Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 11 days ago

It has been just over a week since the discovery of Lucy Taylor's body in the small town of Silver Falls. The sun is high in the sky, and it is just 11:30 on a Saturday, thirty minutes now remains until the town meeting which everyone had been requested to attend. The local, understaffed police department has been hard at work, stretched thin between the ongoing investigation, and the intensifying and constant rise in crime which had come following the murder. From reports of odd creatures, shadows and even monsters roaming about town, to other brutal attacks between students, co-workers and even families, something wrong has been happening in Silver Falls...

But in these last seven days, such incidents had become commonplace. Since the previous Tuesday, school had been cancelled, while the initial reason had been that it was to allow Lucy's friends to mourn, the truth was far more gruesome - students attacking each other, and setting the bathrooms aflame with others within.

Silver Falls forest park had been closed after a number of hikers disappeared just three days prior, trails of blood and human limbs were found strewn around the woods, and concerns of wild bears or wolves have become exaggerated into giant beasts and monsters, hunting for human flesh.

The arrival of strange 'tourists' who keep to themselves, watch the townsfolk from afar and walking the streets into the darkest hours of the night have drawn concern as well. Though they are watched by the police as well as possible, for now, they seem harmless - aside from the fact that they have yet to speak a word to anyone, and no one has yet seen them eat, or even sleep.

Slowly, people have been trickling into the community centre, families and community leaders had been making their way there for the important meeting, filing and taking seats in the small, cramped and uncomfortable theatre, soon enough the meeting would begin, would the concerned citizens of Silver Falls get any reassurance on the strange happenings in their town? Or would they still be lost in a world ultimately working against them?

Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Scarlett Cromwell

Location: 10 Graze Street
{"Have fun in hell, bitch!"}

Scarlett woke up to her alarm clock, playing one of the songs currently on the radio, Groove Is In the Heart. She smiled slightly, pushing the pink fluffy sleeping mask off of her face. An extensive skin care regiment that took at least half an hour each night kept her skin with a natural glow, though that didn't mean it couldn't be aided with a fair deal of make up. Putting her feet into her similar pink fluffy slippers, Scarlett pulled on the matching robe and made her way over to her ensuite. Her morning routine took an hour at least, giving herself dark and alluring eyebrows to frame her face. Once finished in the bedroom, she then shuffled over into her walk in closet, picking out an outfit appropriate for the occasion.

An entire hour had gone by once Scarlett left the walk in closet and headed down the stairs. Her parents were out of town at the moment, celebrating their wedding anniversary at the family cabin in Massachusetts. It was the only reason she had to groan and stop in the midst of her morning to answer the phone. Wrapping the cord around her finger, Scarlett sighed when she recognized the voice on the other end of the line.

"Morning, fatso," Scarlett replied harshly. "What is it this time? Off your happy pills and in need of a confidence boost? You're wasting my time, slut."

The person on the other end of the line? Her cousin, Madison. Scarlett hardly paid attention to Madison, letting the phone dangle as she moved about the kitchen, preparing a low carb breakfast for herself. She figured Madison would tire herself out after a few minutes and by the time Scarlett had finished making a smoothie, pouring herself a glass, she hoped that Madison would've hanged up.

"You still here?" Scarlett groaned, taking a sip of the blended beverage. "Look, shut the fuck up. You're more of a stupid bitch than I thought if you haven't realized already that looks are everything. If you want to trap a guy, show some cleavage and then poke holes in the condom. Now, leave me be to my wonderful life. You're ruining the celebrations of that skank's death."

Scarlett paused, listening to the reply on the other end. "Yeah, she was my bestie. I can cry on command and honestly, it's about time someone offed her. I'm just sad I couldn't have been there. They'd be great polaroids." She didn't even bother to say goodbye to her cousin, hanging up the phone. She then grabbed the rest of her belongings and headed on out. It was time to be (fake) sad about Lucy's death.

But honestly, the bitch had it coming to her. Scarlett couldn't wait to shake the hand of the person responsible.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by S0up
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S0up fUCK YOU IM scott steiner

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Location: 3 Graze Street

Class was cancelled.

