginary @Shard?

I'd love a co-gm though if this thing can get off the ground. Angels are not playable, but if you become the Gm I'd be more prone to letting you play an angel character. Just gotta get more people interested.

Thank you for showing interest!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shard
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@Ever I mean images of real people, as character appearances.

I saw that Angels were not playable, it's why I made the statement I did. Though, I don't want to breach any rules that make you uncomfortable. As for the Co-GM role, I am all for helping you out, there. As you said, we'll see if this thing comes off the ground.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ever
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oh!! Yeah I don't enforce that at all. No worries.

Well great. Love to have ya as a co-him. We'll talk more if people gain interest!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It's all good. I have my vampire character pretty much thought out, in either event. Hopefully, there will be some interest, here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LemonadeVik
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LemonadeVik Glitchy Boi

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EDIT: Never mind I just saw the 18+ tag, but still will be here just in case!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ever
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


I didn't even fully realize I pushed the 18 plus tag. I will take that off. You are welcome to join if you like. There may be some horror violence, but shouldn't be anything bad.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Could someone play just a straight up human? Was thinking about playing an average Joe who got abducted by a vampire and was used like a blood cow, before escaping and realizing that there were other monsters and supernatural creatures, and then allying with the angels.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Still want in.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ever
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Duoya I will have to think about it. It might cause a small problem in the plot. I will consider it though.

Is that the only kind of position you are interested in?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 19 days ago

I'm interested in playing a werewolf.

I'd also be interested in an angel if those ever become playable.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 2 days ago

I'm perfectly fine with playing someone else, if it would cause too much of a plot problem. I just love the bad ass normal guy trope and was checking to see if it was okay.

Edit: If you don't mind me asking, what would be the available age ranges of our vampires/ Werewolves be? The title of oldest is already taken for both species, and I was thinking of making a vampire infected during the wild west. Would that be too old?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LemonadeVik
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LemonadeVik Glitchy Boi

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm still in, even there is going to be a bit of blood! Also on the note of "blood cows" can a Were give blood to a vamp?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HowlsOfWinter
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ever
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm perfectly fine with playing someone else, if it would cause too much of a plot problem. I just love the bad ass normal guy trope and was checking to see if it was okay.

Edit: If you don't mind me asking, what would be the available age ranges of our vampires/ Werewolves be? The title of oldest is already taken for both species, and I was thinking of making a vampire infected during the wild west. Would that be too old?

No, that would not be too old! I'd say go for it if you are willing to play a vampire and werewolf instead.

With the way these coven leaders are, I don't think they would allow a coven member to have a blood cow. Not unless the person was willingly giving the blood.

@LemonadeVik Yes, a werewolf can give blood to a vampire.

Thanks for the interest HowlsOfWinter! Would be glad to have you aboard.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

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I'll take a closer look when I have time, but for now I'm placing tentative interest
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