Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aliya walked along the crystallized mana paths in the Leyline thinking about the mission Azurius had just tasked her with. If she wanted to keep the power that allowed her to research this place she would have to do this mission no matter what. Part of it didn't sit well with her. She wondered if she was even strong enough to fight a Celestial like Azurius requested. She gave the mission to Aliya rather than one of her generals. Aliya couldn't help but think there was a reason she trusted her with this mission instead. As it is, given the state that Mombi was in, there was no way she could get in without the help of Volarius. The Leyline point was way too guarded and the city was now surrounded by mountain peaks too high to scale and too expansive to traverse safely. She had no choice but to see if there was any way Volarius would be able to at least help her fly in from above.
Aliya stepped out of the Leyline closest to Gaylette, the city of wind. She almost tripped over someone as soon as she did. She narrowly avoided the young Wind Seraph. “My bad!” She laughed it off and bounced on down the hill towards the city. She could have stepped out in the wind shrine, Locasta, but she didn't want to seem intrusive given the tense times during this war among Fae and it kept her ability secret. At least the city was in view from the Leyline point she chose. She quickly made her way through the city, trying to avoid unnecessary attention. Volarius has been rather neutral in the war so just about anyone can be in the city and it made her a bit nervous.
She asked one of the Fae guards where she might find Volarius and they said he was atop the shrine tower. She looked up and sighed. She has to climb the steps to above the clouds. One of those times she wishes she was a Wind Fae.
She was rather in awe of the tower as she climbed. The architecture was amazing and a brilliant culmination of Wind Fae Magic Artes and human ingenuity. She slowly forgot the trouble of climbing the steps as she studied the architecture. When she reached the top she was in awe. The shrine itself offered the most beautiful view. Clouds stretched on for what seemed like forever. They looked like hills of fresh snow. Some spots over the ocean were clear and the water sparkled with the sun rays that bounced off it. The air was nice up here, perfectly clean and surprisingly warm.
“I can only imagine why a Water Seraph is here...” A voice came to her before she even noticed the Celestial before her. He looked a lot like Azurius. Their faces were so similar but instead of the blue that adorned Azurius’s curly blonde hair and filled her eyes, Volarius had a pale green. He had a very similar stoic expression as she did but his had an air of happiness behind it unlike Azurius’s underlying sadness. “You can tell Azurius I'm not going to change my mind.”
“My mission for her may bring me here but she is not the one who sent me,” Aliya bowed her head out of respect.
“Who sends you then?” He looked at Aliya with a bit of curiosity.
“I bring myself, this was my idea to come here and request something of you,” Aliya took a deep breath. “This war cannot continue. It's causing so much strife among Humans and Fae. The Darkness alone as a result has turned countless of our kind into Fomorians. Even if you'd rather stay out of this conflict that can't sit well with you!”
“What do you want?” His voice held a bitter tone. He never wanted to be a part of this. He knew whatever she wanted involved having to choose a side like so many others have wanted.
“If it is in your power I'd like for you to drop me into Mombi from the sky…” she felt winds swirling around it made her uneasy. If he wanted he could just as easily throw her off. “I seek to end this conflict once and for all. I'll knock some sense into Turfirius.” Aliya hid her nerves with her confidence in her mission. However when Volarius started laughing at her she couldn't help but feel silly.
“You think you can fight Turfirius?” He shook his head. “What a joke!”
“Azurius seems to think I can!” She grew bitter. She had the utmost faith in Azurius’s decision.
“That is not what I asked,” he glare at her. “Child, if you do not believe in yourself, you're sure to fail.”
“So are you refusing my request?” Aliya pouted.
“Defeat me and you will find out!” He stood at the ready for any attack she might throw at him.
Aliya looked skeptical about this. She knew she needed to test this power she holds. If Azurius believes she can defeat an Celestial then she needs to be able to win this battle and get her passage to Turfirius.
“Wander in frigid mist! Perish to frozen fangs! Frigid Photon!” Aliya cast a spell to freeze Volarius in place. So she can cast her next arte, “Burning red, freezing blue, hail in tandem! Violet Storm!” A glyph beneath Volarius, as well as red and green wisps, which briefly float over it. The wisps then turn green and blue, facing toward the Volarius, and rush toward them, resulting in a large, violet swirl that launches him into the air. Aliya then launches off the ground and punches him with and ice infused punch. Knocking Volarius back but not down.
“What a shame. It's simply not enough…” Volarius brushes off the dust from his clothes before raising a hand up. “Come, divine wings! Swarm the skies! Sylphystia!” A storm of bladed feathers, fall from the sky striking Aliya. They then create a triangular crest on the ground, exploding it in a burst of wind. Knocking Aliya back towards the stairs. Aliya could barely stand back up. “You aren't strong enough to defeat a Celestial. I will not help you to your death. Now leave. I will not aid anyone in this war.”
Aliya bit her lip and punched the ground out of anger. The ground cracked widely under her force. She got up and simply jumped off the edge. Her heart raced as she dropped through the clouds. She waited until the ground was in view and she could see where she'd would land. "Forces of nature, pierce through the heavens! Diffusional Drive!" Water formed a pool below her and came up to greet her slowing her fall. She landed easily and stormed back into town. She stopped in an alleyway, somewhat away from the noise of the street. She leaned against the wall and slumped down. “Lady Azurius, I need help…” She sent out a quiet prayer looking up at the sky while sitting against the wall.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ter-Bius and Kindle had found themselves at the city of Cadnix after learning what a bad reputation the Earth Seraphs were getting. With a new war upon the planet between the Earth Empyrean and just about everyone else. Many Earth Seraphs were chosen as officers to lead an army of malevolence to spread terror and rid the world of Humans and any Seraphs that stood in their way. This meant towns and villages that would be destroyed, or natural disasters that weren't so naturally caused to effect the fertile land and change trade routes. Many towns and cities had begun to disrespect Earth Seraphs, even if they weren't involved, some of them even banning them all together. However, those that walk the path of Wind knew that most everyone was welcome as long as peace was kept. Kindle knew this and she figured this would be the perfect place to continue to live with her two younger brothers, Ter-Bius.

