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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Spencer's Mill

When the first person climbed over the fence Gerald wasn't in plain sight at first until he emerged from behind a shed, now holding a full duffle bag in his hands as he waved them over. "We just gotta cut through a few yards and cross the forest. Can.. Someone help me lug this back home?" The bag in his hands seemed to show obvious signs of being untouched for a log time, the bag itself being coated in dirt and dust but still looking as durable as ever. "We usually hide stuff like this around town for when we get in trouble or when... This happens. There's another bag in the post office too! Keep that in mind..." With that, the wolf reached inside the shed after tossing the bag to the two, clasping his pawish hands together as he waited for either their rejection or their cooperation.

If the bag was taken the survivor nodded to the two again and turned around, scanning the back yards ahead. The recent fight had reduced the chances of a horde, but there were still some scattered around the suburban area.Then the wolf spotted something, his ears becoming perky as he spoke. "Zelda up ahead.. Go through or go around?" He asked, his right hand hovering over the opening in his bag.

((Your characters will at times make decisions that could have an impact on other characters. Some will improve or hurt the amount of trust between you, others will be risks that could endanger both you and your fellow survivor. Remember though! Some risks have to be taken in order to survive.))

Ascention Church

Alice glanced over at Cristoph when he asked his questions, giving the doctor a slight smile as she turned and walked across the open room that used to have benches lined up for Sunday ceremonies. "Well wears actually down to four people: me, Dwayne who was the guy you just met, Gerald, and KC." She replied, stopping and walking around the small stage where a open door was.

"We have a kitchen over here, but keep everything locked up tight and where they should be. Last time we screwed that up a lot of food got taken by rodents." Alice said, standing aside for the doctor to enter the church kitchen. "There's also the pastor's quarters, where everyone has to sleep. Luckily there's three beds made up! Someone sleeps on the floor sometimes..."

Gas Station

Everything was quiet as the mechanics made their approach. In the gas station movement could be heard, followed by a creek but other than that, and the sounds of a gun loading it was as if there wasn't even a gunfight in the first place. The knocked out survivor still laid nearby, his weapons now being abandoned and within reach if he was able to actually wake up and do something. That though was very unlikely.

After a minute of waiting the bandit who ran off emerged from behind one of the cars, propping his rifle against it and aiming it at the jeep. Little did he know that his targets were behind another car.

Mt Tanner

The hunter blinked, slightly confused from the fighter's statement during this kind of situation. He eventually shrugged it off and began walking, only to face another survivor before them with her hands in a less threatening position. The man was obviously surprised to meet another face and he quickly beckoned the other hunter over, clearing his throat to speak. "I take it we take that plan and try for the camp me and..." He trailed off, looking over at where they had left the body of his friend before returning his eyes to the fighter then the hunter. "I left my gun there... My ammo bag too, but we gotta cross the camping grounds first."

Unknown Location
The fox identified as Harris stood over Mac with the gun held away from the father, his eyes bearing down at the man before he began speaking, his voice low, hurt, infuriated, "Your recklessness and stupidity killed three people, three men who had names, stories, favorite songs, lives." The fox said, crouching down so his height matched the sitting reverend's height as their eyes locked on each other. "Now, how the hell am I suppose to take your defense and let you walk out like nothing happened?" A growl followed his words and his finger left the trigger guard, only to rest firmly on the trigger.

Seconds later his eyes trailed away from Mac's, glancing over at the dog tags in his left name which seem to create a glare with what little light was around. A sigh escaped the sergeant and the gun shook slightly in his hands, the reason behind such impulses could easily be noticed. "You're going to take their dog tags, I took them before we left camp... You're going to hold them as long as you walk on this earth sane, understand?" The fox demanded, returning his attention to Mac with a flame in his eyes that could compare to none other. "I dare you say no. I dare you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sighing with sympathy, Mac nodded in agreement, and spoke in an understanding tone. "I feel for your loss, brother. Such a circumstance is unfortunate, though I will defend the case that my actions were unjustified. As you may or may not know, I have seen other soldiers, maybe yours, and maybe not, take the lives of the innocent without due cause. These dark times have brought out the best, and worst, in the hearts of men. i seek only to do what I can, for the good of the just. Perhaps you would do well to do the same."