It was eleven-thirty in the morning. At the top of a set of porch steps, stood a man dressed in a formal attire; a two-piece suit. The man, the professor - Richard Lester - was smoking a cigarette. Lester was riddled with a distinct level of procrastination and hesitation as to whether or not attend this 'mandatory' community meeting. He was the equivocal urban hermit of Silver Falls; he kept predominantly to himself, he essentially had no immediate friends - other than his children and divorced wife, which were an hour and a half drive's distance away. But, since no one would expect him to show up, that made him the perfect candidate for city's hall little list of people that didn't show up to some stupid town hall meeting. Which would line him up just perfectly for an annoying little fee, courtesy of his friends at city hall.

He sighed.

He had thirty minutes. Putting out his cigarette, he casually flicked it out onto his front yard, before heading down the staircase and further subsequent sidewalk. He unlocked his 1984 BMW 733i Sedan. Plugging his key into the ignition; the sedan revved to life as an unpleasant, nasally voice overtook Richard's ears."Law enforcement officials are advising for all hikers and campers in the Silver Falls rural area to be careful when out in the wilderness, after several reports of-"

Richard interrupted the radio broadcast by furiously slamming the radio with the side of his hand. The next station played at least music.

His theme.

"Much better.", gruffly whispered Richard to himself. He looked over his shoulder, and began to methodically back out of his driveway in reverse with the sedan. Switching gears, drove off through the daylight. Richard pulled up on a turn and was given the opportunity to think as the song reeled on, the obsessive professor couldn't help but compare the song to himself and his family in a subtle sense. Somehow, through his own inability and asociality, he had sold the world, his world. It was really just nonsense talk in his head, and he knew that, but it was something to idly think over as he was about to make a turn - onto an obviously empty road.

He shook his head. Quick to get back to his senses, he turned out onto the road, and began driving further into the town of Silver Falls in his BMW.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Jennifer Wolgast

Location: 9th August Street

The TV was on in the living room. Some soap opera- or morning talk show- or cooking segment. Jennifer Wolgast didn't know nor care because she was sitting in the dining room staring at a book. The television was good background noise; silence annoyed her. Her face was resting on her left palm in such a way that pushed the left side of her face upwards. Her brown eyes scanned the scene on the page, the words filling her mind with the image of forbidden lovers on a romantic cliff side. Her eyes reached the right side of the page and made the leap to her wrist where her watch rested. The hands pointed to her missing the meeting. It was the important meeting about the unfortunate passing about that poor girl Lucy and Jennifer was going to be late (she had plenty time to spare) if she didn't hurry up!

"Oh, dear," Jennifer said loudly to herself, frowning. Placing a store-bought, engraved, wooden book-mark on her spot she slid her chair back and starting making preperations.

"I need to get ready," Of course, the room didn't respond but it helped to reaffirm her thoughts.

Changing from casual loungewear into a more formal attire was done quickly. A red and black sweatervest, slacks and shoes would do. This was an important meeting- everyone has... "...Been worried about all those strange, horrible things that have been happening recently." She finished her thought aloud. She shuddered to think about it. What on God's green Earth could do such horrible things? She was nervous about it. Everyone was.

Carefully, she applied her make-up. Simple lip-stick and eyeliner to show respect and put forth self-care. These things were important; it gave the kids a good rolemodel. Showing up to school with frizzy hair and no make-up would be unproffesional for the school nurse.

She made sure the crisis kit was in her purse... "Just in case someone gets hurt..." and slipped the leather bag over her shoulder. The garage door closed behind her as her SUV slowly pulled out of her drive-way.

A short drive later the community center appeared from behind a corner. She squinted against the sun as she opened her door and swiftly paced from her parking spot and opened the door. A gust of cool, refreshing wind greeted her as the door allowed her inside. The carpet was that blue-black, non-pattered type- you know the one.

It was quiet- save the hum of some out of sight air conditioner. Glancing around, her eyes found a door slightly ajar and a whiteboard on an easel bared a message written in dry erase marker. It beckoned her inside for the town meeting. Oblinged, the pulled the handle on the door towards her and it obediently swung open. The pulled it shut behind her- but not all the way. She left it ajar as it was before because that's just how you do things.

She found an empty seat somewhere near the front and sat down, placing her purse in the seat next to her. She folded her hands in her lap and quietly waited...

Darn it, she forgot a book.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Whitney Carlyle

Location: Home -> Community Center

Whitney woke up to a harsh dream. In the dream, she was at school. This wasn't your typical dream of her in her underwear or anything like that. She was alone in the hallway. She walked down it. Nothing appeared out of ordinary. There was an eery silence. Even during low hours, the school was never THIS quiet.

