Sara Lancaster
127 lbs
Tank Role
Bow Gunner
Infantry Role
Field Commander
Sara is a thoughtful young woman, who spends plenty of time reflecting on the things she has done. She is very aware of her own mortality, and has become quite measured and meticulous when approaching things. Sara is the type of person that would stand to the side during a school dance, or be respectfully silent during a conversation between two other friends. Even though she is rather quiet during social periods, Sara is constantly observing. She has picked up a knack for spotting details that most would often overlook, and thus, her comments are usually quite surprising. Her talent for picking up on minute details was magnified during her time at Cartwright Academy, and it has led to her having some of the sharpest senses around. Rumors have been passed around that her senses are mutant, or machine enhanced in some way. Though they are false, this has led to Sara being somewhat scrutinized and alienated by some social groups. Sara would rather spend her time hunting in the woods with her falcon, Icarus. She is quite oriented with the outdoors, and it isn't uncommon for Sara for to drop off the radar and camp out in the woods on her own for a few days.
Sara's family had immigrated from the Canadian west coast the R.A.I launched a massive offensive on the last great city in the North. She was young when the attack came, but old enough to remember the experience. Drones of all shapes and sizes swept through the streets, systematically wiping out any organism that they came across. While the local militia and remains of the Canadian military put up a good fight, they were ultimately overwhelmed. Sara and her father had made it aboard one of the Navy frigates ordered to evacuate the civilians, though her mother was pushed overboard by a wave of panicking refugees. She had never seen her mother after that. The small group of frigates was assaulted by the R.A.I's own naval drones, resulting in the sinking of one of the ships. The frigate she and her father were on sustained critical damage, and was taking on water fast. Her father had told Sara to swim to the other ship, and they both dove into the Pacific Ocean along with dozens of others.
As they swam, aquatic drones pulled people underwater all around her. She was grabbed as well, just as she was pulling herself aboard the final frigate, but her father managed to free her in time. The R.A.I cut off its pursuit of the frigate as the U.S. Pacific Fleet arrived to assist the wounded ship. Sara was coughing up bloodied water on the deck of the ship, and it took her a few minutes to come to her senses and look around. She had seen that her father had lost a leg to one of the drones in the water. He was surrounded by medics, and luckily survived. But Sara was changed forever after that assault. She became aware of her humanity, and the vulnerability that came with it. Sara became quiet. That youthful naivety and hopefulness was replaced with measure and carefulness. She wasn't the only child on that ship that had been changed by the R.A.I's brutal attack. Her whole generation had turned this way, and they soon found themselves spending more and more time with the ship's crew to learn how to fight and defend themselves.
The Canadian frigate remained attached to the U.S. fleet as it made its way to a naval base on the coast of Japan. When they stepped onto solid land, Sara had noticed that Japan had been wracked by conflict just as much as Canada, if not more. The refugees were given specific instruction to stay with the military escort as they brought them to a safe town built around the Cartwright military academy. Over the years, Sara had grown more and more detached with her father, who had sunk into a bottle. The loss of his wife, his leg, and his home had made him short tempered and violent. They had no money to afford a cyber-prosthetic leg, so he was trapped in a wheel chair. Through her teen years, Sara preferred to not spent her nights at home. Despite the militia's warnings, she camped out in the woods on the outskirts of town. She hunted for her food, using a rifle she quietly taken from the town's poorly guarded armory to hunt with. The lessons she had learned on the frigate paid off well, she wasn't a slouch with the rifle.
Sara would come back to town every other day for supplies, only to head back out into the woods. One night, Sara heard a bird call. It was unlike anything she had ever heard before. Birds were a rare sight after all. She followed the sound, only to find a young falcon with a wounded wing on the ground. A feral cat was stalking around and playing with its prey. Sara chased off the cat and took the bird. She nursed it back to health, fed it, and kept it warm at night. When the falcon was healthy, Sara found that it wouldn't leave her alone. The bird followed her everywhere, always perching in the trees just out of her sight. She continued to feed it, but knew that it was still a wild animal.
When she was fourteen, Sara had stumbled across a Yakuza camp in the woods. She knew not to get any closer, and turned away. Just as she was making her retreat back into the night, she had stepped on a trip wire. A loud, alarming noise was made, and before she could run further, she was surrounded by three Yakuza thugs, one was armed with a pistol. The gangsters took her rifle, and started to fondle her. A desperate, cruel world. Then out of darkness, the falcon attacked. It clawed and tore at the armed gangster's face, making him drop his pistol. The suddenness of it all caused chaos. Sara quickly swiped the pistol from the ground and shot the gangster who took her rifle three times in the chest. Another bullet went into the second thug's knee, putting him on the ground. She scuffled over the ground to get her rifle, and was grabbed by the ankle by the crippled thug. Sara booted him in the face, and took a knife tucked away in her other boot. She stabbed that knife into the man's hand, retrieved her rifle, and shot the man dead. The falcon had the other man on his back now, and Sara finished him off as well. Not only had she claimed a human's life for the first time, but she had claimed three. She didn't have time to come to terms with her act, however. The sudden screams and gunshots had alerted the rest of the camp. Sara called out to the falcon, and it intelligently responded by following her in the sky.
She ran back toward the town, bullets flying past her and hitting the trees. She could hear hounds. A bullet passed clean through her shoulder, causing her to cry out in pain and fall to the ground. She looked over her shoulder, saw two hounds fast approaching. Using her stolen pistol, Sara killed one. The other was quickly intercepted by her new falcon companion. It's sharp beak tearing into the hound's face and throat. She quickly absterged the bleeding and made her way back to the town. She was quickly seen to by a local doctor, while a militiaman berated her about stealing a rifle and not heeding their warnings about going into the woods alone. Nevertheless, he was impressed by her story.
The militiaman directed her toward the academy, and she suddenly found herself in a classroom. She was given a dormitory, a safe place to keep her falcon, which she named Icarus. During her time at the academy, Sara had fine tuned the skills she had acquired while living in the woods. Sara spent the next six years of her life at the academy, learning to operate a variety of combat vehicles and work as a member of a cohesive infantry unit. She spent every weekend in the woods, hunting with Icarus. She was on one of these excursions when Cartwright academy was bombarded by artillery. She could hear the concussive blasts of the deadly rounds pummeling the academy and surrounding town. She returned in time to help the survivors and get others to safety. Despite her relationship with her father, she was relieved to know he survived the mysterious attack. In the following exodus to Omi Village, Sara was one of the handful of scouts that ranged ahead of the caravan to look out for any imminent threats. It was an uneventful relocation, but she was glad for that. Now in Omi Village, Sara prepares with the crew of the Bastion to head out and investigate the source of the mysterious artillery barrage.