► The Rules
• Have Fun
This rule is one of the most important ones as we're all here for the same reasons and that is to write a collaborative story with one another so why not have a little fun along the way. Do not take anything seriously within this thread.
• Respect
Please respect your fellow roleplayers within this thread, along with myself and the roleplay. Nothing much to be said here but let's all just respect one another, please.
• Drama
Okay, while In Character drama is very much encouraged, I do not condone in Out of Character drama, at all. So, please leave all of the juiciness within the In Character. If you have a problem with someone, please take it to PMs and if I need to get involved, just let me know via PM.
• Characters
This is a medieval, realistic themed roleplay so all characters must be human. Please make sure that your characters are realistic, interesting and give them flaws. Back then, no one was truly perfect especially the royals. I also want to see well thought out characters whether you're playing a King, Queen, Lord, Lady or whatever. I will allow you to play up to two characters, as well.
• Character Sheets
I want to see length and effort within your sheets. Remember that your sheet is practically your application. Pictures must be Medieval but please, make sure your image or gif is realistic and not anime or an illustration of some sort. If you need help with finding a picture, please let me know and I will try my best to help you. You have at least three days to complete a character sheet. Please sure to [@mention] me whenever you have completed your character.
• Posting
This is a high casual standard roleplay, which means that I am expecting writers to write at least two and a half to three paragraphs or more filled with character development, emotions, interactions and thoughts for each post. Please do not post one liners as they do not drive forward the story. Be considerate when posting your posts and make sure that you have read everyone's post before posting your own. If your character and another character are going to be in a long ass conversation, please get together and do a collab post. Also, do not let you post be one of those posts where you've copied and wrote very little about what your character did. If that makes sense. Please wait until at least two people have posted after your last post before you post again.
• Godmodding or Autohitting
Just don't do either of these. If you do not know what these mean then maybe this is not the roleplay for you.
• Activity & Commitment
If you make a character then please be committed enough to follow through with that character, or characters. I require that you post at least two times a week! If you cannot post for whatever reason then please let me know since I know from experience that work, life and even studies can interfere without notice. Five days is the minimum amount of time that I'll allow you to be silent in the OOC and IC. I will write your character out of the roleplay if you do not post.
• PG-13
While romance is allowed and definitely encouraged between characters, making out is fine but fade to black or take it to PMs for anything further. Minimum swearing with your posts, as well.
• Inclusiveness
While I understand that some characters might not get along, please make sure that you at least try to interact your character with everyone else's character. Embrace that within the roleplay, might cause some drama or something.
• Miscellaneous
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, do not hesitate to voice them within the thread and I will try my best to get back with you as soon as I can. And to make sure you read the rules, please put your favorite time period within the extra section of the sheet.