“Don’t underestimate me! And don’t call me cute! I’m not cute, I’m fierce!”
School Year:First
Physical Description:The energetic and youthful Matsutoya Nanako stands at an unassuming 153 centimeters, showing that she has a few years to go before she is considered not a short little girl. Despite many nicknames by her friends and family alike, Nanako refuses to think that her being short is a bad thing. Nanako has dark black hair she keeps strewn in two neat twin-tails, though she has experimented with other hairstyles throughout her teenaged years. As far as she can tell, her twin-tails are a statement; a declaration of war that people won’t be quick to forget. In her mind, a “boring” ponytail or boyish haircut would be easily forgotten and that is exactly what she doesn’t want to happen.
Likes & Dislikes:Nanako is obsessed with being the best girl at Uesugi High School, though she isn’t really sure how to get there. She knows to be “important” she needs to be part of a club, excel in at least two subjects, and be the subject of everyone’s attention. She enjoys anime and manga (but not cute ones people would assume she would enjoy), is a casual fan of music and other things, and tries to put her hyperactive energy into competitive sports though she hasn’t found one she’s particularly good at. Her size often works against her so she hates anything and anyone who tells her she’s too short or not strong enough. She enjoys football (soccer) and tennis, and is actually absurdly good at shogi, go, and other logical games.
VA:Naomi Ōzora