Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The clock ticked in a repetitious monotone as if time itself seemed to be going especially slow just to mock him. Leaning lazily against the counter top, Abel Hall checked his watch for about the tenth time in the past thirty minutes. His manager had told him an hour ago that he would come and relieve Abel, after his smoke break. To make things even worse he was the one of three people to even show up for work today, and the other guy had already left saying he was sick, leaving him as the only person watching the store. His shift was supposed to end hours ago, yet he still wouldn't be able to justify leaving. If he left the store unattended and anything got stolen he could kiss this crappy job goodbye. He groaned irritably and laid his head on the counter glass.

"This shit is ridiculous!" He barely yelled. Normally his manager would be on his case about swearing on the job where customers could hear, but he hadn't seen or heard from any for about an hour now. He had been alone in a large room full of balls, and sports gear all day. Oh joy. There were tons of sports equipment lining the walls and racks around the store, and he was beginning to think they hadn't sold anything all day. Out of boredom he stepped away from the counter and walked over to the case with some new expensive baseball bat. Using his key he unlocked the case, and removed the bat from it. The bat didn't really look at all special to him, and it raised the questioned why anyone would spend the price they were asking for, on the glorified club of metal. He huffed as he checked his watch again, not paying any attention to the man lumbering through the store's entrance.

Abel turned to take a practice swing when he saw the figure, and thinking it was his manager he grinned. "It's about tim-" When he got closer he saw the man was definitely not his manager, and he instantly went into work mode. "my apologies sir, what can I help you with today?" The man groaned, and inched closer to Abel, who noticed and quickly backed away. "Sir if you're sick I can get someone down here to help yo- WHAT THE HELL?!" Without warning the man lunged at him, and took hold of his arm. Abel struggled to pull his arm free from the lunatic, when the crazy bastard tried to bite him. "Get off of me!" With a powerful shove, he got the man off him and sent him falling into clothing rack full of jerseys. He backed away and gripped the bat tightly with both hands, his face tense. "The hell is your problem man?!" The lunatic stumbled as he got up, one of the jersey's from the rack hanging comically from his head. Hell, if the guy wasn't trying to kill him Abel probably would've laughed, Then the guy let out a horrible, inhuman noise, and then Abel finally got a look at his face. It was covered in blood, and decay, and it's eyes held a horrible vacancy to them. Before he even had time to think the thing charged at him wildly. He got closer, and closer, and closer, and the next thing Abel heard was the sound of metal crushing bone. On instinct he had swung the bat right at the thing's head, and he watched in awe as it flew to the ground showing no signs of movement when it fell. He poked it with the bat to make sure it was dead before getting a good look at it..Noticing how grey it's skin was , a light bulb went off in his head. There was no way in hell this thing was what he thought it was, there was no way humanly possible that it was.. Then he heard screaming coming from outside the entrance and he knew it was true then and there. "There's fucking zombies in the mall...."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rinion


Member Offline since relaunch

Andy had been stuck in the generator room for over 2 hours and the heat was starting to show on his now sweat dripping skin, he had been sent down earlier after somebody reported a "horrible stench" coming through the air duct, Andy had traced the scent to a large cooling fan that was connected to the malls AC unit, as he removed the last bolt on the stainless steel plating nothing could have prepared him for what was on the other side.
"Holy shit" Andy said as he stared into the single eyeball of a half decapitated skull that was hanging from one of the fans jammed blades, he covered his mouth and gagged, "Oh my god" he said as he stared into the space of what should be a fan but at the moment resembled more of a meat blender, "click" his radio went as he held down the button and spoke to the main desk.. "guys we have a serious problem down here" he said as he stepped back from the carnage, "this is Andy, i need help down here right fucking now, call the cops and get down here now!!" he shouted at the radio once again, but still no answer.
As Andy stared at the mess he heard a low grown coming from the other side of the fan, he strained his eyes to see what it was, there was no way that this person was still alive so what was it. He thought he had seen the worst until his eyes locked on to the source of the noise, it was a woman in blood drenched clothes and what looked like the remains of a human foot hanging from her gaping jaws, "Fuck this!" and shouted "i know a fucking zombie when i see one" he said as his grip tightened on the large wrench he used to undo the bolts on the fans shell, Andy didn't think twice, he sprinted for the door behind him and the second he was through he slammed it shut only to hear a crash from the other side, "shit shit shit" he said to himself as he planned his next move.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SupahCow090
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SupahCow090 The Stationary Vagabond

