Welcome players to Gunpla Battle Nexus Online. Here you will be able to battle in and explore the universe of Mobile Suit Gundam. Bring your gunpla and be ready to take on the challenges that await you! This RP will focus heavily on the idea behind the Force battles in Gundam Build fighters all players will be apart of a single force unless we get a large amount of players. General rule of thumb is follow the RPG rules and try to keep your Gunpla balanced so we don't end up with a gunla running the RG and GM systems on a psycho frame epyon style mash up. Thats way too much XD. Other than that have fun with this I want this to be as much your story as it is mine.
Name: Age: Personality: Appearance: (Specifically GBN Appearance which can be a wide variety from anthros to outright talking animals to elvish Neko all sorts go crazy everyone.)
Name: Appearance: Base Model: Equipment:
Backstory: Arc Name: (Everyone will have an arc focused on their character. PM me the idea for your Arc and we can discuss everything as it goes along.) Other: Use this for things like theme song or voice actor
Name: Akira Hikari A.K.A. Aki Age: 19 Personality: Akira is a fun loving gunpla enthusiast who fell in love with GBN on his first dive. Usually sarcastic and joking he can get serious while battling but really just loves the battles themselves. Appearance:
Name: Gundam Strike Freedom Salvation Appearance:
Base Model: Strike Freedom Equipment: 2x Beam Sabers, 2x BEam Rifles with ability to combine into a single rifle, 2x waist mounted rail guns, 12x Dragoons stored in wings, 2x Head mounted machine guns, beam shield.
Name: Takatora Myojin Age: 15 Personality: Despite a lot of his friends calling him "Taka", Takatora doesn't actually like being called that. Something about the nickname seems to make him flinch, like hearing it stings him somehow. He rarely ever goes into detail when questioned about it, instead being quick to change the subject and brush it off. Other than that, Takatora is a nice enough kid. Polite to strangers, usually willing to jump in and help someone who looks like they need it. When it comes to battling, though, Takatora prefers to stayed focus and minimize the catchphrases and bantering. He also seems to take damage done to Gunpla personally, each hit he takes only serving to fuel his grit and determination. Appearance:
Name: Hayabusa Appearance: Base Model: MG Astray Equipment: 1x Dragon Sword (Katana), 1x Dragon Buster (Greatsword), 2x Beam Sabers, 1x Vulcans, Energy Shurikens (consumes particle energy to generate and throw shurikens made of beam energy)
Backstory: Takatora was not the first member of his family to be into Gunpla battling. That honor actually belonged to his elder brother, Kiyotaka. Often called the Taka Brothers, the elder Taka took the younger under his wing early on. Kiyotaka was a skilled builder and battler, part of GPD Team that had been competing in tournaments even before the creation of the GBN. They were champions of their home district, and were poised take on the Regional Tournament and eventually the World Level. It never came to pass.
On a fateful morning, Kiyotaka was involved in a tragic car accident that took his life. One minute he was there, and in the next he was suddenly gone, never to return. This was right around when GBN's popularity really took off. Kiyotaka's death didn't go over well with his team, who disbanded shortly thereafter. Truth be told, there were already talks of disbandment since GBN went online, or at the very least migrating the team's training and activities to the online world. But with the Elder Taka's death, each member of the old team went their separate ways. Some now lead Forces of the their own, while at least one of them decided to remain independent. As for Takatora, he had been getting building lessons from his brother, Kiyotaka even helping him build his own Gunpla. He died before the Gunpla could be finished, and even now the model sits in its storage place incomplete. Takatora went into GBN using Kiyotaka's signature Gunpla, the Hayabusa. It's a great machine with quality building and excellent performance. But in the end, it's pilot is not its creator, and Gunpla experts are almost always quick to notice this fact.
5'4" and 119lbs. Isamu has red eyes and usually carries himself with an aloofness difficult to explain outwardly. He's at his happiest when surrounded by those his trust. A charming smile, a shift in his guard, these are the clues and hints for others to look out for.
Personality |
Somewhat overwhelming and curious, Isamu doesn't click with most people. Despite his love for Gunpla and the excitement he feels during battle when it comes to actual people, he falls short every time. He doesn't get jokes very often, takes too many things seriously, and all at once can be dense and unpredictable. Its his hope that joining a Force will help him grow both inside GBN and out. He aspires to be number one and once logged-in GBN he becomes optimistic and supremely giddy. A little battle-hungry as well, he's dedicated to training, rising in the ranks, and becoming a notable player in the game.
Backstory |
Isamu Jo was heavily influenced by his Gunlpa battling father. The man whom Isamu took much from was ideally a bad role model. He was firm believer in chasing what one loved and loving what one cherished. However, he never fully ingrained his reasonings or beliefs into his son. Not from a lack trying, his words just never translated well.
So when his father left suddenly while Isamu was ten, the boy who had just gotten into Gunpla was devastated. He had fostered such a love for the sport that he took his father's leaving personally. That affected his ability to interact with others. Cause while other students were openly befriending one another, his stunted growth made his love for Gunpla almost an obsession.
As his dissociation grew his mother made an effort to explain his father's disappearance, saying that Argata simply left out of love for Gunpla; to join his old teammates in a World-level Tournament. The first few times he understood but as the years rolled by, it seemed less and less admirable.
Finally three years later, a bearded man returned home with a smile, claiming that his spirit had ran away with him. His mother was just as jolly as usual, she greeted her husband and after verbally lashing him, allowed him to sleep off his journey. The next morning the man, now shaved and chipper, sat Isamu down and fidgeted with discomfort. He explained in so many words that his mind was wired differently, that the things he loved shared equal priority in his life; that often times he could be swept away by that love.
