Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TrippyNightmare
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TrippyNightmare 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Greenville High

September 5th, 1969.
0800 HRs

Today would mark the first few days into what would be one of the hardest school years for some but mostly this year would change everything in everyone lifes. The war, the state, and the people of Greenville in particularly those affected by the new powers attained over the summer break. The day was like no other, the summer had been host - blistering even as those who found themselves outside often would comment on how hot the sticky summer seemed to be. September 5th was a cool day, the temperature dropped either by mother nature herself or the powers that be. It was a chilly day, and most of the students were wearing sweaters and jackets.

With the school doors open, students quickly found themselves in home room. Old teachers stuck to their respective classes while some new teachers took over where old or vacant spots rooms were last year, there had been an increase of hiring teachers from up north. Specifically, Chicago, the culture and teaching styles they brought from up north rivaled the southern more civil teachings of the Greenville's teachers and because of this, a divide between the two teaching cliches would definitely begin to show in the coming weeks. At the school's doors, S/O Black stood, hands on his belt as he eyed the teenagers who returned to the school. Once again his legendary scowl kept a hard watch on the already pressed teenagers.

On the left side on the school near the maintenance are a group of teenagers were off smoking, eyeing the broken down Greenville Sherrif's car. Sherrif Jackson stood outside his patrol car along with Deputy Sloan as Stricklen investigated the engine as if he has dropped something down the engine block. Around the school and inside various anti-communist posters were thrown up across the walls, along with other school related posters and announcements. This was a new attempt by the state to engage counties and townships in more anti-communist propaganda tactics, in return those who participated would get a nice bonus to their police department or city hall. Greenville was one of these towns to take part of the new initiative by Illinois.

Principal Hines walked the halls with his cane, slowly edging along the old but now cleaner halls of Greenville High. The old man nodding to a few students as he made his way to his office, passing teachers and staff alike before passing his lackey - VP Jones. A smile crept up his face as he gave a small curt nod to the VP. The annual assembly would be taking place a 0900 HRs later that day, Hines and Jones both had to make speeches in front of the school. The usual speech as it was referred to by staff, stay safe, don't get into trouble have a great year.

Who wouldn't show up to it?

Nick Kostashe

September 5th, 1969.
0800 HRs

"Fuck my life."

Muttered an upset Nick, who had been scrubbing the floors of the boy's washrooms on the first floor since early seven AM. A punishment enacted by VP Jones for Nick's fuckery in the days after the schools opening. It had been Nick who egged Mr. Jones car while he was attending a meeting earlier on September 4th. If S/O Black had not been called to duty by the board that evening, he wouldn't have caught Nick who was then mercilessly bombarded by insults by the older man. By orders of Jones, he would help the janitorial staff clean up for the next school day. So Nick helped Janitors Jake Watson and Paul Vasquez who started their work at 5AM after a well earned a five-hour smoke break.

Nick got up from the floor and dropped the mop on the ground, letting the instrument hit the floor as he got up. Taking a Marlboro cig from his pack, he laid the tobacco ridden stick on his left ear and let the stick sit on his ear as he made his way down the hall. He was heading to guidance because he had not received his time table yet, Counsellor Taggert was the only guidance counselor for the school of a couple hundred so the line poured out of his office and near the study hall. It would be a long wait for Nick, Marlboro now in his lips as he contemplated lighting up in school. What would another detention do anyway? Probably earn Black over time - again.

His hands running through his pockets, his hands came up nil was any way of lighting up the cig - which prompted the young man to put the Marlboro back onto his ear. He looked around in desperation but to no avail, sadly for once, the smoke would have to wait. Nick was too proud to ask any of the lower grades or seniors for help. For all they knew, he was taking extra courses - but an older guy goin' to highschool talking to the young classmen looked a bit weird. For Nick at least, his mind ran to other things in his mind like the electricity that he'd sucked up in McMichael's. The idea played in his head as the line slowly began to move, it would be a long day - that's for sure.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by badguy28
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badguy28 I smash kid rapists like you into jelly.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Chester Jones

September 5th, 1969.
0745 HRs

Chester sat in his Studebaker '51 at the crosswalk in front of the school. There were at least fifteen students before him, at least two of which he considered a menace. It wouldn't be difficult, the kids before him had no reason to believe a stopped car at a crosswalk had any reason to cease being stopped, especially considering that the man behind the wheel was their vice principal, it would be all too easy.

Chester entered the parking lot of the school without incident, as he had been doing for the past few years of his life, and would continue to do for the foreseeable future. He pushed open the door, stumbled out (he never wears his seatbelt), and vomited into a bush. After calming his nerves, he pulled the worn leather briefcase from his car, then shut the door, making sure to lock it.

0805 HRs

"Kostashe!" echoed through the halls of the building, bringing a sense of nausea to all who heard it. Mr. Jones came lumbering down the hall with long strides and a look of anger on his face. Vice Principal Jones was becoming a real hardass lately. Some of the students speculated that he may have regained the will to live, but most didn't like those odds. Jones stepped right up to Nick, pointing a chubby finger at his chin.

"Listen, buster, I told you to mop the floors, didn't I? I want you to explain to me why Jake Watson's telling me the second I get through the doors that you're smoking LSD in the women's bathroom!" Before Nick could retort, Chester continued, "You know what? Don't even try to give me an excuse. From now on and until the end of the year, you will come to school at 7am and report directly to my office. You will spend break and lunch in my office, and you will not leave the building until you sign out at my office, understand me? Good." Chester flicked the cigarette off Nick's ear, then turned around and walked away. A grin slowly spread across his face. It was nice to blow some steam.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TrippyNightmare
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TrippyNightmare 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Nick Kostashe

September 5th, 1969.
0805 HRs

"I wa-"

It was about that time that Nick's cig hit the ground and the conversation ended, Nick reached down and picked up the dropped cig. It laid in his hand as he redressed the tobacco stick to his ear. His demeanour changed from calm and chill to pissed and grump and it was evident when he shoved some student out of his way as he began to walk to his locker. It didn't take long because coincidentally his locker was right near the main office, a pack of matches laid inside his locker along with posters of scantily clad women, books and various miscellaneous school and personal supplies (like his smokes). Taking out the matches from his locker, he quickly struck one - causing a quick ignition as he placed the stick between his lips. Smoke billowed out of his mouth as he exhaled a mouthful of smoke into a few juniors who passed by him.

