Name: Hilda Green-Sea
Age: 25
Race: Nord
Eye color: Emerald
Main Class: Warrior
Secondary Class: Archer
Weapons: 2 Nordic Swords, 1 Nordic dagger. Nordic bow and arrows.
Armor: Scaled armor, steel cuffed boots, steel nordic gauntlets, Nordic shield.
Clothes: Blue robes and boots
Shout you will learn: Soul Tear
Biography: Helena was born in Solitud, her parents were legionnaires so she was taught to fight from a young age. She moved with her parents when she was 15, near Whiterun where they built a small house, Helena spent 5 years hunting and fishing peacefully until a note arrived, her parents had died un combat against the rebells. She decided it was a bad idea to look for revenge, insted prefered to honor her mother and father by joining The Companions, she spent all her money in some Nordic weaponry and trained with it for four years hoping to be accepted by the Dragonborn, who was already Harbinger at that time and said to have felt Hilda's fierce yet kind heart, despite Aela mopping the floor with her.
Marital Status: Single
Relationships: Due to her kind personality Hilda's has no problem in making friends, she is known to get along really well with Carlotta Valentia, Ysolda, used to sell part of what she hunted to both, Uthgerd the Unbroken, Hulda and even Olfina Gray-Mane. Though she doesn't like Vignar Gray-Mane's idea of "Skyrim only for the Nords" abd avoids him whenever she can.