Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ice inhaled slowly, trying to remain sympathetic to the man. She had to assume that the two where at least close enough to be friends.

"Yes, he is dead. He wont be getting back up."

She brushes off the guy, trying to help him return to the world of the sentient.

"The ranger station sounds like a place we could stop for supplies, and as much as I don't enjoy going into the suburbs...I don't much see us surviving in the woods."
A rather defeated laugh escapes her. As strong as she was....She didn't have the first clue about camping, and hey maybe the world hasn't gone to hell, perhaps its an isolated incident! Yeah that's it! They will go into town and figure out its like a weird biological weapon or some sh*t!
She visibly smiles at her thoughts, only for it to revert back into her sympathetic smirk. The hunter is starting to shake like a lead in a tornado, can't even gather his rifle...Wait rifle?!

As the hunter stands in disbelieving the situation, she takes up his gun, and rolls her eyes when she finds it empty....not that shes a good shot anyway. "Couldn't catch a break..." The man questions reality for a moment...Ice finally gives up on acting feminine. "Revelations? A bad dream? Oh I know, its a F*cking crazy campaign against skin care products!" Honestly! She is as much in the dark as this idiot, who decided to have his mental break down right now! An audible growl escapes just before she get her head on straight.

"Look, I don't know. All I do know, is these are, as stupid as this sounds. Walking corpses, zombies, the undead, right wing Christians! They bite you, you die. You die. You get up. I kill you again. So, heres what you can do. Become chow, or stick with me and try and survive for another week or so."

Though her words are harsh her tone is a humorous one, almost as if she finds the situation to be one that happens all the time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"So, you're the assholes that riled up the horde. Thanks for that, by the way, I almost got my arm bitten off. That was a slight exaggeration, obviously, but she was still pissed at the guys for having agitated the zombies to begin with. At least they were safe enough, for now. No doubt other zombies would be coming through here soon enough. They should probably move, fast. Unfortunately, she wasn't in any condition to do much fighting with her left arm practically freely bleeding from the exertion she had put it under, and it was throbbing quite a bit. Damn it, this day just got better and better. She was going to ask these guys if they had any painkillers or something.

"You guys wouldn't happen to have a place to law low for a bit, would ya? I'm not exactly in a condition to be fighting long with my arm like this." She said, massaging her hurt shoulder. Her right one took a bit of a beating during the previous encounter, but it wasn't anything she couldn't walk off.
Cristoph pulled onto the dirt road that the Church was on. It seemed clear enough, save from a few zombies wandering around the trees. Despite this, he was wary. He had no idea if these people would even be friendly. He was sure his skills as a doctor would earn him at least a little respect, but he would still have to be cautious - he doubted everyone in this situation had the best interests of humanity as a whole at their heart. Still, he couldn't survive on his own out there, he didn't have the required skills, so he didn't have much choice.

He pulled into the parking lot, next to the Van, before putting the vehicle in park and opening one of the doors. Before he stepped out though, he concealed his tomcat in one of his coats pockets, just a safety measure. Since he didn't even know if it was loaded, it didn't matter much, but they didn't know if it was loaded either, now did they? He stepped out of the vehicle, took a deep breath, and hoped for the best. He walked over to the figure he saw from the road, before giving him a friendly wave."Hello! he tried to say in a friendly manner. "Have room for one more?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Alright, clear the building: Anything moves, don't take any chances."

First one soldier entered, then another, followed by the fox sergeant in the rear. Their training taking over, they scanned the aisles methodically, searching for any signs of movement. And in the back, the father noticed a fourth soldier approaching from the back of the store. Mac was currently stuck between two groups of soldiers, who would most likely kill him on sight. Without hesitating, the father began to move towards the front, staying out of sight, Towards escape.

