Name: Kurtis Marshall (usually goes by Marshall) Age: 37 Home Region/Town: Lumiose City, Kalos
Bio: Born and raised in ever-lively Lumiose City, Kurtis grew up surrounded by Pokemon and trainers alike. Even from a young age, he was hopelessly taken in by the wonders of the Pokemon world, and when the time finally came for him to set off on his journey, it took barely a moment for him to bolt out the door! Along with his very first partner, a somewhat mischievous Chimchar (his father brought the newly hatched Chimchar home after a business trip to Sinnoh), Kurtis began a long and challenge-filled adventure to become Champion of the League.
Naturally, this was far easier said than done. In every region, he found naught but worthy and powerful trainers, young and old alike. Just as soon as he thought he'd figured it all out, something new and exciting always seemed to find him. It only served to further enflame his passions, of course! Although he never succeeded at becoming a champion, despite traveling to every region at least once in his life, he did become a great trainer in his own right.
Although he was still a city boy at heart, Kurtis's arrival in Alola felt surprisingly like a homecoming to him. The natural beauty and fascinating new Pokemon excited his drive for adventure all over again, and even as capable a trainer as he'd become, the Captains and their trials brought him all new challenges and forced him to find solutions he'd never before considered in a battle. As he himself once said, "I always enter a region thinking I know what I'm doing, and every single one of them has managed to prove me wrong."
After several years enjoying the Alolan life, however, he began to feel restless. He'd considered departing to find a new region, but was approached by Professor Kukui with a job offer! The Trainer's School was looking to expand; given the recent Aether Foundation and Ultra Beasts crises, the school wanted to make sure its students were more than capable of protecting themselves and leading their Pokemon well. Kurtis quickly accepted, and after managing to settle in, he began the ever-intriguing task of turning the old school into a grand and proper Academy. Even today, he works hard to make his new school the best in the world, joyful beyond words to see new trainers emerge before him!
Despite his professional appearance and speeches while on the job, Kurtis is actually a very lax and easygoing guy. He also suffers from a terrible case of bad luck: his feet seem to find every snag and loose cord beneath him, often landing him right on his face. He never lets it get him down, though. Even so, in battle, his experience and quick-thinking should never be underestimated. His fire for battle has never gone out, and woe to those who underestimate his team!
Kurtis's first and most loyal partner, Infernape takes very much after his trainer. He's often seen lounging about across the academy grounds, largely ignoring whatever doesn't interest him. That said, his temper is a fiery one, and as lazy as he is, making him mad is sure to result in a battle! Warning: has been known to steal cookies.
Gardevoir -Moonblast -Draining Kiss -Psychic -Light Screen
After hearing about Ralts and Gardevoir during his time in Hoenn, Kurtis spent hours trying to find one. After half a day without a single sighting, he sadly munched on his lunch and wondered if he was even in the right place. At that very moment, a quiet little Ralts poked her head out from the bushes, lured by the smell of food. A few shared berries and Pokepuffs later, Team Kurtis had a brand new member! Shy around strangers, but very open to friends.
Mightyena -Crunch -Ice Fang -Sucker Punch -Snarl
Another team member found in the Hoenn region, a very angry Poochyena suddenly leapt out of the brush and chased a startled Marshall through the woods! A poorly-timed slip saw him fall to the ground, and the Poochyena dove for his arm! ...Thankfully, the pup was young, and his fangs were less than fatal. A bop on the nose with a Pokeball saw the wild spirit tamed. Loyal and protective, even when he doesn't need to be. His secret weakness is belly rubs.
A lucky trade with an old friend from Kanto, Kurtis received a Haunter that quickly evolved. Unfamiliar with his new trainer, however, Gengar was rather stubborn and disobedient at first. It took time - and still is, as some would argue - but the two of them have battled many an opponent, and if nothing else, Gengar is at least willing to humor his trainer. Most of the time. Known for being surprisingly vain.
