~ Full Name ~
Jormungandr or Jormungand, currently going by the alias of Kana Cerulean.
~ Nicknames/Aliases ~
The Midgard Serpent, the Great Beast, Ouroboros, Cute McCool (self-given), Magnificent Chaos (also self given- I thought it sounded pretty cool and will defs introduce me as this instead of, well, my actual stuffs. No point in opening a conversation with 'hi there, i'm here to eat your planet and kill you all'. It's a horrible ice-breaker, y'know?).
~ Age ~
Unknown. Jormungandr has been around since before history, or something.
Kana physically appears in her late teens, although she's awfully short for her approximate age. Her demeanour doesn't help people determine her age, either. When asked, she just cackles- somewhat derisively, honestly.
~ Gender ~
Kana herself appears female, although Jormungandr is, well, a giant, genderless snake monster. It might have genitals somewhere but I doubt anyone feels like looking when it's busy ripping the planet to shreds.
~ Snake Monster Baby Powers and Cool Stuff Adorable Kana-chan Can Do ~
- Rope Party -
Kana can summon snakes from her body, slithering out of her small frame and licking their lips as they taste the sweetness of air for the first time. These aquatic serpents can exist both on land and in the ocean, owing to the nature of their parent. These serpents can range in size, from tiny snakes the size of a pinky finger to giant serpents the length of a bus.
The snakes can spit poison, and are incredibly venomous. Ironically, the larger the snake, the less venom it carries and the less potent it becomes. Every snake is coated with some mucous from Jormungandr's true form, giving it a temporary corrosive, poisonous coating that makes it impossible to attack. As with the normal poison, the toxic coating becomes thinner and weaker as the snake grows to counterbalance the sheer strength of the larger danger noodles.
Summoning these snakes quite literally exhausts Kana. Mostly because the serpents are formed from her actual body and are a part of her form. Her blood is their poison, her flesh is their scales. The more snakes she summons, the more of her body she loses. Due to this, she can also be super creepy and turn her fingers into little murder worms.
The final aspect of these little death spaghettis is the fact that they can merge together to make bigger death spaghettis. On top of that, this allows Kana to cheekily use the second portion of her Snake Party skill- summoning her beloved giant nope ropes by the lovely names of Leviathan and Orochi by combining the smaller snakes together instead of doing the usual. If Kana sacrifices her current form, she can pull one of her two beloved serpents from their home by Jormungandr's side to wreak havoc in her stead.
- Rope Party: Confetti Bonbon -
Kana has two very special serpents close to her heart, gigantic snakes from the depths that coil themselves around her true form like children clinging to their mother. Leviathan is a gargantuan beast, easily topping skyscrapers as it sits upright. Still dwarfed by Jormungandr's true form, it's nonetheless a truly horrifying sight to behold.
Leviathan's scales are as thick as blast doors, and upon rearing itself up to its true height, it's capable of firing a brilliant white laser from its gaping maw that clashes with the onyx colours of its scales. Leviathan's black scales barely hide the massive serpents eyes- eight giant slits in the side of its head that are host to seven piercing red eyes that blaze with endless hunger and rage, an eye missing as it was plucked out by Orochi during a skirmish. Its forked tongue is capable of grabbing things and dragging them into Leviathan's throat where the snake will roast its food with a gentle laser cooking before swallowing it. On top of this, Leviathan is able to spew poison and acid from its mouth in both condensed laser forms and as a giant wave or mist. Finally, Leviathan can take a little while to charge itself up before unleashing a blast of radiation in an arc, like lightning that arcs all over the area and annihilates everything caught in the blast. Think of Godzilla except a snake and without the cool charging effects.

- Rope Party: Whisky Bonbon -
A second serpent coiled around Jormungandr's true body is a brilliant ivory serpent by the name of Orochi. Summonable alongside Leviathan, Orochi is slightly smaller and thinner, but is faster as a result. Orochi is, like Leviathan, capable of firing an immense laser from its mouth. This laser is black as night, clashing once again with the white scales that coat the gigantic nope rope.
