Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

For a long time, Beacon Academy was said to be the best combat school in all of Remnant. Legends were constantly emerging from its walls, their tales of victory spreading across the world like wildfire.

Because of this, Remnant entered a time of peace. However, with the significant decrease in Grimm hostility, and dispersal of the White Fang, Beacon was at a standstill.
Hunters and Huntresses were made, but with little to save or protect. Even the small villages beyond the four cities had a slight decrease in attacks from Grimm.

But where there is silence, lies a darkness that plots to wreak havoc. After many decades of what Beacon Academy called "The Calm," a sudden series of attacks had begun all over Remnant.

Villages had been laid to waist, special combat schools burned to the ground, but most importantly, airships en route to the Academy were demolished. It was an onslaught to any caught outside the walls of Beacon.

Even this legendary school, however, could not withstand what was to come.

An army of colossal sized Grimm waited patiently outside the walls and the sky turned black with newly evolved aerial creatures. They were watching, and everyone in Beacon Academy knew it. Fear struck deep into the hearts of most. Hunters and Huntresses prepared to defend, but were taken by surprise when numerous explosions echoed throughout Beacon. Many forms of Grimm burst through the rubble and smoke, and thus began the panic. Defending the school became pointless, each person fighting to survive the attack. Even that did not end well and those still alive were forced to escape.

With the headmasters special airship, he, along with a few students, and fewer teachers had made their way southeast. They were forced to defend against aerial Grimm that attacked them for several hours. Damage to the ship requested an immediate docking on a large island far to the southeast of all the kingdoms. Once landed, and the survivors on the mend, the headmaster scanned the surrounding area. Grimm were present, old and new. As antsy as they all seemed, the grimm showed restraint. Headmaster Cobal couldn't help but wonder about the changes in Grimm behaviors during The Calm .

Without much for choice, Headmaster Cobal activated the secondary function of the airship. Within the hour, the vessel had transformed into a base. It carried much of the architecture of Beacon Academy, and much of its necessities. The size reflected that of a normal combat school and its walls fifteen feet high. It would be here that Headmaster Cobal would rebuild. And it started with a flip of a switch that would send out a signal to any survivors throughout the world letting them know there was a safe haven. A place where they could start a new. A place they would all soon call home.

Character Sheet -

Appearance- (Description or Picture)
Species-( Human or Faunus)

Aura Color-
Weapon- Give it a name =)
Other Equipment-

History- (Would like this to lead to why your character wants to be a hunter/Huntress)
Fighting Style-
Other- (Anything that you feel needs mentioning that's not covered in rest of CS)


NPC Teachers - Headmaster Cobal - Morea - Virsee - Orenz

LemonZest1337 - Sarah Ember - Female Human

Eisenhorn - Ansgar Argenti - Male Faunus(Raven)

DSquiggs - Aurea Liones - Female Faunus(Lion)

Hydrophobe - Clara Cuhullin - Female Human

Ninja - Aiden Himura - Male Human

Leslie Hall - Jet Verde - Male Faunus(Snake)

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jinxlynx
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Jinxlynx The System / in the Glitch

Member Seen 10 days ago

I am interested
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 1 mo ago

You can count me in.

Also nice Pickle dance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Awesome. Hopefully we can get a couple more people. If not and you guys are still interested, maybe we could each do two characters.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Would I be able to start writing up my CS and post it here? I already have a clear idea of what I want to archive with my character. I've made two versions of her already, but all the Rwby RPs I've been in didn't get very far.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

go for it. when i get the cs thread up ill copy whatever characters are on here, to that.

EDIT: Just an FYI, your character doesn't have to be a student.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Appearance- A good word to describe Sarah would be Big. The main reason for this being her absurd height of 6'6 and weight of around 220lbs, having lived on a farm for the larger portion of her life gave her clear cut muscle, it not overly defined but if she were to flex you would be able to very clearly see it. She is also very well off in the curves department having great assets to work with that go together to create a shapely figure.

Name- Sarah Ember

Age- 18

Species- Human

Aura Color- bright orange.

