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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The waters of the Pool of Tears was still and clear like that of glass, it amazed the Queen every time she visited the Keep. Which wasn't vary often anymore, maybe ten or so years ago she was here more often but that was back in her younger years. She was nearly 55, though you wouldn't be able to tell, not at first anyway. As her hair barely had any grey and her skin still looked young, except for a few wrinkles here and there. She staired at the pool and wondered how many have touched its waters and have gotten their dragon and how many didn't pass the test that the waters gives. She sighed as she touched the cool quartz crystal that surrounded the Pool of Tears, and she woundered if any of this was a good idea.

"My Lady?"

The Queen lifted her hand to her chest as her heart raced, she looked behind her at the man who broke the calming silence. A small smile came to her lips when she saw her first Winged Defender and his dragon Krone. Even after so many years of being in service to her, her Winged Defender looked like he had barely aged. Although she could see his slightly graying hair and crows feet next to his eyes.

"I'm sorry if I scared you my Lady."

"Oh Valor, you always know where to find me." The Queen said as she lowered her hand from her chest and smiled at her faithful knight.

"You are never hard to find my Queen." said Valor as he placed a hand on his hilt of his sword and gave a coy smile.

She could see it in his eyes, that he was happy that she was here. If it wasn't for the news that she was bringing her heart would of soared, but now wasn't the time for such feelings. Her demeanor must of changed as Valor's eyes suddenly looked concerned and he took a step towards her with his right hand stretched out to her. She looked at his hand for just a second before taking it and feeling the warmth and roughness of it, it was suprisingly calming.

"My Queen..."

She looked up into his chocolate brown eyes and for the first time while looking into those eyes, she felt utterly lost. Which must of showed as he gently squeezed her hand, which made her look down and away. She was the Queen she shouldn't let others see her like this, her people looked to her for guidance and protection. But here she was lost and unsure of herself.

"Kendra? What is it? You don't visit vary often anymore.... the Keep I mean." He said the last part before awkwardly clearing his throat. Kendra chuckled softly and smiled before taking her hand away from his and looking up at him again.

"You haven't called me Kendra in a long time, it is nice to hear it from your lips again."

"You're stalling Kendra, please tell me what is weighing on your heart?" He said, the concern never leaving his eyes. It was refreshing to have someone call her out on her worries and in truth she wouldn't normally share such knowledge. But she needed to share it as it was eating away at her and causing her to lose sleep.

Stepping away and going over to a beautifully carved stone chair, she sat down and looked over at Valor and his dragon. "There has been whispers that the Five Kings of Main are joining forces again...."

"We have defeated them before, but this isn't what is troubling you is it?"

"No.... I heard rumors that they have found a way to ride dragons." Kendra watched as surprise spread across Valor's face but he quickly regained himself.

Little Queen, we dragons know the Right and these waters were blessed by Old Wise. We would not let unworthy humans upon our backs.

The voice of Krone echoed through her head and she could sense that what he said was true, but still her worry lingered.

"What Krone said is true...."

"But what if they found a way to enchant something so they too can ride? My Kingdom has stood here for generations, we have accomplished much and we have thrived. But those men, those pigs who call themselves Kings want to see us end and if...... and if they found a way to trick or enchant the dragons, this Kingdom will fall." She said the last part in a near whisper as tears began to well up in her eyes, which she hated but at least it was only infront of Valor. Before she had a chance to compose herself, Valor was sitting beside her holding her hand which gave her a small amount of comfort.

"Do not fear my Queen, for we will preveil. The dragons, for the most part, are on our side. And we have promising recruits that will make great Winged Defenders. Do not worry about our boarders, my troops will defend it well and my spies will gather intel. Your Kingdom will not fall, not so long as your are Queen." Said Valor calmly and confidently as he kissed the back of Kendra's hand. Which made her blush slightly.

"You always did know what to say, to make me feel better... But have your trainee's ready as I feel something big is at work here. And we will need everyone of those riders."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

David O'Kendle

One could not fathom just how large this Keep truly was, sure people have heard and told stories about this keep. But to see it in the flesh was a whole other story, the way the towers reached into the sky, the wideness of the corridors, the vastness of the court yards, there was so much to take in and all at once too. This place was bigger and more grand than David could even dream, and he spent time in the capital city of Bristar. That was the jewel of the kingdom of Tur, and one that he had been hoping to stay in for the rest of his days. He was after all in training to become a knight, but here he was in the Winged Defenders Keep.