Another trait that separates Orochi and Leviathan is the fact that Orochi acts more like a hydra than a snake- cutting off its head will cause two more to spring up in its place with a maximum of eight heads possibly appearing at once. Each of these heads is capable of firing a laser from its mouth, however unlike Leviathan this snake is unable to spit poison or acid. Each head represents a different element. Earth, fire, (boiling) water, wind, ice, lightning and whatever element 'giant black laser of death' comes under. As a counterpart to Leviathan, Orochi can combine the lasers from all of its heads into one huge death beam that can destroy an entire city with ease. Orochi's eight eye sockets are host to six icy blue eyes, four of them having been gouged out during infighting with Leviathan.

- Big Bad Wiggle Worm -
Jormungandr's body encircles the entire planet, hidden under leagues of icy, dark ocean. The creature itself is absolutely gargantuan, humongous, gigantic. Words alone can't describe the sheer scale of the beast sleeping below the waves of planet Earth. In ancient times, Jormungandr shuffled around a lot, slowly burrowing itself ever closer to the center of the world it nestled itself in after it was discarded and tossed aside by its parents. Making a deep pit for itself, it fed and fed until it was as large as it was today. In the process, it had created a deep, abyssal pit, unreachable by anything bar itself. However, that's not why we're here.
Jormungandr, in ancient times, was very fidgety. Constantly shifting left and right, wiggling and waggling about to try and get comfortable in its new lonely home. The Earth itself rocked and shifted along with the giant serpent, the people above attributing every earthquake and tsunami with the annoyed shifting of the beast they feared so much.
This is just a glorified way of me letting you know that, at a whim, Jormungandr can gently- or not so gently- wriggle its entire body, creating Earthquakes on any region of the planet it decides to wriggle near. Tidal waves, floods, earthquakes- anything that is caused by the earth destabilizing can be at the whims of the Midgard Serpent.
- Flip Fried Flake, Slip Slide Snake -
Kana may not be the gigantic powerhouse that Jormungandr's true form certainly is, but she's no weakling. Her body is naturally slippery, allowing her to squeeze out of grips and the like. Due to her physiology being comprised of literally snakes, she can reform her body much like an octopus- she has no bones inside her form after all. Despite seeming awfully human, Kana can't be crushed or affected by blunt attacks, only cut or torn, and even then it's difficult. This ability is meant to ensure her survival as a regular person going from day to day, avoiding encounters with any manner of beast she can't be bothered dealing with. Her blood is poisonous like the blood of any good world-devouring serpent's blood should be, and her saliva for some reason contains potent healing properties and can act as an antivenom. Kana's most notable feature is her agility, capable of outright inhuman (because she's not one) feats of speed and skill. She can toss herself through vents with ease, her lack of bones making it hard to keep her pinned down for very long if at all. Hitting the girl is a risk in itself, as her skin is abnormally tough and strong, and if you're not fast enough you might be the recipient of a painful, fatal bite from a snake poking its little head out of her skin. She can secrete poison from any portion of herself, or snap her body open to reveal a pit of vipers that will grab her victims and tear them to shreds- that's the least painful thing they can do.
On the topic of snakes, Kana's body being made up of little snakes allows the girl a degree of control over where and how they appear and act. Essentially acting as a snake-like variant of biomass manipulation, Kana can form her limbs into certain objects such as swords and shields. She can also push her biomass into specific areas of her body, allowing her to change her shape- she can give herself a tail or increase the size and strength of her arms and claws, for example. Maybe even grow extra limbs.
(I grew four arms once it was SO COOL!)
Her ability to generate biomass isn't infinite, however, and has its limits. It's not like she carries infinite snakes around inside her.
(Let's count! One, two, seven-hundred-thousand-three-hundred-sixty-nine! Ha, sixty-nine. I'm funny.)