Eevee -Return -Swift -Double Team -Last Resort
A lucky find during his second year in Alola, Kurtis spent days thinking over how he might evolve his Eevee. After getting no closer to a final answer - and with Eevee's adorable face - he finally decided not to evolve Eevee at all. Eevee herself seems perfectly okay with this and remains as playful as ever. While still very young and not as powerful as the rest of his team, Eevee still manages to hold her own. Most likely to be found rolling in mud for the fun of it.
Milotic -Water Pulse -Aqua Ring -Refresh -Attract
While fishing one day, Kurtis caught a Feebas. A nearby fisherman burst out laughing and suggested Kurtis "throw the useless thing back". Naturally, Kurtis immediately took that as a challenge. Several months of hard work and Pokeblock later, Milotic emerged in a glorious evolution. She's very fond of Kurtis for believing in her and works very hard to show her gratitude in battle. Surprisingly jealous.
Course teaching: Trainer 101 - the basics of being a Pokemon Trainer, including battle strategies and caring for your Pokemon!
Name: Morgana Age: 15 Home Region/Town: Sunnyshore/Sinoh
General Description and/or photo:
Bio: Morgana is the younger sister to Volkner. Growing up she idolized her brothers energizing intelligence. She watched and marveled at him upgrading and revolutionizing of the city around her. She wanted to grow up and be as close to her Pokemon and just as smart as her older brother. Although she studies fiercely doesn't mean she can't have fun. Morgana loves music, and shopping, and she is particularly fond of jokes. Morgana has plans to become Grand Champion, and bring new technologies that the world has yet to see.
Team: Totodile Water Gun Ice Fang Scratch Scary Face
Ghastly Hypnosis Lick Confuse Ray Night Shade
Egg ??? ??? ??? ??? Morgana got the egg as a going away present from her brother Volkner.
Name: Marcus Zutcher Age: 14 Hometown- Solaceon Town, Sinnoh Region Appearance:
Bio- Marcus was born in Solaceon Town, his parents owned the local Pokemon daycare, so Marcus grew up surrounded by Pokemon. Growing up he would ask passing trainers to tell him all about their adventures, and would ask them if he could meet their Pokemon. His fascination with Pokemon was unending. His parents ran the daycare and did all the hard work, while Marcus played with all the Pokemon who stayed, making the Pokemon feel welcome and at home. Unfortunately many trainers would not come back for their Pokemon, abandoning them. The first to be left behind was a Shinx, He and Marcus, 9, bonded quickly, becoming best friends. The abundance of abandoned Pokemon gave the family an idea. Soon the Daycare also offered Pokemon adoptions for abandoned Pokemon who were left behind and not capable of/ wanting to go back to the wild. Marcus adopted shinx himself, making him his first official Pokemon. On a family trip to the snowpoint temple, Marcus and his family encountered a Snover under assault by a flock of Murkrow. Using his Shinx, Marcus fought off the Murkrow, rescuing the Snover. After tending to its wounds, the Snover seemed to like Marcus, so he offered him to join him. Snover then became his second Pokemon. This incident also sparked Marcus’ interest in battling. On his 14th birthday, Marcus and his family traveled to Pastoria city so Marcus could try his hand at the safari zone. He failed miserably at catching anything. Pokemon would evade him easily, and constantly get away. In his last few minutes in the safari zone, hiding in the grass, Marcus spotted a Rhyhorn not 20 ft away. Staying hidden, he crawled on all fours in the brush until he was only a couple feet away. With the element of surprise, Marcus threw the ball at the Rhyhorn, who just so happened to be having a snooze. What followed was the most intense moment of Marcus’ life he had ever experienced. Watching the ball rattle, until it slowly clicked shut, he felt his stomach nearly come out of his mouth. In the pure joy and excitement of his first real catch, he wasted what time he had left in the safari zone. Upon arriving home, Marcus was told by his parents that there was a second gift for his birthday. He looked at them questioningly, wondering what else could they possibly do. Pulling out the brochures, he knew what it was before he read it. Pokemon Academy. His heart skipped 3 beats. A new region, new pokemon he had never seen, and the chance to learn about pokemon without having to pick up after them.
