Our Theme Song
The sky elders abandoned this husk long ago, leaving the sands of time to drown this planet's history into nothingness. Our desolate world is a metalyard of fallen Valkyries, an open mausoleum for a war too ancient for us to remember. All that remains is a barren shell, host to the lost races that brave its unforgiving sun and harsh environments. Unearthed relics energize our towns and cities, powering our livelihood and furthering our survival. The God Children are our shepherds, made from the enriched guts of the Zyphus. They herd us like cattle, and we obey them willingly as they orchestrate our conflicts and govern our livelihood. Then, somehow, the Zyphus awoke. It gifted us The Lotus Mirage, a city that now hovers over the Guidewater. A God Child was born deep within its core, and its very purpose will shake what is left of this world's foundation.

This planet is veiled in fractured history. Its current inhabitants made great strides recovering ancient reliquaries, yet every discovery seems to create more questions than answers. Let us start from our known beginning. The first life forms that surfaced from this planet are the Roltoi, the Humes, and the Buvolans. It is undetermined as to which species came first; All three races have records from over a thousand years ago, predating the God Children themselves.
The planet itself is covered in rock and sand, rich with ores, minerals, and scrap metal from ancient ships scattered throughout Encephalon. There are small water deposit sites on the surface layer, pooling from underground reservoirs that are harvested like gold. Days are as equally long as nights, calculating a single planetary rotation to an estimated 30 hrs. Hot and arid temperatures of 38°C are the norm, while nightfall can get as low as -4°C.
These are facts that have remained constant for as long as anyone can remember. Yet little is known about the rusting structures of old, or the obscure monoliths veining throughout the Zyphus and beyond. The longing for discovery and truth has been stymied by war and conflict.

Named by The God Children who attribute their genesis to its mysterious inner workings, a phenomenon they themselves are unsure about. The Zyphus does not mean God or Maker, suggesting that it’s more of a construct than a living being. This northwestern area has the largest collection of obscure, glowing monoliths. They are connected to other similar objects spread throughout the land.
Scientists have developed a way to use them as an energy source and replicate them into lesser designs to power most technologies. Prolonged visits into The Zyphus cause serious mental and physiological damage to anyone, God Children included. Because of this, the entire area is off-limits, its outer borders reserved only for scientists and researchers.
Many have journeyed into The Zyphus in an attempt to unravel its mysteries, but those who return are shattered beings; their minds either wiped completely, or corrupted beyond refuge.