Kana's body also possesses special snake-like attributes within her body. For starters, she can sense the body heat of nearby beings and get a rough determination of their size from it. On top of that, Kana is a skilled hunter due to her use of the Jacobson's Organ which allows her to keep the scent of her prey close at hand to make hunting down prey even easier than it already would be with her already enhanced senses. Kana is also incredibly strong, as you'd expect a creature like her to be. She's not obscenely strong, but she's easily capable of tossing a car with one hand or splitting a person in half with a swipe of her hand even without her claws. Kana can tear doors off of their hinges and can overcome immense odds due to her strength alone. Adding on the rest of her skills is honestly just overkill.
- Scourge of the Deep (Doesn't that sound cool?! I'm so awesome!)-
Jormungandr is exiled to the depths of the Earth, thrown down into the abyss just after its birth and left there, alone, unloved, forgotten. Being in the waters of the world for some time, Jormungandr is quite capable of many water-related feats. Manipulating water, for example, is second nature to it. Summoning massive tsunamis or raging cyclones with the flick of a wrist, Jormungandr is a sight to behold when given the chance to showcase its true power. Whirlpools, flash floods, you name it and Jormungandr can accomplish it. After all, Jormungandr is fated to drown the Earth and poison the skies, isn't it?
Kana can breathe underwater, and is an incredibly adept swimmer. She can swim faster than many humans with her feet alone, but if speed is a necessity, Kana will form her body into that of a snake and shoot through the ocean like a torpedo, capable of reaching utterly insane speeds. The water behind her churns so violently that anyone caught in it will be tossed around like they're flying through the air and falling to their deaths.
On top of this, her body is immune to the pressure of the ocean due to her boneless physiology, making her capable of escaping almost anything as long as she can get back to the ocean- once there, you have no chance of catching her. Maybe..
- Not A Godzilla Ripoff I Promise -
Jormungandr's main method of attack is shared by Orochi and Leviathan- a giant laser from the mouth. However, considering the sheer size of Jormungandr, the laser could easily go through the Earth and come out the other side. The lasers can come in as many colours as the rainbow scales adorning Jormungandr's length, and each colour has an added effect of being the element it shares its colour with. On top of this, Jormungandr can fire Leviathan's special beams, and if Jormungandr's head is cut off, it will grow a maximum of 8 new ones just like Orochi- all capable of firing the radioactive laser beam at once. This is Jormungandr's signature attack, capable of not just piercing the world but outright cracking it. Not even the Gods could survive a direct hit from the hellish bombardment, and the sheer power of it makes Jormungandr a threat even if that's really all it can do.
But what if it could do more?
~ Description ~
Kana stands at roughly 5 feet and four inches tall, her thin frame making her true strength outright shocking. Kana's skin is abnormally pale, almost alabaster, and her eyes glow ever so slightly regardless of the setting. The colour of her eyes change for seemingly no reason, and her eyes are permanently set in a wide, manic expression. The only constant bar her expression is the fact that her pupils are slit like those of a snake. Her permanent grin is outright unnerving, showcasing her many sharp teeth- specifically her massive snake fangs- that glint brightly in the sunlight. Kana's tongue is fairly normal- except for the fact that she can extend it to insane lengths and use it as a weapon. It wouldn't be the first time for Kana to hide up in a tree for an unsuspecting victim to waltz by, only to coil her tongue around their throat like a hanging snake and squeeze the life out of them until they pop. Then she pulls them up into the treetops and out of sight to enjoy her delicious meal. Several people have found said corpses, leading to a manhunt for the invisible cannibal.
Kana's hair is snow white, bleached from the endless time in the darkness below the ocean. She's considered dying it a normal shade, actually. People might be fooled into thinking she's a pale human, then.
Her fingernails seem to be painted black, although this is only because of the venom sitting just beneath them. Extending her nails, Kana's fingertips drool with her highly toxic venom, freed from its prison under her skin. Humans who ingest or are touched by her toxin are given mere moments to amputate the afflicted area or die. However, considering this is often paired with her cutting into her victims.. it's safe to say that most people would have no chance of survival.