Shinx- His first Pokemon and best friend. A. Bite B. Spark C. Quick attack D. Leer
Snover- Second Pokemon to join Marcus, has a Lonely nature, so it took a while to build a bond, but now the two are close. A. Icy wind B. Razor Leaf C. Stomp D. Growth
Rhyhorn- His newest acquisition, Rhyhorn is still adjusting to having a trainer, though he does seem to get along with Marcus and the others. A. Bulldoze B. Stomp C. Smackdown D. Fury Attack
Note: Amelia usually wears jeans and t-shirts rather then what is pictured above. Her eyes are also a bright, cerulean blue.
Personality: Amelia is a shy young girl with a kind heart and a great love for freedom. Socially awkward due to the little interaction she has had with others her age, she finds it hard to approach others or to reply when spoken to. When scolded or yelled at, she is more likely to curl up and take the verbal assault without any retort then she is to snap back. When she does snap, she holds nothing back and can truly show the passionate fire that burn within her, though sometimes she can push herself too far for her own good once angered.
Amelia's greatest loves are freedom and peace. She utterly detests those who pick on and bully others and constantly pick fights. She prefers to find the peaceful solution to problems and will pursue that method until forced to acknowledge it as no longer possible. While her distaste to violence also goes for pokemon battles, she acknowledges and takes part in the tradition, though she has sworn off using battle as a method to catch pokemon unless the pokemon she is after will only go with her after a battle.
Amelia also tends to be rather secretive about her conditions (See below). She hates it when others find out about her heart condition as they tend to tiptoe around her and general treat her like she is made of glass after learning about it, a fact that she hates. She also tends not to display her sensitivity to Ghost-Types openly, for fear of being treated differently as well.
Bio: Amelia was born to a modest home in Lavender Town and is the only daughter of two caring parents. Some might say, two overly caring parents. When their daughter had to be sent to the closest hospital at the age of one, it was revealed that her heart hadn't developed as it should, resulting in her suffering intense pain if she pushed herself to hard, and possibly worse if she ever tried to push beyond this. When she was returned home after this revelation, Amelia's parents kept a very close eye on her and greatly restricted what she could and could not do, something she would come to compare as being a bird caught in a cage.
When she was still young, the age of six to be precise, Amelia began rebelling against her parents regime, often sneaking out at night to have fun. Her favorite place to go was the cemetery, where she would walk among the tombstones, monoliths, and other structures in peace and quiet, save for the company of the ghost-types that called this place home. While they initially played all kinds of pranks on her, she eventually got used to this and became good friends with them and she would come and visit them every night. During this time, something seemed to awake inside of her and she came to be able to weakly sense the presence of the Ghost-Type pokemon around her. As time went on, this grew steadily stronger, allowing her to discern different Ghosts among a group and sense them over a wider area.
When she was nine years old, Amelia finally got caught during one of these excursions after she got a bit reckless due to succeeding for three years. A local trainer caught her in the graveyard and returned her home. To say her parents where livid would be an understatement and Amelia quickly found herself being severely grounded. Unable to even leave her room, she sat on her bed and sulked for days, having nothing better to do and fearing what little freedom she had had was now lost.
Luckily, she had made some very good friends. The Ghost-type pokemon missed her and, after four days, began searching the town for her. When they found her, they undid the locks in her house and helped her escape into the night and to the graveyard once again. When she arrived, she was surprised and scared to find the trainer who had caught her waiting for her. Her fears were quickly dismissed though when the trainer apologized and told her he would help her in her escapades and even teach her how to battle.
Little did Amelia know, but her new friend had more in mind then that. When he would eventually approach her parents and tell them about her sneaking out again. Before they could ground her again, the trainer in question told them of their daughter's potential and proposed they send her to a trainer school, where she could still be watched over but still experience the same things a trainer would. While her parents were initially hesitant to even consider the idea, her new friend took the time needed to convince them to let her go, which was most of the night.
