Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

[b]YEAR: 2102:

Humanity discovers its newest source of energy, Ethus, a highly volatile but powerful clean alternative to nuclear energy.
The energy corporations take control of all the major branches of the worlds government, and soon enough, war breaks out....
YEAR: 2138:
Four Major wars rage on around the world, the conflict pushes combat engineers to develop CVFs (Combat Vehicle Frames), the huge Mechas are powered by Ethus and cause major damage to civilization, 90 % of the worlds cities are is now in ruin.. the richest and most elite create an almost utopian fortress in what used to be South Africa near Cape Town, They seal off the Mega Empire with powerful shields and an army of cutting edge Frames.
YEAR: 2152:
The world becomes the 'New Wild West' many of the engineers and mechanics from the armies, defect from the war and start selling mechas to private armies and militias, before long there is almost no more allegiance to any particular nations, factions form, bandits gather, and bounty hunters set out to take what they can from what they see as a lost world waiting to controlled and exploited.
From what I can tell, the majority of the 'New Wild West' is in the american continent, main cities and towns seem to have been built in what used to be Mexico, with a lot of the CVF factories being in florida, apart from a few militias, derelict towns, and semi functional Ethus Power Plants, which are frequently raided, in the midwest , Americais largely a vacant wasteland.
Actually so is most of the world, the super fortress in south africa called 'Monolith' is cut off from the world, the last things close to what you could call 'armies' are in China & Japan 'The Red Monarchy' and their last remaining opponents 'The Seaboard Frontier' which is in Canada. Although they are a very small fraction of what they once were, they still have the most power outside of monolith due to their organised and trained CVF armies and large supply of Ethus in their respective regions.
.......But no matter, soon it will all be mine anyway............

Overview: Iron Demons is largely a freeform open world Mecha pilot RP, you will play the role of a Mecha Pilot who is currently in the Midwestern Wasteland, though your motives will depend largely on your background. You will begin as a 'team' who are asked to do a single job, after that you are left to your own desires on how you would like to continue in the game(stay in a team, split off into factions, join an army, become a bounty hunter,search for Ethus, etc).

Mechas: Your CVFs or 'Frames' will have varying abilities, one advantages will cause another disadvantage, here are some of the pro/cons.

Mechas that can Fly, suffer in armour and equipment, if your mecha can fly like a bee it because it has little to no armour and can only carry smaller weapons
the opposite is that if your mecha is a heavily armoured tank, it wont be able to fly at all. Something in between may be able to fly but for shorter busts or may have to sacrafice air mobilty to fly.

Weapon Weights/Availability

The weapons used in Iron Frames are slightly advanced fire arms buit for massive frames, this is a rough chart to determine the weight of weapons, 'units' depending on the size of the mech depends on how much weight they can carry in units, if you want a weapon that isnt on the chart,(Missile Launcher) then ask a GM for an estimation

Unit 1 class (weighs 1 unit)
Pistols, Grenades (Per 10), Small hand Melee weapons (daggers) etc
Unit 2 class
Submachine Guns, Shields , Sword Sized Melee weapons, Arm mounted weapons (wrist launchers) etc
Unit 3 Class
Rifles, two handed melee weapons, back mounted weapons, etc
Unit 4
Heavy Duty Weapons, Large Cannons, MiniGuns, etc

Example: Ryder has a Weight Class 7 Frame it is fairly heavy, it cant fly but can use thrusters for jump/air dashing has poor accelaration, strong armour and below average mobility. Because he is Class 7 he can carry up to 7 units worth of weapons (x2 pisols, 1 Combat Rifle, and 1 Motor Sword)

Character Sheets:
You will have you CS in 2 parts, one for your Pilot and the Other for your MechaFrame.
Name: (Full)
Age: (15-65)
Background: (choose from: Mercenary, Freedom Fighter, Bandit, Drifter, Bounty Hunter, Refugee, Mechanic)
Bio: (Paragraph minimum, and I have left details of the world quite basic on purpose to give you more room to give a more freeform description, in short, the game's narrative builds around the players characters)
Description: (Text or Pic)