"Old man, you're so fucked."

Leaning up against his locker, the young guardsmen continued his cig. As long as Black or Jones weren't in the halls then maybe he could have some peace. It's not like anyone else would fuck with a senior - maybe. He pulled on his varsity jacket, the fabric hugged him tighter as he started to button up the previously unbuttoned jacket. His body hid under the cool Green and Gold colors (the schools) of the baseball jacket. He walked over to the entrance where S/O Black was still patrolling. He double backed and headed for the line up at guidance, he had time to kill after all. When he arrived at guidance, the line started to bend around the hall. Taking his place at the back of the line Nick stood with his hands in his pockets as time continued to chip away, like sand falling through an hour glass.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by StormyClouds
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StormyClouds TauroGal

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alex Rodriguez

September 5th, 1969.
0750 HRS

"Mama, apurate.", a feminine voice deadpanned through gritted teeth. Her hazel eyes analysed the streets as her mother, Grecia, drove maniacally to school. They had been late out of their home thanks to her brother, Rodrigo. He had hid her bras all throughout the house the night before while she had been sleeping. His stupid shenanigans had left Alejandra without any kind of breast protection which was a thing she was definitely not up for while on school grounds. After several insults thrown at each other, her mother had intervened and politely asked the teenager to give the pieces of undergarment back to her very annoyed sister.

The older woman eyed the oldest of her children and gave a sigh. Now, in front of the high school, the car vibrated under them, patiently waiting to be driven back home. Alex turned to her mom and a smile tore through her features as she had found the woman looking at her with a raised eyebrow. "Never talk to me like that again, mija." She warned before leaning in and giving her daughter a quick hug. "Exito." Alejandra nodded and, grabbing her backpack she climbed out of the vehicle and walked towards the main entrance.

0800 HRS

Walking into the school, the Mexican young woman passed the "competent" guard the school could afford to have and, looking Ethan's way, she gave him a wry grin. "Hello there, guard sir." She drawled out, snorting at the cautious looks some freshmen were giving the man as they strolled by. "Intimidating as ever, I see." Sarcasm dripped from her voice before her hand moved up to her forehead and was posed in a salute. She mouthed 'bye bye'to the security officer before making her way to her locker which, fortunately was not that far away from the first few halls.

Opening her locker, some notes greeted her with bills attached to them. Alejandra smiled, took the bills and placed them inside her wallet. Payment so early on the semester meant so many good things. Her hands moved swiftly through the locker's contents; books, folders labelled "homeworks" with stray papers inside, one of two lipsticks and some other stuff she used regularly while in school grounds. Closing her locker after collecting her stuff. Her eyes fell on the branching halls and she could hear a distinctive voice from not that far away. Fucking Chester Jones was at it again. Moving her gaze to her wristband, Alex simply rolled her eyes. It was so early for anyone to be dealing with that man. She huffed and began her journey to the counselor's office, hoping and wishing to Dios to not run into the horrid VP.

0805 HRS

Turning the last corner that separated her from the so awaited meeting she had been called for a day before, Rodriguez groaned to herself as she seized up the long ass line of awaiting students. A few familiar faces here and there but said line was mostly made out of fresh new baby faces which she of course knew nothing about. Resigning she walked to the back of the line, greeting a few of her classmates and clients with a polite smile before getting to her spot and leaning on her right foot, hip popping to the side while her arms crossed over her breasts. The line moved from time to time and she could only hope for something to distract her while this eternal shitshow continued.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Juniper
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lisa Bryant

September 5th, 1969

0745 HRs

...I will be going into base camp in a few days and most likely there I will be able to write more.
By the time this reaches you, you’ve probably already started your senior year. Go in there and get it done with. I know how you hate high school.
Send mom my love and please tell her I’m doing well.

Lisa folded up the letter and allowed it to rest briefly on her lap. Leaning over, she pulled the truck’s storage compartment open and an avalanche of letters poured out, scattering all over the passenger’s side of the car.
“Great.” she muttered to herself as she assembled them all, gingerly storing them back in where they have been over the past four years.
She slid the keys into the ignition and the 1960 Chevrolet roared to life. She was grateful for this truck, even though it wasn't something she would pick for herself. About three years ago, soon as she got old enough to drive, she ditched the school bus and borrowed her brother’s truck.

0800 HRs
It was a brisk drive to the school where she had grown up in – only a mere seven minutes away. Mumbling curses that were slated towards the educational institution before her, she pulled into the parking lot catching sight of a spot in the back. She grasped her school bag and headed for the entrance, ignoring the guard’s dictating eye on her. She agilely made her way through the hallways, arriving at her locker. Eliminating some books out of her bag, she recollected that she threw an apple in there for the reason that she was too tired to invest in a decent breakfast.

0805 HRs
She closed her locker and then was promptly on her way towards the eternal line of people that were impatiently awaiting to receive their time table from Counselor Taggert. She steered her way back to the end of the line. Letting her back rest against the wall, she began to bite into her apple as she mentally prepared herself to be there for a very, lengthy amount of time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TheIrishJJ
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TheIrishJJ Isn't showing anyone his cucu.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Andrew Jones

September 5th, 1969
0749 HRs

"Come on Andy!" Richard shouted up from the bottom of the stairs, before Malcolm shouted up after him, "We'll leave without you!"

"Give me a minute, would you!?" Andrew shouted back, pulling his shirt on. Andrew still wasn't used to wearing his own clothes to school, so it was taking him a few minutes every morning to decide what to wear.

"No!" the twins shouted in unison, with Malcolm continuing, "We've given you enough already, what are you doing up there!?"

"I was getting dressed," Andrew said, appearing at the top of the stairs, before coming down them in a hurry. When he got to the bottom of the stairs, he sat on the second to last one, and started putting his shoes on. Andrew had no sooner put the first one on than Richard had grabbed his arm, pulling him out of the door, "You can finish that in the car," he said.