With her parents blessing, Amelia set off to Alola with her teacher/friend via plane after a week of preparing. Upon arrival, he took her to the campus and introduced her to Headmaster Marshall before leaving her in his hands, along with a letter detailing her heart condition so that the staff of the school would know and his contact info incase the staff needed an extra hand since he planned on staying in Alola for a bit. Amelia was taken to her room on the campus and also got her first partner from the Headmaster. She has been on campus for several days now and managed to get some more partners while getting to know the area.
Gender: ♂
Type: Fire/Ghost
Personality: Mischievous but caring, Litwick is likely to stand up for Amelia when she is unwilling to and will stand by her side when she finally does stand on her own two feet. It's likely to try and play small pranks on others, though nothing that would be harmful. Litwick is often found sitting on top of Amelia's head.
History: Amelia's first partner in Alola, who she received from the headmaster. Refusing to let him stay in his pokeball, she can often be seen with him on her head. Amelia has gone everywhere with him since and the two get along very well, with Liwick acting as the shy young girl's protector.
Level: 5
Moves: Ember Astonish Minimize Smog
Ability: Flash Fire
Held Item: None
Gender: ♀ Type: Ghost
Personality: Shuppet is rather shy like her owner, speaking in quiet tones and often being reluctant to interact or play pranks on others, making it a bit of an oddity among Ghost-Type pokemon. This one can often be found safe and secure in Amelia's arms, where she can be mistaken as a toy if she remains perfectly still.
Shuppet is rather friendly past her shy demeanor, just like it's trainer, but it also processes a fighting spirit that Amelia lacks.
History: Amelia found Shuppet while walking through town. The little Ghost was being harassed by some of the local Meowth. With some quick thinking, Amelia got the Shuppet away from them with some help from Litwicks Smog and Ember attacks. While the shy little Ghost was initially unwilling to stay with Amelia, the girl's kind demeanor and willingness to stay with it while it recovered from the Meowth's attacking it won the little puppet over and she became Amelia's second partner.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: None Currently
Level: 5
Moves: Knock-Off Screech
Ability: Insomnia
Held Item: None.
Gender: ♀
Type: Ghost/Grass
Personality: The typical trickster personality associated with Ghost-types, Phantump is a mischievous, fun loving little pokemon who loves to scare others. It has no malicious intent when doing so and simply enjoys the reactions it gets from said tricks. It is still a child at heart and craves attention, a possible reason behind it's love for scaring others.
Often found floating over her right shoulder.
History: An extremely lucky find on Amelia's part, she had been wondering through the local woods with Litwick and Shuppet when she came across a group of Phantumps. The little fellows were playing around and, unable to help herself and reminded of her Ghost-type friends back home, Amelia joined them and played with them for hours. While doing so, she had followed them back their home, which was also the home to several more Phantumps and their Trevenant parents. Among the residents of this section of the forest was this Phantump, who Amelia took a shine to (pun intended). Amelia would have to make several visits to the area, talking and playing with Phantump until she convinced her to join Amelia's team, making this lucky find her third partner in Alola.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: To scare every person IN THE WORLD!
Level: 5
Moves: Tackle Confuse Ray Astonish
Ability: Natural Cure, can heal itself of status-conditions when not in active battle.
Name: Penelope (Penny) Cerrato Age: 13 Hometown: Lacunosa Town, Unova Appearance: Bio: Penny was born in Lacunosa, though her life there was very brief. At 7 years old, she had a tendency to wander, her itch to explore always taking over her better judgement to stay out of trouble. It was on a particularly busy day at her parents’ flower shop that Penny decided to wander out of town toward Village Bridge. The young girl decided to explore around the edge of the river, hopping from stone to stone as she went. However, her foot slipped on a stone closer to the center of the river and she fell into the water. It should be noted that penny is not the strongest swimmer, so she began to sink further and further under the water despite all her efforts, the river’s current only working against her. It was then that she felt something pushing up on her chest from below, and before she could process what was happening she was being led to the surface by something resembling a yellow inflatable tube. It was only when she was brought to the surface and led to shore that she realized what it truly was that saved her; a Buizel. After that, the Buizel had followed the girl home, though it was unclear to Penny whether it was because it had grown attached to her or if it merely did not trust her to get home safely. Regardless, Buizel never left her side that day on. At first, he was a mere house pet, but as Penny got older and their bond grew, they began to take their hand in battles. Penny had even bought a pokeball once the day came for the move to Heahea City in Alola, marking the day that Penny and Buizel decided to be partners. The sudden relocation was due to her parents’ decision to move the shop, spotting an opportunity to sell their plants and flowers to a whole new demographic. Penny was sad to leave her home, but at the same time she could see nothing but potential as they made their way to their new home, imagining all the new pokemon she could meet. And once the moving in had finished, that is exactly what she set out to do, setting out every chance she could in search of new pokemon and trainers. Over the years she had found many different pokemon, even catching a Makuhita and Vulpix of her own. And it was only a matter of time before she had been accepted into Alola Academy, giving her a chance to truly put her skills to the test.