Keeping his head down, he watched as the flashlights lightened up the corners of the room, and crept ever so silently towards the front door. It didn't help that the soldiers were dead quiet, listening for the faintest sound to betray Mac. After a tension filled thirty seconds, he found that the sergeant was about to make his way down Mac's aisle. He panicked, and looked for a way out, but it seemed there wasn't one. Without thinking, he looked down, and saw a glass bottle, empty but incredibly useful. He grabbed it, and hurled it over the shelves, watching as the sergeant got ever closer.

Smashing loudly on the other side of the store, all the soldiers whirled around towards the sound. "We have movement, on the left side of the building. Didn't get clear sight of it, but it was quick. Might be a Runner. Stay together, ladies". They regrouped in the center of the store, and approached where the bottle smashed, weapons ready. It was now that Mac broke into a quiet stealth run, trying to make as little noise as possible. Unfortunately, some glass from the windows crunched under his heel, and the sergeant whirled around, spotting him.

"FREEZE!" The sergeant shouted towards the assailant, but Mac paid no heed, and broke into a proper sprint. Rounds were fired, and punched holes in the wall just behind the father, as he jumped through the window hole. "Dammit, follow him!". A split second after Mac had left, the soldiers gave chase, and ran after him. They had guns, but also a tonne of weight on their backs, slowing them down. It was going to be a close call.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Fairview Carnival

A vehicle rolled up into the parking lot as soldiers worked to keep the zombies at bay. Some used silenced rifles while others used batons to beat in the skulls of the undead. The area seemed safe for the time being and the army took full hold of that advantage, scattering military tents around the carnival grounds and even unloading most of their munitions in the warehouses provided to them.

Emerging from the vehicle came a group of HAZ-MAT wearing individuals followed by a man who wore a BDU cap and his uniform. He wore the insignia 'captain' and those who saw him addressed him with a salute while he made his way towards one of the warehouses, his eyes searching for those who are affiliated with his recon assignment. Eventually, he stopped a random soldier and cleared his throat. "Where's sergeant Harris's team?" All he got in return was some information about them grouping up at the blockades for their mission. He nodded to the intel then dismissed the soldier, now standing idle and watching the transformation from a family carnival to a military operations base.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sauron The Dark Lord

Sauron The Dark Lord

Member Offline since relaunch

Sitting amongst twenty other soldiers in a troop transport crossing into the valley and driving to the newly set up FOB sat Corporal Burk, a man with many good things beneath his name, he was to rendevouz with Captain Morrison and recieve special orders for somekind of mission. The road to the carnival was rather bumpy even though they rode on asphalt roads, it was littered with crap, however and therefor the wheels went up and down, over and under obstacles. Burk's mind was as calm as a rock, however he couldn't speak the same of the other's, he heard nervous chatter, irritated chatter, almost any kind of chatter was going on in the back of this troop transport truck which would carry them to the next location.

Once there they hopped out of the back, one after another they gathered behind the truck after they'd jumped out of the back. For Corporal Burk however he was to report duty to Morrison. He spotted Morrison in the thick of it, overseeing the construction of the FOB as it being happening. ''Captain Morrison, sir. Corporal Burk reporting for duty, sir.'' He said as he jogging towards Morrison with his weapon in his hands, pointed towards the ground with the safety on.

(In a hurry, couldn't do better. xD)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rafale
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Rafale Eurocanard

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jeff took a short moment to breath before descending from the tower. Shouldering the Ruger, he mumbled to himself to take his mind off the killing of the zekes. While they were most definitely some semblance of dead, at least physically, he realized that they were at one time people he had known. While his interactions with them were short and infrequent at best, he sure as hell knew their faces; the drug store owner from whom he bought caffeine gum, his French teacher, that one girl he had a crush on ten years ago; he could remember their faces even as they were discolored and wearing mindless expressions, among other, more gory features.

