The year is 2009 (yes, the past, I know). 10 Years ago, a mysterious ship space crashed down onto Macross Island in the South Pacific. Leaving, it left tremendous destruction in its wake, this ship from space destroyed at least one city and wiped out an entire US Navy carrier battle group near Macross Island as it crashed. This would eventually come to be known as the Macross Incident.
In the aftermath of this disaster, various nations around the world declared a ceasefire in the Global War being fought and worked towards a more united Earth. Unknown to the public, the object that crashed into Macross Island was in fact an alien spaceship. This discovery along with the revelation that the ship was manned by giant aliens resulted in fear among political and military leaders about the threat of an alien invasion.
Over the course of several years, Earth was united under one banner, and humanity made great technological strides forwards thanks to the amazing technology found in the alien vessel, which was rebuilt to serve humanity. In 2009, the Earth finally faced their mysterious alien foes.
Striking in massive force and number, the Zentradi struck at Earth and their prized battleship- the SDF-1. In a desperate effort to draw the Zentradi away from Earth, the SDF-1 prepares to depart. More Robotech nostalgia "Fox Squadron! On your fucking feet! Flight deck, now! Walk and talk! We've got a fuck ton of aliens incoming and a lot of civies to keep safe. We're putting rooks in the air as fast as we can get flightsuits, and we've got got more waves of alien signatures moving in fast on sensors. Remember, we don't know what these aliens can do yet, so watch out for your wingman and keep an eye on your ammo counters. Fox Squadron is also one of the only RDF-SOC Squadrons on Macross at the moment, so put on your big-boy pants. We'll be splitting into wings to be tasked as necessary- expect a lot of hot zones, tough fights, and a long sortie.
Remember, when it comes to these aliens, we're all rookies. But we're the best rookies. Hit 'em hard, and come back home. We launch in 10, review the VF-1 schematics and finalize your last wills. FAST packs and re-armament will be available as requested. Get it done. Fall out." Hello everyone! Welcome to the Interest Check for "Robotech: The Macross War"! If you haven't already picked up on it, this RP will be about Robotech- the westernized version of Macross. Yes, I am well aware Robotech is a weird bastardization of a bunch of different anime series's into one, but I grew up on this bastardized shit and I loved it. I generally avoid fandoms, but I've been itching for a mech/space RP, and I hope to grab a small group of dedicated players to experience this with me.
This particular RP will follow the adventures of a group of men and women from the Robotech Defense Force’s Fox Squadron. We will not be following the storyline of the main anime, some generous changes are being made to make it a bit grittier and wide in scope than just the mis/adventures of a single ship, and more fitting for our needs. Some timelines will be fudged around, including technologies and craft, as well as RDF military size and fleet forces. Expect space combat, melodrama, some slice of life, romance, a sprinkling of political intrigue, and gray morality as we try and save the galaxy- or at least part of it.
SDF-1 Flight Roster & Equipment Database
A prototype battle-carrier developed by the united governments of Earth. A repair and retrofit job of a crashed alien battleship, very little is actually known about the ship. While more heavily armed than any of conventional ship in the RDF fleet, it is still primarily a carrier, and flexes a massive 1,500 individuals in its combined aerospace complement. The SDF-1 has two flight decks on either side of the ship, which can be folded when not in use. The SDF-1 carries some 250 VF-1 Valkyrie fighters, 200 QF-300E Ghost drones, 150 Destroids, 50 AEW aircraft, Space shuttles and other small auxiliary craft
(The VF-1A is the only available craft at the start of the RP. Others will become available as the RP goes on.)
The VF-1A Valkyrie is the standard veritech fighter used by the RDF. A marvel of engineering, the VF-1 series veritechs are some of the newest pieces of technology in the world, combining versatility with mobility and a potent weapons package. More than just a fighter jet, the VF-1A Valkyrie is unique to other aircraft on earth in that it is capable of transforming into 3 different modes. The standard mode that most pilots begin learning is the Fighter configuration. Operating similarly to other contemporary aircraft, the Fighter configuration serves as an aerospace superiority fighter role.