The Zyphus gives The God Children their life force, willing them into existence. They are an evolved breed of synthetics with uniquely sculpted organic features, abilities, and personalities. Their presence has revolutionized Encephalon within a span of 1,000 years.
But why?
Why do they call themselves God Children and not Gods? Why do some age faster than others? What drives The Zyphus to make these beings? These are a few of the many great wonders of Encephalon.
Here is what is known about them. Should their bodies deteriorate, they can transfer into a new synthetic host. Currently, all God Children have maintained their original vessels, however, Zephrot and Shirod are nearing their end cycle. Transferring their essence is a theory backed by their ability to create variations of themselves.
This is done by simply cutting away pieces from their bodies. These parts will then be used as the backbone for their synthetic copy. They are called Fragments, and they can be made into unique variances with their very own personalities. Complete copies of a God Child have not been made public. Some God Children have Fragments that assume marital roles, like Sansavi’s husband, Iben, or family members like Shirod’s daughter, Icom.
Though a God Child’s vessel can deteriorate, they are powerful hosts that can withstand a great deal of punishment. Some have unique abilities, like Tarbis, who can shapeshift, or Ygnasia, who can swim through the Guidewater as if she were in flight. They can also use the extranet web space to project themselves as a phantom image, appearing anywhere at any given time through electronic devices powered by Zyphan energy.
Yet, despite their many attributes, the God Children were made incomplete. Zephrot describes it as an outer body sensation, a feeling that nags at him like a puzzle piece wanting to be made whole.
Therefore, the God Children descend upon Encephalon's people as rulers. Their ultimate purpose above all else is to make their worshipers dig through the planet in hopes of finding themselves, ironically enough. And so far their efforts have been in vain. Nothing has surfaced, only clues and riddles that lead to more dead ends.
The Awakening: This term is geared more towards the Zyphus coming to life than the God Children themselves. Kujat scientists began monitoring the Zyphus after Zephrot was born. When an awakening occurs, energy signatures fly off the charts, cascading out to the rest of Encephalon.
It is like a massive EMP wave that disrupts all technology, causing planet-wide blackouts. This is a temporary nuisance, lasting no more than an hour. Each God Child was born in different locations, unearthed from ancient ruins beneath the planet’s surface. Their birthplace becomes their kingdom, and overtime, they amass worshipers to do their bidding.
The first awakening happened 1000 years ago, giving birth to Tarbis and his brother Zephrot. It is said that the Roltoi and the Buvolans made contact with Tarbis, worshiping him as their god. Before the God Children even existed, the Roltoi and Buvolans formed an alliance against the Humes. Their goal was to persuade Tarbis into eradicating the Humes from existence. An agreement was made, and the God Child attacked Hume settlements to appease his worshipers. Zephrot quickly intervened.
His motivations were fueled by jealousy, wanting to be loved as the Roltoi and Buvolans loved Tarbis. Zephrot fought for the Humes, who in return dedicated themselves to the God Child. After a century of conflict, a 3rd God Child, Shirod, was made. His purpose was dead set on extinguishing the quarrels between his brothers and their devoted worshipers. Despite his most valiant efforts, Shirod could not make them listen. Many worshipers that grew tired of war saw Shirod as an avatar for peace. He quickly gained Roltoi, Buvolan, and Hume followers, but despite the growing support, was unable to stop Tarbis and Zephrot from walking down their warpaths.
Shirod and his followers became peacekeepers, aiding war victims and relocating many of them into their southern territories. It was as if the Zyphus sensed the stalemate between the three brothers and tried to counter balance them with twin sisters, Ygnasia and Sansavi. They worked together with Shirod, peeling away some of his worshippers to do their bidding. Ygnasia focused on the survival of all species, dabbling in terra formation that would ultimately give rise to the Guidewater Lake, the largest body of water in Encephalon. Sansavi became an enforcer, taking on a more aggressive role than Shirod ever did against Tarbis and Zephrot.
These conflicts went on for five more centuries, until the Zyphus awoke once more to bring forth the sixth God Child. Its purpose was to find the truth behind Encephelon, the God Children, and the Zyphus. This stunning revelation piqued the interest of many, causing another rift in the grand scheme of things. For the first time in Encephalon history, all five God Children had an understanding; Their youngest sibling’s success was paramount.
Shirod and Ygnasia agreed to assist the Sixth's ascension, sending heralds to protect its small kingdom hovering over the Guidewater. Those heralds would soon become the Sixth's followers under The Lotus Mirage, a realm for truthseekers willing to do whatever was necessary to reveal all things.
His motivations were fueled by jealousy, wanting to be loved as the Roltoi and Buvolans loved Tarbis. Zephrot fought for the Humes, who in return dedicated themselves to the God Child. After a century of conflict, a 3rd God Child, Shirod, was made. His purpose was dead set on extinguishing the quarrels between his brothers and their devoted worshipers. Despite his most valiant efforts, Shirod could not make them listen. Many worshipers that grew tired of war saw Shirod as an avatar for peace. He quickly gained Roltoi, Buvolan, and Hume followers, but despite the growing support, was unable to stop Tarbis and Zephrot from walking down their warpaths.
Shirod and his followers became peacekeepers, aiding war victims and relocating many of them into their southern territories. It was as if the Zyphus sensed the stalemate between the three brothers and tried to counter balance them with twin sisters, Ygnasia and Sansavi. They worked together with Shirod, peeling away some of his worshippers to do their bidding. Ygnasia focused on the survival of all species, dabbling in terra formation that would ultimately give rise to the Guidewater Lake, the largest body of water in Encephalon. Sansavi became an enforcer, taking on a more aggressive role than Shirod ever did against Tarbis and Zephrot.
These conflicts went on for five more centuries, until the Zyphus awoke once more to bring forth the sixth God Child. Its purpose was to find the truth behind Encephelon, the God Children, and the Zyphus. This stunning revelation piqued the interest of many, causing another rift in the grand scheme of things. For the first time in Encephalon history, all five God Children had an understanding; Their youngest sibling’s success was paramount.
Shirod and Ygnasia agreed to assist the Sixth's ascension, sending heralds to protect its small kingdom hovering over the Guidewater. Those heralds would soon become the Sixth's followers under The Lotus Mirage, a realm for truthseekers willing to do whatever was necessary to reveal all things.
Modern technology is achieved by siphoning what is known as Zyphan energy. The God Children and their worshipers have refined its utility throughout the centuries, ushering in many advancements in the process. There is a great emphasis on weapons and military constructs due to the aggressive, political landscape between the Kujat and Humes. The arms race created by these two warring territories made solid ballistic ammunition archaic, setting energy based projectiles as the new standard. Modes of transportation range from surface-level hovercrafts, to aerial vehicles, and mobile exo units of varying sizes.
Polymorphic technology is derived from the Kujat, designed by Tarbis. The Expanse Migration soon allowed Snowstone to adopt this tech, which eventually branched out to The Oasis and Iron Jackal for further refinement. Constructing anything with this design attribute requires a lot of resources, and maintaining them can be very tedious. The benefits, however, can be worth the hassle --- if used correctly.
The greatest iteration of this tech is The Absolver suit. It is a body covering that functions like a swiss army knife, equipped with an internal cooling system. The schematics of an item are slotted into the suit and can be fabricated into existence by command; The suit becomes an advanced 3D printer, constructing the items with energy-based materials. Helmets can encapsulate the user's head from the neck plating, providing filters or breathing apparatuses.
Interfaces are holographic windows that can be winked in front of the user's eye, and cybernetically enhanced species, or A.I., can have these HUDs displayed internally. Small propulsion thrusters can provide an extra jumping boost or aerial suspension if summoned at the heel, and can also be used as a crowd control element by blasting a concussive force, if summoned at the hands.
These are a few examples of the Absolver's abilities. The possibilities are endless, limited only by the designer's imagination, and the Zyphus crystal that generates its power. These crystals are the core to polymorphic tech and can power a suit for two full days before it needs to be recharged. The user is still mobile if the Zyphus battery is completely drained, but they are unable to use any of its gadgetry in this state.
Note: Absolver tech is not limited to a full-body suit of armor; It can also be used on thinner material to make jackets, shoes, and other accessories. This allows for fashionable variations, but most importantly, tactful concealment, and inventory compartmentalization.
Example: Iben Vardi’s black suit is Absolver tech. He has a rifle, a melee spear weapon, and a first aid kit slotted. Though he appears to be wearing some regular jacket and slacks, he can wink these items into existence. The Zyphan Battery will drain quicker if overused, but Iben can recharge it by touching monoliths, or other Zyphan-ran tech. This will sap their energy until the battery is fully charged.
Interfaces are holographic windows that can be winked in front of the user's eye, and cybernetically enhanced species, or A.I., can have these HUDs displayed internally. Small propulsion thrusters can provide an extra jumping boost or aerial suspension if summoned at the heel, and can also be used as a crowd control element by blasting a concussive force, if summoned at the hands.
These are a few examples of the Absolver's abilities. The possibilities are endless, limited only by the designer's imagination, and the Zyphus crystal that generates its power. These crystals are the core to polymorphic tech and can power a suit for two full days before it needs to be recharged. The user is still mobile if the Zyphus battery is completely drained, but they are unable to use any of its gadgetry in this state.
Note: Absolver tech is not limited to a full-body suit of armor; It can also be used on thinner material to make jackets, shoes, and other accessories. This allows for fashionable variations, but most importantly, tactful concealment, and inventory compartmentalization.
Example: Iben Vardi’s black suit is Absolver tech. He has a rifle, a melee spear weapon, and a first aid kit slotted. Though he appears to be wearing some regular jacket and slacks, he can wink these items into existence. The Zyphan Battery will drain quicker if overused, but Iben can recharge it by touching monoliths, or other Zyphan-ran tech. This will sap their energy until the battery is fully charged.
Artificial intelligence exists and the God Children are their progenitors. Many are purposed under one singular function, and their self-awareness is fairly limited. Fully aware A.I. are uncommon and usually serve directly under a God Child. A.I. that are called Fragments are extensions of God Children, grafted with extreme care. They are equipped with advanced synthetic bodies capable of enduring all sorts of environments --- except for the Zyphus. This is not to be confused with a God Child's missing fragment, a missing piece of themselves lost somewhere in the world.
An extranet web space exists, but has limited access. The Kujat have their own isolated extranet, and the Skullfire Fangs have partitioned themselves away from the main space shared by everyone else.
The production materials required to make all things, whether it be buildings, household items, or the aforementioned tech, are mined from natural deposits scattered above and below the surface. The rusty ships and old ruins are also a valuable resource.
Mobile Exo Units are a technology created by Shirod and his Snowstone researchers. These large machines are multiped tanks that are powered by Zyphan batteries. They do not possess Absolver tech, but they pack quite a punch and are tough nuts to crack. The downside to these units are their maneuverability, which makes them vulnerable targets against agile combatants.
There are smaller EXO suits that work as exoskeletons. These suits don't have the firepower or the durability of their larger counterparts, but they can lift heavy objects, move quicker, and provide shield support for small patrol groups.
The production materials required to make all things, whether it be buildings, household items, or the aforementioned tech, are mined from natural deposits scattered above and below the surface. The rusty ships and old ruins are also a valuable resource.
Mobile Exo Units are a technology created by Shirod and his Snowstone researchers. These large machines are multiped tanks that are powered by Zyphan batteries. They do not possess Absolver tech, but they pack quite a punch and are tough nuts to crack. The downside to these units are their maneuverability, which makes them vulnerable targets against agile combatants.
There are smaller EXO suits that work as exoskeletons. These suits don't have the firepower or the durability of their larger counterparts, but they can lift heavy objects, move quicker, and provide shield support for small patrol groups.
The Kujat are the most large and diverse alien populations on Encephalon. There are many different species, and they function in a hierarchy where the Roltoi and Buvolans sit at the very top. When Adesi-To'Rivan lead the Expanse Migration, she took a sizable chunk of the coalition with her. This migrating populace would eventually denounce their Kujat title, calling themselves Rivani as tribute to their leader. She continues to serve as their voice, appointed by Shirod as their ambassador.

