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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

I will save the Goliath Post until I know what @PrinceAlexus and @CollectorOfMyst are doing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Scarescrow
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Scarescrow Sociopath

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@MaeWhat is the range of effect for the dynamite when being thrown out and hit the enemies?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

@Scarescrow For Range, your heroes Strength + 3 squares. You aim at a square you want it to land and have to succeed at a Range Attack, as if you were shooting a gun, otherwise it can bounce.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 18 days ago

@Mae Well, my idea is to trade to @PrinceAlexus with either the Herbs or the bandages, and they can use that on Scare. Possible?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

@CollectorOfMyst very possible. A couple of your other posse members are in severe danger, so you might wish to use your other healing item as well. Or you could save it in case something nasty is about to happen to you ;)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 18 days ago

@Mae Oh... oh dear. I've only just seen the 'reroll for fatal damage' check. Okay... this isn't good. Think, Myst!

I hesitate to ask this, but, will the Goliath's actions change afterwards? Because from the assumption that you've asked only Deadbeat and Alexus for fatal defence rolls means I can assume one of two things; A, that Scare successfully dodged the Goliath, or B, there was an automatic hit, since in Scare's most recent sheet, he still has one DT. This isn't accounting for a possible error, of course.

In which case, I'd need to keep the one who can heal alive, most certainly, so Jimmy takes a good priority. And if Harold is going to get killed, he needs a heal as well. Darn it...

Wait - what happened to us being able to move after our turn? Because in the fight with the bats, we were able to do that. That might have changed... but that's redundant anyway because it's not technically on our turn.


>Aaron is looking from side to side, conflicted. He only has enough supplies for two people, but here before him, there are three. The Father. The Marshall. And Hawkeye. But he needs to make his decision, and fast. He knows one, but who is the other?
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

@CollectorOfMyst I was kind of testing out stuff with movement in the bat fight. In the usual game, you either use up your movement or you pass if you don't want to use it, so I've kind of switched to that now. I think the bat fight was the first forum fight we did and I wanted to make sure people weren't just forgetting to use their movement.

Now, instead, I've just been giving out reminders after people take their actions and asking if they want to pass or not, I think it's a little quicker.

So what we know so far:
Scare, Pastor Jimmy and Hawkeye Harold may or may not be dead
Everyone else may or may not be seriously wounded after this attack
Father C is blind drunk and having a great time

wee wee wooo wooo wee wee wooo wooo

ok in all seriousness though.

In the physical version of this game you would be able to see the rolls as they happen, I'm just building tension to torture everyone. However, since it affects your action, I'll send you a PM when PrinceAlexus has time to post whether they are rerolling their willpower save or not, and what the final effect is.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago


It's the holiday guys, so while I'll still ping on Day 4 Counters for prosperity's sake, no character can go "inactive" (aka have other people take over their action while their creator is away) until, let's say, after New Years, the 2nd.

So your character won't start doing there own thang cuz you got your party hobo on.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 21 min ago

>>use DT to re roll.

If can.
>>cast invulnerability on self. I'm gonna need it!

If not
>>Cause loudly at the monster with a string of profanity to make a sailor blush and want to go back lol to dry land.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

@CollectorOfMyst let me know what you decide to do (or if you decide not to use anything, just say pass) and I will finish off the Goliath's turn
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 18 days ago

>Aaron hears the last echo of the Goliath's roars fade from the tunnel, and know that his time to make a decision is up. Working swiftly, he took his Healing Herbs and crammed as many as he could into his mouth. Chewing as fast as he could to make them into a paste, he spat them out into his hand and applied them to Pastor Jimmy's wounds. Turning to Hawkeye Harold next, he takes his own set of Bandages and attempts to rework Dan's shoddy job to give him the best chance of coming out of here with his heart beating. With his remaining time, he utters a soft apology to Scare, for not being able to give him the supplies, to Jamie, for not coming as prepared as he could have been... and then he began to pray, to whatever gods there might be. That he would find the strength, the courage, and the determination to make it out of here, with everyone he came in with, alive.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago


@PrinceAlexusPastor Jimmy is healed up to full health!

@DeadBeatWalking Hawkeye Harold is healed for 1 HP. His wounds seem to be pretty complex, or perhaps it's the stomping monster that's distracting everyone.

