Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

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We all know the story of how one young girl on a quest to find seven magical orbs - how she ran her motorcycle into a young boy who had lived in the woods his entire life, and how that little boy, Goku, would go onto become not just the savior of Earth, but the entire universe, and perhaps not just his universe. We know about his hardships and his story, the friends he made and the foes he fought. The family he created, the children he created and the legacy he left.

This, this is a story completely different from that. This story is one about the greatest warrior race in the entire universe, how their pride was shattered by a tyrant, and one last, desperate attempt at removing the Frost Demon's foot from their heads. This is the story of the renegades, the wildcars, the mavericks. The pathfinders of a dead civilization and their struggles in a brave new world far away from everything they ever knew.

This is the story of the Saiyans of The Primal Fury. We will play as The Elite, born into greatness, the leaders and commanders of the Saiyan army, and the Low Class warriors,the disposable grunts. Those that thanks to a cunning plot of the King, were sent away to a new galaxy, far away from Frieza's plan to eradicate the Saiyans to craft a new path for the Saiyan race, to carry on their legacy.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

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Hopefully this helps with coming up with Saiyan names :p
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

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I'll try to post my bio later today. Gotta go to work first.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well I tried to make a character more in line with Turles I hope it turned out right. @Hillan


| B I R T H N A M E: |

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |

| E P I T H E T H: |

| P O W E R L E V E L : |

| A G E: |

| A P P E A R A N C E: |
Celter is of a standard build for a Saiyan if not slightly thinner. He has unusually abnormal hair for some saiyans being more flat, and lacks the spikes that are common among saiyans. He has murky green eyes, and wears both a dark purple scouter, and armor. He has less scars than the average warrior more, or less due to him preferring subtler methods of undermining his enemies than a direct fight. Besides this he lacks any other noticeable distinctions.

| P E R S O N A L I T Y: |
Celter is a cold ruthless individual who values success over matters of pride, or relationships. He doesn't especially care for those around him and his mind is always on the works of how to improve himself further. Though by no means is he a power hungry madman he still is willing to put away his own saiyan instincts if it could give him a better opportunity, or victory down the road. Though not quick to anger when he does get angry he is a force to be reckoned with and while he tries to retain his reason he tends to lose it in the midst of his anger. He has no specific distastes when it comes to other species he does view insects as the most disgusting. Though he can talk rough he is usually usually polite, and well mannered but dripping with dry sarcasm when it comes to the more 'blunt' individuals he meets. Celter's primary objective is always, and will likely forever, be getting the upper hand in any given situation.

| T R A D E M A R K: |
Blackened Cannon: A beam technique developed to be easily modified for the given situation. It can be overcharged in two hands for a devastating wave of ki energy. Or used in one hand to allow for a quick and easy sneak attack as it can be thrown from any direction and be detonated at will. What it gives in versatility it lacks in raw power. The former is used by clenching one's hands into the shape of a ball and then opening the fingers allowing for the blast to be controlled. The latter is as simple as using an standard ki shot but takes longer to charge if one wants to detonate it at will. The overcharged beam's condensed energy makes it ideal for countering other energy, or ki based offenses.

Shatterpoint Cracker: A technique used to bypass stronger defenses. Taking the form of either a slender beam of ki energy either emitted from the eyes, or more commonly by the hands. It's main purpose is not for beam clashing, or for a power move but a debilitating cut, or to break through an otherwise strong defense. Though it can cut through weaker ki blasts if focused enough it usually is meant for destroying ki based defenses, and or physical armors that would usually take more time to bypass with blunt force. Acting like a knife, or sword slash it cuts through the armor with concentrated ki. Though not it doesn't usually entail killing blow it can cause heavy bleeding if the right area is cut. An effective way to counter is through a stronger, or large ki blast or a thick enough barrier.

Celter is confident in his ability to control his energy based attacks, and control the precise amount he desires to put into them. Unlike most Saiyans who go for raw destructive power he went with another route. He prefers to hit weak points, and undermine the enemy's weaknesses with precise, and deadly uses of ki blasts. He can construct ki blades, and uses blasts in tandem when physical combat is necessary. He heavily prefers range combat but has training enough to hold his own against any competent fighter though he is no master in the art. He intended to use the image of a stereotypical saiyan against his opponents by going against their expectations and instead focusing on making openings, and exploiting them by any means necessary.