Name: (Factory Names, Nicknames or mix of the Both)
Description: (Pic Only)
Weight Class: (1-10)
Weapons Descriptions: (Detail which weapons you have and what they do)
Additional Notes: (Extra Details on your Frame Go Here)
Past Encounter: (Optional, give a description of a note worthy mission/battle/adventure that this Frame has been on)


Arsenal: Taylor Kayo in the CFD-A5 Jackal-5
eddieddi: Alexander Ulrich in the C.E.D. E-12. 'Destroyer'
Bosco: Angus Brown in the Hjertz Model J9 - R055 "J9"
Konica: Ryan Lissy in the Argon Mk7
Stickman: Gunther Holtrop in the T3 Anguish 'Wasp'
Barioth:Simon Yu-Hawn in the PRL-58 Puriel "Judgement"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Awesome. I'd be happy to Co-gm for you. the sooner you get a CS up the sooner I can start working on it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Barioth
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cool beans, already have an idea for a character.

EDIT: If possible could there be some reference images to get a basic idea as to what kind of mechs we are using?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

think armoured core crossed with Hawken, basicly bi-pedial mechs with a emphesis on long haul trecks, drawn out combat and survivability.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Barioth
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Barioth probably can't read

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

From the int check, it seemed more like Armoured Core but more humanoid.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arsenal


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Neat, haven't seen a new mech RP for a while, would there be room for one more or did you already get your recruiting done through the interest check?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I've never played armoured core, so just how big are the mechs? Are we talking Titanfall tiny or Pacific Rim huge?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Closer to titan fall size, probably 1.5 bigger with room for variations.

eddie Id be happy for you to co gm with me!

and arsenal there is plenty space, we havent recruited yet
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arsenal


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Okay, I managed to scrap this together in short order, please let me know if anything needs to be changed at all.

Name: Taylor Kayo
Age: 27
Height: 5'5" (165 cm)
Weight: 120 lbs (54 kg)
Background: Mercenary
Bio: Taylor Kayo is a hired gun that advertises herself as a professional bodyguard, preferring to take jobs of escort and protection over more aggressive jobs such as military liason or bounty hunting. She picked up her piloting skills from her late father, Jonathan Kayo, a CVF pilot formerly enlisted with the Seaboard Frontier. Having the foresight to see the way the world was turning, he carefully instructed his daughter with the skills he believed she would be able to utilize. Taylor was less than appreciative of the efforts of her father to teach her to pilot, having originally held ambitions to do something more than pilot a frame and wanting nothing to do with the wars raging across the planet. She would never quite understand the reasoning behind her father's insistence until the world began to turn into the new wild west five years ago; when laws and governing nations started to crumble and dissolve all around them.
Her father's health started to wane quickly as he succumbed to the wounds he'd earned while fighting under the banner of the Seaboard Frontier, but with his last months on earth he passed his knowledge and his frame to his daughter before passing away. That was three years ago; since that time Taylor began searching the war-torn land for a new purpose, for where she belonged, carrying every meager posession she had with her in her inherited CVF. Of course, traversing the world alone in a piece of large military hardware began to attract unwelcome attention. Bandits who prized the valuable frames decided to stalk Taylor. They made their move when she was in travel between the ruins of cities, ambushing her in their own CVFs, demanding she surrender her frame. Knowing that being was left stranded so far from civilization without a vehicle would be a death sentence, and in a panic, Taylor fought back rather than give in to their demands.
Taylor's CVF incurred massive damage and was nearly destroyed in the course of the battle, but Taylor's training and experience were just enough to let her survive against the untrained bandits, even outnumbered three-to-one. She killed one, and managed to injure and scare off the second and third. Taylor realized her calling lied with the frames; she immediately claimed the scrap of the destroyed enemy CVF and made for the nearest community she could find. Using the funds she had and what money she could get selling her old CVF and parts from the destroyed bandit CVF, she managed to get enough money to buy a surplus military frame, marking the beginning of her career as a mercenary.
Description: Taylor Kayo

