Hidden 8 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
p r e f a c e

This is not based on any existing cyberpunk universe, whether it be Shadowrun, Cyberpunk 2020, Bladerunner, Neuromancer, etc. While it takes many cues from existing media, this roleplay is in its own unique timeline. The Soviet Union still collapsed. The Iron Curtain fell, 9/11 happened, and almost all the developments of today have occurred. While there were likely some developments that strayed from our own continuity. For the most part, imagine our timeline has continued.

r e f e r e n c e s ::

(to get the ol' noggin joggin)

PDF of Cyberpunk 2020 Player's Handbook - We won't be basing this universe off Cyberpunk 2020 or any established cyberpunk fandom/mythos, but things like this can help you get a better feel of the cyberpunk genre as a whole
Blackhammer Cyberpunk Project - While based on the 2020 rules, it still has a large collection of items and ideas you can draw upon. I particularly like their section on drugs/narcotics.
Cyberpunk 2021 Database - Another cool database for various things relating to cyberpunk. Has references to both Cyberpunk 2020 as well as other media, such as Ghost in the Shell. Very nice for inspiration.

I will be accepting character sheets for a bit more than one week from today. I don't necessarily have a hard cap for players but I'd definitely like to perhaps limit how many join once we start reaching about 8 people. Characters are not first come, first serve, in order to give everyone the opportunity to submit applications.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Didgeridont
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Didgeridont Gamer

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s e p t e m b e r 1 0 t h , 2 0 5 0 ::

earth has moved forward into a new age. an age of synthesis. synthesis of man and machine, synthesis of nation and corporation, synthesis of being and doing.
synthesis of action and reaction.

it is indeed a brave, exciting new world. a world full of megacities, where corporate executives are just a few blocks away from enclaves full of the needy and homeless, where every orifice of a city block is pumped full of led, neon, incandescents, fluorescents, and whatever other artificial light sources businesses can buy. a world where the digital universe has been merged with the corporeal one to create a true virtual reality. a world where everything moves faster: the business deals, the trains, even the bullets, they all move at such blinding speed that its a wonder that there are people who can still keep up (some dont, of course. to see who these unfortunate souls are one can just go into the many alleyways full of vagrants and hobos). metal and machine permeate every facet of ones life, creating a lifestyle that has more control over people than any corporation could dream of. theres always a need for more, more cybernetics, more apparel, more stuff. a byproduct of the megacorps, perhaps: the cacophony of items they peddle wearing down even the most satiated individuals. consumerism is the new way of life.

p r e m i s e ::

you (well, your character, really) is hired for a lucrative job working for a very large and very powerful multinational corporation by the name of biotechnica. the details given arent too specific, but it is clear that this job is rather unique. you are a talented individual in this cyberpunk world. you do things, and you do them well. youre not exactly as big a mover and shaker as some of the big boys, the ones who actually run the corps themselves or the ones the corps have on speed dial, but youre important enough to net yourself this kind of job.

you dont have to be a cold hearted killer who spent eight years of his life shooting other desperate westerners to help some corp secure a plot of land in western africa, but it helps. if youre not a solo (one of the big mean merc boys) you might be a decker, someone who hacks into the net to get whatever information their client wants, or you might be a fixer, an information broker with enough contacts on the streets to make even a multinational blush. whatever you are, youre something.

h i s t o r y ::

the last fifty years has held within them somewhat of a paradigm shift. as the world became more volatile, the corporations of west and east concocted plans, some individually, others in tandem with each other, to usurp power away from various government bodies. almost simultaneously, they barraged television channels and internet webpages with ads dedicated to subconsciously creating a link between companies and positive social change. while rather rough around the edges at first (see PepsI) they soon resonated with people in a meaningful way, but this was only phase one.

phase two involved mass public works projects. entire companies merged and rebranded themselves as the benefactors of mankind. there were constant news stories regarding developments such as how british petroleum and exxonmobil were phasing out their oil refineries and building solar panels and wind turbines, merging and renaming themselves as northern energy, or how yum foods and mcdonald’s both began high tech maintenance on any roads within a given radius of their restaurants. entire pseudo-futuristic cities were built with help from corporations such as facebook and alphabet, the most prominent of which being night city, a huge, sprawling metropolitan area with a towering skyline and great nightlife, built right between los angeles and san francisco: night city was the taste of a future to come.

these actions were met with great reception by those who could not see through the facade of greed, and even those critical of this corporate expansionism conceded that these companies were doing objectively good things. this resulted in massive boosts in sales and ratings for these corporations, especially by those who were none the wiser of their ulterior motives (these individuals would colloquially be referred to as “bugmen”, because of their tendency to follow the hive and act as a drone for large conglomerates, especially in phase three).