Celter has no pride when it comes to fighting against opponents. He is willing to play dirty, and mock his opponents so that they open their guard and allow him to destroy them. If he can win a fight by taking a hit and then hitting a major organ he will do so. Too Celter the ends justify the means in combat.

| S K I L L S: |
Ki Mastery - Celter has put extensive time into understanding, and channeling his ki energy allowing him to learn new moves at a faster pace then someone who has not found their niche with that skill set. This also allows him to conserve energy instead of wasting energy of bloated attacks.

Spacial Awareness: Celter knows his flaws and has made an attempt to cover for it by being aware of what is near him. His lack of training in the physical combat department made him train to always be aware of his immediate surroundings when possible to prevent sudden counter attacks, or a surprise attack. Though not infallible Celter is more aware of what is happening around him than the usual combatant.

Medical Training: Celter knows basic medical training allowing him to treat himself, or others in the case of severe injuries in the middle of the field if he has the equipment to treat it. He is not a professional doctor by any means but he doesn't intend to let himself bleed out when he otherwise would've survived. This also allows him some leeway in combat as it allows him to be more effective with his attacks.

| B I O G R A P H Y: |
Born to a noble family on planet Vegeta his upbringing was slightly different than some saiyans. Though he went through the standard training that every saiyan would his own father was a bit of a maverick when it came to Saiyan nobility. Feared for his intelligence, and cunning Celter's father carved his way through the courts, and through planets, like a deadly virus with no cure using rarely used intrigue, and deceit to undermine his adversaries. His father was mocked for not being as brutish as some of his colleagues though he was known for offering well thought out wisdom to the king when required. Celter himself took after his father but was also a bit like his mother in that he preferred to have all his bases covered so he trained with his mother in physical combat training, and went on missions with her while his father taught him his more used techniques. He learned he had more talent for controlling his energy beams than fighting with his fists, though that was serviceable as well.

Capitalizing on his inborn skill with ki he put most of his efforts into learning ways to control it and manipulate the source of energy. His father helped him on occasion but he was often left to his own devices with his mother, and uncles than not. He developed new techniques by way of learning from his uncles' techniques, and learning their skills while his mother berated him for not focusing more on the enemy in front of him which led Celter to also pursuing alternate training on how to keep his mind open rather then narrowly focused on one single individual.

As he pressed on with his life Celter was left in charge of planning operations on some minor planets, and backwoods sectors with his squad of fellow saiyan nobles. His most prominent moment is when he exploited a warrior race's code and the weaknesses of the species after studying them and then butchering all of their prominent leaders all at once leaving the race's masses defenseless allowing for a quick take over of the disorganized rabble that remained.

After the war with the planet trade system he held no gripes with 'fleeing' from the frost demons. He sees it as an opportunity for a come back, and quick end for the overly confident former 'superiors' that he had followed since he was a child.

| M I S C. N O T E S: |
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

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| B I R T H N A M E |

| N I C K N A M E |

  • Cai

| S O B R I Q U E T S |

  • Magic Bullet, Bastard Upstart

| P O W E R L E V E L |

  • 5000

| A G E |

  • 20

| A P P E A R A N C E |

  • Somewhat distinctive amongst the other Saiyans of the expedition, Cailan notably forgoes most of the traditional Saiyan battle armor and accoutrements. In their place, she's usually seen clad in a simple, form-fitting black bodysuit and a loose-fitting green silken robe with an odd, asymmetrical design, held up by a matching belt and bandolier. The latter of these also sometimes holds up a band of weights around her body, in the event that she's trying to hold herself back in a fight for the sake of training.