"...his head went 'pop'. That was pretty cool, I guess..." His decided method for removing himself from the killing was to desensitize himself to it, which while it took a moment for the thoughts to take effect, it eventually came into effect and he now found himself grinning at how Madame Vaisson's pretty French head had hit the pavement; a morbid but effective distraction. It still left him uneasy as he climbed down the ladder, but his thoughts were torn away from the subject when he met who exactly he had given supporting fire to when he reached the bottom of the ladder. Before he could even speak, the newcomer began the conversation.

"So, you're the assholes that riled up the horde. Thanks for that, by the way, I almost got my arm bitten off." Her tone gave off her annoyance, but she seemed to be at least somewhat relieved. Immediately, Jeff felt to be the odd one out in the situation, considering the fact that he was the only one that wasn't covered from head to toes in fur. Unconsciously, he scratched the back of his neck before responding.

"Yep, I guess that would be me. Sorry about that." Jeff quickly remarked that he was extremely bad at speaking to those of the fairer sex. While his new companion had easily slid into a smooth conversation with the stranger, he found his tone to be a bit monotonous. He cleared his throat as she asked another question.

"You guys wouldn't happen to have a place to law low for a bit, would ya? I'm not exactly in a condition to be fighting long with my arm like this." He made a face as if he was thinking hard before answering.

"Actually, I think I do. I fortified my house a week ago, only the front door's open, but that can be easily barricaded. I think I have a few supplies there. But..." He paused for a moment to take a breath. "...My mom's half-dead in the closet. It's locked tight, but last time I checked, she was moaning pretty loudly." He made an uncomfortable expression as he realized the possible interpretation of innuendo in his words, so he changed the subject. "Of course, there's the gun store, but that place is right out in the open and the zed's are probably gonna be here soon. Your choice, really."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Spencer's Mill

"Well.. Actually.." Gerald chimed in, stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets after taking in what the two had to say. "I am up by the church, we got only five- I mean three people up there. I actually was out here to look for KC, another survivor like me and you. But.. He hasn't called in with his radio nor has he come home." The wolf said, looking over the series of bodies that laid about while he kept talking to the two, "You seen him? Looks a bit like a canine, wears a cap and a cop uniform.... He went out to go find stuff a good 24 hours ago." There was a five second pause before the wolf shrugged, motioning the two to follow as he went to climb over one of the many fences. "C'mon I can take y'all there when I grab my stuff."

Church of Ascention

The man watching the gate looked up at the doctor who approached the church and rose his rifle half way, shocked at first to see a living survivor but quickly recovering to the state he could respond. "C'mon in!" He replied before turning around and calling out towards the church, "Alice! We got a survivor here!"

"Really?!" A feminine voice shouted from behind the walls, a few seconds later a woman or... A teenage girl went up to the gates, quickly pulling them open and stepping back so the man could enter. "Wow, he isn't even infected! I thought you saw Gerald or KC..." The girl known as Alice said, nodding to the man then nodding to the doctor who had approached them. "Well! We aren't really the type to turn anyone down. Besides, we're very understaffed around here. C'mon in!"

Gas Station

As soon as the man took a step towards the gas station the door flew open with a survivor staggering out and landing on his side. It was a man or a.. canine of some sort wearing a state trooper's uniform, a cop who had two things missing; his gun and his baton. He was injured and the blood gave that away, but he had enough strength to get onto his hands and knees and fight to stand up while he still had time.

A few seconds later though three figures emerged from the building and approached the canine looking survivor, unaware of the two nearby. One of them was holding a radio which seemed to have been crushed and broken beyond any use, he seemed annoyed by that fact and eventually tossed it aside, walking towards the survivor with a collapsible police baton at hand. One of the other two was busy looking over a handgun, taking in every detail before cocking it back to put a round in the chamber. "Looks like he didn't even get to cock his gun back, yeh?"

"The fucker broke his radio though. He has to have friends somewhere." The baton wielding stranger said, standing above the downed cop and swinging across his muzzle. A 'pang' that could easily relate to a aluminum bat hitting a baseball sounded the gas station and the trooper fell limp onto the floor, the attacker walking towards his friend that held the handgun and holding his hand out to receive it. "If they find him we can at least make it look like a suicide. Give me the gun."

