Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
NPCs and Villains

Rogue X


*basically every NPC will go into the undefined section, until they are determined to be allies or villains. It's more fun that way.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Tybalt Capulet
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Tybalt Capulet Honorable Heretic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Neo Is Delight
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Neo Is Delight *noms on tail*

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Riko

Alias: Shimmer Kitten

Age: 13

Gender: female

Appearance: Riko is shorter than most her age by about five inches, and is lighter than most would expect for her height. Her hair is golden blonde, flowing down to her knees, usually kept down, sometimes she will wear it in a twin tail fashion. Her tail and ears share the same color of fur as her hair. Her violet eyes even glow in the dark slightly, though they appear to be more of a green when this happens. Should one decide to be a creeper(or be a dentist) and look into her mouth they would notice her canines are abnormally sharp.

Casual ~
“I am royalty, bow my minions! What do you mean royalty don’t get minions?! I want minions!”

“I’m just like Serenity! What? No I didn’t cut the curtains! They were already like that!”

“I’m so formal and cute!”

"I'm the cutest person ever!"

"I'm the Belle of the ball!"

"Such sparkle, very formal!"

Hero ~

Personality Strengths:
- Caring - Despite her rather spoiled nature, Riko is actually genuinely caring. While she will let that homeless man burn in exchange for a priceless jewel, she’s going to feel really guilty about it afterwards.
- Dependable - Ask Riko to do something she’s capable of, and she’ll do it to the best of her ability. Ask her to do something beyond her capabilities, she’ll try to find someone more capable to help her. She’s never been one to let people down, unless given an impossible task, and will work hard to accomplish any task she is given.
- Bubbly - It’s not easy to get Riko down, unless you deny her something she wants, as she is often in a good mood. This bubbly attitude might be annoying to some, but others feel it’s contagious, and makes them feel good as well.

Personality Flaws:
- Spoiled - It’s obvious enough right away that Riko is a bit spoiled. She’s used to getting her way, and will more than likely throw a fit if she’s denied such. If she knows someone will deny her something, she will either ask someone else, or just do it without permission.
- Naive - Riko is new to the heroing business, and still rather young. As such, it only makes sense that she is Naive, and easily falls for traps. She’s also been known to fall for the ‘candy van’ thing at least once ~~three times~~, though luckily at those times someone else has been with her, and dragged her away.
- Materialistic - Riko loves having stuff. If you offered her a chance to save a priceless jewel or a homeless person from a fire, she’s probably going to go for the jewel, but she’ll hope her teammates help the homeless person, if that makes it any better.
- Distractible - An effect of her feline physiology. Riko will drop whatever she is doing if she see’s a red dot that need’s caught, or to chase a mouse ~~yes, she has caught, and eaten one before~~. And Umbra’s shadows, she has been noted multiple times to be batting at, stalking, and even trying to eat Umbra’s shadows.

Feline Physiology ~ Riko has cat ears, and a tail. With this comes cat-like agility and enhanced senses(hearing/sight/smell). Weakness include cat like habits, such as the urge to play with yarn balls, bat at strings, and chase those damned red bugs that vanish upon being caught! Her enhanced cat senses allow her to smell things a normal human can't, as well as hear things on a higher frequency, and she is capable of seeing in the dark. Because of her enhanced hearing, a super sonic frequency is going to incapacitate her faster than it would anyone else.
Sparkle-Kinesis ~ Riko has the ability to produce glitter at will, and manipulate it. This glitter is very sparkly and adorable. Oh, and it probably hurts like hell when it gets in your eyes. Due to the nature of it, forming an actual weapon from it is impossible, but she can form balls of glitter, and throw them, or even create a storm of glitter to conceal herself and her allies. This glitter comes in many shades. She projects her balls of glitter through her wand, making it seem like this is the source of the glitter, throwing them by swinging the wand.
Animal Talk ~ Riko can speak to animals, and they to her. To others it sounds like she’s speaking perfect human talk, but the animals can understand her, and she in turn can understand them. This doesn’t mean she can control them, and telling a pissed off bear not to be pissed off isn’t going to do much good. Of course, she can ask them to do things, but that doesn’t mean they will.

+ Animal Enthusiast ~ If you want to know what an animal is, and if your going to die of some venom after it tried to eat you, ask Riko. If she doesn’t know, she’ll ask the animal that bit you...and probably get bit herself in the process, but you’ll be glad to know, you won’t be dying alone if it was venomous!
+ Natural Hunter ~ If you have a mice problem, Riko is twenty times better than an exterminator, or rat poison. One, she’s free, and two, she’ll actually eat the mice, so you won’t have dead mice laying around. This skill extends to larger creatures as well, but she might be less apt to hunt those since she can’t eat them.
+ Glitter Bomber (Marksmanship) ~ Riko has practiced with her glitter powers, to the point where she can hit a target’s bullseye with glitter balls seven of ten times. If she throws a glitter ball at you, odds are it will hit. Her training was with her wand though, and this skill diminishes without it.
- Close Quarters Wand Combat ~ Not a skill she falls back on often, but she know’s how to use the sharp bits of her wand. Mayhaps not as effective as she could be, but effective enough for self defense in close quarters.
- Drawing ~ She’s certainly not a professional artist, more like a talented five year old, but she loves drawing none the less, and hopes to one day improve, and sell her works for a profit, or as she puts it: “I’m gonna be a gazillionaire one day when I can sell my pictures!”
- Cooking (lethally) ~ Riko thinks she can cook rather well, and if you believe the appearance and/or smell of her foods you will too. Until you taste it, and end up in the hospital due to an unknown poisonous substance. Nobody is certain how, but every time Riko cooks, it ends in disaster, but she still thinks she’s a great cook.

Kitty Claws ~ A specialized weapon designed with a very ‘magical girl’ esque appearance. It’s not entirely special, though the shaft is made of vibranium, and the blades adamantium, meaning it can take a hit without breaking, though it has limits. Riko uses her power in conjunction with this weapon, and very rarely actually uses it for combat.

While out casually, she might have a purse with her, the purse is small, and doesn’t have much room, but she keeps any change she might have in it for shopping purposes. She calls it her ‘kitty bank’.

Riko is both a mutant, and not a mutant. How is that you ask? Well, her mother was on a new experimental pill during birth, that was said to be more healthy for the child than normal prenatal vitamins. Sometime into the birth, the pills were discovered to be hazardous but, she continued taking them anyway. Because of this, the pills affected Riko’s growth, and caused her to born a little more than human. Having been born with a tail and ears, her parent’s thought her a monster, and upon being allowed to take her from the hospital pretended to bring her home, instead driving out to the woods and dropping her there.

The forest creatures heard the crying of a baby, and they took it upon themselves to care for the child. She wasn’t raised by wolves, nor bears, but rather a cougar took her in, and raised her as if she were it’s own. However, this only lasted until she was five, at which point the cougar took her into the nearby town, much to the shock of many people. There is where it left her. She had to learn to be human, and it knew this. So with that, they parted ways.

From there, Riko took to learning the ways of the human. She slept wherever she could, and would occasionally peek in on school classes with open windows, and while not having received an actual education, she learned a lot this way. In order to satisfy her other needs, she would either hunt, or in times where huntable foods were low, steal. Of course, this wasn’t a very good lifestyle for one so young.

One winter day, Riko was caught trying to steal an apple. Though, she wasn’t scolded like she had expected. Instead, the older man who owned the shop, closed up, and took her to the cafe across the street. He treated her to a meal, and a glass of hot chocolate, and even asked if she wanted to stay with him and his wife, after discovering she lacked a family of course. Riko accepted the offer, and for half a year, she lived the most wonderful life they could afford to provide.

Though, the happiness didn’t last long. You see, even without the pills her mother took, Riko possessed the X-Gene. Her specific mutation involved glitter, and when it first emerged, she woke up to her room a mess. She panicked, and assuming the older couple would hate her for her new gift, ran away. She found herself in Brooklyn, where she encountered a member of the Rogue X, and found herself joining their ranks.

Fun fact: Timothy is Onii-chan, and Serenity is Onee-chan

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Remember the Devil was once an Angel."

Name: Garfield Oliver Remus

Alias: Grenadier

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Appearance: Garfield stands at six foot one and has a rather muscular build. He would often wear a shirt and camo cargo pants when in casual clothing. His brown hair is usually slicked back, as was suggested to him by one of his late friends, and he also has chestnut brown eyes. He seems to carry around the wolf tooth necklace he has, but he never said where he got it but it does seem awfully authentic. When he's out doing hero stuff, he simply wears a black leather jacket over his shirt, cargo pants, a black mask, gloves and combat boots. He has two bandolier-like sashes crossing both his shoulders which contain rocks and other assortment of small objects to be used in battle.

Personality Strengths: Garfield is a rather calm person. He's generally quiet and is a better listener than a spokesperson. A lot of people assume that he's mute since he rarely speaks; however, when he does speak, it would become obvious that he's actually pretty nice. He's an honest person and it is, once more, shown when he answers a question. He is the kind of person who silently helps before leaving without so much as another word. He has a soft spot for animals and can be usually seen smiling around them.

Personality Flaws: Despite his calm exterior, Garfield on the field of battle is rather merciless and he still keeps his stoic expression. Actually, in the field of battle, he seems entirely emotionless. This tends to put off most heroes as he seemingly acts more like a villain than a hero. Out of battle, however, he seems to have his head in the clouds most of the time. He has little presence in the room too. He also shows signs of emotional dependence on others. He also claims to hear voices in his head, most of the time it is his siblings or some other close person to him.

  • Garfield has no name for his power. He has the ability to turn anything into a grenade - meaning everything he throws essentially can and will explode once it makes contact with a solid area. The mass of the object is directly proportional to how powerful the explosion is. In his own words, "The heavier the object, the bigger the boom." He also has three categories of said grenades:
    • Explosive - The object would explode just like a normal grenade. It has the capabilities of blowing someone up.
    • Stun - This acts more as a flashbang type of grenade. It releases a bright light and a loud sound that would leave most incapacitated for a few seconds.
    • Smoke - Generally used for escaping
  • Enhanced Physical condition - A side effect from an experiment gone wrong, his body can resist his own explosions and typically has a tougher exterior than most, making it harder to bruise him. He also has a greater physical strength than normal people and even trumping some of the enhanced humans in terms of brute strength. This doesn't mean he's invincible and he actually heals slower than most people.

Major Skills:
  • Parkour - Being part of the military from a time past, he has trained in this art for many years and has been using it most of the time while on hero business.
  • Sneaking - Because of his less than admirable presence and generally being quiet in both speech and movement, he has garnered quite the ability... albeit unintentionally.
  • Art - In his free time, he would often be seen with a sketchpad and drawing tools. Sometimes even a canvas and paint.

Minor Skills:
  • Cooking - He's been living alone for a while. It'd be a wonder if he didn't learn it.
  • Animals - This guy seems to form bonds with animals faster than with humans
  • Singing - He has a surprisingly good voice.