    Although this is ostensibly her combat attire, her robes are not terribly durable or resistant to damage, simply very comfortable and easy to move in. The only real bits of her wardrobe that are distinctively "Saiyan" in design are her green-tinted scouter and her dark navy and silver armguards and boots, while the others appear to be based on some kind of alien design - made obvious by the fact that the hole in the back of her bodysuit for her tail seems to have been crudely cut into it rather than sewn into the original garment. Speaking of her tail, she's also notable in that she doesn't normally keep her tail wrapped around her waist like a belt, but rather keeps it tucked beneath the skirts of her dress, wound loosely around her left thigh. This makes it hard to so much as see underneath her robe, much less grab onto it, preventing people from taking advantage of an otherwise dangerous weak spot.

    As far as Cailan's actual physical features go, she's... not terribly imposing. She stands only at a total height of five feet, four inches, and while her build has some muscle to it, she's not nearly as brawny as the other Saiyans on the ship. Her skin is very pale, suggesting a life spent mostly either in space or on planets without much natural light - or perhaps some alien ancestry in addition to her Saiyan blood. She also notably lacks many battle scars or other such marks of past conflicts, of which her comrades-in-arms have countless more. Although her dark hair isn't terribly unusual for a Saiyan - jet black in color and generally very straight but curving back upward into messy spikes at the ends of each strand - her bright green eyes are definitely an oddity, as most Saiyans have brown or gray eyes. And, if this wasn't enough to tip an observer off that she's not entirely of Saiyan blood, a closer inspection might reveal a couple of other bizarre traits - her ears are actually slightly pointed, as are her canine teeth...

| P E R S O N A L I T Y |

  • When one envisions a stereotypical Saiyan, they'd imagine someone with lots of bluster and built-up rage, always roaring or smashing or... well, you get the picture.

    Cailan is anything but ordinary, as far as these stereotypes are concerned. Generally very stoic and serious, she's usually identifiable by her blank, impassive expression and quiet tone of voice. More often than not, she's quite outspoken, preferring to let others debate and argue things amongst themselves rather than offer her opinion unsolicited. Given her low powerlevel and quiet demeanor, one would thus likely assume her to be a doormat or a sycophant, simply trying to avoid trouble with her superiors. And, in part, you'd be right to assume this. She's usually quite polite and formal when she speaks, and generally does what she's told. However, she's also been known to voice her disgust with particular superiors who given her insane or distasteful orders, couching her scorn and derision in flowery words and sarcasm.

    Her attitude towards combat isn't quite as simple. On the one hand, she's got the usual Saiyan battle-hunger, and appreciates few things more than the chance to hone her skills and demonstrate her combat prowess. The more frenetic the pace of the fight, the more beautiful the dance, the more overwhelming the high - so much the better. Similarly, she's clearly quite proud of her martial prowess and accomplishments in battle, and is more than willing to face overwhelming odds to see that pride vindicated. However, she lacks the ruthlessness, the indiscriminate savagery, the brutality, that tends to define her race as a whole. She has little to no interest in killing those who don't pose a threat to her, and finds conquest and dominion to be boring prospects. Raw power without any level of finesse tends to disgust her, as she views it as a waste of potential. If she finds an enemy's resolve or their skills particularly admirable, she might even spare them, simply because she would think it a shame to destroy such potential. She doesn't fight for the sake of bettering her standing, or for acquiring authority or political power, but rather seems solely fixated upon improving herself. She betters herself for the sake of battle and does battle for the sake of bettering herself.

    This isn't to say she's a saint however. By and large, Cailan simply does whatever happens to please one person: herself. She enjoys battle, and so seeks it out, but this is far from her only source of fulfillment. Good food, the thrill of venturing into the unknown, the beauty of art, the precise time and artistry of a complex dance... In most cases, these interests are harmless, albeit curious affectations of discriminating taste and culture for a Saiyan - and a low-class half-breed, at that. Even taking all of these things into account, there's one vitally important thing to remember. Even if she's polite, follows orders dutifully, and generally dislikes mindless mayhem and slaughter, Cailan's first and foremost priority is self-fulfillment. In the end, the person who matters most to her is always herself.

