Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
A Tale of Owls

Content Warning: This RP may contain uncomfortable or violent themes. While this won't make up the entirety of the RP it will be featured. Quests will feature a summary (and content warning) as well as links to the starting point. If a quest features a topic you are uncomfortable with feel free to skip over it.

Tale of Owls Collab (For Players): Here

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Famotill
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Feathers and Blood

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Famotill
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The Quest Log has been updated!

After traveling for quite some time, you've finally arrived in the port city of Ardent's Fall; quite arguably the crown jewel of Astoria. You hastily retreat from your mode of transportation. The nights of travel have been restless and unforgiving. Hopefully the allure of the city will be more accommodating.

As you near your destination an obtrusive aroma fills the air. The smells of lilac and lavender battle with the smells of sausage and roasted boar for supremacy of the evening air. You can hear the distant hush of clashing waves. It's soft orchestra almost completely drowned out by the music and banter erupting from the festival. The sounds imply a large crowd as well as performers. Remembering the letter you received, you retrieve it from your person before opening it to ensure you understand its instructions.

You have been summoned, via Royal Decree, to the Festival of Ardent on the 18th of Summerhill in the year of 114 GS. Please be aware, be you foreign or native, this matter is unfortunately one you have no choice in. L'est the glyph now occupying your left hand leave you a blackened husk.

Upon entering the city you will make way to the festival, and upon arrival will revel in the merriment that it provides you. Accompanying this letter is a sealed envelope. You will be unable to open it; try if you must. You will know when to open it. Follow its instructions to the letter.

We will be in touch.

Always Watching,

You feel the weight of the sigil branded onto your hand burning. The mark has scarred your hand an unsettling discoloration marking you by some unknown power. Occasionally you feel the weight of the sigil as it twists and contorts like bugs fleeing your palm in search of shelter in your fingertips. It is unlike any other magic you have seen. Despite your best efforts in your homeland, the cursed mark has shown no sign of slowing in its progression. Your only option was to heed the commands of the letter.

Closing your palm you feel the mark tug at you in a manner that disturbs you in ways you can't quite put to words. You steel your resolve, and head towards the festival.

Upon arrival you are greeted by the intrusive whispers of drunken denizens and the belching of beggars. Cupped in their hands a plethora of desserts. The tantalizing sounds of quality loot players, the echoes of summer laughter, and the crisp crackling of flames fill your ears. The warm yet breezy winds engulf you, and the flowered scents of before return to you. Colored banners of red, teal, white and gold line the streets. The insignia of Ardent's Fall (a teal compass) adorns the pavement and various flags. Every tavern and business littered with signs about reduced pricing. You hear the clattering of footsteps as you walk the cobblestone roads.

You notice before you , dotting the plaza as far as the eye can see a number of attractions. A group of tall and scantily clad exotic dancers -no doubt from Valenndale or one of the Union City States- beckon drunken suitors. Dwarven craftsmen have set up a small series of shops neighboring one another with a hodgepodge of trinkets, weapons, jewels, and other commodities. You see a stout woman standing next to a strange wheel carved in the shape of a round noblemen a look of horror drawn on his cartoon face. There are also a few fortune tellers gathered outside of the taverns at a small bench. Beside them, underneath a large oak tree is a story-teller surrounded by children. The cacophony of busy taverns, fire jugglers, a shouting apothecary, what looks to be a group of student mages, a mercenary troupe, and local noblemen conversing on a balcony overlooking the event would be enough to overwhelm many an unaccustomed traveler.

This is where your story begins. Whatever you may choose, you must find your answers, in the way you see fit.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by shivershiver
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shivershiver Supreme Chancellor Skelly

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mag Lev
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Mag Lev Chairman Sloth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

A Long Way From Home

Ardent’s Fall, the crown jewel of Astoria, was a beautiful sight to behold with the Ardent Festival coming into full swing, though that is if one ignores the slums. However, the sight of the grand gates of the city brought back sad memories to Andrea for it was through Ardent’s Fall that she came to Carthus nearly a year ago to pursue her trade. The city reminded her of how she yearned for her home and, at the back of her mind, a small bit of her wished to simply charter a boat and head back to see her aging father and mother. But she had more pressing matters to attend to, especially with the appearance of the glyph on her hand and risk of death.

Thus, Andrea pressed through the main gate of Astoria, though with many odd looks from the guards and checking that she wouldn’t cause any trouble. She had grown used to the strange glances, the stares and glares that some people gave her. It was only natural after all, she was taller than most people and had the typical traits of other tieflings, few commoners in Carthus had ever even heard of her kind let alone actually seen one. However, that only made her bids for contracts hunting mages or criminals all the more impressive. After all, hiring a ‘demon’ to hunt a mage seems all the more effective than hiring a regular person.