by 2033, phase three begins. massive ad campaigns implore people to personally lobby for these corporations as they work in passing new legislation (drafted exclusively by puppet congressmen whose pockets became lined with profusive amounts of corporate money). the bugmen followed the commands of their new overlords. within just a few months, there was enough outcry to pass laws like the “civil, humanitarian, and natural corporate expansion”, or chance, act, which allowed companies to buy areas of land directly from the u.s. government for a fraction of what the land was worth if these companies agreed to oversee these plots of land with their own police, public services, maintenance crews, and construction projects. these companies would also get much of the tax revenue of these areas. in conjunction with other bills enacted, this allowed for mass corporate dominance over much of the united states. most other countries around the world were going through similar developments at the time. this brought a few benefits, mainly in the form of vastly improved transit systems, expansion of cities with better city planning, and more efficient public services, but it wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine.

soon, corporations had tangible, legal hegemony over most parts of the globe. often, they used this to expand their business ventures, now uninhibited by regulations of the past. while profit margins soared, there were quite a few complications caused by unimpeded growth. resources became scarcer with every passing day. overfishing had virtually wiped out the biodiversity of the oceans, causing a serious fishing crisis by 2038. beyond this, the variety of plant and animal life on planet earth diminished with every passing day, eventually causing the corporations to pass legislation that would protect plants and animals (for fear of growing discontent within the general populace). a culture crisis also occurred. rather than pledging allegiance to any one religious belief, societal clique, or whatever else there was to differentiate human beings, a greater amount of people began to cling to the brands they were loyal to. there were no longer clashes between the left and the right, but clashes between apple adherents and android aficionados, or between taco bell’s “chalupa chapos” and chipotle’s “burrito bandits”.

however, one of the most prominent causes of conflict throughout the world was the struggle for land unto which one could expand upon. this resulted in a conflict known as “the corp war”, although it can sometimes be referred to colloquially as “the vaporwar”, due to the inability of the media to report on the conflict. the fighting began in 2039, and is said to still be going on today, as there is still a media blackout in areas where the fighting is presumed to occur. much of the boots-on-the-ground combat occurred in less developed or more remote areas, such as south america, africa, the middle east, and south-east asia. much of it was done via proxy, companies hiring groups of home-grown militants and using money to point them where to shoot. however, sometimes independant contractors were hired from places like europe, north america, and japan, in order to get someone that had a better feel for who they were working for, who they could have more control over. besides the boots on the ground, corporate espionage and data fortress cyber-attacks were on the rise, with billions of dollars being spent to beef up internal and digital security.

the problems following the corporatization of the world haven’t stopped. droughts are ever present, phosphate consumption and soil degradation have caused food shortages, while growing birth rates have created a surplus of human mouths. many of the new and improved cities of the world now have problems with gangs, drugs, and violent crime, in addition to the growing divide between rich and poor as a result of a recent job crisis.

c u l t u r e ::

2050 is a time of speed, movement, momentum. the culture (or perhaps, subculture) reflects that idea. young people are entranced by the allure of fast cars and high times. some of the most popular music genres of mid-century nightlife are techno, jungle, and drum & bass. of course, this isn’t to say that youth culture is the only culture present at this time, but as a result of greater corporatization within society, it can be safely said that the youth counter-culture is definitely the more distinct and expressive avenue of mid-century society. the relative homogeneity that comes with corporate pseudo-luxury and excess has resulted in a wider, popular culture more predisposed to accepting what occurs in their world at face value. while lamentable in the context of civilization prior, there is something that can be said about playing into a lifestyle that is safe, reliable, and moderately opulent, even if one does have to sacrifice many of the civil rights prior generations fought so vehemently for. this isn’t to say there aren’t conscientious objectors from many walks of life who are separate from either of these two large forces of cultural movement (or, perhaps, stagnation). in some places, these individuals may be all too common.

just because society has been irreparably corporatized doesn’t mean that social stratification has been solved. in fact, the divide between the haves and the have nots has seemed to only grow larger. wealthy individuals often have the option to live in heavily policed, climate controlled areas of suburban land, called utopioids, often connected to large facilities of many corporations. of course, within cities, there are also towering housing complexes, with the most expensive often having large, spacious rooms and 24 hour security and surveillance and the least expensive offering little in the way of amenities, often having only small, one room apartments for rent, or just having pods where people sleep for the night. this stratifications not only impacts living conditions, but areas of the city as well. city districts that don’t house wealthy corporations or their workers are often dilapidated and dangerous, gangs and bums roaming the streets.

