@crimson raven
Whatchu got cookin?
Whatchu got cookin?
Y'all debating about magic and I'm still trying to figure out how I want to write this archer.
<Snipped quote by Rtron>
Me and Aristo will discuss it. So far personally I like the direction as long as it is indeed ritual based rather than instant, but. Have a feeling you do in fact mean the former. Can you give me an example of how they might conjure these spirits?
<Snipped quote by Inkarnate>
Archer who claims he's blind for fame but he's really not.
<Snipped quote by Goldeagle1221>
So for healing, the one that'll likely be used the most, all the components are provided by the person whose being healed. The character would draw a circle diagram, the person'll go in the middle, and then the character would sit at the edge and summon the spirits, using (or forcing depending on whose being healed) their energies to heal them. This'll take a toll on the person as well, since having spiritual energy forced into you to supercharge your healing process isn't pleasant.
For possession, the character will have a token of one of the three (an arrow head, a rusty hilt, a spear head, or something along those lines). They'll draw another diagram, only this one is square and the character will be in the middle. They'll cut themselves and drip some blood on the token, and then summon the spirit into their body. The once the spirit takes over, they cannot summon other spirits until the character takes control (usually a few hours, maybe shorter or longer depending on the situation.) This'll probably be the least 'lose control of my body' risky, since these three are gonna be connected to the character (Family, maybe) and not want to harm them. It might gradually change over the course of the RP, depending on events.
For scouting, another circle diagram, slightly different than the healing one, with some blood from the character, an eye from something (preferably human, for clarity), and a burning herb to help their spirit connect with the other spirit (probably at least slightly hallucinogenic). This'll be the most risky, since their spirit is connected directly to another spirit that isn't as trustworthy as the three above.
Simply talking to the spirits to see if they've noticed anything or have any secrets to give up will only require a burning herb and some quiet, so the character can go into a trance and have a chat.
If the capturing of the souls of the slain isn't too OP that'll require a diamond diagram, blood from the character, some bits and bobs of metal, some herbs, and time to fight and subdue the spirit. If that's allowed, it'll be the most risky since its trying to capture a spirit that doesn't want to be dead and doesn't want to serve you and trying to prevent it from taking over your body.
So what role is the finished character playing? Seems like we (might) have 2 magic users and an archer thus far.
Archer-alchemist gone shopkeeper from Roshad. Monkey should be posting the sheet nect time he is on.
<Snipped quote by Goldeagle1221>
You all have very similar ideas!! :p
<Snipped quote by Goldeagle1221>
Yeah, but I ain’t about interceding on someone’s character role. So now I either gotta figure out a way for my archer to stand out against his or make an entirely different character. Not going to lie and say it ain’t taken some of the wind out of my sails, though.
Well wait to see the sheet I suppose. Just because they can shoot a bow doesn't mean they are the same character.
So I'm assuming there's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes, since I haven't seen a single character sheet or any real discussion in here yet. Which kinda bums me out, as I feel robbed of getting better insights into this world... How many players are there anyway?
I've also given blood magic some more thought and feel like I've reached a nice conclusion. Instead of focusing on physical effects, I want to focus on more emotional aspects of it. So why not have my character be able to drink it and use it to re-life memories and emotions? Maybe even have it work the other way around, by making those ingesting the blood feel love, fear or even pain towards my character (dont trust her cooking!).
Blood magic could be used as a form of fantasy CSI, allowing her to gain information about someone: their heredity, physical characteristics, family; if they match blood found somewhere else. Anything you see on the cop shows could be replicated in game.
Maybe even let her use blood to gain attributes from animals? A hawk's vision or a dog's smell, stuff like that.
I guess it does depend on whether this RP is more focused on combat, or has room for intrigue as well. If it's more combat focused, I'd probably just ditch this concept and go for a more straight forwards character.
<Snipped quote by Cleverbird>
Ayy, now we're onto something. I like that approach and it's similar to ideas I've used in the past with this sort of magic (consume a man's eyes and see his last moments, or his ears and hear his last words, etc.)
My chica favors melee weapons moreso than bows, but knows her way around them. You're good being a primarily archer char, You'd have Cita beat. it wouldn't conflict whatsoever!