Name: CFD-A5 Jackal-5
Description: Jackal-5
Weight Class: Class 4
Weapons Descriptions: The Jackal-5 is only equipped with a massive 200mm railcannon. The cannon is normally stored in a folded configuration on the back, but is unfolded and held in hand when in use. The railcannon is large and slow-firing, taking about two and a half seconds to load between shots, but makes up for this deficiency with sheer power and range.
Additional Notes: Designed to fulfill the same role in CVF warfare as a Tank Destroyer, the Jackal-5 is built to use its speed to outmaneuver more heavily armored frames, and it does so by sacrificing extra weapons and armor to gain this mobility advantage. Jump jets mounted on the body do not allow sustained flight but heighten jumps and allow for mid-air dashes. The cockpit is of unusual note, as the pilot actually is suspended in a harness in an upright position inside of the torso, as there is no room within the chassis for a traditional seat for a pilot to "sit down" in.
Past Encounter: The Jackal series was originally commissioned to be designed and used by the Seaboard Frontier. When it failed to meet expectations the design was subsequently rejected because of concerns regarding the frame's lack of armor and stability, and the early production models were sent back to the contractors that had built them. In an effort to recuperate lost costs, the contractors sold the frames that had already been built to the highest bidders. Taylor's Jackal is the fifth one ever built, and while it has seen combat in minor skirmishes with bandits, the Jackal was never used in any official capacity by any military before being sold to Taylor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

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Name: Alexander Ulric
Age: 22
Height: 6ft 3inch
Weight: 65kg
Background: Having defected from the slowly forming 'bandit forces' and taking his Frame with him he is somewhere between drifter and Merc.
Bio: Born in southern england Alexander was raised under the cover of the islands relative isolation from the world, war's raging on the other side of the world wern't his problem. That was untill 2150, Colham, known for its exeptional armour construction and almost indestructible style of building was attacked, and every young man or woman capable of piloting a Frame was drawn up in to a militia of sorts to defend what was to become one of the best known frame shops going. Only problem was that the Ethus was hard to come buy in the UK. and so almost all the frames lay dormant.
Alexander got his hands on a working one and got the hell out of there, by this year the wars had dried up huge swathes of ocean allowing easy travel between most continents.
when he arrived in the americas he found something odd, most Frames that he encountered wen't like his, they were fast and agile, relying on speed and outmaneuvering the foe, his Frame however was built for one job, and one job only. destroying anything that got in its way. it was heavy, slow, capable of taking almost anything thrown at it and dishing out enough firepower to utterly destroy most foes. Several large bandit forces approached him with offers to join them he refused most, though one caught his interest, several of the engineers from Colham had joined them and they were looking to work on his Frame, improve the armour, increase weapon power. so he went along with them just to see what would happen.
Things went well for a few years, he would take on the hardest jobs and tear through any static defence as if it was nothing but so much cardboard and he could deal with that. he didn't see the screaming faces, or the blood, he only saw crumbling stones and shattered iron. then he was asked to take prisoners, he was asked for captives to torture. he couldn't take that, so he upped and left, with a good chunk of the bandit forces behind him, he knew he couldn't outrun them, so he turned and stood his ground, and once again his Frame proved that sometimes, all you need is a bigger gun. he's been doing odd jobs here and there since, anything that pays well and keeps his Frame in good nick.