Aaron Goldfeld gains 25 XP for his quick thinking under pressure.


@Duthguy woops, Dan should of received another 10 XP for your heal earlier (Its 5xp per hitpoint healed~) so adding it on now :3

Pastor Jimmy the Preacher
12 / 12 HP || 10 / 10 Sanity || 1 / 2 Determination || 186 / 500 XP || 525 Gold || Level 1 || 2 Faith
Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.

9 / 10 HP || 12 / 12 Sanity || 1 / 2 Determination || 300 / 500 XP || 425 Gold || Level 1
Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.

12 / 12, [10 + 2] HP || 8 / 10 Sanity || 0 / 2 Determination || 201 / 500 XP || 300 Gold || Level 1
Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.

13 / 14 HP || 8 / 10 Sanity || 1 / 2 Determination || 195 / 500 XP || 50 Gold || Level 1
Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

@DeadBeatWalking accidentally pinged you as "DeadBestWalking" :O

see above ^
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

The demonic Goliath stomps forward, displacing the Tentacles in it's path as it passes them with it's enormous gait.

It whips its tentacles through the crowd of heroes in a powerful flurry.

@Scarescrow Learning quickly from the wounds and slashes that now cover his body, Scare the Law Holder's eyes burn in fury as he refuses to allow this creature to hit him so much as once. With the fervor of a dead man still walking, he dodges all three viscious strikes that loom towards him.

@DeadBeatWalking Still recovering from earlier, Hawkeye Harold hardly has the strength to so much as move in time. He dodges the first blow that comes his way. The second slashes through his stomach, the third across his upper chest. For a moment it looks like he is still he might fall, but he clings to the last vestiges of his life. Barely. He takes 8 Damage!

@PrinceAlexus Pastor Jimmy looks on in horror as he watches his friend fall to the ground. The world seems to spin in slow motion and, like his party member, he succeeds in narrowly missing the first attack to come his way. The horror of the situation strikes him as he see's everything become all too clear - two tentacles slam into him, and he finds his vision momentarily. He steels his soul - No! He shall not fall before a Demon, not with the good word of the Lord on his side. He takes 8 Damage, but is still standing!

@CollectorofMyst Wise to the creature's tricks and full of resolve at his silent declaration, Aaron Goldfeld manages to dodge the first two strikes to find their way to him. The third catches him offguard, striking him for 4 Damage.

@Duthguy Dan, thinking himself safe, takes two strikes and 8 Damage before he manages to dodge the final attack.

Father C hiccups grumbles something from somewhere further down the cavern.

Pastor Jimmy the Preacher
4 / 12 HP || 10 / 10 Sanity || 1 / 2 Determination || 186 / 500 XP || 525 Gold || Level 1 || 2 Faith
Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.

1 / 10 HP || 12 / 12 Sanity || 1 / 2 Determination || 300 / 500 XP || 425 Gold || Level 1
Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.

8 / 12, [10 + 2] HP || 8 / 10 Sanity || 0 / 2 Determination || 201 / 500 XP || 300 Gold || Level 1
Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.

5 / 14 HP || 8 / 10 Sanity || 1 / 2 Determination || 195 / 500 XP || 50 Gold || Level 1
Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

@PrinceAlexus@rocketrobie2 Father C and Pastor Jimmy are tied for initiative, so whomever posts their action first will get priority.

@PrinceAlexus also sorry for not responding straight away, in combat you can only cast spells on your turn :D
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 8 days ago

>Father C stumbles to F8 and says a few healing words to Harold.

Am I able to attack too? Do sermons count as items or are they counted as an action?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Little Bill
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Little Bill Unbannable

Member Seen 4 mos ago

>Get one good whack at the Goliath with the trusty cavalry saber
>Preemptively use every move point to retreat backwards
>Request Father C sing me a gospel song as I die
>Preferably sweet chariot
>If you don't know sweet chariot, roll jordan roll will do too
>Throw dynamite past Goliath
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

@rocketrobie2 you can attack too :D
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 11 days ago

@DeadbeatWalking I'll assume that'll be your turn when it comes round, which space are you aiming the dynamite at?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 18 days ago

@rocketrobie2 If you move to F8, you're trapping everyone in! F9 would be a better move.
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