When he had gotten there that morning, he was told that he wouldn't get a room until after the Right. Appearently those that get dragons go to a special part of the Keep and those that don't get choosen go to what those here called the Village. It was a part of the Keep that housed those in training that didn't have dragons, and thats where he was headed, at least thats what he thought he was heading to. But in truth he had no idea where the Village was or even if he was close to it. It had to be close to the south gate right?

"If you are looking for the Village lad, it's that way."

David turned around to see a woman on the back of a stoker class dragon pointing to the south-east. He nodded his thanks before heading in the direction that the woman pointed, he didn't so much as say a word to the woman though. His was mind was racing with the fact that he didn't hear the woman or the dragon come up behind him, how could that be? It was a medium stoker dragon, bigger than air class dragons, he should of felt the earth shift or the wind move but he felt nothing. He was in training to become a knight and one of the first rules was to always be aware of your surroundings, so this shouldn't have happened.

This is a great start. David thought sarcastically as he began to notice that the stone path wasn't nearly as wide nor were the arch ways. He was obviously close to the Village now, this seemed to put his mind at ease a bit as things began to look a bit more normal. There were houses, shops, a bar (which had quite a bit of seating), and many more other things that David was use to seeing. A small smirk came to his lips as he walked over to the bar and sat at one of the empty out door tables. He was quickly met with a bar maid and once he ordered and got his drink, he sat there and pretended that he was back at home.

He never wanted to be a rider let alone meet dragons, sure he thought they were great for protecting the kingdom. But he always wondered when these beasts would turn on them, after all he knew the damage and carnage they could inflict. So when he was told by his superiors that he was going to Winged Defenders Keep, he argued with them. But at the end of the day he obeys orders, no matter how much he didn't like it.

Still he hoped that the Right wouldn't work on him, he had that at least. A small chance of getting out of here without a dragon.

(OOC: Will post Brea after others have posted)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mt Paragon
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Mt Paragon The Last Loyal Daimyo

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Atticus And Artemus

Atticus and Artemus had a long trip in. Getting to The Winged Defenders Keep was quite a trek from their home, which was a little village named Chojo in the very north of the kingdom. They had just went home for a little stay to visit with the family and catch them up on their lives. but they were summoned back. They were both on Atticus' horse, Shinrai. Artemus slept on her brothers shoulder most of the way, hood up and arms tucked around her abdomen. However for the time she was awake she was reading her scripts and scrolls about how to be great dragon rider, jotting notes down off Atticus' back. All the while Atticus would lead the horse through rough spots, deal with troublesome highwaymen and ward off any no-good-doers. He didn't mind though, He was skilled with a sword and he always loved caring for his little sister, He just felt a little bad about how much she would have to get used to hard times as soon as they got there. He knew how tough this training could be, and how much it could hurt if you found out a dragon didn't want you, after all that hard work, two years in a row. He knew she would be picked though. She trained and studied all the time on her own.

Atticus' head drooped, he was tired, and they had been in the same valley with nothing interesting to look at besides the rock wall faces for what felt like half the day. Jolting awake after almost falling off the horse he was suddenly very perky and alive, accidentally waking his sister in the process. But she didn't mind, Her eyes were wide with amazement. After looking over his shoulder and seeing it in her face he turned back and saw The Winged Defenders Keep finally emerge from behind the rock face. It was an incredible sight, every time he saw it. This would be his third time here. His third attempt at a dragon. At least he could show his sister around and be a fill in guide for her.

"BY THE HEAVENS, THE KEEP! I can see it! With my own two eyes!" Artemus thought as she whipped out a blank scroll and started sketching the portrait, using her brothers back as an easel. "You are seeing the same thing I am right brother?" her voice was weak. She only partially heard her brothers reply. They were in the outer-gates now, seeing all the towns folk and their homes. Artemus dismounted, following her brothers lead and he guided the horse by the reins walking out in front. Her light tan hooded cloak blowing in the wind. It didn't take long for them to reach the entrance to the Keep itself, their pace had quickened considerably since they arrived. "This was to the training village, Artemus, don't get lost now. Follow me." She took her eyes off the grand towers and archways of the Keep and drilled them into her brothers back, determining not to lose him in the crowd. He dropped off his horse at what he referred to as the best stable keepers in Tor, whom he regarded by their first name despite them being clearly older than him. They traded smiles and handshakes like old friends, then he called her and they continued on she had to give a little hop every once in a while because she couldn't keep up with the pace her brother held.