Not long after arriving, Ter-Bius had found themselves at a bar, wanting to learn the new place and how well their alcohol selection sat with them. Taking a seat and ordering the same drink at the same time, they both sat and drink in unison. Like they mirrored each other to perfect choreography, they got many looks from those around the room, though just about everyone could tell they were Seraphs, not many knew why they behaved in such a manner. A beer or two in the boys conversation with each other was very in depth about their new life in the city of wind, hoping they wouldn't get a place that sat high about ground considering they both enjoy earth very much. A fair looking young lady sat adjacent to them at the bar, she was merely enjoying a drink, after work most likely but enjoying time to herself. They boys were just about ready to stand up when a sprite-ly blue figure seemed to make his appearance at her side.

Water Seraphs were mostly respected as they were ones to help others before themselves, not to mention they were also the primary combatant of the Earth Empyrean's war. Ter-Bius went back to their drinks and continued the conversation until Ter happened to notice that she was becoming uncomfortable about the advances of the Water Seraph. A mere thought and Bius could see right through his brother's eyes. They both stood up and moved over to where the two were sitting. Standing behind the Seraph, Ter spoke first, "Hey, let her be," Bius bumped in, "She wants notin' todo with ya," "So scram," "Or we'll make ya," a hard accent leaving their voices as they took turns speaking in a rather scripted practice. The Water Seraph was not intimidated and quickly retorted with remarks of how Earth Seraphs were nothing but trouble. The boys continued they scripted play, starting with Bius this time, "The only one causin' trouble is you," "She'd like to enjoy her drink alone," they spoke in unison and leaned in towards man they towered, "Without you."

It didn't take long for the bartender to see what could escalate and asked the commotion to be taken outside if that's where it was gonna go. The Water Seraph quickly agreed, not afraid of the two and expecting help from some people standing by seeing two Earth Seraphs pounding on a Water. They small fight started, though it was obvious that Ter-Bius stood a far greater chance, not just by numbers but by the fact that the man barely stood taller than their shoulders. With the man going after Ter first it quickly became a game of ping-pong as the boys simply pushed the man back and forth, not daring to lay a fist and pure rough house the guy out of being a jerk. Bius was the first to lunge forward, grabbing the man in a grapple and tossing him through the air only to be caught by Ter and smashed to the ground. Though not enough to break anything, and if he wasn't Earth-Tough there would sure be a bruise to last.

"TER-BIUS!" and loud shout from a small person echoed the streets. A young bright red lady stood not far from the commotion. Kindle started to stomp her way to her younger brothers. Immediately the boy released the man, probably too weak to get up from a simple tackle, and stood up tall at attention, ready to receive any punishments they might be getting. The two were rather truly terrified of her, even though she stood much much smaller and posed little of a threat by appearance she still had a strong punch to knock them both out cold. "ALLEYWAY! NOW!" a fiery tone in her voice as she marched the men over and away from the streets to avoid any more unwanted attention. "What did I tell you boys? We just got here and here you are making a scene in the middle of the street. Let alone a WATER SERAPH of all people." Ter-Bius had nothing to say, they knew they were told not to cause trouble but they couldn't help but come to aid the lady. The tension in the alley started to fade as Kindle sighed and let out a small flame from her single curl on top of her head. "Honestly what am I going to do with you two?"