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Please come back again." Chester said while forcing a fake smile. The clock on the wall says 8:47PM. Almost 2 hours more 'till his shift is over. His co-workers went out for a late dinner so he was left alone at the store. He didn't like them anyways. Tick, tick, tick. The sound of the clock seemed to grow louder as time passed by and his boredom increased as well. He checked his phone to see if there's updates. None. He continued to stare at the usual store he worked in for almost a month. 8:48PM. "God! Can't you move faster?" Chester shrugged.

Footsteps. Chester didn't notice he fell asleep. He quickly fixed his hair and collar. 9:02PM. Chester stood up to welcome the customer. Or so he thought. "Run!!!" someone screamed. The footsteps grew louder. "Run!!!" another scream. Chester peeked out of the store. "Holy fuck!" Chester gasped. He looked out the other direction and saw someone or something coming towards his direction. He didn't know what to do. "Should I run? Should I hide? What do I do?" He told himself. Chester ran as fast as he can to the stocks room and locked himself up.

"What were those things?" He pushed the boxes and blocked the door. He noticed a knife on the floor and wondered how it got there. It might be useful. He grabbed the knife and put it in his pocket. He continued to pile up the boxes towards the door. "Fuck." He remembered he left his phone at the counter. "Chester?!" He heard a faint scream. "Chester? Where are you?! Chester it's me!" He knew who it was. It was Jerry. His co-worker. "Jerry?" He said but it seems he didn't hear it. He heard knocking. Jerry was knocking. "Chester! Let me in!" Chester removed the boxes, pushing them to his sides. The knocking continued. Just when he moved all the boxes, the knocking stopped. Chester mumbled "Jerry? Are you there?" He was confused. He peeked at the door knob. Jerry was still there. Except now he's being mauled by a thing. He wasn't quite sure what was it and heck, he didn't like what he saw. He quickly rearranged the boxes and turned off the lights and kept still at the corner of the stock room. He heard a sound. Moaning. He wasn't sure what to do. "Is Mom alright? Is Dad alright? Is my sister,Chelsea alright? Will I be alright?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Is this day over yet? Izzy had asked herself that question many times today as she stood dead on her feet behind her counter, the blaring rampage of some Rob Zombie over the store's PA buzzing about her ear pleasantly, at least that was one of the perks of this job was the awesome music she got to hear every work day, but damn she was tired and ready to just collapse in her bed, or stay up till 3 playing Left 4 Dead again. Also another perk, no embarrassing uniforms. The girl could wear whatever she wanted, which at this point was a pair of dark grey skinnies, some black converse hi-tops, and a faded black Motorhead tank-top. She had her cheek resting against the palm of her hand, her elbow on the table as she displayed her most monotonously bored expression she could muster from her rather plump lips, a trait of most Latino chicks. And while her dark colored eyes were supposed to be keeping watch over the store for any customers in need, they were momentarily affixed to the manga she flipped through on her counter, Hellsing: Volume 2.

