NPC's currently available:
The Flash
Black Lightning
The Flash
Black Lightning
* represents a founding member
Kal El or Clark Kent (Appears 35, though he has been around much longer)
The symbol of peace and hope in the world, though he does not like nor want the position, many expect him to lead humanity into the next era. Is arguably, the most powerful being on earth as of this moment.
Current Location: Tamaran

The symbol of peace and hope in the world, though he does not like nor want the position, many expect him to lead humanity into the next era. Is arguably, the most powerful being on earth as of this moment.
Current Location: Tamaran

Bruce Wayne (46)
After the Titans were disbanded, and Dick abandoning crime fighting, Bruce sought to find a new apprentice. Jason Todd worked hard to live up to the standard set by his predecessor, until his unfortunate demise at the joker’s hands. After the loss of his second partner, Bruce lost his will to continue until meeting Helena. After her death, what was left of Bruce Wayne died, and he now lives almost full time as Batman. Recently, he has begun to use a more heavily armored suit, as the years of injuries have begun to take their toll.
Current Location: Tamaran

After the Titans were disbanded, and Dick abandoning crime fighting, Bruce sought to find a new apprentice. Jason Todd worked hard to live up to the standard set by his predecessor, until his unfortunate demise at the joker’s hands. After the loss of his second partner, Bruce lost his will to continue until meeting Helena. After her death, what was left of Bruce Wayne died, and he now lives almost full time as Batman. Recently, he has begun to use a more heavily armored suit, as the years of injuries have begun to take their toll.
Current Location: Tamaran

Diana Prince (Roughly 5,000 years old, appears about 30-35)
Along with being a founding member of the league, she also maintains a position at the United nations as a representative of Themyscira. In the latter part of her career, Diana has hung up the mantle of Wonder Woman to work full time for a diplomatic peace on earth. Many claim she is not the same warrior for justice she used to be.
Current Location: Tamaran

Along with being a founding member of the league, she also maintains a position at the United nations as a representative of Themyscira. In the latter part of her career, Diana has hung up the mantle of Wonder Woman to work full time for a diplomatic peace on earth. Many claim she is not the same warrior for justice she used to be.
Current Location: Tamaran

Victor Stone (34)
The catalyst for technological innovation at the dawn of the decade. Victor mainly lives on the watchtower, running the operations of the league, as well as acting as the League’s united nations liaison.
Current Location: Watchtower

The catalyst for technological innovation at the dawn of the decade. Victor mainly lives on the watchtower, running the operations of the league, as well as acting as the League’s united nations liaison.
Current Location: Watchtower

Arthur Curry
Though Atlantis still sits at the bottom of the Ocean, it has recently become recognized by the world as a sovereign nation, bringing about a new environmental protection laws. Unlike Diana, Arthur turned down the opportunity to represent Atlantis at the U.N.
Current Location: Atlantis

Though Atlantis still sits at the bottom of the Ocean, it has recently become recognized by the world as a sovereign nation, bringing about a new environmental protection laws. Unlike Diana, Arthur turned down the opportunity to represent Atlantis at the U.N.
Current Location: Atlantis

Barry Allen (35)
Serving as Kid Flash for Jay Garrick from the time he was 14 until Garrick’s death at the hand’s of Darkseid 17 years ago. Barry was taken in by the league not only for his extraordinary heroic accomplishments, but also to honor his mentor and friend. Since then he has become a key member of the league, having been the longest standing leaguer who was not a founder.
Current Location: Los Angeles

Serving as Kid Flash for Jay Garrick from the time he was 14 until Garrick’s death at the hand’s of Darkseid 17 years ago. Barry was taken in by the league not only for his extraordinary heroic accomplishments, but also to honor his mentor and friend. Since then he has become a key member of the league, having been the longest standing leaguer who was not a founder.
Current Location: Los Angeles