She heard footsteps and turned around. There stood Lucy. She looked the same as ever. Pretty, thin. She smiled. She didn't speak. She didn't have to. Before she could, blood started pouring out of her eyes. Her mouth. Whitney screamed before she woke up.

She didn't much care for Lucy and she hated admitting that. She considered herself a nice person, but you just didn't like everyone you meet. Lucy ran with the popular crowd and while she had been part of that clique before, she wasn't now. Part of that was due to her father but there was also Ryan.

Ryan was the school's dream boy. A good athlete (quarterback and already getting college scouts), did well in his classes (High Bs with the occasional A), and was from a well-to-do family.

Then why was he such an ass?

At the start of their relationship, he was sweet and caring. He doted on her and they were the talk of the school. Due to his influence, she hung out with all the populars, Lucy and Scarlett included.

Ugh Scarlett, that was a beast of another nature.

Months later, Ryan changed. It wasn't drastic, but it was noticeable. First, he would call and ask where she was at any given hour. If she didn't respond he would keep calling her home phone, bothering her mother. He then accused her of dating other guys and when she told him she wasn't, he would say he believed her, but he would stalk her.

Then it got violent.

He never hit her. She could say that much. However, abuse wasn't always physical. He tormented her. Called her names, spread rumors, all so other guys wouldn't so much as look at her. That was how he saw it. If no other guy wanted her, he could have her all to himself.

She didn't want that. She dealt with it before with her father, she would be damned if she went through the same hell her mother went through. She tried to break it off, but he wasn't giving. He told her he would make her life hell. Said he had proof she was a slut and he would spread it to the city. Then he did the unthinkable.

He insulted her mother.

It was meant to jab her, but it struck hard. She struck back harder. She never slapped anyone before, but she couldn't stop it. He called her mother names before, but to insinuate it was all her fault her father left her because she....

She didn't even want to think it.

She ended it there. Told Ryan to do his damndest. To his credit, he didn't do anything, but she could hear the snickers of laughter as she walked through the halls. The populars wanted nothing to do with her. She had very little friends so she had to start over. She eventually made a few friends, but for the most part, she dealt with things alone.

And now Lucy was dead. And she had to go to the community center to hear about it. She packed up a few essentials, checked herself in the mirror, and made her way there.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Mariana Garcia

Location: 7 Lumber Street -> Town Hall
Interacting With: No one

Mariana groaned ever so slightly as she heard her alarm going off, looking over at the clock in the room it was about ten thirty in the morning now. She usually spent a lot of her time sleeping in whenever she had spent late nights staying up as late as she could to try and find out whatever information that she could get. Then there were the weird what some people could call animal maulings in the forest around town, and the limbs everywhere. It just spoke that something was unnatural going on around in this town, she had only been in town for about a week now.

Mariana slowly climbed out of her bed and made her way to the shower, grabbing her black tank top and leather jacket and a pair of jeans, she walked into the bathroom and started up the shower. She started to strip out of her PJ's and simply tossed them onto the ground and started to walk into the shower. She was in there for about twenty minutes before she finished grabbing the nearby towel Mariana started to dry herself off looking at herself in the mirror as she started to get her clothes on for the day. Once she left the bathroom she walked towards the bedside table putting on her bracelet and grabbed her handgun making sure that it was still in good condition before slipping it behind the waistband of her jeans behind her then slipped her jacket over.

Mariana grabbed her keys and started to head out of the place, looking at her car she smiled ever so slightly as she climbed into the drivers seat and started up the car. A song started to play over the radio as she started to hum along with the tune as she drove down the street towards town hall where the town meeting was going to be occurring as she saw people walking in already. Mariana made her way inside looking around she found an empty seat in the back of the room that would be where she wanted to sit and observe what was going to happen at the meeting.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mike73
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Felicia Astrid

Location: 3 August Street

Smoke and heat hit Felicia's lungs as she brought the newly lit cigarette to her lips and inhaled. With how crazy things had gotten within the past week, it was no surprise to her that she felt like she needed this smoke break. A cocktail of stress and paranoia had been building within her ever since Lucy Taylor's body had been found, and all the new strange phenomena that had been occurring only added to those feelings. She'd always known that Silver Falls was weird, but things had taken a turn for the worse as the town's supernatural tones had seemingly begun to abandon subtlety in favor of a more blatant and direct approach.

