The Survivor's Club
"Everybody died, and I'm stuck with you assholes."

Yeah, so, the world has ended. You probably realized that by now, yeah? I don’t know if it was the great big ‘boom’ that started it off, or seeing your boyfriend get torn apart by zombies, or watching your grand-pappy get shot to shit by fuckin’ robots with fuckin’ machine guns, or whatever happened to you, but something’s probably tipped you off. Welcome to the End War, baby.
Of course, someone probably could have given us a little advance warning that this was coming, because the other guys? They all seemed pretty goddamn ready. But while they were forging their flaming swords and stretching their tentacles out, we were making TV shows. Which was fun while it lasted, don’t get me wrong, but the number’s pretty much up.
I hope you weren’t hoping the government was gonna bail you out, because the government’s basically gone. Six weeks into the apocalypse, and most of humanity’s already gone and kicked the bucket, left the other guys to savage each other on our turf. That’s just sad, is what that is. But not you and me! We’re survivors, and there’s a lot more of us. Well, maybe not a lot, but there’s enough.
See, I know it may be hard to keep morale up in the face of big ole’ ice giants and dragons and literal no-shit goddamn demons killing everyone you ever knew and bringing human society to its knees in a matter of forty-odd days, but the truth is, it doesn’t have to be over. This is the End War, and wars can have a winner. I guy I met in Wichita, he told me the whole story. He met this guy, who met this guy, who says he knows a way to fix things, set everything back to the way it was right when it all went shit-up. This whole End War deal, it’s a scavenger hunt, right? But with murder. All these guys that came to our world, all the angels and elves and tentacley shits, they’re all like kids on Easter looking for the nine painted eggs, only in this case the kids are armies from other dimensions and the eggs are ancient relics corresponding to each of the dimensions, because of course they are. Anyway, whoever finds all of them first wins and gets to be Top Dimension, right? And if we win, we get the world back, just the way it used to be.
Even better, we have a lead. This guy said he knew where they all were, and it was like he’d always known, like he just had to remember. Of course, last anyone saw him, he was being used as tooth floss by a werewolf, but no worries, he wrote all the stuff down first, and I have a copy. I’ll give you one, too, and you can pass it on. Even better, rumor is it wasn’t just the one guy – there are a lot of folks, saying the exact same thing. I know it sounds crazy, and it’s not a lot to go on, but isn’t it better to hope?
Anyway, I’d best be going – some dead shit took a chunk out of me a day ago, and I don’t know how long I’ve got. Look after yourself, you hear? Humans are an endangered species, so we’ve got to stick together. Stay safe. Travel in daylight. Don’t go in the woods. If you see an S spray-painted on the wall, that means safe. If you see an X, that means the opposite.
God save the Survivor’s Club. I think we can win this.
“Yeah, we’re all gonna die.”
Welcome to The Survivor’s Club, an Apocalyptic Roleplay about surviving the End War. To summarize what you just read, the end of the world has come – on May 16th, 2018, at approximately 11:00 AM, hell broke loose across the globe as eight armies of extra-dimensional entities clawed their way into earth and began doing battle in the streets, wiping out any humans they came across as a bonus. Within two weeks, the governments of the world had fallen; within three, the last pockets of organized resistance had been crushed.
In the eastern United States, where the RP will begin, the few humans left have congregated into a loose organization known as the Survivor’s Club, a network of warriors and survivalists that communicate through graffiti signs and campfire-lit meetings, sharing knowledge, weapons, and resources, staying under the radar by avoiding traveling in large groups. It’s a grim situation, but hope springs eternal – tales of the people known as Prophets have spread among the club, telling of a way the apocalypse can be reversed. Nobody knows what makes a person a Prophet, save the fact that as soon as the apocalypse began, every single one of them had knowledge burst into their skull – that what was happening might have been the End War but was really just a scavenger hunt, that each one of the eight armies was looking for the same nine relics scattered across the globe, and that humanity had not just a stake but an edge; the Prophets knew where they were. If all nine are assembled, then the apocalypse can be reversed and all the dead restored to life – not all the survivors believe it, but very few have anything better to do.
It’s forty-five days after the End War began, and the race, as they say, is on.
“AKA: How to get monsters dead before they get you dead!”
The Survivor’s Club will be a high casual, action and character focused RP about an adventure through the end of the world. Expect ludicrous action setpieces in the vein of staking vampires with nail-guns, force-feeding a dragon dynamite or driving a truck into Cthulhu’s big fat face, a road-trip story filled with drama and exciting apocalyptic vistas to discover, a few mysteries and ancient ruins to delve into when it comes to actually getting the relics, and hopefully a good deal of character interaction and development, since isn’t that really the core of RP? The tone is dark, yes, and mature themes such as the destruction of human society and the violent death of almost everyone will certainly come up, but there will also be (if you couldn’t tell) a healthy amount of black comedy and action; a major theme of the RP is that, however bad things seem, there is hope, and that ordinary people can do extraordinary things when pushed to their limits.
Again, writing style will be high-casual, with an emphasis on fairly frequent but short posts of a reasonably high quality. I’ll be capping it at 4-5 players, plus myself; I’m also looking for a CO-GM, if anyone wants to offer, but in any case I intend to take a lot of player feedback in the story anyway and hopefully have a very fun, interesting, collaborative experience. Below is a hider containing information about the eight armies that have invaded – hopefully it’s enough to give you a feel for each of them.
“Travel in daylight. Stick together. No groups of more than seven. Stay away from the water. Don’t go in the woods. Always post a lookout. Keep a weapon handy.”
1. All standard guild rules apply. No god-moding, flaming, bigotry, general unpleasantness. Romance, as ever, is fine, but if it goes beyond fade to black, take it to PMS.
2. Really, just don’t be a jerk.
3. If you have an idea for something that could happen, either in the story or for your character, let me know, I’m always open to ideas! Furthermore, if you have an idea for an awesome way your character could take out a big baddie, but are worried it would be god-moding, PM me and we can see if we can work something out.
4. Posting schedule should hopefully be once a week. If you’re not gonna be able to make that, that’s fine, just let us know in advance.
5. Characters can die (it’s a dangerous life, after all), but I don’t like to run a super high mortality game; I won’t kill off your character with no warning or anything like that, and any deaths that happen will hopefully be big, satisfying narrative moments for us all. Re-rolling is encouraged in the event of character death!
6. In general, you can feel free to Worldbuild as you see fit – if you want part of your character’s backstory to be that they’re the last survivor of the Siege of Toronto, where a hundred humans held out for days against a horde of frost giants, that’s awesome, do it! Just make sure it doesn’t directly contradict the canon.
7. You can play a Prophet, if you want.
8. At the beginning, I ask that all the characters be basically human in their capabilities – no sci-fi- tech or magic powers. As things proceed, options will be made available for characters to advance in a more supernatural direction if they want, so hold onto those ideas!
9. Post your CS applications in the OOC, or PM them to me. Don't post them in the characters tab until approved.
10. Have fun!
Well, that’s all I have. I hope you’ll join me for this crazy ride!