| A B I L I T I E S |

  • Tinkerer: Although not trained in any formal capacity, Cailan has taken apart several different bits of Saiyan tech and pieced them back together, giving her a general idea of how they work. Based on this knowledge, she's capable of cobbling together some surprisingly effective jury-rigged devices, such as the emergency beacon she used to return from exile.
  • Awareness of Self: Rather than being a master of combat, or a master of ki manipulation, Cailan could best be described as a natural genius of self-control. Capable of precisely regulating her breathing and her body's movements down to the slightest twitch, she makes no unnecessary exertions, nor does she wear herself out easily. Through this instinctive knowledge of her own capabilities and limitations, she's also capable of putting her body's natural flexibility to good use, and fighting by using precise control of and redirection of force rather than trying to utilize brute strength, which she herself naturally lacks due to her small size and meager stature.
  • Maximum Efficiency: Her self-control also lends itself perfectly to her rather odd style of Ki combat, as even without extensive training, she's naturally talented at narrowing down the focal point of her ki emissions to a very specific point - or, more often, joint - of her body, rather than spreading her power wastefully over a large area. Because of this, she's capable of learning otherwise advanced techniques with relative ease, even despite her lack of formal training - provided that the technique in question doesn't require more raw power than she's capable of letting out. Similarly, it also makes her movements while flying incredibly precise for the same reason, as she's capable of easily maneuvering and altering her trajectory without any significant difficulty.

| T E C H N I Q U E S |

  • Fighting Style: Cailan generally fights not via brute strength, but by a mix of precise blows, defensive grappling techniques, and long-range ki-based combat. Her usual method of attacking enemies in close quarters is through sweeping, dance-like kicks, making full use of her significantly greater leg strength and releasing ki at the point of impact to amplify the damage done by her attacks. This also compensates somewhat for her height, as her legs have a significantly longer reach than her arms do, and the constant movement involved in her spinning, twisting, whirling style of combat helps her to avoid retaliation. When she absolutely must face a melee attack head on, she usually won't try to block it directly, but rather prefers to precisely redirect the force away from her center of mass, sometimes using a series of grabs, twists, and pins to use the force of the enemy's own swing to throw them or knock them to the ground, compensating for her lack of strength. In general, though, she avoids hand-to-hand combat if she can help it, due to her lack of strength, leverage, or formal training. Instead, it's her own self-taught Ki techniques that she relies on in serious fights.
  • BBB - Blade Bullet Barricade: The first of Cailan's personal techniques, and the basis for those that follow. This move is meant not as an attack, but rather as a means of repelling ki-based attacks against the user. It relies on Cailan's keen control of her own movements to function. While a normal move might use a surface such as "the hand" or "the eye" as a focal point for emitting ki, this move instead focuses ki through the precise muscles and tendons of the user's arm. This creates a "shell" around the arm it's channeled through, which moves in accordance with the muscles of the arm in question. The end result resembles some kind of a mantle or cape made out of her pale green ki, which swirls and twists around her arm, violently severing and distorting anything it comes into contact with (operating under a similar principle of "cutting" through condensed ki to the Kienzan). As a result, this can be used to rip incoming attacks asunder, scattering their energy and rendering it significantly less potent, or simply "erasing" them outright. It has additional uses when it comes to amplifying her otherwise weak punches, since it turns her arm into a makeshift ki drill, and in helping her maneuver, since by moving her arm, she can extend and contract the aura, releasing pulses that can increase her speed or alter her trajectory in the air.
  • BBB - Blade Bullet Blitz: A more offensively-oriented and precise variant of her first technique. Instead of focusing using the muscles of her arm, this narrows down the point of emission even further, concentrating solely on the tendons in her fingers. The end result is a "claw" or "spear" of ki energy that can be extended or contracted by miming the same motion with her fingers, and which can bend and twist, seeking out targets so long as she can follow her movements with her fingers. While this attack has tremendous piercing power and limited tracking ability, it has a firing delay for consecutive attacks with each "bullet," as, if one of her "shots" overshoots its mark, she needs to first contract the "spear," adjust her aim, then launch it again. This allows particularly fast opponents to slip through her "net" by charging right down the middle. And, while she's focusing through her extremities, she can't also form a Barricade, meaning her defenses are temporarily down when she's launching a Blitz.
  • BBB - Blade Bullet Burnout A fine-tuned variant of both of the above techniques, specialized for higher output, and meant to counter large beam-type attacks a la the Galick Gun or Kamehameha. It functions by channeling energy simultaneously through every tendon of the user's arm, releasing an initial pulse similar to the Barricade while also projecting several curving "spears" from the user's fingers to circle around the beam. If timed right, this can stave off a beamstruggle before counterattacking the enemy to disrupt their control, either by hitting them or forcing them to dodge. However, it uses up a lot more ki than either of the above techniques, and also requires such intense control that a single unnecesary movement could disrupt the technique, meaning that once she starts using this tactic, she's forced to commit to facing an incoming attack head-on, and can't pull out if her defenses start to break before her counterattack reaches its target. Because of this, it's a high risk, high reward maneuver. The opponent will be hard-pressed to dodge, and even if they do escape unscathed, they'll likely have exhausted themselves uselessly and left themselves wide open. However, she herself can't retreat or deal with other attacks in the meantime, meaning she's wide open and easy to overwhelm through a sheer difference in power, limiting the utility of this move somewhat.