Kana can pull a snake into existence on any part of her body, giving her a set of eyes and ears at virtually every angle imaginable. On top of these eyes, Kana has a second pair sitting diagonally up and behind her larger pair, a tiny set out eyes with horrible vision. However, if anyone were to sneak around her, they'd open up and she'd be able to very badly keep track of their general location.
You might notice that Kana has a habit of flicking her forked tongue out, and it's something she unconsciously does, especially when around people who 'smell special' or in new places. When her hunger takes over, her tongue slips in an out faster than most people can track, feeding her a constant trail of information as she stalks her desired meal.
When pressured and near death, Kana's body will convulse violently and grow multiple new limbs. Three gigantic tails will sprout from her body as her claws grow and thicken. Her fangs will become far too large for her mouth, forcing her to keep it open in a sort of bestial snarl. Two wings grow from her back, allowing her to push herself off of the ground and fly for a few moments. They're not complete by any means, but they allow her to at least glide.
Pushed even further, Kana's mental state is shattered. Losing the 'Kana' aspect of herself that she worked so hard to be and loved so much, and fully reverting to the being that is Jormungandr, her body takes on even more horrific transformations. Her three tails and legs all combine together to form her lower half into a gigantic tail tipped with a second mouth, a gaping maw full of razor sharp teeth and a tongue that rolls about haphazardly. It's hungry. Her claws grow even larger, trailing along the ground and oozing poison to the point that it pools around her. All four of her snake eyes are open wide, hungrily glaring at the prey before her as she slithers and slides more like a snake and not at all like a person. The wings on her back are now much more capable, allowing her to fly before she tires out. Following her claws with attacks, she uses her wings as a pair of 'second arms' so to speak. Able to control her body, the attacks from her wings are also as sharp as her claws. She prefers more momentum-based attacks in this form, spinning wildly in a flurry of claws and sharp winged and poisoned fangs.
On a much more lighthearted note, Kana's usual choice in wardrobe is slim-fitting clothes. She tends to expose much of her skin to allow her snakes air to breath.The colour, type and size of her clothes is always subject to change. The only exclusive members of her outfit are two things- a scarf and a zip-up hooded black jacket that she wears even without anything else on. She absolutely adores these articles of clothing, and will definitely be angry if you get them stained.
She might even kill you for it.
She also tends to wear a pair of glasses since her eyesight isn't particularly great, and a pair of goggles is what she tosses on when she is working in her workshop.
The body of Jormungandr is a truly majestic thing, covered in scales all the colours of the rainbow. In start contrast to the pictures of Jormungandr painted in the legends, the colossal serpent is a beautiful and terrifying creature at once. Its teeth are the size of mountains, its rainbow eyes blazing brilliantly even as its once brilliant hues turned dull from the endless years in the darkest depths of the ocean.
~ Personality ~
Kana Cerulean is insane. By all accounts, she should quite honestly be locked up inside a mental institution if it weren't for the fact that she was Jormungandr and that won't work. Keeping her distance far away from anyone even remotely associated with the Blessed (whose name makes her chuckle) Kana spends most of her time isolated and alone- for good reason. Socialising with her is like trying to have an adult conversation with a hyperactive child hyped up on cocaine and sweets. Constantly pulling topics out of thin air, constantly getting up in your face, Kana is a massive handful to anyone who considers approaching her. Introverts beware, you're in for a scare.
Kana's manic expression matches her personality easily, meaning it won't be too surprising when you find out how much of a loose canon the idiot world-eater is.
Well, she's not stupid, just.. unorthodox.
Very unorthodox.
Kana has many interests, ranging from shooting to
devouring people's heartsswimming and trying (
failing SUCCEEDING MAGNIFICENTLY) to cook nice human meals. She spends a lot of her time in her garage which she's happily nicknamed 'The Workshop'. She spends a lot of time cannibalising technology and improving it, then testing it on herself or anyone who's around at the time. Sometimes she accidentally cooks herself a nice dinner.