Andrew walked to the car, trying not to get his sock wet, and got into the back seat, where he found his sister, Jenny, sitting down already. "Why don't you just plan your clothing the day before?" she asked, "That's what I've been doing."

Andrew gave Jenny a glare, "Yeah, well sorry that I'm not as organised as you." Andrew then shifted his attention back to Malcolm, who was reversing the car off of the driveway. "Why are you so bothered about getting to school on time anyway? I didn't realise you cared about your education so much."

"We don't," Malcolm responded, "but we have to get Jenny to school in time or Mum will kill us, and if we left you behind, then she'd kill us then too."

Finished with his shoes, Andrew reached into his rucksack, and grabbed the book he was currently reading, 2001: A Space Odyssey. He had seen the film the year before with his friends in England, but now he had decided to read the book, too. He continued to read the book as they dropped off Jenny, and then continued onto the high school.

0805 HRs

As he shut the door of the car, Andrew said goodbye to his brothers, and began to walk into school. He had to see the counsellor to get his timetable for school, so he made his way there first. As he got there, he noticed that the student a couple of people in front of him was having a cigarette. He also saw that he was wearing a varsity jacket. This boy seemed like a prime target for Richard and Malcolm to befriend to become popular, so Andrew decided that he would just wait for his turn to get his timetable, and think about how he would watch Doctor Who from the USA when the new series started next year.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by candlelitcraft
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lucy Miller

September 5th, 1969
0700 HRs

The early bird catches the worm. Lucy repeated that to herself as she pulled into the nearly empty parking lot of the school. She was still used to getting up at noon everyday like she had all summer and she had been less prepared to wake up at five than she had expected. But she had always arrived at school with plenty of time to spare, and she wasn't going to let a little obstacle like sleep deprivation get in the way of that. Cheryl had taught her that showing up early was the best way to make sure one was prepared to face the day, and if one was prepared to face the day, then they were ready to succeed.

She grabbed her bag and slid out of her car, taking care to lock it. She headed inside the foreboding building before her, wondering why no one bothered to make this place look more welcoming. Only a few students had already arrived, mostly underclassmen who didn't have cars of their own and got dropped off by their parents on their way to work. She ignored them as she went to gather what she needed from the counselor.

0725 HRs

There hadn't been a line in the counselor's office when she arrived, and she was able to get in and out with what she needed in very little time. She decided to head to the school paper's room and make sure everything was still in functioning order. She had scheduled their first meeting after school that day to welcome any new students who were interested in joining and starting to work on their first issue of the year.

The paper's room was pretty small, with a few desks, three typewriters, and an endless supply of paper. Lucy set down her bag at the desk she had used for the past few years then began setting up. First, she taped a sign-up sheet to the front of the door that also listed the time of that day's meeting. Then she went and tested all of the keys on the typewriters to make sure they all still worked. A few keys stuck, but it wasn't too bad and she could probably fix those later. She tidied up the room, picking up stray papers and dusting off the chalkboard the club used to keep track of who was writing about what. Satisfied with her work, she took her seat and pulled a battered copy of The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir, which she settled in to read until it was time for class.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TrippyNightmare
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TrippyNightmare 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Sebastian Prescott

September 5th, 1969
0728 HRs

A knock echoed from the door to the school's newsroom, the door opened a few moments later with a familiar face to some of the school paper's staff - if a majority of them were here at this time. Sebastian Prescott, he was a senior this year and last year somewhat of an intern and junior writer for the paper. He didn't have a permanent placement with a writer or editor, he was sorta around and occasionally assisted in editing. He was back, his position within the club would be decided at the meeting later today. He was wearing a sweater vest and a pair of cargo pants, a yin and yang sign along with a peace symbol are pinned above his left breast. His hair is messy and brown, he wears what may be considered a nerdy pair of frames. The young man stepped into the office and looked around, it took half a second for him to spot Miller who he began to walk over to.

"Oh - Miller, hey how are you? Your - Your summer how was it, weird seeing you in this early considering everything right? What's uh, your schedule?"

His hands slid into his cargo pants as he painted a smile on his face, the young man kinda hovered over Miller as he stood near her desk in the room.


September 5th, 1969
0730 HRs

"Where are they?"

Croaked the older man as he checked his watch as he stood near the maintenance entrance to the school, his hair was graying and his facial features were obscured with a bandana. Beside him was a younger woman, a pair of black aviators and communist bandana were wrapped around her face - on her back were two backpacks that appeared to be heavily straining on the young woman's back. The man wore a black trench coat and a pair of black pants, he was constantly checking his watch. The woman was clad in partisan like clothing, olive drab army esque clothing.

"So, the drop was - moved here to the school? I thought we were going somewhere neutral?"

Chirped the younger woman, she sounded to be in about her twenties.

"This is the neutral drop."

The man replied, he checked the corner briefly before turning back to the woman.

"If they dont show up in ten, we're gone."

"You're the boss."

The woman replied.

Sloan & Jackson

September 5th, 1969
0731 HRs

"This is Sloan and Jackson, we're on scene to Greenville High - how copy base?"

Sloan's voice was rough and mature, for a twenty four year old deputy, he sounded more like a thirty in a something mid life crisis.

"*chhk* Hear you loud and clear boys!"

"Waters, sweet girl eh Chief?"

Jackson looked over at the road and then to the school before looking up to Eli. A box of donuts sat in between the two of them, Jackson's gaze fell over the box before he met Eli's eyes again. "We're here to make sure the staff are safe this week, and uh make sure Jones car isn't vandalized again. Who - Oh Waters, why don't you marry her already you - Eli you. You know son, one day you'll settle down and realize how bad it is. Waters is a good girl, but she's our only receptionist and I'm not letting you take her!"

The two erupted into laughter, Jackson went to drive the car up a bit further as it was aimed to the front of the school. The engine began to lock up and the car came to a halt.

"Get Stricklen on the radio, this piece of shit - we're getting new patrol cars I swear to god if it's the last thing I do I'll goto the damn legislators if I have to!"