A. Payback B. Icy Wind C. Confuse Ray D. Draining Kiss
A. Knock Off B. Force Palm C. Fake Out D. Whirlwind
Name: Allie Teosinte. Age: 15 Home Region/Town: Nimbasa City, Unova.
General Description and/or photo: Allie, of course, wears more modern clothes than in the picture. Most of the time she can be seen in jeans and a t-shirt, though sometimes she'll bust out a sundress if the weather calls for it. Which, this being Alola, it almost always does.
Bio: Allie's family is originally from Orre, but her parents migrated to Unova following the whole Cipher debacle. Fortunately, Allie's mother's experience as a trainer allowed her to land a job as a gym trainer at the Nimbasa gym. It didn’t earn them a ton of money, but combined with her dad’s job as a janitor in Big Stadium, it was enough to make ends meet.
Allie was always the kind of person who, when presented with a marsh and told to have fun, would gleefully put on some rainboots and go hunting for weird animals. Most of her time was spent in the woods just outside of Nimbasa, which her family's apartment bordered. Allie would happily explore around, looking in burrows and climbing trees, and always coming home with skinned knees, covered in dirt, and wearing a humongous grin. Unfortunately, not many of the other kids shared her love for the outdoors, and while Allie didn't have very much trouble making friends, she often traveled the woods alone. As a result of her ramblings, Allie has always loved Pokemon. They are, in her words, "Super cool!!" However, Bug-types are her favorites by far. Which is why, when Allie's parents gave her a baby Larvesta for her birthday, she was practically bouncing off the walls in excitement. The two of them quickly became fast friends, and Allie finally had someone to show the forest to.
Unfortunately, soon after that, Allie's father, Eugenio, was laid off from his job, and without that supplemental income, Allie's family couldn't afford their rent. However, at almost exactly the same time, a relative of his, a rich great-aunt he had barely even met, died. She also happened to leave a substantial sum of money to Allie's family, as well as her Alolan villa in Hau'oli City! The three (four, if you count Rosetta) of them didn't waste any time in moving to the island region, and while Allie was sad to leave her beloved woods behind, she was also excited by the chance to explore a completely new environment.
With their newfound riches, the Teosintes were able to enroll Allie in the Pokemon Academy. Her mom, Dorotea, was able to parley her battle experience (and her intimidating Electabuzz) into working as a security guard for Hau'oli Mall, and Mr. Teosinte and his Haunter are sticking to what they know best: cooking. As for Allie, she hopes to become a Pokemon professor herself one day, studying Pokemon habitats and conservation. And if that doesn't work out, maybe Trial Captain will.
Larvesta - Allie's first Pokemon, and the best friend she's ever had. Nicknamed Rosetta. Intensely dislikes Pokeballs, and therefore walks next to Allie most of the time. Very cuddly, and often will curl up on top of Allie while she's sleeping, like a cat might. Moves: Ember, String Shot, Absorb.
A-Grimer - Caught skulking around the backyard of the Teosintes' new home in Hau'oli City literally moments after they moved in, Allie's Alolan Grimer, nicknamed Trine, has grown to be a steadfast partner. She's still not allowed to let him out in the house though, on account of the smell. Very friendly, but sometimes forgets that having a pile of animate sludge launch itself at you isn't a fun prospect for most people. (Allie is not most people.) Moves: Poison Gas, Harden, Bite, Disable.