The Roltoi are one of the three major races that established themselves over a thousand years ago. They can endure Encephelon's environment without sustenance for days. The outer layer of their skin is calloused, almost rock-like, but smoothed out in textures. While they do not have follicles, their heads have a smooth shelled surface that grows extra layers over time.
Many Roltoi use special clips and braces to help shape this shell growth, and have chiselers sculpt it to their liking --- the equivalent to a Hume hairstyle. While they do not have noses, their sense of smell is transmitted through their neck folds, which also contain extra sets of vocal chords. Like most races, they come in varying sizes and shapes. Typical heights range from 6 to 8 feet and life spans average up to 150 years. They are known to be strong and cunning warriors.
Kujat-Roltoi are viewed as an arrogant species. They exhibit a superiority complex due to many of their kind working closely with the God Child. Males outnumber their female counterparts, but the latter usually holds higher office, serving as matriarchs.
Rivani-Roltoi are a small population compared to the rest of the groups that migrated from Kujat. Because of their high status in the coalition, most did not see the uncivil disparities between races. Those that did came from lower castes, sympathizers and pacifists that gravitated toward Adesi-To'Rivan's ideology. However, Kujat-Roltoi's past transgressions are not quickly forgotten. Many Rivani-Roltoi are scrutinized for this despite their shared views of equality.

The Buvolans are the next species at the top of the food chain. Many share office with Roltoi, but most are designated underground. Unlike the Roltoi, the Buvolans cannot deal with the hot surface climate for long. This puts many Buvolans in close proximity to other alien races. They have similar facial features to Hume, and toughened skin textures like the Roltoi.
While they vary in different height sizes, their typical constitution is lithe and wiry. Where the Roltoi's sexual biology between male and female are hard to differentiate, the Buvolans are quite the opposite. They resemble Hume in this regard, only females have tougher skin compared to the males, who do not have as many bony protrusions. Their lifespans average up to 90-120 years. Buvolans are known to be agile and intelligent, who can also see in the dark.
Kujat-Buvolans are treated in the same way Rivani-Roltoi are treated by their own ilk. Adesi-To'Rivan left a great mark on Kujat, embarrassing the coalition and Tarbis in front of all of Encephalon. The ones stationed underground are treated more fairly by the other races, who view them as loyalists. The buvolans that are in high office however are under constant scrutiny by the Roltoi, and even Tarbis himself.
Rivani-Buvolans are deeply respected by other Rivani, especially those who've chosen to help Adesi-To'Rivan with her ambassador duties. Most have gone off to serve under the Oasis guild. Very few have joined The Iron Jackals.

Weko are the grunt workers of Kujat. They labor tirelessly, mining ore and harvesting water in the caverns, or fixing and repairing infrastructure. They came to Kujat sometime before Zephrot's birth, becoming the main labor force and backbone for its architectural development. They are a cross between feline and insect. They have an ant's outer carapaces and drone-like work ethic, combined with a cat's mobility and facial features. They've got eight appendages total.
Weko walk upright in social settings, but scuttle on all eight limbs when working. They vary in size and shape, and have a 70 year life expectancy. Very few Weko left during the Expanse Migration. The ones that did are having the most difficulty transitioning into their new lifestyle. With fewer Weko to socialize with, Rivani-Weko keep to themselves, and pick up work that closely resembled their old jobs back in Kujat.

The Roltoi are one of the three major races that established themselves over a thousand years ago. They can endure Encephelon's environment without sustenance for days. The outer layer of their skin is calloused, almost rock-like, but smoothed out in textures. While they do not have follicles, their heads have a smooth shelled surface that grows extra layers over time.
Many Roltoi use special clips and braces to help shape this shell growth, and have chiselers sculpt it to their liking --- the equivalent to a Hume hairstyle. While they do not have noses, their sense of smell is transmitted through their neck folds, which also contain extra sets of vocal chords. Like most races, they come in varying sizes and shapes. Typical heights range from 6 to 8 feet and life spans average up to 150 years. They are known to be strong and cunning warriors.
Kujat-Roltoi are viewed as an arrogant species. They exhibit a superiority complex due to many of their kind working closely with the God Child. Males outnumber their female counterparts, but the latter usually holds higher office, serving as matriarchs.
Rivani-Roltoi are a small population compared to the rest of the groups that migrated from Kujat. Because of their high status in the coalition, most did not see the uncivil disparities between races. Those that did came from lower castes, sympathizers and pacifists that gravitated toward Adesi-To'Rivan's ideology. However, Kujat-Roltoi's past transgressions are not quickly forgotten. Many Rivani-Roltoi are scrutinized for this despite their shared views of equality.