Jackson screamed out, Eli quickly grabbed onto the radio system and keyed the mic back to Walker. Smoke began to bellow out of the engine as Jackson got out and started kicking the car in a fit of anger.


September 5th, 1969
0731 HRs

A group of twelve black men came up behind the duo, the two turned around instinctively hands on something hard polished and metal in their hands as they were ready to draw. Half of the group were just teenagers while the rest were grown black men, they all wore black and had some sort of identification indicating they were black panthers. Berets, pins, clothing it all pointed to the Black Panthers Party for Self Defence. The ones for Madison in fact as Jermal Williams was heading the party.

"Woah woah woah, cats. Keep your claws in your paws - hehe. Sorry, I know this isn't ideal but we had to drop these boys off and it's early, no one is here. Well, the cops - that's why we're late we went through the back."

The duo took their hands off the waistband firearms they were carrying, the older man stepped forward to speak.

"Money, you get the goods and we're gone alright?"

Williams put his hands up as if he were trying to appease a greater being.

"Cat.. You need to relax, we have the money alright? Let's make it shake and we'll be out of your hair."

He snapped his fingers a few times and a rather large black man took out a few stacks of cash, probably around 2,500 USD and handed it to the man who immediately began to check the money. He made a motion to the woman who then took the backpacks off and handed it to the group who handled it with ease. "Pleasure, gentlemen." The man said as he grabbed the woman by her shoulder and dragged her through the group as they headed for the back of the school.

"Fuckin' whitey."

Williams said as took out a joint from his coat, one of his brothers lit the Rollie for him as he inhaled the narcotic deeply. The teenagers took out various cigarettes and rollies and the rest of the group lit up. Williams turned back, exhaling to the younger boys. "We'll see you after school brothers" He said raising his fist, the teenagers replied by raising their fist as well and the group of older men departed to the way they came. The teenagers were left standing at the corner, conversing and chatting

Ethan Black

September 5th, 1969
0800 HRs

"Move along, student."

S/O Black commanded as Alex mocked him, once again. His hands tightened on his duty belt as he looked around the area, his eyes continued to fall on the mechanic and patrol car as he looked through the crowds of students who were entering the school. Mostly white, except for one of the younger black panthers that tried to walk past him. He grabbed the teenager by the wrist. "I need to search you before you enter, standard procedure." He said before pulling the student aside, despite minor protest from the student the Black patted down the senior before finding nothing of interest.

"Go in."

He gestured, and the student skulked into the building.

Nick Kostashe

September 5th, 1969
0806 HRs

Nick looked over his shoulder, his eyes fell upon Alex who was standing behind him. Turning 180 degrees he faced the young immigrant. He put his hands up, framing her face with an impromptu camera shot from his hands which formed neatly into a square with her face sitting in the middle. "Well well, if it isn't the prodigal tutor. How was your summer hun? My school semester is already fucked thanks to the old man, you don't happen to do a detention pardoning service do ya? My military Id only gets me so far these days." He says letting out a hot sigh as he stood towering over the smaller woman.

His arms hit the open air above him as he stretched out in front of Alex. "So after egging Jones's car he puts me up to clean the school then bullshits the janitor saying I'm smoking LSD and takes all my school rights away - like that!"He snaps his fingers in front of her as he quickly retracts his hand to his chest. "I'm gonna fuck up his car later, for sure. It's written in stone, but the cops are still out there.
So it will have to be until they leave, but about my classes uh. I dunno, do we still have the same deal going on chick cus I can't pay you at lunch it would have to be after class or something y'know?

The line started to speed up, Taggert seemed to have his shit in line this year or perhaps a newb teacher got wrangled into aiding him today. Whatever the case, the line shrunk about a fourth of what it once was. Nick looked back at the line and then at Alex, before sending her a cheeky smile. Jones wouldn't be driving by the end of today.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by candlelitcraft
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lucy Miller

September 5th, 1969
0728 HRs

She looked up from her book as the door of the room opened. She was surprised to see Sebastion Prescott this early in the club room. "Hey, Prescott. My summer was fine, I guess. Slow. You?"

She saw movement out the window and tipped back in her chair, looking over Prescott's shoulder. There was a suspicious looking duo standing outside. She half listened as Prescott continued to talk as she watched them. "I just signed up for the bare minimum this year. I have a free period, thankfully." She watched the duo be approached by a group that was obviously from the Black Panthers. A drug deal? She watched them exchange money and two backpacks. The original duo left and the remainders blazed up as soon as they were gone, right in broad daylight. She watched as they disbanded shortly after.

She decided not to say or do anything, though she knew she could get them caught if she acted now. She didn't have anything against the Black Panthers, nor did she consider them a terrorist group like so many citizens of the nation did. She knew they did good things as well as bad. She had actually wrote a piece about it last year titled The Black Panthers: Hell-raisers or Unlikely Heroes? in which she had dubbed them "neither angels nor demons, but simply humans banded together and willing to do anything, moderate or extreme, to help their neighbors and families survive and prosper in an oppressive society." She had received many an angry letter from students and even a few parents about that little piece, but she was proud of it nonetheless. If anything, the negative feedback just told her she was saying what people didn't want to hear but needed to.

Besides, it looked like they were only lighting up molly, and she had done the same a few times. She didn't see any reason to be a hypocrite. She turned her attention back to Prescott once they were gone.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by StormyClouds
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StormyClouds TauroGal

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alex Rodriguez

September 5th, 1969.
0806 HRS

Apparently whatever god was out there listened to her prayers and answered in the form of fucking Nick Kostache. Alex's eyelashes fluttered as she blinked, perplexed at the sudden movement coming from the young tall man in front of her. When the initial mild surprise left her organism, the Mexican senior chuckled at the man's antics and straightened, her fringed suede skirt falling naturally over her tan thighs. She uncrossed her arms which were covered by her yellow long sleeved button up shirt and smacked Kostache's make shift hand-camera with her right hand, breaking the perfectly lined shot the other had managed to get of her face. Brown orbs were rolled at the nickname, Alex's tongue clicking.