"Whaddya mean? Ain't he dead from that whack?" The one looking over that handgun asked, looking over at the anthro who still had his chest rising and falling from breathing. Although blood was pouring out of his nose, it seemed the state trooper was still alive, but it was obvious that will all be dealt with if nothing is done.

Mt Tanner

The hunter was looking down at the floor but he listened to the person who saved him, listened to every detail she gave him and let out a shuddered sigh when she finished off with her dilemma. It wasn't a surprise he took up her offer and tried to pull himself together, but he didn't say a word, he was simply quiet and the only thing he did was nod to her. The hunter took a few steps then crouched down to pick up a bloody hatchet nearby, hesitating at first before wiping off the blood on the blade with the grass that was at their feet. He took a shaken breath then turned to the lady, glancing over at his dead partner before wiping off all the tears on his face, clearing his throat to finally speak. "L-lead the way."

Fairview Carnival

The captain's eyes came up to the corporal when he was approached, waving the man over with a smirk. "Ah! Corporal Burk! Just the man I was looking for. I believe you got your briefing, correct?" The man asked, holding his hands behind his back in a 'at east' stance before the corporal. Despite all that has happened his appearance was calm, typical for a man with a rank and payroll higher than everyone else. "I have organized another team to go out, they wont be tasked to directly support you but if you get in a pinch they're in the area... You got any questions or was that briefing able to satisfy all your inquiries?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Kyle watched as the guy came out of the gas station. He was covered in blood, and was wearing a police uniform of some sort. When three more people came out, he ran back and hid behind the jeep. David got out of the passenger seat and crouched down beside him. "What's going on over there?"
Kyle looked over just in time to see the cop get hit in the face with a police baton. "There's a bunch of guys beating the shit out of a cop."
"Is he dead?"
"Looks like it. He's still breathing."
Dave took a quick look, then took out his pistol. "We gotta help him, man."
They both aimed carefully at the guy with the gun, and started shooting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sauron The Dark Lord

Sauron The Dark Lord

Member Offline since relaunch

As the corporal eased his stance and brought himself to a more eased stance. ''Yes, sir. I've read the briefing.'' He stated as he checked the surrounding space around him, the FOB mainly and what the other soldiers were doing, when the Captain spoke about the other squad it made Burk a little easier at heart. ''Understood sir, If anything happens I will be sure to notify and regroup with this squad, if I happen to get into trouble I will make sure that it's clear.'' He stated, when the captain asked if there were any question he spoke out. ''None, sir, I have no questions of which I wish to ask.'' He looked over his own gear and what not, checking that it was all perfect for the comming recon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Father, give me strength, I trust in Your Holy Wisdom..." Mac ran with all his might, and ducked round the corner of a small house, into an alley, as the soldiers gave chase, shouting orders and splitting up to cut him off. It wasn't looking good, for the father, whose older age and untrained body started to get exhausted. But this was not the place to die. His work must be completed, for other souls begged to be saved. Not now. Not when so close to atoning for his own dark sins.

It was while in deep thought that he was charged by a soldier from up ahead, who managed to get in front of him around the other side of the house. The armed man, brought his gun up, and smashed the butt of his rifle against Mac's face, knocking him backwards and onto the ground, concussed and confused. Pointing his gun at the father, he began to radio it in. "Sir, I have the fugitive under control. Position is-" Out of nowhere, what the father presumed to be a 'Runner' (from the fox man's previous statement in the convenience store) human, tackled the man to the ground, and savagely tore into him with it's claws, as he flailed and screamed. "SHIT, SHIT, OH GOD! GET IT OFF ME, GET IT THE FUCK-" There was a gurgled cry, as the soldier's throat was torn out, and the beast continued to rip him to shreds, screeching and howling.