Bius was the first to speak, "Were sorry sis," "Don't mean to cause ye trouble," "We were just doin' what was right." Kindle smiled and stepped back leaning against the wall, "I know I know, I'm sure what ever he did he deserved it, you guys never did anything aside from what was right, you're good people Ter-Bius, sorry you live in a time where the world hates you."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aliya felt a bit better now that she had a moment to herself. She had time to think of a plan. She knew she needed help and not from soldiers or the Celestials but people outside the war that were just as affected whether they realize it or not. Finding it would be another story.
Aliya heard a commotion just down the alley. She saw the little Fire Fae yelling at the twin Earth Fae. Normally upon hearing there was conflict between Water and Earth she would have gotten upset but this was a free city and she knew even Azurius’s Generals could be pompous jerks. She was still a bit unnerved by being near Earth Fae though so she decided it'd be best to duck out but she hadn't moved since she had slumped down the wall and adrenaline has long since subsided.
“Ah! Hell! That hurts!” She winced, letting out a loud groan of pain as her entire body ached. She noticed a few cuts on her arms and sides she felt the stinging sensation they had on her cheeks as well, “And this was him holding back…” She pouted childishly bitter again about her defeat. She almost forgot she wasn't alone and her cheeks turned a bit pink. Subtlety wasn't always her strong suit and she was trying to avoid conflict in the free city. She went to get up again so she could leave but she couldn't even manage that. She slipped on some trash and fell back hitting the wall and her body screamed out in pain.
“This is lame!” Aliya yelled out of frustration. “Today is not my day!” She stopped caring about leaving and just lay in defeat. She put her hand up and waved it about a bit. “Can I get a little help here?” Even if they turned out to be working for Turfirius she was always ready to rumble she just needed a chance to heal herself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The trio stood at the egde of the alley way in silence, their brief conversation really set a dark mood between them. As right as Kindle was about Ter-Bius, the world really was no place for the nicer the Earth Seraphim, not that they met many but the twins were a prime example. Ter was about to speak up when their silence was quickly shot down but the sound of a trash bin falling over and debris filling the other end of the alley. A young woman's voice cursed, "This is lame!" The boys couldn't help but snicker, as much of adults as they were they couldn't help but be immature at times. Kindle shot a glance at the twins that could kill, and they immediately went silent.

It wasn't till the same voice called for help that Ter-Bius once again reacted. Without word from their older sister the two dashed down the alley. Both of them manipulating the earth beneath their feet to accelerate their speed towards the damsel in distress. Ter rode the wall going high before slowly coming back down on one side of the woman while Bius maneuvered around the debris till he too was by her side. They both gasped in awh as they realized she was water, but they were not discriminating against anyone who needed help. They were both quick to action and gently lifted her up on her feet from either side. Ter's mouth couldn't keep quiet, "Are you okay?" Followed by Bius "We heard the crash." "You look pretty roughed up." "I'm Ter-Bius," the last line spoken together.

Kindle had made her way over though not in the time that the boys had, she gave her brothers room to help, and just like them she wasn't discriminating against anyone in need, even if that person was her element weakness. "Sorry about them, they weren't rough with you were they?" Asking in concerning know that Ter-Bius could be a little too rough sometimes, though they kept a good job at watching their strength. "Need me to treat your wounds? Looks like that trashcan was quite the enemy."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“It said I looked trashy and we got locked in a fierce battle.” Aliya smirked trying to keep things light. “I like to think I took out the trash!” She nodded at the boys that helped her up with a slight smile, “I’m good now, thank you. The name is Aliya.” She looked at the little Fire Fae, “Some help healing would be nice. Whenever I use healing artes on myself I feel like it's way, way slower than when I use them on others.” She was about to ask the Fire Fae her name when it finally processed with her that they both said they were Ter-Bius. “Wait so both your names are Ter-Bius?” She looked very confused as she tried to wrap her head around the mirror image before her going by the same name. “Or am I just seeing double?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kindle nodded at the simple request and started to gather her energy as the Water Seraph turned her attention to the boys. Ter-Bius laughed a bit before wrapping an arm around around each others shoulder and giving Aliya a big goofy grin, "Yup, we're Ter-bius," by the time their words escaped their lips Kindle started to glow and so did the ground beneath Aliya, however it was a fiery circle and Ter-Bius reacted in a bit of a shock, "Kindle?" they both asked, "She's water," Ter said before Bius continued, "You sure she's gonna be alright?" Concerned for the poor injured Water seraph who was about to receive a strong healing arte that was fire based.

The small fire seraph nodded and began to speak softly as her gauntlets started a red glow with a greenish aura, the one glyph below Aliya began to take shape more clearly and glow with the same pattern, though a second glyph took form above its target, slowly getting brighter and brighter. "She should be fine, it just draws power from the fire within," he hands took position one above the other, mimicing the position of the larger glyphs around Aliya. "Rhapsody!" she said quickly but not loud enough to draw attention, while bring her hands together pretending to squish her target, between her hands the glyphs moved onto the Water Seraph and enveloped her in a bright flame like glow before a green aura covered her and removed her injuries while increasing her integrity. "There, that should do it, mainly for my younger brothers so it should revitalize you a tremendous amount."