Dhelmise - A very strange choice of Pokemon for a beginning trainer, and a rare Pokemon to see in general, Allie nonetheless has managed to get herself a Dhelmise, who she named Sentinel. Allie maintains that she found it lying on the beach, but as Dhelmise have never really been known to leave the deep ocean, why Sentinel was there in the first place is a question for the ages. Weaker in terms of level than the rest of Allie's Pokemon, but makes up for it with a stellar Attack stat. They're not very friendly, in contrast to Allie's other Pokemon, and they have a bit of an independent streak. Moves: Absorb, Astonish, Growth, Switcheroo.
Name: Tommy Pratt Age: 14 Home Region/Town: Goldenrod City, Johto.
Typically wears the school uniform, but whenever he is out of school or allowed to wear casual attire, he will wear work clothes that one would expect a construction worker to wear - he occasionally even wears a hard hat.
Bio: Personality wise, Tommy can only be described as obsessed - every moment he can, he is either talking about or watching martial arts - doesn't matter the kind. Boxing, Wrestling, the style doesn't matter to him - all that matters is that it is people clobbering each other. This led to his personality traits being heavily exaggerated - he constantly tries to be the center of attention, and has adopted a loud and obnoxious voice in order to make his presence known. He is nice, but can be very overbearing and intense, and his obsession will get old quick for those around him. While he is very physically fit, Tommy isn't the brightest guy out there. He's not dumb, he just never focuses on things outside his narrow field of focus, leading to fairly bad grades. Along with this, he's honestly a bad trainer - he relies too heavily on his own Pokemon being smart enough to dodge attacks and understand what he wants them to do, and he barely understands how type advantage works - he mainly just tries to overpower an opponent with raw strength rather than using strategy.
Tommy only picks moves for his Pokemon based on their names - if it has a name that sounds like something a professional fighter would yell, it's okay. He also idolizes gym leaders like Chuck and Crasher Wake, for obvious reasons. He is a hard worker who gives 110% and never gives up, which is the only explanation for how he managed to make it this far without realizing how bad he is at battling. His dream is to wrestle an Ursaring into submission. Other than fighting, Tommy is interested in weightlifting, video games, scary things, and Pokemon battles. He doesn't plan on becoming a trainer, but decided that learning how Pokemon fight could be a bonding experience with his own Pokemon.
History: Born to an upper middle class family, Tommy lived a life of relative peace most of his life. His father owned a construction company, while his mother was a housewife. For years, Tommy was constantly sheltered, kept in the house and taught so he could one day inherit the family business. His father and mother had him at a late age (Dad was 48, Mom was 39), and since he was an only child, there care and constant attention was understandable. Still, that didn't mean Tommy appreciated the constant supervision - unlike other kids his age, he wasn't allowed to go out and play, or even own a pet. The only thing he was allowed to do was stay inside, which wasn't too hard with television and the internet. Not much happened, until he reached 10 - this was when he discovered the world of martial arts. The fantastic Crasher Wake wrestling down opponents before delivering a cool line or singing his amazing songs, and fighting type Pokemon fighting each other with tournament rules! Everything he wasn't allowed to do was right there so, in secret, he began to train.
He lacked any sort of weights, but he did body weight exercises and stole building materials from his dad. By 11, his parents mercifully bought him a bench press, a squat rack, and weights, and while his father or a construction Pokemon from work was watching, he was allowed to exercise as much as he wished. All the while, he practiced boxing moves from watching television, whether it was from professionals or Hitmonchans didn't matter. He didn't practice anything else for fear of messing up techniques, and with his parents always watching over him, he didn't want to make loud noises by practicing kicks. By 12, he was more stronger than most 15 year olds, but he was slowing down. Without proper guidance on things like nutrition and routines, he slowly was plateauing, something that terrified him. Not much growth happened during this time, and by 13, he was only slightly stronger. Luckily, this was when he received the present of the lifetime.