While she was busy admiring the endeavors of the badass vampire slayer Alucard, the song switched over the PA to some highly exceptional Pantera culminating so well with the story progression and the action Izzy witnessed in the manga, but sure as ever she had work to tend to. Yeah the job was relaxing sometimes, but it was still....a job. "Hey, what's up. How you doing?" She called in a deadpan manner, but tried to show a tiny hint of cheerfulness in her voice, to this really...actually really creepy person who just stumbled into the store. His back was turned to the young Mexican girl and his face was covered by the hood of his sweatshirt, so Izzy couldn't get a good look at him, not to mention he was tall and lanky built, which only added to her rising apprehensions. Nevertheless, a customer. "All band shirts are half off today, and we're running a special on Avenged Sevenfold tees, free CD with any A7X tee." The guy didn't respond, he just lurched about the store, standing there....rather menacingly by the anime shirts. "Uh...can I....can I help you with anything, dude?"

Then she heard something, screaming, coming from outside the store. What the fuck is going on? Then what was that she heard....from in the store. Groaning...deep and painful, and it was coming from...the hooded guy. "This is.....this is fucked up....." Izzy whispered to herself, a harsh gulp of air inwards as she backed away from the counter, a hand clasping her rumbling heart in her chest. The cloaked figure soon turned around, ever so gradually and fidgeting a little, and the horror was revealed to the girl. "Hay dios mio......" The guy....half his fucking face was gone, the other half a macabre, bleeding skull with his eye hanging grotesquely from the deep socket, and it looked like his neck was ripped open by a pitbull or something, the gory meat dangling from the bloody and puss festering wound, but how the fuck was he still alive. Duh....he was....a fucking zombie!! "Holy shit!!" Izzy screamed once the walking corpse took chase after her, screaming that inhuman wail as it salivated for the taste of mortal flesh. She ran out of the store, not once daring to look back. Only forward. There had to be a place she could hide from this terror unfolding before her eyes, or better yet an exit, but wait!

If there were zombies in the mall, what was there to say there weren't any waiting for her outside? Also...could the same thing have befallen her mom and dad? Oh my god! Oh my fucking god! Now Izzy was in full panic mode, and soon she fell upon more zombies, far more horrific than what pursued her. "Shit! Shit! Shit! HELP!!" Help? Why was she calling for help? She was sure....there was no survivors but her as she looked onto the carnage...people being ripped apart so viciously, their blood and guts strewn everywhere and dyeing the white tile floor of the mall....red...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Michael finished locking up the last remaining shelves of medicine before he sat down on a chair to continue waiting for the store's actual pharmacist to return. How long had it been already? An hour? The man had left to supposedly go on a bathroom break, but typically those didn't take THIS long. Maybe he had Taco Bell for lunch or something, Michael thought with a small chuckle. Or... maybe he got sick. It was kind of an ironic thought, a pharmacist getting sick, but Michael had recalled that much of the medicine that had arrived here at the mall's pharmacy was all geared for treating similar symptoms. Nausea, vomiting, pain, dizzy spells.... perhaps there was some bug going around, and his overseer had caught it.

"The least he could have done was call in to say he wouldn't be coming back!"

Michael locked the "Employee's Only" room before heading out and closing the shutter of the pharmacy's front behind him. Bad mistake. As soon as he began to walk further away from the place, he spotted a small group of moaning and shambling people. Their clothes were torn and stained with filth and blood.

"What? Is this like a publicity stunt or something?" Michael asked. He had sometimes seen such things being done on the news as pranks, scheduled events, or publicity stunts, so that was the first thing that came to mind. There was some new zombie game coming out weeks from now, so this would be a sure fire way to grab attention.

That's when the stench hit him. It was like the smell of some dead animal, except ten times worse.

"Kind of overdoi-"

One of the shamblers turned around, revealing a bleeding jugular and flesh being chewed in its mouth.

"Hahaha... nope."

With that, Michael ran around them and sprinted full speed away. That shit was way too real to be a mere publicity stunt, and it hadn't taken Michael very long to realize that small group of "zombies" were actually zombies. He looked ahead of himself, noticing even more groups on the floor down below, some feasting on the bodies of people.

"Shit... where the fuck is Daryl Dixon when you need him?"

Michael quickly scanned the area for open stores that were zombie free when he spotted a girl running frantically. Was that Izzy? Michael had seen her a few times whenever he had gone into Hot Topic to browse. In fact, she was the one that sold him his pretty cool coat. He ran to try and catch up to her.