The Buvolans are the next species at the top of the food chain. Many share office with Roltoi, but most are designated underground. Unlike the Roltoi, the Buvolans cannot deal with the hot surface climate for long. This puts many Buvolans in close proximity to other alien races. They have similar facial features to Hume, and toughened skin textures like the Roltoi.
While they vary in different height sizes, their typical constitution is lithe and wiry. Where the Roltoi's sexual biology between male and female are hard to differentiate, the Buvolans are quite the opposite. They resemble Hume in this regard, only females have tougher skin compared to the males, who do not have as many bony protrusions. Their lifespans average up to 90-120 years. Buvolans are known to be agile and intelligent, who can also see in the dark.
Kujat-Buvolans are treated in the same way Rivani-Roltoi are treated by their own ilk. Adesi-To'Rivan left a great mark on Kujat, embarrassing the coalition and Tarbis in front of all of Encephalon. The ones stationed underground are treated more fairly by the other races, who view them as loyalists. The buvolans that are in high office however are under constant scrutiny by the Roltoi, and even Tarbis himself.
Rivani-Buvolans are deeply respected by other Rivani, especially those who've chosen to help Adesi-To'Rivan with her ambassador duties. Most have gone off to serve under the Oasis guild. Very few have joined The Iron Jackals.

Weko are the grunt workers of Kujat. They labor tirelessly, mining ore and harvesting water in the caverns, or fixing and repairing infrastructure. They came to Kujat sometime before Zephrot's birth, becoming the main labor force and backbone for its architectural development. They are a cross between feline and insect. They have an ant's outer carapaces and drone-like work ethic, combined with a cat's mobility and facial features. They've got eight appendages total.
Weko walk upright in social settings, but scuttle on all eight limbs when working. They vary in size and shape, and have a 70 year life expectancy. Very few Weko left during the Expanse Migration. The ones that did are having the most difficulty transitioning into their new lifestyle. With fewer Weko to socialize with, Rivani-Weko keep to themselves, and pick up work that closely resembled their old jobs back in Kujat.
Cogs are devilish fiends whose usefulness is only best served as cannon fodder on the battlefield. Tarbis found them when he was excavating the surrounding ruins near his birth site. They worship the God Child like crazed zealots, and will gladly give their lives for him. They are like gaunt Hume children with dark eyes, slightly hairy, tanned, with jagged sharp teeth and nails.
These impish grunts can only grow as tall as five feet, but they are a menacing ball of energy to deal with. While most were loyalists, there were others that were easily swayed by Zephrot. Many of them congregated over to his faction, where he implanted behavior chips to keep them in check. Records don't show of any Cogs in the Expanse Migration registry. It is storied that some of them did in fact join the march at the beginning, but got lost, or turned back when they realized what the march was for.
These impish grunts can only grow as tall as five feet, but they are a menacing ball of energy to deal with. While most were loyalists, there were others that were easily swayed by Zephrot. Many of them congregated over to his faction, where he implanted behavior chips to keep them in check. Records don't show of any Cogs in the Expanse Migration registry. It is storied that some of them did in fact join the march at the beginning, but got lost, or turned back when they realized what the march was for.
Before the God Children came into play, the humes were outnumbered by the alien communities of Kujat. The coalition viewed them as a weak and inferior race, wanting to enslave the hume into their workforce, or eradicate them completely.
The humes rebelled against enslavement and fought back. Then the Kujat revealed their secret weapon, The God Child Tarbis, who wreaked havoc on the hume population. If not for Zephrot's intervention the humes would've been wiped off the face of the planet. Now, a thousand years later, the humes population has expanded across Encephalon, pulled and pushed every which way by the God Children that willingly accept them.

Anti-God Child Activist: Solin Kar
Non-Enhanced humes are a rarity. They've refused to undergo cyberization under Zephrot's fanatical reign. Some are still in hiding at the Pillars of Zephrot, but his herald hunts them down. They are given one option when captured: Conversion. Denying this results in fatal execution. Many have fled to Snowstone when Shirod's ascension was complete, making their own Expanse Migration in a sense.
Most have transitioned into their newfound lives in Snowstone, Oasis, or The Iron Jackal. Those that don't, live on the outskirts of charted territory, away from The God Children. Many of these types have banded together, forming anti-God Child terrorist groups. Humes are the most ethnically diverse species, varying in different sizes and constitutions. They can live up to 200 years without cyberization.

Skullfire Fang Inquisitor, Hida Kar
Zephrot's technological advancement in cybernetics transferred over to his subjects. Those willing to undergo their transformation gave birth to evolved states in Skullfire Fang society. Zephrot's research on Fragments paved this advanced union between hume organics and biomechatronics. A renaissance of wonder and possibility soon spiraled into a hive-mind complex of madness.
The Night Prism Temple is a beacon to this craze, sitting on top of the Pillars of Zephrot, stirring concepts of perfection through cyberization. This eventually lead to a purge, an ongoing witch hunt against heretics that dare not join them in this era of enlightenment.
While non-enhanced were mostly the ones whom fled from this purge, there were many enhanced humes among them as well. Shirod offered all humes shelter, just like he did with the former Kujat, though many of the enhanced had to go through a battery of screening tests to wipe Zephrot's influence from their systems.
Enhancement means any organic replacement with biomechatronics, especially cyberized brains that allow extranet access, internally. There is an ongoing debate as to whether enhanced humes should be considered humes at all, suggesting they've become synthetic off-shoots or a subspecies of artificial intelligence. While this is offensive to migrating enhanced humes, Zephrot and The Skullfire Fangs welcome this discussion, as they've preferred to cut all ties from their origins, completely.
The humes rebelled against enslavement and fought back. Then the Kujat revealed their secret weapon, The God Child Tarbis, who wreaked havoc on the hume population. If not for Zephrot's intervention the humes would've been wiped off the face of the planet. Now, a thousand years later, the humes population has expanded across Encephalon, pulled and pushed every which way by the God Children that willingly accept them.