"Hola, dear gold mine." A brown eyebrow quirked following her words' playful tone. She looked at the unmoving line from over Nick's shoulder as she stood on her stretch boot covered toes, neck stretching out and eyes scanning the amount of kids that were in the same situation as her; which was perpetually waiting for the normally lazy counselor to get shit done.

Her feet returned to fully touch the firm ground and her gaze was shifted back to Nick's sharp features. "My summer was meh". Her shoulders were shrugged and a smile was thrown the local's way. "I mean, it certainly wasn't as eventful as I've heard yours was, Nicky boy." Alex's voice was a perfect description of what teasing sounded like. Rumors of the well known rebel just kept popping up on every teenager and adult's mouth. Her mother had come home one day from her usual grocery shopping to tell her, her voice ready to let some chisme loose, that she had heard the rich boy's shenanigans from one of her close friends at Greenville's local supermarket.

A laugh shook the woman's frame, hearing the "news" coming from the brunette's mouth. Of course, he would get into trouble after just a few days back to school. Alejandra didn't know the infamous Nick Kostache as much, really, but seeing his actions from afar was enough to give the foreigner an idea of how much of a troublemaker this guy was. She had nothing against his nature... actually, she really enjoyed watching the Greenvile version of Tom and Jerry he and the shitface Jones provided for the entire school body. "I could sweeten up the principal?". She inquired, jokingly, laughing a bit more. Her eyes scanned the man's body as he stretched out. She immediately raised her gaze as his voice called for her attention once more.

"Oh, do tell what your plans to claim justice are, Batman?" She looked back at the line that just kept growing. She noticed the ever so quiet Lisa Bryant and smiled her way. She seemed nice enough, might as well be polite. Alejandra eyed Nick and nodded, her smile pulling at her cheeks. "Don't worry, Kostache." The young woman stepped forward as the line began to finally moving after what seemed like 80 putos years. "You know what I do with people that don't pay me, so I trust my clients to actually do so." Her hands moved through her brown long locks that fell down across her shoulders and back. "Besides, you are one of my best clients". She shrugged once more, her maroon lips stretching into another smile of her own, her teeth visible.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Liam Stromberg

September 5th, 1969

0500 HRs

The morning was quite brisk for September Liam was already up and out the door wearing his school jersey he bought last year and his running shorts and shoes. Liam was always up early normally getting six or seven hours of sleep before his morning mile run. The brisk morning air cooled him down while the early morning light was already shinning though the blue sky and before he knew it his run was over in just 10 minutes. His path just took him out and around his neighborhood and back home, it didn’t take him much longer to start the Combat drills his father had him doing. Punches, kicking, blocking, and clenches both defensive and offensive.

0600 HRs

His home was quiet, with his father being in Vietnam and his mother working till 0900 and being asleep by the time he gets home it was never too lively. He noticed the note on the fridge after his shower, “lunch is in the paper bag, have fun at school, I love you” at least his mother always seemed to find the time to take care of him. The boy slipped on his jeans and got dressed, breakfast this morning would have to be three raw eggs and the rest of the fish jerky his neighbor brought over a few days ago and after he was done eating out the door he went making sure to grab his lunch and lock up the house.

0700 HRs

Normally it only took him about fifteen or twenty minutes to walk to school and today it would seem would be no different. There were a few other students outside the school mostly underclassmen like himself. The school security guard apparently brought it upon himself to “Greet” every student that walked through the main doors. His ability to stand and glare at everyone who came in for a few hours was well unique. With a slight nod Liam thought about continuing past the man and seemingly ignoring him like everyone else but instead decided to say something, “Hey I heard a rumor that the Sheriff’s department was looking to hire a few more deputy’s, you should try out I think you would do a good job” Liam didn’t care or stay long enough to hear the man’s answer. He did have a feeling that he could be taken as teasing or making fun of the man though.

Liam didn’t waste much time with getting his time schedule, knowing full well that this office would have a line out the door when the buses came. Once he had acquired his schedule, he headed towards the nurses' office. He knew his position within the office as basically the nurses assistant was something new and if it were not for his family’s standing in the community as upstanding citizens and hospital employees, he more than likely would not be able to do this. Still, he walked into the nurse’s office and smiled at the nurse Marybell Anders. Whenever she wasn’t busy, she did help out with the other staff with minor paperwork.

The nurse seemed preoccupied with whatever she was reading in the newspaper to notice Liam come in and start the inventory on the medical supplies. It wasn’t much, a couple of splints for broken bones, a few bottles of anti-itch and burn heal creams, as well as a cream that relived pain, Band-Aids of a few different sizes, some gauze pads, and the odd bottle of pills for all sorts of ailments that may befit a high school, as well as a few feminine hygiene products. This was something he learned he could use with his ability’s blaming the sudden loss of pain or healing ability of the burn cream on said creams instead of him. He didn’t know why, but he felt like he might be in danger if he revealed what he could do, but so far his instincts hadn’t been wrong so why start now.

Liam quickly made sure everything was where it was supposed to be and took a few of the creams, pills, and Band-Aids and stuck them into his bag. “Mam, I’m going to go check the medical kit in the Shop class make sure it's OK and refill what I have to.” She didn’t look up from her paper all he could here was a subtle “Hmm” of acknowledgment from her as he left towards the shop class.

0804 HRs

It hadn’t taken him too awful long to check and restock the medical kit in the shop class, Band-Aids seemed to be the hottest commodity there and would continually need to be restocked. At least for the first few months that is. Still, he walked slowly through the halls as they slowly became packed with other students. Somehow he made it to his locker placing his brown paper lunch bag and red and black flannel jacket inside then closing and locking the door. Liam decided to take his time as he moved towards his first class, taking in all the new and old faces, nodding or smiling towards others. He could see the line of students he had avoided who were getting their schedules and found himself getting called over to Councilor Taggert, “Liam help me pass these out, just until this line shrinks a bit.” Liam nodded and began to assist the councilor with handing out schedules to students. Liam felt that one bad thing about working in the office was that he was familiar with most of the faculty.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TrippyNightmare
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TrippyNightmare 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯

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Sebastian Prescott

September 5th, 1969
0731 HRs

Sebastian kept his focus on Lucy while she spoke, he hurdled a shrug towards the young woman before looking over his shoulder. "Well, I was working full time all summer at my dad's construction company. It kinda sucked, with the heat and all y'know? I'm just glad the weekend is here, it's typical that the first week of school never feels like the first day because of time table issues and class changes. I just hope, y'know maybe I have a class with you or something. Otherwise, I'll see you at the club meetings and during stories, maybe." With that Sebastian made his way over to his old desk he was posted at (usually) last year and opened the drawer, taking out a pack of gum. "Want some?" He said walking back to her, extending his hand.