Dinah Queen-Lance (38)
Canary and Arrow maintained the peace in Star city for over a decade, often making appearances in Seattle, L.A, and San Diego. After the death of her husband, Canary liquidated all of their outposts in California and Oregon, and moved to Seattle permanently, establishing a world class dojo/gym/training facility. At the time of his death, Oliver had no living relatives, and Dinah being the sole beneficiary to his will, inherited the entirety of the Queen estate, roughly 8 billion dollars. It is unknown when or if she will return to crime fighting, but for now her status as a member of the League has not changed.
Current Location: Seattle

Canary and Arrow maintained the peace in Star city for over a decade, often making appearances in Seattle, L.A, and San Diego. After the death of her husband, Canary liquidated all of their outposts in California and Oregon, and moved to Seattle permanently, establishing a world class dojo/gym/training facility. At the time of his death, Oliver had no living relatives, and Dinah being the sole beneficiary to his will, inherited the entirety of the Queen estate, roughly 8 billion dollars. It is unknown when or if she will return to crime fighting, but for now her status as a member of the League has not changed.
Current Location: Seattle

John Stewart (40)
John was on a mission flying supplies for troops overseas when the ring flew through the cockpit window and chose him to protect sector 2814. He did not initially join the league after becoming a Lantern, as he was skeptical of being able to maintain his loyalties to the league and to the guardians. He is more of a satellite member, until another Lantern is assigned to the sector.
Current Location: Tamaran

John was on a mission flying supplies for troops overseas when the ring flew through the cockpit window and chose him to protect sector 2814. He did not initially join the league after becoming a Lantern, as he was skeptical of being able to maintain his loyalties to the league and to the guardians. He is more of a satellite member, until another Lantern is assigned to the sector.
Current Location: Tamaran

J’onn J’onzz
In 2005, Earth made its first successful manned mission to mars. What was found was unbelievable. Ruins of entire civilizations buried in the dirt, hidden in sand. The astronauts found J’onn trapped in rubble and slowly starving to death. After tending his wounds and feeding the martian, the astronauts returned home with their alien friend, who was quickly captured by the government, only to be immediately liberated by Superman, who felt obligated to protect a fellow alien.
Current Location: Tamaran

In 2005, Earth made its first successful manned mission to mars. What was found was unbelievable. Ruins of entire civilizations buried in the dirt, hidden in sand. The astronauts found J’onn trapped in rubble and slowly starving to death. After tending his wounds and feeding the martian, the astronauts returned home with their alien friend, who was quickly captured by the government, only to be immediately liberated by Superman, who felt obligated to protect a fellow alien.
Current Location: Tamaran