(I had orphan the other day! Really string, wouldn't recommen, 3/10 on my Yelp review!)
Kana's lunatic antics, however, give way to an incredibly intelligent and cunning woman. Spending her entire time reading books and working in her shop means that Kana, despite having no social skills whatsoever, has many others. One of her favourite books is 'The Art of War' by Sun Tzu, and she boasts that she's read it many, many times. She refuses to tell how many times, of course.
Catch Kana alone at night, however, and her usual insane demeanour is completely vacant. Turning to you with a small smile upon her face, the surprising disparity between her usual words and her sudden intellectual dialogue can be outright mindbending to those who witness it. Literacy, intelligence, charisma- Kana Cerulean is completely capable of those things, but what's the point of putting all of your cards on the table right from the get go? Jormungandr has spent eons alone, waiting, so patience is a virtue it's very well acquainted with.
She also spends a lot of time on a popular online forum and associated MMO, using the
incredibly inventive moniker of 'J0rmungandr'. 'Jormungandr' was taken.
Not anymore, but it's too late to change now.
When her hunger takes her over, Kana receeds into a much more beastly state. Hunger drives her, consumes her, makes her commit atrocities for the sake of devouring her delicious meals. Drooling, Kana will stalk her prey to the ends of the earth until they pass out and she feasts on their screaming carcass. When it's all said and done and the humanity she clutches so tightly returns, Kana tearfully falls back into her self loathing and hatred.
“I was born a monster, but surely I can overcome my nature if I work hard enough.” is the thought that pushes the sorrowful girl onwards, leaving the newly buried body of
her snack the poor victim behind her as she returns to try and stave off her rumbling stomach once again.
~ Skills ~
+ Kana is quite agile as mentioned before.
+ She can repair most things given the required materials, and can even improve technology or create new technology.
+ Most of the things she's read she can recall at a moment's notice.
+ Kana is actually quite skilled with the very weaponry created to destroy her and her kind. She finds the weapons adorable.
+ She has a mean poker face. Does 'constantly unnerving manic grin' count as a poker face?
+ She can take one hell of a beating before being hurt. She's also
very bouncy.
+ Surprisingly skilled at chess.
+ Uncommonly lucky, but is that a skill?
+ Particularly skilled at cursing and despising her fate and those who expect her to willingly die in a worthless, meaningless war that, personally, she thinks is just a huge waste of her time. The others can go kill themselves. She's not dying for no reason.
+ She can eat 158 hotdogs in under one minute. She likes hotdogs. Loves hotdogs. Has a slight obsession with them. A large one. Huge.
+ She can twirl a basketball on each pointer finger while also balancing a spinning one on her nose and standing one-legged on another. It's a grand achievement. She's very proud.
+ Can eat a human whole within at least a minute. 57 seconds when she last timed it. Don't ask details.
+ She can talk to snakes, but most of them are just really angry or really lazy, so she prefers not to. Except her two beloved serpents.
+ She can squeeze through mail slots because octopus snake.
+ She's quite cute in glasses despite the dead body look and sharp teeth.
+ She can sing. Not well. Like at all. But she can sing!
+ Kana can do more push-ups than you.
+ She's surprisingly accurate with firearms and can even throw a boomerang properly. They're her favourite.
+ She's skilled with technology and has a few other miscellaneous skills she's picked up during her 20ish years of being a human.
+ Kana discovered that she's able to take knowledge from the things she kills. It's not much so she needs to kill quite a few, but she's able to learn about humanity through consuming it- the same goes for other races and creatures.
+ Kana's senses are heightened since she's, well, a snake person. Her eyesight isn't anything to write home about, but her hearing is inhuman. Practically anything nearby can be heard by the snake girl.
~ Weaknesses ~
+ Bright lights in her eyes will immediately blind her, causing her to stagger backwards to try and escape it.
+ Kana is weak to fire, despite enjoying the warmth. She's slightly more flammable than your normal person. Excess heat will also hurt her very badly.