Semblance- Pyre: Sarah has an unusually large pool of arua to draw from, but this is due to the nature of her semblance Pyre. Sarah's semblance allows her to coat her to super heat her body, this heavily burns through aura but can get extremely hot easily burning flesh and even melting metal if given enough time. The mmajor drawbacks of her semblance are the aura cost and the lack of control in stressful situations. Namely when Sarah is provoked she heats up automatically which can easily lead to dealing damage she didn't want to do, she also automatically heats up a small amount when flustered or embarrassed the heat isn't enough to burn you but you would surly notice the temperature change if you were sitting next to her.

Weapon- Tempered Carnage: Tempered Carnage is a large cobalt colored minigun that measures in at an impressive 6 feet long and weighing a huge 400lbs. This huge weapon transforms into an equally massive tower shield in which the barrels are spaced across it's front. Much like Sarah herself this weapon is all out attack or defense, it's barrels also heat up very quickly reaching red hot temperatures withing 10 seconds of unloading normal rounds. This process is all intentional and is why the barrels shift to be on the front of the shield form, she basically gets a super heated smashing board to grill grimm with. Admittedly the shields integrity is not as great when the barrels are heated.

Other Equipment- Sarah is sure to carry a supply of coolant made from ice dust so she can cool off her gun after using it for a while. She also sprays it on herself sometimes if she's heated up due to anger.

History- Sarah was a simple farm girl for the largest part of her life, she would manage the animals and help out her family and go to school just like anyone else. She was actually fairly ordinary in school, except for being very tall that is. She was well behaved and got decent grades in everything only excelling in sports, but then she decided to pick up a wrestling class as a dare from her friend. Honestly her friend just wanted to see her pile drive some people, which she assumed wouldn't be hard for Sarah given her size and excellent physical condition.

Sarah's friend wasn't disappointed, in fact she was amazed how much zeal Sarah showed in combat. This single dare made Sarah's life change she had finally found her passion, and it was combat. She started learning everything there was to know about fighting, eventually enrolling at signal academy and later Beacon. Sarah would train hard at school and then train hard at home, it was hard to talk to Sarah without her bringing up how she uppercut a guy or knocked over a tree with her weapon.

She thought nothing could stop her, but then the "Calm" broke and the hordes of Grimm set in. Not only killing her entire family but also destroying her school as well. It was now most of all that she knew she was to become a huntress, so she could wipe every last one of the monsters off the face of the planet.

Personality- Sarah is a friendly and fairly blunt person, there is a very weak filter between what she thinks and what she says. She's very open not keeping many secrets unless asked to by someone else or ones of personal importance. You could meet her for the first time and she would tell you everything from her name, all the way down to her slight fetish for short people (Which most people are compared to her). She can also be fairly hot headed in some maters not liking showboats or cocky people, unless of coarse they can back up their claims, then she'd probably ask to fight them.

There is a notable shift in Sarah's demeanor when Grimm are involved in the conversation or situation. Her hot headed side is much more visible but so is her love for combat, it is not uncommon for Sarah to laugh as she tries to pry apart a grimm's mouth with her hands. She enjoys killing them purely out of spite these days and the only fights she has true fun with are friendly sparring matches.

Sarah is also fiercely protective of her friends not afraid to sock someone in the face if they insult or threaten one of her mates. She is also a big hater of racism having greeted many of their heads to the floor in the past. And her tolerance for rude behavior has only diminished since the apocalypse.

Fighting Style- With Sarah you get what you see. A wall of bullets is normally how she opens up against an enemy wanting to get her shield nice and hot early on, her brutish approach to combat is of rushing down her opponent with a hail of gunfire then a barrage of mighty shield bashes is her most commonly used strategy. But sometimes there are opponents that are to strong of fast for her bulldozer technique, this is when she will cool off her weapon and her head and play it defensively by shoving a wall of metal in the enemies general direction.

She can be very brutal with how she kills grimm sometimes putting her weapon away altogether and just planting her super heated hands through their skull or other body parts. She manages to not be helpless when unarmed but she has no real defense without her shield, and her speed is somewhat lacking making it hard for her do deal with fast opponents.