Legal Name: Dick Grayson
Hero Name: Nightwing
Age: 24
-Highly skill Acrobat/Aerialist/Escapist (The only person in the world capable of doing a quadruple somersault).
-Master of stealth and disguise
-Trained in a variety of martial arts and other forms of combat training, making him an expert in hand to hand combat.
-Expert detective skills
-A skilled hacker/programmer, utilizes lots of hightech equipment
-Natural born leader, capable of speaking/understanding many foreign/alien languages
-Though in peak physical condition, he is still not the strongest man alive, nor is he invulnerable to bullets or knives or bombs.
-Starfire. Still traumatized by her death, he suffers from night terrors centered around her, though that’s only the beginning of the psychological toll she has taken on him.
-Demons. Given the above, is this really a surprise? Though he is not scared of them, they bring up lots of emotion, hindering his judgement.
-Escrima Sticks, can attach and become a staff. Electrically charged at the ends and made of nearly unbreakable polymer.
-Wingdings, on the batarang, they are much lighter and more aerodynamic in design. Has two functions after launch. Smoke/Gas release or detonation.
-Batlens Hi-tech contact lens, capable of accessing both Batman’s and the Justice League’s supercomputers, a personal heads up display.
-His mask has a built in radio transmitter/receiver and night-vision lenses.
-Nightwing's current costume is made of a version of the Nomex fire-resistant, triple-weave Kevlar-lined material. It is an excellent protection against damage, and it's also electrically insulated. The suit is light sensitive, darkening when there is more light in the area and is tailor made for his quick acrobatic fighting style.
Mentor: Batman
History: After the death of his parents, Dick Grayson was taken as a ward and then adopted by Bruce Wayne. Wayne had been attending Haley's Circus when it came to Gotham as he had heard Tony Zucco, a wanted mafia boss, had been seen multiple times in attendance. The entire audience watched the trapeze snap and the flying graysons plummeted to their demise. Taking the on as his apprentice/sidekick, Bruce began to train the boy to fight alongside him for justice.
As Robin, Dick surpassed all of Bruce’s expectations in skill and comprehension. Bruce spent the better part of a decade training and grooming the boy to one day take his place as Batman.
He was an easy selection to lead the titans, a unanimous vote by the League. It was on the team where where he would meet Kori (Starfire) and fall in love. He lead the Titans for just over four years before Trigon’s invasion, and after the League’s imprisonment in a separate dimension, he lead the final assault on Trigon. After the deaths of Starfire and Beastboy and all three of Trigon’s sons, the remaining Titans used everything they had left to get Raven as close to her father as possible, so she could try a last ditch effort to contain her father. The two disappeared in a blinding flash of light, and neither have been seen again. Roy, Dick, and Terra all went their separate ways after that, forever scarred by the events of the battle.
The damage done to earth during Trigon’s invasion for the most part, was undone in when he disappeared. The watchtower was returned back to the correct dimension, with all members of the League still alive. The only things that were not undone was the destruction done in San Francisco, where the final battle took place. Most of the city was left with nothing but ash and rubble, while the remains still burned with a massive black cloud of smoke. Trigon’s invasion of Earth only claimed three lives, and none of them were civilian.
Dick took the following two years to remove himself from the hero business entirely, and hid himself away in Markovia with the help of Brion Markov. Though Dick did not spend his time in the streets fighting crime, he still trained to improve himself. He often spent night and day practicing his martial arts and meditating. His goal was to use meditation to help control the grief and rage that filled him, rather than taking it out on actual people. When this failed, he turned to wooden practice dummies to unleash the anger still inside.After two years in a self made exile, Dick returned to Gotham to speak to his former mentor. In his Absence, Bruce had met Helena and fallen in love himself. Seeing the growth in his apprentice after a sparring session, he understood saw that he had left a boy, and returned a man. With full access to the Wayne fortune, Dick moved to Bludhaven and began his Career as Nightwing.
The public population is largely unaware of the connection between Nightwing and Robin, as many think the first Robin retired after Trigon. When Green Arrow was found dead, the League put Nightwing in charge of the investigation, since he was trained by the world’s best detective. After it was discovered the Deathstroke was the perpetrator, the League moved forward with Dick’s plan to bring back the Titans once again.
Hero Name: Nightwing
Age: 24
Dick in is at the peak of physical fitness. He is a natural born acrobat, giving him a more slim-fit physique. He stands just under six feet, with jet black hair and sky blue eyes. There is a large scar on his abdomen that is mirrored on his back, from where he was impaled by Trigon.