| B I O G R A P H Y |

  • Born to a low-class warrior and a near-Human - or rather, near-Saiyan - alien warrior woman who was taken by him as a servant and concubine in exchange for sparing her life, Cailan was largely scorned by the people of her father's homeworld due to her mixed ancestry and low power-level at birth. Although originally she was allowed to be raised by her mother to become a servant herself, after her father was injured in battle and could no longer fight, he needed some way to continue his legacy of service to the crown - and, by extension, to their new PTO masters. It was a toss-up between his weak legitimate younger son and his equally weak bastard daughter. So, in order to spare himself the shame his first offpsring might bring him, her father petitioned her to be sent on a "purge mission" to test her worth: she'd be dropped onto a potential target for the PTO when she was still only a child. If she could survive once her fighting instincts awakened and exterminate the planet's inhabitants, her pod would activate a distress beacon confirming she was alive and well, and she'd be recovered to put into service as a low-class warrior for the PTO. And, if she didn't manage to survive... well, then what was the big loss if some half-breed bastard bit the dust, anyway?

    Needless to say, Cailan didn't die there. Her mother, taking pity on her, managed to slip a few useful tools and supplies into her pod before it was launched, and left her instructions on basic things like building a shelter, finding food, and making signals in the hopes that she could find shelter with the natives until she was strong enough to overcome and exterminate them. Even still, her odds weren't good, but a series of accidents ultimately worked in her favor. First, her pod ended up getting inadvertently stranded when it stopped on a largely uninhabited planet to replenish its environmental subsystems. Next, she discovered that the planet she had ended up on was home to many dangerous predators, but also had a great many indigenous fruits, as well as two large moons with short orbital periods. As a result, she spent most of her days sleeping, then would sally forth during the night, taking on her Great Ape form to rampage through the area until she'd exterminated all creatures in the surroundings, or driven any other potential threats away. After that, she'd go out on the following mornings and scavenge up whatever food she could. In this way, she managed to establish a territory of her own, and, indeed, managed to live somewhat comfortably.

    In the mean time, she began tinkering with her damaged pod, trying to discover how it worked based on the instructions left her by her mother. Through trial and error, she managed to get the distress beacon working again, and, to her surprise, it was answered not by Saiyans, but rather by a group of alien space travelers. Taking pity on the girl - who wisely concealed her Saiyan heritage for fear of being abandoned - they offered her a place aboard their ship. She spent the next few years in transit along with her benefactors, sating her curiosity by learning as much as she could from them. They taught her about a great many things she'd never been aware of - of formal combat, yes, but more importantly of things such as art, etiquette, and philosophy, which fascinated her.

    Even in her isolation, she had appreciated the beauty of the world around her, the grace of the birds in their flight. Based on these impressions, she'd taken her first steps towards self-mastery, discovering how to fly by herself, and inventing the first of her special techniques to assist her in her efforts to be like them by granting her "wings" like theirs - the "mantle" she ultimately mastered creating later on. Finding that there were entire arts dedicated to replicating that beauty made her feel vindicated in her efforts, and drove her to obsess over further perfecting the "art" which she had set about creating. Combat wasn't just about who was strong and who was weak, as her father had so foolishly assumed when he sent her away. Rather, it was about skill, finesse, mastery for mastery's sake! By perfecting her talents to the highest degree, she might perhaps demonstrate that to the ones who had derided her as useless, and prove the value of her life and her abilities.