Other- Sarah loves hugs.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 22 min ago

Hmm, seems fascinating, consider me interested.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Awesome. Go ahead and put your character here. Hopefully we can get another person or two to start. I'll just link everyone's characters to the top post in this thread and the IC
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hydrophobe
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oooh pick me! Interest being expressed here!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I'd be happy to join this! I have an idea for a character that doesn't use a weapon, but rather relies on their semblance to fight with. Their weapon would be more of a tool that enhances their aura.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

ahhh here come the people. that's fine with the semblance usage. Just remember,everyone, that using semblance excessively can severely hamper ones fighting capabilities when used within a short time

EDIT: I will finish up my character and post it when I get home from work. Then I will get started on an opening. I plan on being a female faunus, but if there is too many females, I'll change to male.

DOUBLE EDIT: Now that I think about it Leslie, my characters semblance after a time and more training could remedy that problem =P well now im even more excited
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 22 min ago

@DSquiggs Good stuff there, all and all. Heads up, I'm working on a male Faunus atm, so you can keep a running tally in your head on who is playing what, eh?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@DSquiggs My character is a Male Snake Faunus if you were interested in gauging what we've got so far.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Female human
Male snake faunus
Male raven faunus

Myself, so far, will be a female lion faunus.hear my roar *hint hint*

EDIT: when I get home, I will also post a couple teacher profiles along with the headmaster. I may have one or two tag along as NPCs.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 22 min ago

Standing only at around 5'7" tall, and weighing around the Faunus could easily blend in if he put his mind to it, though he hardly does so, even if his gleaming silver eyes are always scanning as if he wasn't making himself well known. Preferring to keep his jet black feathers hidden under the loose fitting coat that he tends to wear, his upper arms and most of his back covered in the sleek feathers, he still manages to show off without giving himself away typically. All lean muscle from living on the streets growing up, he has no shame in his looks otherwise, even if he prefers looser fitting clothes than the snug ones that some more formal folks may prefer. A word to the wise though, don't touch his hat, not if you want to stay on his good side.

Ansgar Argenti


Faunus: Raven

-Aura Color-
Dark Blue

Unlike some flashy or overtly potent Semblances, Ansgar's own ability overtly does nothing to his surroundings. However, by siphoning off his Aura, he can amplify his reflexes and awareness, making everything else appear to be moving in slow motion, or nearly at a stand still depending on his much he draws off his Aura. To other people, he seems to be not only hyper aware, but gifted with the speed necessary to take advantage of this hyper awareness. The problems being that, one, his already limited Aura capacity is drained at a potentially alarming pace, and two, his body simply isn't designed for the sudden surge of power. The two factors mean that, when pushed into a corner and having to use his Semblance, Ansgar doesn't have long under its effects before either his Aura gives out, or his body does. This is due to the siphoning of his Aura empowers his mind, removing the limits imposed by himself normally and fueling his sudden burst, but does nothing to aid the rest of his body in keeping up without self inflicted damage. As such, either its used as a last resort, or in split second moments to gather information of his situation before acting normally without its full effects. While using its effects, his normally silver eyes turn a brilliant shade of blue and he leaves an after image behind when moving, the spent energy venting off creating the effect.

Huginn and Muninn
These are his paired revolvers, typically loaded with high caliber ammunition capable of stopping most unprotected human sized targets in a single shot, and able to dump an entire cylinder's worth of ammunition, eight shots per revolver, into a larger or more resilient target alarmingly quickly. When pressed into melee combat, each revolver has an extending bayonet, giving him a combination of stab, slash, and shot that makes him just as dangerous up close and personal as it does outside of arms reach. But when the going gets tough, Ansgar carries a supply of both Dust rounds, which fire off a single shot of a given element, and canisters filled with different kinds of Dust. These canisters slot into the grips of his revolvers, and can be used to either mix with a Dust round, creating secondary elemental effects, or be used to coat the bayonets in Dust, giving the blades other effects depending on what needs arise.