Name: C.E.D. E-12. (Standing for Colham Emergency Defence Edition 12) though Alexander just calls it "The Destroyer"
Weight Class: 10
Weapons Descriptions: The Right (if you were in the Frame) arm holds a massive Ion cannon which uses a direct link to the Ethius generator to power itself, this Ion cannon projects a beam of supercharged particles at near light speed capable of punching right through almost any armour, this weapon has a huge range and flies straight against the solar plain (unaffected by gravity or wind), However due to the massive energy drain the Frame must stay still while charging and firing. while not in use it packs up on to the back of the Frame.
The Right arm carries a Combi weapon, a set of three somewhat smaller weapons all built to work together. from top to bottom: The first is a DSP, or directional shield projector, this creates a EM field capable of deflecting or outright blocking any weapons that arn't energy based (so anything that has a solid ammunition) though shockwaves from missles will still get through it is directional, it can only protect one side of the mech at a time. The second is REP, or Rapid Energy Pulse gun. firing bursts of super heated ionised gas at a machine gun like rate allows for a highly effective mid to close range weapon, due to the drop off anything further away than about 250m will only suffer light paint flaking, however it is effective against unarmoured targets up to 400m. the third weapon is a Hellstorm Missile launcher, the missiles from this launcher are TINY they are so small that most mistake it for a anti-personal weapon, however rather than being normal impact sensitive missiles, the tips of these missiles are diamond tipped drill bores. used to drive deep in to the enemy armour and hull and detonate among vital components these missiles lack actual explosive force and shrapnel effect of most common missiles and so lack a direct use in combat or cracking enemy armour, however against heavily defended or armoured foes they are highly effective due to the penetrating effects and the ease of getting in amongst vital things.
Additional Notes: The Devastator lacks the flight capabilities of most other Mechs, However makes up for this with massive weaponry and armour thick enough to withstand a direct hit from a anti-frame cannon.
Past Encounter: During His time as a bandit Alexander took part in the breaking of a sige on one of the Seaboard Frontiers wasteland fortresses, using the ion cannon to utterly disintegrate the frontal shielding of the main gates and obliterate the defensive turrets.

Alexanders comment; "Firepower unmatched. Nothing but utter Devastation left behind. One job; Annihilation. One question; What's the target?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bosco


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Angus Brown
Age: 24
Height: 6'
Weight: 210
Background: Mercenary
Bio: Angus's Father was a tank gunner when the wars broke out and he couldn't understand what his mother meant when she told him he would see his father anymore one day. A list of men tried to take his fathers place after that but none of them would be his father, none of them were anything like his father. He was strong and brave while the pretenders acted sophisticated and charming. Angus would brood and never accept who ever tried to put themselves at his mother's side till the day she passed on quietly from illness. After that he was on his own, became a thug, and eventually joined a few of his gang in a mercenary corp. Whether it was luck that put him in that CFV or some heavenly intervention that gave him the short straw Angus was stuck with J9, the Frame with 'only one gun'.

At the time none of them had any canisters to use so J9's best close range feature was the free hand. But even without the canisters J9 and Angus were a lethal pairing and managed to make Ace before any of the others in his gang. It was during an ambush that Angus discovered the canisters when a J8 attacked them with it's spray and nearly melted their SMG. For the most part a J8 and J9 are very much the same machine, but the J8 lacks certain safety features put into the J9, such as a lock a loaded canister to keep it from being removed by other Model J Frames. It was exactly that lack of safety features that allowed Angus to gain the upper hand and start using the chem's in combat. Angus proved himself a worthy warrior and earned some reputation for ripping a canister right out of another Model J, eventually taking his name and reputation to work freelance in the Midwest where protection is always needed.


Name: Hjertz Model J9 - R055 "J9"
Weight Class: 6 Unit
Weapons Descriptions: J9 carries into battle at all times his heavy caliber SMG, mainly because it acts as his left hand but also because of its ability to also act a sprayer of chemical acid or fire via canisters attached to the gun. Acid is designed to melt the metal of a CVF and while it may not destroy the frame it can easily disable a weapon or expose an internal part. Flame canisters were originally designed as a way to clear bunkers and wipe out infantry on the ground, today it is more commonly used to distort gun barrels and cook pilots stuck in their cockpits.

Notes: When emptied a canister must be removed and replaced by another within J9's chest compartment before he can use the chem-spray function on his SMG again. The combination of either gun play or chem-spray make J9 a deadly foe in medium to close range and his free hand allows it to use melee weapons given the right circumstances. J9's SMG unfortunatly gets in the way of ANY chance at using long range equipment and is thus unable to return fire on frames too far out. During j9's canister reloads his chest compartment filled with volatile acids and pyrotechnics is exposed and one well aimed shot may spell disaster for this CVF and his Pilot.