Nick Kostashe

September 5th, 1969
0810 HRs

Nick made his way up to the front of the line, he was just outside Taggert's office and it appeared there was a lackey helping him - albeit, in the form of a student. He turned back to briefly talk to Alex, when the opportunity presented itself. "Listen to chick I'm not batman, I'm not that rich - anyway. What I did in the summer is no news to anyone, or business I'm just trying to get out of here to the front. As for that old fucker, Jones he's gonna get his car done in today. I'm leaving during the assembly to do it, so if you want front row tickets. It'll be out front."

Besides, I'm the best at everything I don't need a reminder." With that he turned back to the line, his foot tapping on the hard tiles below his feet. The impatience of the line seemed to run up the man's back, his hands crossed over his midsection as he held himself. Waiting for hell week to end, for him - it had only started.

Principal Wilson Hines

September 5th, 1969
0815 HRs

The old man, Mr. Hine finally made it to his office. Passing the school secretary Mrs. Michaels he walked into his rather larger office, beside his was Mr. Jones office which paled in comparison. Hines walked up to Jones's office to see if he was in, he sat down in his own office and opened a small drawer from his desk which he then took an unlabeled bottle out from within. Keying down the talk button on the school speaker, he spoke of the system with a soft elderly voice. "Could Vice Principal Jones, please report to the main office. Vice Principal Jones."

He reached back into the drawer and retrieved two whiskey glasses and a wife of Mrs. Hines (formerly Mrs. Jones). He placed both items on his desk, before opening his bottle. A shot of some sort came from the front of the school, Hines turned around to investigate as he rolled his chair over to his window. It was just Stricklen's junkie tow truck moving as it dragged Jackson's patrol car back to his shop. He turned back around and came to his desk.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by badguy28
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badguy28 I smash kid rapists like you into jelly.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Chester Jones


Chester swung his keys around on their ring as he galumphed down the hall, shoving past sophomores and stepping through freshmen. He felt like the king of the school, especially now that Hines was set to announce his retirement. There was nobody beneath the head honcho besides him, and nobody could stop him from getting what he wanted - absolute power over the school.
He stopped by room 112, opening the door. He saw a few kids hanging around, and shouted, "Hey, get out of my room, or you're getting detention for a week." They weren't really doing anything wrong, he just wanted his room empty for homeroom. He'd held the same room for as long as he'd worked here, it was the last thing that reminded him of when he was a good man. He took a sip from the water fountain, when he heard the P.A. crackle to life.


The door to Hines' office opened. Chester was standing in the doorway, his tie a bit off-kilter. He saw the whiskey and a smile began to grow on his face, and he stepped forwards. His eyes met the picture of his wife- ex-wife. It was the photo from their wedding, except Chester was cut out of the frame. He took a seat in front of Hines' desk, fighting back the tears.
"D-did you need me, Wilson?" Chester choked out. His eyes darted between the liquor, the photograph, and his boss. He suddenly felt nauseous again. "Can I ask what all this is for?"
Chester clasped his hands together and set them on the table, before deciding to cross his arms instead. Alpha male Wilson Hines immediately recognized this as a pussy beta male display of submission. Chester's forehead started to sweat even more than usual. The clock's ticking in the background making the situation even more tense. Chester didn't know what this was about, but one thing was for certain - Nick Kostashe was going to pay for it.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by candlelitcraft
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Lucy Miller

September 5th, 1969
0731 HRs

"Yeah, summer is never as exciting as it's supposed to be." She put both of her chair legs back on the ground when she was content that all of the people she had been watching left. "We'll probably have something together, what with required classes and all."

She fiddled with the pendent around her neck as she considered what she had just witnesses. Not too unusual, probably, but definitely something to make note of. She'd have to remember to write it down sometime before class while the details were still fresh in her mind. If it ended up leading to something bigger, she'd have the information, an inside scoop for whatever story could come of it. This was a habit of hers that she had picked up after beginning her path as a journalist; she wrote down whatever might be significant later on. Her notes had come in handy more than once while writing an article.

She looked up as Prescott offered the pack of gum, finally getting knocked out of her head for real. "Sure, thanks." She slid a piece out of the pack.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Juniper
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Lisa Bryant

September 5th, 1969

0810 HRS

Bored, Lisa’s perceptive gaze shifted to her left and then a little further into the line when she noticed Nick and Alex chattering away with each other. Although she couldn’t hear them very well, she supposed by the expression on his face, Nick was ranting about Jones. It was not as if she knew him personally, but every now and then she would happen to walk by him and almost always hear, “something Jones..” in the conversation. Before she could deviate her view, she caught Alex shooting her a warm smile.
Somewhat surprised, her countenance lit up ever so slightly and she smiled back. She went to take another bite out of her apple before realizing that she had already finished. Before she could throw it in the trash, she found the line was accelerating now. She detected a familiar student assisting Counselor Taggert, and when it was her turn to receive her time table, she shot a thankful nod towards the sophomore for helping out.