Weapons: He only carries small objects that he throws for his power. He stashes them in his bondolier.

Equipment: He typically never leaves without his sketchpad and drawing pencils, if not in a mission that is. It's usually in a small backpack. He also seems to like carrying around some food to feed animals.

History: Believe it or not, Garfield had a relatively normal childhood. His powers didn't surface until much, much later. His father served in the military and encouraged his children to join the military as well, much to the their mother's dismay. He was a cheerful child who looked up to his father so he agreed to join the military once he was old enough. His younger sister and brother didn't follow through though, thinking that they would fit in elsewhere. His father died when he was twelve. His last promise to his father was to serve the military in his place. His mother was hesitant on letting Garfield train for the military and his younger siblings discouraged him because he had great talent for art and that he should pursue that. Garfield figured out that they were worried for his safety because of the superhumans and how they could really hurt him, being normal and all.

Even with his family's disapproval of his decision, he still went to an academy and trained. By the age of twenty, he was out in the field. His job mainly consisted of being backup to the well-known superheroes which also involved almost getting blown apart, being teleported to the Bahamas (he was so lost at that time), shooting until the cartridge is empty only to see that it didn't even put a scratch on the enemy and the likes. Even so, he enjoyed his time there with his friends. His group of friends usually got out relatively unharmed. They took their day offs together. There were five of them, two females and three males including him. Each time they got a day off, they would live in a house of the family of one of the members. This was probably the prime of his life. He had a good relationship with his family, had excellent friends and an exciting job.

Everything came crashing down when he was twenty-eight years old. In the midst of a battle, his power emerged. He threw a rock at an enemy and he blew up. Note that this was a normal human being and he was torn asunder. The death didn't disturb him, considering he was military at that time, but they were all equally shocked to find out that Garfield had powers. His superiors caught wind of this and then quickly tested him. He was placed apart from his original team and group of friends since he had powers. They would make him train with it, and that's when he started hating his job. But this wasn't the worst of it. Figuring that maybe making a superhuman wasn't a bad idea, especially for him since he made grenades with inorganic materials, so they underwent an experiment.

It went wrong. The side effects had not been taken into note.

While making his body more resilient to force which ended up with him being a lot sturdier and his grenades not affecting him as much as a normal person, it also lowered his healing factor. His physical strength was greatly increased, but he suffered mentally and emotionally. The usual cheerful Garfield turned into a quiet and closed off man. He was deployed with his old friends in hopes that they didn't break him too much. It didn't work. His last battlefield on the military, it ended with two women and two men in their side dead by explosion and a mission complete... but he was the last one standing. Or rather, he was sitting down and crying with his hands in his ears, shouting for the voices to stop.

They failed. Garfield also had a bit of a problem adjusting to the life with his kind of power. No more shooting the paper ball into the bin or else it would explode. No more spreading the small grains to feed the pigeons, or else those would explode like miniature fireworks. It made him dependent to his younger siblings, since his mother had passed away. They tried their best to take care of him. They cared enough to sacrifice some of their time to help him. He was their older brother after all. But everytime they saw Garfield simply staring at nothing, they felt a pang of guilt. Why couldn't they stop him before? If not for their father and their lack of insistence, he would have still been the same.

His siblings died because of a villain attack. Garfield tried to save them, he really did. However, he wasn't powerful enough but the villain had been taken down by a superhero. But they were late. His siblings were already dead. They saved the day, but not his family. Thinking that it was because big shot superheroes didn't have the time to look at minor villains, he decided to go as a vigilante. That's when he joined up with the Rogue X. He found home and shelter with them, being a misfit himself, albeit for rather different reasons. They said his power was too 'destructive' but the team accepted him nonetheless. He found out about the other types of grenade after he was done in the military and is now trying to find out more about it.

- His power was too loud and too destructive. His personality is also rather villainy so he was never invited to become a superhero group.
- Everything he throws explodes so he needs to be careful to 'place' the things he want on the ground so they wouldn't explode.
- His power does not work on living things; however, it does work on fruits and vegetables. Just not on animals and humans.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dnafein
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Chibi

Alias: N/A

Age: Indeterminate

Gender: Cute (appears genderless)


Chibi stands at an adorable 26 inches. It's fur is feathery soft, and its eyes are adorable.

Personality Strengths: Chibi is an incredibility curious creature. He will investigate anything that doesn't pose an immediate threat. He is also a fun loving being, willing to play with anything he can.

Personality Flaws: Chibi is an incredibility curious creature. He will stick his nose into anything he had never seen before; This can vary between the freshly delivered pizza, or the interdimensional gateway device. Additionally Chibi is extremely playful, and will play with nearly anything, from the aforementioned pizza to others personal items.

Walking Garbage Disposal: Chibi can really pack away the calories. It can eat almost anything. Strangely enough it never changes in size, nor does it ever seem to use a bathroom. Rogue X has been unable to discover where the consumed items end up. It has been postulated that Chibi can swallow a small explosive (i.e. a grenade) and survive; This remains untested and is merely conjecture.

Oh... Thats where it goes: With a massive exertion of will, Chibi transforms into a massive

Using the energy stored from his diet. This expenditure of energy changes the color of its skin from light brown to blue, and it's fur becomes coarse and changes to the color white. Its strength increases to match its now monstrous 9 feet (standing upright) gorilla form.

Rogue X testing indicates that in this form he is capable of lifting 3000 lbs (normally: 600 lbs); Max run speed of 24-27 mph (normally: 31-34 mph); And is durable enough to withstand some small arms fire. (5/6 9mm bullets at medium range, less for higher calibers; Impacts can still do damage, bruising, bone breaks, etc. Though the muscle mass decreases likelihood of the latter.

Initial transformation costs Chibi approximately 416 kcal(1,750 kJ) and approximately 138 kcal(583 kJ) per minute afterwards. This has only been measured up to 15 minutes (Total of 2500 kcal/10,500 kJ) the longest Chibi has sustained the transformation. The transformation back to its smaller form costs approximately 1250 kcal(5,250 kJ), and leaves Chibi in a weakened state. (It is capable of fleeing, but would be considered feeble in a fight.) The less time it spends in the Gorilla state the stronger Chibi is after returning to it's cute state. This leads to the hypothesis that extended periods of time would require even more kcal/kJ, not only to transform back but per minute; Further conjecture theorizes that there will be additional jumps in cost per minute.

Do to dietary limitations Chibi can only transform once every three to four days (If uses a full 15 minutes.) Given its unique genetic anomalies it has been theorized that Chibi can transform if it absorbs enough electrical energy; It is unknown if this energy has to be ingested or can be applied externally.

Skills: Major Skills:
Monkey Climbing: Being shaped like a monkey allows Chibi to climb as though it was "going out of fashion." It's an expert free climber, and master of the ancient art of Parkour.

Prehensile Tail: Being a monkey is like having five hands. Well four hands and this neat length of intelligent rope. Chibi can use his tail for anything from hanging himself from a tree limb to pulling the trigger on a stationary gun.

Monkey Fu: To assist in protecting his owner/partner Chibi was programmed with the five variations of the Tai Shing Monkey Kung Fu. Which he uses exclusively in monkey form.

  • Drunken Monkey uses a lot of throat, eye and groin strikes as well as tumbling and falling techniques. It incorporates a lot of false steps to give the appearance it is defenseless and uses a lot of off balance strikes. The practitioner waddles, takes very faltering steps and sometimes fall to the ground and lies prone while waiting for the opponent to approach at which time a devastating attack is launched at the knees or groin areas of the opponent. In drunken monkey you use more internal energy than any other. It is one of the more difficult of the monkey styles to master and also extremely effective against a standard, attack-oriented enemy. Countering this style involves shifting your body around often to ensure that the Drunken Monkey user impacts more solid, tougher areas of your body.
  • Stone Monkey is a "physical" style. The practitioner trains up his body to exchange blows with the opponent - Stone Monkey uses a kind of iron body method. It will leave an area exposed on its body for an opponent to attack, so it can attack a more vital spot on the body. It is important not to attack reflexively at open spots, and try to hammer away at their weak spots until they give in.
  • Lost Monkey feigns a lot. Practitioners of Lost Monkey give the appearance of being lost and confused to deceive the opponent into underestimating his abilities, and he retaliates when it is least expected. The hands and footwork change and flow from each other at will. All monkeys are sociable animals and so they live in troupes or family groups. They are also very territorial by nature and so when they wander into the territory of another troupe there is normally a fight possibly resulting in death to the trespassers. This technique incorporates the fear, nervousness and mischief of a monkey who has wandered into a neighboring territory, in that it attempts to pick and eat as many fruits and insects as quickly as is possible while nervously looking around before scurrying back to its own home range.
  • Standing Monkey or Tall Monkey is a relatively conventional monkey that likes to keep an upright position and avoid tumbling around. This style is more suited for tall people. Tall monkey likes to climb body limbs to make attacks at pressure points. It is a long range style.
  • Wooden Monkey mimics a serious, angry monkey that attacks and defends with ferocity. The attitude of this monkey is more serious, and its movements are noticeably less light than the other monkeys. Wood monkey likes to grapple and bring its opponent to the ground.

Minor Skills:
Limited Vocabulary: Chibi has never been heard to say anything other then its name. However it can usually get its meaning across using inflection and charades.
Chibi: Due to its extremely cute appearance, Chibi is often underestimated. And can often get away with things others could not.

Weapons: Chibi doesn't carry weapons, though he is known to use makeshift weapons at times.

Equipment: Chibi wears a backpack and radio earpiece.

Chibi wasn't born. It's life started in a laboratory, the result of yet another attempt at creating super soldiers. It's creator, Dr. Alonzo Patrick Espinosa, knowing the horrible outcomes of experiments using human test subjects chose to use monkeys.

Chibi was born to one of the test subjects and showed an enhanced durability and stamina. However there were strange genetic mutations as well. Deciding this particular subject was disposable, Dr. Espinosa chose to see if it could weaponize the creature.

He performed surgery on the monkey and installed a biotech computer in Chibi's head. The creature not only survived, but developed use of the computer in unexpected ways. Unfortunately for Dr. Espinosa, only those programmed into the computer appeared lethal.

Time and finances running low Dr. Espinosa made an attempt to sell his research. The highest bidder seeing only an adorable monkey in place of the genetically engineered assassin he purchased; Killed Dr. Espinosa and destroyed the lab.

Chibi escaped in the chaos. It wandered the alleys and back streets till it met its first friend and was finally named. It also learned to speak and discovered the limit of its vocabulary.

It was in defense of Chibi's friend that it discovered the unique ability that allowed it to escape the destruction of the lab. Unfortunately the transformation scared the friend away. However Chibi had discovered the joy of fighting crime. A path it followed until it was discovered and adopted by Rogue X.