-Other Equipment-
Besides one pouch full of Dust bullets, and another with canisters of Dust meant for augmenting his bayonets or bullets, he has a flask he inherited from his father, with his initials etched into the side of the battered old container.

Born in an impoverished part of a city, Ansgar's father was a human Hunter while his mother was a Faunus nurse, working at a local clinic. While his father caught figurative flak from some people for marrying a Faunus, he shielded his wife and child from such things as best he could, though he made sure that Ansgar was well aware of the stigma his race brought, according to some people. He was known as a trouble maker and scrapper in school, accused of picking fights with humans and generally being a pain in the ass for most of his teachers. Of course, defending himself and others from bullies wasn't a good excuse to kick the ever living shit out of someone, but his parents swore they would never punish him for standing up for others. His father even taught him how to defend himself in hand to hand, only amplifying the problem as he quickly outpaced any school yard bullies.

Outside of school, Ansgar worked part time as an errand boy, either for the clinic where his mother worked delivering medicine to patients who were too old, or sick, to be out and about on their own, or for whoever needed a reliable set of hands to deliver something in a timely manner. If he wasn't working or in school, he was getting into trouble, running with a local small gang of Faunus that claimed they were only acting to protect other's like them, but once he realized they were trying to put down humans that weren't being oppressive or even helping Faunus, he quickly cut ties with them and even outed them to the local authorities.

Unlike some, when the 'Calm' broke, Ansgar wasn't immediately affected by the issue. Sure, his father had to spend most of his time working and wasn't around anymore, but he was well old enough to handle himself at this point. His mother also set out to help provide emergency medical aid to towns and frontier locations hit by the Grimm, leaving Ansgar with no readily apparent idea what to do. Inspired by his father, he figured he'd go and try his hand as a Hunter, stories from his dad of them defending people, regardless of who they were, from the Grimm giving him an idea that the Hunters and Huntresses could be an example for the rest of the folks around. After all, someone has a Faunus save their skin, with no regard for who they are, its hard to argue those kind of results, right?

Chatty and disrespectful are two quick ways to describe the raven Faunus' typical day to day handling of himself. Always keeping himself relaxed and calm, Ansgar isn't one for acting in the heat of the moment, watching and getting a good handle on things before taking any serious action. This doesn't mean he won't run his mouth however, and he'll as often talk because he enjoys the sound of his own voice as much as he will to get a rise out of someone and see how they'll react. Of course, this hasn't endeared him with most people, considering he'll casually remark on missteps and failures he spots, even if it would be better to wait until later, and someone might be forgiven for mistaking his remarks as attempts at goading others to do better through some insulting remarks. Of course, none of this chatter is going to be about himself, he loves his secrets and will rarely share anything about himself unless completely necessary, and his definition of completely necessary being rather stringent indeed.

Despite the appearance of his chatty, insulting and general 'devil may care' attitude, he keeps a very close eye on his surroundings, letting people judge him for who he plays at being, and while he remains as chatty as ever, he isn't the casual, careless buffoon that he plays at being. Push comes to shove, he'll get serious and, while his remarks and taunts remain, his actions speak far louder than words. Professional would be the best way to describe his actions once he begins taking something seriously, though getting him to actually do so is an exercise in and of itself since he isn't terribly fond of working any harder than completely necessary.

The single most surefire way to royally piss him off and get him to drop the rather relaxed, careless attitude is racism against Faunus. He's seen enough ugly things spawn from it, from shop owners that refuse to serve his kind to being the target of thugs wanting to puff out their chests and make them feel big, he doesn't tolerate a racist, nor a bully. He'll gladly step in to give a sound thrashing to any racist or bully, and will need actively restrained if discretion is needed, and he'll thrash anyone equally in regards to bullies or racism, finding the extremist Faunus groups as disgusting as the racist humans. Far as he is concerned, Grimm will slaughter them all given the chance, with no care for race, why should they care?