The father sat upright in the chair, and glanced over to the dog tags, unblinking. "i regret what happened to your men, as this is not the first time I have failed my fellows, even today. If you so desire, I will carry the burden of honoring those who die because of me, as God as my witness, and will gladly take them. Now, if you would be so kind, release me, and I will carry out your wishes." With this explanation given, Mac waited to be untied, hoping that the sergeant understood why the events of today had transpired.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

A smile appeared on Kyle's face. "He thinks we're still behind the jeep. Now's our chance." He kept his voice at a whisper to avoid being heard by the bandits.
David seemed unsure. "What about the other guy? If he sees you going for his friend, you're fucked."
"Aim your gun at the door, then. If he comes out from behind cover, shoot him."
Dave gave a small nod. He clearly didn't think Kyle's plan was well thought out, and he was only going with it because he couldn't think of anything better.

Both of them came out of cover at the same time. They did exactly as Kyle planned - Dave aimed at the door while Kyle fired several shots at the bandit who was currently aiming for the jeep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The little one, was so damn cute...Ice melted a little, the desire to pull on the cat like ears was almost impossible to suppress but she wasn't about to let her image as a fighter slip away so soon. She managed to keep her tail from giving to much a wag, but she was more than just a little relieved that another person out here had a pulse. That rediculously optimistic thought about how maybe the situation isn't as bad as it seemed crept back into her mind.

"She means us no harm, thank God. Here I thought she had intended to kill us with her oh so adorableness"

Ice knew her words may have been taken the wrong way but ice wasn't about to recall it. She said what she said and she said what she meant. 'Axe' started telling her what where his gun (She hoped he had brought some spares) either way she was relieved that they might be able to obtain some pew pew! Not that she doubted her physical skills punching zombies is not exactly her idea of the safest plan....

"Alright crossin' the camp with a gun at the other side! Lets geta'move'on." Cracking her knuckles just by making a fist, sure its unneeded but her showmanship is a hard habit to break. "You down for that kitten?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esailia
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Esailia's brows furrowed in confusion at the woman's statement. Of course she meant no harm. Not like there were any murderers in these woods. It was just standard to announce yourself to other hunters, to avoid accidents. She pulled her ipad out, tapping the screen to activate a program. A few taps later, a female voice could be heard from the device "Alright, and thank you for the compliment." She didn't touch on the former part of the sentence, instead asking as the started walking forward "Were you the ones shooting their guns off casually? It scared my quarry off."

Seemed like she wasn't in the loop...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
Avatar of Rune_Alchemist

Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jenna climbed down from the fence, using her right arm for most of the work. She landed on the other side quietly just as Gerald threw the bag on the ground and asked if one of them would take it. Jenna, nodded to Gerald, and picked up the bag and slung it over her right shoulder. It wasn't particularly heavy, so she had to wonder for a moment what exactly was in the bag. Probably just some supplies and other things they might need. Whatever they were, she hoped wherever they were going had some medical supplies.

"I say go around. No sense in getting attacked by another hoard." She said in reply to his question.
Cristoph listened as Alice gave him the grand tour of his new home. Four people weren't much, but it was better than being on his own. At least he could possibly distract himself with some work or other things. In any case, there was one thing he needed to know more than anything. If there was a place he, a doctor, could set up shop and work on injured people. If there wasn't, that was fine, he could make do without a specific place to work but it'd be much better if he could.

"You wouldn't happen to have an infirmary, or a place that I could potentially...work, should someone get injured, do you?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Spencer's Mill

"Right, got it." Gerald replied, glancing over at the small number of zombies before nodding to the two and making his way down the alley way towards the street, crouching a bit when he got close to a corner. When he made it to the edge the wolf gave those who followed them another glance. "Looks like we're good to go." He whispered, continuing his way onto the sidewalk and slowly creeping across the street towards a construction site where zombies seemed to be active and moving around because of the truck incident. "We just gotta get past here and get to that dirt road over there." The wolf whispered, pointing at a dirt road then turning to face the other two while still in his crouching position. "I think KC left some fire crackers in that bag. If you take it and toss it as far as you can they should move. They're attracted to noise."