Knowing that he was slowly becoming an independent person, Tommy's parents got him something all kids wished for - a Pokemon! He was only a few months old, but the Machop that hatched from one of the construction Pokemon's eggs was a fitting gift. While they apologized for not getting him one that was cooler or cuter, Tommy was overjoyed to have a training partner. The two spent every moment together, playing, eating, working out, even sleeping. Their relationship was almost creepy to Tommy's parets, but the two were the best of friends. In the next few months, the Machop became the friend that Tommy never had. One night, however, his father brought home an egg.
Tommy's father was slowly growing tired of the construction business, but still did his best to help his employees - this included watching any eggs the Pokemon laid. Normally, the eggs are sold to breeders or young trainers, but there were a large number this year and this egg hadn't been bought for awhile - thanks to the excess stock, it had to be kept somewhere, and Tommy's father volunteered to keep it until they could sell it. It was only a few seconds - Tommy's father left to use the bathroom, and with only Tommy and the Egg left in the room,it began to shake, crack, and reveal a baby Timburr. By the time Tommy's father came back, it was too late - it had already imprinted on Tommy, and his father reluctantly allowed it to stay. The next few months were relatively hectic - Tommy's father decided to retire, allowing his board of directors to make decisions in his steed and, wanting to relax of the rest of his life, moved to the hectic city of Hau'oli City. Tommy's mother, rather disapprovingly, allowed Tommy to enroll in the nearby school, Alola academy. Since school was starting in only a few months, Tommy decided to flesh out his team a bit more.
His parents always told him to be careful, and never go outside unless he had to... But when Tommy just saw a Croagunk lying on ground near route 1, he just had to take the opportunity to catch it! Using a pokeball he had bought from the local pokemart, he easily caught the unconscious Pokemon. Tommy being Tommy, he never pondered why a croagunk was just lying on the ground in a region where they were not native, and he never discovered that Croagunk was released by a breeder due to it's disobedient nature. Croagunk was healed at a Pokemon center, but thanks to the trauma it endured, it was far from docile, and it took a few days before he could even be released safely. Croagunk never joined in on the training sessions Tommy had with his other Pokemon, and constantly disobeyed his commands. In the two months that they knew each other, an outsider looking in would think they absolutely hated each other.
Finally, the time had come - after two months of constantly counting days, Tommy was finally headed to the Alola academy. Despite not planning on being a trainer, the chance to make his friends stronger was all too enticing. With hope in his heart, Tommy entered the academy!
Level 5
Moves: -Focus Energy -Bullet Punch -Low Kick
The first Pokemon that Tommy ever got, given to him on his 13th birthday by his father. The two have grown very close over their time together, watching martial arts and wrestling together whenever they are not exercising or fighting. Arguably the closest friend that Tommy has, the two are practically inseparable - it doesn't help that Machop shares nearly the same personality as Tommy, being brash and over-the-top. He and Croagunk often get into fights. Male, has a brave nature.
Level 5
Moves: -Pound -Force Palm -Focus Energy
The second Pokemon that Tommy ever received, given to him when he was 13 and 7 months. While Machop is more similar to him in personality, Timburr is far more calm and relaxed, if a little apathetic. He only ever feels energetic when throwing his weight around, both literally and metaphorically. He isn't loyal as Machop, but is not as rebellious as Croahunk, making him a middle ground. Male, has a lax nature.
Level 5
Moves: -Astonish -Mud Slap -Bullet Punch
Tommy's most recent Pokemon, the first one he ever caught on his own about 2 months ago. While the other two have lived with Tommy and are used to him, Croagunk is blatantly rebellious to his trainer, refusing to use certain moves in favor of others and disobeying orders. This would be a problem if Croagunk wasn't far better at battling then Tommy - the only reason Croagunk was caught in the first place was because it was sick at the time. He is very intelligent, and while Tommy comes to heads with him often, the two care about one another. Croagunk, unlike Tommy's other pokemon (and even Tommy himself), is actually good at strategizing and using type advantage, something Tommy completely ignores. Male, has a Naughty Nature.