Hjertz manufacturer built and sold CVF's to many during the wars and continued to sell their stock until their factories shut down. Hjertz would develop 5 Models for their CVFs: Model H "The Sniper", Model K "The Warrior", Model A "The Cannon", Model J "The Hunter", and lastly Model P "The Tank". Hjertz Model J's were designed with the intent of using CVF like squads of Infantry, fighting together as a group and being versatile for many situations and terrain. Later models like the J8, J9, J10 scraped the needing a team to be effective and rather make them super soldiers within their range.

Past Encounter: (Optional, give a description of a note worthy mission/battle/adventure that this Frame has been on)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

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Name: Ryan Lissy
Age: 25
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 150 lbs
Background: Freedom Fighter

Bio: Ryan used to serve as the mechanic and fourth member of a small band calling themselves the Eagles. They were a group of idealistic young pilots who opposed the Monolith for abandoning the rest of the world. The group started off doing odd jobs here and there but eventually grew in size to a group of about 16 pilots (it was difficult to keep track since people came and went as they pleased). The four original founders became the leaders of the group with Cameron, the original founder, as the big boss.

For a while the gang felt unstoppable, jobs were easy due to their sheer manpower. They even took on The Seaboard Frontier a few times and won with the aid of guerrilla tactics. All was well and good until they got greedy and attacked a SF camp. The idea was they needed to grow faster if they ever wanted to take on the Monolith, so they decided to steal resources from well equipped groups. But they weren't as invincible as they thought and barely made it out with their lives. The group shrunk by 60% due to death and pilots abandoning. After that constant arguments and disagreements kept splitting the group until only Ryan and Cameron were left. The two went back to taking simple jobs and wandering about. It was kind of nice, peaceful even. But the two eventually went their separate ways due to personal reasons.

Now Ryan is just trying to make enough cash to keep her mech running.


Name: Argon Mk 7
Weight Class: 5

Weapons Descriptions: The main weapon is a standard combat rifle that boasts minimum recoil. The rifle has been equipped with an optional silent mode and quick change mags. Silent mode dampens sound and decreases muzzle flare, and the mags are designed to be cheap, dispensable, and easy to change. In addition it has a wrist-mounted grenade launcher on one arm that fires standard explosives and smoke grenades. There's also a small utility knife for emergencies.

Additional Notes: The Argon was designed to be as cheap and efficient as possible, which influenced several design features which made it successful. The simplicity of the design meant the CVF was extremely reliable, being able to function in all kinds of environments from humid jungles to hot deserts. In addition parts are very easy to replace and upgrade, which made the Argon extremely customizable (making it popular amongst mechanics and modders). In order to keep the price low, the Argon was equipped with a rather mediocre engine. Because of this, the entire design was built to be extremely efficient in order to make it competitive with other CVFs. And the weaker engine also made it very silent (both audibly and thermally), making it a popular scout/recon CVF. During the war, the Argon was commonly used as cannon fodder, so parts can easily be found on old battlefields. And because of its simple design, even newer Argon models can utilize parts from the original designs.

Past Encounter: Ryan once took on an entire 5 Frame squad by herself. Using guerrilla tactics, she spent 4 days crawling through the jungle and stalking her prey. She managed to disable 2 of them and divert the others long enough for backup to arrive.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bosco


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I think the J9 would give the Destroyer a run for its money. The only thing really in its way is your massive ion cannon, but the way to get around that while closing the distance would likely involve a curved running path to get behind you and then staying in your blind spot till in close range where your thick armor means nothing to J9 and his spray.But that is all betting on being able to avoid the ion cannon by staying away from your Frame's left side.