Finally reaching the inn within the village Atticus ducked inside and went straight up to the innkeeper, "They called us down here, May I have my usual room please? And perhaps the one next door for my sister? The innkeeper smiled and made a little small talk, obviously talking about the past with her brother, She slid the key out of his hand for her room. There was a little tag with a number on it, "18", She looked at all the doors and eventually found her room. Scrambling inside and arranging everything the way she wanted it. She was too excited to hold any of it in. That moment she heard her brother at his rooms door and swung her door wide. "How long until we are called?" she asked impatiently

"Soon, Be ready, I asked if the innkeeper would let me know when all the other trainees are headed to the Pool. It cant be much longer." He assured her, knowing no other answer other than 'Right now' would satisfy her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 20 days ago

The Winged Defenders' keep was certainly something to behold, rivaling even the opulent palaces of the Five Kings. It certainly had an impression on Sabine when he first arrived, mainly that it was still seemed so grand despite being a bit more practical that a fanciful showpiece. He'd spent most of his time in Tur in the keep for his training, with only a few ventures out to wander the country, as he's only been in the Kingdom for a few month longer than he's been training. It had been initially hard to find as not many of Tur's citizens were all that willing to give direction to a foreigner from the Main.

Yet now here he was, sure they probably didn't expect he'll be chosen by a dragon but still here he was, at least he had a shot.

He had been out when they recalled him, another one of his trips just to see the land but once he'd received the summons he began the trek back to the village. After an uneventful ride he was back to find some new activity in the village, he already knew what is was about though: there was to be another rite soon. It seemed that there were going to be more recruits returned and with there not being much time he decided against returning to his room and opted to wait at the bar and headed that way. that's when he noticed someone he hadn't seen around before. A man about his age wearing armor with the queen's symbol on it, new recruit it seemed. He went over to a seat near him and greeted the man, Mainlander accent in his voice as he spoke "greetings, friend" he made a gesture to the barmaid, ordering his usual drink "you're a new one, da? and a rite so soon. Anxious?" he took his drink from the maid and awaited a reply.

@my Lalia
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Torok Stonehammer
Training with his brothers, Torius and Tordek >>> At the Smiling dragon pub // Morning - Afternoon

The forest was quiet in the early morning sun. A slow breeze whispered past blooming flowers and quiet trees. Small sounds of insects and tiny creatures could be heard now and then. All seemed peaceful in the forest near the Winged Defenders keep. Few would venture this close uninvited, who knows who could be watching. However, in the midst of some strong oak trees one would find more than a few straw men roped together around a tree. All having red and white targets painted on their chest and head. Just one of the many strange things one would see this close to the keep.

A rustle in the brush gave away the position of a man with a bow. One arrow was released and found its target the chest of one of the straw men. Then another arrow from another direction found its mark in another straw man, then another and another. Multiple arrows from multiple directions found their targets. Many cloaked figures dashed from tree to tree, firing once before disappearing.

Through this explosion of activity the figures drew closer through the barrage. Until finally a figure wearing a green cloak burst from the tree line a sword in one hand and a knife in the other. The man cleaved through a straw man then threw the knife into another target on the tree. Two more figures burst from the tree line one after another and repeated the action against their own targets.

When the dust finally settled and everything quieted down except for the breathing from the men. The trio moved up to one of the targets on the tree. Multiple arrows were stuck in the painted wood, the arrows all had different colored fletching. Blue, green, and red. The same colors dangled from the necks of the men in the form of stones and leather necklaces.

They all pulled back their hoods as they inspected the target. One thing peculiar about these men was that they all had the same face. The man with the green necklace spoke first, “Hey Torius looks like your shots are going high again. I thought you fixed that issue.” the man joked.

Receiving a push from the man with the red necklace standing next to him. “Well Torok, at least my shots aren't dropping low and to the right.” the small red gem glistened in the sun light. None of the stones were cut in clean angles. They mostly looked like they were broken off of a larger piece.

The last man who seemed a bit more mature than the other two just kept quiet slowly pulling the arrows from the targets. The silence from the man while he retrieved his arrows and his knife got the attention of the other two. Soon they all began to pull their arrows from the tree. “In a few hours our training might not matter, maybe we all get picked. Maybe none of us get picked. Then what? They separate us and put us in different squads?”