From where she stood in her house's front yard, she was looking down the street that led further into town. By all accounts, she knew she should just leave this town. She'd never liked it here, and now it appeared to be genuinely dangerous to live here. Yet she couldn't leave, in fact, she was trying to dig her way further in. Something was happening, something huge; nobody quite knew what but that much was still at least known, and Felicia was someone who wanted answers. With the truth looking to be ever closer to coming out, this could very well be the most opportune moment to finally gain the answers she'd always searched for but could never find for most of her life.

"We're leaving now, Felicia." A voice broke her from her stream of thoughts, and when she glanced over to where the voice had come from she could see that it was her Mom who had called out to her. She, her Dad, and her brother were all packing themselves into the family car and were about ready to go. "The town meeting is supposed to start soon. You're still coming, right?"

"...Right, the meeting," Felicia recalled, "Yeah, I'm still going. Just give me a second." Her Mom nodded and moved to get into the car and wait while Felicia finished up. She took one last slow puff from her cigarette, then made her way over to the car. Once she was standing on the cement driveway, she let the cigarette drop from her hand and onto the ground, before she then stomped it to make sure it was put out. Once done, she finally entered the car and then they began to drive off.

"I wish you wouldn't smoke around your brother," her Dad grunted as she took her seat.

"Yeah Flick, way to be a bad influence," her brother added as he gave her an annoying smirk. Felicia rolled her eyes in irritation but didn't respond, as she was too mentally preoccupied to try to argue back. Her parents made small talk during the drive, but she was quiet the whole time and just looked out the window, watching the townspeople outside as they blurred by.

They arrived at the community center soon enough, though parking was sparse since they hadn't thought ahead to arrive early so they ended up having to park across the street. Still, once they actually entered the building, they could see that there was still plenty enough seating and took up four spare seats that were around the middle rows. Figuring that it was probably best not to smell like smoke around all these people, Felicia decided to pop a stick of gum into her mouth while she waited for the meeting to begin. Hopefully it would start sooner rather than later.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 11 days ago

Ah yes, another peaceful day in Silver Falls - things may seem grim, whether you're one of the many grieving a lost life, celebrating, or just one of the mob - things are all going smoothly... for now. Heed this warning, and heed it well - things will not remain so calm for long, indeed, Silver Falls and its inhabitants are about to be thrust into a nightmare, and this is one you can't wake up from, dear citizens. Prepare yourselves children, and heed well all the clues which you find here, they may be your only chances for survival in the battle to come.

For most, the drive to the community center is calm, the streets are busier towards the center of town, but everyone's on their way to the same place. However, not all have such a smooth ride. As Richard coasts down the quieter streets of town, a red mustang speeds past, cutting him off rather suddenly as it continues along. In Richard's rear-view mirror a car rapidly slams on the brakes to avoid running into Richard's rear-end suddenly, and honks the horn loudly, the driver in the car looks angry, uncharacteristically so of any of the town's residents.

The community center itself is surpsingly quiet, The car park is relatively full, but the interior only contains a little over half of the towns populace. On the stage there sits a small table with a chair and microphone, the quiet sound of muttering between family and friends in the crowd soon enough shushed by the sound of footsteps walking onto the stage. A lithe man, dressed in a suit with a badge on his belt, moves towards the table, taking a seat as he leans forward, clearing his throat. "Good afternoon - my name is Agent Donald Baker, I'm heading the investigation into Lucy Taylor's death." The man pauses, glancing off-stage for a moment before he clears his throat and looks back to the crowd.

"First off, the sheriff has decided that a curfew will be enacted from today onwards, no individuals under the age of eighteen are to be outside between the times of six in the evening and nine in the morning. The forest park is also going to be indefinitely closed to the public, for the duration of this investigation. Though the sound of the agent's voice fills the theatre, those sitting towards the back can't help but notice the muffled sounds of shouting and angered voices from the lobby outside. "I'll be happy to answer any questions - if there are any."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Jennifer Wolgast

Location:Community Center

Jennifer looked around, somewhat craning her neck. Some seemed like they might ask a question, but their hands weren't going up- not yet anyway. Well, Jennifer was worried. She was worried about everything and answers would be nice. Why were all these things happening? When are they going to stop? The curfew didn't really affect her- it's not like she was going anywhere. The curfew certainly ended very late into the morning but she supposed parents could escort their children to school and they could always take the bus.

Her thin arm went up and her palm was towards the man. A few momets passed, then, once acknowledged by Mr. Baker her hand fell back into her lap and she spoke. Her pleasant voice broke above the murmer of the room.