-Fighting Style-
Observe, plan, act. Ansgar will gladly let others act first, taking in his surroundings and planning out things for what he knows. Granted, he won't tell anyone what his plan is before acting, preferring to plan around any allies actions and adapt from there rather than trust them to carry out his own plans or orders. He relies on speed and evasion in a fight, unloading his revolvers into the enemy, be they Grimm or otherwise opposed to him, before either engaging in close quarters while reloading, getting stuck in with bayonets and their often times Dust infused strikes, or maintaining his distance, continuing to empty his guns into them until they stop moving. Adaptability and evasion are the names of the game, far as Ansgar is concerned.

Disarming him doesn't really slow him down much in melee, having spent quite a lot of time brawling and learning to fight hand to hand instead of studying like he should have honestly been doing, and he often times relishes the chance to get stuck in like the old days. Anything goes, whether its punches or kicks below the belt, a handful of salt or dirt for the eyes, mock surrender to ambush them when they get close. His up front unarmed fighting is a blend of fast kicks and jabs, loving the feeling of a solid kick landing almost as much as watching them drop from a swift, stern boot to the head.

While not a trained medic or doctor, Ansgar is rather handy at getting someone patched together long enough to get them to proper medical attention, thanks to his mother's insistence on him knowing basic first aid.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'll be home shortly and at the very least have my character up including experienced NPC hunters and huntresses. I'll begin working on the first IC post, but I won't post that until I've contacted those that have expressed interest but haven't made their characters. Just want to get a final tally of who will actually be joining and sticking with it
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hydrophobe
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'll have my sheet up tonight. I was working on it and accidentally closed the tab when I had almost finished it, so I lost a pretty much finished sheet. I'll have to rewrite it but it will definitely be up sometime today.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

So here's my gal. I will start working out the NPC's. I might use some characters I've used before for a little ease.

Name- Aurea
Age- 19
Species- Lion Faunus

Aura Color- Golden

Semblance- Imbue - Aurea's semblance is able to invigorate ones spirit, allowing them a temporary increase of strength and speed. Though this is all she is able to do, she has witnessed her father, who shares the semblance, Imbue allies with numerous stat changes and once, even intimidate a group of enemies into retreating. She trains hard in hopes of one day achieving what her father has.

Weapon- Roaring Lyonel

When not battling, Aurea's shield doubles as her chest armor. It is in this form, when she will fight using her long razor-like durable fingernails. On her back, where the lion head slightly protrudes, she can fire wide shotgun blasts to repel any surprise attacks. When activated, the golden plate armor covering her chest, shoulder, and arms, flips and folds behind her back leaving only her trusty scale armor. In shield form, Roaring Lyonel gains a more focused blast that produces a powerful punch with much better range. Aurea is able to project her ability in a wide frontal cone by roaring into a special battle horn that her father crafted into the shield, which is then released and amplified through the lions mouth.

Other Equipment- There are two metal compartments built into the armor around her waist that hold extra ammo and the materials for making them.

History- Aurea grew up with her parents in a village on the edge of the desert between Vacuo and Vale. While her mother taught her the value of life, she learned from her father the means to protect it. He wanted the best training possible for her when she came of age, but in a village seldom in danger, he figured it would be best to send her to an academy. With the help of her uncle, who was often helping train hunters and huntresses in Beacon Academy, Aurea was granted entrance. Though, she wasn't allowed to take classes or train due to her age, she was allowed to stick by her uncles side, learning the ins and outs.

This went on for a few years until she was able to finally enroll. She had a great advantage in the classroom, but because of the limitations of her previous agreement, fell slightly behind in the training. She adapted quickly with after hours sparring sessions with her uncle. She eventually grew into her lioness, gaining more strength than speed, and when the time was right, her father had sent his most precious shield, with a few upgrades. After that, training became more intense, with an emphasis on controlling her aggressive attitude in battle.

Personality- Through years of observing her uncle and wandering the grounds of Beacon, Aurea came to know most of the students and teachers. She was never afraid in her young age to tell someone how they could be better. The older she gets, the more reserved she becomes, helping through action when she thought someone was ready. She can be aggressive in sparring lessons, choosing to teach the way her uncle has taught for years. Failure is the only way to improve; a lesson carved into her brain. Otherwise, she carries a calm demeanor.