The father stumbled back to his feet, thick blood streaming from his broken nose and fractured cheekbone cut, as he made a dizzied run out of the alley. Trying to blink the stars out of his eyes, he realized with horror that again, the noise had attrated the horde, and the two other soldiers (minus the fox man) fired into the crowd. "FUCK THIS, I'M OUT!" One soldier left his companion, throwing his empty rifle to the ground and entering a sprint in the opposite direction, as another Runner grabbed his team mate and the horde surrounded the doomed man. Without thinking, Mac shouldered his way into an empty house, and locked the door behind him.

Turning around, he finally learnt where the fox sergeant was, as his furry fist connected with his temple. Mac fell to the ground, and was out cold, from both shock and blood loss.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cristoph let out a sigh of relief. The two at the church were friendly, perhaps a little too so. Still, he needed a place to stay, and they were offering so he didn't really have much of a choice. It was either that or get killed by the zombies, and he didn't fancy being eaten alive. He looked at both of the people with a somewhat calculating look as he walked through the gates, along with the church grounds. It seemed like it was safe enough, along with being defensible - at least more so than his home had been. Still, getting used to calling a church home, was going to take awhile. But now wasn't the time to think about that. He just met two new people and he needed to reply to them.

"Thank you." He finally replied after a few quiet seconds. "I apologize if I seem, a little...tired. I've had a lot on my mind this past week. I'm Cristoph, doctor at your service." Hi tried to sound a bit more, enthusiastic about meeting other survivors, but it was a poor attempt.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Her ears perked up, sounded like he had rejoined her back from cloud nine. At the very least he was visiting. Ice cracked a smirk, giving the man a firm slap on the back. "Aight' Broseph' lets head in that general direction, seein' as I came from back there. I gather you came from over thereish." Waiting on a nod, she starts a power walk into the woods, glancing back to ensure the follower was keeping up with her reckless pace.

It wasn't long that the two found themselves...lost. After all Ice was leading, but rather than let the guy know, she pushed forward trying to keep up the charade of stability despite internally she was starting to get nervous. She had issue with darkness, so the idea that she would be out here in this death trap...."YO!" She shouted at corpse, the monster looked over its shoulder, enabling her to round kick it in the temple. Despite them being undead, momentum and physics still worked here, the 'surprised' corpse was knocked spinning. Faster than you could say mount, she was on top of it with a stone she had grabbed from the ground. Again and again she slammed it into the decayed skull. The coagulated mess still had enough liquid to make for a splatter across her jacket and shirt, even her blue fur had bits of her victim. Her ears jerked back as her eyes darted around for more, her own panting breath seemed to keep her on edge. The hunters foot step behind her make her spring up at him, before she remembers he was there...."Shit! D-dont do that. I was going to take your head off." She chuckles nervously as to down play her behavior. "I gotta come clean...I got no idea where I am going, but you seemed a little out of it, but I can't keep leading us around in circles. We passed that guy three times.....You got some tracker training or somethan?" Her question is more a hope than a query, she begins wiping of the meatier chunks while she waits on his response.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Whew...you don't know how happy I am that you have some place to stay. I've been on my own for like, the past week. Didn't really have any problems until after Mr. shouty McShout pants decided to see how fast he could run." Jenna replied with an obvious glare. "Sorry, haven't seen your cop buddy either. I've been laying low and moving around too much to really notice anything else other than when a Zombie's sneaking up on me.