t e c h n o l o g y ::

high tech, low life. as corny as it sounds, it’s a rather prevalent theme within most cyberpunk fiction. 2050 is no different. technology permeates almost every action people do, or don’t do. automation is rampant, from cars to restaurants to menial service, like landscaping or housekeeping. granted, automation does not have complete control over the lives of the human population. after all, the u.s. government forces there to be a minimum percentage of consumer vehicles on the market (after the mass production of self-driving cars, the amount of car crashes plummeted and was on a collision course to becoming an infinitesimal percentage of all fatalities within the united states. however, car repair conglomerates such as pay-n-spray™ as well as the ambulance oligopoly, trauma team internationalblackmailed government officials and powerful automobile manufacturers in order to maintain the revenue of fatal and non-fatal car crashes convinced various car companies and congressmen to pass legislation limiting the amount of self-driving cars in the market after they realized their idea for car companies to purposefully allow the operating system of automated cars to randomly create car crashes would not have passed in congress, blackmail or not, ostensibly to prevent hackers from being able to hijack the cars of the entire country)

the internet has lost its prefix. now, it is just called “the net”. a virtual world that allows people to interface with each others and spread data in ways yet unimaginable. a whole market has sprung up around interfacing and moving data online, as well as a black market that deals in the exact same thing, except relating to illicit activities as well as information (and the broad theft thereof). this also creates demand for more complex computer programs, such as those which can more securely transfer larger packets of data or fry the brains of any netrunner hoping to pry in on well-guarded corporate secrets.

the net has phased out the 2d interface of yore for a more immersive 3d experience. users put on headsets, bodysuits, or even uplink with their neuralware to directly enter a virtual landscape, from which they can move around the vast expanse of the net, each website its own little area, and each database, hidden or not, rendered as a facsimile of a fortress. these data fortresses are often protected by security installed by the fortresses owner, although in some cases, these databanks are meant to be accessed by the public, similar to wikis, and lack much in the way of obfuscation and security, barring parts that house knowledge regarding their internal machinations or hidden information and records.

c y b e r n e t i c s ::

ambulances are replaced with tilt-rotor aircraft, cars are more fuel efficient than ever, corporate thugs and police are equipped with veritable tanks, and there are motorcycles that can outrun any car you throw at them. but the big thing in cyberpunk is the cybernetics. you can soup up your brain, belly, body, and everything in between. the most common enhancement people acquire is neuralware, so much so that 62% of the world’s population have some sort of brain-augmenting device. the second most popular are cybernetic limbs: arms, hands, feet, legs. beyond that, there are enhancements to the bodies skin, skeleton, and muscular structures, such as skin weave, literally adding armored mesh to a subjects skin to create a sort of body armor, or entire endoskeletons, adding a bit more punch to your punch while also keeping that powered concealed. even further into obscurity there are cybernetic eyes, ears, lips, etc., all enhancing the natural senses of the body in their own special way. cybernetics are a big industry, so big that printed holiday catalogues were back in the mainstream as soon as they began to exclusively list the cybernetics available every holiday season.

of course, there’s a price to pay for all the shiny metal you put into and onto your body. i’m not talking about the exorbitant prices some docs charge for a measly bionic hand, but rather the toll that all these cybernetics take on one’s psyche. as one replaces more and more of their body, they begin to feel a greater disconnect with humanity. this disconnect often shows itself in different ways. a person may slowly descend into schizophrenic madness, or develop signs of egotism and, eventually, megalomania, or they might be fully consumed with the pretty colors and sleek design of their new bionic arm and be unable to properly function, or they might just feel as though the entire world is out to get them and decide to go on a murderous rampage so that they can at least go out swingin’.

this isn’t to say that cities and the corps who run them haven’t planned for when someone bites off more than they can chew. in the case where a heavily cybered up individual just — snaps — they have a more than a few contingency plans. their primary plan, of course, is to call in the cybersquad, a veritable SWAT team trained specifically to find and neutralize any rampaging man-machine. they are equipped with top of the line weapons that fire really, really big bullets. on top of that, they often have a brigade of armored personnel carriers, often sporting a machine gun or cannon on top, as well as a fleet of helicopters and tilt-wing aircraft with some rather mean firepower attached onto them. the cybersquads aren’t a group you want to mess with.

t h e w o r l d s t a g e ::

companies rule the world now. it isn’t that shocking of a development, really. the eclipsing of traditional government with the oligarchy of corporatism flowed naturally, almost as if the two were closely intertwined long before the corporations had any semblance of a plan for world domination. many of these companies have been around for years, centuries now, but there are a few new ones. whether the genesis of these companies stems from mergers, start-ups, rebrandings: it doesn’t really matter. what does matter is that there is a surprising variety of companies throughout many markets. most notably, the cybernetics market gives great opportunity for new companies to turn a profit. it would be suicide trying to name all these various entities, so i’d much rather pass the torch over to you, to decide what corporations played their hand when you write your character sheets. keep it within reason and within the predetermined history (and avoid any big shake ups in the corporate mugshot), but use your imagination. this is your game, too.

e x p e c t a t i o n s ::

1 . were in advanced, so follow the guidelines of the subforum and of the guild. i wont be too strict on post size, but if youre pressed for time and/or content, just try for a couple of paragraphs. all i ask is that you put some effort in.