-Highly skill Acrobat/Aerialist/Escapist (The only person in the world capable of doing a quadruple somersault).
-Master of stealth and disguise
-Trained in a variety of martial arts and other forms of combat training, making him an expert in hand to hand combat.
-Expert detective skills
-A skilled hacker/programmer, utilizes lots of hightech equipment
-Natural born leader, capable of speaking/understanding many foreign/alien languages
-Though in peak physical condition, he is still not the strongest man alive, nor is he invulnerable to bullets or knives or bombs.
-Starfire. Still traumatized by her death, he suffers from night terrors centered around her, though that’s only the beginning of the psychological toll she has taken on him.
-Demons. Given the above, is this really a surprise? Though he is not scared of them, they bring up lots of emotion, hindering his judgement.
-Escrima Sticks, can attach and become a staff. Electrically charged at the ends and made of nearly unbreakable polymer.
-Wingdings, on the batarang, they are much lighter and more aerodynamic in design. Has two functions after launch. Smoke/Gas release or detonation.
-Batlens Hi-tech contact lens, capable of accessing both Batman’s and the Justice League’s supercomputers, a personal heads up display.
-His mask has a built in radio transmitter/receiver and night-vision lenses.
-Nightwing's current costume is made of a version of the Nomex fire-resistant, triple-weave Kevlar-lined material. It is an excellent protection against damage, and it's also electrically insulated. The suit is light sensitive, darkening when there is more light in the area and is tailor made for his quick acrobatic fighting style.
Mentor: Batman
History: After the death of his parents, Dick Grayson was taken as a ward and then adopted by Bruce Wayne. Wayne had been attending Haley's Circus when it came to Gotham as he had heard Tony Zucco, a wanted mafia boss, had been seen multiple times in attendance. The entire audience watched the trapeze snap and the flying graysons plummeted to their demise. Taking the on as his apprentice/sidekick, Bruce began to train the boy to fight alongside him for justice.
As Robin, Dick surpassed all of Bruce’s expectations in skill and comprehension. Bruce spent the better part of a decade training and grooming the boy to one day take his place as Batman.
He was an easy selection to lead the titans, a unanimous vote by the League. It was on the team where where he would meet Kori (Starfire) and fall in love. He lead the Titans for just over four years before Trigon’s invasion, and after the League’s imprisonment in a separate dimension, he lead the final assault on Trigon. After the deaths of Starfire and Beastboy and all three of Trigon’s sons, the remaining Titans used everything they had left to get Raven as close to her father as possible, so she could try a last ditch effort to contain her father. The two disappeared in a blinding flash of light, and neither have been seen again. Roy, Dick, and Terra all went their separate ways after that, forever scarred by the events of the battle.
The damage done to earth during Trigon’s invasion for the most part, was undone in when he disappeared. The watchtower was returned back to the correct dimension, with all members of the League still alive. The only things that were not undone was the destruction done in San Francisco, where the final battle took place. Most of the city was left with nothing but ash and rubble, while the remains still burned with a massive black cloud of smoke. Trigon’s invasion of Earth only claimed three lives, and none of them were civilian.
Dick took the following two years to remove himself from the hero business entirely, and hid himself away in Markovia with the help of Brion Markov. Though Dick did not spend his time in the streets fighting crime, he still trained to improve himself. He often spent night and day practicing his martial arts and meditating. His goal was to use meditation to help control the grief and rage that filled him, rather than taking it out on actual people. When this failed, he turned to wooden practice dummies to unleash the anger still inside.After two years in a self made exile, Dick returned to Gotham to speak to his former mentor. In his Absence, Bruce had met Helena and fallen in love himself. Seeing the growth in his apprentice after a sparring session, he understood saw that he had left a boy, and returned a man. With full access to the Wayne fortune, Dick moved to Bludhaven and began his Career as Nightwing.
The public population is largely unaware of the connection between Nightwing and Robin, as many think the first Robin retired after Trigon. When Green Arrow was found dead, the League put Nightwing in charge of the investigation, since he was trained by the world’s best detective. After it was discovered the Deathstroke was the perpetrator, the League moved forward with Dick’s plan to bring back the Titans once again.
Giovanni Zatara (Was 42 when he put the helmet on)
Giovanni was not initially a part of the league, only a magical consultant, but his daughter Zatanna, did become an official league member a couple years ago. Following her disappearance and presumed death, Giovanni became overtaken with guilt. He took the Helmet of Nabu from the hall of justice in hopes that it could show him where his daughter was. It is unknown whether or not her got the answers he so desperately sought.
Current Location: Unknown

Giovanni was not initially a part of the league, only a magical consultant, but his daughter Zatanna, did become an official league member a couple years ago. Following her disappearance and presumed death, Giovanni became overtaken with guilt. He took the Helmet of Nabu from the hall of justice in hopes that it could show him where his daughter was. It is unknown whether or not her got the answers he so desperately sought.
Current Location: Unknown