"Hey! Slow down a bit!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 6 mos ago

John sat on the counter of Hollister, his iPhone in hand, playing around with the idea of calling this girl who had given him her number earlier. And then he heard the alarm beep, signaling the entrance of a customer. He looked over his shoulder at the door and realized with a fright that whoever had just walked in was super screwed up. "Sir, do you need help?" he asked, his brow furrowed in worry. The man looked up at him and growled. John was struck by a horribly offending odor as the man crept closer, one leg dragging as if it had been snapped in two. John slid behind the counter and grabbed the baseball bat the owner kept there in case of a robbery. He gripped it tight and brought it up in front of his face just as the man lunged over the counter at him, mouth snapping. It was at this point that John got a good look at him. He was horribly pale, blood splattered all over his yellowed teeth. And was that meat stuck in between his teeth. John gagged as he threw the psychopath off of him. He swung his bat on the thing's head and then puked. "Shit! What the hell was that?!" John shouted to no one in particular. He knew that it was a zombie. or some really freaky cannibal. But zombie was the first word that came to mind. He jumped over the counter and ran out of the store, baseball bat in hand. The normally pristine tile was strewn with blood and guts and the occasional hand. The smell was terrible. He crept through the mall, peering into stores that had already been abandoned. He knew some kids from school worked in some stores on the other side of the mall. Maybe it would be a good idea to head there.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Jen stood in the back organizing some of the supplies, her earphones were in and she was blasting music into her ears. Jen hummed along as she pushed a strand of her ombred hair behind her ear. Today she had her haircurled and her makeup was done as perfectly as it almost always was. She walked out into the front and noticed everyone was gone, no customers or any of her coworkers. Jen pulled her headphones out and looked around. "Hello? Is this some sort of prank?" She asked outloud as she walked closer to the front of the store. Jen saw someone lying half way in the store face down. She approached them and when she got there she opened the door and saw they were missing part of their legs. Jen gasped and jumped backwards. The thing lifted its head and looked at her before crawling towards her. She backed away and tripped and fell on her but, the thing began moving closer to her and she continued to back away. She eventually was able to get up and she got onto a counter. Before she got all the way on, the thing grabbed her ankle. Jen screamed a loud high pitch scream and kicked the thing away with her heel getting caught in its eye socket. She quickly pulled it out and fully got on the counter where it couldn't reach her. "HELP, SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!" She screamed hoping someone would hear her.
(outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/paris/set?id=76808241 )
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 6 mos ago

John was walking through the mall when he heard a scream. "HELP, SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!" John looked around for the source of the plea and saw Jen, a girl he knew from school, in the salon, cornered by a legless zombie. He sprinted down the hall to the store, pushing the door open. The zombie turned to look at him just as it's head was taken off by a hard swing from his baseball bat. He looked up at Jen and offered his hand to help her down.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Krein said
Michael quickly scanned the area for open stores that were zombie free when he spotted a girl running frantically. Was that Izzy? Michael had seen her a few times whenever he had gone into Hot Topic to browse. In fact, she was the one that sold him his pretty cool coat. He ran to try and catch up to her."Hey! Slow down a bit!"

Slow down?! Did this guy have a death wish or something? There was no way in Hell Izzy was slowing down, not after all the grim and grotesque horrors she had witnessed this very day, and not to mention the many of those horrors that were chasing the Latino girl this very moment. "Are you fucking nuts?!!" She hollered as loud as she could to the guy, not once did she halt to take a look at him, but the voice, it was quite familiar. Still, there was definitely no point at all in halting for a brief conversation, not when all Hell was breaking loose and the mall was becoming Dawn of the Dead. "I don't think you know this, man, but it's fucking Resident Evil here!!" She couldn't keep running from these flesh eating monstrosities forever. Sooner or later, her stamina would give, her pace would greatly be hindered, slowing and slowing until she was nothing but another gory visage of blood and slaughtered remains left upon the crimsoned floors. Izzy had to hide, or at least barricade herself somewhere, but where? Damn the mall for not having a gun store, but wait. They had the next best things, Knives USA. Quickly the girl spotted the red white and blue neon and wall to wall adorned with sharpened steel.