"Thank you, Mr. Baker. Um, I don't really know how to-...Okay. I'll just say it: Do you have any ideas on what's going on? Any, um, leads? It's just- things like this shouldn't happen here, Mr. Baker." Her voice rose in pitch as she became more nervous and excited.

Her eyebrows were wrinkled upwards in apprehension and her lips were curled downwards in a frown. Her left hand was on her chest, clutching her husband David's ring through the cloth of her sweatervest. She realized it wasn't much of a question and it probably just made things worse but those thoughts were in the back of her head. What she was really hoping is that this figure of authority would say some magic words and make the problem go away. Of course, there was nothing he could say that could, and she knew that, and yet she asked her 'question' anyway.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Mariana Garcia

Location: Town Hall
Interacting With: No one

As Mariana leaned back against the wall as she watched everyone in the room as everything started to unfold in front of her then her attention turned over towards the man who was coming up to speak to everyone. She stared at the man named Donald Baker who would be the FBI agent leading up the investigation into everything that was related to Lucy Taylor. She listened to him as he spoke about a curfew for anyone that is younger then eighteen, which was good then she wouldn't end up having to deal with any nosey kids that could come out at night and interfere with her own investigation.

However the woods being off limits was going to be a little bit more difficult now that it was going to be off limits to the public until further notice. She would have to try and get a bit more creative then with getting into the woods, it was a big place after all so it would take a bit of time to find an opening and then sneak into. Mariana then turned her head when she started to hear what sounded like a scuffle and some angry voices on the other end.

Mariana decided to ignore it for now as she raised a hand. "I do have a question, Ashley Carlos working for a newspaper was there anything strange on the girl's body or a weird smell?" Mariana asked looking towards Jennifer for a moment the woman had asked a question before she did giving her a slight smile.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Scarlett Cromwell

Location: Community Center
{"Have fun in hell, bitch!"}

This entire thing was a sham and as far as Scarlett was concerned, the entire place smelled like rotting, oily, sweaty flesh. She pinched her nose with her hand in order to keep the offending stench from registering, hardly even bothering to pay attention to the FBI agent. She heard the gist of it -- blah blah investigation blah blah curfew blah blah blah. Of course, one thing that Scarlett didn't hear was her own name. And that, in itself, was infuriating. She was Lucy's best friend and they didn't even have the decency to mention that fact during the town meeting? Huffing a bit, Scarlett considered briefly flicking her wrist and making the fire alarm go off, to teach them all a lesson, but she decided against it.

"Okay, everyone, that's enough!" Scarlet wailed, tears pouring down her face. "Lucy, my bestie, is dead. And would she want us to hide inside in sweatpants and cry? Of course not. It's an insult to her memory, people!" Scarlett paused, certain that the entire community center was captivated by her. Her voice had a way of carrying. "In the memory of my best friend, Lucy, I'm going to be hosting a memorial shindig at my house. Think of it like Scarlett-o-ween but, like, a thousand times better. You all better come, otherwise you're as lame as Sniff-and-Scratch over there," Scarlett finished, motioning towards the supposed reporter. "Party starts when curfew goes on, bi-otches!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Whitney Carlyle

Location: Community Center

Whitney pulled up easily enough. Traffic was a bit heavier than usual but that was to be expected. She got out of her car and made her way inside. She wasn't here to have fun so she didn't bother looking for anyone she knew, though she was sure a lot of people from school and work were here. She waited along with everyone else before the speaker finally came up.

It shouldn't have surprised her to hear the FBI was going to be involved. The mystery surrounding Lucy's death was a lot and the manner in which she was killed screamed "TV Special". Of course the FBI would be involved. She was kind of miffed at the curfew. It meant she would have to leave work early every day and that cut into her paycheck. She wondered if perhaps she could squeeze in if one of the officers gave her a ride home. Surely that would be ok?

He opened it up to questions and Whitney just listened. She noted the school nurse spoke up. And she was right. Nothing like that happened here. Another question from some reporter asked another question. It struck her as...odd. A strange smell? What would that be? Was the killer wearing cologne or purfume? And how would she know that.

Interesting, to say the least.

However, the highlight had to be Scarlett Cromwell. She just HAD to make this about her. Lucy's best friend? As if. If her run-in with the popular group taught her anything it was that none of the populars liked each other, they just pretended they did. So, of course, Scarlett would take over the get-together and plan a party. She didn't want to go.