The silence still continued as the other two lost their smiles, Torok spoke up after retrieving his arrows. “Don't worry Tordek no matter what happens we will still be brothers, they can’t take that from us.” the smile crept back over his face while he watched the other two finish retrieving their arrows. “Besides I'm sure we are going to get Stoker dragons like our older brothers.”

Torius smiled as Torok talked about their brothers. “Yeah I bet Borius and Boron are having fun patrolling on the eastern border. The thing I can’t figure out is what's up with our family and twins. Still, can’t wait till Sara and Sasha are old enough to start this training. I bet they get Dark Dragons” all the brothers seemed to laugh this time as they began to head back to the village.

------------------ Back at the village ---------------------

The village was a hub of activity, people coming and going through the main gates. A few guards checking people here and there. Most seemed to be in a good mood, why wouldn't they. The majority of the people here where training to become winged defenders and very soon more Defenders will be chosen. The others are here to sell things or get ready for the eventual celebration and feast that was sure to follow.

More than a few familiar faces were moving about as the brothers moved towards the local pub. This had been their home for the last year while they were training. Team work came naturally to them, they had been used to working together for nearly all their lives. So being able to move and fight together nearly seamlessly was something that stood out to their teachers.

What they have noticed with other team work activities and where they thrive even against teams with more experience. They just summed it up to the fact that they have complete faith in each other’s ability’s and know exactly what the other will do. It’s a bit strange when they throw someone new into the mix. But, the brothers are good at adapting as well. All things their father taught them, the mountain of a man known as Vordek Stonehammer was a well-known name in the last war for his scouting and ambush tactics.

The trio of brothers soon found themselves at one of their favorite locations. The local pub. It had a name but the brothers always called it the smiling dragon. Their favorite waitress was working again, “Miss Tabitha” Torius called out as the other two brothers took a seat at the bar. “Could we bother you for some food and maybe some water?” a smile and a nod. The girl never really spoke too much.

Thank you beautiful” Torok added, always a charmer when he was in a good mood or with his brothers. The eyes of the trio soon wandered about the small establishment and caught a familiar face towards the other end of the bar. “Hey Sabine who's your friend?” Torok never had an issue with the foreigner although some did go as far as calling him a spy. The man seemed to have been here about as long as they had anyway.

The triplets did mumble a few things between them as they looked over the newcomer. Other than the different colored necklaces and fletching on their arrows, the triplets were dressed and looked the same. Same long black hair and scruffy bearded, same piercing green eyes, same body type and speech patterns. Honestly they do this out of a shared interest to mess with people. They have also been accused of using allusions to trick people as well, but it’s all in good fun.

@my Lalia
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EldarionI
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EldarionI Future King of Arnor

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Zeedrax Whirlwind

Zeedrax grew up in the orphanage in the Keep after both of her parents died. No one really knows how they died, but it is certain that they are. She was left with her grandmother but she died shortly after she turned 1 and was left at the orphanage after her grandmother's doctor confirmed that she would die imminently.

After growing up in the orphanage, she was pretty well adept at wandering the small area of streets around the orphanage and was often seen quite far away wandering within the walls of the Keep. She had never been outside the Keep but she knew one thing, it was the largest structure in the world! She knew a lot of the back alleys and streets of that area of the Keep but as it was so large and she was so small she didn't know every street of the Keep. No one could! Except maybe the Queen.

Zeedrax waited anxiously in her room at the orphanage as she knew she'd be summoned for the Right of Dragons. She sat on the sill of her window with her leg dangling out of the window, eating a sweet red apple she'd taken from the kitchen.

"I hope my envoy to the Right of Dragons will be here soon," she muttered to herself as she began to swing her lag back and for out of the window of her room on the first floor.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Merule
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Syll Cainmere

The sun was slowly rising higher in the sky, with not a cloud in sight so far. A perfect start to an exiting day, at least as far as the inhabitants of the Village and the surrounding keep were concerned. From her perch on a stair leading to one of the higher terraces, Syll had a great view on the hustle and bustle of the city. There was a constant stream of people coming in through the gate, some of them possible recruits, but most of them probably just people looking for a chance to have a party in these stressful times. The day of the choosing ritual always drew mixed reactions from the trainees: on the one hand it was what most of them were working towards and looking forward to, on the other hand it would inevitably be a disappointment for most of them. After all, there were many more hopefuls hoping for a match than were actually chosen by the pond. To th common folk, however, every new winged defender was a cause (and at times, an excuse) for celebration. From what Syll had seen during previous choosings, the festivities would start up long before the new riders had been announced.