But before she threw down the security gate, she looked back and noticed the voice's bearer. It was some guy she recognized as a former customer, she thinks his name was Michael or something. He bought one of the RUDE jackets when they were on sale. "Hey! In here!" She yelled over to Michael. "Hurry the fuck up, man!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Michael was at the spot Izzy was before she even had time to call out to him. Quickly he helped the Latin girl slam the shutter down, preventing any more of the rotting monstrosities from getting through. He turned his attention to Izzy afterwards, looking her over quickly.

"Were you bitten or not?!"

His mind was quickly acting, propelling him to take safety precautions even if it won him the disdain of this girl. Michael took her face with one hand, looking in her eyes, then to her mouth amd nose, and finally to her ears. Good, she didn't have any suspicious liquids on her. If there was one thing he knew about viruses and other bugs is that the mucus glands were perfect places for entry.

"Again, were you bitten or not?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Abel watched more zombies start to come into the store He wished he was wrong about the whole thing, he wished he had just went to sleep watching Dawn of the Dead again and he was dreaming, eventually he'd wake up. The more he thought about it, the more freaked out he got,a began to question things. Where was Robin right now? As soon as the question on his sister's safety came to him, a mad glint came into his eye, his grip on the bat tightened again. This would be just like playing Dead Rising, or any other zombie game, just like any of the movies. He just had to crush the damn things skulls, and they'd die just like anything else.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SupahCow090
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SupahCow090 The Stationary Vagabond

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The groaning finally stopped. Silence. That's what Chester heard. "What am I supposed to do? Are there people out there? Am I the only one left? Either way, I need to find a safe place..." Chester mumbled to himself. He removed the boxes that blocked the door and slowly opened the door to take a peek. He pulled out his knife from his pocket. It was darker than he imagined. The room got eerier. The electricity might have been chewed by those "things". He was still confused on what was happening. He looked at the clock. "What? I was there for 30 minutes? "It's fucking dark here. I need to get my phone." He went out and focused his vision towards his phone, never looking at anything else.

Just when Chester moved towards the counter, he heard something. He quickly ducked and crawled his way towards the counter where he left his phone. He held his knife with a tighter grip as if he's ready to kill. He extended his arm towards the counter to reach his phone. He heard another sound. This time, it was the sound he heard when he locked himself up the stocks room. "Shit!" He planned on going back to the room where he felt safe but what he saw stopped him. "Jerry? You're alive? Thank goodness!" Chester exclaimed while getting nearer to Jerry who was standing still in the corner of the store. "Jerry, those things, are they wha-" Chester stopped. As he got closer to Jerry, he noticed his left ear was missing and his clothes covered in blood. His arms were missing flesh and his skin were grayish and greenish. He knew something was wrong. He knew something was terribly wrong. Then and there, Chester realized that the sound he heard earlier came from him. Chester took two steps back while Jerry was turning towards his direction. What Chester saw horrified him. "You a-aren't Jerry are you?*" A mutated Jerry that was bathed in blood was what he saw. "Zombies." He finally figured out. He was unable to move as if he was paralyzed. The mutated flesh-eating human suddenly lounged at him. "Fuck!" Chester was pushing his co-workers deformed neck while his other hand held the zombie's arm. He accidentally dropped the knife. He then realized it might be his end.