2 . work with people on posts, collaborate. id like about 1 post/week once we get the ball rolling. theres a social contract to roleplaying: you write well and leave room for my character, ill do the same. as gm i have the responsibility of moving the plot along, but ill make sure to leave more than enough spotlight for everyone to shine.

3 . this roleplay leans more towards a story-based power fantasy. your characters will become pieces in a big, world-changing game of chess. your characters are going to be hopping across the globe, neuromancer style, on the mission to end all missions.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TrippyNightmare
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TrippyNightmare 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯

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Good thing I'm not epileptic holy fuck
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TrippyNightmare
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TrippyNightmare 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯

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I'll post in OOC... >:3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

DAMN DOE. That's one hell of an OOC.

Will begin work immediately.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

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Here's a person:

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 16 days ago

I'll be reading through and working on a character tonight. May not be completed but I'll give it a start.

Probably gonna reuse an old character from 2/3 years ago. :3
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TrippyNightmare
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TrippyNightmare 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯

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Thanks to @badguy28 for inspiring me.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by JBRam2002
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

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This OOC is so fucking aesthetic that it makes my heart pound. I might have something together for this if there's still room.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

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@DeadDropI feel like he's going to get on rather poorly with Sariya. Should be interesting.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nohbdy
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Nohbdy Consider-er of Consequences

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Looks like we've got a couple Solos, and a Fixer with Netrunner tendencies, and a Netrunner proper so far. Rigger for me, then. I'll get back to y'all on that shortly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

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How will you be handling applications between two similar characters?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Didgeridont
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Didgeridont Gamer

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How will you be handling applications between two similar characters?

Ideally, characters won't be similar enough to warrant having to pick and choose due to their skillset alone. I'll be judging all applications based on writing ability, how interesting the character concept is, possible interactions between characters, how much I like their image, how well they fit in the setting as a whole, how creative they were in their character sheet, etc.


I should have mentioned more clearly that the universe differs from Cyberpunk 2020. The Soviet Union collapsed for good in this timeline, and Night City would have still mainly have been part of Monterey, California at the turn of the century, with the urbanization/genesis of Night City being more and more realized throughout the 2010's and 2020's. If you could amend your character sheet to reflect this, it would be much appreciated
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

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@Didgeridont Is Sariya too much like Catherine?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

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@Didgeridont On a note about the Soviet Collapse, and perhaps this will be a question that will help @Deaddrop. What has happened to Russia? Is it owned by another country or does it still self-govern somehow?

Also, as a heads up to anyone else, I'm likely going to be putting forth an application on my very own "Ed" (Cowboy Bebop throwback, aaaah nostalgia) but with about negative "Child Prodigy". I know that's a bit vague, but in a cyber world there must be the obligatory hacker. I will try to make the character interesting though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Didgeridont
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Didgeridont Gamer

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@Didgeridont Is Sariya too much like Catherine?

I think there's a neat dichotomy in how they were "created" by former Cold War rivals.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Didgeridont
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Didgeridont Gamer

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@Didgeridont On a note about the Soviet Collapse, and perhaps this will be a question that will help @Deaddrop. What has happened to Russia? Is it owned by another country or does it still self-govern somehow?

What happened to Russia in our own world? The CCCP collapsed, so did their economy (for a time). Russia was still able to become a world power primarily due to its vast oil and natural gas reserves. The Chechen Wars still occurred, as well as their involvement in Ukraine. However, like the rest of the world, the Russian government ultimately capitulated to corporate interests. The popular opinion on corporations differ around the world, and it can be assumed people familiar with the Soviet Union and the Iron Curtain (like Russia, Poland, Hungary, etc.) are more weary and critical of rampant corporate dominion, while more western cultures are less discriminating as a result of being gently weaned into this lifestyle over the course of a century of cushy living and consumerism.

You can mainly assume that everything that has happened up until 2017 has happened in this universe, with minor adjustments mainly relating to super-secret stuff in the government or minor business ventures/corporate expansion (as in the case of Night City).
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

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@Didgeridont I appreciate the concise response, to be honest that was a poorly worded question on my part. I picked out the word "collapsed" and thought the whole country went down, but that's likely due to my lack of knowledge and upkeep with most real world politics. I'm just a tad distracted reading up on your suggested references in a hope to better understand "the vision" of this world.

I'll likely have a character up by tonight, or at the very least I'll have much of it done.

On another note, is the world still using modern programming languages? Because frankly, I know absolutely nothing about actual programming, so this character will likely be a challenge for me. (Which is good, I like challenges.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Lemons>

I think there's a neat dichotomy in how they were "created" by former Cold War rivals.

Neat, I do think there'll be some chaotic interactions in between the two.
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