Ter-Bius began to clap with excitement after their older sister completed such an arte, they were always fond of her performance especially when it came to healing, considering the fact they there were always getting hurt in the most absurd ways. Though they knew the trashcan was not what really caused the injuries so they stepped forward about it, "We know injuries," Bius started, "And those weren't from a dumpster," "So what really hurt you?" "Cause we want in on the fight!" They said with passion in their eyes wanting a strong enemy to really fight against.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“Thank you!” Aliya stretched, feeling much better after being healed. When Ter-Bius asked her who did this to her she was a bit surprised to see such a concern from Earth Fae to a Water Fae. It didn't show much because she was still trying to wrap her head around them having the same name. “You probably wouldn't want to do that,” she laughed a bit uneasy. “It honestly was just a test of power from the Wind Celestial. It was definitely not a breeze.” She light heartedly tapped her fist against her head, “I failed.” I still bothered her deep down. Azurius seemed to believe that she had what it took. Maybe there was just something she was lacking or maybe her instability of her tether kept her true strength hidden. Either way some extra help would make sense since she was taking on a whole army of Fae. She looked down the alley to the busy streets hoping she wouldn't have to search too hard. “I'll have to find a few people willing to help me stop this war.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ter-Bius stood shocked and they both stammered back, "Wait, you fought an Empyrean!?" they both shouted in unison. Their collective minds started working wondering why and for what reason, they wouldn't dream of fighting someone as strong as that. Though seeing Aliya with such injuries and remarks about the fight, brought passion in the boys and they challenged themselves to one day be able to combat an Empyrean. The little Water Seraph mentioned help and before Ter could speak, who happened to step forward from the two in response to Aliya, Kindle stepped forward and put a strong fist on his chest, blocking his path.

"I'm sorry but I have to prevent their offer before they speak," Kindle had immediately changed mood and was more serious than ever. The trio had moved to this city with very little belongings, hoping to find a place away from the hatred and live in peace where Ter-Bius can walk without being discriminated against. All she wanted was to protect them, as strong and as tough as they were, she was their older sister and she felt it right to give them a home they could be comfortable with. And now this Water Seraph of all people is asking for help against the war, to put themselves right where they've been trying to avoid. Kindle was hesitant about an answer and refused the boys to speak. "We came here to get away from the war, not fight in it, I'm sorry but there's no good coming out of it if we fight, not for us at leas," Kindle had turned around and started pulling Bius by his sash and bring them both out of the alley.

Bius didn't budge, and neither did Ter, they stood their ground and brought a point up to their older sister, Bius taking point in the script, "No sis." "This is a chance." "For us to make it right." "If she's fighting to stop them." "Then we can help prove that.." The two spoke together with their arms wrapped around one another, "Not all of us are bad." As young as they were the boys were smart at reading situations. They could tell that the war was a big deal and affected many. That this Water Seraph was trying to stop the war, tested by the Wind Empyrean, they could tell she wasn't getting help anyone anytime soon. That Aliya was working towards big efforts for change. They wanted in on part of that, though convincing their sister was the hardest thing for them to do.

Kindle didn't turn around, she kept her back towards the audience that sought her. She was hesitant to respond, her younger brothers words really meant something to her, and they really wanted to make things right across the world, but it was something that was too dangerous for them. She worked hard to get them where they are and they were about to throw it all away. "I'm sorry Ter-Bius but no, we're here to keep you guys safe, not run off on some half ass mission that may as well result with us dead in a ditch. We may help anyone who needs it but how do we know she's not part of some cult out to hunt Seraphs such as you down." She began walking and not another word was needed to be said for the boy to start following her. A heavy depressive mood sat between the twins.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Nekokittykitty