Jenna really was grateful for their help, even if she didn't outwardly show it. Right now, she was tired and wanted to rest more than anything, and probably find some bandages for her arm. It had stopped bleeding, mostly, but it still hurt like hell and she hadn't changed the bandage since yesterday around noon. She wasn't real big on medical stuff, but she was sure cleaning the wound and keeping the bandages fresh was supposed to help. Or something. She was pretty sure that how it worked anyways. "Anyways, lets get going. Standing here in one place is making me uneasy."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rafale
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Rafale Eurocanard

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The stranger gave her opinion on the subject of where to go and it seemed that by popular vote, they would be heading to the church. Shrugging, Jeff agreed and the group began to set off. He let Gerald lead them and he took trail position as they moved along, keeping his rifle at the ready in case they were jumped. However, it seemed, at least for the moment, that they were safe so he decided to speak up. "Uh... I don't think I introduced myself earlier. I'm Jeff. It's better than calling me Shouty McShout Pants. What's your name?" He didn't speak much to strangers, so the question came out somewhat hesitantly said, but Jeff supposed he was clear enough in expressing his point.

Now that he had a free moment, he decided to look over the new stranger. She had a somewhat shady look to her, but, considering the various archetypes of 'shady' that came to mind, Jeff realized it was a bit hard to attribute her to one genre of shady. Her way of dressing seemed like something out of Blade Runner, but her hair's coloring definitely seemed to make her a tad rebellious looking. That, and her bored-ish look made Jeff decide that she wasn't the kind of person you'd want to meet in a dark alleyway. She was somewhat cute, but Jeff tended to stay away from her 'kind' and, as aforementioned, didn't look like the kind of person you'd want to mess around with.

Not that Jeff would get that chance. He wasn't bad looking per se, but he didn't have much experience with those of the fairer sex and this girl was probably not even on the same level as him. Sighing in an almost melancholic fashion, he remained in silence as they continued moving.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Spencer's Mill
The wolf paused to glance over and take note of who had decided to take up his offer. A warm smile grew on his face as the results came to be both of them conceding to joining the few at the church. "It's great to hear that.. Really it is." Gerald said, dropping off the edge of the fence onto the other side. There was no sound except for the sound of grass being shifted around and a few seconds later the newly met survivor's face popped up from behind the fence, his ears flicking back and forth. "Area is clear. C'mon before more trouble finds us!"

Church of Ascention

"A doctor? We used to have a paramedic but..." Alice trailed off, averting her eyes for a moment but then walking towards the church, motioning the doctor to follow. "Lets me show you around Cristoph, point out where the beds and stuff are." She said, walking around to the front of the church. Inside the opened doorway there was a radio nearby, a cord trailed off towards the table but it wasn't in plain sight until the doctor walked in. He could hear the fuzz and occasional beeps and sounds that were coming from the receiver though.

Gas Station

The first man let out a yelp of pain when the mechanics shot him down, the bullets tearing through him and causing him to fall back from the force of the round. When he met the floor he laid there motionless, the other man who had the intention of killing the officer sprinting across the parking lot towards a nearby truck that had a series of boxes stacked up in the back.

The looks were deceiving until the gunfire let out as one of the final two thugs reached behind and drew out a handgun from his waistband, standing in the doorway of the store as he unloaded his pistol at the two who had just killed his comrade. "You son of a bitch I'm going to fuck you up!" He shouted as he shot at those nearby the jeep. Eventually the gun ran out of rounds and the loud distinctive click of a bolt catcher sounded from the store. As a response the shooter cursed out loud and stepped out of the doorway, using the wall as cover as he frantically tried to reload his gun.

Mt Tanner

The hunter followed Ice during their wander around the forest. Throughout this trip he obviously did seem nervous and it looked like he had a few words to say. Until she stopped him with an almost heart stopping response the hunter flinched but quickly recovered, clearing his throat and speaking out his first idea. "W-well, we're up north. That means if we go southward we have a chance of meeting a river. Obviously we might find the road before we get there, though, since it's soo wrapped around this area." The hunter pointed out, rummaging through his pockets to reveal a compass. It was a relief to have something to occupy himself during this... First encounter with hell on earth.

Fairview Carnival

"Good. You and Harris's squad will be one of the first of us to go out there. Remember we don't have much information of the region, but one thing's for sure; your job is only to gather information. Understood?" The captain said, pausing for the corporal's response and turning away afterwards, already beginning his walk elsewhere. "Remember, avoid contact with the infected. There isn't a cure made yet."