However, Andrea was soon distracted from her train of thought as she came into the plaza of Astoria. Having only arrived a year ago, not long after the last festival, she had never gotten to experience it, though she did hear of what a wonder it was. Yet the tales told by the common folk didn’t match up to what she saw before her, the sheer number of different kinds of people all packed into the plaza, the options presented before her much more numerous than she had first believed. Andrea looked around in wonder, silently taking in everything before her before she snapped to her senses.

The letter had told her to come to the festival, enjoy it, and wait for the right time to open the letter that came with it. As mysterious as the statement was, she was not one to question a mysterious stranger who had branded her with something that would cause her death. With this in mind, she began to look through the myriad of stalls which lined the plaza. She was heavily tempted to buy something from them, though the costs were a bit steep for her tastes.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by shivershiver
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shivershiver Supreme Chancellor Skelly

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Merek watched as the thief dashed away with his enchanted letter, mouth agape like much of the crowd he’d gathered. It didn’t take long for him to stumble down from his makeshift stage and begin sprinting after the barefoot rogue thoughtlessly, shoving his way through the dense crowd. Even though he didn’t know the contents of the letter, he did know that there was a good chance he’d be incinerated if he didn’t follow its instructions, a fate Merek very much wanted to avoid. The throng thinned after escaping the square and he dashed after the hooded figure, barely able to keep his eye on the short thief through the crowd. Merek’s already tenuous focus was further drawn from the task at hand when the rogue jostled a rather fetching, though bewildered, blonde woman during his escape down the narrowing alley. Time crawled to a stop, as if the gods were blessing him a longer glance at the specimen before him. Her long, golden locks flowed through the air, shimmering from the light of the dying sun. Eyes brighter than a full harvest moon that seemed to burn through the rabble of the busy street and lock with his own. Her modest dress served only to further accentuate the natural beauty of her body, for even the finest silks and linens in all the land couldn’t outmatch this goddess.

This is the woman I marry.

In a grandiose, overly-chivalric movement, Merek swept the staggered woman into his arms as if she were a dainty flower in danger of blowing away with the wind. Everything was lost in this moment for Merek; no thieves, no letters, his only concern was what he held in his arms as his eyes eagerly absorbed every inch of her being. However, this eventually lead to her hands, and his eyes couldn’t help but soak up something in the palm of her hand. A scar, very much like his own. The scar that threatened to incinerate him. If he didn’t have something?

The letter.

The words that came out of Merek’s mouth weren’t nearly as charming as the sonnet he’d been composing in his head, but they served roughly the same purpose. “Minnie’s Tavern! Later! Scar!” With these scant words, Merek righted the girl and dashed off after the man in possession of the letter that might dictate whether or not he turns into ash.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mag Lev
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Mag Lev Chairman Sloth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The selection of carts and variety of products being sold throughout the festival astounded Andrea, though it seemed somewhat similar to the few times she ever visited Azeroth. However, she had to hold herself back so as not to buy any of the items which she didn’t need, especially since so many seemed somewhat expensive despite being a bit lower quality than she’d like. It wasn’t long before her attention was drawn from a set of necklaces when a man pushed her aside as he was running. She had barely gotten a look at him before she saw another person follow soon after, realizing then that the man was likely a thief and the other a guard trying to catch him.

It was for this reason that Andrea decided she’d help catch the thief, though it also was due to the fact that the thief had taken his coin pouch when he pushed past her. With only a few seconds of hesitation she broke into a dead sprint, knocking a few people out of her way as she pushed to catch up with the thief. The barefoot man was fast, faster than her, though there was only so long he could keep running before tiring. As such, she slowed down slightly and caught up with the man pursuing him. He seemed… average for the usual human she had encountered, the only thing that stood out seemed to be the scars on his face. And one on his hand.

”What did the thief steal from you,” Andrea said between breaths, ”Was it something important? Perhaps a letter or some gold?” She looked forward and watched the thief carefully so as to not lose sight of him any time soon. She then held up her right hand in front of both of them. ”A letter that left you with this mark just like mine,” She said as quietly as she could. She hadn’t thought it possible that any other had received the letter than her, let alone that she’d encounter them. However, if there were others with the mark then she had to know, it was the best way to figure everything out that was going on at this damned festival.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by shivershiver
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shivershiver Supreme Chancellor Skelly

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The pursuit persisted through the winding streets of Ardent's Fall, with Ser Merek becoming visually winded. Though he wasn't out of shape, per se, the baron certainly had an aversion to long runs, especially down crowded streets of drunken men and men making merry; he'd much rather be amongst their ranks than scrambling through the city on a wild goose chase. Still, he needed that damn letter. No way he would be turned to ash the moment he met the woman of his dreams. As he doggedly persisted after the thief, Merek noticed him swipe a coin purse from a tall figure with blazing red horns sprouting from their head, a bold move on the thief's part. It took only a brief moment before his fellow victim gave chase after the fiend, in a notably much swifter fashion than Merek. The slim, tall figure fell back to his ragged pace for a moment to exchange a few words, it seemed, though once the baron saw her face, these words went in one ear and out the other. By the Gods...