*For the sake of my sanity and to make writing easier I will most likely write Chibi using male pronouns as I seem to think of it more in that way. (I keep trying to type he instead of it.)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Serenity Fleming Grier

“I do not see why I was turned down the opportunity. They told me I wasn’t as marketable as Rogue. She’s some weird goth chick with two tone hair colors. And I am a pretty girl. What are they trying to say about me? Am I that average? Ugh, it’s just so frustrating. I could make people happy. Instead I hear she banged Wolverine. Or maybe I am misrepresenting the story.”

Age: 24

Gender: Female - Proudly

Alias: Blue Swallow [the bird. And no I won’t accept being called Captain Sparkles. And the next person who calls me Captain Sparkles should rethink their life decisions]

My natural hair color is brown, my eyes are light brown, my bust and waist size are none of your business, my weight is none of your business that’s only belongs on legal documents and if you steal my ID to find out I will give you an Indian rash so bad you’ll want to stop drop and roll, my height is 5’5 without heels and 5’6” to 5’7” depending on what heels I choose to wear. I am not single. I am not looking to date you.

I like to get dressy and flashy. But sometimes I try to keep it subtle. Everyone else doesn’t think I am subtle enough. I am not fucking Cloak. My power is already loud and the enemies can see my coming, so it’s not really important if I hide in the shadows.

As for the things I like to wear when I am just hanging out, going to work at the studio, or trying to live an ordinary life without it being really that ordinary. It depends on the day, the colors I feel, the way the music sounds in my head. The way the melody plays in my head. Rythym. Beat of life. Here are some examples of the things I chose to wear on an average day.

Casual Everyday Wear

Stuff I like to wear on an average day and I am either running around doing errands because some of the people in the apartment cannot be seen outside because, have you seen the way some of them look like. Or I am taking a class. Hanging out with friends that are not these people. I love them, but I need to get away sometimes.

*But let's be honest and say all the outfits are interchangeable and I can wear them to any event I want

Business and Business Casual

Things I wear when I need to do something important. An interview. Or other things of that sort of thing. I want people to think of us as professionals, even we honestly are not.

Date Night

This is me and Timothy time. And I dress specifically for him. No one else. You may look, but it’s not for you.

Blue Swallow

Do I think I am being vain? Look everybody in this world has a mask. We all chose to wear one to cover up the things we don't like about ourselves. People question whether or not I am serious about this job because of the way I dress when I fight. They don't think I care or don't think I was made out for this job. But they all don't know what feeling the eyes of the world on you means, they all don't know the weight of the world on your shoulders, and they definitely don't understand what it's like to look normal, be average, and everyone treat you like you're an ordinary woman, but you don't feel like an ordinary woman on the inside because you have a secret they don't.

I don't have wings, I don't have green skin, I don't have scales. I'm just a woman. I am not special, but I am special. I choose to wear what I wear because I am proud to be a beautiful, average, wonderful weirdo.

I want to be the world’s pain, the world’s happiness, and love as well as it’s hatred. Music brings people together. And there is not one type of music. There are many types of music in this world.

I basically switch between costumes regularly. All you need to do is I have two types of costumes. One of them is just ordinary business. The other is that you have done something to royally piss me off.

Light Heroine Costumes

A Traditional Swallow

Everyone needs that traditional classic heroine outfit. It's the traditional super hero outfit, but I spiced it up with a little bit of Serenity magic.

Modern Take on a Heroine

I can't be condemned really for trying something new, can I? And it makes people happy. And I want to make the world happy and full of color.

Dark Heroine Costumes

Please keep in mind I used the term dark in a cheeky manner. I am not going to go out and murder people. Might kick a baddie in the groin, but it just means that I am really serious and am not going to mess around with a prick.

Glam Swallow

She's in your face. She's going to make you pay for what you have done. Prepare yourself, she's about to make you feel the world's anger.

Dynamic Swallow

You're a fuck head. You're more than a prick. And I am going to make you eat your words.

Personality Strengths

Mothering -

Serenity is not very nurturing mother, but she is still very much mothering. She makes the team is properly fed, looked after, taken care of. She might be that hovering mother who makes sure everyone has what they need, but it makes her a rather dedicated mother because of it. She gets things done and is very efficient at these things because she cares that much.

For some older than her she simply a little or older sister depending on the age difference, for the youngest members, or the most infant like she is a very caring, devoted mother. Who do anything for the people that she genuinely loves and cares for. Even when they annoy her sometimes, she will always make the sacrifice for her children and family.

Upbeat -

Do not mistake her upbeat attitude as blindly ignorant optimism. She’s a positive realist. She doesn’t delude herself into thinking things will get better when they are worse because that doesn’t solve problems. How she tends to deal with stressful situations around here is by keeping an upbeat attitude.

Though she honestly doesn’t do it in the way that gets an eye roll out of everyone and then they ignore her. She’s not an idiot and anyone who mistakes her for being an idiot is going to be sorry that they did. She’s not going to tell you think about a silver lining or it can’t get worse or stay positive.

She’s going to say, yeah, things are fucked right now, but sitting on our asses and not doing anything to fix it is just as fucked or isn’t going to solve the problem. If we don’t like then let’s go and change it to make it better. We need to stand up now. And then later on we can lick our wounds. I’ll make hot chocolate and we’ll sit on the couch drinking hot chocolate.

And even she can have a moment or two when something disastrous happens and she doesn’t know the proper response to it. She’s not some creepy positive feeling robot.

Opinionated -

While it can be a double edge sword in her case, Serenity is not afraid to tell you what she thinks of you. She also tends to have a sailor mouth when doing it. She doesn’t keep quiet. And refuses to keep quiet. If she agrees or disagrees she’ll let you know. There is no, not knowing what Serenity means because she’s clear on what she means.

She speaks straight forwardly. No hints. No subtlety. She lacks the tack to be that subtle about it. And sometimes her words are not enough and she’ll physically let you know what she thinks.

Confident -

But not arrogant. The reason why Serenity can stand up so fiercely, or look at a horrible situation with such certainty is because she is confident in herself. She is confident in her judgment of others. She is confident to make the right decisions when they need to be made. When she says, I am confident it will work. It means she is a hundred percent certain that it will work.

Personality Flaws

Vain -

But only really a little bit. There’s no real reason for someone to own so much makeup and so much clothing and change their costumes based on their mood. But she’s not so obnoxiously vain it’s narcissism.

She spent most of her life trying to prove that she was an ordinary girl like the rest. Only to not really fit in with them. And feel like an outcast. When she was found to be a mutant, she went to the Xavier School of the gifted. But there were people with tails, green skin, who shot lasers from their eyes, who breathed fire. She was too ordinary for them and didn’t really fit in with them either.

She always felt a little out of the loop. And she covers it up with her mask. Not a physical one made out of fabric, but one that has to do with layers of clothes or choosing the makeup she does to reflect something inside of her.

Opionated -

Mentioned before in her case it can be a double edge sword. Because she doesn’t attempt tact, she has a habit of going off on the wrong people. Too easily jumping the gun and telling someone how it is, when it really isn’t how it is. This is often the reason why few are so willing to hold a lasting friendship with her. But those that truly know her. Love her. And understand her know she means nothing by it, sometimes she means nothing by it. Sometimes she means something by it based on false information or a false understanding of what the person has done or said.

Controlling -

Yeah she’s the leader, but she could learn to let go just a little bit. She seems overbearing and with her can do attitude, she can be hard to convince to let someone else take over the reigns. You see this often when she is in direct conflict with Umbra. As he is technically a secondary commander when either she is around, or there are many threats at once and the Avengers, X-men or whomever are gone.

She has trouble letting others show what they might bring forth. Maybe because she’s a little bit of a perfectionist, but she also often takes the burden of failure on herself. If anyone was hurt, lost or something were to occur she’d be the one bare the responsibility even if it were not her actions that resulted in the problem at hand.

She simply wants to do her best. Show her best. Which makes her overreaching and overbearing to some. She’s learning to give the reigns up, but often takes them back if she’s someone steer to close to an edge. It’s also probably the mothering nature in her not wanting to see them fail.

Overbearing -

Did we mention she can be overbearing? While she often needs break from the others. Sometimes the others feel they need a break from her. She’s controlling and doting, maybe too a fault sometimes. And tries to get everyone to do the best they can. She can be sort of in your personal space or she ruptures your personal space bubble trying to force you to do something you don’t necessarily want to do all based on her whim or desire.

She tries not to do it too much. But her extroverted nature makes her seek people for comfort.

There seems to be a fine line between a savant or genius in music and someone who is a superhuman in music. Everyone else gets to spray acid, throw fireballs, manipulate gasoline. I am one hell of a dancer and singer, and I am going to make you regret thinking it makes me weaker than anyone else.

Enhanced Musicianship

While her powers developed later in life, as most Mutant’s powers do end up display their full potential during puberty, Serenity was still unnaturally gifted in music, dancing, and singing. She didn’t just understand notes, it was like notes and music passed through her and she somehow could feel the music. Like music had life.

As a little girl she was hailed a prodigy in music, and between the ages of 6 and 11 before puberty she was in many contest, many plays and talent shows at her school. She was hailed as being the next best singer, musician, and dancer of her age group.

Enhanced musicianship is not necessarily directly a power, but it encompasses under it several applications for Serenity and they are;

Performance Art Intuition - in a nutshell it simply means she possesses immense natural skills in the performing arts, but is limited to singing, dancing, and creating music. She’s tried to draw and other avenues and she fails in those sets of skill.

Music Empowerment - when Serenity comes into contact with music she draws power from the rhythm, melody, harmony and beats, which makes her inhumanely strong, and fast. But not Flash fast or Quicksilver fast, simply faster than the average human and stronger than the average human allowing her to lift and launch people in the air with a relative ease. When the music is going, she has enhanced reflexes, which makes her notice a person’s attack patterns more. But if there is no music, then Serenity is as weak as her ordinary human self.

Superhuman Dancing - When Serenity is dancing she is stronger than the average human being, able to lift others up with relative ease with a super punch or super kick, or a super dance combo. This doesn’t require music for her to perform these feats with just her dancing, but if she wants more benefits than she needs to tamp into her musical empowerment to gain more like speedier reflexes, and faster timing. But her superhuman dancing is also limited to when she is dancing.

She uses her Superhuman Dancing as her main form of combat. Demonstrated in this video here, click to watch.

Musical Empowerment Manipulation

Her musical empowerment manipulation isn’t just to give her extra power in battle. But she also has an ability known as empowerment manipulation. In the shortest terms possible, she is able to control time in sink with any piece of music she touches.

During the break she can slow down time. During a fast portion she can fast forward her actions or rewind her actions or the actions of others. And she can combine these things in any variation she likes. It simply needs to be perfectly timed with the rhythm of the music. This ability requires music to perform this ability.

Major Skills

Human Metronome

While this may sound like a power, it is not. It is something Serenity has learned her whole life being as musically trained as she was. Before her enhanced musicianship was founded to be a power, she was encouraged and enabled to pursue music. She got the best training a middle class family could find, she played in school. And because of this, it’s easy for her to keep count of music in her head almost as if it were instinct.