But she would. It was a way not only to get more insight, but to show everyone else she was ok.

She kept quiet though. Hopefully, the FBI agent would be around the police department and she could poke him with her own questions, but she didn't want to in front of anyone else.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by S0up
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S0up fUCK YOU IM scott steiner

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Location: 3 Graze Street

At this point, Richard must've been having a bad day - and he was.

Saturday was usually his favorite day of the week. But, here he was, with an almost near-death experience on his way here; all for some town hall meeting. The encounter at least got him out of his usual daily brooding about his family, but it was only made him a bit more grumpy; he'd come all this way to listen to some detective's speech he could've read in next morning's newspaper. The only reason he was still there, was because of Lucy. He knew her from a series of phone calls shortly before her death, as she was contacting her professors to familiarize herself with them. The homecoming queen's death made Richard compare her to his own kids - how would he feel if he were in the parents' shoes? Richard didn't want to imagine. As a result, he couldn't even muster himself to give his condolences to the family; he resented himself for that.

As everyone piled into the community center theater, Richard found himself a seat closer to the back of the stage than the front for reasons of personal preference. He still appeared with a tentative demeanor to the presenter, (in this case, the detective) as he introduced himself to the town and the new set of 'rules' in town. Richard would've mildly heard the roughhousing coming from outside, the inquisitive nature of the intelligent professor had him aimlessly wonder what was wrong with everyone today. Was it something about the weather? Had he inadvertently triggered a chain of events after being cut off by the Red Mustang from earlier, which caused the rest of the town to infectiously come into a bad mood? Really, it wasn't anymore of a ridiculous hypothesis than was the thought of anyone in Silver Falls being grouchy besides him; experience had taught him that.

He made eye contact with the people that were asking the questions, acknowledging what they were saying with the appropriate body language - until, he saw a particular adolescent rise from the crowd to give a speech. He was attentive for a moment, as she announced herself as a friend of Lucy's, but as she continued, Richard stopped paying attention and held his hand to his face. He didn't want this meeting to turn into a shit show.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mike73
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Felicia Astrid

Location: Community Center

Felicia listened as the man came out on stage, introduced himself as a FBI agent, and laid down the basic ground rules everyone in town would have to follow. She had to admit, a curfew made sense, not that it affected her particularly but at least it would help keep the kids in town a little safer. And it should've gone without mention that the forest park would be closed off due to the mysterious deaths that had happened in recent days, but then again, some of the citizens of Silver Falls weren't all that sharp. Honestly, what had those hikers been thinking in the first place? Taking a trip through the forest just after a body was found ritually murdered...they didn't deserve to die as well, but that was seriously stupid.

At any rate, once the agent said his piece, he then gave the floor to the crowd itself and offered to answer questions. Of course, being the annoying busybody that he was, Felicia's brother raised his hand and moved to stand up, but she simply grabbed his wrist and pulled him back down before he could get up. He shot her a dirty look, but she just shook her head at him. Even ignoring the fact that he likely wasn't going to have anything worth contributing if he asked a question, she knew it was best not to draw attention by getting publically involved with what was going on. Right now, it was better to just watch and observe. Though that wasn't to say she didn't have questions of her own, but she figured it might be better to approach the investigator later when they could talk a little more privately.

Other people in the crowd had no problem asking questions however. One by one, people spoke up, such as the school nurse who appeared to be understandably nervous about the whole situation. Another woman, a self-proclaimed reporter who Felicia didn't recognize, drew an inquisitive glance from the brunette after the woman asked her question, though she made a point to avoid making eye contact with her. And then...well, Scarlett Cromwell happened.

The self-appointed queen bitch of Silver Falls always seemed to make a scene where ever she showed up. Her outlandish attention-grabbing "grieving" attire combined with her sudden outburst of "distress" should've been incredibly transparent, but Felicia doubted too many people would actually see through it. Whether it was because everyone was either too enamored or too scared to say anything, it didn't really matter in the end; Scarlett was probably the only person in Silver Falls who could re-direct such an important event and get away it. Felicia didn't like admitting it, but she fell in the "too scared to say anything" category. Scarlett gave her extremely off and bad vibes, and she had the personality and means to backup those vibes as viable warnings to stay the hell away. There were horror stories that told of what Scarlett was capable of, and while they seemed far-fetched Felicia knew it was best not to find out if they were true for herself.