((This is true. Gunfire and loud booms attract hordes if they are in the area. Which is good to know, yes? Diversion time :3))

Ascention Church

"Well.. One of our old friends rolled out his stretcher over by the garden outside. It's been empty ever since we lost him." Alice replied, making her was across the kitchen and out the back door. She only took a moment to glance over at Cristoph then proceeded down the steps, proceeding to the garden to their left. It had the stretcher under a pergola. There was a table next to it with a series of tools but only tools a paramedic would have access to. There were also vials and medications, but not enough to give the luxury of multiple operations. "Well here we are. You're looking to be the doc around here mister Cristoph?"

Gas Station
The baddie being shot at fell with a cry of pain when a few rounds main their mark. He never got up and the guy at the gas station never emerged. Something different happened, the second shooter came from behind the store and came around the two survivors, raising his handgun and letting out a few shots their direction. He wasn't only shooting to hit them, but he was trying to shoot while side stepping to one of the cars nearby him, his left hand gripping onto a duffle bag that was only half full.

Mt Tanner

"Uhm.. It wasn't very casual." The hunter said in an almost whisper, glancing down at the ipad before he started hiking into the treeline, holding his hatchet by his side. After a few steps he froze in his steps and looked up at the trees, realizing the sound of birds chirping had returned. It brought a slight smile to him but it returned to the frown he had been cursed with ever since his friend had turned and had been killed. It was still a mournful moment for him despite his good ability in hiding it.

Unknown Location
Harris looked at the priest for a long time, stared at him, read him for anything that could compromise his word. Eventually the sergeant nodded and stood back up, stuffing the gun in it's respective holster. "Remember one thing, before you put someone else's life on the line, keep in mind you should've died in Fairview." The fox said, walking behind the man and crouching down to deal with the restraints. The father could hear the click of a pocket knife and seconds later a tug that was slightly uncomfortable, a small price to pay for the freedom that followed.

"You are right, though. There are things I can not tell you about what the army is up to. The best I can say is if I am not around, avoid contact." Those were the last words before the sergeant placed the dog tags in the man's hands then stepped back, adjusting his cap and nodding towards the door. "There's a truck outside, you are no longer in Fairview. I will be around, and if I find out you've failed to keep your word, and have caused harm to someone, you, will not, win."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

'Make your move... Kill me or release me... but do not waste my time...

Finally, the sergeant spoke: "Remember one thing, before you put someone else's life on the line, keep in mind you should've died in Fairview.", and strode behind the father. With a slight panicked gasp, ever so silent, Mac felt a knife slit his bindings, and they fell to the ground with a small thud. Rubbing his aching wrists, he stood up from the chair and stretched, relieved to have survived this encounter. Not out of the clear yet though, as the sergeant (Harris, according to his identification insignia) mentioned to avoid his fellows, and that a truck was parked just outside. This should make it easier to get there, Mac thought to himself. But he'd need to be quick.

"It is not easy to ignore those dark urges of revenge, my brother." The priest spoke quietly and returned his nod. "Perhaps there is still hope for you yet. Repent, and let the Lord enter your heart. Lest you end up as one of these fiendish ghouls that plague this once peaceful land. For that would be a terrible shame, a shame that would hurt Him greatly." He grabbed his belongings, and sheathed the fire axe upon his back, before approaching the door and opening it. Turning back, Mac spoke one final time. "Farewell. May God keep you from wandering astray..."

A quiet crack, as the door swung shut, and Mac found himself staring at a large pick up, a dull red and chipped paint, dirty windows and a faint oily smell. But still in working condition, as the Father entered the drivers seat, found the keys under the sun protector, and turned her over. With a throaty growl, the engine turned over, and the car came to life. Stepping out after cutting the engine, a more energetic Mac searched the garage, and found three things of great interest: A few bottles of rubbing alcohol, a tool box and, most surprisingly, what appeared to be a VERY large revolver situated in a safety deposit box jimmied open with the help of his new found tools.