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Breyze, sat on the rooftop listening to this exchange, writing down the dialogue. “Hmm turns out following this Water Fae was the best idea ever!” scribling has fast has possible to take it all in. “I wonder how long I can follow her, I want to watch and learn more about what's going on!”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“Cults are for weak minded and brainwashed,” Aliya had went out the Alleyway on the same side. Not with intent to follow, there was more people on that side she would try hunting down some help. She felt like clarifying anyway, she didn't like leaving things on sour notes. “I chart my own course in life.” She started looking around the street as she talked. “Also I'm not trying to fight a war, I'm trying to stop one so no more Fae or even humans have to lose their lives. In any case I would only ask of those with the fire for it. If your heart isn't in it it's better to just stay home.” Aliya smiled and patted Kindle on the head as she walked past, “Thanks a ton for the heals! Maybe I'll see you around!” Aliya waved as she bounced off into the crowd.
Aliya wandered the streets of Gaylette for a while, she'd ask any Fae she happened across that wasn't Earth if they were willing to help. She'd ask any skilled looking human if they would lend aid. She'd even stand in the middle of town trying to rally aid to her cause. Unfortunately everyone would shrug and say, “It's not my problem...” Aliya knew deep down that this would be their problem eventually but even when she said so, no one would listen.
Aliya sighed, sitting on a bench in the middle of town taking a break from her recruitment attempts. She tried to think if she had any allies outside the war she could rely on. She never trusted anyone in Azurius’s army enough and they all had such a one track mind. Anyone she knew that could help was either impossible to find, dead or a Fomorian. This was her only option. “Maybe I'll have better luck in the capital?” Aliya mused aloud. “At the very least I could probably find help in Igneous’s forces. But they usually just have the thrill of battle on their mind.”
Aliya stood up and realized it was late so she decided she should head to the inn and start fresh tomorrow. She stepped through the door and caught the scent of something tasty. She didn't eat often since she didn't need to but the sweet scent that filled the room was so appealing to her. She wandered over to the bar and restaurant half. It was pretty busy at this hour so she bounced over to the bar after looking at the menu posted at the entrance. She almost flew over the bar when she stopped, she was going so fast. “Give me two of your Apple-Peach crisp please!” She ordered with the utmost cheer. “Oh and a glass of your cheapest white wine.”
“Make that your most expensive,” the human next to her smiled.
“Make it a bottle too,” His friend just on the other side of him also chimed in. “We'll pay for it.”
“Please don't,” she looked annoyed as she spoke to the bartender. She turned to the two humans and gave them an ice cold glare. “I don't need charity nor am I looking for any good time you might offer.” Aliya never was much into the concept of love or just a fling. She'd always turn ice cold and shut down any notions toward her no matter what it takes.
“Wow, ice cold,” The man on the far side laughed.
“Somehow that makes her even hotter,” the guy next to her said.
“I advise you two leave me alone before you realize just how ice cold I can be,” Aliya hissed as she walked to the other end of the bar. The two guys followed and stood on either side. She especially hated those that would try and make a game of it. “Last warning.”
“Come on now, don't be like that.” One of them said as they both reached for her. She grabbed them both by the collar and slammed their heads together. They took a bit to recover but now they were looking for a fight.
“Weapons of purity forged by ice cold passion…” Aliya started casting an arte that caused ice and snow to swirl around her hands. “Frozen Forge…” The ice condensed into two daggers, she held to their throats. “Leave now or I'll turn you idiots into ice sculptures.” They stumbled backwards and ran out. Aliya smirked and crushed the daggers into a glass and melted most of it. “Sorry to cause trouble.” She smiled at the bartender.
“It's fine,” he smiled at her giving her a glass of wine. He gave her something a little more high end but decided not to tell her or charge her more. “They have been annoying the hell out of me the last couple days.”
Aliya took a sip of the sweet wine and smiled. “Thank you!”
“So what brings you to Gaylette?” He asked. “Not running away from any problems are you?”
“No,” Aliya laughed. “More like trying to fix one. I'm starting to realize this was not the place to go.”
“You might try Lurline,” he suggested. “Although from what I hear the road is rough. The Earth Fae attacked Ervic just yesterday.”
“Traveling isn't a problem for me,” Aliya waved her hand. “Even so…” Hearing about the disaster caused by the attacks and having seen some aftermath time to time Aliya always tried to help when she could. “I might have to make a detour…” A waiter brought her the Apple-Peach Crisp and she lit up like a child. “But I'll worry about that tomorrow!”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aliya had the last word in the conversation, a slight aggressive retort towards Kindle's words. Who in return did not speak, she was smart enough to realize that any response could trigger an argument when it wasn't necessary. Both parties had said their pieces and there was no need to continue. As everyone left the alley Kindle took the boys in the opposite direction that Aliya went. Not that she had nothing against her but it was probably best to be on the other side of town. Finding themselves a small pub out of the way they made their way in and settled down to relax.

A silence remained among the trio for quite a while, their thoughts realizing what had happened in the past hour and how much it could effect their 'welcome' to stay. Kindle was already coming up with ideas for the three of them to live outside of any providence and away from any possible commotion, then again she would probably have to leave them from time to time to get supplies. Ter-Bius were thinking the same thing, they probably ruined their chances of staying in probably they only city that would welcome them. Their silence broke when Ter had an idea, though he spoke up quietly to not make his siblings jump. "We might be able to stay here ya know." Kindle quickly snapped back, frustrated with the situation they found themselves in, "HOW Ter, HOW!?" The force in her voice was enough to cause those around them to jump back a bit but the boys weren't affected at all.