Anti-God Child Activist: Solin Kar
Non-Enhanced humes are a rarity. They've refused to undergo cyberization under Zephrot's fanatical reign. Some are still in hiding at the Pillars of Zephrot, but his herald hunts them down. They are given one option when captured: Conversion. Denying this results in fatal execution. Many have fled to Snowstone when Shirod's ascension was complete, making their own Expanse Migration in a sense.
Most have transitioned into their newfound lives in Snowstone, Oasis, or The Iron Jackal. Those that don't, live on the outskirts of charted territory, away from The God Children. Many of these types have banded together, forming anti-God Child terrorist groups. Humes are the most ethnically diverse species, varying in different sizes and constitutions. They can live up to 200 years without cyberization.

Skullfire Fang Inquisitor, Hida Kar
Zephrot's technological advancement in cybernetics transferred over to his subjects. Those willing to undergo their transformation gave birth to evolved states in Skullfire Fang society. Zephrot's research on Fragments paved this advanced union between hume organics and biomechatronics. A renaissance of wonder and possibility soon spiraled into a hive-mind complex of madness.
The Night Prism Temple is a beacon to this craze, sitting on top of the Pillars of Zephrot, stirring concepts of perfection through cyberization. This eventually lead to a purge, an ongoing witch hunt against heretics that dare not join them in this era of enlightenment.
While non-enhanced were mostly the ones whom fled from this purge, there were many enhanced humes among them as well. Shirod offered all humes shelter, just like he did with the former Kujat, though many of the enhanced had to go through a battery of screening tests to wipe Zephrot's influence from their systems.
Enhancement means any organic replacement with biomechatronics, especially cyberized brains that allow extranet access, internally. There is an ongoing debate as to whether enhanced humes should be considered humes at all, suggesting they've become synthetic off-shoots or a subspecies of artificial intelligence. While this is offensive to migrating enhanced humes, Zephrot and The Skullfire Fangs welcome this discussion, as they've preferred to cut all ties from their origins, completely.

These large beasts roam the outskirts of charted territory in packs. Many of them can be tamed as mounts or haul heavy loads. The last bottom two are aerial Ogults. The insectoid aerial Ogult is particularly feisty. They are often found hiding in deep caverns, or congregating over at the Guidewater where temperatures aren't so hot. The Whale Ogult is also an aerial beast, and has made the Guidewater their knew migration spot. It is the only non-carnivore out of its Ogult family.

Iiol are tall (10 feet) bilums that light up the night with their luminescent bellies. They are non-hostile creatures. Small towns running on limited Zyphan power use Iiol extract as their light sources. They also like to feed on rust, bacterial overgrowth, and weeds, making them decent yard keepers.

These chemiluminescent creatures are typically found in dark spaces like caverns or underground tunnel ways and mines. They feed on energy resonating from Zyphan monoliths and artifacts, making them useful excavation tools. They can be hostile when provoked, but otherwise keep themselves preoccupied with bright and shiny things. Their glowing mouth appendages can transmit up to 8 milizyphs (800 volts equivalent) of shock, and can also absorb thrice as much power before discharge. They range between 18-22 inches in height and can way up to 80 lbs.

Bulvites are smaller, yet bulkier, cousins of Iiol. These are typically kept in Eco Domes, or terraformed areas along the Oasis. The luminescent bulbs growing out from their shells are at their brightest during nightfall. These attract pesky insects that would otherwise feast on crops.

Miscellaneous Notes
Economy: Each territory has their own socioeconomic standard. The Kujat have their own currency; Small, rectangular-shaped dark metals called Jatis, have mediocre conversion rates outside of Kujat. Siods are credit disc-shaped chits that circulate through the Oasis, Snowstone, and The Iron Jackals territories. Coinage, however, is rarely used in big cities and towns. They've established digitized currency through the extranet called, Iyods, which are even used by the Skullfire Fangs.
Non-privatized banks exist and are directly under the supervision of God Children. Capital ventures and entrepreneurism are closely regulated at the top, while regular street merchants and caravaners are 'softly' taxed.
Governments: God Children dictatorship is kept in order by cabinet officers that oversee all territorial affairs. The Oasis and The Iron Jackals are under the Snowstone's umbrella of operations, but Ygnasia and Sansavi facilitate how their lands are run. The Skullfire Fangs aren't isolationists like their Kujat rivals; Zephrot has been known to negotiate trade deals in the past.
Food & Plants: Before the construction of the eco dome, wheat, grain, and corn, were sparsely grown near surface-layer water spots. The Kujat harvested dry fruits and vegetables underground, hunting vertebrae and herded Ogult cattle for protein. Rivani brought the underground farm culture into Snowstone before Ygnasia created the eco domes. These large greenhouses revolutionized agriculture in Encephalon by tenfold, allowing for exponential growth and variety in the production of fruits, vegetables, and grains.
Entertainment: Encephalon isn't always full of gloom and doom. The extranet ushered in various forms of entertainment, cinema and music being its chief properties. A news outlet exists, but is a very straight forward telecast. There are sporting events like The MFL (Mobile Exo Fighting League) where contestants compete in mobile exo units, and Dart Racing, a dangerous high speed contest through various obstacle courses.

Note: Mirage Lotus is a typo. It's called The Lotus Mirage. :)
The Kujat Territory


Tarbis, The Many Handed, is ruler of the Kujat territories and the first born God Child. He views himself as a transcendent being and believes his worshipers are the true natives of Encephalon. He is most unreasonable, unwilling to compromise for the sake of his younger brothers and sisters. He possesses the powers of shape shifting and has blessed his followers with polymorphic technologies.
The Kujat Coalition
A union formed thousands of years ago by the Roltoi and Buvolan, before the inception of Tarbis. They followed the veined energies of Zyphus and found themselves east where The Many Handed emerged from a cavern, the site of their holy land and base of operations. Their worship granted them the tools needed to destroy their enemies, the Hume. The land of Kujat quickly became a beacon for other alien races that riddled the planet, rallying them under one banner, taking part in Roltoi and Buvolan's old crusade. Despite the Expansive Migration many years later, where a sizable chunk of the Coalition's population up and left, The Kujat still has the highest population count in Encephalon.
The word Kujat does not just define the holy land and birth place of Tarbis, it is the name given to all alien races that pledge themselves to the Coalition. While it is of common belief that ALL Kujat are true natives of Encephalon, there is still racial segregation appropriated by social castes. The Roltoi and Buvolan will bicker over who is the truest of natives, while all other alien races are treated as working class drones. This problem was an unspoken taboo before the inevitable Expanse Migration, which busted the topic wide open for the world to see. While the rest of Encephalon may view the Expanse Migration as a step forward towards equality, many traditional Coalitionists saw it as a, Jotokon, or, purging of the weak --- an idea greatly supported by Tarbis himself.

