Name: Joanne Fountain
Age: 15
Godly parent: Artemis
Joanne is a half-wolf, half-human child of Artemis fashioned out of the bones and flesh of a dead she-wolf, and imbued it with part of the Goddess’ spirit. Of course, Artemis couldn’t keep the baby girl she had created, but she did know of a good family for her. Soon a little girl baby was found at the doorstep of and later adopted by Scott Fountain, Alaska State Police and Michelle Fountain, Scott’s older sister, and a practicing veterinarian.
Joanne lived in the city of Lakes, Alaska. From an early age, Joanne seemed to have a special bond with the outdoors. She could handle a rifle with ease, shoot a bow with an unbelievable level of accuracy, and loved to hike and camp with her dad and aunt. She was a slightly average student but struggled with learning disabilities that often frustrated her. But on the athletic field and rifle range, she really shined, particularly in running, and cross-country skiing. By middle school, Joanne was successfully competing in state archery, biathlon and cross country skiing competitions, and there was serious talk of her going to the Olympics someday.
Joanne was always easy going, and she had a few friends in school. But she really didn’t hang out too much and generally did better with dogs than people. She often helped out at her aunt’s clinic and nearby animal shelter. When not working, studying or competing, Joanne preferred to spend her time outside on long hikes or camping. It was during one of her hikes that she found a lone gray wolf cub clinging for dear life to a small log in the middle of a cold stream. Headless of her own safety, Joanne waded into the stream and plucked the cub from danger, suffering a torrent of licks from the very grateful cub in the process. Taking the cub home, and with help from her aunt, Joanne nursed it back to full health. In the process girl and wolf bonded. Joanne named the cub Smoke after her gray and white fur.
At first, Joanne’s aunt and father wanted to return Smoke to the wild as soon as possible since Gray Wolves do not really make good pets. But this wolf was clearly different, for it took Joanne’s commands easily, and became surprisingly well domesticated. It was as if wolf and girl were made for each other and Joanne’s aunt and father eventually relented.
It was the summer of Joanne’s second year in high school that her life changed forever. Returning from an early morning walk, she could see smoke rising from where her house was. She then heard multiple gunshots. Joanne and Smoke rushed home to find the house on fire and her father and aunt torn apart and left for dead in pools of their own blood.
Falling to her knees in grief, it was Smoke’s growling that shook her out of her grief to notice some sort of monster rushing towards them. Smoke leapt at it, but was batted away. The monster lunged towards Joanne, and she barely managed to roll out of the way of its claws. Grabbing her hunting bow as she rolled, Joanne came up on her knee and in one swift motion nocked three arrows at once and let them fly. The broad hunting arrowheads ripped into the monster’s throat. Surprised and moaning in pain, the monster took a step away from Joanne, only to find itself struck again and again by a quick succession of arrows. Soon a cluster of arrows was in the creature’s neck. The creature reached up to try to pull them out, but each time it did, it was replaced by another fired from Joanne’s bow. Eventually it was just too much and the monster crashed to the ground, dead.
After taking a few deep breaths to calm down. Joanne knelt before the now dead creature to make sure it was truly dead. She had absolutely no idea what it was, but she blessed her decision to bring her bow with her that morning. Smoke seemed ok, perhaps only her pride was hurt from getting batted aside
Smoke bound up to her mistress and gave her a quick nuzzle, as if to ask if Joanne was ok. She was not. Joanne turned to what was left of her family and broke down crying. Smoke sat next to her and leaned in a bit to comfort her mistress. Wolf and girl sat this way for what seemed to be a long time before two female Hunters appeared. They had been sent to rescue Joanne from that monster, and were stunned to find she had killed it alone. As gently as they could they could, they informed Joanne that she was in further danger and she needed to leave, now. Sirens could now be heard in the distance, probably the local sheriff and the fire rescue services, the hunters realized. Glumly nodding her assent, Joanne bid farewell to her father and aunt. The two hunters pulled Joanne to her feet and with Smoke trailing closely behind, all four disappeared scant seconds before the first fire truck arrived at the burning cabin.
Skin of Nature: Wild animals will take no notice of Joanne and she can move through underbrush with ease, and with high degree of silence and stealth. Joanne will not leave any tracks unless she wishes to.
Natural Hunter: Joanne has the predatory instincts of a gray wolf, making her highly skilled in hunting, tracking, and reading how “prey” will react. Joanne’s senses are enhanced to canine levels. She can see in the dark, track and differentiate between different scents and has enhanced levels of hearing.
Alpha Female: Joanne has the ability to communicate with and command canines of any species. She cannot command police or similarly trained dogs, but they will generally be indifferent to her presence.
Weapon or gifts from godly parent:
Joanne has a modern compound hunting bow that she can shoot with a superhuman level of accuracy. She received it as a birthday present from her father last year. The woman behind the counter said it would be perfect for Joanne.
Note: Smoke is Joanne’s friend and companion out her own free will, and Joanne would never dare attempt to “command” Smoke unless circumstances were dire. The two share an empathic link and know each other’s feelings. Though she appears to be a regular adolescent grey wolf, Smoke is smarter (same as an Australian Shepard), and can endure more punishment than a normal wolf.