Ter continued the conversation with his older sister alone, "We did something bad, something that put the wrong impression on us, in public let alone, rumors have probably already spread of the two of us looking to harm others. What if we did the opposite?" The fiery childlike figure eased her tone and responded, "What do you mean? Do something good? Who's gonna take that as a genuine action and not a lie?" "We do something big, something heroic maybe." "Yeah right, get your head out of your ass and just let me deal with this," she took a swig from her mug and continued to let the gears in her head turn to solve the problem.

However Bius liked the idea of his twin and proceeded to take actions on it ignoring Kindle's orders, so to speak. He leaned on the bar a bit and got the attention of the tender, "What's new with the war? Anything crazy happening.?" Bius asked in the interested of two parties, one to see if there was something for them to do, and the other was to see where and how close the war has escalated to, to eliminate any areas they could seek refuge. The bartender was always open to giving information, telling the interested party that there was a town not far from the city and the capital that seemed to be attack by Earth Seraphim in the name of the war, forcing most of the inhabitants to find shelter elsewhere, everything decimated. Bius' eyes lit up at the situation and turned towards his brother Ter, who in return had the same fire in his eyes. They glanced at Kindle who heard the man talk and she simply took the knowledge in another aspect, "Great now we know where we need to avoid."

Ter-Bius in unison slammed their fist into the counter top, cracking it slightly, "NO KINDLE!" This was the first time there were really defiant against their caretaker. Bius led off the exchange, "Enough running away." "We've been at this for too long and this is our chance." "We can prove that we are not all bad." "Helping this town could really make a difference for us." "We might even receive acceptance there." They softened up their voices a bit before speaking together, "Just give us a chance."

A silence fell throughout the whole bar, everyone seemed to be involved and could probably piece together the history of the trio. Kindle sighed heavily before downing the rest of her mug and letting the loud clang echo through the pub as she set it down on the counter. "Fine Ter-Bius, you've pulled my leg, but if you two fuck this up just know it's only gonna be harder than it right now." The boys lit up with glee, punching each others shoulders roughly and finishing their nearly full double pint mugs with their arms locked. Letting out a breath of air whilst slamming their mugs down they looked to their older sister, "We won't let ya down sis."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
Avatar of Misumichan

Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aliya didn't sleep well. She usually had no problem sleeping, she needed it most times, but the town of Ervic was on her mind. She decided to leave early. She couldn't recall if there was an Leyline point near it so she decided to just head out and walk there. She decides to check the condition of her tether before she left, just in case. The ornate dagger had a new chip in to but she figured it could handle the Darkness just fine in the next town. She knew quite a bit would be swirling about in Ervic. Many humans would be angry or full of sorrow or even somewhere in between. While Aliya knew her tether’s slow deterioration was because of her power but influence from Darkness wouldn't help. She carefully fixed the dagger in its place on her belt behind her back, underneath the flap of fabric that draped over her belt. She was ready to head out.
Gaylette was surprisingly quiet. Not very many people roamed the streets around dawn. It was like a completely different town. The air was crisp and cool, only a few clouds in the sky taking on the look of cotton candy in the rising sun. Aliya quickly made her way out of town and to Rodine. She was passing through the swampy area known by Blinkem Wetlands. She saw several Demons roaming the land. She made her best to about them since they seemed a bit much for her to deal with alone. They would increase in frequency as she got closer to the town but she made it there no problem.
The destruction was heavy. Almost every building was either damaged or collapsed. There were some tents in the town square where humans were residing, many injured.
“I heard it was bad but I didn't think it was this bad…” Aliya felt the weight in the air.
“A Water Fae!” A child cheered and bounced up to her. “Miss Water Fae are you here to help us!?”
“I am!” Aliya knelt down and smiled. “Would you take me to who all needs help?”
“Yeah!” The little girl nodded grabbing her by the hand and taking her to the tents. “Mommy look I found a Water Fae!”
“Oh goodness, you did!” A young nurse lit up. Aliya could tell she hadn't much rest. “Forgive me but you don't look like one of Water Celestial’s Legion.”
“I am more of an independent force but I do live to serve Lady Azurius,” Aliya bowed her head slightly as she reassured her. “I heard of this towns plight and thought I'd see if I could help. Have you sent for other members of Azurius’s Forces?”
“We did just yesterday,” she nodded. “They might not be here until tomorrow and those Earth Fae are still around they've been blocking the road from the capital. It's a miracle we were able to get the message out.”
“I see why he was saying the road was rough…” Aliya trailed off quietly. She shook her head and smiled, “Allow me to remain here and do my best to help out until they get here.” She looked around and saw so much pain. She took a deep breath and started casting focusing as much energy as she could into this healing arte for maximum range and effect, "Spin with graciousness, receive the name of miraculous light that brings happiness! Fairy Circle!" Flowers bloom on the ground after water is lightly splashed upon it. Fairy-like illusions pop out and draw a large glyph on the ground and the glowing mana flowing out of it begins to heal those in it. The fairies linger a bit longer going to others who needed more attention and making them smile before dissipating into more healing mana.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

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The following day Ter-Bius and Kindle readied themselves for the small journey that laid ahead. They were not ones to leave as soon as the sun rose up but they were definitely active in the morning. Kindle went around a few shops to gather some simple supplies they might need, while the boys prepared their weapon for combat, just in case and considering that some Hellions would be there when they arrive. After about an hour or two of the sun rising the trio set out for the distant town known as Rodine.