    Eventually, she jumped from ship to ship clear back to Planet Vegeta, and offered her services as a warrior. As it happened, however, she turned out to be a convenient tool for the crew of the Primal Fury, as her power had grown to a point which, while not considerable, it would nevertheless make her useful as a vanguard. And, fortunately, what few records existed of her birth and life all recorded her mission as a failure and herself as being lost in transit and presumed dead, which meant there wasn't even any information about her to falsify. So it was that she was placed as one of the grunts of the crew - a disposable low-class warrior meant to fight for the cause of future Saiyan glory.

    Personally, she couldn't have cared less what she was fighting for. So long as she could attain newer, greater heights and demonstrate her own "art," she'd ask for little else.

| M I S C. N O T E S |

  • Her mother's species, while I don't have a name for it, is basically a Humanoid with pale white or blue skin, fanglike teeth, and pointed ears - just in case that ever becomes relevant to the plot.

    Also, as she spent a great deal of her childhood in her Great Ape form, she's reached a certain level of control over it, such that she's still capable of retaining her basic thought process while she's transformed. However, she detests the Great Ape form in general, since she can't control her Ki with nearly the same level of precision while using it, and thus it symbolizes everything she detests in battle - power without artistry, elegance, control, or finesse.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

So... uh... did this just die?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I honestly have no clue.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 3 days ago

So... uh... did this just die?

Absolutely not. Waiting on sheets / people to finish sheets.

I will be accepting a few finished sheets in the morning, as it's 2 am atm.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 8 mos ago

I'm active in the Discord, been having problems figuring out my moveset is all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 3 days ago


Welcome aboard the Primal Fury.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@HillanExcellent. I'm going to edit her bio slightly, though, since as the Discord pointed out, her mother being a PTO member doesn't make sense chronologically.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 3 days ago

@HillanExcellent. I'm going to edit her bio slightly, though, since as the Discord pointed out, her mother being a PTO member doesn't make sense chronologically.

Oh yeah. Good catch, it's been a long day.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@HillanAlright thanks Hillan glad my character is alright.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

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Still accepting?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 3 days ago

Still accepting?

You know it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

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| B I R T H N A M E: |

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |
Barbie(insulting), Biru

| E P I T H E T H: |

| P O W E R L E V E L : |

| A G E: |

| A P P E A R A N C E: |
Barbiru is a shorter than average height and toned saiyan, but not overall burly. He has dark hair arranged in a spiky fashion that shoots upwards like a broom. One of such locks sticks forward and hangs loosely. His eyes are dark, but his expression is uncharacteristically mellow and gentle. He usually wears an old style PTO armor without shoulderpads, as well as an utility belt just a bit below his tail's resting position. He also carries a small backpack with more materials as well as a pocket computer, which is linked to his heavily-modded green scouter for enhaced functionality and technical analysis.

| P E R S O N A L I T Y: |
A complete deviant in the Saiyan society, Barbiru lacks the common aggressive behaviour of most saiyans, preferring to live and let live if left unattended. However, as a creature who likes to abide with rules, his kind hearted nature is often forced to perform gruesome deeds and fight for the Saiyans more than he would like to, in order to avoid being punished. Patient and ponderous, Barbiru quickly leapt to a niche almost no Saiyan would ever set foot in. Technology. After all, building and repairing in his eyes are more difficult and challenging than just destroying things. And he doesn't have to stain his hands to do so.

However, there is another side to Barbiru. Since he's capable of attachment and loves peace, should the few things that are important to him be threatened, he will answer in kind. Possesing an unbreakable will and boundless courage, Barbiru might not have the battle instict of his peers, but he has truly heroic spirit. He will be swift. He will be merciful. And he will kill you with hardly a gloat or a word, or die trying.

| T R A D E M A R K: |
All Rounder Elite: Barbiru's style in combat involves a rather trite mix of offense, defense, punches and throws, with Ki blasts. He doesn't have any kind of strong suite whatsoever, and feels dull and boring. However, it is still elite trained style, and it will hurt if one is not careful. Given how this style also has very little weak points besides the lack of true strengths, it could be argued that is a defensive and reactive style among Saiyans, if such a thing existed.