The Holy Epicenter, birth place of Tarbis.
The lands of Kujat are riddled with rough terrain and unique formations exclusive to this location. They are often called mushroom rocks because of their broad peaks and narrow bodies, and they canvas most of the land like large redwoods, often towering as high as 100 meters, or fastened together to create canyons that look like stacked hourglasses. Kujat lacks a watering hole of any kind on the surface layer, but deeply rooted underneath certain mushroom rocks are pools of drinkable water. The Holy Epicenter is nearly indistinguishable to its surroundings. The structures are built like gargantuan mushroom rocks, but upon closer inspection, you can see the lights from viewing windows and balconies generated by the relics underneath the surface. Deep in these cavernous pits are where most of the lower caste Kujat population live. While earning a spot in one of those mushroom towers means the pinnacle of Kujat success, life underground away from the constant sand storms and sweltering heat isn't all that bad.
Notable Characters
- Adesi-To'Rivan: The Buvolan leader behind the Civil Rights Movement for Aliens, ultimately leading her followers out by what is known as the great march, or, Expanse Migration.
- The Wardenguard: Tarbis' mighty herald. This genetically modified Roltoi lead many wars against the Hume, but now serves as the voice of his God Child.

Roltoi Shattermaster (top) Buvolan Soldiers (bottom)
The Skullfire Fangs


The second son that was always in the shadow of his older brother. Zephrot is a vain God Child who relishes in his follower's worship. The grand manipulator of his siblings, and so long as the Hume continue to adore him, will pridefully scheme for the benefit of the Skullfire Fangs. Zephrot fathered a technology that has become a modern staple in Encephalon: Cybernetic enhancement. It was a means to evolve the Hume species and rival their Kujat enemies, but doing so gave rise to a cultist society where flesh is offered for cybernetics.
The Skullfire Fangs
A thousand years ago, the Hume were oppressed by the racial tensions brewing between the Kujat, persecuted by their God Child Tarbis, who tried to slaughter their kind before Zephrot intervened. The Kujat campaigned with their blessed technologies, hunting down the Hume that still fought with spears and swords. Zephrot evened the playing field by introducing technology, and the knowledge to wield it. Unfortunately, the minds of the Hume were too underdeveloped for such complexities, so Zephrot blessed them with cyberized minds capable of ushering in a new era. The Hume were able to turn the tide against the Kujat, deadlocked in a longstanding conflict that lasted a hundred years. By the time Shirod came into the fray, a significant change occurred within hume society. Zephrot supported the philosophy of Full Body Cybernetics, a belief that urged Humes to transition into the next evolutionary phase, becoming that much closer to the likeliness of Zephrot. Thus, The Skullfire Fangs were born.
Not all Humes were blessed with cyberized minds. Many refused Zephrot's gift, but still offered their loyalty and faith to the God Child. The eventual mandate that gave rise to The Skullfire Fangs drew a line in the sand, causing a civil war between the natural hume and the enhanced. This troubled Zephrot. Now that his worshipers were split, he didn't want to be hated by either group, so he remained neutral and let them hash it out themselves. Those unwilling to join the new regime fled the land. Some will say that the lifestyle hasn't changed, but it is clearly evident how militaristic and volatile Zephrot's worshipers have become. The fanaticism behind their beliefs is equally concerning. They've erected temples of worship, offerings their flesh for the blessing of Full Cybernetic Enhancement as a spiritual transformation.

The Pillars of Zephrot
South of the Kujat territories are the open dunes of the Skullfire Fangs. At the center of this desert are massive constructs called The Pillars of Zephrot, colossal structures carved out from a singular mountain. It is riddled with buildings from head-to-toe, cramming in a hodgepodge of housing, industry, and entertainment. At the top of the largest pillar is the Night Prism, an ebony temple that is the headquarters of the Skullfire Fangs.
Notable Characters:
-Zaphael: Herald of Zephrot,
Inquisitor of the Pillars that takes delight in purging the natural organisms from his homeland. He is selected to be the next host for Zephrot.

Emeritus Elite (top) Grunt Cogs (bottom)
The Snowstone


Shirod entered into the world as the voice of reason. He was given the impossible task of mediating between his brothers. Recognized by many as the peacekeeper, those who wanted no part in Tarbis and Zephrot's wars sought refuge under the Snowstone banner.
The Snowstone Faction
This faction exists as a policing effort, a neutral zone that offers sanctuary to refugees. Most of their earlier ranks are former Kujatists that came from the Expanse Migration. Many Humes joined the Snowstone when Zephrot reclaimed his lands under the Skullfire Fangs, amassing the first ever cohabitants of these two species. Shirod knew that in order to be a presence on Encephalon, he'd have to match his brothers in both firepower and technology. The melting pot between Kujat and Hume brought forth a symbiotic research of both technologies, reinforced by Shirod's intuitive genius. Thus came the marriage of cybernetic enhancement and polymorphic technology.
Tension and steady conflict are the norm. If The Snowstones are not busy mediating the Kujat and the Skullfire Fangs, they are preoccupied with intercultural relations between former Kujatists and Humes. The new term for these Kujatists are Rivani, a name derived from the Civil Rights Activist, Adesi-To'Rivan, who lead the Expanse Migration. There is an active dialogue between the two parties, and while hostility may never go away, exposure to each other's cultures has, at the very least, brought social awareness. The centralized agreement that seems to hold things together by a sliver, is the wrongful atrocities committed on their native territories.