She took a bite of the bread and cheese she'd carried up here for breakfast, and let her eye wander to the cluster of building that made up the Village. She was going to miss this place. Sure, she never really cared for any of the combat training, and the spectre of competition was always hanging over everything the trainees did, but it had undoubtedly been her home for the past two years. That feeling had been what had pushed her over the edge in regards to attention the ritual. Sure, she could have dropped out, but the moment she did she would never truly be one of them any more. Even without dragons, the trainees stuck together. So if one day of hubbub and ceremony was the price she had to pay to keep the family she found in this community, so be it.

Speaking of hubbub and ceremony, though, she should probably be on her way. She stuffed that last bits of bread and cheese in her mouth, brushed the crumbs off her clothes and reached into her pocket for the crumpled piece of paper one of the head attendants had handed her that morning. With the address written on there in mind, she went on her way.

After only a few false turns, she managed to navigate the twisted alleyways of the keep to the place she needed to go. It was a nondescript building, a little shabby but obviously we'll cared for. If you didn't know to look for it, it was easy to miss the sign that said 'orphanage'. Of course, usually there were very few people who needed to find it that did not live or work there.

Syll was just about to knock on the door, when she noticed a pair of legs dangling from a window above. She took a few steps back until she could see fully the figure lounging there, and when she did her face broke out in a wide smile.

She knew that girl! They'd met when she'd tried to talk her way into the Village library a few months ago. It was usually only open to trainees, but Syll had vouched for her and they'd spent a couple of hours reading about dragons together. They hadn't met before or since, but Syll had recognised in her the star eyed eagerness to learn everything about dragons that she could, and she'd decided a little white lie that she was considered as a possible recruit couldn't hurt. Now it seemed that lie might actually have some truth to it.

"Hey kid!" she yelled, waving up to the window from her position on the ground.

"Are you by any chance waiting on someone to help you get to the Right?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EldarionI
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EldarionI Future King of Arnor

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Zeedrax Whirlwind

She had only been waited 10 minutes at the window when she could see someone approach the orphanage. Zee was really excited but tried her best to remain calm. The orphanage wasn't expecting any visitors but Zee couldn't be certain that the girl approaching her was her envoy.

"Hey kid!" she yelled, waving up to the window from her position on the ground.

"Are you by any chance waiting on someone to help you get to the Right?"

"One second!" she shouted, with a large grin on her face

It was her envoy! She kicked her legs excitedly against the wall under her window. She turned around and threw her apple core toward the bin on the far side corner of the room. It hit both walls of the corner and dropped into the bin! Today was going to be a good day! She lowered herself out of the first floor window and hung by her hands, dangling from the window sill for a few seconds. She dropped the rest of the way to the floor and landed with a minimal noise. She slowly approached the young lady and introduced herself,

"Hi, my name is Zeedrax, she said cheerily as she did a small curtsey.

"But most people call me Zee. It is time for the Right of Dragons now!?" she asked excitedly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Merule
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Syll smiled when the kid jumped out the window rather than taking the stairs. It was a good sign: if one wanted to work with dragons, after all, one could hardly be squeamish of hights.

"Nice to meet you Zee, my name is Syll," she gave a little bow in return, a smile on her face and in her voice.

"And no, it's not time quite yet- but it will be in couple of hours! We'll head to the village for now, the biggest group will be gathering there to head over to the Pool of Tears." She gestured for Zee to follow her and started on her way.

"The largest group of hopefuls will come from the village, but there's always a few people coming in from outside as well, either new or returning recruits. We might even bump into some on the way there." She smiled as they walked, keeping the conversation light and airy. This whole thing was probably quite exciting for the kid, but since this was her first time there wouldn't be too much pressure yet. Most trainees really started to feel it after one year in training, when half the allotted time had already passed. In Syll's opinion, most people didn't really prepare themselves for the probability they wouldn't get matched with a dragon. Of course everyone knew the statistics, but in Syll's experience everyone secretly thought they were going to be one of the few chosen ones.

"Are you excited for the ritual?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

David O'Kendle

David had only taken a swigs of his ale when his attention was caught by a young man that looked around his age. Though the young man looked maybe a bit more youthful than himself, not that he cared about looks, but the mans accent. He certainly wasn't born in the kingdom of Tur, this alone caused David to tilt his head slightly to the right before a small smirk played on his lips. "One could say that." David said coolly but not in an unfriendly matter. Though he was taking many mental notes, he wasn't going to let that embarrassing moment happen again.