Though if the Destroyer got the drop on J9 from afar I can see a one shot, one kill scenario if he punches though my chest and detonates all my canisters. I can see the same happening if her used those drill missiles on me.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: bakster hoppins
Age: 23
Height: 5'2
Weight:115 Ib
Background: drifter
Bio: born in small colony in a nearly destroyed town in new york, bakster had a hard life. Constantly running low on food or wood to start fires. But what they lacked in required resources they constantly found ethus and scattered pieces of what looked like huge robots. The colonist had nothing to use this for, as they were alone and no one had any real skill with frames, until an old man from canada came to there town and was nice enough to fix them a frame from the junked ones around them. With the new found power the colonist wished to make the best pilot for it they could, choosing bakster as the test subject, constantly making him exercise, taught him in martial arts, and made him use the frame daily until he grew to the age of 19, and sent him out to scout a new home for them.

Name: back street boy, or just the junker
Weight Class: 6
Weapons Descriptions: a large shield and a back cannon, but uses punches and kicks
Additional Notes: pieces of junk have been known to shoot out of slide off
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Barioth
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Simon Yu-hwan
Age: 27
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 167
Background: Mercenary
Bio: Originally, Simon was a soldier of Monolith and aided in its defense against outside forces seeking to invade the paradise. He personally grew sick of the cramped area and longed to see the world. As an ace pilot of the guards he was given missions that took him outside the fortress to destroy enemies who posed a threat to the fortress. On his missions he caught small glimpses of the world and grew more and more curious, eventually abandoning Monolith while out on a mission. He took his personalized unit into the outside world to see what he could discover. He has taken work as a mercenary.

Name: PRL-58 Puriel "Judgement"

Weight Class: 6
Weapons Descriptions:
E/S SubMachine-Gun Lance- Can switch between solid ammo or can connect to the Ethus reactor to fire energy rounds. It is high-calibur and it's solid ammo rounds pack acceptable stopping power, while it's Ethus rounds take large amounts of energy for powerful rapid-fire rounds. Held in the right-hand. It has an Ethus-bayonet at the tip of the barrel around the size of a small Ethus shortsword. Can pierce thick armor
Ethus Dagger- Can change the size and intensity of the blade. Removable and exchangeable. At high intensities can cut through armor
Head Vulcans- Located on each side of its head are vulcans that fire small tracer rounds for shooting down aircraft.
Missile Pods- Located in the hips, fires small HE-Ethus Missiles, can be set to heat-seeking or just fired in a straight line.
Chaff Canisters- Contained on the back of he legs, released and exploded midair to destroy missiles.
-5 Missiles 2 Canister
Additional Notes: An example of the advanced technology of the "Monolith", Simon's frame isn't just like the rest of the mass-produced Puriels, it is a customized, suped-up, finely-tuned, masterpiece (According to him). He has had mechanics enhance the maneuverability and speed of his frame along with many other internal upgrades. While it is lacking in armor, it makes up for it with extreme speed. The G-force in the cockpit is unbelievable and most people not adjusted to such punishing force can even be at risk flying his customized frame. It can fly at high altitudes as well as hover just above the ground or walk on the ground.
The Puriel is a mass-produced flight frame created to protect Monolith from the skies.
The Judgement was built from a mass-produced PRL-58 that was granted to Simon when he joined the guards. As he proved himself he was granted the ability to customize and upgrade the unit. This allowed him to create a difficult to control yet far superior model than the rest of the Puriels.
Past Encounter: Before Simon's desertion the Judgement was assigned to a bombing run on a facility. With deadly efficiency, it shot down 2 enemy aircraft, 3 ground frames, and destroyed the facility while only sustaining moderate damage.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bosco


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Barioth, looking at your weapons it doesn't look like they add up to a 5 unit Frame, but a 10 unit.
E/S Machine-Gun Lance- 3 units
Ethus Blade- 2 units
Head Vulcans- 2 units
Missile Pods- ~1-2 unit(s)
Chest Bombs- 1 unit
Chaff Canisters- 1 unit

I am not the GM but I feel like what I pointed out is something he would agree with.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

He's right Barioth, your weapons exceed your weight class,

I can maybe accept your head vulcans being 1 unit if they are small rounds only shooting down aircraft but the rest of the weapons are as bosco points out.
Maybe tone down your ethus blade to dagger size to make it 1 unit and have a very small amount of assorted bombs/missiles so you can have it only take up one unit.