The walk was about as long as they expected, though it could have been shorter if Ter-Bius wasn't always in the mood to fight whatever came their way. The twins usually fought as a pair that complimented each others decisions in battle with perfect harmony. While the boys fought in the front lines, Kindle sat back and provided support, mainly tackling anyone that was causing damage at a distant and healing when they needed it. Seeing the town in the distant the boys got excited and ran in ahead of their older sister. They couldn't believe what kind of damage had been done to such a town. Obviously most of it caused by Earth Seraphim. They could tell by the amount of stone pillars and shifts of building foundations that scoured the town.

Ter-Bius slowed their movements as they noticed most of the town was huddled together in tents near the center. Kindle had finally caught up and took point as the trio found themselves in front of some of the towns people. Many of them shouting at the twins for being Earth Seraphs, throwing threats and forcing them to leave. "We are only here to help, we mean you no harm," Kindle did her best to keep the growing angry crowd under wraps, but it was no use as the commotion grew.

It wasn't till the boys took initiative and started moving towards one of the damaged and half collapsed buildings. The people of Rodine grew increasingly proactive towards their rebellion as Ter-Bius approached, many of them throwing stones and various household objects, none of which made them flinch and they proceeded with their actions. The two blondes stood before the building not saying a word to each other or the people, knowing actions spoke louder than words. With a pillar piercing one of the walls and the second floor half collapsed, Ter-Bius began to work. Bius focused his energy and forced the pillar back into the ground while his brother started manipulating the scraps and piecing together the broken wall. Then the two joined together, manipulating the rocks that dwelled within the structure and forced it to stand once more, intact and fully stable. The crowd grew silent and Bius spoke up, "We're not here as part of the war, we're here to help."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

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After a couple hours of healing people the towns mood improved. So when Aliya heard a mixture of anger and panic she grew concerned.
“There are two Earth Fae in town!” A young man barely in his teens came running into the tent Aliya was in.
“Point me in the right direction!” Aliya got up and moved toward the entrance. He held it open and pointed to the crowd. Aliya saw the building being reformed and heard the familiar voice of Ter-Bius. She jumped up and over the crowd landing in front of Kindle. “I don't know if you guys are brave or stupid for coming here now,” she looked at the trio with a light hearted smirk. “Honestly if you hadn't helped me yesterday I might be fighting you guys right now. I mean after hearing about your scuffle and then showing up here. If I didn't know any better I might think it suspicious.” She turned and addresses the town. “Please don't fear these Fae. I know it's hard to think, but these Fae do not follow the will of the Earth Celestial. They helped me before, and they will help you too if you allow them.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

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A familiar voice filled the air causing the boys to turn around and shout happily, "Aliya!" They were quite excited to see a familiar face besides their sister. Even though they didn't leave on the greatest of terms, most of the disagreement was between Kindle and her. Kindle jumped in responding to Aliya's remark on their actions, "I'd say stupid in this case, it was all their idea to come here," she stood with her arms crossed and watched the commotion take place.

Ter-Bius stood towards the crowd and offered assistance to all, "We'll make sure each of your homes is repaired, along with any other damages that they may have caused." They stepped forward together and split up as the crowd took the boys to different spots of the town for repairs. Though together they were better, they could perform such trivial task alone and the separation was more than obvious to provide the most efficiency for everyone.

Kindle watched them go before returning her attention back to the Water Seraph. Such elements never got along and there was almost always and indescribably dislike for one another. Though the fiery one spoke first in a more mature and compassionate tone, "Sorry for what I said earlier, I'm sure you understand my concern for their safety." She looked back to where the boys had left to, "They really are one of a kind out here, they want to prove to the world that not everyone is bad, I admire their mission but I'm afraid the world won't accept them." She took in consideration that since Aliya wasn't fixing damage control that she was probably healing the wounded, offering a hand, "Are there any more injured here?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“I get it,” Aliya shrugged at Kindle's apology. She didn't really feel all that bothered by what she said. At least she had a legitimate reason to turn her down unlike almost everyone else she talked to. When Kindle asked about the injured her attention turned back to the tent she was in before. “Not many left but I've been giving some a bit of special attention,” Aliya led Kindle to the tent. She stood next to one of the beds and her hands started glowing a faint green light with healing mana as she held them over the person. “Actually I'm glad you guys showed up there's something I could use your help with.” Aliya could already tell Kindle was the one to talk to about doing anything with the trio. “If all goes well you guys might be pretty set up here and I can keep on with my mission. Pretty win-win,” Aliya winked, placing a hand on her hip. “I need to head to the capital and I'm pretty sure avenging this town will put you three in Ervic’s good books 100%. So what do you say?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

