The Bandit Making Contest has been extended indefinitely and will instead be a weekly event where I add bandits to the world based on what you guys submit. They'll be listed as characters under the [Bandits] section and dms can use them in their campaigns.
@OtomostheCrazy is the first to enter with their bandit,
Jerimiah the Mountain! Looking forward to seeing them in the world
@OtomostheCrazy (feel free to repost them in the Characters section when you have the time and I'll update the link)
Edit #1:
@rush99999 has decided to temporarily drop from the rp so I will be adding an [Inactive] section to the character list for players who are, well, inactive. They will not be counted towards a party and thus won't gain experience, but they won't be killable and thus can be picked up and used again later when the player has the time to come back n_n
Edit #2: All character related info moved over to the Character Section's 0th post. OOC 0th post hidden for now until something useful needs to be added there.
Edit #3: Currently working on an Herbalist Role. This will introduce items which can be used mid-combat and a toxic system which functions similarly to Stun, a gauge which fills from the use of solvents. If you allow toxic to surpass your limits you will start to overdose and lose massive amounts of health. This will also apply to creatures and NPCs so you could potentially make them overdose on toxic substances. (Note I was previously referring to some poison descriptions as toxic substances, those are now no longer accurate and I will change those to say poison so the two are not confused)

Toxic Resist will go along with Fortitude just like Stun and Pierce resist.