Unknown Location

Mac woke up moments later in a very dimmed room, one with the surroundings that could easily be compared to a warehouse. His hands were bound behind his back with zip ties and he had been sat down on the cold cement, the one responsible for punching his face sitting just a few steps away with his arms resting across his lap. The fox who sat before Mac held two things in his hands: in his right was a handgun, the finger resting on the trigger guard instead of the trigger itself and the left hand holding a handful of clean dog tags, evidence stating they weren't being worn during the unfortunate encounter with the zombies not too long ago.

When the father regained his senses and got a good look at the stranger it was obvious he was the same one at the bridge and the same one who gave him a good whack. With the time to get a better observation his uniform told all that there was needed to be said about this man. He had the sergeant insignia on his sleeves, and a name tag sewn in on his uniform, the tag reading 'Harris Leegot'. He was silent even when Mac looked up at him, his eyes locked on the father which showed a good sense of anger in them...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Both mechanics ducked down as soon as the guy pulled out his gun. "You son of a bitch I'm going to fuck you up!" They took the time to reload while he was wasting his bullets on the side of the car. The shooting then stopped, and they heard the sound of a bolt catcher.

Kyle saw an opportunity. "He's out. Let's try to get closer while he reloads."

Dave gave a slight nod as they ran behind another car, which wasn't too far from their jeep. They both had their guns pointed at wher the bandits were before, but both of them seemed to have taken cover somewhere. They ducked back down, knowing that guy would start firing at them again any second now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Jenna Delany. Recent human turned into a walking carpet." She replied to Jeff when he asked for her name. She followed quietly behind both of her new 'friends', making sure to watch out for zombies as she gripped her pistol tightly in her right hand. She took a moment to get a look at both of them in the process. Gerald appeared to be friendly enough, and as far as she was concerned, if he was telling the truth about having a safe house she'd probably stick with him and whoever else was there, at least for awhile. Now, Shouty McShout pants, or Jeff, was a bit of a different story. He looked like your typical teenager that didn't really have any idea what he was doing or how bad this situation really was. Granted, she didn't take it too seriously herself, but at least she get get others killed in the process. She didn't hate the guy, but she'd continue to mess with him."Sorry if I seem a bit irritated, by the way. Haven't had the best day today, no thanks to you McShout pants."

"So, how much longer until we get to the church? I'm not from around here." She asked Gerald, as she climbed over the fence, trying to put as little strain on her shoulder as possible.
Cristoph followed Alice into the church yard quietly. She mentioned a paramedic, but from the way her voice trailed off, he guessed he was no longer with them, which prompted him to give a sigh. So much death, and he, as a doctor who usually helped people, could do nothing. It might make most other people angry. He, however, instead felt a mix of self loathing, and melancholy. It started on the day at his clinic, when his patients first began to turn, though he didn't start feeling completely this way until after he had arrived home...after she had...He forced the thought out of his head and focused back on Alice. At least, perhaps, he could help these people.

"So how many of there are you here?" He asked Alice as she led him into the church.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ice seems all to relieved, "You would think being part wolf would make me a natural at this out doorsy nonsense!" Her tail wagged...much to her visible embarrassment. Damn it thank God a camera didn't....her ears seemed to droop along with her tail...For the first time she wished a Camera woulda caught that, someone had seen her weakness, the fact that she was able to feel emotion, hell it may have even been cute. So she could stress over how her next opponent would make light of her over it, the mental game that happens before her next fight..But that's gone, her next fight is between some unnamed corpse, the title of lightweight champion could be taken by some half rotted corpse...The hunter footstep on the wild grass brought her back from her pity party. She slapped her face with both hands, bouncing from foot to foot? Tossing a few jabs in the air?! Shes escaping into the fight! Ill cry my eyes out later! Right now, Me and the towel boy are going for the title of highest K2D ratio!