It was in that instant that a trio of young men, who were obviously triplets, had entered the pub patio and called to the man that sat across from him. Sabine, an interesting name. David thought before he straightened slightly, as he was fully aware that he was under the triplets watchful gaze. Shifting in his seat slightly so that he was both facing Sabine and the trio, he then placed his right fist and placed it over his heart and bowed his head slightly. "David O'Kendle, my your sword arm be strong and your resolve stronger, Sabine and friends." He then sat straight his face kind though one can plainly see that he was a knight or at least one before taking the final vows.

"I take it that you all know each other." David said more as a statement and not so much as a question, as he wasn't dumb. He suddenly wondered then if this was their second or last time they could go through the Right. If it was their second there was a chance that he would train with them for one year before they are either chosen or go off to what ever they wanted to do. But if this was their last chance then this would be the last that he would see them. It felt a little odd being the new comer, as he was pledged to the Royal Knighthood since birth and thus was trained since he could hold a sword. So he was never ever really a new comer when he climbed the ranks in his training. But here it was different, as for the first time he felt out of his element. Maybe this was part of his knight training as it forced him to adapt, though a good training tool, David seriously doubted this was part of training.

"Pray tell, do you wish to be riders?" He asked before he took a swig from his drink. He wished to see if they were forced to be here like he was. Though Sabine obviously not being from Tur lead him to believe that they were probably given a choice. Was he the only one that had no desire to ride a great beast that could rip you from limb from limb and not think twice about it? Maybe he was.

Brea Hadlin

There were many courtyard and hidden places to hide and to practice alone, though Brea's favourite place wasn't the most private. It was a large semi-circle that was rimmed with large pillars and trees, some of which seemed to be growing around some of the pillars. There was another small semi-circle in the wall of pillars and trees, which held a large statue of a water dragon holding a water pot which was bubbling water into the onyx water basin. Vineous flowery plants grew around the statue, giving the the whole courtyard and magical garden feel. It was beautiful and a perfect for Brea to practice, though it wasn't far from the Village which meant others could hear her. And to top it off since it was on the edge of the Village it meant those with dragons could visit is as well. Not that she minded she didn't mind "performing" for others.

She took her place in the middle of the courtyard, there she stood silent for a minute. She closed her eyes slowly before slowly pulling out her short blade. It was a light blade with near perfect balance, the hilt of it fit near to perfect to her hand. As she opened her eyes she began to swing the blade in slow and slightly exaggerated movements. Slowly she bagan to move her body, pretending that she was fighting an opponate in slow motion. But a part of her hated practicing in silence, with a small smile she began to hum.

"On the wind I hear you calling
From the ocean far away
Whispered as the light is falling
You gently call my name......"
(Rest of song)

The words of her song rang gently through the air, in an almost haunting magical way. She was often asked to sing at the Village pub at night as some entertainment. She didn't mind though, as after all some of her instructors pegged her as a bard, and thus trained her in some of the fine art of strealth. Plus who doesn't like some good music.

Still as her slightly haunting voice echoed through the air, her movements began to become more fluid and graceful. She moved as if she was dancing on air, light yet slow. She spun slowly, yet quick enough that her sleeve made a rippling sound in the air. She plunged her dagger into an invisible foe before falling backwards and rolling so that she was in a crouching position with her dagger outstretched and above her. She hummed the last of her song before standing and putting her blade away.

As she placed the blade back onto her hip, she felt her nerves begin to shake. This was her second chance at a dragon and she trained hard the past year, and she felt ready! Or at least she thought she did up until that moment. The Right was only a few hours away and she felt more nervous now than before.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mt Paragon
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Mt Paragon The Last Loyal Daimyo

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Atticus casually creaked his door open ever once in a while and kept his window wide. No one but him could tell you why. Eventually he got wind of what he was looking for and took a stroll over to his sisters room. "Hey sissy, I'm gunna go for a hike, Don't get yourself into any trouble please. Maybe you can make some friends while I'm gone? Alright well I'm headed out as of now, cant tell you when Ill be back but she- I mean, uhhh it probably wont take all afternoon." His face flushed of color. Embarrassed he let it slip already, but at least it was just his little sis. He strapped up his boots in the hall and made his way outside, taking another moment to listen.