manapool, your CS needs far more detail in your weapons description and you need to fix your image links

Everyone else is approved, I will add you to the player list shortly
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Barioth
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Barioth probably can't read

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Fixed it, equipment fits under weight class 6 now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Bosco said
I think the J9 would give the Destroyer a run for its money. The only thing really in its way is your massive ion cannon, but the way to get around that while closing the distance would likely involve a curved running path to get behind you and then staying in your blind spot till in close range where your thick armor means nothing to J9 and his spray.But that is all betting on being able to avoid the ion cannon by staying away from your Frame's left side.Though if the Destroyer got the drop on J9 from afar I can see a one shot, one kill scenario if he punches though my chest and detonates all my canisters. I can see the same happening if her used those drill missiles on me.

You forget something, The DSP isn't specific to the left side. it just happens to be mounted there. and I'm useing Colham armour, not the standard rolled armour of every other mech.
Just so everyone's aware;
Standard rolled armour is a alloy titanium-iron-aluminum metal rolled in to thin sheets and then layered one atop another with shock absorbing matirial between the layers, it's effective, tough, and cheep, capable of standing up to most weapons.
Colham Armour;
Hardend ceramic plates shaped in to rounded deflecting panels layered one atop another built to deflect and misdirect attacks rather than absorb and withstand (on modern tanks these are about 3cm across, for the RP, I'm saying there 30cm, just for easy use), underneeth this deflective layer is a plating of a ceramic composite alloy meaning that any weapons such as shaped charges, KEP rounds or even shatter lighter rounds, (anything under full blow anti-frame) Directed Jet weapons (Such as missiles, Energy pulses or anything of that description) suffer from a 'shatter point' effect, as they damadge the ceramics, it does not break as metal would and this causes the energy or shockwave to be dispersed, furthering the effect, and very much lessening the power of any such weapons. and spreading it over the entire armour plate. This added to a Laminate armour layer underneath provides a massive amount of protection from almost any attack.
There is however a downside; The armour isn't highly repairable, with Rolled armour you just take the plate off and smack a new one on. with Colham armour you actually need to replace the individual damadged Hex plates, which clearly has its issues. Thank god Alex has a hidden stash of the things somewhere.

Now, Acid, while very potant, does not (contrary to what films would have you think) melt through everything like some form of ichor or molten metal. Acid reacts with; Metals, Carbonates, Metal oxides, Organic matiral, and anything with a cellular structure (IE useing phospholipids) so, while your acid would RUIN any other mech in a few seconds, due to the ceramic nature of the Colham armour the acid would be absorbed by the first layer of the plating and probably be catalysed with any hydrocarbons in the atmosphere to produce a alcohol. That is assuming your using hydrochloric acid. if you using sulphuric acid it'd produce sulphur dioxide (yay, yellow smoke screen!) and if you were using a organic acid such as a carboxylic acid, you wouldn't have enough acidic power to melt through metal.

It'd still be fun to see a fight, though I don't intend to have Alexander be put up against other players to often. was rather hoping to put together some sort of ramshackle team
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Barioth said
Fixed it, equipment fits under weight class 6 now.

I don't think so;
Submachinegun/lance assuming that they are both full weapons, a SMG is 2, and a lance/short sword is 4, so thats four.
dagger is 1.
vulcans are 1.
six total so far.
I'm gonna go for 2 units for the missiles (cus they are hip/wirist mounted)
+chaff is nine total.
and they you say its a flight frame. with insane speed.
either you have to lose almost ALL your weapons. or you need to be slower and more tank like.
If I could suggest something? Dump the vulcans and the dagger. with your SMG and lance you've got most bases covered, make the lance detatchable so you can use it in your free hand, that givs you 7 units, then you need to Either lose the missiles or chaff, (up to you) which will drop you to five/six respectivly, that puts you in 'flight' zones with ok maneuverability. or drop everything but the smg (without lance) and dagger, that puts you at 4/5 which is more maneuverable and lighter.
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