"Aight Friendo! Lets get going! We are going to save the day, me and you! Screw this couple of weeks crap! Me and you...uhhhh.." Ice thinks and pulls a nickname out of the sky! "You gunna be mad if I call you Axe! Its manly right, I mean I can do names...But you know I go by my fighting title makes me feel legit! I am Ice! Unfeeling, unstoppable! I am a glacier to sink the titanic that was Lloyd the "RockJaw"! You looked what is possibly the most horrible thing I can think of in the face, and you survived it!" She throws her arm around the guy in a bro-esq hug. "And you know what the first thing you did was? You walked over, and picked up your axe! You showed me and the whole damn world that you ain't just about to roll over and die!"
Ice tried to fight it but her tail wagged again. She honestly meant what she was saying to the new Bro. "So Axe are we alone aside from our punching bag undead beasties? Not that I don't like your company. But A sensitive woman like me with a manly man like you alone! I fear for my safety!" She teases him with a forced giggle. "You got any idea where folks mighta gathered?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mac watched the raging sergeant and bowed his head. "I am sorry for what happened to your men. But you must understand, The FInal Days are upon us. God has decreed the world be purged of all evil, and is saving those who accept Him into their heart, as their One True Lord. You still serve the kings of man, who cannot save you from the end. Your only chance at salvation is to accept Him, and forgo the kingdoms of mortals. Such things will surely redeem your soul."

The father readjusted in his seat, and leaned towards him. "I, however, still have my duties. The Lord's work must be carried out, and I must save those I can from the fate of damnation. You must release me, so I can go on my way and carry out the Lord's will among those who remain to be given their fate. Think of the innocent, who still require faith. We cannot be the ones to abandon them."

Indeed, Mac was nervous. Either the soldier would see that the father was not responsible for the deaths of his men, or he would kill Mac right here and now. The sergeant continued to glare at him, and then stood up, walking over to his captive, pistol gripped firmly in his hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esailia
Avatar of Esailia


Member Seen 3 days ago

The forest was quiet. Not the usual quiet of woods; with the din of insects, branches, and such. No, it was deathly silent, as if something had scared the animals away, had made the insects fall silent...

A pair of feline eyes narrowed through the underbrush, an auburn tail twitching without a sound. The hunter's eyes darted to the left...to the right. Ears swiveled around like little radar dishes as they searched for any warning crack of a twig, or rustle of footfalls. Nothing. She dashed across the clearing, holding her bow tucked under her arm, tail swishing to and fro as a counterweight to add to her speed and balance on the uneven forest floor.

She didn't stop this time, letting her conscious mind fall away from movement and letting her feline mind take control, allowing her to think on the go. What had happened? Gunshots had been echoing at odd times throughout the woods earlier, now nothing. It could have been nothing, if the forest hadn't fallen silent with them. She leaped over a fallen tree, landing ten feet below in a small dip in the ground, pausing for just a moment to check herself before rushing on towards the ranger station.

A sound. Her body slid into the cover behind a vine choked tree, steadying her breathing in a practiced ritual of a trained hunter. She peeked out, making sure her ears were tucked back to avoid looking like flags of auburn. Seeing flashes of blue among the green, The feline hunter slipped out, keeping low to the ground and zipping under a group of bushes. Humans. Or humanoids more correctly. One appeared to be fully human, and now that she recalled, a fellow hunter she greeted in passing as she headed out on this very trip. The other...well, it seemed she had taken to the genetics much more than anyone Esailia knew.

Knowing that hunters won't shoot at someone in orange, Esailia quickly got to work flipping her jacket inside out, trading brown/green for bright orange and reflective silver around the chest. Taking a breath, she stood up slowly and approached the pair, giving a short two whistles to announce her presence, raising her hands in a universal gesture of 'I mean no harm'.
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