Musically Trained

As a child Serenity was encourage to pursue her musical pursuits. When a power at first looks simply like genius levels of musicianship, only to later be found out it is a power leads some to believe Serenity cheated all those years. Either way Serenity has worked hard to be where she is today without it being necessarily not just her power, but a trained skill.
Serenity is sometimes called in by friends or through connections of friends to Choreograph dance moves for upcoming music videos. When she was very young she took classes in urban hip hop, jazz, Broadway, and break dancing.

But Serenity also Orchestrates her own musical composition. Owning a record label with her boyfriend and recording songs. Except that she isn’t really widely known and has to live with the fact that she may never be a big star.

She also can Sing professionally as well. She often writes and sings her own music.

Leadership Training

She feels she is qualified for the job as a leader because she’s the only one who has been trained in leadership. How does she figure this? Because in her college courses she was required to take either a business management class or an economy class. She chose business management class. And they had a whole entire section on leadership, and trust exercises.

Minor Skills


Who do you think makes my costumes? Me. I am the best seamstress in at least Rogue X. You got a hole in your cape, I’ll fix it. Have a little patch in your knee it’s fine I brought my fabric first aid kit. No one should go in this world without something beautiful to wear. Nor should they always chose to look homeless.


There is a proper way to do laundry and there is an improper way of doing laundry. Being musically trained and going to the concerts she did or tournaments she did. Serenity has learned how to take care of different fabric in the wash. But anyone who thinks she’ll just do their laundry free has to pay her ten bucks up front.Twenty if the clothes are exceptionally dirty. Exception Riko.

Charismatic Scolding

If you don’t think this is a skill, then you do not know Serenity. On a good day when they are fighting a simply misguided villain she often gets them to stop their activities merely by scolding them sternly for their actions. Many feel so bad after her strong talking to they turn themselves in.

It’s also the voice she uses to get things done in the apartment. She is not a house maid and makes sure everyone in Rogue X keeps their area clean.

Weapon: None too much to carry


Casual Purse

This is my everyday purse, it carries my phone in it, my communicator, the color of the lipstick I am wearing that day to freshen up, my eyeshadow, if I am taking Riko or Chibi with me I usually carry them little snacks or quick lunches because I am a good caretaker. It also has my notebook in it, some pens, and my wallet.

Ipod and one of those wireless speakers you can play music portably

Blue Swallow's Emergency Bag

If anyone calls it my mom bag again, we'll see whose laughing the next time someone isn't prepared. I genuinely carry in this bag;

-Packed Lunches or snacks depending on the mission
-Water bottles have to stay hydrated in battle
-A first aid kit
-A first aid fabric kit, okay its a small sewing kit, but this can be a lifesaver as well
-My Ipod and Portable Speaker
-Any relevant data for the mission
-A pair of handcuffs


Was I treated well? Well yes. Have I never seen anyone close to me die before? Well yes too. But that doesn’t mean you get to discount the things I have been through. I have felt ridicule, I have felt mocked, and like I haven’t belonged. You don’t need scales to feel that way.

To some I am the spoiled bitch who was born on October 25th, who had a mommy and daddy who loved her so why is she here at this school with people like us. I am of course talking about the School for Gifted Youth. I could tell you why, but people like you just laugh in my face when I tell the story.

When I was young I was just thought of some kind of genius. Unlike you my powers started out subtly. It was understanding music. I didn’t just hear music or didn’t read notes. I felt music. I felt what the artist was trying to convey, I felt or saw the story the artist wrote into their notes. My parents just thought I was some gifted young girl so they encouraged me.

Helen, my mother, and Lloyd, my father, weren’t very rich. We lived comfortably middle class, but they did everything for their precious little girl. Even my little brother, Jayden, had a hard time competing with his older sister who was a genius I think that’s why he resents me so much these days.

I won contest. I won trophies. They were all taken from me. I was revoked the title of Junior Musician Champion because when my powers began to develop more everyone called me a cheater. They said I did it on purpose. My reputation was ruined.

I didn’t get to keep any of my accomplishments of my childhood. Does that make me seem materialistic? Or selfish? Maybe. But I put in the training. The hard work. How was I supposed to know? I was a child. I didn’t know anything was wrong till puberty hit. Then when I danced the world could slow down, or move faster.

I enjoyed it. But my parents disowned me, they saw me as a disgrace. And Jayden resented me. I could feel all his disdain for me. And I understood because he was a brilliantly gifted young man as well. When I came to the school of the Gifted Youth I thought things would change.

I thought I’d be accepted into the group. I wasn’t. Very few accepted me because my powers were too average. Or there wasn’t anything special about me. I felt alone. I was fifteen, alone, and not even sure who I was. Few gave me the benefit of the doubt. Few gave me the opportunity to show them who I was.

And yet I still worked my ass off. I still put in all of my effort. I worked harder than most because I was considered not as talented as the others. I admired people like Anna/Rogue, or Scott/Cyclops. When I was twenty, I was young and excited, but I saw all they could do. I wanted to be that. I wanted to be that woman on the screen everyone loved.

That must make me sound like a narcissist. I am not. I just, I wanted to help. I wanted to good work. I wanted to make the world a better, happier place, and all my hard work meant nothing. I remember walking up to Xavier.

I remember begging on my hands and knees to be a part of the X-men. I’ll never forget what he told me that day,

“I am sorry Mrs. Grier, but to be an X-men is for the most exceptional in this school. I would not want you to needlessly throw your life away. There are so many paths and avenues you could take to achieve the same goals, to help people,”

“I do not want to just help people, I want to be a hero that helps people!”

He sighs.

“I do have an opportunity for you. I was uncertain if I should help this mysterious individual out, we know so little of him. But we do need, or I am willing to send an individual to help a new group form here in New York. If you are willing,”

“What is this project?”

“Rogue X”

“I’ll do anything!”

Little did I know it send me to a little apartment in Brooklyn and I was about to lead the strangest group of heroes to do the work people like the X-men or Avengers couldn’t do. Or I really should say, wouldn’t do. Was it above their pay grade? No I’ll tell you what it was. A little secret no one knows. The Avengers and X-men are all faked. Not fake fakes, but Xavier and Nick Fury choose the most marketable, most flashy heroes, the most attractive to fund themselves and politics.

They weren’t any different from anyone else. They just wanted the good looking people to make them money. And make people feel safe.

I don’t want to be that type of hero. I don’t want that for Rogue X. If we’re going to make people safe, we’ll make them safe for real. If we’re going to help people, we’ll help them out for real.

The perks of a dual life is I have met the love of my life, Timothy. You know him. He’s the geeky one who runs around and makes sure everything is okay at homebase. He’s helped out with the intercoms, he’s helped out with the computer system and security of this place. He’ll tell you he isn’t brilliant, but he’s brilliant in my eyes.

About my parents. I don’t want to talk about it. They don’t want to talk to me. Fine I don’t want to talk about them.

And Jayden. I hear he has powers. I also hear he is hanging out with the wrong crowd. I don’t. I haven’t been able to find him. He ran away from home after his powers erupted. Our parents were distraught that both their children were mutants. I hope I can find him, someday.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago


“Humans leave an impressive amount of stuff lying around.”

Alias: Nightquake

Age: Ageless - but if a number satisfies you my human appearance is 25, I have been on Earth for 4 years and 1 day

Gender: I do not even know where to begin with such a question, I am a Primordial Void being. I do not think my anatomical structure actually matches that of a human considering my lower half is primordial matter. But I’d like to be called a He for the sake of clarity and to make it easier for the mortal beings in Rogue X.
Serenity Notes; Say that next time. You didn’t need all of that.
Umbra scribbles underneath; Say what?
Serenity Notes; That you prefer he. You do not need to explain every time someone ask what to call you.
Umbra: Huh. That does seem much simpler.

To begin to even describe what Umbra looks like is dependent on understand what Umbra actually is. And no one really is for certain what he is. He appears to be some Primordial Voidless being from his ribcage down.

The shadows at his feet are not in fact shadows, but said to be some kind of dark matter like substance and it’s a lot more solid than what you’d consider looking at it’s wispiness. The chimeric void creature appears from the neck up to be entirely human.

A narrow featured young man, with the only significant difference is the simple fact his hair is wispy and shadowy, almost like embers on top of his head. But it is also soft like hair as well. It’s rather uncertain to determine what kind of material it is.

Much like his anatomy is an odd thing to consider. He has a ribcage, a heart, and lungs to breathe. But if anyone were to have a powerful enough X-ray to pure into his body, he has arteries that are only circulating shadows or some kind of dark matter throughout his body.

He wears often a long black robe, that almost represents priest vestments, but with odd doom and gloom accessories when not projecting his bottom half most see this as a long black coat, the end of his coat being actually his body when not manipulating that part of his body. But he doesn’t bother with shoes because there is nowhere to actually put any feet, considering his lower half is an odd black mass that is quite solid despite looking like a shadow and acting like a shadow.

As for height, his standard stance would make him at least 5’8”, which doesn’t seem very tall, but no one is for certain how tall a primordial being is suppose to be. Or if they really have a height. His weight cannot be given because honestly there is no way of measuring something like that.

His cadence is very sotto voce that is in a very quiet voice, and it is often very monotonous because Umbra doesn’t know how to express emotional inflection very well. It’s also not very pleasant to listen too despite its chilly breeziness to it because it is often toneless.

Personality Strengths


Being a Primordial Void has its perks, he has the memory of the earliest universe. Which honestly sounds odd and hard to imagine for any human being. But his wisdom is near limitless, at least when it comes to advice giving and the history of the earth.

Being a Primordial being means that Umbra can hear the voice of the universe. He remembers things that others could not. He holds the knowledge of the gods and he holds knowledge of the most ancient human beings because his body is made of such scattered things he has a lot of scattered information.

But Umbra is sort of out dated. He can tell you a lot about the history of the world, give you sagely advice, and seems to have some kind of universal knowledge. But Umbra is limited in just ancient history. It is a bad idea to ask him about modern world things because he doesn’t have any information about those things.

Asking him what outfit you should wear, or asking him about the most modern, current Human world you should honestly know more than him about.


Except not preachy. Because Umbra’s memories are scattered through an expansive amount of time, he can have some rather idealistic points of view. But it counter balances Serenity’s natural realistic point of views. He’s the one who keeps the group striving for something, even if it might be idealistic, he believes that there needs to be ambassadors for change.

Maybe that’s also his idealism speaking when he believes that they can be the ambassadors for change. While he is realistic about his idealism and doesn’t get carried away, he remembers many different eras of time, and thus he tries to adopt older views in a more modern view.

Being influenced by the modern world for four years has at least allowed him to see that his idealistic nature might need to be routed into different views. Umbra is not so idealistic that he won’t listen to anyone else. Mainly because he’s not self righteous like that.

He has a willing acceptance to learn and admit when he is wrong. But he tries to keep people to strive for more than simply the status quo.