Name: Thortan Masters Age: 30 Home Region/Town: Goldenrod City
General Description and/or photo:
Bio: Thortan was a young trainer who was a rising star in the pokemon Johto league, he even made it to the elite four with his most powerful team. He was unable to defeat Will in the first round and decided to travel the world in order to train him and his pokemon even more to take on the other championships. During his travels he came across the crime syndicate Team Rocket, who targeted him for his powerful pokemon. During the battle his first pokemon Maganium was horribly poisoned by one of the criminals Weezing. He rushed his best friend to a pokemon center, but there was nothing Nurse Joy could do to save the poor Maganium. She died shortly after.
Distraught and heartbroken, Thortan traveled the world learning all he could about status effects, and buffs and debuffs. During that time he become the world's foremost expert on the subject, even developing better versions of the status cures that were available in his youth. He eventually found his way to the Alola region where he was offered tenure and a grant towards his research in exchange for teaching the students.
Venemoth: Super Sonic Poison Powder Silver Wind Psybeam
Snorlax: Rest Belly Drum Ice Beam Body Slam
Solrock: Flare Blitz Heal block Rock Polish cosmic Power
Scolipede: Toxic Venom Drench Iron Defense Rock Climb
Krookodile Torment Sandstorm Crunch Swagger
Vileplume Aromatherapy Stun Spore Mega Drain Solar Beam
Name: Satou Ashiya Age: 15 Home Region/Town: Hoenn/Fallabor Town
In a town underneath Mt. Chimney, lives a young, headstrong boy named Satou Ashiya. His parents are archeologists who live in this town despite the harsh environment in order to study about rare stones and meteorites around the area. Growing up in this little town, young Satou was heavily influenced by the stories and legends about the former Hoenn Champion, Steven Stone who often visits there. Since then, Steven became Satuo's childhood idol and hope to become a great trainer and archeologist someday.
On his 10th birthday, Satou receives his first Pokemon given to him by his parents, A Growlithe, which serves as the boy's loyal guard dog. He trained with the young pup day and night and was eager to become stronger ever since getting his first Pokemon. Since his parents are too busy with the archeological dig in the Meteor falls, Satou has to work hard and train all by himself.
Inexperience and unsupervised, Satou and his Growlithe decided to put their skills to the test and went to route 113 and get a taste of a real battle feels like. Upon entering the route, He encounters an injured Skarmory sitting by its nest. He attempts to catch it but even if it was injured, the steel bird was too tough for the inexperienced trainer to handle.
But Satou wasn't about to give out that easy. Day in and day out the boy provoke this metal bird from its nest and got beaten numerous times in the process. He would spend most of his allowance on Pokeballs and devoted most of his time capturing this Skarmory. He even borrowed one of his father's Pokemon, a Honedge, to aid him in capturing his first Pokemon.
Satou's attempt comes to a fruition one day when his Pokeball click three times and finally stabilize, only to find out that this Skarmory has already had an owner. An old man approached him after capturing the Skarmory and claims to own most of the pokes within these parts. He was watching from the sidelines, observing, amusing himself in the young boy's multiple sloppy attempts at capturing one of his troublesome pokes. Admittedly, The old man was impressed on how strong-willed the boy was, and how much strategy he use and decided to let Satou keep this injured Skarmory for what his effort's worth.
The old man then offered a brochure of the Pokemon Academy in the Aloha region and suggested Satou enroll there. Satou was mixed with frustration and embarrassment at the same time and realize that he has so much to learn in becoming a trainer. It was a bittersweet moment capturing his first poke in the wild as Satou was determined to improve himself.
Upon returning home with his newly captured Pokemon, Satou proposed to his parents about this academy. After much deliberation, they decided to send their Son at the academy where he will train to become a better trainer.
Team: -Pokemon Growlithe- Satou's loyal guard dog -Bite -Roar -Ember
Honedge- His father most entrusted Pokemon that eventually became one of Satou's team. Ability: No Guard -Swords dance -Shadow Sneak -Fury Cutter