Nathan Adam (32)
A former U.S. soldier turned human weapon, captain Atom has the ability to destroy entire countries at his fingertips. His ties to the U.S. government however continue to be cause diplomatic issues. He has just recently been taken captive by Russia, to stop the U.S. intrusions on Russian matters.
Current Location: Moscow

A former U.S. soldier turned human weapon, captain Atom has the ability to destroy entire countries at his fingertips. His ties to the U.S. government however continue to be cause diplomatic issues. He has just recently been taken captive by Russia, to stop the U.S. intrusions on Russian matters.
Current Location: Moscow

Brion Markov (30)
Thanks to the intervention of the first titans, Brion was able to save Markovia from civil war, and install a democratic government. Though him and his sister wern’t particularly close, he was still upset and shocked to hear of Terra’s betrayal and her working with the enemy. He is one of the most powerful members of the league, capable of causing damage on a global scale if he were to lose control.
Current Location: Watchtower

Thanks to the intervention of the first titans, Brion was able to save Markovia from civil war, and install a democratic government. Though him and his sister wern’t particularly close, he was still upset and shocked to hear of Terra’s betrayal and her working with the enemy. He is one of the most powerful members of the league, capable of causing damage on a global scale if he were to lose control.
Current Location: Watchtower

Jefferson Pierce (30)
His recruitment was spearheaded by Green Arrow, a long time friend and ally. Is often with the Flash and Geo-Force, trying to maintain the league’s presence on while the rest of the roster is preoccupied.
Current Location: Watchtower

His recruitment was spearheaded by Green Arrow, a long time friend and ally. Is often with the Flash and Geo-Force, trying to maintain the league’s presence on while the rest of the roster is preoccupied.
Current Location: Watchtower

Kara zor-el (Appears about 23)
Arriving much after than her cousin, Kara always tries to prove herself despite everyone already knowing just how powerful she is. Superman claims that one day she will surpass him and when that happens, she will need to be ready to lead the next generation when the time comes.
Current Location: Los Angeles

Arriving much after than her cousin, Kara always tries to prove herself despite everyone already knowing just how powerful she is. Superman claims that one day she will surpass him and when that happens, she will need to be ready to lead the next generation when the time comes.
Current Location: Los Angeles

Helena Bertinelli-Wayne (29)
Murdered by the Joker in front of Robin (Jason Todd) to send a message to Batman.

Murdered by the Joker in front of Robin (Jason Todd) to send a message to Batman.

Hal Jordan (31)
Killed in Darkseid’s invasion at the turn of the century. Served as the green lantern of sector 2814 for nearly a decade. Joined forces with earth’s heroes to stop the destruction of his home planet, helping start the Justice league.

Killed in Darkseid’s invasion at the turn of the century. Served as the green lantern of sector 2814 for nearly a decade. Joined forces with earth’s heroes to stop the destruction of his home planet, helping start the Justice league.

Jay Garrick (32)
One of the first super heroes of the modern era. It was his kindness and personality that brought heroes out of the shadows into the spotlight. Was essential in stopping Darkseid, making the ultimate sacrifice at the end.

One of the first super heroes of the modern era. It was his kindness and personality that brought heroes out of the shadows into the spotlight. Was essential in stopping Darkseid, making the ultimate sacrifice at the end.

Oliver Queen (38)
The League’s most recent loss. After his death, his true identity was leaked. Many now grieve over the loss of such a hero and humanitarian.

The League’s most recent loss. After his death, his true identity was leaked. Many now grieve over the loss of such a hero and humanitarian.

Zatanna Zatara (23)
Soon after joining the league, she was sent on a mission with Captain Atom to russia after a meteor landed in siberia. Neither returned from the mission, causing the league to go searching. The Russian Government has Captain Atom, claiming him as a U.S. spy. Zatanna has completely vanished from the face of the earth, many presume her dead.

Soon after joining the league, she was sent on a mission with Captain Atom to russia after a meteor landed in siberia. Neither returned from the mission, causing the league to go searching. The Russian Government has Captain Atom, claiming him as a U.S. spy. Zatanna has completely vanished from the face of the earth, many presume her dead.