Carefully inspecting the weapon, he found it had no bullets, nor were any to be found around the garage, and the priest wasn't about to go back in to see the sergeant after the interrogation. Besides, Mac despised guns. They were too... impersonal. With a chuckle, he unloaded the boxes from the tray of the truck (replacing them with his own gear), placed the smaller items and revolver in the passenger seat, and climbed back in. Starting the old machine up again, it was time to leave. Reversing out, Mac took off towards.Spencer's Mill, hoping it wasn't too late. Though the Lord's salvation is always on time, exactly as He had planned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Kyle and Dave turned around as soon as they heard gunshots behind them. A couple of shots hit the side of the car, and luckily none of them hit Kyle.
David wasn't as lucky. "Ah, fuck!" He cried, clutching his leg as he fell to the ground.
"Shit! Hold on, I got you." Kyle quickly grabbed him and dragged him to the other side of the car. "Where'd he hit you?"
Dave moved his hand, revealing a gunshot wound right below his knee. "Kyle...This hurts like hell, man...What are we gonna do?"
"You wait here. I'll take out this last guy." He aimed his gun at the car the bandit was hiding behind. He was ready to shoot as soon as this guy came out of cover.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
Avatar of Rune_Alchemist

Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jenna followed Gerald silently, wary of any noise that could indicate a zombie attack. So far, after their brief encounter earlier they hadn't had too much trouble from them. Hopefully, their luck would last. Soon, they made their way to a construction site where quite a few zombies were milling around, obviously agitated by something...or someone. Gerald mentioned fire crackers, and Jenna nodded silently. She had used distractions like this many times to avoid the hoard before, so she knew what she was doing. Reaching into the bag, she searched for the fire crackers, finding them close to the bottom of the bag. Taking them out, she readied them and tossed them as far as she could with her right arm in the opposite direction.
"Well, its what I did before this all happened. I see no reason to change my profession now." He said with a small smile, which quickly faded. He walked over to the stretcher and the tools. It looked like it was adequate for the job of patching someone up, but they wouldn't be able to do a lot of major operations. He doubted they would need to anyways, if someone was hurt that badly, he doubted they'd be living long anyways.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esailia
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Esailia's ears twitched in confusion. Not very casual? She wrote on her ipad, flipping the text to speech option on for ease of communication. As they walked, the feline hunter went through a mental checklist in her head, one that she always goes through when she has some time to kill; water level in her canteen, how much food left, how many arrows left, the battery power on her ipad., and the time of day. While these were pretty easy to remember, Esailia had trouble with her short term memory, and in daily life, seemed to forget the most simple things if she wasn't constantly checking on them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Spencer's Mill

Pop! Pop Pop! Pop! The fireworks sounded the street and sliced into the silence of the dead down like expected, catching the attention of the zombies as they turned and started shambling their way towards the source. "Good job! C'mon lets go!" The wolf said, standing up and moving at a rather quick pace down the sidewalk. Ahead was the path he spoke of, the church was probably a football field away but it was in sight, as well as the vehicles and the survivor manning the walls.

Thanks to the quick thinking of the survivors they were able to make it home safe and without any serious injuries, but they left a noticeable gathering where they tossed the fireworks. IT would eventually part over time, but they have amassed into a big horde that could be a problem down the road. "We usually radio in our return but I think they know we're coming." Gerald pointed out, slowing down to a walk and a soft pant as he returned to his sneaky lie low and whisper tactics. Around this time the fireworks have declined and all there was was a crowd of zombies in the middle of one of the main intersections of town.

Ascension Church

"Well we were thinking about going into the pet store and grabbing some medical supplies, KC said he would take a look at it when he got back from his trip... Which was last night. I don't even know why I left at night that idiot." Alice said, stuffing her hands into her pockets. She was about to speak again but then the sounds of faint fireworks reached the church, moments later she said something and was off to the gate. "These zombies don't know how to light fireworks."