The right wing quadrant of Snowstone's Capital.
These lands are made up of valleys and canyons that stretch as far as the Guidewater, cutting into the mainland and bordering off Kujat, Skullfire Fang, and even Iron Jackal territories. Cities are built from within these colossal landscapes that twist and bind into whimsical mazes, and jut out on its edges like spore overgrowth. A pipe system connecting from the Guidewater circulates through the main capital and out into the smaller cities. There is a web of underground railway systems and large elevator chutes that provide convenient transportation to and from Snowstone establishments.
Notable Characters
Icom: Herald of Shirod. It is believed that she is derived from the God Child himself, a living fragment, thus considered his daughter. Icom is a formidable soldier of war. She has grown to despise her father's Kujat-Hume bipartisan ideologies, greatly influenced by the more aggressive stance of The Iron Jackals.
Rolt Ager: A valiant peacekeeper that upholds the law within Snowstone territories. Responsible for disrupting a major terrorist attack that could've flooded Snowstone's entire infrastructure by destroying parts of the Guidewater.

Snowstone Scout (top) Valor Ranger (bottom)
The Oasis Guild


She came to Shirod's aid by stabilizing communities and maintaining resources. Her designation was to the well-being of the innocent, birthing a miracle with the creation of the Guidewater. While weaponized technologies were her brothers constructs, she focused on innovation. With the help of her worshipers, Ygnasia increased the utility of energy rooted from the Zyphus with thermoelectric power of the Guidewater. This makes for a consistent energy source that fuels many of the surrounding cities, particularly that of Snowstone, Oasis, The Iron Jackals, and several neutral establishments on the outskirts of The Skullfire Fangs and Kujat Territories.
The Oasis Guild
Their inception came at a time when the Snowstone was stretched thin. Policing Kujat-Hume conflict and intercultural tension within their communities had galvanized resources. Ygnasia pooled worshipers from Shirod, but mainly recruited anyone willing to help create a better life on Encephalon. Making water readily accessible was their first monumental task. For hundreds of years it was mined from beneath the surface. While it was revealed that there were many deposits scattered throughout the planet, they required intense filtering systems in order for it to be drinkable. Together with a research team, Ygnasia embarked on an ambitious project. By tapping into the largest water deposit underground, she was able to construct a massive pipeline system. It took many years, and many casualties, but the end product resulted in the Guidewater. It is the largest body of water on Encephalon's surface, covering over 150,000 square miles (think Caspian sea). It is bordered between The Oasis Guild and The Snowstone by design. This stunning development would shift the political landscape between Kujat and The Skullfire Fangs, creating ceasefires in order to negotiate ways to pool the Guidewater into their own lands.

Ygnasil, Capital of The Oasis Guild
The water supply makes this land the most lush and fertile on the planet, but due to Encephalon's weather conditions, provides limited open harvest. Much like the other factions, produce is kept stored in large eco domes, but it is without a doubt that food grown here is the freshest. And most expensive. Greenery can be seen along the outskirts of the Guidewater, as well as down the open streams that create a canal system between major cities. While many students of the mind congregate here, it is also a great tourist attraction. There is a partitioned section of the Guidewater specifically for recreation. It has a luxury resort called The Llyia, a true getaway paradise from Encephalon's deserts. The Guidewater has developed its own ecosystem with a thriving community of water creatures. Many of these creatures were imported from the underground water deposits below, and they usually stay there until the cooler temperatures of nightfall hits. It has become a massive watering hole for land creatures as well. Oasis Patrol Units are often looking out for poachers if not illegal water harvesters. The presence of the Guidewater has also created a rain system, a first in Encephalon history.
Notable Characters
Deidra: Former Science Officer from Snowstone, Deidra monitors the Guidewater and oversees eco dome production.
Toddrix: Head Defense Officer in charge of all security operations for the Guidewater.

Typical 4-Team Guidewater Patrol unit (top) Tracker (bottom)
The Iron Jackals


Ygnasia brings water and Sansavi offers fire. Her ideology is simple: if you are not for the collective, you are a threat that must be neutralized. The collective she refers to is that of Shirod and Ygnasia's ilk. Sansavi views her brother as the diplomat, her sister Ygnasia as the shield, and herself as the sword of Encephalon. Her apathy for Zephrot and Tarbis is fueled by their incessant quarreling. She would like nothing more than to wipe them and their worshipers off the face of the planet, and if Shirod and Ygnasia weren't there to keep her in check, she'd have initiated her war campaign long ago.
The Iron jackals
Those who ride under the Iron Jackal banner join the warrior caste of ardent crusaders. They'll follow Sansavi to hell and back, adopting her ideology of hate and disgust for the Kujat and the radical Skullfire Humes. Many of their ranks consist of Rivani and Hume that want to take back their land. Others join because they see Sansavi as a God Child of action, doing what Shirod and Ygnasia dare not for fear of disrupting the balance on Enceophalon. They are known for their mechs, giant war machines armed to the teeth with a variety of powerful weapons. This piece of technology is used by other factions, adopted from Shirod's designs, but Sansavi has put great focus on their enhancement, making them a primary war horse in Sansavi's military.
These war mongers have developed a philosophy to their ways, a Code of the Jackal that values the importance of ones existence against wrongdoers. They engage in a tribal dance before battle, roaring the Hymn of Sansavi, as a means to intimidate their foes. They respect the Oasis and the Snowstone, but see them as weaker subjects that are too scared to make an actual difference. In fact, there is no racial hostility expressed toward Kujat and Skullfire Hume, more so angered by their unwillingness to compromise for the greater good. That is not to say every Iron Jackal thinks this way. Whatever their motivations might be, Sansavi approves it, so long as they use it to fuel their war frenzy.

The Grand Mastiffs
Rugged uninhabitable sand dunes litter the entirety of this locale. The Iron Jackals live aboard The Grand Mastiffs, mobile frigates that are colossal in size. There are a total of six known Grand Mastiffs, the largest is Sansavi's flagship, calculated to be around 1200 meters in length. These frigates act as armed tanks, as well as makeshift cities. Due to the limited space available within these frigates, all citizens are required to have spartan quarters with a limit on personal valuables. The Mastiffs are notoriously sluggish on any terrain. While they mainly traverse within their own territories, Snowstone and Oasis have built massive tunnel ways, offering passage to and from their lands if needed.
Notable Characters
Iben Vardi, The War Jackal: A fragment of Sansavi, created to be The Iron Jackals patriarch, but is viewed more as a herald than an equal. He is a grand war strategist and combat veteran, rivaled only by Icom of Snowstone.
Zhenda Moxx: Sansavi's finest battlemaiden that is an unrivaled mech pilot.