If Serenity is overbearing and controlling, Umbra is quite the opposite. He takes everything at his own leisure and allows others as well. He’s not necessarily lazy, he simply takes his time. He’s efficient by being careful and detail oriented.

Not much really gets to Umbra, he seems unphased by a lot of things and doesn’t seem to persuaded by emotions or to get carried with emotions. It is easy then to simply write Umbra off as slow and lazy, but he is none of those things. He’s never so easy-going he will slack off. And he’s not slow because he’s lazy.

He has a very my pace attitude. Which makes projects, Serenity thinks that should be done in several hours, take Umbra a few days because he takes time to consider everything all at once.

He lets the others do whatever they want as long as it doesn’t impact someone too much. Or impact him in anyway that actually might get him upset. If you want someone to say yes to your insane ideas, it’s probably Umbra who will let you do it. Riko, can I cut up the curtains to make a cape. Umbra, if you’re going to do that make sure the curtains still look nice afterward.


Being an ancient primordial void means that Umbra has little fear in the face of danger. He doesn’t sweat, but he really can’t sweat anyway he doesn’t have sweat pores to actually do that. [Umbra that’s just a word phrasing it doesn’t mean you actually sweat. Huh I didn’t consider that] It means that he boldly throws himself into the fray without the fear of death or the fear of feeling any pain.

He does things with a reckless abandon. Which can be his double edge sword.

In the most positive circumstances it means that Umbra will not flee or show cowardice when the team needs it most. Watching him stand in the face of an unrelenting enemy makes the others fight alongside with him with the same mental toughness Umbra shows.

In the worse case circumstances, it’s either an enemy Umbra will someday be unable to face, and get himself actually hurt. Or he may be leading the team astray with his idealist, fearless, recklessness because he forgets they do not have his fortitude.

Personality Flaws

NonHuman Ideals

Being what he is Umbra has a difficult time expressing certain things to people because not all of his concepts are comprehendible as something human. He is wholeheartedly still something in between humanity, and all of his concepts and ideas are often vaguely abstract concepts of pataphysics. In which he conjures imaginative solutions to complicated problems because he has no concept of a true morality.

This doesn’t make him morally ambiguous. He has morals, but they are constructs of a scattered abstract memory. He is more morally abstract. How he defines good, is at its purest imaginative concept of what good is. He doesn’t define it by any other values.

Human tact on needless values to their morals. Good is selfless, sacrifices for others, good is altruistic. For Umbra Good is simply the abstract feeling of Good. What feels good is good, there needs to be no other values. Bad is selfish, harms the innocent. Bad is bad because it feels bad. Why try to define it further than that?

Because of that Umbra has some very simple, but complex abstract code of ethics.

Further I’d like to add, that the ideals or ideas that Umbra thinks are not due to some kind of faith or belief. As he lacks that kind of concept, it’s why he is so willing to hear out what others have to say. Instead most of the abstract ideal concepts that come to his mind is something he was simply born with. “Born” with. They are the imprint of a millennia of ideas that has spanned across the universe as ideas, beliefs, and concepts long before others. He has a primitive, older structure of thought.

Inability to Emote

Umbra doesn’t emote. He lacks the concept to emote. Or humanize. He can, but it’s often a falsehood because he can only imitate behaviors he sees others express. But he doesn’t necessarily feel the way a human feels.

Umbra emotes, just not in the way a human could emote. While technically he doesn’t verbally emote or show displays of emotions, he is an empathetic being. He can Sense and Share information. But he cannot necessarily feel them.

This makes it difficult for the others, despite not entirely being human themselves, but with human conditions connect to Umbra. Because Umbra is beyond even their understanding of humanity. It’s hard to connect with the thing that doesn’t express or humanize in the same way as you.

Nonexistent Reality

In all tense and purposes Umbra does and does not exist in this reality. Being from somewhere, but nowhere means that he is exist and doesn’t exist in this reality. Because of this Umbra is difficult to follow all the expected rules of him. Mainly because the way his mind thinks means he either doesn’t catch on the rules he is suppose to follow or feels above having to listen to them because he feels they have no value in his mind’s reality.

Into the Fray

Beyond all the complications of what his existence is and the way he thinks, Umbra has no sense of danger. Actually he sort of sometimes craves it. But danger in its purest form. He’s not an adrenaline junkie because he doesn’t produce adrenaline.

He’s often the one to take the most risk and jump into the fray recklessly. He enjoys the excitement in the purest form of what that means to him.

Warped Reality

More worrisome, while Umbra may not entirely exist in our reality, but may exist in our reality it does tend to affect him. While he has shown no signs of insanity, it does take a toll on Umbra mentally to be shaped and influenced by multiple realities at once.

It makes his mind a little skewed times. At its best, he’s just oblivious, half the reason he lets people do things they shouldn’t around him. Sometimes he gets a little mental confusion or forgets rather easily what he was doing. Maybe one of the reasons for a number of oddities in his behavior because of how clueless and air headed he can be.

At its worse he can be grouchy, have a violent temper, and be aggressive. And it’s most worrisome, though no one has seen him at this point, it’s maddening and hard to control his purest desires of violence and aggressive behavior.

Primordial Void Child

To even begin to understand Umbra’s powers you must understand the history of the Primordials. The Primordials that live alongside Earth’s dimension, whether or not you can enter the Void, are often the keyholders of concepts or entities. In an essence they are the reasons why concepts like Mercy, Justice, Good, Evil, Compassion, Charity, etc. exist in the first place.

And some scientist theorize that somewhere there must be a Primordial as to why Mutants even exist or even the concept of such an entity. Though that’s all an untested theory and no one can touch or enter the Void because they would be completely strip of their reality or existence in the world because the Void is made of some kind of scattered time, scattered matter. It is the pieces left of Humanity and Earth’s creation. Which is how a Primordial constructs itself through the random leftover parts of things.

How a Primordial being Ascends into a God Like state is a complicated and honestly slow process that has not been witnessed until now. Normally there is One Primordial being that is the sole embodiment of a concept or entity.

When this concept changes or this concept dies. The Primordial “dies”. But reality is the Primordial is being reshaped to take on the new concept of the idea that died because it is changing. They call a Primordial being reborn a Void Child. In a Celestial sense Umbra is still in a state of infancy, even if he doesn’t look like an infant.

In a sense Primordial’s are dual reality beings. Partly influenced by a Celestial calling. They can hear the Murmurs. The Murmurs are the voice or maybe the feeling of the universe. It is almost like a small whisper or really a sense of something that guides them to a reason. But they are also influenced by our reality somewhat. In a way they actually influence our reality, but we define in what way they do so.

With that explanation out of the way, we can delve into what it means to be a Void Child for Umbra and what that allows him to do.

Primordial Physiology

A Primordial without a concept or without an entity are often black and shapeless. As Umbra is now. They take on the shapes of the things that surround them. People. The darkness they knew from before they existed. They have no concept of a true self, and don’t remember who they were before this. They simply hear the Murmurs and know their purpose.

In the shortest terms possible a Primordial main physiology is Embodiment. It will eventually take on the shape of the concept or entity that it will some day Ascend to. A Primordial’s main existence is to Ascend after it Embodies its main concept. Told to it or maybe felt by it upon sheer existence.

Umbra’s is Justice. This is the reason he can use the powers he uses because his main Embodiment and someday his Ascension will be through some new Concept of Justice he is learning from those around him. It is why Umbra is not preachy about his ideals, because he understands fundamentally he still needs to learn. While he will someday influence the way our reality and beliefs work by his mere existence, the people around him shape what that Embodiment will look like in the near future. Though no one has to worry about Umbra’s ascension because ascension takes hundreds if not thousands of years to ascend.

It is often a Primordial’s existence that influence some conceptual story of mythology. Even if the Gods are given the credit, the stories and concepts would not have been told if not for the Primordial’s existence and assistance in the human plane as Void Children.

Mendacity Sensing

Because Umbra doesn’t feel, but sense the world it is very hard for him to not understand other people’s intentions. In layman’s terms, it simply means that he can sense when someone is lying to him or being untruthful. He doesn’t know what they are lying about, but he can sense their lies. This is very useful in discussions when working with Howard/Meat.

He cannot sense the reason behind the lie, and it is difficult for him to determine someone’s truthfulness if their mind is altered. Either through psychic screening despite Umbra’s abilities not being psychic based or through something mind altering like being drugged or brainwashed or mind controlled.

Codes of Justice

Umbra has a primitive form of law creation, he can construct laws to bend others to the boundaries of the rule. When the rules have been set the victim has no chance of escaping them unless they abide by the rules. However, he can only define laws of his embodiment and those are laws of Justice. Furthermore, the conditions of these abilities must be fairly specific or there is a way for the victim to find easy work arounds them.

Beyond that, his Codes of Justice are limited to a small radius surrounding him about a 10 ft circumference surrounding him inside a small force field created by Umbra’s Embodiment aura. Once an opponent steps into the limited range, Umbra is free to set his own rules on his opponents. Rules such as; if the fight is unfair you must surrender. This is particularly handy when they have one opponent and there are a few Rogue X members working together.

Primordial Form

Umbra is still in all tense and purposes a Primordial. Sure one that is still understanding the world, and one that has not ascended yet. But there are special occasions when a Void Child transforms into their true Primordial form. The Form they may take during Ascension.

Umbra cannot transform willingly in his Primordial Form though. As he has not Ascended and there is no way for him to access this ability alone. However, there are special occasions when Umbra does transform into his Primordial Form. Often these are of greater Celestial Events, such as a Lunar or Solar Eclipse. Or other greater Celestial Events that may spark life into Umbra. - [consider the rarity of these events]

In this form he has the ability to create black holes from his body, sucking anything into his body, and crushing them from existence like they are a tin can. But he also has the ability to create the opposite a white hole, while a black hole sucks things in, a white hole spits things out. He can access whichever reality he would like to do so.
No other time does he have this ability. And it is probably when he is the most vulnerable. When sucking something inside of him, it scatters his body and when the black hole is closed he spends a few slow minutes reforming his primordial shape.

Materialized Guardians

Because Primordial beings have some influence over creation, Umbra has the ability to manipulate Guardians from his lower half of his body. These Guardians fight for him, or beside him really and are useful for a variety of attacks.

At current Umbra can only shape two beings from his body. And because it takes up Umbra’s body, the more he materializes a guardian, the less of him there actually is to maneuver around. Because of this he can only truly summon one guardian at a time. But one guardian is better than none.

The Cannon

So named because of it’s shape. Is like a puppy dog, but a laser for a mouth in Umbra’s words. The Cannon can release a laser beam. Or real a conceptual laser beam, for all intensive purposes it behaves like a laser beam, and looks like a laser beam. But it is not a real laser.

After being shot by the laser witnesses will see that the opponent has not actually been shot by the laser. Well they have been that’s why they are on the floor screaming in pain, and yelling their skin burns. But they have no marks, or haven’t been melted or burnt to a crisp. As it is the concept of a laser, not a real laser.