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Whilst following Aliya into the large tent, Kindle started to prepare herself to perform healing on those in need. Of course she wouldn't be using one like she did in the alley, instead much smaller artes that didn't use as much mana. The young Water Seraph had extended an offer that seemed to be beneficial to everyone that was included. Kindle thought about it, mainly keeping her younger brothers in mind and how it could effect them. "Avenging this town sounds quite the ordeal, the four of us up against what? A small platoon maybe?" Her voice brought a mood that seemed unsure, but the fact that the town would probably praise them as heroes and give them a safe place to stay convinced her otherwise. She looked back to Aliya with a smirk on her face and fire in her eyes, "Sounds like a challenge."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“Sweet that'll make this even easier.” Aliya smiled at Kindle.
“Miss Aliya!” The little girl from before came into the tent and ran up to her. “I found them not even a mile down the road!”
“Good job!” Aliya pat her head. “Were they doing anything?”
“Pulling up parts of the road, making walls and stuff…” The girl reported.
“They must be setting up an ambush for the Water Legion…” Aliya mused aloud. “Oh how many were there?”
“Seven!” The little girl said confidently.
“Good work kiddo!” She winked at her and knelt down to her level. “Now please listen to me this time and stay here in town. This Fire Fae here is going to help me stop them from bothering anyone along with her brothers.” Aliya turned to Kindle. “Shall we find the boys and ambush the ambush party?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Yeah, lets go," Kindle was ready and actually excited for once for combat. She didn't get to fight often and when she did it was over stupid situations the boys usually put her in, this time was a legit reason to fight and she could go all out, hold nothing back. Kindle stepped out of the tent to call the boys over but she found them standing outside anyways. The two had come back from their stroll around the small town which was now back on its proper foundation. They were just enjoying the company the townsfolk as they praised their help. "Ter-Bius, we got a bone to pick with those responsible for this." Ter-Bius grew excited with one another, pumping their fist in the air before turning and giving each other a high five. The collision of their hands caused a shock wave that shook the air around them, coming from the energy of their excitement and the raw strength within. Kindle turned back to the entrance of the tent waiting for Aliya, "We're ready to go, whats the plan?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

”I'll distract them, they are looking for Water Fae after all,” Aliya replied with a smirk. “I'll cloud their vision and you guys crumble their walls.” Aliya bounced off towards the main road, “Then we take out the trash!”
The wetlands slowly began to become forest to the north of town. Spots of trees and shrubbery started popping up along the way. They were partially suspended in water at first, but the regular forest wasn't far beyond. Aliya made sure to stick near the plant life knowing the Legion of Earth Fae weren't far and she'd try to duck around them. She figured they'd set up Rock Triggers all over so going around would be difficult on the ground but thanks to the forest a quick climb through the fog she was about to make.
Aliya stopped and ducked behind a tree as soon as she saw the pseudo-fortress that they were making. A series of rough walls made of stone, she could see three on top and a two pacing the ground level. They were definitely warriors of Turfirius. They wore the ceremonial masks but the typical Earth ceremonial robes had been modified for combat.
“This area is known for fog right?” Aliya chuckled as she started using her abilities as a Water Fae to roll in a fog from the other side. She looked to the others with her, “They'll be on high alert so be careful. I'll go around and draw their attention. See you in the middle!” Aliya winked and waved as she jumped up and ran through the treetops. She quickly made her way around and took to the road just outside their clarity of vision. She hovered her hands one hand over the other as snow started forming between her hands, “Weapons of purity forged by ice cold passion, Frozen Forge!” The snow flurry between her hands formed into a sword of ice as she spread her hands out. She walked closer into their view with confidence. She realized the other two were on the ground on this side, making all seven accounted for.
“You don't look like a member of the Legion of Azurius!” One of the Earth Fae on the wall voiced. She didn't wear the hood like the rest allowing her long thin ponytail to hang free and her uniform seemed a bit more extravagant. She nodded slightly and two of the Earth Fae on the ground walked wide around Aliya trying to see if she really was by herself and to surround her.
“Looks can be deceiving, I assure you I am,” Aliya didn't move. Her eyes were fixed on the one who spoke. “Safe to assume you are the host of this party?” The two Earth Fae behind her made a signal to the one above.
“Yes, and you were stupid to come alone,” she scoffed. “Consider this a celebration of your death.”
“Looks can be deceiving, remember?” Aliya pointed her sword up at the woman. “You see showing up to a party alone is kind of boring.”
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