Welcome welcome welcome. My name is Plays-with Squirrels.

If the above reference went over your head, then you are too young to be my partner. Sorry! 18+ (21+ preferred). For smut, it varies. Sometimes I am all for it, other times I prefer a RP focused much more on the plot, so smut will be limited/fade to blacks. If we go the smut route, I will want to discuss limits/kinks.
Ok so if you are still reading, that means you are over 18. Good day, how are you?

If you are not a high casual-advanced writer, then I am not sure I am the partner for you. I typically will write around 4-6 paragraphs on average. They can be shorter or longer, depending one what is happening in the plot at the time. I am looking for a partner who can give a similar length. And it isn't just about the quantity, quality is far more important. I need a partner who can move the plot along with me. And I love detail. I love to describe the scenery, emotions, thoughts, everything to help add and build to the world we create.

I LOVE love. My RPs must have romance in it, it is basically a given. As for the type of loving, I will do any pairing (MxF, MxM, or FxF) but I will say this: if we do MxF I do honestly prefer playing female. I just cannot get into the mindset of a straight guy. Sorry if that upsets you.

Genres I enjoy and Pairings to go Along
-If I have a preferred role, I put it in bold.
-I do have a few specific plots, but I am going to hold off on sharing them right now. If you are curious, feel free to ask! But I am 100% happy building a RP together with someone from the ground up.
1. Slice of Life! This is my go-to. I will never bore of it. I tend to prefer high school years, but will do college or adult scenarios as well.
2. Historical. My favorite eras are WWI/WWII. Historical accuracy isnβt vital, but a general knowledge of the time period would be great.
3. Harry Potter/Hunger Game These are the only fandoms I really do. I can do Marauders era, Golden trio era, or post-battle era. I will do canon x canon, but not canon x oc... I know, weird. For HG, I will only do OCxOC and era doesn't matter as long as it is before the games end, so anything during or before Katniss era.
4. Fairy Tale/Minor Fantasy. You know princesses and knights, that sort of thing. I am also starting to dive into some minor fantasy- vampires, werewolves, but I do prefer human roles in those pairings.

Still interested? Awesome! Then PM me! Looking for someone with dedication. I try my best to post once a day, at the very least, a few times a week. I live in the EST zone. I get real life happens, so just tell me. And if you change your mind and don't want to RP, just tell me! I get more upset being ghosted than someone being straight forward and saying they don't want to do the RP anymore.
If this thread annoyed you well....

(But like actually I hope everything makes you laugh :) )