So named because of the way it moves. Umbra was not very creative when designing these names. The slither flies around the battlefield, and slashes at its opponents. But just like the laser and the conceptual beam, these are conceptual slashes. In the opponent's mind they have been slashed and see blood from their wounds.

Everybody else is watching them like a mad man trying to desperately to stop bleeding not actually there. Slither does have one more capability which is wrapping its tail around an opponent to immobilize them.

Umbra despite what he likes to think is not impervious to damage either. When he materializes his guardians, his body is no longer as physical and he is weak to sound and other vibrations. Beyond the fact that he is weak against those with gravitational abilities. And weak against extreme force pressure of any sort. He is also affected by light matter.

He doesn’t seem to do well with high heat either. And isn’t fairly physically strong himself. His human half still feels slight pain, though dulled since he’s a shadow vein bloodstream monster. And he can be banished to a different reality like anyone else can.

He can also still be mind controlled. And he has no defense against psychic attacks.

Major Skills


Being the Celestial being that he is and some day with the goal in mind he represents the concept of Justice for all, knows every language on Earth. He can read, write, and speak these languages whenever he needs to do so.

Remembering Details

An elephant never forgets, and a Primordial being definitely doesn’t forget. He has the expansive knowledge of the Universe, but he holds onto abstract concepts and their details very well. With this in mind Umbra is very good at remembering details. He can tell when the can he left behind has been placed just an inch elsewhere, he can tell when something isn’t quite right about the details of a room, and is fairly good at putting those things together to create a more detailed picture.


Because of his skill in remembering details, he has learned to utilize it for different functions as well. You want someone to find or you need to find a secret book that can open a backroom to a secreter room, then Umbra will most likely be able to find it.

Also since he senses people, he can easily figure out a signature, if he has gotten a clear idea of what they feel like to him. No stone is left unturned for Umbra. Once he has been sent out to track someone or find something his attention to detail has him thoroughly scour the area for clues.

He can tell the freshness of tracks. When someone’s unique signature has been there last. The dust left by the other books versus the one that has been used the most often. And so and so forth.

Minor Skills

Voice Impressions

Well only in a technical sense. Umbra can imitate the voices of people he has heard through his body. It’s more like an echo or playing back a recording than a traditional voice impression. But still very useful, when he either needs Serenity’s scolding voice, but lacks one himself.

It’s also useful in other ways as well. If you need to get past a password that requires voice activation, Umbra’s impression or really recording is an exact match to the other individual so it’s hard to tell it’s just some strange sound from the shadowy mass of a Primordial Void Child.

Also entertaining to do actor impressions.

Flower Arranging

He finds it relaxing. Or whatever the feeling of relaxing is for himself. He likes the bright colors. And he senses it makes him feel a pure form of happiness. He will not accept anyone changing around his flower arrangements and he will notice if there has been a change.

He seems rather protective over the amount of work it takes for him to arrange each flower arrangement. If anyone ever visits his little pocket dimension where he spends most of his time, you will see that is a garden of different flowers. He likes the shapes as well.

Interior Design

Who do you think designed the front entrance of the apartment? Or the lounging room? It certainly wasn’t Serenity. He used his attention to detail to choose the colors and paint the walls. He’s the one who aligned everything in an order he found acceptable.

Equipment and Weapons: None. Where would they go anyway? If I need anything I'll put it in Serenity's bag.


I wish upon a star, with all my heart to bring my papa back to me.

Existence is a fickle thing. To explain would be impossible. Because a thousand stars do not know the concept of existence. He isn’t even sure if he really existed when he came to this world. Or if he exist now. He is still a child. He knows this. He is still an infant in the eyes of the stars. But is existence forming memories? Or bonds? He’s not so certain of either answer to the question. He first came to this world in a beautiful garden. Someone was speaking. Making a wish. A little girl. Emily.

She gasp.

“Are you a monster?” she ask the strange black mass that fell from the sky, that she had thought was simply a falling star.

“No I do not think I am,”

“I can hear you, but you have no mouth,” in her eyes all she saw was a quivering mass of shadows. She reached out to touch it. It was warm and comforting to the touch, which surprised her. It was alive. But it was not.

“Do I need one?”

“I don’t think so, what are you if not a monster?”

“A star,”

“Stars don’t talk,”

“I came from there. Somewhere. I am not sure where I came from. But I am definitely a star being,”

“Say star, can you grant my wish?”

“I do not have the power to grant wishes. But I sense this disappoints you in some sense, what did you want to wish?”

“My mommy and daddy, are gone. Can you bring them back? So I don’t have to live with my aunt,”

“I do not have the power of resurrection, I am sorry.”

She watches the shadow begin to build a structure, up and up. Till he is a tall person wearing a black robe. He is very handsome with white, wispy hair, almost like a cloud the way it moved, but it was also hair like. His eyes were almond shaped and very piercing.

“Did I do this right?” he asked looking at his people shape.

“I think so,” Emily told him, “How did you do that?”

“A memory of encouragement,”

Emily stared at him, she didn’t quite understand. Neither did he. A child in this universe. A child on this Earth.

It didn’t last long. He wish he could tell fanciful stories of spending more time with Emily. They had one night together. Her room was soft colors, she had created herself guardians out of her toys. She was seeking comfort. He sensed this. He wanted to give it to her. Maybe not want, but sensed he should. He spent the night with her. Watched over her. She fancied him some kind of guardian. But he was not her guardian.

Her aunt seemed sad. Her husband seemed depressed. There was an air of grief in this home. There was not anything he could. Even being a Void Child, he could only hear the Murmurs and knew there was a Primordial Concept of Grief somewhere out there. He then perhaps hoped that their grief would dissipate.

He wondered for a while. Being called to different people. And sensing them when they needed him. He felt a need perhaps to help them in some way. But, what was he meant to aid humanity with? Grief was not his concept. Hope was not his concept. Comfort was not his concept. He was not an entity, he was a thing between human and primordial.

He was a child who knew nothing. It was a maddening reality, that he could not have a concept. He searched for two years to find a concept. To define a concept. But he knew not of the steps to find this concept or its Ascension.

Until the murmurs directed him to someone who was like him. Someone in between. They had burning Justice.

“Who are you?” he asked.

They laugh.

“I could ask you, the same question, who the strange half shadow, half man is”

“I am a Void Child,”

“I am an in betweener,”

“What is your name?”

“What is yours?”

“I have none,”

“Well, then we’re alike in more ways than one I suppose,”

“You might have my Concept,”

“Oh? That’s a little odd. Did I take your luggage at the airport?”

“No, I am a Void Child, I came into existence 2 years and 3 months ago, I must find my Concept so I may ascend some day,”

He smiles.

“Want to help while finding that concept?”


“A project of mine,”

“Hmm, what is this project?”

“I am calling them Rogue X, we’re superheroes, but the true kind, well they’re superheroes, I am just the money bank,”

“And while I help this Rogue X, I find my Concept,”

“Quick at least. That’s the idea,”

“I find this agreement acceptable,”

He never knew though at that time, that he would find his Concept working with Rogue X. The Murmurs reinforced this. They told him that this was his concept.

Other Information:

Umbra doesn't have a room in the apartment. Instead he spends most of his time in a pocket dimension in his "own shadow" to escape the way reality affects him sometimes and the way he affects reality around him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dereken
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dereken Nobody important

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Howard Fairchild

Alias: Meat

Age: 23

Gender: Male (Before powers manifested)


Howard's moniker is well earned, as most of the time, he appears to be a human sized mass of roiling flesh, bone, tooth, and organ. Unless he's trying, he tends toward a shapeless blob, but if he needs something done, his body reshapes itself to the most efficient, and usually most disgusting, solution. While these forms have a general shape, they are never streamlined, and even when he does something twice, he cannot produce the exact same form every time.

Personality Strengths: Howard is unceasingly friendly, and genuinely wants to help people. He hopes a constant positive attitude will help others look past his repulsive appearance. He tempers this friendliness with knowledge that most will not do so, and so opts to wait for others to approach before embracing them. Metaphorically embracing them.

Personality Flaws: Despite his friendliness, Howard is an indelible pessimist. He thinks the worst of others, and expects others to treat him poorly. It causes him to shrink away from others, as he knows the reaction he will draw. Unless he is needed, Howard will avoid contact and exposure to civilian populations.

Powers: Flesh Mold: Howard can mold his fleshy, bloody form with some form of control. He can produce basic shapes, such as humanoid, or four-legged beasts, as well as more alien designs. These forms can have a number of uses, such as increased speed, or better articulation. However, he keeps the same mass no matter what form he takes, and holding forms for extended periods exhausts him.

Bone Weaponry: In addition to his flesh molding to his desires, so too can he control the cancerous bone growth. Howard can produce bone weapons, wielded with half formed limbs, or even on end of undulating tentacles. Most weaponry is a variation on a shredding blade, or a bludgeoning mass. To continually form weapons expends energy much like Flesh Form does, and the weapons, no matter how grisly, are still little more than human bone and tissue twisted into new design.
Biomass Retention: Howard is a troubling thing to kill, as it is hard to identify the 'vitals' of a blob monster. In addition, his body is hardy, and can, with extreme consumption, replenish its biomass. His body will shift to accommodate such consumption, organs and torso shifting into a single orifice, lined with shredding, sharpened bone to break down whatever he consumes. While in this state, Howard is mostly defenseless, and his movement is limited, as his form is focused entirely on eating. He cannot grow past a certain set mass, approximately that of a full grown cow, and the larger he grows, the harder it is for him to maintain. As he grows, so too does his physical aptitude, however his average mass is slightly less of a normal human male.

Skills: Major Skills: -Negotiation: Howard has a way with words that often does not come out. When he tries, and his body cooperates, he can be both elegant and persuasive.
Bluff: Just as he can be a convincing speaker, so too is Howard a convincing liar. Of course, a poker face is all the easier when your face is a dozen eyes arranged about what could only be described as a head in the most generous of circumstances.
-Cooking: Howard was an aspiring chef before his mutation, and even afterward he continued practicing his cooking skills. Few ever take him up on his offers to prepare food. Despite this, the ability to produce extra olfactory and taste sensors have actually improved his cooking.
Minor Skills-Percussion: Another skill from before his change, Howard spent time in his school's band. He has trouble adapting these skills over to his new form, as producing equally sized limbs is often a troubling task.
-Humor: Howard is quick with a joke, mostly at his own expense.
-History Trivia: A penchant for the weird and unusual, Howard devoured historical factbooks in his youth, and now disgorges this information whenever he finds it relevant. If in pleasant company.
Weapons: Bio-weapons described in 'Powers' section.

Equipment: None.

History: For the first half oh his life, Howard was exceptionally normal. Born and raised in midwest America, Howard was an old child, and apple of his parent's eye. When he went to school and mixed in with his peers, Howard was naturally social, and made friends quickly. As he grew, he took on interests and talents, jumping from club to club and sport to sport. When he started cooking he excelled, taking whatever classes and clubs he could if it involved cooking. Through elementary, middle, and even early high school, Howard was a cheerful, popular, and well liked individual.