0815 HRS

Shortly after, she went straight to homeroom, which was English with Mr. Allen. It was one of the few classes- if not the only class that she held an appreciation for. He was a lanky, willowy man, in his mid-thirties, had a seemingly never-breaking joyful personality. Rarely, she had ever witnessed him in a disagreeable mood or mistreat his students. She located an open desk towards the edge of the classroom and noiselessly slid into the seat. Mr. Allen was in the middle of reminding the students that the assembly was at 9am. Suddenly recalling that, she groaned inwardly in her seat.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TrippyNightmare
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TrippyNightmare 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Sebastian Prescott

September 5th, 1969
0733 HRs

"Yea well, we'll see - won't we?" He says as he sends her another smile. After she takes a piece of gum, Sebastian puts the pack of gum and looks towards the doorway. Sebastian's hands sank into his pocket as he was looking for something in them, albeit he gave up on it as his mouth opened to speak "Anyway, I better get ready for class. Cya later, Miller. We'll continue this another time." He says as he begins to stride to the door, soon exiting to the club's room. Leaving Lucy to herself once again. The clock above the door moved onwards as the hands of time struck down on the ancient walls of the school, it wouldn't be long until class began and the floodgates of Friday's crowd would pour into the school.

Principal Wilson Hines

September 5th, 1969
0816 HRs

Hines poured what appeared to be whiskey in the twos glasses and then picked up the glass of whiskey and gingerly sipped the strong liquor, he finished the glass in mere seconds before putting it down and meeting the gaze of Jones. "Are you stuttering again at me - boy?" The old man inquires, his lips curling into a frown as he stares down the fat middle-aged VP. "When I was your age, I was in the war - so why aren't you there now? Trying to take my job now? Some wheezing and then laughter came from Hines as he leaned back in his comfy, leather chair - the only good one in the administration office.

"You want my job, and - you also want your wife back." Another chortle of laughter came from the old corpse. "You can only get one of these things in life, Jones. As you know, the biggest financial decision in your life is your marriage." In fact, Mrs. Jones was loaded until Hines got his hands all over her and stole her from Chester, albeit, things could be different. Maryanne Joseph Jones (formerly) had not been seen around the town for a few months, maybe she is still at home. Pushing forward the other glass of whiskey, Hines gestured to Chester to drink.

"If you plan on taking this - seat, when I retire you need to actually talk at this assembly this year or this seat. It's going to someone else, probably from another district or from the city. You know, the city teacher we got this year? You also need to deal with their behavior, I did not bring them on and you and I know this is another State bullshit practice. Pull it together son, and it's all yours."

Pouring himself another glass, Hines picks up the whiskey glass again and drinks. "I can't wait to leave this place, so. Let's get this over with - oh sorry, I meant let me get this over with since I expect the same from you." Hines got up and adjusted his tie before walking out his office - leaving Chester to himself, or to follow. It would up to the puppy this time.

September 5th, 1969
0900 HRs

In the auditorium, a majority of the school remained seated at the rows of chairs laid out in the gym. On the small drama stage stood a podium, microphone and everything for Principal Hines and some senior staff. Most of the gym was full, since homeroom pulled their classes as instructed to the gym for the annual assembly. Principal Hines eventually found himself standing at the podium as a majority of the students of the school were present, it was good enough for him at least. A group of men in cheap suits stood at the back of the gym conversing, obviously not school staff as they stayed to themselves and only themselves. They occasionally glared up at Hines, it would be a moment or so before the old man would begin his speech.

"Students and Faculty of Greenville High, welcome back to another exciting year! As your Principal I'm proud to welcome you back to safe and quiet halls of Greenville High, I also welcome the new faculty from Chicago and various parts of Illinois. It's always a pleasure to have more Illinoisans in this great country, we hope your contributions to the school and community help shape and impact the lives of fellow students and residents for the better. For those who are unaware, this will be the year the Greenville Minutemen win the state football championship! Besides that, for those new to the school and returning - I have some information regarding the student code of conduct..."

It was amazing how Hines could talk for two hours about the smallest things like Student Conduct and how great the school, county, state, and country was. The usual anti-communist propaganda was spewed out by Hines, but of course, the man couldn't keep the show on the road by himself. Various faculty new and old made some speeches, Coach Wenzel with the Minutemen's teams, Taggert about the importance of making the right choices and picking a college and planning for the future. Lunch break was coming up, and the students were getting restless (a common sight in the annual assemblies) when Hines got off the booth and looked over off stage - presumably to another staff member.


Hellcat's Homestead
September 5th, 1969
0900 HRs

Early morning drinking was prevalent in the Homestead, Biff always opened the bar early because a drink could never be limited. County, State and Federal laws could only do so much - of course the drinking age was twenty-one for the young who couldn't pay extra for a drink. A group was starting to form around a table with a man with a pair of shades and a bad attitude, a story was circulating and buddy in the shades was spreading a rumor around town about a communist terror cell.

"Yea brother I heard that there was a fight at the high school today, communists attacking the students and working with the negros!" Said the man in the shades, a grin forming over the skeleton one would call a face.

The crowd erupted into shouts and angered responses, some were opposed to the Panthers while a majority seemed to opposed to communists being in Illinois - in Greenville.

"Commies? Here? Good lord the invasion has already started, but damn me if I'm gonna stand for commies on my hometown!" A louder, bigger man yelled - his gut swaying slightly as a pack of his buddies resonated his remarks. Talks of hunting down the reds were in the works, some talked about going to the state troopers. All the meanwhile, a plan was in action and it seemed to be coming along beautifully.

For now.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by badguy28
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badguy28 I smash kid rapists like you into jelly.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Chester Jones

September 5, 1969

Chester's hands trembled after the door shut behind him. His brain was racing. New Staff? My Wife? He looked up to the bottle of liquor before him, then poured himself another drink, downing it. He wanted to be principal, but Hines expected more of him. Chester already all but ran the school, so he knew that he'd have to do something big, something groundbreaking. He held his hands in front of him, willing them to stop. He poured himself another drink.


Chester sat next to Hines while he talked. He wore silvered aviators, even though the assembly was indoors, and he had a suspicious stain on the front of his shirt. He 'listened' to the end of Hines' speech, struggling not to pass out. After Hines left the stage, Taggert stood up to begin his own speech. Chester grabbed him by the shoulder and shoved him back into his own seat before standing up to the podium himself. He grasped the mic with one hand and removed his sunglasses with the other. His eyes were red and puffy, possibly from crying, and he seemed to have trouble standing. "Good morning, GVHS." Chester was a bit to close to the mic, and he was a bit hard to understand. To an untrained person, one might assume he was plastered.