The second veritech configuration is known as the Battloid Configuration. Essentially a 40 foot humanoid mecha form, the battloid configuration allows the VF-1 to operate in a role similar to infantry- only on a much larger scale. While still fairly mobile compared to most vehicles, it lacks the speed of an aircraft, though is much more sturdy, as small hits to the fuselage won't disrupt its ability to fly or fight. In this mode, the oversized gun pod used by the VF-1 becomes a handheld machinegun type weapon. The battloid configuration is especially liked for its increased mobility- able to change directions on a dime as opposed to aircraft, allowing it to rapidly target targets all around it.
The final veritech configuration is known as the GERWALK or Guardian mode. Resembling a fighter jet with legs and arms, the Guardian mode is good for low altitude flying and handles similarly to a fighter jet with more mobility and the ability to rapidly turn and lift off vertically. Its manipulators can be used to handle objects while in motion, similar to the battloid mode.
1 x Fixed Mauler RÖV-20 anti-aircraft laser cannon - A basic ship mounted lasercannon. Capable at firing 6,000 pulses per minute, the RÖV-20 is accurate, and excels in point defense, and interception roles. Unfortunately, it is not as effective against the hulls of alien craft as the GU-11, but concentrated fire can still be deadly. The RÖV-20 is generally only used in Fighter and Guardian modes, but is more difficult to use in battloid mode due to its positioning.
1 x Howard GU-11 55 mm three-barrel Gatling gun pod - A detachable weapon system, this weapon is attached to the bottom of the VF-1A fuselage, and is held like a machinegun while in battloid mode. The GU-11 uses an 1000 round internal magazine that fires at a rate of 1,200 rds/min, giving pilots approximately 50 seconds of contiguous fire before needing to rearm.
Bombs & Missiles: All VF-1A Veritechs have 4 underwing hardpoints for pilots to mount a variety of munitions.
AMM-1 hybrid guided multipurpose missiles (3/point) - The standard RDF missile. Potent and extremely fast weapons package with smart guidance systems, capable of targeting a variety of targets, and capable of taking down most foes with a single missile.
UUM-7 micro-missile pods (1/point) each carrying 15 x Bifors HMM-01 micro-missiles - The preferred combat missile of RDF pilots. Capable of targeting dozens of targets simultaneously, the micro missiles are excellent for opening missile barrages and overwhelming point defense systems. While individual missiles aren't incredibly damaging, they are capable of crippling most craft.
MK-82 LDGB conventional bombs (3/point) - Unguided bombs. Good for precision bombing. In space, these bombs follow the trajectory they are released at at whatever current velocity they are at- similar to conventional torpedoes.
RMS-1 large anti-ship reaction missiles (2/point) - Highly advanced guided anti-ship missiles. Limited deployment weapons, these were designed to combat enemy spaceborne vessels.
FAST Packs
An Acronym of Fuel Armor Sensor Tactical, FAST Packs are additional equipment first pioneered with the VF-0 but did not see mainstream use until the VF-1 Valkyrie. FAST Packs offer a variety of benefits for Variable Fighters; such as additional boosters and verniers to increase speed and maneuvering, extra armor to increase survivability, additional weapons to improve on offensive capabilities, or sensor equipment to improve on early detection capabilities. As they often contain hazards like ammunition and propellant FAST Packs are designed to blow off once they become too damaged, or if their stores are expended. This allows a VF that may have been specialized for a specific task to resume normal operations once it has used up this temporary advantage.
Fighter Guardian Battloid
The members of Fox Squadron are given access to a variety of Fast Packs:
The standard FAST pack for the VF-1; the Super Pack equips a VF with extra missile ordinance, booster engines, extra verniers and more propellant to give the craft a respectable kick not only in offence but also in speed and maneuverability as well. These packs are also designed to blow off of the VF in the event of catastrophic damage or should their stores become used up to purge the VF of the dead weight.
Each main pod provides the Veritech with an additional 12 micromissiles for a total of 24 micromissiles. A sub bay mounts 6 micromissiles that either face backwards while in fighter configuration or is mounted on the forearm during battloid/guardian modes.