"Big brother! Promise me that we'll always be together no matter what! A flashback. He heard his Chelsea's sweet, innocent, angelic voice in his mind. Adrenaline kicked in. He shoved the zombie and quickly grabbed the knife from the floor. "I'm sorry Jerry, but I have to. You were a dumbass anyways." Chester forcefully said while his teeth were chattering and his body barely moving. He impaled the knife to the zombie's forehead. The zombie dropped, lifeless. Chester was in shock. He couldn't speak. He grabbed the knife from the lifeless body and ran to the entrance of the store he worked for almost a month. "Nothing's left for me there." Chester sighed while looking back. He slid his phone to his pocket and his knife to the pocket of his black hoodie. "Fuck. There's a lot of them there." He went to the east praying that he might find someone or at least something that can protect him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Right after they just dropped the shutters on the store, things just had to go from weird to fucked up bizarre as Michael quickly seized Izzy's face and started jerking her head about like some frantic medical examination. Was he a doctor or something. "What the fuck, man?! Chill?!" Rather hesitantly than bitterly, she shrugged Michael's hand off of her, cursing inadvertently, "Fucking pendejo! I'm fine! I didn't get bit! Look, I'm sorry. It's just I-I didn't expect the fucking Umbrella Corporation to go mall hopping, and I'm a little freaked out right now. No hard feelings, ok?" She put her hand out, waiting for Michael to shake it, just to make sure they were cool, but soon she drew it back as a rotting hand shot forth with a beastly growl from behind the shutter bars. Outside the store was already a damn horde of undead freaks, lurching and writhing in such grotesque manner and piling on top of each-other while they attempted to crash the gate, already their festering lips and their diseased, rotting teeth salivating for the taste of human flesh.

"That's not gonna hold for long!" Izzy was dead certain, no pun intended. But thankfully, they had weapons nearby. Izzy was just praying though she didn't have to fight her way out of this. Sure Highschool of the Dead made it look so damn easy, but that was just anime. This shit....was real.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kautalya
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Elie walked over to the counter gazing at a man who had been nervously pacing back and forth around the Wii games. "Sir!" She finally yelled and sighed, "are you going to buy something?" His green eyes stared at her furiously, "shut up! I'm thinking." This was one of the reasons she hated working. Interacting with the customers, especially the annoying ones. He grabbed a game which had been on sale for a while and walked over to a corner where other games were at. He was turning around a few times and touching his sweater a lot. "Uh.." He hurried his way toward the door and gulped. "I didn't want anythi-" Suddenly a game dropped from his baggy sweater. They both stared at each other not saying a word. Elie was surprised and was probably going to get in trouble if the manager saw this. Even if it wasn't her fault.
"I-I'm sorry!"

He ran out the door screaming his head off. "Tch." Elie stood there all alone in the store. She was bored. Nobody was here. She grabbed out her DS and started playing Pokemon. She was really into the game that she didn't pay attention to a man that had been groaning for a while now. She put her DS away and stared at him for a while.
He stalked towards her in her moment of terror she froze, unable to peel her eyes away from his ghastly towering features. She had never seen something so awful, so ugly, so..scary. She closed her eyes shut in an attempt to shut the scene away, but the image was seared into her mind. When she opened them again, he was advancing, so close she could see the spit dripping from his mouths, adding a disgusting touch to his uneven teeth. Each step of his misshapen feet allowed her a closer view of his graying skin, which almost looked scaly, like a fish. He stretched his short arms forward, and she whimpered. His clothes was tattered, and short.
He growled.
He grabbed her shirt, pushing her towards him attempting to bit her neck. Struggling, she manged to kick him. As fast she could she grabbed something nearby and smacked him with it. Instead of grabbing something really powerful she grabbed a controller. Again and again she fought the disturbing man with it. "I'm sorry.." Eventually, the man was not moving anymore. Elie sat there, on top of the man, tearing up. She has never killed a human before. She looked over at the mans hand. He had a ring on his finger. This made her realize that the man must've had a wonderful family and she just destroyed that. She wiped her tears and looked at one of the games that was dropped by that thief. She read the title aloud, "Dead...Island." She stared at the back and saw a picture of those things she just killed. The undead. Or just zombies.
Elie dropped the controller and walked out the store dropping the game in hand. Everyone was screaming. Two little girls were getting eaten. A couple was already dead on the ground with their organs out. "Disgusting.." She needed a weapon quick or else she'll end up as those little girls. Walking out of the store she spotted a Fire extinguisher, "Yes!" She quietly yelled. Breaking the glass she grabbed it and ran. "I need to get somewhere safe.."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"It's all good," Michael said right before a decaying hand attempted to grab him from beyond the shutters. He quickly jumped forwards, away from its reach, before the thing could even touch his clothes. He looked back to the zombies outside, and again had to ask, "Where the fuck was Daryl Dixon when you need him?"