The lithe woman was a tiefing, there was no doubt, and a rugged, yet beautiful one at that. Merek had met only a few in the past, though they left a strong impression upon him, especially the wild one with whom he shared a room with while on his travels. Though all their majesty paled when compared to the one before him. He was too enamored with the woman's flowing ebony hair, sweeping, gorgeous horns, and her graceful stride upon powerful legs to take in all the words she spoke, but he picked up bits and pieces. When she held up her hand, though, he saw the same scar that marred his own, and someone else's who he barely remembered. His eyes widened, though no words came out of his mouth, only panting. The two rounded a corner after the thief, certain they were close to catching him, only to realize the man led them in a giant circle around the city and returned them to the crowded town square. He was gone, slipped into the revelry of the festival. Merek was almost grateful for this, as any more running would have left him crawling on the ground gasping for breath, an embarrassing position to be in before his new tiefling muse. Even so, Merek bent over and took a few deep breaths, hands placed firmly on his knees. After a moment, he looked up to his red companion and spoke, trying to compose himself as much as possible. "Oh, that devil stole a letter from me, but it doesn't really matter right now," the baron panted, standing up straight. He had a strange cadence and accent to his deep voice, like a southern peasant attempting to sound like a nobleman, though a low one at that. "I was told I'd be lit aflame without the letter, though if the last thing I see before turning to ash is you, that fate doesn't sound as terrible anymore," the baron mused with a sorrowful grin.

Merek was rapidly composing a sonnet in his head as he took the tiefling's scarred hand into his own and gave it a gentle kiss. Skin like setting sun... Elegance of.. Deer? No, no... Something horns... In his frazzled state, he settled for an introduction. "Sir Merek the Brave, Baron of Ashenfield and Champion of Armond, at your service." The baron reached from his belt and handed the tiefling the small coin pouch he'd gathered from his stunt on the square before the thief made off with his letter. "It's not much, but I hope it'll make up for some of what that damned thief made off with."

Before Merek could launch into another round of flirting, he spotted a familiar face on the side of the street, a door freshly slammed in his face. "Well well, if it isn't my old friend, Bram!" Merek shouted out as he approached the man like an old friend, both arms outstretched for an embrace. In truth, the two had brushed shoulders in the past, in a few royal courts and business dealings, though they were far from old friends. In Merek's world, however, he knew no strangers, and everyone was an old friend. He hugged the nobleman in an aggressive bear hug and left him with a heavy pat on the back. "Care to join my friends and I at Minnie's? We're trying to solve the mystery of the scar," Merek asked jubilantly, showing the strange scarred glyph on his ungloved hand.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

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Calm Before the Storm

Travelling along an alley, Ferox wrapped his cloak closer about himself. While it wasn't odd to see elves or half elves in the city, he had a mission to complete. But he wanted to scope out the targets first. He made his way into the festival, blending in with the commoners and revelers. Ferox first found Ser Merek. The loud boisterous man was making some kind of commotion with a letter. Ferox drifted closer to take a look at what he was doing. 'So this is the Baron... Interesting... I thought he'd be taller. He is quite handsome... But looking at him you can see that he is too crafty for his own good.' After the thief steals the letter, Ferox sighs. 'That could be a problem... I'll bring it up with the guild later along with that strange mark. Looks like either Father's or Grandfather's work...'

Ferox shivered at the thought. No amount of dark magic or evil scared him as much as those two men. And he was rightly scared as his grandfather was a bit... Extreme. Father was no different. Ferox was a bit different. After all his forebears had done, he just wanted to do good to the world. Maybe one day learn about his family's hidden past and why he was often called by his grandfather as Veruun's gift.

Seeing movement in an alley he headed that way and spotted a drunk man being roughed up. "I'd advise you to leave him alone. I really don't have time to take out people today. I have other things I need to do." His voice was laced in ice, his stare hard and cold. Ferox was often told that he had inherited his grandfather's aura when he was serious. The way his dark eyes seemed to be void of any and all emotion, the way shadows seemed to reach for the man often drove people away. Luckily, for Ferox, this worked as they left the man alone and scrambled away. Ferox shakes his head and calms himself. He heads over to the drunkard and helps him to his feet then escorts him to a guard who tanks Ferox.

As he enters the main area again, he spies the thief from earlier. He moves swiftly and with a practiced ease of hours of training he snags the letter and coin pouch, and blends into the same crowd the man was trying to blend in with. With a satisfied smirk he heads back to his stash, as it was time for his mission. Heading to the docks he changes into his armor and tucks away the letter in one of his many pockets along with the coin pouch.
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