Like the Super Pack, the Strike Pack equips a VF with extra missile ordinance, booster engines, extra verniers and more propellant to give the craft a respectable kick not only in offence but also in speed and maneuverability as well. These packs are also designed to blow off of the VF in the event of catastrophic damage or should their stores become used up to purge the VF of the dead weight.
An evolution of the Super Pack, the strike pack replaces 12 of the FAST Pack's missile armament with twin beam cannons that can be fired typically from the dorsal side of the craft in fighter and guardian modes and from over the shoulder in battloid mode. A sub bay mounts 6 micromissiles that either face backwards while in fighter configuration or is mounted on the forearm during battloid/guardian modes. The Beam Cannon module stores enough charges for 24 blasts- each blast is generally enough to disable an enemy craft.
Like the Super Pack, the Dual Strike Pack equips a VF with extra offensive capabilities, booster engines, extra verniers and more propellant to give the craft a respectable kick not only in offence but also in speed and maneuverability as well. These packs are also designed to blow off of the VF in the event of catastrophic damage or should their stores become used up to purge the VF of the dead weight.
A further evolution of the Strike Pack, the dual strike completely foregoes the additional missiles- aside from the 6 sub bay missiles, for two pairs of beam cannons, offering a fair deal of stopping power for the VF it's equipped with. Each cannon module stores enough charges for 24 blasts- each is generally enough to disable an enemy craft.
Character Sheets:
Fox Squadron is one of the RDF's Special Operations Capable Units. Members of Fox Squadron are hand picked by Squadron Leader Rae Simms. Fox Squadron members have a varying level of veterancy, many are pulled from various high performing air force units, though particularly talented recruits may be pulled straight out of flight school. Most members of Fox Squadron should have been part of the squadron for at least a small amount of time- enough that the characters know each other, though I am looking for one or two fresh rookies.
Also keep in mind that our characters have never encountered these aliens before- and are not aware that the Zentradi are actually giants, at least not yet.
A note on Callsigns: A callsign is a name given to you by the rest of the squadron (whether you want it or not). There are very few people that will be willing to unironically call you "Archangel" or "Kingslayer". Nicknames and Callsigns should be short, sweet, easy to call out, and referencing either tendencies people observe you doing or quick shortening of your names: IE "Brit" because you have a strong english accent, "Twitch" because you tend to look around a lot/rapidly, "Kanga" because your last name is Roo, etc. If you're a brand new pilot, or haven't been around long enough- or notable enough- to have an established callsign, you won't have one- or in the case of the newbie: "Noob", "Rook", "Rookie", "FNG", etc.
Image (I know robotech is an anime, but lets not get too anime with our pictures yea?) Name: Last name, First name Age: The minimum age of a pilot fresh out of training is 20 Gender: Your pilot's gender Origin: Your pilot's birthplace/nationality
Appearance: A short blurb about your character's appearance, including height and any distinguishing marks.
Callsign/Codename: Nickname/Alias your Pilot goes by in combat Kills: Your pilot's kill record. Obviously a fresh pilot should have pretty much no kills, whereas a veteran should have more. 'Ace' status is earned at 50 kills. At the moment, kills only refer to kills against human targets. As the RP will start before any combat with the Zentradi has occurred. Remember, the world has generally been in a state of peace for the past decade. An insurrection or uprising here and there, sure, but you probably haven't butchered your way through dozens upon dozens of enemy pilots. Veritech Specs: Your pilot's preferred Veritech loadout in list form preferably. Also include a description of any distinguishing marks your character has put on their fighter- all Fox Squadron veritechs are painted white and red
Psychological Analysis: Fancy talk for 'Personality'. Give me a good paragraph or so describing your character's personality. Rule of thumb: the more detail, the better.
Military Record: Your Character's background. Again, give me a few good paragraphs describing your character's history. Again, the more detail, the better.
I am definitely interested. Robotech was perhaps my first mecha anime, and will always hold a special place in my heart for it. I was talking just last night about seeking a decent mecha game.
Heck yes. I've been waiting forever for someone to put up a Macross game, and a Macross saga RT game is almost as good. It's worth coming back to the Guild for this one.