This changed at the end of his high-school days. It started simply, a few skin lesions on his arm, a cut not healing properly. The doctor said it require watching, but it wasn't anything major. It didn't even hurt. Weeks turned to months, and it only got worse. The lesions grew to open, bloody sores, and every nick, cut and scrape bled and oozed. Over the course of this last year, the condition worsened quickly. He was left alone in his growing deterioration, Howard's peers were terrified of him. The last straw was when his arm snapped in half, trying to pick up a pile of books. He was rushed to the hospital.

Howard's arm liquefied, losing form, and melting into him. From there it spread, his skin sloughed off in bloody chunks, his body fat and organ tissue bubbled away. Howard was barely human-shaped when the government stepped in. He was quarantined, taken away to a black-site, special facility for the housing of metahumans 'unfit' for regular society. In this facility, Howard began to take control of his destruction. He found his body, while resembling nothing alike any living creature, still responded to his commands. He could control his mass, and even find ways to change it over time. He took his first new step two years after quarantine, forcing himself up off the padded floor of his cell, and stretching a tendril out to open the door. Two weeks later he was adapting at an alarming rate, able to function as a normal human being. As his powers developed, Howard's file was forwarded to the Charles Xavier school for Gifted Youngsters. He was immediately rejected. He simply wouldn't fit in with the others. No, his file would be transferred to Rogue-X. Less glamorous, but at least his form was out of the public eye.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Name: Justice Enforcement Droid, or JED for short

Alias: Jackpot Justice

Age: Has existed for a few million years, but has only been active for 7 month.

Gender: N/A, but has decided to refer to itself as a male.

Personality Strengths:
- Strong Will - JED is, above all else, strong willed. He will spare no expense in the pursuit of justice, and will not let anything stop him. If he can will his way through something, he'll do it to uphold justice.

- Inspirational - JED was designed to be an officer unit on his home planet, and was made to inspire his comrades to fight for truth, the weak, and Justice. This was also programmed to be experienced constantly by him, and that is why he is able to rise up even after having his body heavily damaged.

- Helpful - Whether he was programmed that way or years of deactivation has altered his way of thinking, JED is always willing to pick up the slack. Whether it's putting in time doing community service so someone can relax or doing taxes, JED will help anyone if they ask politely.

- Fun - JED is just fun to be around. With his over-the-top personality and his occasional joke, JED could make most people smile easily. He is especially good with children, and as long as no one is doing anything illegal, he's great at a party.

Personality Flaws:
- Doesn't Discriminate - It doesn't matter if you are a murderous monster who kills for fun, or a little girl trying to jaywalk. JED was built to uphold the law, and will do so without regard to age, gender, or crime. Expect him to force people to pick up their litter or hold a person down until a police officer excuses their actions. No matter how much Rogue X has messed with his core, this programming is impossible to alter.

- No One is Over the Law - Not even JED. JED will refuse to kill a person, no matter how much of a monster they are. He is willing to fight and even seriously injure, as he believes a police officer would do the same, but murder is far too much. Additionally, JED will never steal or commit even the smallest of crimes (Except public indecency, since he can't find any clothes that fit him).

- Lack of Understanding Empathy - It's hard to tell what JED is thinking since he lacks traditional facial cues and body language, and his strange anatomy makes him avoided by most. This goes both ways, however - JED can't understand human body language or facial features, believing 'they all look the same'. While JED can understand vocal tones and speech perfectly, his lack of understanding on human behaviors makes him less than perfect at persuasion.

- Nosy - Will try and pry into other people's business no matter the situation, whether because he wants to help or because he thinks they may be criminals. Expect him to know many personal facts about different people. At the very least, he'll know when your birthday is...

Robotic Physiology - JED does not need food or water to survive, and can theoretically be active constantly. Additionally, typical poisons and substances that would harm a biological creature would pose no problem towards JED. However, JED does require electricity to remain active. His total battery is 15 kilowatts, and he requires 1.875 kilowatts hourly in order to remain active, but exerting himself can raise this up to 3 kilowatts an hour (8 hours active, 5 hours max when exerting himself). This means, should he be stuck in a location for a long period of time without access to electricity, he would be rendered powerless.

The core can be used as a solar panel, but due to the differences between the sun and his home-world's star, it would take him a month to completely fill his battery. JED has a maximum lift of 1500 pounds, can move at a maximum speed of 10 mph, cannot jump, and is as durable as the material he is currently composed of (A crystalline material half as strong as steel). It should be noted he lacks the bonuses of a biological body (He can not enjoy pleasures like eating, he cannot grow stronger since he lacks muscles to train, etc). Refilling his battery completely takes 8 hours (16 if he remains active). It is possible that the using his battery more frequently will eventually increase the lifespan to former levels, but this is very unlikely. The only weak point on JED is the core, which is delicate and very difficult to repair.

Bodily control - JED is capable of minor shape shifting by temporarily weakening the molecular bonds between them, and shifting them into a new shape. He can manipulate his general structure to give himself hands, blades, or other weapons. He can even shoot parts of his body outwards as projectiles. However, all of these activities are strenuous, and shape shifting rapidly can easily drain his battery. Additionally, objects shot from his body can no longer be manipulated until they return to the body. JED can only make minor changes, like manipulating a limb. He can't completely change his structure, and some materials are too strong to be changed swiftly, or even at all (Adamantium, Vibranium, etc).

Reconstruction - JED is capable of reconstructing his body using the materials around him. His body will slowly cause stone, dirt, or anything nearby to slowly gravitate towards his wounds, and reconstruct himself until he has a similar mass to what he once possessed. While this could be used to incorporate better materials into his body and make him more durable, it can only be done involuntarily - his body reconstructs itself with the nearest and easiest materials to move, and only does so while he is inactive. This means that it is impossible for JED to heal while active, and will almost always be weaker than he was before unless he has access to strong materials. Reconstruction takes 8 hours to repair a limb-worth of damage. Additionally, no matter what materials are present, it is impossible for JED alone to fix his core.

Major Skills:

Willpower: JED can resist most temptations as long as he has a reason to, and will go to many lengths to protect the weak. If someone is breaking the law or defacing justice, expect JED to be a bastion of willpower and determination with the mission of apprehending the criminal.

CQC: JED is proficient in all manners of Close Quarters Combat, and uses his shape shifting to create weaponry and restraints for opponents.

Inspiration: As noted in the personality section, JED is truly incredible at motivating people and raising their morale. Whether inspiring people to go after that promotion or motivating them to go that last mile in a fight, JED probably has a motivational speech for nearly any situation.

Minor Skills:

Chemistry: One of the things that JED was taught when first coming online was chemistry, which he has a fondness for. Of course, this is nowhere near as impressive as his love for Justice.

Gambling: Somewhat ironic considering some parts of the US outlaws it, JED loves to gamble. Or, more accurately, he loves the risk of gambling. As such, JED is somewhat proficient in most games seen at casinos. Of course, this does not mean he is better at luck-based games, which he seems to prefer. In fact, when creating his alias, he decided to combine the two things he liked the most.

Diligence: JED can spend hours on end doing some meaningless, boring task without stopping, almost certainly because of his motivation. This usually manifests itself in performing menial labor or community service, which is one of his hobbies.

Weapons: JED forms his own weaponry, usually using either a sharp blade to pierce and slash opponents or a blunt hammer-like tool. His third favorite tool is manacles, which he forms whenever a criminal is incapacitated.

Equipment: Lacking any form of employment outside of Rogue X, JED simply lacks the funds necessary to have any equipment.

History: JED was originally constructed by the Shakorin, a race of humanoids who resembled squids. JED was one of a millions, his model being used as enforcement droids. Thanks to the fact that the Shakorin sun released far more energy and was out far longer than the Earth's star, JED's were capable of being online nearly constantly, and had batteries that could last days in dark areas or during the night. Shakorin society relied heavily on solar energy, supplementing it with nuclear power during the night. Shakorins were never able to become multi-planetary, since they lacked nearby planets to colonize and they were incapable of FTL travel. As a result, overpopulation became an incredibly large issue, and space became the most valuable commodity. People began to live underground and in the oceans to create more living space, but eventually, tragedy struck - disease had always been rampant, but a virus quickly developed that quickly spread throughout most of the population. Unable to support itself and most workers already dead, Shakorin nuclear plants eventually had a meltdown, resulting in a sudden chain reaction or nuclear explosions all across the planet. The combine force successfully managed to destroy the planet, sending stone and materials all throughout space. Most of these materials managed to remain in the gravity of the planet, and would eventually reform into a rocky barren exoplanet. Some material escaped, however - including an inactive JED unit, one of the last ever made.

For the next 3 million years, the JED continued to drift through space, traveling throughout the milky way galaxy, ever increasing the distance between it and it's home world. Despite the vast time spent inactive, the JED remained relatively unaffected - it was sealed inside of an air tight container, made of the same crystalline substance, protecting the JED from stress and matter. The only thing that suffered was the battery - it had been charged before the destruction of the planet, and millennia of inactivity resulted in the battery's lifespan suffering. It was almost poetic - the sole survivor of his planet was left to drift through the endless void, unaware of the destruction of it's creators. However, after 3 million years of silence, a miracle occurred.

It was pure chance - any number of variables, a difference of only a few hundred miles could have resulted in JED passing by. Luckily, the stars seemed to be right. JED crash landed in Highlands, NJ, destroying a portion of the Twin Lights Lighthouse as it did so. The first respondents were local authorities, who came to investigate the large chunk of blue crystal. Prying open the hatch, JED was discovered, lying completely motionless and deactivated. It only took one thing - a Mr.Gordan Sellers, a rooky officer who showed up to investigate, reached out and touched the black orb residing in the middle of JED's face. Then, for the first time ever, the 3 million old robot awoke.

Looking back on it, things were pretty hilarious. A giant crystal monster being yelled at to 'stand down' by police, despite the robot not even knowing English. It wasn't until agents from the nearest organization, Rogue X, arrived that things finally cooled down. The agents were able to lead the passive Jed all the way to Brooklyn, NY, where they spent the next month teaching the robot English. Finally able to understand one another, JED revealed that he was completely unaware of his origin, having had his memory automatically wiped after the first thousand years of inactivity. JED was given refuge by Rogue X, and was offered electricity and safety. Eventually, however, JED's primary directive revealed itself - he began to question the laws of Earth. For the next 6 months, with little event, JED was taught extensively in law and other subjects, after demonstrating his desire to help uphold justice on earth. Finally, after Rogue X's arbitrary requirements were met, JED was ready to become a hero.

- Powers that work on inorganic materials can work on JED
- Was never offered to join a larger superhero organization due to both being found by Rogue X first and his... 'quirks' (He berated a child for 10 minutes after she littered, and then immediately chased a man 5 blocks when he jaywalked).
- Hobbies include gambling (usually with very little money that he ends up losing), community service, fighting crime, hanging out with friends, and playing with children.