Mt Tanner

The hunter lead the way until they finally came into a clearing with the ranger station ahead. The light was like a curtain as they walked out of the dimness of the woods and came across the dark reality of the zombie apocalypse. Once his eyes adjusted to the sunlight he froze, his eyes taking in the gory scenario before them. Mangled, torn up bodies were strewn across the paths and parking lots. Park rangers, families, even children lie dead and scattered about the area. Across the parking lot was the ranger station, followed by the barracks, but there were... Things wandering around with missing arms and missing body parts. "My god..." The hunter muttered under his breath, his heart sinking at such a sight before them. Not even the poor kids were spared of this outbreak."W-we gotta get outta here... Fuck the camp we gotta get help, right?" The hunter spun around to face the fighter and other uninformed survivor before him, praying they had an idea.

Gas Station

The last hostile didn't seem to stop to see if his rounds hit as he ran under the veil of chaos from the gunfight. When he reached the car he tossed the bag in and climbed inside, seconds later the car was starting up and the gunman didn't bother to check on Kyle and the other mechanic. He was set on running away instead of becoming any more of a threat, but such a risky escape left him exposed for a good shot. If he was not shot at, he would escape, but it would take away valuable time and ammunition... Noise attracts zombies and zombies can form into hordes.

The officer who was knocked out still was on the floor next to his colt 1911 which was being held by the first dead shooter. Near by, just right next to his head was his broken radio and police baton. The store, even though shattered and shot up still might have food inside, there was no way those bandits could've gotten too much since they were soo occupied with beating the state trooper's lights out.

Time was running short, decisions had to be made quickly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esailia
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Member Seen 3 days ago

As they neared the station, Esailia secured her bow in its harness on her back. Regulations. Her gaze was making sure her gear was secure, and didn't notice anything in the camping grounds until the hunter muttered two words. She glanced up, and her ears perked up. The grounds looked like a slaughterhouse. Esailia started undoing the straps to her bow's harness, her feline eyes narrowing at the moving bodies. Survivors.

Esailia pointed at them, and flipped her pad out. They're hurt, we need to help them. You get help, She and I can start triage here. sadly, she had kept the text to speech on...She slid her pad back into her pack and started walking forward towards the 'survivors'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
Avatar of Riddles

Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Kyle noticed a couple of walkers stumbling around nearby. He kept his gun pointed at the bandit, but didn't shoot. He knew more noise would just draw more of them, and he didn't want to risk it unless this guy tried to make a move on him. In the end, he didn't. He just drove away, and most of the zombies followed him, drawn to the noise from the car.
"Kyle! What the fuck was that?" David said. "Did you really just let him get away?"
"Shut up and get to the jeep." Kyle said, walking over to the guy laying on the ground. His gun was on the ground nearby, along with his radio and police baton. Kyle grabbed the baton and the gun, not seeing much use for the broken radio. He started to drag the guy along the ground, towards the jeep.
Dave had already limped his way over to the passenger seat by the time Kyle put the unconscious guy in the back. "I'll just see if there's anything in this gas station."
"Try to find a first aid kit or something. This hurts like hell."

There wasn't much left in the gas station. The bandits, along with everyone else that might have been here before, took almost everything. There were a few gas canisters left. There was more than enough in them to get to Spencer's Mill. There was also a few energy bars and some beef jerky. Besides that, there wasn't much left that they could use. He felt bad walking out of there without a first aid kit.

Once he got back to the jeep, Kyle handed all of the food he managed to find to Dave. He then started filling the jeep up with gas.
Dave looked at him through the window. "No first aid kit?"
"Nope. Sorry, man. Maybe once we get to Spencer's Mill we'll find one."
Kyle put what was left of the gas in the back with the unconscious guy, then got into the driver's seat. They didn't know anything about what was going on in Spencer's Mill. Hopefully it wasn't as bad as Marshall City.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Some time later, on the road to Spencer's Mill

"Goodness, this death and destruction..." The priest muttered to himself, driving slowly down the road as he saw burnt out wrecks of vehicles and numerous corpses lying in the road. This plague has spread, he thought to himself. And there is no stopping it, for these are the Last Days. Man shall be reunited with God in His Holy Kingdom, or shall perish in the hell fires of Damnation for all eternity. That is beyond doubt now. With great care, Mac navigated the streets, surveying and watching for more of the beasts. But so far, quiet. Something primal stirred within him, something that, for the briefest second, had to use all his will power to suppress. For the Lord was watching. Always watching.

