Full Name: Dennis Eden
Nicknames/Aliases: N/A
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Berkano, on the nape of his neck.
Rune Powers:
Nature Speak – By touching a plant with his bare skin, he will instantly be connected to the ‘wood wide web’, if the plant he touches has enough mushroom mycelia in symbiosis. Using this will make him ‘aware’ of everything in his surrounding area, with more limited communication the further the mycelium spreads. However, it has limited capability – it interrupts all of his own mind’s functions, meaning that it can be difficult to pull away. He also cannot use his other power during this time.
Phytokinesis – Be it rain or shine, dark or light, Dennis can manipulate nearby vegetation, trees, flowers, and even moss. For the most part, it’s his ability to accelerate a plant’s growth that comes in use. He is also able to command them to grow to enormous proportions (…to an extent) and develop vines, tangling roots, and barbed thorns. He can even persuade them to quickly regenerate, as long as the ‘wound’ has not been burned. Not all scars can heal…
Description: Tending to wear things bought cheap or found in charity shops, Dennis is often considered ‘simple’ in what he wears – consisting of a small range of jumpers, jeans and shirts. It’s more out of necessity than desire… okay, it’s completely necessity. But, he doesn’t mind. It’s for Tom, after all.
Personality: Dennis is a tough nut to crack. It isn’t that he’s antisocial or he doesn’t believe in people… he’s just rather closed off person. It comes mostly from his situation as his brother’s only bodily able relative, and their financial difficulties from the same situation.
He’s also been alone for a very long time, and had to grow up far too fast. Caring for an ailing parent and a younger brother tends to do that to you. So he isn’t going to bloom without a little coaxing.
His determination, strong desire to protect, and his reason for joining the Blessed all stem from Tom. And so does his perseverance, strength, and ruthlessness.
Photosynthescout – Due to his ability to connect to the plants’ network, as long as these things are in the circuit, he can ‘see’ the surrounding area. It can also be used to identify his, or other people’s blind spots. Though, the aforementioned difficulty of disconnecting from his
Hold Fast Your DETERMINATION (MOTI references anyone?) – As long as he knows he needs to help, and he’s not totally incapacitated, he’ll keep on fighting. While it might be overall harmful to his own body, it may just be the tipping point needed to win.
Arid Areas – if there is little or no life nearby, not even the smallest seedlings, it begins to take a toll on Dennis himself. Quickened exhaustion, increased paranoia and shortened temper – separate him from the plants and he’s useless.
Tethered – Dennis’ dedication relies solely on Tom’s well-being. If Tom – or somebody he believes to be Tom – appears to be in danger, he’s not going to think or hesitate. He’s going to help his little brother, no matter what he has to do.
Unexperienced – While he’s good at training, and perhaps even good at controlling his powers, he has put neither to practice.
Brief History: (Any notable events in their background that might have shaped them. If you don't want to reveal too much, that's fine.)
Other:(Anything else you think everyone needs to know about your character.)

Full Name:
Gender: Male
Personality:(A brief outline of their demeanour.)
Skills: (Combat abilities or otherwise- go wild!)
Weaknesses: (Achilles' Heels that can be exploited by enemies.)
Brief History: (Any notable events in their background that might have shaped them. If you don't want to reveal too much, that's fine.)
Other:(Anything else you think everyone needs to know about your character.)