So when her brother moved to stand up again and speak his mind on how what Scarlett just did was bullshit, Felicia went into double-time in stopping him this time, grabbing his shoulder and forcibly holding him down before his rear could actually leave the seat.

"Stop doing that, idiot," Felicia told him in a hushed tone as she glared at him, "Stay. Down."

Her brother glared right back, but eventually sighed in defeat and crossed his arms as he focused his attention back on stage. She knew he didn't like Scarlett, hell she didn't like her either, but now was definitely not the time to say anything. Once she was sure he was going to stay sitting down, she let go of his shoulder and looked forward as well.

Scarlett had mentioned a party...well, Felicia didn't feel like going, and didn't really have a reason to go either. She likely was going to pass up on it unless something came up that gave her a reason to go.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

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Don shifted somewhat in his seat as he watched the crowd, when the first question was asked he was not surprised - it was the question he had most expected from the crowd as he cleared his throat. Luckily, the time between his arrival in town and the meeting had given the agent plenty of time to prepare himself for whatever questions might have popped up. "I'm afraid I can't say a great deal for the purpose of the investigation, however, there are a few things I can share..." Reaching into his jacket, he pulled out a small see-through bag filled with a fine yellow dust.

"This is the reason I was brought to head the investigation here - two months ago a series of murders occurred down in Oregon, just south of the state line. This - sulfur - was discovered at every site, and it was found at the murder site here in Silver Falls. We believe it has some kind of ritual usage." Tucking the bag back away, he gave Marianna a nod, believing that his explanation had given her an answer as well. He had been about to take another question when saw Scarlett stood and begin to speak.

Most of the crowd in the room muttered quietly to eachother, none of them seeming particularly pleased with Scarlett's outburst, though of course no one spoke out against the girl's suggestion of a party, for the most part passing it off as the grieving and sorrow of a dear friend of the deceased Lucy. When her outburst was finished, the agent simply cleared his throat and moved to stand. "Well, if anyone learns or knows anything that may help the investigation, I will be working out of the local police office." Donald nodded to those present before moving to head backstage.

Out in the lobby, the sounds of arguments and violence had stopped, yet a number of workers from the lumbermill were handcuffed and being questioned by the police. Many of them were hysterical, insisting that Lucy and a number of others had all been attacked and murdered by monsters who had taken over the lumber mill. The officers on duty seemed to be finding the men particularly unbelievable, but they were idly taking a few notes down as the men spoke loudly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Jennifer Wolgast

Location:Community Center

Her question was semi-answered. Indeed, the police were currently as confused as everyone else. Oh, she did so hope they found the reason for this...dreadfulness. Rituals? A cult? In Silver Falls? She feared for her and other's lives and all she could do was sit inside and keep the doors locked! Jennifer attempted to calm herself down- these cultists or whatever, they wouldn't last for long. The police would handle them soon enough, she knew that.

Jennifer couldn't help but feel sorry for that poor Scarlett girl. Experiencing such terrible loss at such a young age was horrible!

Still, at least she knew. A crazy group of worhshippers of the occult was better than... what else did she think it was? Monsters? Silly, of course.

The meeting was over and it was time to leave. She shouldered her purse and made her way out of the community center, waiting behind the group of people in front of her. She just caught a glimpse of some upset that was going on outside. The atmosphere of this town had an uncomfortable feel to it. She felt as if someone was watching her. Ominous- but it was most likely just a little bit of paranoia she'd get over soon.

Her car door clunked behind her as she slid into her vehicle. The engine rumbled to life and she took a deep breath, briefly closing her eyes before exhaling. One last lingering look at the community center and Jennifer Wolgast left for her house once again to rest and relax and try to put all this stuff behind her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Mariana Garcia

Location: Town Hall
Interacting With: No one

As Mariana stood there she looked up towards Donald as he started to answer everyone's question, when the FBI agent produced a clear baggie with a fine yellow dust she instantly knew what it was exactly. There was a demon in town that was for sure, though she wasn't sure on the exact number. Her eyes wondered across the room she wasn't even sure who was a demon or not within the room, they all could be possessed for all she knew. Then the annoyingly overly dressed girl stood up, raising an eyebrow when the girl started to go on about the victim and her being close friends.

Mariana was slightly suspicious of the woman, and of course going to high school years ago she remembered the little caste system every school had, the populars and the jocks always were the highest on the chain. While nerds, geeks delinquents. Just about everyone who didn't look attractive were on the lowest. But Mariana made a note to go and see the party and see if anyone was a demon as well, she gave Scarlett a slight glare when the woman pointed her out.

