Greenville High
September 5th, 1969.
0800 HRs

Today would mark the first few days into what would be one of the hardest school years for some but mostly this year would change everything in everyone lifes. The war, the state, and the people of Greenville in particularly those affected by the new powers attained over the summer break. The day was like no other, the summer had been host - blistering even as those who found themselves outside often would comment on how hot the sticky summer seemed to be. September 5th was a cool day, the temperature dropped either by mother nature herself or the powers that be. It was a chilly day, and most of the students were wearing sweaters and jackets.
With the school doors open, students quickly found themselves in home room. Old teachers stuck to their respective classes while some new teachers took over where old or vacant spots rooms were last year, there had been an increase of hiring teachers from up north. Specifically, Chicago, the culture and teaching styles they brought from up north rivaled the southern more civil teachings of the Greenville's teachers and because of this, a divide between the two teaching cliches would definitely begin to show in the coming weeks. At the school's doors, S/O Black stood, hands on his belt as he eyed the teenagers who returned to the school. Once again his legendary scowl kept a hard watch on the already pressed teenagers.
On the left side on the school near the maintenance are a group of teenagers were off smoking, eyeing the broken down Greenville Sherrif's car. Sherrif Jackson stood outside his patrol car along with Deputy Sloan as Stricklen investigated the engine as if he has dropped something down the engine block. Around the school and inside various anti-communist posters were thrown up across the walls, along with other school related posters and announcements. This was a new attempt by the state to engage counties and townships in more anti-communist propaganda tactics, in return those who participated would get a nice bonus to their police department or city hall. Greenville was one of these towns to take part of the new initiative by Illinois.
Principal Hines walked the halls with his cane, slowly edging along the old but now cleaner halls of Greenville High. The old man nodding to a few students as he made his way to his office, passing teachers and staff alike before passing his lackey - VP Jones. A smile crept up his face as he gave a small curt nod to the VP. The annual assembly would be taking place a 0900 HRs later that day, Hines and Jones both had to make speeches in front of the school. The usual speech as it was referred to by staff, stay safe, don't get into trouble have a great year.
Who wouldn't show up to it?
Nick Kostashe
September 5th, 1969.
0800 HRs
"Fuck my life."
Muttered an upset Nick, who had been scrubbing the floors of the boy's washrooms on the first floor since early seven AM. A punishment enacted by VP Jones for Nick's fuckery in the days after the schools opening. It had been Nick who egged Mr. Jones car while he was attending a meeting earlier on September 4th. If S/O Black had not been called to duty by the board that evening, he wouldn't have caught Nick who was then mercilessly bombarded by insults by the older man. By orders of Jones, he would help the janitorial staff clean up for the next school day. So Nick helped Janitors Jake Watson and Paul Vasquez who started their work at 5AM after a well earned a five-hour smoke break.
Nick got up from the floor and dropped the mop on the ground, letting the instrument hit the floor as he got up. Taking a Marlboro cig from his pack, he laid the tobacco ridden stick on his left ear and let the stick sit on his ear as he made his way down the hall. He was heading to guidance because he had not received his time table yet, Counsellor Taggert was the only guidance counselor for the school of a couple hundred so the line poured out of his office and near the study hall. It would be a long wait for Nick, Marlboro now in his lips as he contemplated lighting up in school. What would another detention do anyway? Probably earn Black over time - again.
His hands running through his pockets, his hands came up nil was any way of lighting up the cig - which prompted the young man to put the Marlboro back onto his ear. He looked around in desperation but to no avail, sadly for once, the smoke would have to wait. Nick was too proud to ask any of the lower grades or seniors for help. For all they knew, he was taking extra courses - but an older guy goin' to highschool talking to the young classmen looked a bit weird. For Nick at least, his mind ran to other things in his mind like the electricity that he'd sucked up in McMichael's. The idea played in his head as the line slowly began to move, it would be a long day - that's for sure.