Fighting Style- Put into a single word. Ferocious. Her main weapon of choice are her claw-like fingernails, opting to get in close and tear a victim to shreds. She often loses herself because of her lioness instincts. These instincts however, also allow her to feel when a friend is in need, turning her into a guardian that resembles a mother protecting her cubs.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hydrophobe
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Here we go:

Clara Cuhullin



Aura Color-
Light grey/near-white

Heavenly Wings:
Clara's semblance appears through the manifestation of a pair of brilliantly white, transparent wings sprouting from her upper back. Clara can choose when her semblance is active and when it isn't. While active, her wings give her slightly enhanced movement abilities (higher jumps, slower descents, quicker forward/backward motions, etc.), though if she wishes to truly fly she must sacrifice a significant portion of her aura, making it nearly useless in a combat situation. Flying anything above roughly 20 feet drains her aura completely in mere seconds. Due to the wings being completely made of her aura, she is able to use it to block incoming attacks, as well as send out razor-sharp feather projectiles at her enemies.

Zephyr is Clara's multi-form sword. Zephyr's first form is a one-hand basket-hilted sword (Depicted in Clara's appearance). This is Clara's preferred form, as it allows for more versatile combat. She can choose to get up close and personal, or keep them at a range with the 2.5 foot double-edged blade. It's ornamental hilt is also excellent at protecting her hand from cheap shots while fighting. Zephyr's second form is a two-handed longsword. The basket-hilt shifts into a winged guard, extending roughly 6 inches in either direction. The blade's length extends outward, adding an additional foot of deadly-sharp blade that allows Clara to swing harder and rip through even the toughest Grimm hides.

Other Equipment-

Clara lived with her family, consisting of her mother, father, two brothers, and one sister. They lived in a modest house in the heart of Vale for most of her life. Clara's parents found it difficult to provide for the four young children, leaving Clara to help out as she was the oldest and most responsible. At the age of 11, Clara's father committed suicide and left Clara and her mother to take care of the other children. Her mother spiraled into a deep depression, resorting to drinking in order to numb the loss of her husband. Clara took on the responsibility of taking care of the other three children at an incredibly young age. She began working wherever she could in order to support the family - and her mother's drinking habit.

Clara had to stay strong. If not for herself, then for her siblings. Clara managed to stabilize the situation, though things were still rough. Things were starting to look up for their family. The next oldest, her brother Oliver began taking on some of the responsibilities. Their mother, while still suffering from constant drunkenness and depression, started down a journey of recovery.

Unfortunately, just as things began to look up, the global wave of Grimm attacks devastated Clara's family. Huntsmen all around tried to defend them from the onslaught of Grimm, but it was useless. Clara lost her family to the beasts. She was the only survivor. It was this event that drove her to become a Huntress. She had failed to protect her family, and she wasn't going to let the same happen to anyone else if she could help it. The only thing that mattered now was that no one else would have to experience her pain.

Clara clings to people. A lot. She knows just how fragile life can be, and so her goal is to make the best of what she can. This often leads to her overstepping boundaries and attempting to become too close to an individual too quickly, which many might see as a little invasive. Unfortunately, Clara knows this about herself and she tends to try and hide it, leading to many conflicting inner feelings.

Aside from that, she tries to see the good in everyone. In her eyes, the only truly evil thing in this world is the Grimm. Clara tends to be incredibly protective over anyone she meets. She would sacrifice herself if it meant that she could save the life of another.

Fighting Style-
Clara fights with calculated aggression. She tends to open cautiously aggressive, attempting to figure her opponents out in the first few moments of combat. Blocking patterns, favored sides, etc. After making mental notes of these, she tries to capitalize on any weaknesses she found by keeping up her aggressive onslaught. Clara uses her semblance in conjunction with Zephyr in order to chain together devestating combos of ranged attacks weaved into her melee strikes.
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