Galick Gun: Rumours say he learnt this technique by being on the receiving end repeated times as punishment for his deeds. Nevertheless, while his version is not as powerful as the Royal Family ones, it is still a good finishing move, and demolition tool.

Ki Transfer: Barbiru is capable of transferring his ki to replenish that of others.

Carbo Barrier: Barbiru spread his arms wide and manifests an interwoven ki warrier that is unbelievable sturdy and can protect himself and allies from mass area attacks, and if he focuses enough, massive ki attacks. However, the consumption rate for the technique is proportional to the amount of damage the barrier receives, and as such, it will not hold for long when piercing or massive energy attacks are used. Barbiru thinks of this as his ultimate technique.

| S K I L L S: |
Gentle Soul: Barbiru doesn't give off battle lust, even when inspected by people with mystic powers (although they would be able to sense regret and self-loathe instead). He also is very hard to enrage, mostly because he has to will himself to hurt people. His Great Ape form suffers as a result, lacking the usual overpowering aggression most Saiyans in Great Ape form have. Since he doesn't have that much blind rage, he didn't need much effort to be able to learn to retain his mind in his Great Ape form, and is even capable of manipulating (large) tools with it.

Perceptive: Given that he has a broader emotional spectrum than the average saiyan, and the fact that the drums of battle don't sound as intense in his mind, Barbiru is often being able to tell and feel details that many would find missing, such as a hint of an emotion of an opponent, a hidden clue, detect which part is the one malfunctioning... even in the thick of battle, which can give him some perks such as seeing attacks better and finding chinks in an opponents' defense.

Engineer: Barbiru's great passion. He is a very capable engineer, even if one were to compare him by other race's standards, and he can create, repair and maintain a wide range of technology devices employed by the PTO, as well as several other factions. He is also able to design new systems from scratch and even improve current technologies.

Cooking: He likes to create, and he also has the other Saiyan passion of eating. It is no wonder he knows how to do this.

| B I O G R A P H Y: |
Barbiru was born in the elite of the Saiyans, destined to be an iron-fisted captain over the more uncouth and undisciplined hordes of lower classes. However, something seemed to go very -wrong- in his head. The young saiyan not only failed to show any kind of unrelenting will to fight, but would often throw his fights up. To not hurt his opponents. This brought great shame to his peers and parents, and unable to deal with the child, they decided to send him in suicide missions so he could learn the proper Saiyan way or die trying.

Of course, Barbiru not only failed in such a task, and leave the planet unmarred, he failed in the worst way possible. He somehow befriended the high-tech natives of the planet and thus gained enough knowledge to rig his own pod systems and go back to Planet Vegeta without finishing his mission. Barbiru's punishment, however had to wait because the PTO came along, guns blazing and putting their heels over King Vegeta's throne. Barbiru felt no less vexed than his comrades about the matter, after all, as bad as King Vegeta was, the new guys looked even worse. Surprisingly fought hard in that war, but eventually it was But... he didn't want to start fights. Not yet at the very least. Deep down, he knew that somehow, that Frieza madman had to be stopped. But it would be unwise to fight again in the same fashion they had lost. So he bid his time like many others. The PTO provided, nevertheless, a surprising boon. Scientists and technology. Barbiru wasted no time in chasing these flighty seemingly servitor races by running errands in secret, in exchange of their precious knowledge. And of course the benefit was mutual. The protection of a Saiyan was nothing to scoff at.

Until King Vegeta caught wind of his deeds once again. He offered him a choice. To punish him for not being Saiyanlike enough, or join a certain ship's crew. Barbiru's choice was a no brainer.

| M I S C. N O T E S: |
The Barbie thing was totally intentional.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 3 days ago


Welcome aboard the Primal Fury.

Y'all should move your sheets over to the character tab, btw.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

i will when i get the chance.
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