+ Kana's body is, unlike her siblings, just an avatar that split off from the whole. As a result, she's unable to access the majority of her actual strength. It's a shame, but.. considering what Jormungandr's capable of, it's a blessing for those around her.
+ Jormungandr, being a gigantic serpent, isn't exactly the stealthiest beast around. Unless it's underwater, of course. On land, it's a little slow- mostly due to not moving for thousands of years.
+ Jormungandr is well aware of its shortcomings. Thousands of years to think has led it to the conclusion that its true form, honestly, isn't good enough. It can't do anything without opening its mouth, exposing a massive weakness. Even if it sank its fangs into Thor, he could fill it with lightning as it did so. Jormungandr dislikes lightning.
+ Jormungandr is outright terrified of lightning. Being a sea serpent, it's surprisingly weak against it. Its scales can deflect lightning, but any soft tissue.. Jormungandr will feel it, no matter how small the charge. Jormungandr is fated to die by the hand of Thor, and thus the serpent has a massive fear of electricity engraved into its very being. Kana is no different.
She once zapped herself with a tiny arc of electricity and despite not feeling it spent the next few days huddled under her covers.
+ Giant hole in its mouth courtesy of Thor a long while ago. Thanks Thor. Rude.
~ Brief History ~
Jormungandr was the second-born of Loki and its mother, whose name Jormungandr can't even remember anymore. Its youngest days were spent joyfully playing with sister Hel and brother Fenrir amongst the Jotun with their mother, with the rare visit from their father. Everything was fine, everything was happy.
Until the children were ripped from their simple yet joyous life- heralded as monsters and world-ending beasts. Hel was sent down to the underworld, amongst the dead with an empire of her own.
Fenrir was taken by the Gods to Asgard, far more cute than a half-dead girl or a snake.
Jormungandr felt a dark feeling rising in its heart whenever the name Fenrir slid into its mind, envy and rage boiling up inside it as it thrashed around its new dark and lonely home in the depths of the sea.
Jormungandr grew hateful, resentful. Why did Fenrir get treated well? Why did Hel get company while it was left alone in the sea, unable to even see the rainbow scales that adorned its form? How was that fair? HOW WAS THAT FAIR?!
Jormungandr's rage made it ravenous, devouring and tearing into anything it could sense nearby. It took its fair share of injuries, but it ate and devoured everything. Eventually, it grew and grew to become a colossal beast that could wrap itself around the earth with body to spare. One day, however, that changed. Thoughts of Fenrir and Loki had driven Jormungandr into a rage as it roared and thrashed, hammering the lands above with earthquakes and tidal waves and floods as it thrashed around in blind rage.
This was the day that Jormungandr met Thor, the one fated to kill it.
Jormungandr felt something nearby, lashing out to grab at it. However, Thor pulled the bait out of the water and with it came Jormungandr. As its head rose towards the surface, it locked eyes with the God and felt something filling its heart. The line was suddenly snapped, and Jormungandr fell back into the abyss. Thor's lighting arced into the ocean, hitting the beast and causing it immense agony. Jormungandr screamed and cried as it fell down to the abyss below.
What had it done to deserve that?
Sitting at the bottom of the ocean, Jormungandr drew distant from those above. Its mouth was now stuck with a giant hook inside it, making the serpent almost completely unable to hunt. Cursing the Gods once more, Jormungandr decided to wrap its teeth around its own body, digging them in until blood poured out into the ocean and the snake was stuck in place.
It would stay like this, keeping its jaws shut, until the day it would devour its next meal- Thor.
Nobody came to chat, nobody came to say hello. Jormungandr was stuck, lonely, chewing on its own tail in the blackest pit the ocean had to offer it. Staying there in the darkness, it eventually molded Leviathan, then Orochi from the scales upon its body. Those scales grew back of course, and Jormungandr was happy.
