It has been eleven years since the climactic battle between Monkey D. "Strawhat" Luffy and Marshall D. "Blackbeard" Teach.
After having been thought dead by many following the battle of Marineford, he took the world by storm. For an entire year the reunited Strawhats sailed the dangerous seas of the New World, battling the likes of Donquixote Doflamingo, Charlotte Linlin, and Kaido, to name but a few.
But it was only at the legendary island of Raftel that the Strawhats would meet their final enemy. It was there that the Strawhat Grand Fleet clashed with the armada of Blackbeard, one of the four Emperors. Many on both sides that day would perish as the two captains battled one another with an intensity never before witnessed. Finally, Teach and Luffy's strongest attacks met with a world-shattering impact that engulfed both of them in a blinding light.
When everything cleared, neither of them remained.
With their leaders having vanished without a trace, the remnants of the Grand Fleet and Blackbeard pirates likewise dispersed. Many of the major players within the world stage were now gone, but the legends and stories they inspired drove entire new generations of pirates to take to the sea.
Now, more than a decade after the conclusion of that titanic battle, one lone pirate strikes out to leave their mark on the world.
After having been thought dead by many following the battle of Marineford, he took the world by storm. For an entire year the reunited Strawhats sailed the dangerous seas of the New World, battling the likes of Donquixote Doflamingo, Charlotte Linlin, and Kaido, to name but a few.
But it was only at the legendary island of Raftel that the Strawhats would meet their final enemy. It was there that the Strawhat Grand Fleet clashed with the armada of Blackbeard, one of the four Emperors. Many on both sides that day would perish as the two captains battled one another with an intensity never before witnessed. Finally, Teach and Luffy's strongest attacks met with a world-shattering impact that engulfed both of them in a blinding light.
When everything cleared, neither of them remained.
With their leaders having vanished without a trace, the remnants of the Grand Fleet and Blackbeard pirates likewise dispersed. Many of the major players within the world stage were now gone, but the legends and stories they inspired drove entire new generations of pirates to take to the sea.
Now, more than a decade after the conclusion of that titanic battle, one lone pirate strikes out to leave their mark on the world.

Hey everyone! I'm a longtime One Piece fan and a longtime RPer, and having been impressed by this site, I thought I would try setting up an RP here for my most favorite of Anime/Manga!
If the narration above did not make it apparent, the premise is fairly straightforward: It is twelve years after the canon timeskip, and eleven years after the Strawhats and Blackbeard had a titanic clash on the island of Raftel. At the height of the battle, both Captains vanished in a clash between their strongest attacks, leaving their crews to simultaneously retreat in confusion. The sheer ferocity of their battle and the mysterious nature of their disappearance has caused a whole new generation of pirates to set sail over the past decade.
This story follows the crew of one such pirate.
I'm hoping to do this in a way that's fairly unique to roleplaying games, but entirely appropriate for the One Piece setting. Essentially, it involves my character meeting her crew one by one as they travel from island to island. This means that each character will get their own arc, and will have their own reason for choosing to follow my character, just like in the series! It'll require some patience from the other players, but I think it's quite worth it for the sake of character development.
I would work with each player to come up with their character arc so that it fits with the vision they have for their avatar. I'm hoping to having a good number of players, but due to the way the RP is organized, I in fact only need one to start!
If this interests anyone, don't be shy about expressing it below!
1) No Godmodding
2) No Logia, Mythical Zoan, or overpowered Paramecia (at the start, anyhow)
3) No Haki (again at the start)