As he continued, there was a bang in front of him, high in the sky, and what appeared to be a firework spark into life, before fading out into nothing. Others, those yet unturned, who's souls cried out for salvation. He must continue his mission, and his other task must wait. With this, he sped off towards the location of the signal, wary that the other creatures would surely notice it. Mac was ready for them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jenna followed Gerald as the firecrackers went off, still holding her gun at ready, just in case. She was glad that she was almost to a place where she could relax a bit. She hadn't really had the chance since she was forced to flee her fathers home. Or at least, she could rest without having to worry about waking up to a zombie chomping on her leg or something. They weren't there yet, but they were close enough for Jenna to relax a little. "When we get there, I'm taking a nice, long, nap." She said to the other Anthro. "I can't tell you how long its been since I've slept more than a few hours."
"More survivors, perhaps?" Cristoph thought aloud at hearing the fire crackers. That was good, at least they weren't the only ones still alive in the town. A small relief, if any. On the downside, that amount of noise was bound to attract more zombies. "They might need help." He continued.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Spencer's Mill

Gerald chuckled quietly and nodded, still keeping his footing quiet and his tail off the ground as he moved.(which by god was almost impossible to do without some sort of practice) After a few steps the wolf froze then stepped back into whoever was the first behind them, staring up at an infected that was limping past them towards the commotion they created. All the young one could do was have his weapon of choice ready and pray the zombie is too blind in the excitement to recognize them. Home was just moments away, but if another peep of noise comes out from anyone in the group, they'll be fighting their way home today.

Ascention Church

The man on the wall was peering out down the path when Alice looked towards him. He had his rifle in his hands, a bolt action Cz rifle at that, but he was aware that there was a familiar face mixed in with the building crowd down the path.

"It's Gerald." The survivor said, turning to look down at Alice with a nod. She returned a nod along with a sigh of relief before returning to Cristoph and spreading the little bit of news when she got to him. "And he has friends!" The man called out, raising his rifle to peer into it's iron sights that searched for the closest zombie if trouble rises.

"Looks like our wolf is stirring up trouble in order to bring some new folks home... Wow we're lucking out with our understaffing issue!" Alice reported, crossing her arms with a big smirk. Just the mere thought of extra hands were enough to lighten up any average survivor's mood now adays.

Mt Tanner

"No! Wait!" The hunter whispered, but it was too late for the noise of her tablet was just enough to catch the attention of one of the infected. It turned around slowly, revealing half the face of a man with canine like qualities. His body was torn apart, one of his lungs missing but he managed to still be standing... Sadly, the thing didn't look any more than a young adult. It let out a moan and reached one hand out towards the group, staggering towards them with gasping and gurgling noises escaping its mouth. The closer 'he' got, though he seemed to sound more excited, more affressive, and when he got close enough he lunged at the girl, only to be stopped by the one who warned her not to approach the man.

The two fell, the male hunter at the bottom as the zombie tried to bite at the man. Fortunately he managed to slip an arm under the creature's chin and push him just far enough to not become this mornings meal. The noise was enough to attract the attention of a few others, counting up to being two that were the neko's biggest threat. Looks like the third individual got her hands and feet dirty with the other one that came their way, but one thing was for sure, they weren't safe staying here and struggling to fend off these creatures.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
Avatar of Riddles

Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

David was clearly in pain. The slightest bump made him wince, and since there was nobody left to maintain the roads, there were a lot of them. As much as Kyle was trying to avoid them, they were bound to hit one occasionally.
"How much longer 'till we get there? I can't take this for much longer."
"Shouldn't take too long. I'm pretty sure my dad has first aid supplies at the farm."
"Kyle...I don't want to be all pessimistic or anything, but...your dad...I don't think he made it."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Just look out the window for a sec."
There were zombies stumbling around outside - not as much as there were in Marshall City, but still a lot. Other than that, there wasn't anythong unusual.
"Don't you see? Things are probably just as bad in Spencer's Mill as they were back there. I ain't saying I know for sure he's dead, but...I don't think there were too many survivors."
Kyle didn't respond. There was a pothole up ahead, which he intentionally drove through, hoping it would shut Dave up.