The Grand Army of The Iron Jackals (top) Olotoji Assassin (bottom)
The Lotus Mirage

Fresh from its awakening, the God Child has yet to reveal itself. Plans for its ascension are already set in motion, for Shirod and Ygnasia somehow anticipated its arrival. The rise of The Lotus Mirage is a peculiar phenomena, for the large construct came out from the Guidewater itself, an event that Ygnasia did not premeditate when constructing the resource pool. While Shirod and Ygnasia are personally coordinating the God Child's ascension, this is a collaborative effort among all factions, something that's never been done before. While the specifics are unclear, the God Children working together is a monumental step in Encephalon's history.
The Lotus Mirage
While its God Child is still in dormancy, its overall philosophy for discovering the truth about everything has garnered much interest across Encephalon. While its ranks expected the likes of Snowstone, Oasis, and Iron Jackal members, many Kujat and Skullfire Fang candidates have come forward as well. The latter have pledged fealty to The Lotus Mirage, screened intensely through a battery of tests, and vouched for by neutral Kujat and Skullfire ambassadors.
The psychological profile of a Lotus Mirage member is one not bound by divisive institutions. While prejudices certainly exist, the bigger picture is conceptualized with great importance, an ideology expressed by all God Children. As expected, Tarbis and Zephrot have their reservations, including Sansavi, but their desire to uncover the truth supersedes their cautious pessimism.

The Lotus Mirage
This city state blends old architecture with a technologically advanced infrastructure. Surrounded completely by the Guidewater, the only way to reach this location is by aerial transport, or through the large elevator chutes typically reserved for importing goods and resources. It is unclear how the monoliths underneath this super structure maintain its suspension, and Ygnasia has taken great strides securing The Lotus Mirage in place with gravimetric tethers and backup generators.
Heralds of The Lotus Mirage
You've left your former allegiance to join the Sixth God Child's cause. You were not forced, in fact you willingly volunteered because finding the truth about all things is what stirs deep within you. Or maybe not. Maybe your God Child saw you as a valuable asset and nothing more. Maybe you have different reasons all together. Either way, you were competent enough to pass the rigorous trials and psychological screen tests. You're here now, ready to use your training and skills for the grand mission to come. Do, Encephalon proud!
Note: The rigorous trials and psychological screen tests were part of the recruitment process in 1,016. These were hosted by Elric Zaitsev, a one year course done in a Snowstone military facility. This is where you honed your class skills and absolver tech, running a series of campaigns against A.I. and drones. The psych tests involved VR simulations, putting you in random scenarios to observe your thoughts and reactions. To avoid several factors, there was minimal interaction between candidates. Transport to The Lotus Mirage will be the first time they will be in the same space together.
Notable Characters
Elric Zaitsev: Former Captain of Snowstone's special forces, now acting tenant for The Lotus Mirage's God Child. He personally monitors the God Child while it is in stasis, and oversees the recruitment project for the grand exploration mission.
Vimato: A Rivani Buvolan that fled Kujat during the Expanse Migration. Formerly an elite hunter of the Iron Jackal, now guardian to The Lotus Mirage.

Special Forces Trooper (Top) Lotus Mirage Guardsman (Bottom)
0010 - The tribal ancestors of the Kujat and Hume establish their communities across the Encephalon.
0300 - The First Awakening - Tarbis is born.
0301 - The Kujat make first contact with Tarbis.
0303 - The Second Awakening - Zephrot is born. The Humes make contact the same year.
0310 - The Kujat-Hume war begins.
0403 - The Third Awakening - Shirod is born. The Humes of Zephrot proclaim themselves as The Skullfire Fangs.
0405 - The Snowstone establishes itself as a neutral faction.
0414 - The Expanse Migration is lead by Adesi-To'Rivani, escorted by the Snowstone.
0415-0421 - Civil unrest between Kujat and Hume within Snowstone.
0430 - The migrating Kujat establish themselves as Rivani.
0435 - The Fourth and Fifth Awakening: Ygnasia & Sansavi are born.
0436-4040 - The Iron Jackals and Oasis are established.
0510 - Ygnasia creates Eco Domes and the Guidewater.
0515-ongoing - Sansavi makes an aggressive campaign to eliminate Kujat and Skullfire patrol units at her borders, sparking a triangular conflict that would last for centuries. Shirod intervenes, but Sansavi's initial siding with the Snowstone eventually pits The Kujat and Skullfire against everyone else.
1,014 - The Sixth Awakening - The Youngest God Child is Born.
1,015 - Ceasefire between territories. Shirod and Ygnasia assist the Sixth's acension, establishing The Lotus Mirage.
1,016 - The trials for the Lotus Mirage Heralds begins.
1,017 - Our RP begins...
In this Sci-Fi western we will be playing as heralds of The Lotus Mirage, species from rivaling factions, guilds, and territories that have come together as a neutral party. Why? Because The God Children have done nothing but wage wars, the latest newborn being the only exception to that rule. The Sixth God Child wishes to unravel the secrets of the planet and bring forth a prosperity neither of its siblings ever hoped to achieve. But in order to do so, we must venture out and find the missing pieces of its core and make it whole again. While some of its siblings accept its ideals, there are those that secretly plot against us, for success could threaten their very existence.
Expect high adventure, character development, lots of lore, mechs, giant alien monsters, and more... I'd best describe the overall feel as a hopeful mix of Destiny, Red Dead Redemption, and Mass Effect. So, ya ready to dance, partner?
If you've read everything up to this point, congratulations! No, seriously. I know that's a lot of hiders to smash through. I don't expect you to know and understand everything that goes on in Encephalon, but that info will always be there for reference. That being said, this will be a high casual RP. Here's the rules:
I. Number one rule above all else is to show respect for each other. Like many of you, I like to log onto this site to take a break from RL drama, so I have zero tolerance for negative comments in the OOC. By all means, play your character as mean as you'd like, just keep it in the RP. I never had a problem with a rule like this in the guild, but it's good to let you all know that this is what I value.
II. All standard guild rules apply. No god mode or controlling other players characters.
III. Communication is key. If you know you're going to be away, or can't come up with a post because you're drawing blanks, it's perfectly fine with me. Just let us know so we can work our way around it. Also, be sure to mention usernames to whoever your character is interacting with in RP.
IV. Having fun! <--- Yes, the obligatory cornball rule applies here too. If you're drawing blanks for a post because the pace is dragging along, throw a wrench or two in there and see what happens. Just keep rule II in mind when you do.