"Yep, sounds like the usual spot, her favorite!" He thought as he took off at a brisk pace towards the words being sung. Once he was sure that he was out of sight of the village he started half skipping half twirling getting lost in the words she sung getting louder and louder. If he hadn't spent day after day training his ears to hear exactly this he probably wouldn't have thought anything of it. but he knew what was making the noise. His favorite human ever. He had only 'met' her last year, when she started training, and when he says 'met' he means once he learned her name from a couple people after asking around because he was afraid he would feint if he talked to her face to face. Once he got close he started to sneak forward, going slower now, making sure he wasn't detected. He got to his usual spot where he could lay beneath a low hanging tree and watch her whole practice. It was absolutely mesmerizing. He was hit by a wave of hot tingly mess every time he watched her. Reminding him that he was hopelessly in love with the girl he never met. So in love, in fact, that he didn't even consider it weird that he was practically stalking her.

By the time her dance was done he was quietly humming the tune with her and making fluid hand gestures, eyes closed dreaming he was practicing by her side. Only for her voice to stop ringing, his throat to stop humming and for his eyes to crack open. Realizing he wasn't practicing with her and that she had already started gathering her gear. He hurried to get out of his daze and rush back to the Inn. Just poking his head in his sisters room to notify her of his return, he slumped to his bed and went back to dreaming.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 20 days ago

Sabine returned that man's smirk, he wasn't bothered by odd looks or cold tones he would tend to receive and this stranger was friendlier than most anyway. "Well I suppose were all anxious in one way or another" He tipped up his mug and took a long drink before continuing "So-" before he could continue he was cut off by the arrival of Torok and his brothers. He nodded to the middle brother and waved a hand in greeting "Torok" he spent enough time training with the brothers that he was fairly good at telling them apart. After greeting Torok he went quiet to let the newcomer answer for himself, as he had yet to find out who he was anyway.

He took another drink and studied the man as he gave his greeting. He'd been around enough soldiers to see the demeanor of one in this man and looking at his armor, fine metal bearing the queen's insignia, he'd guess this man was a knight. Sabine didn't know of any knightly orders within Tur, if there were any he hasn't heard of them, but with that symbol he suppose the man was in direct service to the queen so perhaps he was royal guard, or maybe a lord's son. Regardless, Sabine wasn't much concerned with the details of the David's prior service, at least for the now.

When David commented on them knowing each other Sabine nodded as he put down his drink "Aye, we've all been training here for perhaps just a bit over a year now" he glanced back toward Torok and his brothers but looked back to David after his next question. The smirk returned to his face as he took another sip and tilted his head slightly before giving his answer "One could say that" his smirk slowly turning into a grin.

@my Lalia@ReusableSword
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Torok Stonehammer
At the Smiling dragon pub with his brothers, Torius and Tordek // Morning - Afternoon

The brothers watched the armored man inquisitively. They had seen knights and royal guard before sure, but never one here and without someone to protect. Sabine seemed more than interested in the fellow but the brothers kept their distance. “Ah, so he's a formal one then?” Torok spoke up with a teasing smile. “Clearly a royal guard.”

The brothers looked to each other and then back to Tabitha. The brothers thanked the waitress for bringing them some bread and water with a small piece of smoked fish. Torius handed her a few coins making the girl smile as she walked away. “It doesn't look like he wants to be here” Torius spoke towards the man while he began to eat a few pieces of fish off the plate.

“He’s probly just nervous like most of the others here.” Tordek laughed as he tore a few pieces of bread away from the loaf. “As for us we are excited. Whether we get picked or not, we don't care. We will still fight, not just for the kingdom but for everyone we know and love. Just like our father before us. The Demon of the eastern forests, the shadow stalker, the mighty Vordek Stonehammer.” now he was just thinking of old history and war stories that the other villagers told about their father.

“I'm Torok” The man in the middle spoke up, “this one here is Torius.” motioning towards his brother on the left. “And this ugly one is Tordek” motioning to the man on his right who promptly slugged his brother in the shoulder. “Where the Stonehammer Trio at your service” the three smiled at the newcomer before going back to their snack. Torok spoke up once more food still in his mouth and showing rather poor manners, “we would be called the Stonehammer brothers but our older twin brothers called that one first. They are up in the eastern mountains currently.” Torok and his brothers were being slightly rude for a reason. This way they could see if this man was at all stuck up or just like them.

@my Lalia
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