Neither of them talked for a while. It wasn't until there were buildings on the horizon that Dave spoke up again. "There it is."
Kyle nodded.
Dave looked around awkwardly. It was clear that Kyle was still pretty pissed at him. "Think that guy in the back's gonna wake up soon?"
"Don't know. I hope so."
Kyle looked into the rear-view mirror. The guy was still breathing, which was good. He still wasn't awake, though.
Kyle looked ahead just in time to see a zombie on the road in front of him. He slammed on the brakes, but still hit it hard enough to sent it flying several feet. He kept driving, knowing the noise from that had attracted many walkers that happened to be nearby.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After continuing to drive for some time, Mac came into Specncer's Mill, and looked around for others. At first, he seemed to be the only one. Perhaps his duty had been fulfilled? Them, a faint light... From the church! With gusto, the father accelerated, not paying heed to the road in front of him. Looking back down, he saw in his headlights a smashed wreck of a garbage truck, and tried to steer around it suddenly. He clipped it's back end with his own vehicle, and was sent into a spin, before the car flipped over and skidded along it's roof, crashing violently into a lamp post and toppling it. Unconscious, Mac hung upside in the vehicle, blood dripping from his forehead.

When he came to, everything was quiet, and a walker shambled pass the pick up, it's feet the only thing in view, shuffling along the ground as it moved passed, moaning and growling. Waiting for it to pass out of ear shot, the priest undid the seat belt, and slammed his head into the roof, falling to his side. Pain shot up his leg, unbearable pain, as he tried to escape the vehicle. After some crawling along his stomach, he was out, and stood up as best as he could. Limping painfully, he went to the back tray of the truck and found his belongings were amazingly still intact, mostly. With the backpack fitted, he went back to the front, tied and fitted as much of the extra gear as he could, and. propping himself against the fence for support, made his way towards the church.

The building was a familiar one, The Ascension Church, and making his way to the front heavy doors, banged his fist as quietly as he could against it, hoping to be heard. "Hello? Anyone in there? This is Father Mac, of the Clergy. I come seeking sanctuary, will someone heed my call?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Spencer's Mill

With the lack of noise and the seemingly abandoned town returning to silence, it was obvious the abandoned town returned to it's apocalyptic image with the usual zombies roaming the streets. There were a few moments such as the wreck and the screeching of tires that rounded up zombies into miniature groups on the road near where the sounds were made, but other than that everything was relatively safe if seen by the eyes of an experienced survivor.

Entering The Church Of Ascension

Gerald lead the two close behind him when they got across the parking lot and made their way towards the church. He stopped to spot a stranger before them knocking at the door, speaking of the clergy. It took a minute, a very long minute for the wolf to register him as a human and not infected before he approached the man and cleared his throat. This entire week.. They start showing up now.. Is everything going to be alright now? The hooded survivor thought, drifting off towards that idea for a second. Once he snapped back to reality the wolf closed his eyes, flinched, then shook his head to open his eyes again and quickly speak, his tone being in a whisper. "C-comeone in man.."

Alice went to the door upon hearing a voice to stop before the two arriving survivors. She looked over at the reverend then looked over at Gerald before running up and tackling him with a hug, followed by a punch to the anthro. "You idiot! Don't you ever make that much trouble without someone by your side ever again!"

Thep unch wasn't much, but the wolf flinched from just the moment, grunting under his breath. "I-I wasn't alone Alice! I found these folks a-"

"What if you didn't find them? You know K.C went missing and you can't go off on your runs when we're understaffed. You could get yourself hurt outside and we wouldn't be able to get you! I-!" The girl cut her self off to take a few breaths, trying her best to calm down in order to greet the arriving pastor and the other two new survivors. "S-sorry. We've been loosing a lot of friends lately. Welcome.. Welcome to the church of Ascension.

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