She had enough information now at this point as Mariana left the meeting and out into the lobby, Mariana looked over at the people there they all were going on about something at the lumber mill. It was a good lead as any as Mariana left the building and climbed up into her car she started to head up the street and headed towards where the lumber mill was,

Once all the questioning was done and the meeting was over and down with Mariana turned around and started to head out of the room, in the lobby
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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Whitney Carlyle

Location: Community Center

Whitney listened as the man finished his speech. It seemed he would be working with local law enforcement which gave her an in. She reminded herself to ask him her own questions later. Right now, she wanted to get home and think. And mentally and physically prepare for the party.

As she got up to leave, she noticed a crowd in the lobby. The shouting had died down thankfully. She couldn't make out much of what was said, but she got the gist of it. This was to be expected. Traumatic events tended to drive some people to their breaking point. Hopefully, the police would go a bit easy on them, but she doubted it.

She greeted a few officers she passed by before she stepped outside. She took in the air a bit. She needed a clear head to process everything going on. This was a small town. Stuff like this wasn't supposed to happen.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Scarlett Cromwell

Location: Community Center
{"Have fun in hell, bitch!"}

Scarlett couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. Okay, so not everyone knew how to accept the gracious gift of a memorial party at her place and it wasn't their fault they were raised on crack and slept in dirt! No, it was on Scarlett to be the better person. She kept her temper in, though for a moment she considered loosening some of the screws for the support beams in the ceiling mentally, as a way to show people that manners matter. But she wasn't going to let their rudeness ruin her happy day.

After all, Lucy Taylor was D.E.A.D.! That skank wasn't going to come back anytime soon and if she somehow did, Scarlett would just have to kill her again. It was in her blood to rule and she definitely had the family background needed to get her way when it suited her. Forcing a few tears to fall, Scarlett had every appearance of trying to keep up appearances--trying to restrain herself from collapsing with grief and tears.

It paid to be able to act.

Hearing the noises from the lobby, Scarlett considered going out there, but the FBI agent caught her attention. Besides, he'd have to have some questions for her eventually about the dead slut. Might as well get it over with now, right? And besides, he was a little cute, for an older guy. Scarlett wouldn't mind making him her next mistake, for however brief. Making her way backstage, Scarlett 'cutely' rapped her knuckles against the wall, announcing her presence.

"Agent? Scarlett Cromwell, bestie of the deceased," Scarlett said. "You must have some questions to ask me."

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by S0up
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S0up fUCK YOU IM scott steiner

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Location: Community Center

Well, that was a quick little presentation, wasn't it?

Here, he might've came this whole way in a near-death accident, just for some little slide show featuring a bag of yellow dust; that was partly annoying. Although, while an audience asked their questions and cried their concerns, Richard brooded pensively while he maintained the appearance of someone attentively listening; he couldn't think of any truly useful questions to ask the detective that he couldn't already answer himself, and that was because he hadn't come here to ask any questions in the first place. He had come here on his on own accord and personal principles, as if to prove himself as a parent that would care for his own child. He'd developed an odd attachment to this particular case. It was the only thing he could really think about, as it distracted him heavily.

And, the pit of his stomach churned and spun uneasily at the mere thought.

He had to clear his head. But, he knew he couldn't leave without first introducing himself to detective; Richard had an insatiable hunch that he was on the detective's bucket list, since he'd been in contact with Lucy just days before her death, as one of her professors for the upcoming fall semester.

He arose from his seat, and briskly walked around the outskirts of the theater. As the doors outside opened while he walked past, he couldn't ignore the near-indistinct chatter of something about the lumber mill being "overrun"? It sounded ridiculous, but he couldn't ignore the thought as it entered his head. Could it be possible the two vehicles he'd been driving next to earlier had something to do with the incident? The answer was that it was likely. likely, given all of the shenanigans in Silver Falls of late. Given his knowledge of the geography, the vehicle could've easily had come from the lumber mill, speeding into town through Graze street in whatever rush.

He wandered backstage to find the detective's room, and saw the same drama queen he'd seen make a scene out of the entire show. He swallowed his pride like a grown man, and made distance between himself and the doorway. He leant nonchalantly against the wall a good distance behind the adolescent, his head down as if to intentionally appear inconspicuous, as he waited his turn with the agent.

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