The goal of this simple little RP is very simple. You will try and corrupt the wish of another person by misinterpreting/manipulating what they said or you can be just a straight up douchebag of a genie. If someone wishes "I want a lot of money", you can give them infinite Monopoly cash. After your corrupted someone else's wish, make your own and separate it via a horizontal line like this
The general rules of the guild apply, but we'll take them lightly for the sake of entertainement. However there are a few simple house rules to keep the IC in check:
-You cannot corrupt your own wish (duh)
-Try and wish for things people can corrupt. The point of the RP is not to make corrupting hard, but to make wishing funny.
-Try and refrain from wishing something that someone else has wished before (in a reasonable time period)
You got all of that? Good. I'll start with my wish, and then you can do the rest.
Ps: You don't need a CS, just post in the IC straight away.