Sadly though, they would have no badass guy with a crossbow coming to their rescue, which meant they probably had to fight their way out of this. Afterall, Izzy was right, the gate wasn't going to hold very long if the undead kept pounding and pulling on the metal.

"You play games too right?" He asked the girl. "Good, it's about time our long hours of sitting around killing time came into use. Remember Jill's tazer move whenever a zombie grabbed her? We might be needing some of those ourselves."

Michael's mind was throwing him all the zombie games and movies he had played and watched, reminding him what each and every character would do to fight them off.

"Da gracias a Dios," he began, "That we ended up in a weapons store...."

He motioned to the weapons around, but noticed some of them had already been taken by others.

"I trust you know how to kill these bastards, right? Start grabbing shit, we don't have much time..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yeah she played games, was that a rhetorical question? That was all Izzy really did with her life besides work, watching anime and drawing, among other stuff, but that was just it to her, a game. She didn't expect to be putting her skills on an Xbox to the test in real life, but from how she perceived Michael's attitude, he was already itching to get out there and kill something. Izzy had to admit, she liked the Never Say Die attitude the guy had going, but he was damn loco for thinking he and a sorta-emo sorta-goth Mexican otaku could take on the massing armies of the living dead that threatened to invade their only safe haven for now. "I wouldn't mind if the Dixon boys came to our rescue right now, or Tallahassee either if he was pulling Chris Redfield along!" Well at least in their situation, the one thing these two had was their pop-culture knowledge of the walking dead....again no pun intended.

Thank god and gracias Jesus indeed they locked themselves in a weapon store, and if one thing Izzy knew about buying stuff from a knife shop, it was always go for what's in the case, never the wall. All the swords that were on display, yeah they looked mean and vicious, but they were about as blunt as a big ass butter knife. No, what Izzy needed this moment, was something that she was sure would cleave a zombie's skull in two, right down the middle, so she first grabbed something to bust open the glass case and pulled out a nice, sharp survival machete with a leather wrapped hilt, not to mention a nylon case she could attach to her belt. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and it was either killed or be killed. Gripping the machete, Izzy waited for the gate to fall, throwing away all qualms of slaying these ugly mofos. They were just zombies now....that's all she kept reminding herself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Since the damned store only had the one entrance, Abel had no choice but to run right in the thick of the zombies. The lumbering corpse tried swung their arms out at him, and he struggled to stay out of their grasp. He had almost gotten through when one managed to get a hold of the back his sports jacket that was part of his uniform. The zombie yanked on the jacket trying to pull Abel into the reach of it's jaws.

"Fucking take the damn thing!" He yelled as he ripped the thing off and both it and the zombie grabbing it fell over from the momentum. One of the zombies tripped over the fallen one, and then another over that one, turning into a small zombie pileup. With a relieved grin, he took the small amount of time he gained and continued running through the mall. He passed plenty of stores full of zombies eating on the people within. Was he the only person in the mall still alive? Another zombie came at him on his right and he swung at it hard, knocking the things jaw clean off. The zombie continued to come after him, and he pushed it away, the continued sprinting through the mall.