"I... uh, I would like to congratulate you... you... all of you." It was at this moment that Chester realized he hadn't prepared a speech. "You know, I grew up in Chicago, and uh... it's a sh- uh, it's... I didn't like it. These guys? They moved here because they know it. The real bright minds come from rural towns." Chester leaned over to laugh, before returning to the mic. "I know you all think I'm a real jerk sometimes, but I'm here for all of you." He pointed out over the crowd. "Especially you." He scanned the crowd for Nick Kostashe. His expression went from a big drunk smile to a cold, dead glare. "That's all." He stumbled towards stage left, knocking over his chair on the way out.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Juniper
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Lisa Byrant

September 5th, 1969

1040 HRS

Two hours later, Lisa was able to fly through a few chapters of a book she had been reading for Mr. Allen’s class. Eventually, Mr. Hines had emphasized his last few words and glanced over to the following person to come over and speak.
Lisa’s sleepy eyes and bored expression was replaced by a disturbed look at Jones’ miserable attempt at a speech. Why was she surprised? How that man was still teaching, she had absolutely no idea.
Looking over at the clock at about the same time Jones had ended and knocked over his chair, she noticed it was almost lunch.
“Well, it’s about time.” she murmured to herself as about twenty minutes later the assembly was dismissed.

1100 HRS

Getting in line for lunch, she got a hold of a plastic tray and permitted the lunch lady to put a large spoonful of mac and cheese on it. The apple had only made her hungrier. She got some milk and added a banana and made her way to find somewhere to sit. Not desiring to remain inside, she discreetly slipped outside and found a secluded bench with some sparse oak trees nearby.
Autumn was one of her favored times of the year, and today without fail felt like it. The trees had already begun changing into a variety of captivating colors and a brisk current was passing through Greenville. To keep her hair from flying around, she gathered it and made it into a braid. Wavy strands that were too short, hung loosely, framing her face nicely. She began to eat, her hazel orbs aware of the teachers and students that were out and about.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by candlelitcraft
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Lucy Miller

September 5th, 1969
1040 HRs

Lucy sat on the front row of the bleachers, recording the occasional snippet of the speeches given on her portable cassette recorder to potentially use in the first issue of the paper. She also would use the recording to make sure she didn't use any incorrect dates on the monthly calendar they published. She was physically rolling her eyes at all the obvious propaganda that had been integrated into Hines's speech. She had to fight back laughter at Jones's pathetic attempt at an improvised speech. Was he wasted, or just that scared of public speaking? It seemed that a teacher shouldn't struggle so hard with coming up with things to say on the fly in front of a crowd of people. It was embarrassing to watch.

She was glad it was finally lunch after his speech, because she didn't know how much more of this propaganda and boring shit she could take.

1105 HRs

She sat in the corner of the cafeteria, eating the lunch she brought from home and continuing her book. She finished quickly and retreated back to the newspaper club room, where she started making a manuscript of the portions of the speeches she had recorded. It took her the rest of lunch to type it all up because she kept glancing up at the window that she had seen the drug trade earlier, wondering if there would be anything worth witnessing. If that spot was a common drop off point, then she could potentially see many interesting things happen. She'd have to pay better attention.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

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Liam Stromberg

September 5th, 1969

0810 Hrs

Liam was quick to hand out the schedules, the counselor was steadfast in his decision to ask every student how their summer was and have a chat with them before giving out their schedule. No wonder the line was slow. Liam on the other hand didn’t care for small talk he simply asked for their name and handed them their sheet of paper. Until finally the counselor motioned for him to go with only a few students left.

0815 Hrs

Liam continued on his way toward his home room, Science with Mr. Wright. He enjoyed this teacher, laid back and smart. Mr. Wright was a slightly balding man in his 40s, always wearing thick black framed glasses, spoke with a slight Canadian accent, and wore pants and button down long sleeve shirts with earthy colors. The teacher always read from a newsletter type sheet for the events of the day before excusing the class for the assembly. Mr. Wright always seemed nervous during public speaking and would normally vanish back to his class room when it was his turn or near his turn for a speech.

0900 Hrs

Still, he left with the others towards the assembly room sticking to the back or near the outside of the large group of students that grew with each class that joined them. The students seemed to spill out into the assembly room and found their own seating, Liam opted for a seat close to the door in case he had to leave for whatever reason he didn’t want to disturb the other students. The boy watched as the principle came up and talked, an older man but a good man to. At least in Liam’s opinion he was, after all Liam did pitch his club idea to him last year and the principle gave the approval of it.

1040 Hrs

The VP though was a different kind of person, although Liam hasn’t had a lot of experience with this man he knew he was still troubled. Now what troubled this strange man Liam didn’t care to know, digging into other people’s life was for the reporters. Still, Liam listened to the principle finish his speech only to have the VP push one of the other teachers back in his seat as he stumbled up to the podium. The Vice Principals impromptu ability was a bit lacking, and he seemed off, “could be drunk or could be a medical issue of some kind” he thought as the man walked off the stage almost tripping on some chairs as he left. Liam was a bit concerned with the VP and decided to skip out on the rest of the presentations, knowing the rest of the speeches were mostly for the freshman anyways.

1055 Hrs

Liam slowly got up and left Mr. Wright did look at him as he left, Liam’s simple answer was quietly saying, “Bathroom” a lie but the teacher didn’t press the issue too much Liam was a good kid after all. Liam walked at a brisk pace but couldn’t seem to find the VP all he wanted to do was check on him and was sure he wouldn’t have stumbled off to far. The boy slowly made his way towards the parking lot, maybe the guy went out to his car to get something if he had gone towards his office they would have crossed paths by now. He did get side tracked for a moment however, one of the janitors was painting over some graffiti in a small hall. It looked like a frog with the words “All hail Ogobogo” written underneath, the janitor was muttering something about “Dam Freshman.” In only a few more minutes Liam found himself looking over the parking lot trying to see if he couldn’t spot the VP or his car while the other students broke for lunch.
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