Yet still it lay there, watching its children with what could be seen as happiness, and eventually the two serpents had children of their own. Jormungandr watched over them closely, as a parent aught to. Something welled up inside the serpent with that realisation- the so-called family it had didn't even bother with its existence. It was cursed, stuck down in the bottomless depths alone and cold and angry. The other snakes felt the slowly building rage within their creator, and pressed all the more tightly against it to soothe its agony.
One day, the Midgard Serpent had its children swim into its mouth and pull out the massive hook that ailed it. It took a while, and Jormungandr had to bite harder into itself to stop from screaming, but eventually the hook- already loose from Jormungandr's further growth- came out. Blood once more filled the ocean as the snakes pulled the hook out of a gap in Jormungandr's mouth it had widened to let them through. It could slide its teeth out of itself, as long as they didn't leave the skin, its promise would be kept. It was an immense relief for the snake, but the wound was still large and painful, a huge gash in the top of Jormungandr's jaw.
The serpent promised to injure Thor the same way when all was said and done.
Eventually, however, time passed.
For a while, Jormungandr was content. It watched the youngest play and love and grow. One day, however, it cast its brilliant rainbow eyes upwards. It wondered if something had happened to keep it brethren away from it. Were they hurt? Were they dead? Jormungandr began to wonder about the Gods, about the small people who lived upon the lands far, far above.
One day, it shed a single scale- the tiniest it could, and from that scale the currently nameless Kana Cerulean was born.
It swam to the surface, breaking the water. It blinked, its eyes blinded by light and sun and warmth it'd never imagined existed before. It looked over to the nearest shore, watching tiny shapes move about in the distance. It swam stealthily, quietly, getting close enough to see properly. It flicked her tongue.
Warmth, life, living things.
There were not snakes, but strange creatures with four limbs. The little things from so long ago. Behind them was a sprawling area full of giant metal constructions, and the people were making loud noises. The nameless snake moved in closer, watching and observing. Its ears adjusted to the odd language, hearing words where previously there had only been noise before. It tuned its senses into one particular group, where it heard the odd words coming quite loudly. One word was repeated by a taller human beckoning a much smaller human over to it.
“Kana, Kana-chan! Hayaku, Kana-chan!”
“Hai, Okaa-san!”
What did that mean? That wasn't the language used by the Gods in Asgard. It wasn't the language of Jormungandr's own thoughts. It was new, fresh, oriental.
It sounded nice.
The nameless snake enjoyed it.
It decided to call itself after this wonderful, bright and warm moment.
It would be named Kana.
Yes. Its new name is Kana.
Eventually, Kana swam to different places. Listening in, investigating things, learning things. It didn't take long at all for her to arrive. Only a few dips of the sun before reaching new and unfamiliar landscapes. Each vision brought a smile to Kana's pale lips as she saw it. Eventually, she sat in the depths once more, legs crossed as she mimicked the stance she'd seen a man in as he sat on the edge of a rock face, quietly humming to himself.
It felt peaceful, although it made her legs feel weird.
She'd formed her legs a little while after taking her new name, further mimicking the odd beings- humans, they were called- she'd seen.
Kana dined on the beasts of the sea as she had always done, snacking on them to keep her belly full until one day she was caught. She reached out and grabbed a fish, slicing it in half with a claw before setting in to feast on its corpse. Blood filled the water, attracting sharks that Kana ate as well. It was a delightful feast for her, cramming as much blood and guts into her mouth as she could. She hadn't eaten in so long, the smaller snakes venturing out to gather her meals for her by the dozen. Now she was feeding herself, once again becoming a terrifying hunter of the seas.
Then she felt something closing in on her, trapping her, dragging her up to the surface.
She was held aloft in some sort of string contraption, surrounded by hundreds of fish, staring as wide-eyed as Kana was. She head noises as something on the other side of the net was sliced and everything came tumbling out. Kana hit the ground hard, bouncing slightly before standing up. The people around her were shocking, pulling out weapons as another one raced away. Kana stood there, idly watching them all as a large group of men appeared with what seemed to be weapons. Kana couldn't recall the weapons of old, but she knew violence when she felt it. They were going to kill her.