Theme Song:
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BrokenWashing
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BrokenWashing Meme Connoisseur

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Duke Delroy/"Were I to say it out loud, you would turn insane"
Alias: Host of Plaixare (Usually just "Plaixare")

Age: 71

Gender: Male/Unknown

Appearance: The best way for me to put it is using a reference photo [not anime] seeing as his appearence is based on a real life person.

His outfit is generally very simple. Almost always a variation of a white vest, check shirt and a pair of tatty blue dungarees. Whenever possible he is wearing a John Deere Cap

When Duke is controlled by the Demon, Plaixare, his eyes glow a dull orange and his beard literally and figuratively burns like hot coals in a fireplace. His face also turns a slight tinge of Grey. Dukes skin seems to tighten around his bones giving him an almost skeletal build for the duration.

Personality Strengths: Duke is a humble man who cares not for money nor fame. Were he to have his way, the rest of his days would be spent with a fire in the hearth and a sheepdog by his side. When he is not taken over by an ancient demon, people can quickly tell that he has good intentions in what he does. He is a great listener and has an affinity for making one open up about themselves.

Personality Flaws: The Demon, Plaixare is a cruel and sadistic being who is barely controlled by Duke. Should he mistakenly relax his hold on the being for too long he will find himself using more than excessive force.

Regular Duke does also have his flaws but not nearly as severe. Due to his old fashioned way of life he can sometimes unintentionally be sexist and or racist. He means no malice by this but it can rub some people up the wrong way.

Powers: All of these power can only be used when channeling the power of Plaixare, something he only does when extremely necessary.
1. [Inferno's Gaze] Duke can project a roaring beam of flame from his face in a straight line for roughly 20 metres or until interrupted.
2. [Purgatory's Dusk] Within a 5x5 metre dome around himself, Duke can eliminate the effects of all light sources other than those created by himself causing the area to be almost pitch black. Those outside can see in but those inside the dome may not see out.
3. [Agility of the Abyss] Duke is able to perform short range teleportation. He can disappear in a cloud of black smoke and reappear in any direction up to 10 metres away from his starting position. This can be straight up or at angles but cannot be used to pass through solid objects.
4. [Torment's Transformation] When first taken over by Plaixare, aside from his appearance altering transformation, Dukes body gains some form of weapon suited to the task ahead. This could be clawed fingers, horns, a prehensile tail or some other kind of alteration. He can only gain one modification at a time and is stuck with his choice until he takes back control of his body. These additional transformations cannot add powers or ranged attacks, they are purely tools or melee weapons.

Major 1. Farming. Since a young age Duke was working on a farm and therefore knows the correct technique for growing most common vegetables. He can also operate most simple machinery.
Major 2. Stringed instruments. Duke is skilled at playing instruments including but not limited to banjos, guitars and fiddles.
Major 3. Demonic tongue. Being the host of an otherworldly demon gives you all sorts of knowledge. Duke knows about some of the mystical realms and can speak fluently in demonic tongue.

Weapons: Duke carries with him a hook handled wooden cane. When taken over, the cane burns up into ashes but reforms when Duke returns.
[See Power #4]

Equipment: Duke carries a tobacco pipe, a tin to hold said tobacco and a hip flask

Theme Song:
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Neo Is Delight
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Neo Is Delight *noms on tail*

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Merriana Swann

Alias: Unknown

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance:Merriana is of average height, and weight for her age. Her hair is a dirty blonde, and almost always kept in a neat ponytail. You might take notice, that her skin is mostly tanned, except for her hands and feet, which appear to be burnt black. She’s not really burnt, or covered in dirt or charcoal, but rather, that’s just where her skin still shows a more earthen color. Due to how she was ‘birthed’, she lacks a belly button, though not many people know this, as she is rarely seen in clothes that would reveal such.

Casual ~ Her casual outfit isn’t all that special, just a cute dress she found in a shop, paired with over the knee stockings, and ankle booties. You might notice the shiny bracelet, that’s actually a power dampener so she doesn’t end up naked while out socializing.

Costume ~ Her costume is actually more fancy than it appears. First, it’s actually a mixture of an organic metal, and an organic fabric, meaning her outfit is alive. Secondly, it’s actually got some fancy tech mixed in. The tech in her costume only does one thing, store electricity, discharging it for absorption as needed. The suit only stores enough for one golem, or three firearms, but it allows her to hold an electrical charge for longer periods of time.

Personality Strengths:
Intelligent ~ Merriana isn’t the type to act on instinct. She prefers logic, and to this end, she tends to study her enemies as much as she can before engaging, unless she’s pissed off, then she’s just going full out on them.

Trusting ~ Merriana isn’t the type to judge someone on appearances alone, she gives people the benefit of the doubt. If they lied to her, then they have a problem, but until then, she believes in the philosophy ‘innocent until proven guilty’.

Loyal ~ Getting a secret entrusted to her is a difficult task. She would sooner give her life than abandon a friend, and in her mind giving up information they entrusted to her is the same as abandoning. If you’ve got a secret you just have to share, Merriana is a good person to talk to.

Personality Flaws:
Harsh ~ Merriana doesn’t pull any punches when speaking to others. She says what’s on her mind, and more often than not they aren’t very nice thoughts either.

Short fused ~ Pissing Merriana off is an easy task to accomplish. Though if you think sending her into a blind rage is a tactic that will play in your favor, you might want to consider that large sword crashing down on your head, yeah, did you notice that large boulder is missing? Might want to start running.

Cruel ~ Merriana is harsh with her words, but even more so in battle. Other heroes would say killing is wrong, Merriana says it’s what criminals deserve, regardless of the severity of the crime. If she’s involved in a fight, the only way to stop her, is to take her down, or hope her allies can get her to hold back. If you’ve pissed her off though, even her allies won’t be able to get through to her.

Disintegration ~ While not what this power really does, it’s the easiest way to describe it with a single word. If Merriana touches an inorganic object, it will seemingly turn to a fine dust like powder, dissipating into the wind. This ability works on electrical currents as well. Ever seen a lighting bolt disintegrate? It’s awesome. The problem, this is passive, she can’t really shut it off. She can to a certain degree, but it takes concentration, and if she loses this concentration, her power can kill her.
Absorption ~ A more trained eye, will notice this dust is actually unaffected by the wind, instead flowing towards Merriana, seemingly vanishing into her skin. Electricity, even in a matter state, is an extremely painful thing, and because of this, she can’t store electrical matter for long.
Expulsion ~ Merriana can then expel this matter, into any creation she wants. Crafting things such as golems, or more complex objects like firearms takes multiple matter types, basic matter, and electrical matter. Golems can only do simple tasks, and after completing the task they were intended for, they crumble. The only firearm she can make is a revolver pistol, and it can fire off six times, before crumbling. Firearms take less electricity than her golems.
Crafted from Stone ~ Merriana isn’t human, more like a demi-god, born from Gaia, but she’s not immortal. She has a higher tolerance to pain, having been crafted from stone. This doesn’t make her any more durable than your average person, but a gunshot to her feels like a needle, it’s still the same damage output, just less pain.

+ Expulsion Studies ~ Merriana spent a good while learning the in’s and outs of how to craft multiple types of weapons. If she needs a sword, she knows what parts make up what sword type, so as to avoid using a rapier hilt with a broadsword. She also knows how to craft a pistol, though she’s not fond of loud noises, and as such refused to learn about any other firearm. Learning to craft a golem was a little more difficult, as she couldn’t study real items, but rather spent a year of her life with trial and error, till she got it right.
+ Combat Arts ~ That rapier Merriana just formed isn’t a toy, she actually knows how to use it. That large ass broadsword, yeah, that isn’t a scare tactic, she knows how to use that too. Put simply, she isn’t just playing around with her powers. She trained in the use of the items she creates, and if she makes a weapon, you can rest assured she actually knows how to use it.
+ Heavy lifting/Endurance training ~ Merriana’s power require that she stay fit. If she can’t hold the weight of the matter she absorbs, it will crush her. As such, she keeps herself in peak condition, able to lift around a hundred pounds. This skill pairs directly with her power, as such she’s able to store around a hundred pounds of matter, before feeling the crushing weight of it.
- Lockpicking ~ Merriana knows how to pick a lock. Of course, she’s more likely to just disintegrate the door, but hey, knowledge is power as they say. It’s not a skill she needs often due to her power, but it is something she is capable of, should the need arise.
- Calligraphy ~ Merriana’s signatures are always neat and tidy. She’s also good at forging the signatures of others, so long as she has an example of their handwriting to go by. Being a hero, there's not much need of forging documents, but she still uses this to sign her own name often enough.
- Lying ~ Merriana use to have a habit of telling false truths, and as such, she’s actually quite good at it, able to deceive even those who are trained to detect lies. She’s trying to get away from this though, and while she can, she prefers not to.

Weapons: Were you not paying attention? Her power let’s her craft weapons on the fly, why would she carry any with her? I suppose I will enlighten you however.

Six-shot revolver ~ The one and only firearm she can craft, it’s structure and appearance vary based on the materials used, obviously.

Rapier ~ It’s a simple technique, stab stab swoosh repeat.

Knuckle Blades ~ I hit, you bleed, don’t deviate from this.

Buster Blade ~ You’ve pissed me off, so just die already.

Equipment: Power Dampener, this is an item she wears solely when not heroing, and you can probably guess what it does by it’s name. Without this item, she would have to focus 24/7 so as to not kill herself, which would ruin her sleep schedule. This tech was crafted to avoid this, and allow her a mostly normal life. Red light means dead battery, blue light means it’s almost dead, green means full charge. Lasts twelve hours on a full charge.

Merriana isn’t technically a human, not in the normal sense anyway. She was once stone, carved and given life by Gaia. In this sense, she is a demi-god, but Gaia wanted her to live a mostly normal life, and as such, did not make her a true demi-god, but rather gave her the gift of ‘humanity’. By giving her the ability to grow, and age, Gaia felt Merriana would have the greatest chance of being normal, having friends, and a life she wouldn’t grow to hate.

Gaia however could not raise the child. She gave the child up to a human family that she had picked herself. Believing this family would raise Merriana properly. This held true, the family raised her as if she were their own. Though, this happiness did not last forever. Merriana’s latent ability activated one night while sleeping, and she caused the house to collapse. She herself barely survived, but both her foster parents had died.

After this event, Merriana spent the longest time training herself to better control her power. Though no matter how much she trained, she couldn’t get it to stay off without completely focusing on the aspect. She brought her dilemma up to a local scientist, and he crafted a bracelet for her that could block her abilities. She made use of it only when she was out in public, and sleeping.

Merriana spent much of her time as a vigilante, using it as a way to train her powers. She later became a member of Rogue X after a slight incident, where while playing vigilante she destroyed a jail trying to punish an escapee. She was actually originally sentenced to work with them as a sort of community service, but she felt like she fit in, and decided to stick around even after her punishment was up.

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