"Shit, where are the fucking cops when you need 'em?!" he muttered as he ran.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Michael also began to search for a suitable weapon to survive the zombies. What he needed was something small enough to carry around comfortably but large enough to reach a rotting bastard while it was still far enough away that it couldn't grab and bite him. Something like... that beautiful dragon blade in the case Izzy just smashed. He grabbed that and did a quick assessment of the weapon. The blade itself was sharp and sturdy, well made and designed with fiery breath streaming from the mouth of the dragon that so happened to compose the hilt of the weapon. The blade itself was about two feet long, and with the hilt it reached a good three feet or so.

"Frigging yes," Michael said as he finally elected this to be his weapon. He then walked over to the spot where tazers seemed to be located, and tested two of them. They worked, thankfully.

"Hey, grab one of these," Michael told Izzy as he tossed her one. He stuffed the other one in the pocket of his coat. There was one thing missing though... something to keep zombie blood and guts from splashing onto his face and possibly infecting him. He looked around. There were metal helmets meant to resemble the Preadatorand ancient warriors from Greece and Rome, but none of them would serve MMichael's desired purpose. That's when he spotted a nice looking gas mask that had been dropped on the floor. He picked it up and saw it would cover his head completely, which was perfect. Michael put it on, adjusting it so that it would fit comfortably. He breathed in and out, listening to his now Darth Vader like breathing. Michael felt set.

"Agent HUNK reporting for duty," he joked as he approached Izzy. "Put that sword to use... I'll approach the gate to get the zombies to shove their arms through so that you can slice them off, Pyramid Head style. Sound good, or do you still need to prepare?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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Michael had finally picked out a weapon to suit his combat taste thankfully, sleek and small, but oh so deadly did it look to Izzy as she eyed the dragon shaped blade. Not bad. She thought. Really all she was looking for was something that could hack off alot of limbs, and by the looks of her machete, it could certainly do the job, nothing too flashy either, just raw and brutal sharpness and slicing power. "Badass!" She hollered in approval of Michael's weapon of choice. If they ever survived this mayhem, that would be one hell of a memento to hang on to. Catching the tazer the guy tossed to her, Izzy shoved it in her back pocket, just as she heard the creeking and groaning of the metal gate falling in with the other groans and wails of the living corpses ready to crash it at any given moment. Time was short, the clock was ticking away and those shutters could come crashing down suddenly, giving no pause to the rampant waves of zombies that would be pouring in. It was times like this Izzy wished the Wunderwaffe DG - 2 existed.

But looking at the tazer sparked a bit of a creative idea in her head. These knife shops, at least the ones she knew back in Juarez, always sold novelty lighters too, and nine times out of ten, they sold lighter fluid. Hastily her eyes scanned around the store, looking left then right, just searching for the lighters, until...that familiar bright yellow bottle with a blue cap caught her wandering eyes. "Fuck yes!" The Mexican exclaimed vaulting over the smashed counter, all while her partner in murdering at the time was searching for something to keep zombie gunk off his face. She grabbed two of the small bottles of lighter-fluid, one for her and one for Michael, then made her way back just to see Michael...wearing HUNK's mask. He was really getting into this whole video-game thing, but once he mentioned Pyramid Head, then he was playing Izzy's game. Besides, everyone knows Silent Hill kicks Resident Evil's ass everyday, at least in Izzy's opinion, and while Heather Mason may have never faced any zombies amidst the horrors of the Otherworld, Izzy was already channeling her as she gripped her machete tight. "I'm ready, HUNK. Time to nut up or shut up." It was funny, even in the face of certain demise, she could still find time to joke around.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Michael had caught the bottle of lighter fluid and shoved it into the back pocket of his pants. He figured Izzy would explain her plan with the bottles later, but right now it was time to act quick. He took her ok, and jumped to the gates. There was one zombie reaching through the gates, whose head and brain matter quickly became acquainted with Michael's new draconian styled blade. The weapon went through the undead's head with ease, like a hot knife cutting through butter. Michael then banged his blade against the gates, drawing the attention of more zombies who promptly all tried to grab him at once. Unfortunately for them, Michael jumped back just in time.

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