In short, he said, "Didn't you get my note? I told you I'd catch 'ya later, Kiddo. Now go get me some ice cream."
In short, things never changed.
Name: YG-111NXS Gundam G-Nexus Appearance |
The G-Nexus is more or less a perfect build of the G-Self. To set it apart, Isamu has given it a new paint-job. Despite its simplicity, switching the whites and sky blues around has given the Gunpla a new feel. To fix the original model's lack of stable flight, he's taken the backpack of the Unicorn Gundam, deftly shaved it down and customized it palette to match G-Nexus' by making it white. He's done the same meticulous job with the Stungle Rifle.
Name: Takahashi Kotomine Age: 17 Appearance: Takashi appears as he would in real life he is not a fan of the outlandish styles some people like to appear as in the GBN. He appears in a white Londo Bell uniform with black trimmings sort of in the style of the OMNI SEED Officer uniforms. He wears a white cap with the the Titan's logo on it. He has black hair, and brown eyes standard of any Asian boy of his age.
Personality: Though not necessarily unfriendly young Takahashi is a boy with a bit of an issue talking to people. He's quiet, and reserved with a passion for gunpla building, and fighting. He wants to be the best he can be, and prove you don't need a top tier unit to win a fight. He hates cocky attitudes, and despises people who take the game too far by insulting their opponents, or allies if they don't hold up in a fight. He doesn't view people as weak, or strong he just thinks that everyone should be judge just based on their actions, and their personalities. He tries his best to help people when they ask. However he does tend to be stand offish towards people who act like they are better than him, and hates being ranked lower. He can't stand bullies, and often would go out of his way to take them down a notch when he could even if it was a quiet way. As a teammate he wants to be the best he can be and support his allies in anyway he can.
Backstory: A boy who was born in Kyoto, Japan he was born, and raised with his parents who were business workers who often didn't have time for him leaving him with his quiet grand parents. He wasn't much of a talker even as a kid being quieter than the average kid. He was often exposed to his grand father's wood carving hobbies as his grand parents made sure he had nice toys to play with. This would be the foundation of which he would base his gunpla making off of. In school he was a pretty good student often able to get good grades, and studying was natural to him. He wanted to be a strong individual capable of fighting people who got picked on after taking an inspiration from the western super heroes such as Super Man. However as he got older he got picked on more often leaving him to become more, and more reserved. In doing so he had less, and less friends though he did have a few which he did cherish. As he got into Gundam, and Gunpla he began making expert level model kits with the assistance of his grand father, and his dad who took an interest in his young son's work. He worked had to reach that level though entering into multiple gundam model building junior championships, and training in his spare time on extra model kits with money his grandpa, and dad loaned him. Eventually he gained a decent reputation as a solid pilot of gunpla, but a better model builder.
Name: True Saviour Advent Gundam Appearance: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/gundam/images/3/33/G2-saviour.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130828155541 Base Model: gundam.wikia.com/wiki/G2-Saviour Equipment: 30mm Vulcan Guns A pair of vulcan guns located in the head. Used to thwart enemy movement, or shoot down missiles. Modified Beam Saber A single beam saber used for close range combat. It is light blue in color. This differs from ordinary sabers as it can extend its length, and or be be overcharged for a stronger strikes. Modified Beam Shield x2 A large beam shield that covers both the arms of the Saviour allowing it to effectively defend itself from either flank. The beam shields are capable of spinning effectively acting as a close range deterrent. MC Series Hand Weapons (including beam rifle) These include a powerful beam rifle that is capable of charging its shots for more damage, a beam handgun, an additional beam saber, A Anti-Beam Dagger (taken from a Strike Gundam Set).
@Keyblade87 I'm glad you haven't checked any of our CS's yet, I made a slight change to his personality and had to reflect it in his history and appearance.
The OG Gundam Build Fighters has a world tournament.
Remember Aila Jyrkiäinen?
What does that have to do with...? I read the question and interpreted it as including an actual official political representative, which makes no sense in an online game. Surely their irl job would be taking up way too much of their time anyway. If all you're actually asking is if you can play as someone outside of Japan, then the answer is probably an obvious yes. GBN has servers that cater to all regions around the world. Granted, you'd have to do some traveling between the European and Japanese servers but otherwise there wouldn't be any issues.
What does that have to do with...? I read the question and interpreted it as including an actual official political representative, which makes no sense in an online game. Surely their irl job would be taking up way too much of their time anyway. If all you're actually asking is if you can play as someone outside of Japan, then the answer is probably an obvious yes. GBN has servers that cater to all regions around the world. Granted, you'd have to do some traveling between the European and Japanese servers but otherwise there wouldn't be any issues.
To clarify: Servers are kind of weird in GBN. Technically everyone can access them from anywhere they're playing, but they have to "travel" to them in-game. So someone in Europe would start in that server but could then move to other servers if they were willing to make their avatars travel the distance in-game, possibly through dangerous or hostile regions.
If I can ask another question. Did Aila represent a country? I thought it was only a company, but I haven't watched the original Build Fighters in a long while so maybe my memory is just being sketchy.
@Double I don't believe she was trying to make it political. I think she just wants her character to be of European descent.
Yeah the wording probably threw me off. I see the phrase, "representative of X country" and my brain immediately thinks politics. Just sort of wired that way, I guess.