Slowly, she raised her hands above her head. She didn't know their language, so she spoke in several. Eventually, one of the words struck a chord with the men.
She felt something pierce through her side, sending her sprawling onto the deck of the ship. Something poured out of the hole in her chest, and from her mouth. Looking down, some sort of blackish-green liquid, slowly turning red, was seeping from her body.
It hurt.
The men were shouting, screaming things to each other loudly. Kana's stomach rumbled. Something pressed against her forehead.
“Die, monster.”
She couldn't understand.
The bullet tore through her head and exploded it violently, her blood splattering all over the deck as the man began to walk away.
The snakes that made up Kana's body began to reform slowly.
They were not friends, it seemed.
Slowly staggering back up, Kana's eyes gleamed in the light as she licked her lips. She hadn't tasted one of the humans before. Her claws grew.
By the end of the day, the entire ship was red with blood, painted with the corpses and insides of the dead sailors she'd devoured. She sat there, idly picking at their remains and chewing whatever was in her mouth. She picked up a phone, looking at it. Investigating it quickly, she saw the background picture. A man and a woman, with two small children.
Something cold shot through Kana's chest and she stopped eating.
The human had children.
And a mate.
And she'd killed and eaten him.
Kana paused a moment. Children? Man? Woman? When did she learn those words? Blinking to herself, Kana looked at the pile of meat she'd been slowly eating. Hunger once again burned inside her, but this time is was a hunger for something else. She shoved as much as she could down her throat, greedily devouring everything, even bones, until nothing was left. Wiping her hands on her body, she reached over and grabbed the phone once more. A small smile lit up her face as she used it.
She'd discovered something very important.
Eating gave her knowledge.
She was very hungry.
- - - - -
Jormungandr spent the next 20 years building itself a new life. It eventually travelled the world and ate plenty of people, gaining knowledge from each- languages, skills, rumours- Jormungandr gathered them all. It built an empire that, in an ironic twist of fate, provided the humans with the weapons needed to survive and kill her kind. Of course, nobody ever found out the truth. The most they heard was that KanaTech was founded by a small, determined albino girl who lacked social skills due to being orphaned and having crippling anxiety. It wasn't a full lie, after all. The only family that had even bothered with it was Hel, and even she..
Jormungandr was hot on Hel's trail, hunting for the woman ever since Jormungandr realised something was wrong. Something in the world shifted. One of her familiars picked up an odd scent, and another picked up a second. Suddenly, there were odd scents everywhere, all being taken to one place.
And thus Kana Cerulean journeyed to that place, too, posing as a young girl as she so often did. Even if she was the CEO of KanaTech, Hel was dear to her, and she would make sure her beloved sibling was alive, at least.
Something coiled in the back of her mind. Something dark and foreboding.
Was Ragnarok going to come?
No, it wasn't. She wouldn't let it. She refused to lose everything she'd built, the life she'd made. She refused to die for some stupid, hate-filled cause. She refused to fight Thor, and she refused to unclench her teeth.
If Ragnarok didn't come, Kana was absolutely fine with that.
The latest season of her favourite anime had just started airing, after all.
~ Other ~
+ Theme I -
Dark Colossus+ Theme II -
Serpent Eating the Ground+ Kana has a bad habit of constantly gnawing on herself. She chews her nails, her fingers, her lips and the inside of her mouth almost constantly. It's not a surprise to see her with bloody fingers or wincing as she hurts herself from biting off a chunk of her lip without noticing.
+ She gets nosebleeds whenever she smells sulphur, as it's a natural repellent for snakes. Depending on how much of a whiff she gets, the nosebleed can be light or an outright waterfall. Don't let her smell too much or she might even die!
+ Kana enjoys the smell of the sea, the dark of night, rainforest noises, the rain itself, and the smell of lavender.
+ She dislikes cats and dogs because they kill snakes.
+ She can pilot quite a few vehicles due to.. experience.
+ Enjoys laying next to fireplaces for the warmth.