I assume every month is an IRL week?
AYoungWarthog said
I'm here and stalking the OOC. I'm curious to what the hell happened to India, Russia, and the States. Three major states without players now. Also, we have no European states. >_<
AYoungWarthog said
Also, we have no European states. >_<
AYoungWarthog said
no European states.
AYoungWarthog said
I'm here and stalking the OOC. I'm curious to what the hell happened to India, Russia, and the States. Three major states without players now. Also, we have no European states. >_<
AYoungWarthog said
1. I have seen the depository, and all sheets are up to snuff.2. I'll hit out some PMs soon.3. Wernher, you and I both know, France doesn't count as a country.
AYoungWarthog said
1. I have seen the depository, and all sheets are up to snuff.2. I'll hit out some PMs soon.3. Wernher, you and I both know, France doesn't count as a country.
Boss_Dude said
The States are here! I'm not sure where the hell Russia is. I contacted him/her early, and he never responded. I'll create a post today. I'm going to assume it's February now, in glorious 2012+3.